def table_edge(robot, table, **kwargs): """ This creates a TSR that allows you to sample poses from either long edge of the table. @param robot The robot (unused) @param table The table """ table_in_world = table.GetTransform() # Extents of the table - y-axis is normal to table surface xdim = 0.93175 # half extent zdim = 0.3805 # half extent ydim = 0.785 # full extent # We want to create a set of TSRs, one for each edge of the table Bw_1 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_1[0, :] = [-xdim, xdim] Tw_e1 = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., ydim], [0., 0., 1, zdim], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=table_in_world, Tw_e=Tw_e1, Bw=Bw_1) tsr1_chain = TSRChain(TSR=tsr1) Bw_2 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_2[0, :] = [-xdim, xdim] Tw_e2 = numpy.array([[-1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0., ydim], [0., 0., 1, -zdim], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr2 = TSR(T0_w=table_in_world, Tw_e=Tw_e2, Bw=Bw_2) tsr2_chain = TSRChain(TSR=tsr2) return [tsr1_chain, tsr2_chain]
def lift_obj(robot, transform=numpy.eye(4), manip=None, distance=0.1, epsilon=0.05): """ This creates a TSR for lifting an object a specified distance. It is assumed that when called, the robot is grasping the object. This assumes that the object can be lifted with one arm. @param robot The robot to perform the lift @param transform The transform of the object to lift @param manip The manipulator to lift @param distance The distance to lift the bottle """ if manip is None: manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() #TSR for the goal start_position = manip.GetEndEffectorTransform() end_position = manip.GetEndEffectorTransform() end_position[2, 3] += distance Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[0, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw[4, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] tsr_goal = TSR(T0_w=end_position, Tw_e=numpy.eye(4), Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) goal_tsr_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSRs=[tsr_goal]) #TSR that constrains the movement Bw_constrain = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_constrain[:, 0] = -epsilon Bw_constrain[:, 1] = epsilon if distance < 0: Bw_constrain[1, :] = [-epsilon+distance, epsilon] else: Bw_constrain[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon+distance] tsr_constraint = TSR(T0_w=start_position, Tw_e=numpy.eye(4), Bw=Bw_constrain, manip=manip_idx) movement_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=False, constrain=True, TSRs=[tsr_constraint]) return [goal_tsr_chain, movement_chain]
def present_obj(robot, transform, manip=None): """ @param robot The robot performing the presentation gesture @param transform The location of where the robot the presenting @param manip The manipulator to present. This must be the right arm. """ (manip, manip_idx) = GetManipulatorIndex(robot, manip) if manip.GetName() != 'right': raise prpy.exceptions.PrpyException('Presenting is only defined for the right arm.') #Compute T0_w T0_w = transform #Compute TW_e with respect to right arm TW_e = numpy.array([[-0.42480713, 0.81591405, 0.39220297, -0.10103751], [ 0.08541525, -0.39518032, 0.91462383, -0.2806636 ], [ 0.90124533, 0.42203884, 0.09818392, 0.16018878], [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ]]) #Compute Bw Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] T = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=TW_e, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) chain = TSRChain(TSRs=[T], sample_goal=True, sample_start=False, constrain=False) return [chain]
def place_object(robot, obj, pose_tsr_chain, manip_idx, **kwargs): """ Generates end-effector poses for placing an object. This function assumes the object is grasped when called @param robot The robot grasping the object @param bowl The grasped object @param pose_tsr_chain The tsr chain for sampling placement poses for the object @param manip_idx The index of the manipulator to perform the grasp """ # Can this work without importing anything? manip = robot.GetManipulators()[manip_idx] if not manip.IsGrabbing(obj): raise Exception('manip %s is not grabbing %s' % (manip.GetName(), obj.GetName())) ee_in_obj =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) Bw = numpy.zeros((6,2)) for tsr in pose_tsr_chain.TSRs: if tsr.manipindex != manip_idx: raise Exception('pose_tsr_chain defined for a different manipulator.') grasp_tsr = TSR(Tw_e = ee_in_obj, Bw = Bw, manipindex = manip_idx) all_tsrs = list(pose_tsr_chain.TSRs) + [grasp_tsr] place_chain = TSRChain(sample_start = False, sample_goal = True, constrain = False, TSRs = all_tsrs) return [ place_chain ]
def cap_palm_push(cap, **kw_args): """ @param cap The cap to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ epsilon = 0.005 T0_w = cap.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Base of cap (opposite side of head) Tw_e_front1 = numpy.array([ [0., 0., -1., 0.04], [0., 1., 0., 0], [1., 0., 0., 0.027], # Downward [0., 0., 0., 1.] ]) Bw_yz = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_yz[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_yz[2, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_yz[5, :] = [-math.pi, math.pi] front_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_front1, Bw=Bw_yz) grasp_chain_front1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_front1] # AROUND # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w=tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [tsr_chain_new] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def weight_grasp(nut, push_distance=0.0, width_offset=0.0, **kw_args): """ @param nut The nut to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ epsilon = 0.005 ee_to_palm_distance = 0.105 lateral_offset = ee_to_palm_distance + push_distance T0_w = nut.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Top and Bottom sides Tw_e_side1 = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., -1., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., -1., lateral_offset + 0.13], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_side[0, :] = [-0.05, 0.05] side_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_side1, Bw=Bw_side) grasp_chain_side1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_side1] # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w=tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [tsr_chain_new] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def point_obj(robot, transform, manip=None): """ @param robot The robot performing the point @param transform The location of where the robot is pointing to @param manip The manipulator to point with. This must be the right arm. """ (manip, manip_idx) = GetManipulatorIndex(robot, manip) if manip.GetName() != 'right': raise prpy.exceptions.PrPyException('Pointing is only defined on the right arm.') # compute T_ow T0_w_0 = transform T0_w_1 = numpy.identity(4) # compute T_we with respect to right arm. TW_e_0 = numpy.array([[ 0.07277, -0.71135, 0.69905, -0.41425], [ 0.0336 , 0.70226, 0.71111, -0.44275], [-0.99678, -0.02825, 0.07501, -0.04314], [ 0. , 0. , 0. , 1. ]]) TW_e_1 = numpy.identity(4) # compute B_w Bw_0 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_0[3, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] Bw_0[4, :] = [0, numpy.pi] Bw_0[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] Bw_1 = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_1[2, :] = [-0.5, 0.5] T_0 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w_0, Tw_e=TW_e_0, Bw=Bw_0, manip=manip_idx) T_1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w_1, Tw_e=TW_e_1, Bw=Bw_1, manip=manip_idx) chain = TSRChain(TSRs=[T_0, T_1], sample_goal=True, sample_start=False, constrain=False) return [chain]
def block_at_pose(robot, block, position, manip=None): ''' Generates end-effector poses for placing the block on another object @param robot The robot grasping the block @param block The block being grasped @param position The position to place the block [x,y,z] @param manip The manipulator grasping the object, if None the active manipulator of the robot is used ''' if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() # Block on the object T0_w = numpy.eye(4) T0_w[:3, 3] = position Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] place_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=numpy.eye(4), Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) ee_in_block =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) ee_tsr = TSR( T0_w=numpy.eye(4), #ignored Tw_e=ee_in_block, Bw=numpy.zeros((6, 2)), manip=manip_idx) place_tsr_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, TSRs=[place_tsr, ee_tsr]) return [place_tsr_chain]
def CreateTSRChains(cls, robot, direction, distance): direction = numpy.array(direction, dtype=float) if direction.shape != (3, ): raise ValueError('Direction must be a three-dimensional vector.') if not (distance >= 0): raise ValueError( 'Distance must be non-negative; got {:f}.'.format(distance)) manip, manip_index = GetManipulatorIndex(robot) H_world_ee = manip.GetEndEffectorTransform() direction = direction / numpy.linalg.norm(direction) # 'object frame w' is at ee, z pointed along direction to move H_world_w = H_from_op_diff(H_world_ee[0:3, 3], direction) H_w_ee =, H_world_ee) Hw_end = numpy.eye(4) Hw_end[2, 3] = distance goal_chain = TSRChain(sample_goal=True, TSR=TSR(, Hw_end), Tw_e=H_w_ee, Bw=numpy.zeros((6, 2)), manipindex=manip_index)) constraint_chain = TSRChain( constrain=True, TSR=TSR(T0_w=H_world_w, Tw_e=H_w_ee, Bw=numpy.array([[-cls.epsilon, cls.epsilon], [-cls.epsilon, cls.epsilon], [min(0.0, distance), max(0.0, distance)], [-cls.epsilon, cls.epsilon], [-cls.epsilon, cls.epsilon], [-cls.epsilon, cls.epsilon]]), manipindex=manip_index)) return [goal_chain, constraint_chain]
def pills_transport(robot, pills, manip=None, roll_epsilon=0.2, pitch_epsilon=0.2, yaw_epsilon=0.2): ''' Generates a trajectory-wide constraint for transporting the object with little roll, pitch or yaw. Assumes the object has already been grasped and is in the proper configuration for transport. @param robot The robot grasping the glass @param pills The grasped object @param manip the manipulator grasping the object, if None the active manipulator of the robot is used @param roll_epsilon The amount to let the object roll during transport (object frame) @param pitch_epsilon The amount to let the object pitch during transport (object frame) @param yaw_epsilon The amount to let the object yaw during transport (object frame) ''' if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() ee_in_glass =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) Bw = numpy.array([ [-100., 100.], # bounds that cover full reachability of manip [-100., 100.], [-100., 100.], [-roll_epsilon, roll_epsilon], [-pitch_epsilon, pitch_epsilon], [-yaw_epsilon, yaw_epsilon] ]) transport_tsr = TSR(T0_w=pills.GetTransform(), Tw_e=ee_in_glass, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) transport_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=False, constrain=True, TSR=transport_tsr) return [transport_chain]
def point_on(robot, block_bin, manip=None, padding=0.04): ''' This creates a TSR that allows you to sample poses on the tray. The samples from this TSR should be used to find points for object placement. They are directly on the tray, and thus not suitable as an end-effector pose. Grasp specific calculations are necessary to find a suitable end-effector pose. @param robot The robot performing the grasp @param tray The tray to sample poses on @param manip The manipulator to perform the grasp, if None the active manipulator on the robot is used @param padding The amount of space around the edge to exclude from sampling. If using this to place an object, this would be the maximum radius of the object @param handle_padding If true add extra padding along the edges of the tray that have the handles to prevent choosing a pose too near the handle of the tray ''' if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() T0_w = block_bin.GetTransform() # Coordinate system on bottom of bin Tw_e = numpy.eye(4) Tw_e[2, 3] = 0.17 # set the object on top of the bin - bin is 13cm high Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) xdim = max(0.085 - padding, 0.0) ydim = max(0.135 - padding, 0.0) # move along x, y directions to get any point on tray Bw[0, :] = [-xdim, xdim] Bw[1, :] = [-ydim, ydim] Bw[2, :] = [-0.02, 0.04] # verticle movement # allow any rotation around z - which is the axis normal to the tray top Bw[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] manip_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) tsr_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=manip_tsr) return [tsr_chain]
def pitcher_grasp(robot, pitcher, push_distance=0.1, manip=None, **kw_args): ''' @param robot The robot performing the grasp @param pitcher The pitcher to grasp @param manip The manipulator to perform the grasp, if None the active manipulator on the robot is used ''' if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() T0_w = pitcher.GetTransform() spout_in_pitcher = numpy.array([[-0.7956, 0.6057, 0., -0.0662], [-0.6057, -0.7956, 0., -0.0504], [0., 0., 1., 0.2376], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) # we want a hand pose orthogonal to the direction of the spout spout_direction = numpy.arctan2(spout_in_pitcher[0, 1], spout_in_pitcher[0, 0]) palm_direction = spout_direction - 0.5 * numpy.pi ee_in_pitcher = numpy.eye(4) ee_in_pitcher[:3, :3] = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1.], [-1., 0., 0.], [0., -1., 0.]]) ee_in_pitcher[:3, :3] = ee_in_pitcher[:3, :3], openravepy.rotationMatrixFromAxisAngle([0, palm_direction, 0])) pitcher_extents = [0.07877473, 0.06568845, 0.11882638] # pitcher radius + ee_offset offset = pitcher_extents[0] + 0.18 + push_distance ee_in_pitcher[:2, 3] = -offset * ee_in_pitcher[:2, 2] ee_in_pitcher[2, 3] = 0.45 * pitcher_extents[2] Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[2, :] = [-0.01, 0.01] # Allow a little vertical movement grasp_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=ee_in_pitcher, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) grasp_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=grasp_tsr) return [grasp_chain]
def transport_upright(robot, obj, manip_idx, roll_epsilon=0.2, pitch_epsilon=0.2, yaw_epsilon=0.2, **kwargs): """ Generates a trajectory-wide constraint for transporting the object with little roll, pitch or yaw Assumes the object has already been grasped and is in the proper configuration for transport. @param robot The robot grasping the object @param obj The grasped object @param manip_idx The index of the manipulator to perform the grasp @param roll_epsilon The amount to let the object roll during transport (object frame) @param pitch_epsilon The amount to let the object pitch during transport (object frame) @param yaw_epsilon The amount to let the object yaw during transport (object frame) """ if roll_epsilon < 0.0: raise Exception('roll_espilon must be >= 0') if pitch_epsilon < 0.0: raise Exception('pitch_epsilon must be >= 0') if yaw_epsilon < 0.0: raise Exception('yaw_epsilon must be >= 0') manip = robot.GetManipulators()[manip_idx] ee_in_obj =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) Bw = numpy.array([[-100., 100.], # bounds that cover full reachability of manip [-100., 100.], [-100., 100.], [-roll_epsilon, roll_epsilon], [-pitch_epsilon, pitch_epsilon], [-yaw_epsilon, yaw_epsilon]]) transport_tsr = TSR(T0_w = obj.GetTransform(), Tw_e = ee_in_obj, Bw = Bw, manipindex = manip_idx) transport_chain = TSRChain(sample_start = False, sample_goal=False, constrain=True, TSR = transport_tsr) return [ transport_chain ]
def point_on(robot, table, manip=None, padding=0, **kwargs): """ This creates a TSR that allows you to sample poses on the table. The sampled poses will have z-axis point up, normal to the table top. The xy-plane of the sampled of the sample poses will be parallel to the table surface. The samples from this TSR should be used to find points for object placement. They are directly on the table, and thus not suitable as an end-effector pose. Grasp specific calculations are necessary to find a suitable end-effector pose. @param robot The robot performing the grasp @param pitcher The pitcher to grasp @param manip The manipulator to perform the grasp, if None the active manipulator on the robot is used @param padding The min distance of the sampled point from any edge of the table """ if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() T0_w = table.GetTransform() # The frame is set on the table such that the y-axis is normal to the table surface Tw_e = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.75], [0., -1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) # move along x and z directios to get any point on table Bw[0, :] = [-0.93 + padding, 0.93 - padding] Bw[2, :] = [-0.38 + padding, 0.38 - padding] # allow any rotation around y - which is the axis normal to the table top Bw[4, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] table_top_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) table_top_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=table_top_tsr) return [table_top_chain]
def block_on_surface(robot, block, pose_tsr_chain, manip=None): ''' Generates end-effector poses for placing the block on a surface. This factory assumes the block is grasped at the time it is called. @param robot The robot grasping the block @param block The grasped object @param pose_tsr_chain The tsr chain for sampling placement poses for the block @param manip The manipulator grasping the object, if None the active manipulator of the robot is used ''' if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() block_pose = block.GetTransform() block_pose[:3, :3] = numpy.eye(3) # ignore orientation ee_in_block =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[2, :] = [0., 0.04] # Allow some vertical movement for tsr in pose_tsr_chain.TSRs: if tsr.manipindex != manip_idx: raise ValueError( 'pose_tsr_chain defined for a different manipulator.') grasp_tsr = TSR(Tw_e=ee_in_block, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) all_tsrs = list(pose_tsr_chain.TSRs) + [grasp_tsr] place_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSRs=all_tsrs) return [place_chain]
def pills_on_table(robot, pills, pose_tsr_chain, manip=None): ''' Generates end-effector poses for placing the pill bottle on the table. This factory assumes the pill bottle is grasped at the time it is called. @param robot The robot grasping the glass @param pills bottle The grasped object @param pose_tsr_chain The tsr chain for sampling placement poses for the glass @param manip The manipulator grasping the object, if None the active manipulator of the robot is used ''' if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() ee_in_glass =, manip.GetEndEffectorTransform()) ee_in_glass[2, 3] += 0.04 # Let go slightly above table Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[2, :] = [0., 0.04] # Allow some lateral movement for tsr in pose_tsr_chain.TSRs: if tsr.manipindex != manip_idx: raise Exception( 'pose_tsr_chain defined for a different manipulator.') grasp_tsr = TSR(Tw_e=ee_in_glass, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) all_tsrs = list(pose_tsr_chain.TSRs) + [grasp_tsr] place_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSRs=all_tsrs) return [place_chain]
def box_stamp(robot, box, manip=None): ''' This creates a TSR for stamping a box. It is assumed that when called, the robot is grasping a stamp @param robot The robot to perform the stamp @param box The box to stamp @param manip The manipulator to stamp ''' with robot.CreateRobotStateSaver(robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() | robot.ActiveDOF()): if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() T0_w = box.GetTransform() ee_to_palm = 0.18 palm_to_box_center = .045 adjustment = -0.09 total_offset = ee_to_palm + palm_to_box_center + adjustment Tw_e = numpy.array([[0., 0., 1., -total_offset], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.38], # box height 0.2 0.35 [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] # Allow any orientation grasp_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) grasp_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=grasp_tsr) return [grasp_chain]
def _pills_grasp(robot, pills, manip=None, push_distance=0.0, **kw_args): """ @param robot The robot performing the grasp @param pills The pill bottle to grasp @param manip The manipulator to perform the grasp, if None the active manipulator on the robot is used @param push_distance The offset distance for pushing """ if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() T0_w = pills.GetTransform() ee_to_palm = 0.18 palm_to_glass_center = .04 total_offset = ee_to_palm + palm_to_glass_center + push_distance Tw_e = numpy.array([ [0., 0., 1., -total_offset], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., 0.06], # bottle height [0., 0., 0., 1.] ]) Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[2, :] = [0.0, 0.02] # Allow a little vertical movement Bw[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] # Allow any orientation grasp_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) grasp_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=grasp_tsr) return [grasp_chain]
def block_grasp(robot, block, manip=None, **kw_args): """ Generates end-effector poses for moving the arm near the block @param robot The robot grasping the block @param block The block being grasped @param manip The manipulator to move near the block, if None the active manipulator of the robot is used """ if manip is None: manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() offset = 0.01 #vertical offset relative to block alpha = 0.8 # orientation of end-effector relative to block block_in_world = block.GetTransform() block_in_world[:3, :3] = numpy.eye(3) # ignore orientation ee_in_block = numpy.array([[ numpy.cos(alpha), 0., -numpy.sin(alpha), 0.3 * numpy.sin(alpha) + 0.04 ], [0., -1, 0, 0.], [-numpy.sin(alpha), 0., -numpy.cos(alpha), 0.25 + offset], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw[5, :] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] pose_tsr = TSR(T0_w=block_in_world, Tw_e=ee_in_block, Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) pose_tsr_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, TSRs=[pose_tsr]) return [pose_tsr_chain]
def bottle_grasp(cap, push_distance=0.0, **kw_args): """ @param cap The cap to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ epsilon = 0.005 ee_to_palm_distance = 0.105 lateral_offset = ee_to_palm_distance + push_distance T0_w = cap.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Base of cap (opposite side of head) Tw_e_front1 = numpy.array([[0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [0., 1., 0., 0.0], [1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_yz = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_yz[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_yz[2, :] = [-0.05, 0.05] Bw_yz[5, :] = [-math.pi, math.pi] front_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_front1, Bw=Bw_yz) grasp_chain_front1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_front1] # AROUND # Top and Bottom sides Tw_e_side1 = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., -1., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_side2 = numpy.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., 1., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_side[0, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_side[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_side[5, :] = [-math.pi, math.pi] side_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_side1, Bw=Bw_side) grasp_chain_side1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_side1] #TOP GRASP side_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_side2, Bw=Bw_side) grasp_chain_side2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr2) chain_list += [grasp_chain_side2] #BOTTOM GRASP # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w=tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [tsr_chain_new] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
total_offset = lateral_offset + obj_radius # First hand orientation Tw_e_1 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., 1., -total_offset], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0., obj_height*0.5], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw[2,:] = [-vertical_tolerance, vertical_tolerance] # Allow a little vertical movement if yaw_range is None: Bw[5,:] = [-numpy.pi, numpy.pi] # Allow any orientation else: Bw[5,:] = yaw_range grasp_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_1, Bw = Bw, manipindex = manip_idx) grasp_chain1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal = True, constrain=False, TSR = grasp_tsr1) # Flipped hand orientation Tw_e_2 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., 1., -total_offset], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [0.,-1., 0., obj_height*0.5], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) grasp_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_2, Bw = Bw, manipindex = manip_idx) grasp_chain2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal = True, constrain=False, TSR = grasp_tsr2) return [grasp_chain1, grasp_chain2]
def nut_grasp(nut, push_distance=0.0, width_offset=0.0, **kw_args): """ @param nut The nut to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ epsilon = 0.005 ee_to_palm_distance = 0.105 lateral_offset=ee_to_palm_distance + push_distance T0_w = nut.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Base of nut (opposite side of head) Tw_e_front1 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_front2 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [ 0., -1., 0., 0.0], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_yz = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_yz[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_yz[2, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] front_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_front1, Bw = Bw_yz) grasp_chain_front1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_front1 ] # SIDE 1 - front front_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_front2, Bw = Bw_yz) grasp_chain_front2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_front2 ] # Side 2 - back # Top and Bottom sides Tw_e_side1 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0.,-1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_side2 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_side[0,:] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_side[1,:] = [-epsilon, epsilon] side_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side1, Bw = Bw_side) grasp_chain_side1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side1 ] #TOP GRASP side_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side2, Bw = Bw_side) grasp_chain_side2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side2 ] #BOTTOM GRASP # Two side faces Tw_e_bottom1 = numpy.array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_bottom2 = numpy.array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ -1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_topbottom = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_topbottom[0,:] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_topbottom[2,:] = [-epsilon, epsilon] bottom_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom1, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom1 ] # Side bottom_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom2, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom2 ] # Side # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w = tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [ tsr_chain_new ] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def cylinder_handle_grasp(tool, push_distance=0.0, width_offset=0.0, **kw_args): """ @param tool The tool to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ ee_to_palm_distance = 0.098 lateral_offset=ee_to_palm_distance + push_distance T0_w = tool.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Base of tool Tw_e_head = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_yz = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_yz[0, :] = [-0.03, 0] Bw_yz[1, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] Bw_yz[2, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] Bw_yz[3, :] = [-math.pi, math.pi] Bw_yz[4, :] = [-math.pi/2.0, math.pi/2.0] head_tsr = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_head, Bw = Bw_yz) grasp_chain_head = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=head_tsr) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_head ] # Sides Tw_e_side = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0.,-1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_side[0, :] = [-0.08, 0.0] Bw_side[1, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] Bw_side[3, :] = [-math.pi, math.pi] Bw_side[4,:] = [-math.pi/4.0, math.pi/4.0] side_tsr = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side, Bw = Bw_side) grasp_chain_side = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side ] # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w = tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [ tsr_chain_new ] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def pitcher_pour(robot, pitcher, min_tilt=1.4, max_tilt=1.57, manip=None, grasp_transform=None, pitcher_pose=None, **kw_args): ''' @param robot The robot whose active manipulator should be used to pour @param pitcher The pitcher to pour @param min_tilt The minimum amount to tilt the pitcher in the pouring motion @param max_tilt The maximum amount to tilt the pitcher in the pouring motion @param grasp_transform The pose of the end-effector in world frame when grasping the pitcher, if this parameter is not provided, it is assumed the robot is currently grasping the object and the current end-effector transform is used ''' if manip is None: manip = robot.GetActiveManipulator() manip_idx = robot.GetActiveManipulatorIndex() else: manip.SetActive() manip_idx = manip.GetRobot().GetActiveManipulatorIndex() if pitcher_pose is None: pitcher_pose = pitcher.GetTransform() pitcher_in_world = pitcher.GetTransform() # spout in pitcher spout_in_pitcher = numpy.array([[-0.7956, 0.6057, 0., 0.], [-0.6057, -0.7956, 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.0599], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) spout_offset = 0.113 spout_in_pitcher[:2, 3] = spout_offset * spout_in_pitcher[:2, 0] # end-effector relative to spout ee_in_world = manip.GetEndEffectorTransform() ee_in_pitcher =, ee_in_world) ee_in_spout =, ee_in_pitcher) Bw_pour = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_pour[4, :] = [0, 2 * numpy.pi] Bw_pour[3, :] = [-10 * numpy.pi / 180, 10 * numpy.pi / 180] tsr_0 = TSR(T0_w=pitcher_pose, Tw_e=spout_in_pitcher, Bw=numpy.zeros((6, 2)), manip=manip_idx) tsr_1_constraint = TSR(Tw_e=ee_in_spout, Bw=Bw_pour, manip=manip_idx) pour_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=False, constrain=True, TSRs=[tsr_0, tsr_1_constraint]) Bw_goal = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_goal[4, :] = [min_tilt, max_tilt] tsr_1_goal = TSR(Tw_e=ee_in_spout, Bw=Bw_goal, manip=manip_idx) pour_goal = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSRs=[tsr_0, tsr_1_goal]) return [pour_chain, pour_goal], min_tilt, max_tilt
def handle_grasp(tool, push_distance=0.0, width_offset=0.009, #0.008, toolLength=0.08, **kw_args): """ @param tool The tool to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ ee_to_palm_distance = 0.1 #0.098 lateral_offset=ee_to_palm_distance + push_distance T0_w = tool.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Base of tool - horizontal (opposite side of head) Tw_e_horiz = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_h = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_h[0, :] = [-0.03, 0] Bw_h[1, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] #XXX Bw_h[2, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] #XXX #Bw_h[4, :] = [-math.pi/2.0, math.pi/2.0] horiz_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_horiz, Bw=Bw_h) grasp_chain_horiz = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=horiz_tsr) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_horiz ] #XXX # Base of tool - vertical (opposite side of head) Tw_e_vert = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., -1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_v = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_v[0, :] = [-0.03, 0] Bw_v[1, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] #XXX Bw_v[2, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] #XXX #Bw_v[5, :] = [-math.pi/2.0, math.pi/2.0] vert_tsr = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_vert, Bw = Bw_v) grasp_chain_vert = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=vert_tsr) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_vert ] #XXX # Top and Bottom sides Tw_e_side1 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0.,-1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_side2 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_side[0, :] = [-toolLength, 0.0] Bw_side[2, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] #XXX #Bw_side[4,:] = [-math.pi/4.0, math.pi/4.0] side_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side1, Bw = Bw_side) grasp_chain_side1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side1 ] side_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side2, Bw = Bw_side) grasp_chain_side2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side2 ] # Two side faces Tw_e_bottom1 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_bottom2 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [ 0., -1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_topbottom = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_topbottom[0, :] = [-toolLength, 0.0] Bw_topbottom[2, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] #XXX #Bw_topbottom[5, :] = [-math.pi/4.0, math.pi/4.0] bottom_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom1, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom1 ] bottom_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom2, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom2 ] # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w = tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [ tsr_chain_new ] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def sweep_objs(robot, transform, manip=None): """ This motion sweeps from where the manipulator currently is to the transform given as input. @param robot The robot performing the point @param transform The location of end of the sweeping motion @param manip The manipulator to sweep. """ (manip, manip_idx) = GetManipulatorIndex(robot, manip) #TSR for the goal ee_offset = 0.2 obj_position = transform start_position = manip.GetEndEffectorTransform() end_position = manip.GetEndEffectorTransform() end_position[0, 3] = obj_position[0, 3] end_position[1, 3] = obj_position[1, 3] - ee_offset Bw = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) epsilon = 0.05 Bw[0, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw[2, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw[4, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] tsr_goal = TSR(T0_w=end_position, Tw_e=numpy.eye(4), Bw=Bw, manip=manip_idx) goal_tsr_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSRs=[tsr_goal]) goal_in_start =, end_position) #TSR that constrains the movement Bw_constrain = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_constrain[:, 0] = -epsilon Bw_constrain[:, 1] = epsilon if goal_in_start[0, 3] < 0: Bw_constrain[0, :] = [-epsilon+goal_in_start[0, 3], epsilon] else: Bw_constrain[0, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon+goal_in_start[0, 3]] if goal_in_start[1, 3] < 0: Bw_constrain[1, :] = [-epsilon+goal_in_start[1, 3], epsilon] else: Bw_constrain[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon+goal_in_start[1, 3]] if goal_in_start[2, 3] < 0: Bw_constrain[2, :] = [-epsilon+goal_in_start[2, 3], epsilon] else: Bw_constrain[2, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon+goal_in_start[2, 3]] tsr_constraint = TSR(T0_w=start_position, Tw_e=numpy.eye(4), Bw=Bw_constrain, manip=manip_idx) movement_chain = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=False, constrain=True, TSRs=[tsr_constraint]) return [goal_tsr_chain, movement_chain]
def handle_grasp(tool, push_distance=0.0, width_offset=0.0, **kw_args): """ @param tool The tool to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ ee_to_palm_distance = 0.1175 lateral_offset = ee_to_palm_distance + push_distance T0_w = tool.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Base of tool (opposite side of head) Tw_e_front1 = numpy.array([[0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [0., 1., 0., 0.0], [1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_yz = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_yz[1, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] Bw_yz[2, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] front_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_front1, Bw=Bw_yz) grasp_chain_front = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_front] # Top and Bottom sides Tw_e_side1 = numpy.array([[0., 1., 0., 0.0], [1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_side2 = numpy.array([[0., 1., 0., 0.0], [1., 0., 0., 0.02], [0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_side[0, :] = [-0.08, 0.0] Bw_side[1, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] side_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_side1, Bw=Bw_side) grasp_chain_side1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_side1] side_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_side2, Bw=Bw_side) grasp_chain_side2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr2) chain_list += [grasp_chain_side2] # Two side faces Tw_e_bottom1 = numpy.array([[0., -1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [-1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_bottom2 = numpy.array([[0., -1., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [-1., 0., 0., 0.0], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_topbottom = numpy.zeros((6, 2)) Bw_topbottom[0, :] = [-0.08, 0.0] Bw_topbottom[2, :] = [-width_offset, width_offset] bottom_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_bottom1, Bw=Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr1) chain_list += [grasp_chain_bottom1] bottom_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w=T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_bottom2, Bw=Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr2) chain_list += [grasp_chain_bottom2] # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w=tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [tsr_chain_new] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def box_grasp(robot, box, length, width, height, manip_idx, lateral_offset = 0.0, lateral_tolerance = 0.02, **kwargs): """ Generate a list of TSRChain objects. Sampling from any of these TSRChains will give an end-effector pose that achieves a grasp on a box. NOTE: This function makes the following assumptions: 1. The end-effector is oriented such that the z-axis is out of the palm and the x-axis should be perpendicular to the object 2. The object coordinate frame is at the bottom, center of the object This returns a set of 12 TSRs. There are two TSRs for each of the 6 faces of the box, one for each orientation of the end-effector. @param robot The robot performing the grasp @param box The box to grasp @param length The length of the box - along its x-axis @param width The width of the box - along its y-axis @param height The height of the box - along its z-axis @param manip_idx The index of the manipulator to perform the grasp @param lateral_offset - The offset from the edge of the box to the end-effector @param lateral_tolerance - The maximum distance along the edge from the center of the edge that the end-effector can be placed and still achieve a good grasp """ if length <= 0.0: raise Exception('length must be > 0') if width <= 0.0: raise Exception('width must be > 0') if height <= 0.0: raise Exception('height must be > 0') if lateral_tolerance < 0.0: raise Exception('lateral_tolerance must be >= 0.0') T0_w = box.GetTransform() chain_list = [] # Top face Tw_e_top1 = numpy.array([[0., 1., 0., 0.], [1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., -1., lateral_offset + height], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_top1 = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_top1[1,:] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] top_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_top1, Bw = Bw_top1, manipindex = manip_idx) grasp_chain_top = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=top_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_top ] # Bottom face Tw_e_bottom1 = numpy.array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0.], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_bottom1 = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_bottom1[1,:] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] bottom_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom1, Bw = Bw_bottom1, manipindex = manip_idx) grasp_chain_bottom = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom ] # Front - yz face Tw_e_front1 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., -1., 0.5*length + lateral_offset], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0.,-1., 0., 0.5*height], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_front1 = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_front1[1,:] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] front_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_front1, Bw = Bw_front1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_front = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_front ] # Back - yz face Tw_e_back1 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., 1., -0.5*length - lateral_offset], [-1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0.,-1., 0., 0.5*height], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_back1 = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_back1[1,:] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] back_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_back1, Bw = Bw_back1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_back = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=back_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_back ] # Side - xz face Tw_e_side1 = numpy.array([[-1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1., 0.5*width + lateral_offset], [ 0.,-1., 0., 0.5*height], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side1 = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_side1[0,:] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] side_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side1, Bw = Bw_side1, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_side1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side1 ] # Other Side - xz face Tw_e_side2 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.,-0.5*width - lateral_offset], [ 0.,-1., 0., 0.5*height], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side2 = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_side2[0,:] = [-lateral_tolerance, lateral_tolerance] side_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side2, Bw = Bw_side2, manipindex=manip_idx) grasp_chain_side2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side2 ] # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w = tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw, manipindex=tsr.manipindex) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [ tsr_chain_new ] return chain_list + rotated_chain_list
def bar_grasp(box, push_distance=0.0, width_offset=0.0, **kw_args): """ @param box The box to grasp @param push_distance The distance to push before grasping """ ee_to_palm_distance = 0.098 lateral_offset=ee_to_palm_distance + push_distance epsilon = 0.01 T0_w = box.get_transform() chain_list = [] # Base of box (opposite side of head) Tw_e_front1 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [-1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_front2 = numpy.array([[ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_yz = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_yz[0, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_yz[1, :] = [-0.2, 0.2] front_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_front1, Bw = Bw_yz) grasp_chain_front1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_front1 ] front_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_front2, Bw = Bw_yz) grasp_chain_front2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=front_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_front2 ] # Top and Bottom sides Tw_e_side3 = numpy.array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_side4 = numpy.array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [-1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset-0.05], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_side = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_side[0, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] Bw_side[1, :] = [-0.2, 0.2] side_tsr3 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side3, Bw = Bw_side) grasp_chain_side3 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr3) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side3 ] side_tsr4 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_side4, Bw = Bw_side) grasp_chain_side4 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=side_tsr4) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_side4 ] # Two side faces Tw_e_bottom1 = numpy.array([[ 0., -1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset+0.19], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_bottom2 = numpy.array([[ 0., 1., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset-0.19], [ 1., 0., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_bottom3 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., -lateral_offset-0.19], [ 0., -1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Tw_e_bottom4 = numpy.array([[ 1., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., -1., lateral_offset+0.19], [ 0., 1., 0., 0.0], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) Bw_topbottom = numpy.zeros((6,2)) Bw_topbottom[1, :] = [-epsilon, epsilon] bottom_tsr1 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom1, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom1 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr1) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom1 ] bottom_tsr2 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom2, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom2 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr2) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom2 ] bottom_tsr3 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom3, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom3 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr3) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom3 ] bottom_tsr4 = TSR(T0_w = T0_w, Tw_e = Tw_e_bottom4, Bw = Bw_topbottom) grasp_chain_bottom4 = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=bottom_tsr4) chain_list += [ grasp_chain_bottom4 ] # Each chain in the list can also be rotated by 180 degrees around z rotated_chain_list = [] for c in chain_list: rval = numpy.pi R = numpy.array([[numpy.cos(rval), -numpy.sin(rval), 0., 0.], [numpy.sin(rval), numpy.cos(rval), 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]]) tsr = c.TSRs[0] Tw_e = tsr.Tw_e Tw_e_new =, R) tsr_new = TSR(T0_w = tsr.T0_w, Tw_e=Tw_e_new, Bw=tsr.Bw) tsr_chain_new = TSRChain(sample_start=False, sample_goal=True, constrain=False, TSR=tsr_new) rotated_chain_list += [ tsr_chain_new ] return chain_list #+ rotated_chain_list