def predict(**kwargs): train_data = 'voc20' train_dataset = TSVDataset(train_data) labelmap = train_dataset.load_labelmap() # load net num_classes = len(labelmap) + 1 # +1 for background net = build_ssd('test', 300, num_classes) # initialize SSD net.load_state_dict(torch.load(kwargs['trained_model'])) net.eval() test_data = 'voc20' test_dataset = TSVDataset(test_data) from data.voc0712 import TSVDetection dataset_mean = (104, 117, 123) dataset = TSVDetection(test_dataset.get_data('test'), train_dataset.get_labelmap_file(), BaseTransform(300, dataset_mean)) if kwargs['cuda']: net = net.cuda() cudnn.benchmark = True pred_file = kwargs['pred_file'] # evaluation test_net(pred_file, net, kwargs['cuda'], dataset, labelmap, thresh=kwargs['confidence_threshold']) gt_file = test_dataset.get_data('test', 'label') from deteval import deteval_iter deteval_iter(tsv_reader(gt_file), pred_file, report_file=op.splitext(pred_file)[0] + '.report')
def construct_low_shot(source_dataset, labels, num_train_images, shuffle_file): assert len(labels) == 1 label_imageIdx = {} target_images = [] rows = tsv_reader(source_dataset.get_train_tsv()) shuffle = [] for i, row in enumerate(rows): curr_labels = json.loads(row[1]) if any([l['class'] == labels[0] for l in curr_labels]): target_images.append((i, row[0])) else: shuffle.append(i) assert len(target_images) >= num_train_images random.seed(777) random.shuffle(target_images) selected = target_images[:num_train_images] num_duplicate = (len(target_images) + num_train_images - 1) / num_train_images assert num_duplicate >= 1 for d in range(num_duplicate): shuffle.extend([s[0] for s in selected]) random.shuffle(shuffle) write_to_file('\n'.join(map(str, selected)), shuffle_file + '.selected') write_to_file('\n'.join(map(str, shuffle)), shuffle_file)
def ensure_dataset_sample(source_dataset, sample_label, sample_image, out_data): if op.exists(out_data):'skip to generate the samle data since it exists') return'start to generate the sample data') assert == 'imagenet2012', 'only cls dataset is supp' assert sample_label > 0 and sample_label <= 1 assert sample_image > 0 and sample_image <= 1 random.seed(777) labels = source_dataset.load_labelmap() num_labels = len(labels) num_sampled_labels = int(num_labels * sample_label) assert num_sampled_labels > 0 label_idx = range(num_labels) random.shuffle(label_idx) sampled_labels_idx = label_idx[:num_sampled_labels] train_rows = tsv_reader(source_dataset.get_train_tsv()) train_images = [ row for row in train_rows if int(row[1]) in sampled_labels_idx ] for row in train_images: row[1] = str(sampled_labels_idx.index(int(row[1]))) random.shuffle(train_images) tsv_writer(train_images[:int(len(train_images) * sample_image)], op.join(out_data, 'train.tsv')) # process the test set test_rows = tsv_reader(source_dataset.get_test_tsv_file()) test_images = [ row for row in test_rows if int(row[1]) in sampled_labels_idx ] for row in test_images: row[1] = str(sampled_labels_idx.index(int(row[1]))) tsv_writer(test_images, op.join(out_data, 'test.tsv')) # save teh label map sampled_labels = [labels[i] for i in sampled_labels_idx] write_to_file('\n'.join(sampled_labels), op.join(out_data, 'labelmap.txt'))
def __init__(self, source_image_tsv): self._cap = None self._rows = None self._im = None self._all_file = None self._all_file_idx = 0 if source_image_tsv is None: self._cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) else: if source_image_tsv.endswith('tsv'): self._rows = tsv_reader(source_image_tsv) elif op.isfile(source_image_tsv): self._im = cv2.imread(source_image_tsv, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) elif op.isdir(source_image_tsv): self._all_file = [] for f in glob.glob(op.join(source_image_tsv, '*')): self._all_file.append(f)
def convert_to_cocoformat(predict_tsv, predict_json, label_to_id): # read all the data and convert them into coco's json format rows = tsv_reader(predict_tsv) annotations = [] image_names = [] image_ids = [] for row in rows: image_id = int(row[0]) rects = json.loads(row[1]) for rect in rects: r = rect['rect'] ann = [r[0], r[1], r[2] - r[0], r[3] - r[1]] category_id = label_to_id[rect['class']] annotations.append({ 'image_id': image_id, 'category_id': category_id, 'bbox': ann, 'score': rect['conf'] }) write_to_file(json.dumps(annotations), predict_json)
def next(self): if self._cap: r, im = im = cv2.flip(im, 1) return im elif self._rows: x = next(self._rows) if x is not None: return img_from_base64(x[-1]) else: self._rows = tsv_reader(source_image_tsv) return img_from_base64(next(self._rows)[-1]) elif self._im is not None: return self._im elif self._all_file is not None: while True: f = self._all_file[self._all_file_idx] im = cv2.imread(f, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) self._all_file_idx = self._all_file_idx + 1 if self._all_file_idx > len(self._all_file): self._all_file_idx = 0 if im is not None: return im
def map_label(source, labels, synset_tree, source_label): assert synset_tree all_idx = [] if is_noffset_list(labels): noffsets = labels else: mapper = LabelToSynset() noffsets = [synset_to_noffset(mapper.convert(l)) for l in labels] for noffset in noffsets: assert len(synset_tree.root.search_nodes(name=noffset)) == 1 label_noffset = { label: noffset for label, noffset in zip(labels, noffsets) } rows = tsv_reader(source) def convert_label(rows, labels, label_noffset): is_cls_set = False for i, row in enumerate(rows): if row[1].isdigit(): infos = [{ 'class': label_noffset[labels[int(row[1])]], 'rect': [0, 0, 0, 0] }] is_cls_set = True else: assert not is_cls_set infos = json.loads(row[1]) for info in infos: info['class'] = label_noffset[info['class']] if (i % 1000) == 0: yield row[0], json.dumps(infos) tsv_writer(convert_label(rows, labels, label_noffset), source_label)
def gen_rows(): rows = tsv_reader(tsv_file) for row in rows: row[1] = str(old_new[int(float(row[1]))]) yield row