Example #1
def process_database(species=None, commit=False):
    session = get_session()

    # Just get taxa that have range polygons
    if species == None:
        taxa = session.execute(
            "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM taxon_range").fetchall()
        taxa = session.execute(
            "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM taxon_range, taxon WHERE taxon_id = taxon.id AND spno IN (%s)"
            % sql_list_placeholder('species', species),
            sql_list_argument('species', species)).fetchall()

    # Unwrap tuple
    taxa = [taxon_id for (taxon_id, ) in taxa]

    # Delete old results
    if commit and len(taxa) > 0:
        # session.execute("DELETE FROM t2_ultrataxon_sighting WHERE taxon_id IN (:taxa)", { 'taxa': taxa })
            "DELETE FROM t2_ultrataxon_sighting WHERE taxon_id IN (%s)" %
            sql_list_placeholder('taxa', taxa),
            sql_list_argument('taxa', taxa))

    # Process in parallel
    tasks = [(taxon_id, commit) for taxon_id in taxa]

    # This is important because we are about to spawn child processes, and this stops them attempting to share the
    # same database connection pool
    for result, error in tqdm(run_parallel(process_taxon, tasks),
        if error:
Example #2
def process_database(species = None, commit = False):
    session = get_session()

    if species == None:
        taxa = [taxon_id for (taxon_id,) in session.execute("SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM processing_method WHERE data_type = 2").fetchall()]
        taxa = [taxon_id for (taxon_id,) in session.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM processing_method, taxon WHERE taxon.id = taxon_id AND data_type = 2 AND spno IN %s" % sql_list_placeholder('species', species),
                sql_list_argument('species', species)


    log.info("Step 1/2: Monthly aggregation")

    fn = functools.partial(aggregate_by_month, commit = commit)

    for result, error in tqdm(run_parallel(fn, taxa), total = len(taxa)):

    log.info("Step 2/2: Yearly aggregation")

    fn = functools.partial(aggregate_by_year, commit = commit)

    for result, error in tqdm(run_parallel(fn, taxa), total = len(taxa)):

Example #3
def process_database(species=None, commit=False):
    session = get_session()
    if species == None:
        taxa = [
            taxon_id for (taxon_id, ) in session.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM t1_sighting").fetchall()
        taxa = [
            taxon_id for (taxon_id, ) in session.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM t1_sighting, taxon WHERE taxon.id = taxon_id AND spno IN (%s)"
                % sql_list_placeholder('species', species),
                sql_list_argument('species', species)).fetchall()


    # Process in parallel
    tasks = [(taxon_id, commit) for taxon_id in taxa]

    log.info("Step 1/2: Monthly aggregation")

    for result, error in tqdm(run_parallel(aggregate_monthly, tasks),
        if error:
            print error

    log.info("Step 1/2: Yearly aggregation")

    for result, error in tqdm(run_parallel(aggregate_yearly, tasks),
        if error:
            print error

Example #4
def process_database(species=None, commit=False):
    Calculates spatial representativeness using alpha hulls

    Generates alpha hulls from each source x taxon combination

    Intersects alpha hulls with range layers, and then calculates percentage of range covered
    session = get_session()

    if commit:
        if species == None:
            session.execute("DELETE FROM taxon_source_alpha_hull")
                """DELETE FROM taxon_source_alpha_hull
                WHERE taxon_id IN (SELECT id FROM taxon WHERE spno IN (%s))"""
                % sql_list_placeholder('species', species),
                sql_list_argument('species', species))

    # Load coastal shapefile
    coastal_shape_filename = tsx.config.config.get("processing.alpha_hull",
    with fiona.Env(OSR_WKT_FORMAT="WKT2_2018"), fiona.open(
            coastal_shape_filename, 'r') as coastal_shape:
        # Convert from fiona dictionary to shapely geometry and reproject
        shp_to_working_transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_proj(
        coastal_shape = reproject(shape(coastal_shape[0]['geometry']),
        # Simplify coastal boundary - makes things run ~20X faster
        log.info("Simplifying coastal boundary")
        coastal_shape = coastal_shape.buffer(10000).simplify(10000)

    log.info("Generating alpha shapes")

    for data_type in 1, 2:
        log.info("Processing type %s data" % data_type)

        taxa = get_taxa(session, data_type, species)

        tasks = [(taxon_id, coastal_shape, data_type, commit)
                 for taxon_id in taxa]

        # This is important because we are about to spawn child processes, and this stops them attempting to share the
        # same database connection pool
        session.close()  # TODO: not sure if this is needed now

        # Process all the species in parallel
        for result, error in tqdm(run_parallel(process, tasks),
            if error:
Example #5
def get_taxa(session, data_type, species):
    table = "t1_sighting" if data_type == 1 else "t2_ultrataxon_sighting"

    if species == None:
        taxa = session.execute("""SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM {table}""".format(table = table)).fetchall()
        sql = """SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM {table}, taxon WHERE taxon.id = taxon_id AND spno IN ({species})""".format(
            table = table,
            species = sql_list_placeholder('species', species)
        taxa = session.execute(sql, sql_list_argument('species', species)).fetchall()

    return [taxon_id for (taxon_id,) in taxa]
Example #6
def process_database(species=None,
    session = get_session(database_config)

    if species == None:
        taxa = [
            taxon_id for (taxon_id, ) in session.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM aggregated_by_year").fetchall()
        taxa = [
            taxon_id for (taxon_id, ) in session.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM aggregated_by_year, taxon WHERE taxon.id = taxon_id AND spno IN (%s)"
                % sql_list_placeholder('species', species),
                sql_list_argument('species', species)).fetchall()

    log.info("Generating numeric IDs")

    # Create stable IDs for each taxon_id / search_type_id / source_id / unit_id / site_id / data_type combination
    # session.execute("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE aggregated_id
    #     ( INDEX (taxon_id, search_type_id, source_id, unit_id, site_id, grid_cell_id, data_type) )
    #     SELECT (@cnt := @cnt + 1) AS id, taxon_id, search_type_id, source_id, unit_id, site_id, grid_cell_id, data_type
    #     FROM (SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id, search_type_id, source_id, unit_id, site_id, grid_cell_id, data_type FROM aggregated_by_year) t
    #     CROSS JOIN (SELECT @cnt := 0) AS dummy""")

    log.info("Calculating region centroids")

    session.execute("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE region_centroid AS
        -- (PRIMARY KEY (id))
        SELECT id, ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry)) AS x, ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry)) AS y
        FROM region""")

    # Get year range
    min_year = tsx.config.config.getint("processing", "min_year")
    max_analysis_year = tsx.config.config.getint("processing", "max_year")

    # When enabled, this flag means that all year's data will be included for any time series that passed filtering,
    # even beyond the max_year specified in the config file. However, the TimeSeriesSampleYears and other stats still
    # need to reflect only the years up to max_year, so it makes things a tad more complicated.
    if include_all_years_data:
        (max_year, ) = session.execute(
            """SELECT MAX(start_date_y) FROM aggregated_by_year""").fetchone()
        max_year = max_analysis_year

    # Without this, the GROUP_CONCAT in the export query produces rows that are too long
    if database_config and "sqlite:" not in database_config:
        session.execute("""SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 50000;""")

    export_dir = export_dir or tsx.config.data_dir('export')

    filename = 'lpi'
    if monthly:
        filename += '-monthly'
    if filter_output:
        filename += '-filtered'
    if include_all_years_data:
        filename += '-all-years'
    filename += '.csv'

    filepath = os.path.join(export_dir, filename)

    log.info("Exporting LPI wide table file: %s" % filepath)

    with open(filepath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
        fieldnames = [
            # 'FunctionalSubGroup',

        if monthly:
            fieldnames += [
                "%s_%02d" % (year, month)
                for year in range(min_year, max_year + 1)
                for month in range(0, 13)
            fieldnames += [str(year) for year in range(min_year, max_year + 1)]

        fieldnames += [
            # 'SeasonalConsistency', # TBD
            # 'MonitoringFrequencyAndTiming', # TBD

        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

        where_conditions = []
        having_clause = ''

        if filter_output:
            if include_all_years_data:
                having_clause = "HAVING MAX(include_in_analysis)"
                where_conditions += ['include_in_analysis']

        if monthly:
            value_series = "GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(start_date_y, '_', LPAD(COALESCE(start_date_m, 0), 2, '0'), '=', value))"
            aggregated_table = 'aggregated_by_month'
            value_series = "GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(start_date_y, '=', value))"
            aggregated_table = 'aggregated_by_year'

        if database_config and "sqlite:" in database_config:
            current_date_expression = "DATE('NOW')"
            current_year_expression = "strftime('%Y', 'now')"
            current_date_expression = "DATE(NOW())"
            current_year_expression = "YEAR(NOW())"

        index = 1

        for taxon_id in tqdm(taxa):
            #                    (SELECT CAST(id AS UNSIGNED) FROM aggregated_id agg_id WHERE agg.taxon_id = agg_id.taxon_id AND agg.search_type_id <=> agg_id.search_type_id AND agg.source_id = agg_id.source_id AND agg.unit_id = agg_id.unit_id AND agg.site_id <=> agg_id.site_id AND agg.grid_cell_id <=> agg_id.grid_cell_id AND agg.data_type = agg_id.data_type) AS ID,
            sql = """SELECT
                    time_series_id AS TimeSeriesID,
                    taxon.spno AS SpNo,
                    taxon.id AS TaxonID,
                    taxon.common_name AS CommonName,
                    taxon.`order` AS `Order`,
                    taxon.scientific_name AS scientific_name,
                    taxon.family_scientific_name AS Family,
                    taxon.family_common_name AS FamilyCommonName,
                            CONCAT(taxon_group.group_name, COALESCE(CONCAT(':', taxon_group.subgroup_name), ''))
                        FROM taxon_group
                        WHERE taxon_group.taxon_id = taxon.id
                    ) AS FunctionalGroup,
                    taxon.taxonomic_group AS TaxonomicGroup,
                    CASE taxon.taxonomic_group
                        WHEN 'Birds' THEN 'Aves'
                        WHEN 'Mammals' THEN 'Mammalia'
                        ELSE ''
                    END AS Class,
                    taxon.national_priority AS NationalPriorityTaxa,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id = taxon.epbc_status_id) AS EPBCStatus,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id = taxon.iucn_status_id) AS IUCNStatus,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id = taxon.state_status_id) AS StatePlantStatus,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id = taxon.max_status_id) AS MaxStatus,
                    search_type.id AS SearchTypeID,
                    search_type.description AS SearchTypeDesc,
                    COALESCE(site_id, grid_cell_id) AS SiteID,
                        CONCAT('site_', agg.data_type, '_', site_id),
                        CONCAT('grid_', grid_cell_id)) AS SiteName,
                    (SELECT description FROM intensive_management WHERE t1_site.intensive_management_id = intensive_management.id) AS IntensiveManagement,
                    (SELECT `grouping` FROM intensive_management WHERE t1_site.intensive_management_id = intensive_management.id) AS IntensiveManagementGrouping,
                    source.id AS SourceID,
                    source.description AS SourceDesc,
                    (SELECT description FROM monitoring_program WHERE source.monitoring_program_id = monitoring_program.id) AS MonitoringProgram,
                    unit.id AS UnitID,
                    unit.description AS Unit,
                    region.name AS Region,
                    region.state AS State,
                    MIN(region_centroid.x) AS RegionCentroidLongitude,
                    MIN(region_centroid.y) AS RegionCentroidLatitude,
                    region.positional_accuracy_in_m AS RegionCentroidAccuracy,
                    {value_series} AS value_series,
                    COUNT(*) AS value_count,
                    agg.data_type AS DataType,
                    (SELECT description FROM experimental_design_type WHERE agg.experimental_design_type_id = experimental_design_type.id) AS ExperimentalDesignType,
                    (SELECT description FROM response_variable_type WHERE agg.response_variable_type_id = response_variable_type.id) AS ResponseVariableType,
                    (CASE WHEN taxon.suppress_spatial_representativeness THEN NULL ELSE ROUND(alpha.alpha_hull_area_in_m2 / alpha.core_range_area_in_m2, 4) END) AS SpatialRepresentativeness,
                    data_source.absences_recorded AS AbsencesRecorded,
                    data_source.standardisation_of_method_effort_id AS StandardisationOfMethodEffort,
                    data_source.objective_of_monitoring_id AS ObjectiveOfMonitoring,
                    data_source.consistency_of_monitoring_id AS ConsistencyOfMonitoring,
                    data_source.data_agreement_id AS DataAgreement,
                    data_source.suppress_aggregated_data AS SuppressAggregatedData,
                    MAX(ST_X(agg.centroid_coords)) AS SurveysCentroidLongitude,
                    MAX(ST_Y(agg.centroid_coords)) AS SurveysCentroidLatitude,
                    MAX(agg.positional_accuracy_in_m) AS SurveysSpatialAccuracy,
                    SUM(agg.survey_count) AS SurveyCount,
                        COALESCE(CONCAT(source.authors, ' '), ''),
                        '(', {current_year_expression}, '). ',
                        COALESCE(CONCAT(source.description, '. '), ''),
                        COALESCE(CONCAT(source.provider, '. '), ''),
                        'Aggregated for National Environmental Science Program Threatened Species Recovery Hub Project 3.1. Generated on ',
                    ) AS Citation
                    {aggregated_table} agg
                    INNER JOIN taxon ON taxon.id = agg.taxon_id
                    LEFT JOIN search_type ON search_type.id = agg.search_type_id
                    INNER JOIN source ON source.id = agg.source_id
                    INNER JOIN unit ON unit.id = agg.unit_id
                    LEFT JOIN region ON region.id = agg.region_id
                    LEFT JOIN region_centroid ON region_centroid.id = agg.region_id
                    LEFT JOIN taxon_source_alpha_hull alpha ON alpha.taxon_id = agg.taxon_id AND alpha.source_id = agg.source_id AND alpha.data_type = agg.data_type
                    LEFT JOIN data_source ON data_source.taxon_id = agg.taxon_id AND data_source.source_id = agg.source_id
                    LEFT JOIN t1_site ON site_id = t1_site.id AND agg.data_type = 1
                    LEFT JOIN t2_site ON site_id = t2_site.id AND agg.data_type = 2
                WHERE agg.taxon_id = :taxon_id
                AND start_date_y >= :min_year
                AND start_date_y <= :max_year
                GROUP BY
                ORDER BY
                               where_conditions=" ".join(
                                   "AND %s" % cond
                                   for cond in where_conditions),

            result = session.execute(sql, {
                'taxon_id': taxon_id,
                'min_year': min_year,
                'max_year': max_year

            keys = result.keys()

            for row in result.fetchall():
                # Get row as a dict
                data = dict(zip(keys, row))

                data["ID"] = index
                index += 1

                # Parse out the yearly values (or monthly)
                year_data = dict(
                    for item in data['value_series'].split(','))

                if len(year_data) != data['value_count']:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Aggregation problem - duplicate years found in time series: %s"
                        % row)

                # Populate years in output

                # Taxonomic columns
                data['Binomial'] = re.sub(
                    r'[^A-Za-z]+', '_',
                name_parts = data['scientific_name'].split(' ', 2)
                data['Genus'] = name_parts[0]
                if len(name_parts) > 1:
                    data['Species'] = name_parts[1]
                if len(name_parts) > 2:
                    data['Subspecies'] = name_parts[2]

                # Calculate temporal suitability metrics:

                if not monthly and len(year_data) > 0:
                    years = sorted([int(year) for year in year_data.keys()])

                    # If we include all years' data, we still want to output stats as if we were only processing up to max_analysis_year
                    if include_all_years_data:
                        years = list(
                            filter(lambda y: y <= max_analysis_year, years))

                    # Due to previous step, years could in fact be empty by this point
                    if len(years) > 0:
                        year_range = max(years) - min(years) + 1

                        data['TimeSeriesLength'] = year_range
                        data['TimeSeriesSampleYears'] = len(years)
                        data['TimeSeriesCompleteness'] = "%0.3f" % (
                            float(len(years)) / year_range)

                        # Get all non-zero gaps between years
                        gaps = [
                            b - a - 1 for a, b in zip(years[:-1], years[1:])
                            if b - a > 1
                        data['TimeSeriesSamplingEvenness'] = np.array(
                            gaps).var() if len(gaps) > 0 else 0

                # Remove unwanted key from dict
                del data['value_series']
                del data['value_count']
                del data['scientific_name']

                if unicode_type_exists:
                        k: None if v == None else unicode(v).encode("utf-8")
                        for k, v in data.items()
                        k: None if v == None else str(v)
                        for k, v in data.items()

Example #7
def process_database(species = None, commit = False):
    Calculates spatial representativeness using alpha hulls

    Generates alpha hulls from each source x taxon combination

    Intersects alpha hulls with range layers, and then calculates percentage of range covered
    session = get_session()

    if commit:
        if species == None:
            session.execute("DELETE FROM taxon_source_alpha_hull")
            session.execute("""DELETE FROM taxon_source_alpha_hull
                WHERE taxon_id IN (SELECT id FROM taxon WHERE spno IN (%s))""" % sql_list_placeholder('species', species),
                sql_list_argument('species', species))

    db_proj = pyproj.Proj('+init=EPSG:4326') # Database always uses WGS84
    working_proj = pyproj.Proj('+init=EPSG:3112') # GDA94 / Geoscience Australia Lambert - so that we can buffer in metres

    # Load coastal shapefile
    coastal_shape_filename = tsx.config.config.get("processing.alpha_hull", "coastal_shp")
    with fiona.open(coastal_shape_filename, 'r') as coastal_shape:
        # Convert from fiona dictionary to shapely geometry and reproject
        coastal_shape = reproject(shape(coastal_shape[0]['geometry']), pyproj.Proj(coastal_shape.crs), working_proj)
        # Simplify coastal boundary - makes things run ~20X faster
        log.info("Simplifying coastal boundary")
        coastal_shape = coastal_shape.buffer(10000).simplify(10000)

    log.info("Generating alpha shapes")

    for data_type in 1,2:
        log.info("Processing type %s data" % data_type)

        # Process a single species.
        # This gets run off the main thread.
        def process(taxon_id):
            session = get_session()

                # Load core range geometry
                core_range_geom = reproject(get_core_range_geometry(session, taxon_id), db_proj, working_proj).buffer(0).intersection(coastal_shape)

                for source_id in get_source_ids(session, data_type, taxon_id):

                    log.info("Processing taxon_id: %s, source_id: %s" % (taxon_id, source_id))

                    # Get raw points from DB
                    raw_points = get_raw_points(session, data_type, taxon_id, source_id)

                    empty = len(raw_points) < 4

                    if empty:
                        log.info("Taxon %s: not enough points to create alpha hull (%s)" % (taxon_id, len(raw_points)))

                    if not empty:
                        # Read points from database
                        points = [reproject(p, db_proj, working_proj) for p in raw_points]

                        # Generate alpha shape
                        alpha_shp = make_alpha_hull(
                            points = points,
                            coastal_shape = None,
                            thinning_distance = tsx.config.config.getfloat('processing.alpha_hull', 'thinning_distance'),
                            alpha = tsx.config.config.getfloat('processing.alpha_hull', 'alpha'),
                            hullbuffer_distance = tsx.config.config.getfloat('processing.alpha_hull', 'hullbuffer_distance'),
                            isolatedbuffer_distance = tsx.config.config.getfloat('processing.alpha_hull', 'isolatedbuffer_distance'))

                        # Clean up geometry
                        alpha_shp = alpha_shp.buffer(0)

                        if core_range_geom.area == 0:
                            log.info("Core range geometry area is zero")
                            empty = True

                            # Intersect alpha hull with core range
                            intersected_alpha = to_multipolygon(core_range_geom.intersection(alpha_shp))

                            empty = intersected_alpha.is_empty

                    if empty:
                        session.execute("""INSERT INTO taxon_source_alpha_hull (source_id, taxon_id, data_type, core_range_area_in_m2, alpha_hull_area_in_m2)
                            VALUES (:source_id, :taxon_id, :data_type, 0, 0)""", {
                                'source_id': source_id,
                                'taxon_id': taxon_id,
                                'data_type': data_type
                        session.execute("""INSERT INTO taxon_source_alpha_hull (source_id, taxon_id, data_type, geometry, core_range_area_in_m2, alpha_hull_area_in_m2)
                            VALUES (:source_id, :taxon_id, :data_type, ST_GeomFromWKB(_BINARY :geom_wkb), :core_range_area, :alpha_hull_area)""", {
                                'source_id': source_id,
                                'taxon_id': taxon_id,
                                'data_type': data_type,
                                'geom_wkb': shapely.wkb.dumps(reproject(intersected_alpha, working_proj, db_proj)),
                                'core_range_area': core_range_geom.area,
                                'alpha_hull_area': intersected_alpha.area

                    if commit:

                log.exception("Exception processing alpha hull")

        taxa = get_taxa(session, data_type, species)

        # This is important because we are about to spawn child processes, and this stops them attempting to share the
        # same database connection pool
        # Process all the species in parallel
        for result, error in tqdm(run_parallel(process, taxa, use_processes = True), total = len(taxa)):
            if error:
                print error
Example #8
def process_database(species=None, monthly=False, filter_output=False):
    session = get_session()

    if species == None:
        taxa = [
            taxon_id for (taxon_id, ) in session.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM aggregated_by_year").fetchall()
        taxa = [
            taxon_id for (taxon_id, ) in session.execute(
                "SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id FROM aggregated_by_year, taxon WHERE taxon.id = taxon_id AND spno IN (%s)"
                % sql_list_placeholder('species', species),
                sql_list_argument('species', species)).fetchall()

    log.info("Generating numeric IDs")

    # Create stable IDs for each taxon_id / search_type_id / source_id / unit_id / site_id / data_type combination
    session.execute("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE aggregated_id
        ( INDEX (taxon_id, search_type_id, source_id, unit_id, site_id, grid_cell_id, data_type) )
        SELECT (@cnt := @cnt + 1) AS id, taxon_id, search_type_id, source_id, unit_id, site_id, grid_cell_id, data_type
        FROM (SELECT DISTINCT taxon_id, search_type_id, source_id, unit_id, site_id, grid_cell_id, data_type FROM aggregated_by_year) t
        CROSS JOIN (SELECT @cnt := 0) AS dummy""")

    log.info("Calculating region centroids")

    session.execute("""CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE region_centroid
        (PRIMARY KEY (id))
        SELECT id, ST_X(ST_Centroid(geometry)) AS x, ST_Y(ST_Centroid(geometry)) AS y
        FROM region""")

    # Get year range
    min_year = tsx.config.config.getint("processing", "min_year")
    max_year = tsx.config.config.getint("processing", "max_year")

    # Without this, the GROUP_CONCAT in the export query produces rows that are too long
    session.execute("""SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 50000;""")

    export_dir = tsx.config.data_dir('export')

    filename = 'lpi'
    if monthly:
        filename += '-monthly'
    if filter_output:
        filename += '-filtered'
    filename += '.csv'

    filepath = os.path.join(export_dir, filename)

    log.info("Exporting LPI wide table file: %s" % filepath)

    with open(filepath, 'w') as csvfile:
        fieldnames = [
            'ID', 'Binomial', 'SpNo', 'TaxonID', 'CommonName', 'Class',
            'Order', 'Family', 'FamilyCommonName', 'Genus', 'Species',
            'Subspecies', 'FunctionalGroup', 'FunctionalSubGroup',
            'TaxonomicGroup', 'EPBCStatus', 'IUCNStatus',
            'BirdLifeAustraliaStatus', 'MaxStatus', 'State', 'Region',
            'RegionCentroidLatitude', 'RegionCentroidLongitude',
            'RegionCentroidAccuracy', 'SiteID', 'SiteDesc', 'SourceID',
            'SourceDesc', 'UnitID', 'Unit', 'SearchTypeID', 'SearchTypeDesc',
            'ExperimentalDesignType', 'ResponseVariableType', 'DataType'

        if monthly:
            fieldnames += [
                "%s_%02d" % (year, month)
                for year in range(min_year, max_year + 1)
                for month in range(0, 13)
            fieldnames += [str(year) for year in range(min_year, max_year + 1)]

        fieldnames += [
            # 'SeasonalConsistency', # TBD
            # 'MonitoringFrequencyAndTiming', # TBD

        writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)

        where_conditions = []

        if filter_output:
            where_conditions += ['include_in_analysis']

        if monthly:
            value_series = "GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(start_date_y, '_', LPAD(COALESCE(start_date_m, 0), 2, '0'), '=', value) ORDER BY start_date_y)"
            aggregated_table = 'aggregated_by_month'
            value_series = "GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(start_date_y, '=', value) ORDER BY start_date_y)"
            aggregated_table = 'aggregated_by_year'

        for taxon_id in tqdm(taxa):
            sql = """SELECT
                    (SELECT CAST(id AS UNSIGNED) FROM aggregated_id agg_id WHERE agg.taxon_id = agg_id.taxon_id AND agg.search_type_id <=> agg_id.search_type_id AND agg.source_id = agg_id.source_id AND agg.unit_id = agg_id.unit_id AND agg.site_id <=> agg_id.site_id AND agg.grid_cell_id <=> agg_id.grid_cell_id AND agg.data_type = agg_id.data_type) AS ID,
                    time_series_id AS TimeSeriesID,
                    taxon.spno AS SpNo,
                    taxon.id AS TaxonID,
                    taxon.common_name AS CommonName,
                    taxon.order AS `Order`,
                    taxon.scientific_name AS scientific_name,
                    taxon.family_scientific_name AS Family,
                    taxon.family_common_name AS FamilyCommonName,
                    taxon.bird_group AS FunctionalGroup,
                    taxon.bird_sub_group AS FunctionalSubGroup,
                    taxon.taxonomic_group AS TaxonomicGroup,
                    taxon.national_priority AS NationalPriorityTaxa,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id = taxon.epbc_status_id) AS EPBCStatus,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id = taxon.iucn_status_id) AS IUCNStatus,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id = taxon.aust_status_id) AS BirdLifeAustraliaStatus,
                    (SELECT description FROM taxon_status WHERE taxon_status.id =
                        GREATEST(COALESCE(taxon.epbc_status_id, 0), COALESCE(taxon.iucn_status_id, 0), COALESCE(taxon.aust_status_id, 0))) AS MaxStatus,
                    search_type.id AS SearchTypeID,
                    search_type.description AS SearchTypeDesc,
                    COALESCE(site_id, grid_cell_id) AS SiteID,
                        (SELECT name FROM t1_site WHERE site_id = t1_site.id AND agg.data_type = 1),
                        (SELECT name FROM t2_site WHERE site_id = t2_site.id AND agg.data_type = 2),
                        CONCAT('site_', agg.data_type, '_', site_id),
                        CONCAT('grid_', grid_cell_id)) AS SiteDesc,
                    source.id AS SourceID,
                    source.description AS SourceDesc,
                    unit.id AS UnitID,
                    unit.description AS Unit,
                    region.name AS Region,
                    region.state AS State,
                    region_centroid.x AS RegionCentroidLongitude,
                    region_centroid.y AS RegionCentroidLatitude,
                    region.positional_accuracy_in_m AS RegionCentroidAccuracy,
                    {value_series} AS value_series,
                    COUNT(*) AS value_count,
                    agg.data_type AS DataType,
                    (SELECT description FROM experimental_design_type WHERE agg.experimental_design_type_id = experimental_design_type.id) AS ExperimentalDesignType,
                    (SELECT description FROM response_variable_type WHERE agg.response_variable_type_id = response_variable_type.id) AS ResponseVariableType,
                    IF(taxon.suppress_spatial_representativeness, NULL, COALESCE(ROUND(alpha.alpha_hull_area_in_m2 / alpha.core_range_area_in_m2, 4), 0)) AS SpatialRepresentativeness,
                    data_source.absences_recorded AS AbsencesRecorded,
                    data_source.standardisation_of_method_effort_id AS StandardisationOfMethodEffort,
                    data_source.objective_of_monitoring_id AS ObjectiveOfMonitoring,
                    data_source.consistency_of_monitoring_id AS ConsistencyOfMonitoring,
                    data_source.data_agreement_id AS DataAgreement,
                    data_source.suppress_aggregated_data AS SuppressAggregatedData,
                    MAX(ST_X(agg.centroid_coords)) AS SurveysCentroidLongitude,
                    MAX(ST_Y(agg.centroid_coords)) AS SurveysCentroidLatitude,
                    MAX(agg.positional_accuracy_in_m) AS SurveysSpatialAccuracy,
                    SUM(agg.survey_count) AS SurveyCount,
                        COALESCE(CONCAT(source.authors, ' '), ''),
                        '(', YEAR(NOW()), '). ',
                        COALESCE(CONCAT(source.description, '. '), ''),
                        COALESCE(CONCAT(source.provider, '. '), ''),
                        'Aggregated for National Environmental Science Program Threatened Species Recovery Hub Project 3.1. Generated on ',
                    ) AS Citation
                    {aggregated_table} agg
                    INNER JOIN taxon ON taxon.id = agg.taxon_id
                    LEFT JOIN search_type ON search_type.id = search_type_id
                    INNER JOIN source ON source.id = agg.source_id
                    INNER JOIN unit ON unit.id = unit_id
                    LEFT JOIN region ON region.id = region_id
                    LEFT JOIN region_centroid ON region_centroid.id = region_id
                    LEFT JOIN taxon_source_alpha_hull alpha ON alpha.taxon_id = agg.taxon_id AND alpha.source_id = agg.source_id AND alpha.data_type = agg.data_type
                    LEFT JOIN data_source ON data_source.taxon_id = agg.taxon_id AND data_source.source_id = agg.source_id
                WHERE agg.taxon_id = :taxon_id
                AND start_date_y >= :min_year
                AND start_date_y <= :max_year
                GROUP BY
                               where_conditions=" ".join(
                                   "AND %s" % cond
                                   for cond in where_conditions))

            result = session.execute(sql, {
                'taxon_id': taxon_id,
                'min_year': min_year,
                'max_year': max_year

            keys = result.keys()

            for row in result.fetchall():
                # Get row as a dict
                data = dict(zip(keys, row))

                # Parse out the yearly values (or monthly)
                year_data = dict(
                    for item in data['value_series'].split(','))

                if len(year_data) != data['value_count']:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Aggregation problem - duplicate years found in time series: %s"
                        % row)

                # Populate years in output

                # Taxonomic columns
                data['Binomial'] = re.sub(r'[^\w]', '_', data['CommonName'])
                data['Class'] = 'Aves'
                name_parts = data['scientific_name'].split(' ')
                data['Genus'] = name_parts[0]
                if len(name_parts) > 1:
                    data['Species'] = name_parts[1]
                if len(name_parts) > 2:
                    data['Subspecies'] = name_parts[2]

                # Calculate temporal suitability metrics:

                if not monthly and len(year_data) > 0:
                    years = sorted([int(year) for year in year_data.keys()])
                    year_range = max(years) - min(years) + 1

                    data['TimeSeriesLength'] = year_range
                    data['TimeSeriesSampleYears'] = len(years)
                    data['TimeSeriesCompleteness'] = "%0.3f" % (
                        float(len(years)) / year_range)

                    # Get all non-zero gaps between years
                    gaps = [
                        b - a - 1 for a, b in zip(years[:-1], years[1:])
                        if b - a > 1
                    data['TimeSeriesSamplingEvenness'] = np.array(
                        gaps).var() if len(gaps) > 0 else 0

                # Remove unwanted key from dict
                del data['value_series']
                del data['value_count']
                del data['scientific_name']

