Example #1
    def metadata(
        force = 0
        """Retrieve metadata from font file

        filename -- fully specified path to the font file
        force -- if false, and the metadata is already
        available for this file, do not access the
        font file to retrieve, just return the existing

        return value:
            tuple of:
                filename -- fully specified absolute path
                modifiers -- (weightInteger, italicsFlag)
                specificName -- specific name of the particular
                font stored in the given file, the name of
                the "modified" font
                fontName -- name of the general font which
                the modifiers are specialising
                specifier -- family specifier, two-tuple of
                high-level and sub-level font classifications
                based on font characteristics as encoded
                in the font file.
        filename = os.path.abspath( filename )
        if self.files.has_key( filename ) and not force:
            return self.specificFonts.get( self.files[filename] )
        font = describe.openFont(filename)
            modifiers = describe.modifiers( font )
        except (KeyError,AttributeError), err:
            modifiers = (None,None)
    def __init__(self, fontfile):
        if not HAS_FONTTOOLS:
        # describe.shortName(font)
        #   This will return (font_name, font_family), like this:
        #   ("MyFont Bold Italic","MyFont")
        #   ("MyFont","MyFont")
        # describe.family(font)
        #   This will return the font families based on some internal integer.
        #   For "Arial Unicode MS", it returns ("SANS","GOTHIC-NEO-GROTESQUE").
        #   For many thirdy-party fonts, it returns ("ANY","ANY").
        # describe.modifiers(font)
        #   This returns two integers (weight,italic).
        #   The first one is font weight [100..900]. The second one is 0 or 1.
        # describe.weightName(number)
        #   This converts the font weight number into a name (like normal, bold).

        font = ttLib.TTFont(fontfile)
        short_name = describe.shortName(font)
        family = describe.family(font)
        modifiers = describe.modifiers(font)

        self.filename = fontfile
        self.name = short_name[0]
        self.name_family = short_name[1]
        self.family = '/'.join(family)
        self.weight = modifiers[0]
        self.weight_name = describe.weightName(modifiers[0])
        if modifiers[1]:
            self.italic = True
            self.italic = False
Example #3
    def metadata(self, filename, force=0):
        """Retrieve metadata from font file

        filename -- fully specified path to the font file
        force -- if false, and the metadata is already
        available for this file, do not access the
        font file to retrieve, just return the existing

        return value:
            tuple of:
                filename -- fully specified absolute path
                modifiers -- (weightInteger, italicsFlag)
                specificName -- specific name of the particular
                font stored in the given file, the name of
                the "modified" font
                fontName -- name of the general font which
                the modifiers are specialising
                specifier -- family specifier, two-tuple of
                high-level and sub-level font classifications
                based on font characteristics as encoded
                in the font file.
        filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
        if self.files.has_key(filename) and not force:
            return self.specificFonts.get(self.files[filename])
        font = describe.openFont(filename)
            modifiers = describe.modifiers(font)
        except (KeyError, AttributeError), err:
            modifiers = (None, None)
def buildTable( filenames=None, failureCallback=None ):
	"""Build table mapping {family:(font:{modifiers:(name,file)})}

	filenames -- if provided, list of filenames to scan,
		otherwise the full set of system fonts provided
		by findsystem will be used.
	failureCallback -- if provided, a function taking three
		arguments, the failing filename, an error-type code,
		and the error object.  If processing should stop,
		raise an error.
			0 -- couldn't open the font file
			1 -- couldn't find modifiers in the font file
			2 -- couldn't find font-name in the font file
			3 -- couldn't find the generic family specifier
				for the font
	if filenames is None:
		filenames = findsystem.findFonts()
	table = {}
	for filename in filenames:
			font = describe.openFont(filename)
		except Exception as err:
			if failureCallback:
				failureCallback( filename, 0, err )
				modifiers = describe.modifiers( font )
			except (KeyError,AttributeError) as err:
				if failureCallback:
					failureCallback( filename, 1, err )
				modifiers = (None,None)
				specificName, fontName = describe.shortName( font )
			except (KeyError,AttributeError) as err:
				if failureCallback:
					failureCallback( filename, 2, err )
					specifier = describe.family(font)
				except KeyError:
					if failureCallback:
						failureCallback( filename, 3, err )
					)[modifiers] = (specificName,filename)
	return table
Example #5
def buildTable(filenames=None, failureCallback=None):
    """Build table mapping {family:(font:{modifiers:(name,file)})}

    filenames -- if provided, list of filenames to scan,
    otherwise the full set of system fonts provided
    by findsystem will be used.
    failureCallback -- if provided, a function taking three
    arguments, the failing filename, an error-type code,
    and the error object.  If processing should stop,
    raise an error.
        0 -- couldn't open the font file
        1 -- couldn't find modifiers in the font file
        2 -- couldn't find font-name in the font file
        3 -- couldn't find the generic family specifier
        for the font
    if filenames is None:
        filenames = findsystem.findFonts()
    table = {}
    for filename in filenames:
            font = describe.openFont(filename)
        except Exception as err:
            if failureCallback:
                failureCallback(filename, 0, err)
                modifiers = describe.modifiers(font)
            except (KeyError, AttributeError) as err:
                if failureCallback:
                    failureCallback(filename, 1, err)
                modifiers = (None, None)
                specificName, fontName = describe.shortName(font)
            except (KeyError, AttributeError) as err:
                if failureCallback:
                    failureCallback(filename, 2, err)
                    specifier = describe.family(font)
                except KeyError:
                    if failureCallback:
                        failureCallback(filename, 3, err)
                    table.setdefault(specifier, {}).setdefault(
                        fontName, {})[modifiers] = (specificName, filename)
    return table
Example #6
def process(font: TTFont):
    weight, is_ita = describe.modifiers(font)
    print(weight, is_ita)
    print(describe.weightName(weight), 'italic' if is_ita else '')