class cp_config_win(Toplevel): def __init__(self, parent): Toplevel.__init__(self) img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'Icons/LMS8001_PLLSim.png'))'wm', 'iconphoto', self._w, img) self.resizable(0, 0) self.parent = parent self.initUI() center_Window(self) self.protocol("WM_DELETE_WINDOW", self.on_Quit) def on_OK(self): self.on_Apply() self.on_Quit() def on_Apply(self): self.parent.cp_fc.set(float(self.entry_fc.get()) * 1.0e3) self.parent.cp_slope.set(float(self.entry_slope.get())) self.parent.pll.cp = lms8001_cp(fc=float(self.parent.cp_fc.get()), slope=float( self.parent.cp_slope.get())) self.parent.def_cp() def on_Quit(self): self.parent.cp_config_win = None self.destroy() def initUI(self): self.title('CP Noise Parameters') self.columnconfigure(0, pad=1) self.columnconfigure(1, pad=1) self.columnconfigure(2, pad=1) self.rowconfigure(0, pad=10) self.rowconfigure(1, pad=1) self.rowconfigure(2, pad=6) label1 = Label(self, text='Corner Frequency [kHz]') self.entry_fc = Entry(self, width=8) self.entry_fc.insert(END, str(self.parent.cp_fc.get() / 1.0e3)) label1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.entry_fc.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W) label2 = Label(self, text='Noise slope [dB/dec]') self.entry_slope = Entry(self, width=8) self.entry_slope.insert(END, str(self.parent.cp_slope.get())) label2.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.entry_slope.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=W) button_OK = Button(self, text='OK', command=self.on_OK, width=10) button_Apply = Button(self, text='Apply', command=self.on_Apply, width=10) button_Quit = Button(self, text='Quit', command=self.on_Quit, width=10) button_OK.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W + E + S) button_Apply.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W + E + S) button_Quit.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=W + E + S)
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Test the Gauss point") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.fields = \ 'bulk_modulus', \ 'scale_hardening', \ 'max_stress_in', \ 'increment_strain', \ 'Nloop', \ 'initial_confinement', \ 'reference_pressure', \ 'modulus_n', \ 'cohesion', \ 'RMC_shape_k', \ 'dilation_angle_eta', \ 'diletion_scale' default_values = \ '1E7', \ '1E3', \ '3E4', \ '1E-4', \ '2', \ '1E5', \ '1E5', \ '0.7', \ '0.0', \ '1.0', \ '1.0', \ '1.0' # ================== # Entries for User input: self.entries = [] for idx, field in enumerate(self.fields): row = Frame(self) row.pack(fill=X) labl = Label(row, text=field, width=30) labl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) entry = Entry(row) entry.insert(END, default_values[idx]) entry.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) self.entries.append((field, entry)) # print field # ================== # Button for calculation frameButtonCalc = Frame(self) frameButtonCalc.pack(fill=X) calcButton = Button(frameButtonCalc, text="calculate", command=self.calculate) calcButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) # ================== # Raw Frame for plot self.canvasFrame = Frame(self) self.canvasFrame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
def initUI(self, parameterDict, callback, validate, undoCallback): self.parent.title("Choose parameters for fit") Style().configure("TButton", padding=(0, 5, 0, 5), font='serif 10') self.columnconfigure(0, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(1, pad=3) count = 0 entries = {} for key, value in parameterDict.iteritems(): self.rowconfigure(count, pad=3) label = Label(self, text=key) label.grid(row=count, column=0) entry = Entry(self) entry.grid(row=count, column=1) entry.insert(0, value) entries[key] = entry count = count + 1 def buttonCallback(*args): #the *args here is needed because the Button needs a function without an argument and the callback for function takes an event as argument try: newParameterDict = {} for key, value in entries.iteritems(): newParameterDict[key] = value.get() self.parent.withdraw() #hide window feedback = callback(newParameterDict) if validate: if(askyesno("Validate", feedback, default=YES)): self.parent.destroy() #clean up window else: undoCallback() #rollback changes done by callback self.parent.deiconify() #show the window again else: self.parent.withdraw() self.parent.destroy() except Exception as e: import traceback traceback.print_exc() self.parent.destroy() self.parent.bind("<Return>", buttonCallback) self.parent.bind("<KP_Enter>", buttonCallback) run = Button(self, text="Run fit", command=buttonCallback) run.grid(row=count, column=0) count = count + 1 self.pack()
def editarParroquia(self): t = Toplevel(self) t.wm_title("Estudio") Label(t, text="Nombre").grid(row=0, column=1) E2 = Entry(t) E2.insert(END, self.selectorParroquial.get()) E2.grid(row=1, column=1) nombreOld = self.selectorParroquial.get() button1 = Button(t, text="Cancelar", command=lambda: t.destroy()) button2 = Button(t, text="Guardar", command=lambda: self.actualizarParroquia(nombreOld, E2.get(), t)) button3 = Button(t, text="Borrar", command=lambda: self.BorrarParroquial(E2.get(), t)) button1.grid(row=2, column=0) button2.grid(row=2, column=1) button3.grid(row=2, column=2)
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Test the Gauss point") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.fields = \ 'bulk_modulus', \ 'Scale_Hardening', \ 'max_strain_in', \ 'increment_strain', \ 'Nloop' default_values = \ '16750', \ '1', \ '1E-2', \ '1E-4', \ '0' # ================== # Entries for User input: self.entries = [] for idx, field in enumerate(self.fields): row = Frame(self) row.pack(fill=X) labl = Label(row, text=field, width=30) labl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) entry = Entry(row) entry.insert(END, default_values[idx]) entry.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) self.entries.append((field, entry)) # print field # ================== # Button for calculation frameButtonCalc = Frame(self) frameButtonCalc.pack(fill=X) calcButton = Button(frameButtonCalc, text="calculate", command=self.calculate) calcButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) # ================== # Raw Frame for plot self.canvasFrame = Frame(self) self.canvasFrame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True)
class MyEntry: #Класс для уменьшений объёма кода однотипных элементов для ввода параметров. def __init__(self, place_class, string_class, DefaultValue, choise_class = False, button_add = False): #При создании принимается место прикрепления виджета и строковое значение для надписи. # A string value to add a combobox or a button could be also inputed. def button_finfo(): messagebox.showinfo(locale(u"ui_iftxt", Settingz["str_langu"]), button_add) # Here it is a function to show information window. self.frame_class = Frame(place_class) self.frame_class.pack(side = TOP, fill = BOTH) #Внутри – рамка для виджетов, растягивается по ширине окна. self.label_class = Label(self.frame_class, text = string_class) self.label_class.pack(side = LEFT) #В ней – надписи для описания вводимых значений выровнены по левому краю. self.entry_class = Entry(self.frame_class, width = 15) self.entry_class.pack(side = RIGHT) self.entry_class.insert(0, DefaultValue) #И элементы для ввода значений шириной в 15 знаков выровнены по правому краю. if choise_class: self.box_class = Combobox(self.frame_class, values = choise_class, width = 2) self.box_class.set(choise_class[0]) self.box_class.pack(side = RIGHT) elif button_add: self.button_class = Button(self.frame_class, text = u"?", command = button_finfo, width = -1) self.button_class.pack(side = RIGHT) # The combobox widget or the button will be created if it is set. def get(self): return(self.entry_class.get()) #Метод .get() передаётся от элемента для ввода объекту описываемого класса. def getbox(self): if self.box_class.get() in ["+", "~"]: return(True) else: return(False)
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Software Activation") = Style()"default") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) if(self.needsActivated()): idEntry = Entry(self, width=36), y=20) idEntry.delete(0, END) idEntry.insert(0, "Enter a product id") keyEntry = Entry(self, width=36), y=40) keyEntry.delete(0, END) keyEntry.insert(0, "Enter your license key") activateButton = Button(self, text="Activate", command=lambda:self.activate( idEntry.get(), keyEntry.get())), y=65) else: label = Label(self, text="Product has already been activated") label.pack()
class Window(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Network/Port Scan") = Style()"TFrame", background = "#000000")"TCheckbutton", background = "#000000")"TButton", background = "#000000") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Configure layout self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(5, weight = 1) self.rowconfigure(6, weight = 1) # Title of program lbl = Label(self, text="Network/Port Scan") lbl.grid(sticky = W, pady=5, padx=5) # Text Box area = ScrolledText(self, height = 20) area.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, rowspan=4, padx=3, sticky = N+S+E+W) self.area = area # IP Address Button self.ip = BooleanVar() ip_add_button = Checkbutton(self, text="IP Address",variable=self.ip, width=10) ip_add_button.grid(row = 1, column = 3, sticky = N) ip_add_button.config(anchor = W, activebackground = "red") # Port Button self.port = BooleanVar() port_button = Checkbutton(self, text="Ports", variable=self.port, width=10) port_button.grid(row = 1, column = 3) port_button.config(anchor = W, activebackground = "orange") # Host Name Button = BooleanVar() host_name_button = Checkbutton(self, text="Host Name",, width=10) host_name_button.grid(row = 1, column = 3, sticky = S) host_name_button.config(anchor = W, activebackground = "yellow") # Gateway Button self.gateway = BooleanVar() gateway_btn = Checkbutton(self, text="Gateway", variable=self.gateway, width=10) gateway_btn.grid(row = 2, column = 3, sticky = N) gateway_btn.config(anchor = W, activebackground = "green") # Services Button self.service = BooleanVar() service_btn = Checkbutton(self, text="Services", variable = self.service, width=10) service_btn.grid(row = 2, column = 3) service_btn.config(anchor = W, activebackground = "blue") # Starting IP label ip_label = Label(self, text = "Starting IP: ") ip_label.grid(row = 5, column = 0, pady = 1, padx = 3, sticky = W) self.ip_from = Entry(self, width = 15) self.ip_from.insert(0, start_ip) self.ip_from.grid(row = 5 , column = 0, pady = 1, padx = 3, sticky = E) # Ending IP label ip_label_two = Label(self, text = "Ending IP: ") ip_label_two.grid(row = 5, column = 1, pady = 1, padx = 5, sticky = W) self.ip_to = Entry(self, width = 15) self.ip_to.insert(0, end_ip) self.ip_to.grid(row = 5 , column = 1, pady = 1, padx = 5, sticky = E) # Starting Port Label port_label = Label(self, text = "Starting Port: ") port_label.grid(row = 5, column = 0, pady = 3, padx = 5, sticky = S+W) self.port_from = Entry(self, width = 15) self.port_from.insert(0, 0) self.port_from.grid(row = 5 , column = 0, pady = 1, padx = 5, sticky = S+E) # Ending Port Label port_label_two = Label(self, text = "Ending Port: ") port_label_two.grid(row = 5, column = 1, pady = 3, padx = 5, sticky = S+W) self.port_to = Entry(self, width = 15) self.port_to.insert(0, 1025) self.port_to.grid(row = 5 , column = 1, pady = 1, padx = 5, sticky = S+E) # Scan Me self_scan_button = Button(self, text="Scan Me", command = lambda : self.onClick(1), width = 33) self_scan_button.grid(row = 6, column = 1, sticky = N) # Scan near me Button scan_other_button = Button(self, text="Scan Near Me", width = 33, command = lambda : self.onClick(2)) scan_other_button.grid(row = 6, column = 0, pady=1, sticky = N) # Clear button clear_button = Button(self, text="Clear text", command = self.clear_text, width = 12) clear_button.grid(row = 6, column = 3, pady=1, sticky = N) # Progress Bar self.label_scanning = Progressbar(self, orient = HORIZONTAL, length = 175) self.label_scanning.grid(row = 6, column = 0, columnspan = 4, padx = 7, pady = 7, sticky = E+S+W) self.label_scanning.config(mode = "determinate") # Clear what is in the text box. def clear_text(self): self.area.delete(0.0, 'end') # empty my lists. my_ports[:] = [] ip_address_up[:] = [] target_host_name[:] = [] target_port_up[:] = [] # On click methods for scan me and scan others. def onClick(self, button_id): if button_id == 1: # Check to see if host button is marked if == 1: message = my_host_name() self.area.insert(0.0, message, ("warning")) self.area.tag_configure("warning", foreground = "blue") # Check to see if ports button is marked if self.port.get() == 1: # Check port entry widgets. if self.port_from: if self.port_to: # Get the user input starting_port = self.port_from.get() ending_port = self.port_to.get() message, total = scan_my_ports(int(starting_port), int(ending_port)) for i in message: new_message = "My TCP " + i + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message, ("ports")) #self.area.tag_configure("ports", foreground = "green") time = "The TCP port scan completed in: " + str(total) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground = "red") else: self.area.insert(0.0, "No valid ports specified.") # Check to see if IP button is marked if self.ip.get() == 1: message = my_ip() self.area.insert(0.0, message) # Check if gateway button is marked. if self.gateway.get() == 1: message = my_gateway() self.area.insert(0.0, message) # Check if service button is marked. if self.service.get() == 1: message, time = scan_my_services() for i in message: new_message = i + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) new_time = "The local scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0. new_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground = "red") # If Scan other button is clicked. elif button_id == 2: # Check other IP's if self.ip.get() == 1: # Check the entry widgets. if self.ip_from: if self.ip_to: # Get the ranges from the entry widgets starting_ipv4_address = self.ip_from.get() ending_ipv4_address = self.ip_to.get() # Pass the values from the entry widgets into the function to scan nearby IP addresses. message, time = ping_ip_other(starting_ipv4_address, ending_ipv4_address) if message: for i in message: new_message = "The address: {:>15} {:>15}".format(i,"is UP\n") self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) total_time = "Range scanned: " + str(starting_ipv4_address) +" to " + str(ending_ipv4_address) + "\n" + "The IP scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, total_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground = "red") else: self.area.insert(0.0, "No Ip range is specified.") # Check others Ports if self.port.get() == 1: # Check port entry widgets. if self.port_from: if self.port_to: # Get the user input starting_port = self.port_from.get() ending_port = self.port_to.get() message, time = scan_ports_other(int(starting_port), int(ending_port)) if message: for i in message: new_msg = "The " + i +"\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_msg) else: new_msg = "Must scan nearby IP addresses first.\n" total_time = "TCP Port scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, total_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground = "red") else: self.area.insert(0.0, "No Port range specified.") # Check other host names. Based on IP's scanned. if == 1: message, time = scan_host_other(ip_address_up) # Check that IP's of other computers were collected if message: for i in message: new_message = "Host name: "+ str(i) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) else: new_msg = "Must scan nearby IP addresses first. \n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_msg) total = "The host scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, total, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground = "red") # Check gateway return the gateway of the host machine again. if self.gateway.get() == 1: message = "\n" + str(my_gateway()) self.area.insert(0.0, message) # Check what services are running on which IP and port. if self.service.get() == 1: message, time = services_other() if message: for i in message: new_message = i + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) else: new_msg = "The IP addresses and ports must be scanned first." self.area.insert(0.0, new_msg) new_time = "The service scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground = "red") else: pass
class Open(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, **kw): Frame.__init__(self, **kw) self.parent = parent self.initUI() return def initUI(self): config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'settings.ini') default_sheet = config.get('USER', 'default_spreadsheet') self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(3, pad=7) self.rowconfigure(3, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(5, pad=7) self.lblTsv = Label(self, text="Enter TSV Export:") self.lblTsv.grid(sticky=W, pady=4, padx=5) self.txtTsv = Text(self) self.txtTsv.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=4, padx=5, sticky=E+W+N+S) self.btnSubmit = Button(self, text="Submit", command=self.submit_text) self.btnSubmit.grid(row=6, column=4, padx=5) self.btnUpload = Button(self, text="Upload to GS", command = self.upload_db) self.btnUpload.grid(row=6, column=3, padx=5) self.btnCancel = Button(self, command=sys.exit, text="Quit") self.btnCancel.grid(row=6, column=2, padx=5) self.lblSheet = Label(self, text="Enter google sheets URL:") self.lblSheet.grid(row=5, sticky=W, pady=4, padx=4) self.sheetUrl = Entry(self) self.sheetUrl.grid(row=6, columnspan=2, sticky=W+E, padx=5, pady=5) self.sheetUrl.insert(0, default_sheet) return def submit_text(self): text = self.txtTsv.get("1.0", END) reader = RCLCReader() session = Session() try: db_objects, failed_lines = reader.read_tsv_text(text, session) session.commit() if len(failed_lines) > 0: errormsg = "{0} lines raised an error when reading data:\n".format(len(failed_lines)) for line in failed_lines: errormsg += line tkMessageBox.showerror("Error", errormsg) else: tkMessageBox.showinfo("Data Submission Complete", "All data has been submitted to DB successfully.") except Exception as e: ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() tkMessageBox.showerror("Error", "An error occured in reading the data: {0} {1}.\nTraceback: {2}.".format(e.message, str(e), traceback.format_tb(tb))) return def upload_db(self): session = Session() id_regex = "/spreadsheets/d/([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)" id =, self.sheetUrl.get()) if len(id.groups()) == 0: tkMessageBox.showerror("Error", "A valid google sheet ID could not be determined.") else: config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()'settings.ini') config.set('USER', 'default_spreadsheet', self.sheetUrl.get()) fp = open('settings.ini', 'w+') config.write(fp) fp.close() try: writer = GSheetsWriter( writer.update_loot_spreadsheet(session) except Exception as e: fp = open("delete_error.txt", "w+") ex_type, ex, tb = sys.exc_info() fp.write(str(ex_type)) traceback.print_tb(tb, file=fp) fp.write(str(e.args) + "\n") fp.write(str(e) + "\n") fp.write(e.message + "\n") fp.flush() fp.close() tkMessageBox.showerror("Error", "An error occurred in uploading to google sheets: {0}".format(e.message)) tkMessageBox.showinfo("", "Loot data has been uploaded to google spreadsheet.") return
class Login(object): def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.title(u'用户登录') self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.geometry('+500+500') self.lb_user = Label(self.root, text=u'用户名:', padx=5) self.lb_passwd = Label(self.root, text=u'密码:', padx=5) self.lb_stime = Label(self.root, text=u'日期: ', padx=5) self.lb_sexmp = Label(self.root, text=u' (输入格式01,02,03)', padx=5) self.lb_mytext = Label(self.root, text=u'原因: ', padx=5) self.lb_user.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_passwd.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_stime.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_sexmp.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_mytext.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=W) self.en_user = Entry(self.root, width=20) self.en_passwd = Entry(self.root, width=20) self.en_stime = Entry(self.root, width=20) self.en_reson = Entry(self.root, width=20) self.en_user.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_passwd.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_stime.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_reson.grid(row=4, column=1, columnspan=1, rowspan=3) self.var = IntVar() self.ckb = Checkbutton(self.root, text=u'记住用户名和密码', underline=0, variable=self.var) self.ckb.grid(row=9, column=0) self.bt_print = Button(self.root, text=u'确定', width=20) self.bt_print.grid(row=9, column=1, sticky=E, pady=5) self.bt_print.config(command=self.print_info) self.checkconf() self.root.mainloop() def validate_func(self, en): return False if eval(en).get().strip() != '' else True def print_info(self): en1_value = self.en_user.get().strip() en2_value = self.en_passwd.get().strip() en3_value = self.en_stime.get().strip() nowtime = time.strftime('%Y-%m-', time.localtime(time.time())) real_en3_value = nowtime + en3_value + " 18:00" real_en4_value = nowtime + en3_value + " 20:00" en4_value = self.en_stime.get().strip() en5_value = self.en_reson.get().strip() #print(real_en3_value,real_en4_value) isok = job.test_search_in_python_org(en1_value, en2_value, real_en3_value, real_en4_value, en5_value) #print(isok) def checkconf(self): if os.path.exists("local.conf") and os.path.getsize("local.conf") != 0: list = [] with open('local.conf', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): list.append(line.strip()) print(line.strip()) self.en_user.insert(0, list[0]) self.en_passwd.insert(0, list[1]) self.en_stime.insert(0, u'01') self.en_reson.insert(0, list[2]) else: self.en_user.insert(0, u'input you name') self.en_passwd.insert(0, u'input you password') self.en_stime.insert(0, u'01') self.en_reson.insert(0, u'值班')
class Example(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent = (time.strftime("%m_%d_%Y")) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Experiment") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.frame1 = Frame(self) self.frame1.pack(fill=X) self.lbl1 = Label(self.frame1, text="Participant", width=10) self.lbl1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry1 = Entry(self.frame1) self.entry1.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) self.frame2 = Frame(self) self.frame2.pack(fill=X) self.lbl2 = Label(self.frame2, text="Date", width=10) self.lbl2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry2 = Entry(self.frame2) self.entry2.insert(0, self.entry2.state() self.entry2.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) self.frame3 = Frame(self) self.frame3.pack(fill=X) self.lbl3 = Label(self.frame3, text="COM Port", width=10) self.lbl3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry3 = Entry(self.frame3) self.entry3.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) self.frame4 = Frame(self) self.frame4.pack(fill=X) self.accept = Button(self.frame4, text="Ok", command=self.makeVariables) self.accept.pack(fill=X, padx=5) def makeVariables(self): self.participant = self.entry1.get() self.port = self.entry3.get() self.verify() Frame.quit(self) def verify(self): mbox.showwarning('Check', 'Have you set the markers on Emotiv Toolbox?') def getName(self): return self.participant def getDate(self): return def get_port(self): return self.port
class ChooseType(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, controller): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller ChooseType.socket = None ChooseType.create_player = None self.plx_name = "PLAYER" ChooseType.plx_type = "SPECTATOR" ChooseType.start_game = None label_1 = Label(self, text="Create character", font=TITLE_FONT, justify=CENTER, anchor=CENTER) label_2 = Label(self, text="Name: ") self.entry_1 = Entry(self) self.entry_1.insert(0, 'Player_') label_3 = Label(self, text="Join as: ") button1 = Button(self, text="FROG", command=self.callback_frog) button2 = Button(self, text="FLY", command=self.callback_fly) button3 = Button(self, text="SPECTATOR", command=self.callback_spec) ChooseType.button4 = Button(self, text="Back", command=lambda: controller.show_frame("StartPage")) label_1.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) label_2.pack() self.entry_1.pack() label_3.pack() button1.pack() button2.pack() button3.pack() ChooseType.button4.pack(pady=20) def check_name(self,s): temp = False try: s.decode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: print "it was not a ascii-encoded unicode string" tkMessageBox.showwarning("Error message", "Invalid player name") except UnicodeDecodeError: print "it was not a ascii-encoded unicode string" tkMessageBox.showwarning("Error message", "Invalid player name") else: if len(s) < 10 and len(s) >= 1: temp = True else: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Error message", "String lenght must be 1-10 characters") return temp # this frame works on callbacks so each button is processed separately # 1. get name # 2. check if the name is valid # 3. set player type # 4. **create server localy if the user comes from create server frame # 5. add player to the game (parameters: name, type) def callback_frog(self): self.plx_name = self.entry_1.get() if self.check_name(self.plx_name): ChooseType.plx_type = "FROG" self.create_server(CreateServer.plx_name,CreateServer.game_dim) self.callback_add_player() def callback_fly(self): self.plx_name = self.entry_1.get() if self.check_name(self.plx_name): ChooseType.plx_type = "FLY" self.create_server(CreateServer.plx_name,CreateServer.game_dim) self.callback_add_player() def callback_spec(self): self.plx_name = self.entry_1.get() if self.check_name(self.plx_name): ChooseType.plx_type = "SPECTATOR" self.create_server(CreateServer.plx_name,CreateServer.game_dim) self.callback_add_player() # join the game def callback_add_player(self): set_shut_down_level(1) data = "JOIN;"+ChooseType.plx_type if global_state==1: # directly (locally) access the game engine ChooseType.create_player = CreateServer.local_world.add_player(self.plx_name) CLIENTS.append((ChooseType.create_player, 'Local Player')) CreateServer.local_world.set_player_attr(ChooseType.create_player, 1, 'character', data) ChooseType.start_game = True else: GameWindow.vSer.set(globvar[0]) host,_ = globvar[1] try: ChooseType.socket = s = socket.socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) s.connect((host,QUAD_AXE)) # ping-pong communication: # 1. client: ADD_ME;Player1 -> server: ADDED -> client # 2. client: JOIN;FROG -> server data2 = 'ADD_ME;'+self.plx_name self.socket.send(data2.encode()) buf = ChooseType.socket.recv(100) message = buf.decode('utf-8') if message == "ADDED": print 'Added player!' ChooseType.start_game = True ChooseType.socket.send(data.encode()) except Exception as e: print e ChooseType.start_game = False print 'Cannot connect to server!' self.controller.show_frame("GameWindow") # this is the function that initiates: engine, server and broadcast def create_server(self,s_name,field_xy): if global_state == 0 or shut_down_level != 0: return ChooseType.button4.config(state="disabled") # addition game field size check GameWindow.vSer.set(s_name) m_split=field_xy.split('X') try: x_size = int(m_split[0]) except: x_size = 10 try: y_size = int(m_split[1]) except: y_size = 10 if (x_size < 2 or x_size > MAX_GF_SIZE): print 'The gamefield\'s dimensions size should be between 3 and '+str(MAX_GF_SIZE)+' !' x_size = 10 if (y_size < 2 or y_size > MAX_GF_SIZE): print 'The gamefield\'s dimensions size should be between 3 and '+str(MAX_GF_SIZE)+' !' y_size = 10 # Start the world CreateServer.local_world = engine.World(x_size,y_size) et = engine.engine_thread(ENGINE_SLEEP, CreateServer.local_world) et.start() THREADS.append(et) # Initialize the server server_sock = server.init_server() set_globvar(server_sock.getsockname()) st = server.server_thread(s_name, server_sock, CreateServer.local_world) st.start() # Start the server thread THREADS.append(st) # Initialize the broadcaster bc_sock = server.init_broadcaster() # Start broadcasting thread bt = server.announce_bc_thread(bc_sock, BROADCASTING_PORT, s_name, CreateServer.local_world) bt.start() THREADS.append(bt)
class Example(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Append Data") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) labelfont20 = ('Roboto', 15, 'bold') labelfont10 = ('Roboto', 10, 'bold') labelfont8 = ('Roboto', 8, 'bold') frame0 = Frame(self) frame0.pack() lbl0 = Label(frame0, text="Hi Nakul") lbl0.config(font=labelfont20) lbl0.pack(padx=5, pady=5) lbl00 = Label(frame0, text="Fill the data here") lbl00.config(font=labelfont10) lbl00.pack(padx=5, pady=5) #################################### frame1 = Frame(self) frame1.pack(), y=100) lbl1 = Label(frame1, text="Name", width=15) lbl1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry1 = Entry(frame1, width=20) self.entry1.pack(padx=5, expand=True) #################################### frame2 = Frame(self) frame2.pack(), y=130) lbl2 = Label(frame2, text="F Name", width=15) lbl2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry2 = Entry(frame2) self.entry2.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ###################################### frame3 = Frame(self) frame3.pack(), y=160) lbl3 = Label(frame3, text="DOB(D/M/Y)", width=15) lbl3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry3 = Entry(frame3) self.entry3.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ####################################### frame4 = Frame(self) frame4.pack(), y=190) lbl4 = Label(frame4, text="Medium(H/E)", width=15) lbl4.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry4 = Entry(frame4) self.entry4.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ########################################## frame5 = Frame(self) frame5.pack(), y=225) MODES = [ ("M", "Male"), ("F", "Female"), ] lbl5 = Label(frame5, text="Gender", width=15) lbl5.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) global v v = StringVar() v.set("Male") # initialize for text, mode in MODES: b = Radiobutton(frame5, text=text, variable=v, value=mode) b.pack(side=LEFT, padx=10) ############################################ #####printing line lbl5a = Label( text="___________________________________________________") lbl5a.pack(), y=255) ############################################ frame6 = Frame(self) frame6.pack(), y=290) lbl6 = Label(frame6, text="Phone No:", width=15) lbl6.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry6 = Entry(frame6) self.entry6.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ################################################ frame7 = Frame(self) frame7.pack(), y=320) lbl7 = Label(frame7, text="Landline No:", width=15) lbl7.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry7 = Entry(frame7) self.entry7.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ############################################### frame8 = Frame(self) frame8.pack(), y=350) lbl8 = Label(frame8, text="Email:", width=15) lbl8.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry8 = Entry(frame8) self.entry8.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ############################################# frame9 = Frame(self) frame9.pack(), y=380) lbl9 = Label(frame9, text="HomeTown:", width=15) lbl9.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry9 = Entry(frame9) self.entry9.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ############################################### frame10 = Frame(self) frame10.pack(), y=415) lbl10 = Label(frame10, text="Address:") lbl10.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.entry10 = Text(frame10, height=5, width=28) self.entry10.pack(padx=5, expand=True) ############################################## ############################################# frame11 = Frame(self) frame11.pack(), y=100) lbl11x = Label(frame11, text="_______Class 10th Data_______") lbl11x.pack(padx=0, pady=0) lbl11 = Label(text="%", width=15) lbl11.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, pady=0), y=130) self.entry11 = Entry(width=12) self.entry11.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=130) lbl11a = Label(text="Passing Year", width=15) lbl11a.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=160) self.entry11a = Entry(width=12) self.entry11a.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=160) lbl11b = Label(text="Board Name", width=15) lbl11b.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=190) self.entry11b = Entry(width=12) self.entry11b.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=190) #################################################### frame12 = Frame(self) frame12.pack(), y=100) lbl12x = Label(frame12, text="_______Class 12th Data_______") lbl12x.pack(padx=0, pady=0) lbl12 = Label(text="%", width=15) lbl12.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, pady=0), y=130) self.entry12 = Entry(width=12) self.entry12.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=130) lbl12a = Label(text="Passing Year", width=15) lbl12a.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=160) self.entry12a = Entry(width=12) self.entry12a.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=160) lbl12b = Label(text="Board Name", width=15) lbl12b.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=190) self.entry12b = Entry(width=12) self.entry12b.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=190) ##################################################### frame13 = Frame(self) frame13.pack(), y=100) lbl13x = Label(frame13, text="________B.Tech Data_________") lbl13x.pack(padx=0, pady=0) lbl13 = Label(text="%", width=15) lbl13.pack(side=LEFT, padx=0, pady=0), y=130) self.entry13 = Entry(width=12) self.entry13.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=130) lbl13a = Label(text="Passing Year", width=15) lbl13a.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=160) self.entry13a = Entry(width=12) self.entry13a.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=160) lbl13b = Label(text="College", width=15) lbl13b.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=190) self.entry13b = Entry(width=12) self.entry13b.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=190) #################################################### frame14 = Frame(self) frame14.pack(), y=255) lbl14 = Label(frame14, text="Any Other Info:") lbl14.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.entry14 = Text(frame14, height=5, width=28) self.entry14.pack(padx=5, expand=True) frame15 = Frame(self) frame15.pack(), y=290) openButton = Button(frame15, text="Attatch Resume", width=15, command=self.openResume) openButton.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.entry15 = Entry(frame15) self.entry15.pack(fill=X, padx=4, expand=True) ############################################################# frame16 = Frame(self) frame16.pack(), y=500) closeButton = Button(frame16, text="SUBMIT", width=35, command=self.getDatax) closeButton.pack(padx=5, pady=5) ####################################### framexxx = Frame(self) framexxx.pack(), y=600) = Label(framexxx, text="Recent Changes Will Appear Here") ####################################### frame000 = Frame(self) frame000.pack(), y=600) self.lbl000 = Label(frame000, text="Beta/Sample2.0 | (c) Nakul Rathore") self.lbl000.config(font=labelfont8) self.lbl000.pack(padx=5, pady=5) def openResume(self): ftypes = [('All files', '*')] dlg = tkFileDialog.Open(self, filetypes=ftypes, initialdir='C:/Users/') global x15 fl = #file name x15 = fl temp1 = os.path.basename(fl) global temp2 temp2 = os.path.splitext(temp1)[0] self.entry15.delete(0, 'end') self.entry15.insert(0, temp2) ##################### def getDatax(self): x1 = self.entry1.get() x2 = self.entry2.get() x3 = self.entry3.get() x4 = self.entry4.get() x5 = v.get() x6 = int(self.entry6.get()) x7 = int(self.entry7.get()) x8 = self.entry8.get() x9 = self.entry9.get() x10 = self.entry10.get('1.0', 'end') x11 = int(self.entry11.get()) x11a = int(self.entry11a.get()) x11b = self.entry11b.get() x12 = int(self.entry12.get()) x12a = int(self.entry12a.get()) x12b = self.entry12b.get() x13 = int(self.entry13.get()) x13a = int(self.entry13a.get()) x13b = self.entry13b.get() x14 = self.entry14.get('1.0', 'end') list1 = [ x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x11a, x11b, x12, x12a, x12b, x13, x13a, x13b, x14, "=HYPERLINK(" + "\"" + x15 + "\"" + "," + "\"" + temp2 + "\"" + ")" ] wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('..\database\database.xlsx') ws = print(wb.get_sheet_names()) max_row = ws.get_highest_row() #max_col = ws.get_highest_column() max_col = 21 print max_row for i in xrange(1, max_col + 1): #print list1[i] ws.cell(row=max_row + 1, column=i).value = list1[i - 1] ws.cell(row=max_row + 1, column=max_col).font = Font(color="0000FF", underline='single') ws.cell(row=max_row + 1, column=max_col).alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')'..\database\database.xlsx') self.entry1.delete(0, 'end') self.entry2.delete(0, 'end') self.entry3.delete(0, 'end') self.entry4.delete(0, 'end') self.entry6.delete(0, 'end') self.entry7.delete(0, 'end') self.entry8.delete(0, 'end') self.entry9.delete(0, 'end') self.entry10.delete('1.0', '2.0') self.entry11.delete(0, 'end') self.entry11a.delete(0, 'end') self.entry11b.delete(0, 'end') self.entry12.delete(0, 'end') self.entry12a.delete(0, 'end') self.entry12b.delete(0, 'end') self.entry13.delete(0, 'end') self.entry13a.delete(0, 'end') self.entry13b.delete(0, 'end') self.entry14.delete('1.0', '2.0')"Recent Changes Made For : " + x1)
class IniGenGui(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUIGlobals() def initUIGlobals(self): self.parent.title("Ini Generator") Style().configure("TButton", padding=(0, 0, 0, 0), font='serif 10') f1 = Frame(self) f1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, sticky=N + S + E + W) f11 = LabelFrame(f1, text="Algorithms to Run") f11.grid(row=0, column=0) row = 0 self.check_algs_value_list = [] self.check_algs_map = {} for alg in algorithms: if alg == 'clean': continue check_alg_value = IntVar() check_alg = Checkbutton(f11, text=alg, variable=check_alg_value, justify=LEFT, width=25) check_alg.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.check_algs_value_list.append(check_alg_value) self.check_algs_map[alg] = check_alg_value row += 1 f111 = Frame(f11) f111.grid(row=row, column=0) button_checkall = Button(f111, text="All", command=self.checkall) button_checkall.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + E) button_uncheckall = Button(f111, text="None", command=self.uncheckall) button_uncheckall.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) row = 0 f12 = Frame(f1) f12.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20, sticky=S + W + E) f121 = LabelFrame(f12, text='Location of uPMU') f121.grid(row=0, column=0) self.radio_loc_string = StringVar() locations.append('Other Location') for loc in locations: radio_loc = Radiobutton(f121, text=loc, variable=self.radio_loc_string, value=loc, command=self.set_loc, justify=LEFT, width=25) radio_loc.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=W + E) row += 1 self.entry_otherloc = Entry(f121) f2 = Frame(self) f2.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, sticky=N + S + E + W) f21 = LabelFrame(f2, text='Name of uPMU (raw)') f21.grid(row=0) row = 0 f211 = Frame(f21) f211.grid(row=row) row += 1 self.entry_namesearch = Entry(f211) self.entry_namesearch.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E + W) button_namesearch = Button(f211, text="Search", command=self.namesearch) button_namesearch.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) self.lstbx_namelist = Listbox(f21) self.lstbx_namelist.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.namelist_select) self.lstbx_namelist.grid(row=row, sticky=W + E) row += 1 f212 = Frame(f21) f212.grid(row=row) row += 1 label_nameselected = Label(f212, text="Selected:") label_nameselected.grid(row=0, column=0) self.entry_nameselected = Entry(f212, state=DISABLED) self.entry_nameselected.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) f22 = LabelFrame(f2, text="Name of uPMU (abbr)") f22.grid(row=1, sticky=W + E, pady=10) self.entry_name = Entry(f22, width=30) self.entry_name.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E + W) f23 = LabelFrame(f2, text="Name of Reference uPMU (clean)") f23.grid(row=2, pady=10) row = 0 f231 = Frame(f23) f231.grid(row=row) row += 1 self.entry_refnamesearch = Entry(f231) self.entry_refnamesearch.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E + W) button_refnamesearch = Button(f231, text="Search", command=self.refnamesearch) button_refnamesearch.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) self.lstbx_refnamelist = Listbox(f23) self.lstbx_refnamelist.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.refnamelist_select) self.lstbx_refnamelist.grid(row=row, sticky=W + E) row += 1 f232 = Frame(f23) f232.grid(row=row) row += 1 label_refnameselected = Label(f232, text="Selected:") label_refnameselected.grid(row=0, column=0) self.entry_refnameselected = Entry(f232, state=DISABLED) self.entry_refnameselected.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) button_gen = Button(self, text="Generate Files", command=self.generate_files) button_gen.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W + E) self.pack() def generate_files(self): algs = [] for alg in self.check_algs_map: if self.check_algs_map[alg].get() == 1: algs.append(alg) if self.radio_loc_string.get() == "Other Location": location = self.entry_otherloc.get() else: location = self.radio_loc_string.get() name_raw = self.entry_nameselected.get() name = self.entry_name.get() ref_name = self.entry_refnameselected.get() uuid_map = self.get_uuid_map(name_raw) reference_uuid_map = self.get_ref_uuid_map(ref_name) IniGenAutomation(location, name_raw, name, uuid_map, ref_name, reference_uuid_map, algs) def namesearch(self): searchterm = self.entry_namesearch.get() if searchterm.contains("/"): loc = searchterm.split('/') searchphrase = '/upmu/%{0}%/%{1}%/%'.format(loc[0], loc[1]) else: searchphrase = '/upmu/%{0}%/%'.format(searchterm) search_results =, searchphrase) self.lstbx_namelist.delete(0, END) if len(search_results) == 0: tkMessageBox.showwarning( 'Search Error', 'No matches from search for \'{0}\''.format(searchterm)) else: for result in search_results: self.lstbx_namelist.insert(END, result) def refnamesearch(self): searchterm = self.entry_refnamesearch.get() searchphrase = '/Clean/%{0}%/%'.format(searchterm) search_results =, searchphrase) self.lstbx_refnamelist.delete(0, END) if len(search_results) == 0: tkMessageBox.showwarning( 'Search Error', 'No matches from search for \'{0}\''.format(searchterm)) else: for result in search_results: self.lstbx_refnamelist.insert(END, result) def search(self, searchterm, searchphrase): connection = _mysql.connect(host="", port=3306, user="******", passwd="moresecuredataftw", db='upmu') connection.query( "SELECT * FROM uuidpathmap WHERE path LIKE '{0}'".format( searchphrase)) results = connection.store_result() queried_data = {} result = results.fetch_row() while result != tuple(): queried_data[result[0][0]] = result[0][1] result = results.fetch_row() search_results = set() for path in queried_data: dirs = path.split('/') if searchterm in dirs[2]: search_results.add(dirs[2]) return search_results def set_loc(self): if self.radio_loc_string.get() == "Other Location": self.entry_otherloc.grid(sticky=W + E) else: self.entry_otherloc.grid_forget() def checkall(self): for check in self.check_algs_value_list: check.set(1) def uncheckall(self): for check in self.check_algs_value_list: check.set(0) def namelist_select(self, event): selected_index = self.lstbx_namelist.curselection() selected = self.lstbx_namelist.get(selected_index) self.entry_nameselected.configure(state=NORMAL) self.entry_nameselected.delete(0, END) self.entry_nameselected.insert(0, selected) self.entry_nameselected.configure(state=DISABLED) def refnamelist_select(self, event): selected_index = self.lstbx_refnamelist.curselection() selected = self.lstbx_refnamelist.get(selected_index) self.entry_refnameselected.configure(state=NORMAL) self.entry_refnameselected.delete(0, END) self.entry_refnameselected.insert(0, selected) self.entry_refnameselected.configure(state=DISABLED) def get_uuid_map(self, name): uuid_map = {} connection = _mysql.connect(host="", port=3306, user="******", passwd="moresecuredataftw", db='upmu') connection.query( "SELECT * FROM uuidpathmap WHERE path LIKE '/upmu/{0}/%'".format( name)) results = connection.store_result() result = results.fetch_row() while result != tuple(): path = result[0][0].split('/') uuid_map[path[-1]] = result[0][1] result = results.fetch_row() return uuid_map def get_ref_uuid_map(self, name): uuid_map = {} connection = _mysql.connect(host="", port=3306, user="******", passwd="moresecuredataftw", db='upmu') connection.query( "SELECT * FROM uuidpathmap WHERE path LIKE '/Clean/{0}/%'".format( name)) results = connection.store_result() result = results.fetch_row() while result != tuple(): path = result[0][0].split('/') uuid_map[path[-2]] = result[0][1] result = results.fetch_row() return uuid_map
class Window(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, window_type): Frame.__init__(self, parent, msg=None) self.parent = parent if window_type == "main": self.initUI_main() if window_type == "err": self.initUI_err() def initUI_main(self): self.parent.title("Personal Helper") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(7, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(5, pad=10) self.columnconfigure(3, pad=10) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=3) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=0) self.rowconfigure(5, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(5, pad=7) self.rowconfigure(6, pad=6) lbl = Label(self, text="Windows") lbl.grid(sticky=W + N, pady=4, padx=5) check_box = {"work": IntVar(), "boost": IntVar()} check1 = Checkbutton(self, text="work-Mode", variable=check_box["work"]) check1.grid(row=7, column=0) check2 = Checkbutton(self, text="boost games", variable=check_box["boost"]) check2.grid(row=7, column=1) ### old version, may be used again later area = Treeview(self) area['show'] = 'headings' area["columns"] = ("one", "two", "three", "four") area.column("one", width=10) area.column("two", width=10) area.column("three", width=10) area.column("four", width=10) area.heading("one", text="process name") area.heading("two", text="Priority") area.heading("three", text="PID") area.heading("four", text="Usage") ###about this part #area.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=4, padx=5, sticky=E + W + S + N) ####### #comboboxes and relevant buttons self.block_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand=self.update_blocked) self.block_drop['values'] = working_bans self.block_drop.current(0) self.block_drop.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=1) self.entry = Entry(self) self.entry.insert(0, "enter to block") self.entry.grid(row=1, column=4) block_btn_remv = Button(self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list( working_bans, self.block_drop.get())) block_btn_remv.grid(row=1, column=2) block_btn_add = Button( self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_to_list(working_bans, self.entry.get(), self. entry, defults["block"])) block_btn_add.grid(row=1, column=3) ############ #boosted combo self.boost_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand=self.update_boosted) self.boost_drop['values'] = boosted self.boost_drop.current(0) self.boost_drop.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=1) self.entry2 = Entry(self) self.entry2.insert(0, "enter to buff priority") self.entry2.grid(row=2, column=4, pady=4) boost_btn_remv = Button( self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list(boosted, self.boost_drop.get())) boost_btn_remv.grid(row=2, column=2) boost_btn_add = Button( self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_to_list(boosted, self.entry2.get(), self. entry2, defults["boost"])) boost_btn_add.grid(row=2, column=3) ######################################### #degraded combo self.deg_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand=self.update_degraded) self.deg_drop['values'] = degraded self.deg_drop.current(0) self.deg_drop.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=1) self.entry3 = Entry(self) self.entry3.insert(0, "enter to lower priority") self.entry3.grid(row=3, column=4, pady=4) deg_btn_remv = Button( self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list(degraded, self.deg_drop.get())) deg_btn_remv.grid(row=3, column=2) deg_btn_add = Button( self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_to_list(degraded, self.entry3.get(), self. entry3, defults["degrade"])) deg_btn_add.grid(row=3, column=3) #### #music combo self.music_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand=self.update_music) self.music_drop['values'] = music_list.keys() self.music_drop.current(0) self.music_drop.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=1) self.entry4 = Entry(self) self.entry4.insert(0, "enter url") self.entry4.grid(row=4, column=5) self.entry5 = Entry(self) self.entry5.insert(0, "enter song's name") self.entry5.grid(row=4, column=4) music_btn_remv = Button(self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list( music_list, self.music_drop.get())) music_btn_remv.grid(row=4, column=2) music_btn_add = Button( self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_music(music_list, self.entry5.get( ), self.entry4.get(), self.entry5, defults["music"])) music_btn_add.grid(row=4, column=3) abtn = Button(self, text="Activate", command=scan_computer_programs) abtn.grid(row=1, column=5, sticky=E) sbtn = Button(self, text="Stop", command=lambda: stop_running()) sbtn.grid(row=2, column=5, pady=6, sticky=E) cbtn = Button(self, text="Close", command=quit) cbtn.grid(row=3, column=5, pady=4, sticky=E) hbtn = Button(self, text="Save", command=save_lists) hbtn.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W) tsbtn = Button(self, text="TaskManager", command=lambda: os.system("TaskManager\")) tsbtn.grid(row=3, column=5, sticky=E) obtn = Button( self, text="start", command=lambda: call_running(area, threads["procs"], check_box)) obtn.grid(row=6, column=5, sticky=E) def initUI_err(self): self.parent.title("Personal Helper") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) def update_boosted(self): self.boost_drop['values'] = boosted try: self.boost_drop.current(0) except: self.boost_drop.set("empty") def update_blocked(self): self.block_drop['values'] = working_bans try: self.block_drop.current(0) except: self.block_drop.set("empty") def update_degraded(self): self.deg_drop['values'] = degraded try: self.block_drop.current(0) except: self.block_drop.set("empty") def update_music(self): self.music_drop['values'] = music_list.keys() try: self.block_drop.current(0) except: self.block_drop.set("empty")
class CHEWD(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() self.selection = "" self.pdb = "" def initUI(self): self.parent.title("CHemical Energy Wise Decomposition") frame4 = Frame(self.parent) frame4.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") self.wat = IntVar() self.wat.set(1) self.waterswap = Checkbutton(frame4, text="Water Swap", command=self.optionws, variable=self.wat) self.waterswap.grid(row=0, column=0) self.lig = IntVar() self.lig.set(0) self.ligandswap = Checkbutton(frame4, text="Ligand Swap", command=self.optionls, variable=self.lig) self.ligandswap.grid(row=0, column=1) = IntVar() self.mmpbsa = Checkbutton(frame4, text="MMPBSA", command=self.optionmm, self.mmpbsa.grid(row=0, column=2) frame1 = Frame(self.parent) frame1.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="nsew") lbl1 = Label(frame1, text="Log file folder", width=12) lbl1.grid(row=0, column=0) self.entry1 = Entry(frame1) self.entry1.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) self.browserButton = Button(frame1, text="Browser", command=self.onOpen) self.browserButton.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky="e") lbl2 = Label(frame1, text="MMPBSA log file", width=12) lbl2.grid(row=1, column=0) self.entry2 = Entry(frame1, state=DISABLED) self.entry2.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) self.browserButtonMM = Button(frame1, text="Browser", command=self.onOpenMM, state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.grid(row=1, column=5, sticky="e") lbl3 = Label(frame1, text="MMPBSA PDB file", width=12) lbl3.grid(row=2, column=0) self.entry3 = Entry(frame1, state=DISABLED) self.entry3.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) self.browserButtonPDB = Button(frame1, text="Browser", command=self.onOpenPDB, state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.grid(row=2, column=5, sticky="e") lbl4 = Label(frame1, text="Ligand Name", width=12) lbl4.grid(row=3, column=0) self.entry4 = Entry(frame1) self.entry4.grid(row=3, column=1) self.lblswap = Label(frame1, text="Swap Ligand", width=12, state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.grid(row=3, column=2) self.swapentry = Entry(frame1, state=DISABLED) self.swapentry.grid(row=3, column=3) self.l1v = IntVar() self.l1v.set(1) self.lig1ck = Checkbutton(frame1, text="Ligand 1", command=self.changelig1, state=DISABLED, variable=self.l1v) self.lig1ck.grid(row=4, column=0) self.l2v = IntVar() self.l2v.set(0) self.lig2ck = Checkbutton(frame1, text="Ligand 2", command=self.changelig2, state=DISABLED, variable=self.l2v) self.lig2ck.grid(row=4, column=2) lbl5 = Label(frame1, text="Display Radius", width=12) lbl5.grid(row=5, column=0) self.entry5 = Entry(frame1) self.entry5.grid(row=5, column=1) self.entry5.insert(0, "5.0") = IntVar() self.surface = Checkbutton(frame1, text="View Surface", command=self.viewsurface, self.surface.grid(row=5, column=2) self.vl = IntVar() self.vl.set(1) self.label = Checkbutton(frame1, text="View Label", command=self.viewlabel, variable=self.vl) self.label.grid(row=5, column=3) lbl6 = Label(frame1, text="Min Value", width=12) lbl6.grid(row=6, column=0) self.entry6 = Entry(frame1) self.entry6.grid(row=6, column=1) self.entry6.insert(0, "-5") lbl7 = Label(frame1, text="Max Value", width=12) lbl7.grid(row=6, column=2) self.entry7 = Entry(frame1) self.entry7.grid(row=6, column=3) self.entry7.insert(0, "+5") lbl8 = Label(frame1, text="Starting log file", width=12) lbl8.grid(row=7, column=0) self.entry8 = Entry(frame1) self.entry8.grid(row=7, column=1) self.entry8.insert(0, "400") lbl9 = Label(frame1, text="Ending log file", width=12) lbl9.grid(row=7, column=2) self.entry9 = Entry(frame1) self.entry9.grid(row=7, column=3) self.entry9.insert(0, "1000") frame2 = Frame(self.parent) frame2.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="nsew") self.vsb = Scrollbar(frame2, orient="vertical", command=self.OnVsb) self.vsb.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="ns") self.lb1 = Listbox(frame2, yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.lb1.grid(row=1, column=0) self.lb2 = Listbox(frame2, yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.lb2.grid(row=1, column=1) self.lb3 = Listbox(frame2, yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.lb3.grid(row=1, column=2) self.b1 = Button(frame2, text="Residue Number", state=DISABLED, command=lambda: self.sortdata(0)) self.b1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.b2 = Button(frame2, text="Residue Name", state=DISABLED, command=lambda: self.sortdata(1)) self.b2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) self.b3 = Button(frame2, text="Energy Value", state=DISABLED, command=lambda: self.sortdata(2)) self.b3.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W + E) OS = platform.system() if (OS == "Linux"): self.lb1.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb1.bind("<4>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb1.bind("<5>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb2.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb2.bind("<4>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb2.bind("<5>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb3.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb3.bind("<4>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb3.bind("<5>", self.OnMouseWheel) else: self.lb1.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb1.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb2.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb2.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb3.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb3.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.OnMouseWheel) frame3 = Frame(self.parent) frame3.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="nsew") self.previous = Button(frame3, text="Previous Frame", state=DISABLED, command=self.prevframe) self.previous.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.scale = Scale(frame3, command=self.onScale, state=DISABLED, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=320, showvalue=0) self.scale.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) = Button(frame3, text="Next Frame", state=DISABLED, command=self.nextframe), column=2, sticky=W + E) self.var = IntVar() v = 000 self.var.set(v) self.label = Label(frame3, text=0, textvariable=self.var) self.label.grid(row=0, column=3) self.ApplyButton = Button(frame3, text="Apply", command=self.Apply) self.ApplyButton.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="e") ToolTip(lbl1, "Load the result directory of Sire Analysis") ToolTip(self.browserButton, "Load the result directory of Sire Analysis") ToolTip(lbl4, "Enter the name of the Ligand in your coordinate file") ToolTip( lbl5, "The radially distributed zone around ligand you want to be displayed" ) ToolTip( lbl6, "Minimum scale value for the color distribution and it will be treated as blue" ) ToolTip( lbl7, "Maximum scale value for the color distribution and it will be treated as red" ) def wsvisualizer(self, index, lig, zone, min, max, label): cmd.hide("all") x = cmd.get_names("all")"cartoon", "bo. " + x[index])"sticks", x[index] + " and r. " + lig) cmd.color("white", x[index] + " and pol.") fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "r") #tt=0 stored.bfact = [] for line in fp: stored.bfact.append(line) #print(stored.bfact[tt]+"\t"+line+"\t"+str(tt)) #tt=tt+1 #print(tt) fp.close() cmd.alter(x[index], "b=stored.bfact.pop(0)") cmd.spectrum("b", "blue_white_red", x[index], minimum=min, maximum=max) cmd.ramp_new("ramp_obj", x[index], range=[min, 0, max], color="[blue, white, red ]") cmd.util.cbaw(x[index] + " and r. " + lig) "licorice", "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + zone + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) ") self.togglelabelws(label, index, lig, zone) def lsvisualizer(self, index, lig, zone, min, max, hlig, label): cmd.hide("all") x = cmd.get_names("all")"cartoon", "bo. " + x[index])"sticks", x[index] + " and r. " + lig) cmd.color("white", x[index] + " and pol.") fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "r") stored.bfact = [] for line in fp: stored.bfact.append(line) fp.close() cmd.alter(x[index], "b=stored.bfact.pop(0)") cmd.spectrum("b", "blue_white_red", x[index], minimum=min, maximum=max) cmd.ramp_new("ramp_obj", x[index], range=[min, 0, max], color="[blue, white, red ]") cmd.util.cbaw(x[index] + " and r. " + lig) "licorice", "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + zone + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) ") cmd.hide("licorice", x[index] + " and r. " + hlig) self.togglelabells(label, index, lig, zone, hlig) def wsupdateview(self, lig, zone, min, max, prev, index, label): cmd.hide("all") x = cmd.get_names("all") cmd.label( "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + prev + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) " + " and name CA", "\" \"")"cartoon", "bo. " + x[index])"sticks", x[index] + " and r. " + lig) cmd.color("white", x[index] + " and pol.") fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "r") #tt=0 stored.bfact = [] for line in fp: stored.bfact.append(line) #print(stored.bfact[tt]+"\t"+line+"\t"+str(tt)) #tt=tt+1 #print(tt) fp.close() cmd.alter(x[index], "b=stored.bfact.pop(0)") cmd.spectrum("b", "blue_white_red", x[index], minimum=min, maximum=max) cmd.ramp_new("ramp_obj", x[index], range=[min, 0, max], color="[blue, white, red ]") cmd.util.cbaw(x[index] + " and r. " + lig) "licorice", "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + zone + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) ") self.togglelabelws(label, index, lig, zone) def lsupdateview(self, lig, zone, min, max, prev, index, hlig, label): cmd.hide("all") x = cmd.get_names("all") cmd.label( "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + prev + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) " + " and name CA", "\" \"")"cartoon", "bo. " + x[index])"sticks", x[index] + " and r. " + lig) cmd.color("white", x[index] + " and pol.") fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "r") stored.bfact = [] for line in fp: stored.bfact.append(line) fp.close() cmd.alter(x[index], "b=stored.bfact.pop(0)") cmd.spectrum("b", "blue_white_red", x[index], minimum=min, maximum=max) cmd.ramp_new("ramp_obj", x[index], range=[min, 0, max], color="[blue, white, red ]") cmd.util.cbaw(x[index] + " and r. " + lig) "licorice", "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + zone + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) ") cmd.hide("licorice", x[index] + " and r. " + hlig) self.togglelabells(label, index, lig, zone, hlig) def wsloadallpdb(self, pdblist, path): for x in pdblist: cmd.load(path + "/" + x) #print(path +"/"+ x) cmd.hide("all") def mmloadpdb(self, path): cmd.load(path) def togglesurface(self, sur): x = cmd.get_names("all") if (sur):"surf", x[int(self.scale.get())]) cmd.set("transparency", "0.7") else: cmd.hide("surf", x[int(self.scale.get())]) def wslistdisplay(self, prev, cur, index): x = cmd.get_names("all") cmd.hide("sticks", x[index] + " and i. " + prev) cmd.label(x[index] + " and i. " + prev + " and name CA", "\" \"")"sticks", x[index] + " and i. " + cur) cmd.label(x[index] + " and i. " + cur + " and name CA", "\"%s %s\"%(resn,resi)") def togglelabelws(self, label, index, lig, zone): global prevz x = cmd.get_names("all") if (label): cmd.label( "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + zone + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) " + " and name CA", "\"%s %s\"%(resn,resi)") prevz = self.entry5.get() else: cmd.label( "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + prevz + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) " + " and name CA", "\" \"") def togglelabells(self, label, index, lig, zone, hlig): global prevz x = cmd.get_names("all") if (label): cmd.label( "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + zone + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) " + " and name CA", "\"%s %s\"%(resn,resi)") cmd.label(x[index] + " and r. " + hlig + " and name CA", "\" \"") prevz = self.entry5.get() else: cmd.label( "( " + x[index] + " and (r. " + lig + " a. " + prevz + ") ) and (not (" + x[index] + " and (r. SWT or r. BWT or r. SWP))) " + " and name CA", "\" \"") def viewlabel(self): if (load > 0): if (self.wat.get() == 1): self.togglelabelws(self.vl.get(), int(self.scale.get()), self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() self.togglelabells(self.vl.get(), int(self.scale.get()), vl, self.entry5.get(), hl) elif ( == 1): self.togglelabelws(self.vl.get(), 0, self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get()) def viewsurface(self): ## if (load > 0): self.togglesurface( def optionws(self): if (self.wat.get() == 1): self.lig.set(0) self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.swapentry.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig1ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig2ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) else: self.wat.set(0) self.lig.set(1) self.swapentry.config(state="normal") self.lig1ck.config(state="normal") self.lig2ck.config(state="normal") self.lblswap.config(state="normal") self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) def optionls(self): if (self.lig.get() == 1): self.wat.set(0) self.swapentry.config(state="normal") self.lig1ck.config(state="normal") self.lig2ck.config(state="normal") self.lblswap.config(state="normal") self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) else: self.lig.set(0) self.wat.set(1) self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.swapentry.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig1ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig2ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) def optionmm(self): if ( == 1): self.lig.set(0) self.wat.set(0) self.swapentry.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig1ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig2ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry8.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry9.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry1.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButton.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry2.config(state="normal") self.entry3.config(state="normal") self.browserButtonMM.config(state="normal") self.browserButtonPDB.config(state="normal") else: self.wat.set(1) self.lig.set(0) self.entry8.config(state="normal") self.entry9.config(state="normal") self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) def changelig1(self): ## if (self.l1v.get() == 1): self.l2v.set(0) else: self.l2v.set(1) if (load > 0): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() self.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, int(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) def changelig2(self): ## if (self.l2v.get() == 1): self.l1v.set(0) else: self.l1v.set(1) if (load > 0): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() self.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, int(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) def loadmmpbsaresults(self): fp = open(self.entry3.get(), "r") e = 0 atomcount = 0 resnew = 0 rescount = 0 resnum = list() residuename = list() resv = list() atomnum = list() atomnums = list() score = list() r = "" rn = "" for line in fp: if e == 2: atomnum.append(atomnums) break t = line.split() if line.find('TER') != -1: e = e + 1 if line.find('ATOM') != -1: if (resnew == 0): r = t[4] rn = t[3] resnew = 1 resnum.append(r) residuename.append(rn) score.append(0) elif (r != t[4]): r = t[4] rn = t[3] atomnum.append(atomnums) resnum.append(r) residuename.append(rn) score.append(0) atomnums = list() atomnums.append(atomcount) atomcount = atomcount + 1 fp.close() ll = len(score) print(ll) resv = list() fp = open(self.entry2.get(), "r") for line in fp: t = line.split(',') t2 = t[0].split() if (len(t) == 20 and len(t2) == 2 and t2[0] != "LIG"): for xx in range(ll): if (int(resnum[xx]) == int(t2[1])): #print(str(ll)+"\t"+str(len(t))) score[xx] = float(t[17]) matchObj = re.match(r'Sidechain Energy Decomposition:', line, re.M | re.I) if matchObj: break fp.close() x = len(score) data = list() for i in range(x): data.append([resnum[i], score[i], residuename[i], atomnum[i]]) data.sort(key=lambda s: (int(s[0]))) scores = list() for i in range(len(data)): for j in range(len(data[i][3])): scores.append("{0:.3f}".format(data[i][1])) fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "w") xs = len(scores) for i in range(xs): fp.write(str(scores[i]) + "\n") fp.close() self.lb1.delete(0, END) self.lb2.delete(0, END) self.lb3.delete(0, END) for i in range(x): self.lb1.insert(END, data[i][0]) self.lb2.insert(END, data[i][2]) self.lb3.insert(END, round(data[i][1], 3)) self.b1.config(state="normal") self.b2.config(state="normal") self.b3.config(state="normal") def changestate(self): ## fp = open(self.entry1.get() + "/bound_mobile_000100_0.00500.pdb") lend = 0 if (self.wat.get() == 1): lend = 2 elif (self.lig.get() == 1): lend = 4 e = 0 atomcount = 0 resnew = 0 rescount = 0 resnum = list() residuename = list() resv = list() atomnum = list() atomnums = list() score = list() r = "" rn = "" for line in fp: if e == lend: atomnum.append(atomnums) break t = line.split() if line.find('TER') != -1: e = e + 1 if line.find('ATOM') != -1: if (resnew == 0): r = t[4] rn = t[3] resnew = 1 resnum.append(r) residuename.append(rn) score.append(0) elif (r != t[4]): r = t[4] rn = t[3] atomnum.append(atomnums) resnum.append(r) residuename.append(rn) score.append(0) atomnums = list() atomnums.append(atomcount) atomcount = atomcount + 1 fp.close() x = list() tempx = list() ll = len(score) base = os.listdir(self.entry1.get()) for a in base: if a.endswith(".log"): tempx.append(a) tempx.sort() tlen = len(tempx) ia = int(self.entry8.get()) while (ia <= int(self.entry9.get()) and ia < tlen): x.append(tempx[ia]) ia += 1 c = 0 i = 0 for fn in x: fp = open(self.entry1.get() + "/" + fn, "r") if (c == 0): for line in fp: t = line.split() if (len(t) == 8): if (t[0] == "Residue("): for xx in range(ll): if (int(resnum[xx]) == int(t[3])): score[xx] = float(t[5]) if (line == "PROTEIN BOX WATER FREE ENERGY COMPONENTS\n"): c = c + 1 i = 0 break else: for line in fp: t = line.split() if (len(t) == 8): if (t[0] == "Residue("): for xx in range(ll): if (int(t[3]) == int(resnum[xx])): score[xx] = score[xx] + float(t[5]) i = i + 1 if (line == "PROTEIN BOX WATER FREE ENERGY COMPONENTS\n"): c = c + 1 i = 0 break fp.close() x = len(score) data = list() for i in range(x): data.append([resnum[i], score[i], residuename[i], atomnum[i]]) data.sort(key=lambda s: (int(s[0]))) for i in range(x): data[i][1] = data[i][1] / c scores = list() for i in range(len(data)): for j in range(len(data[i][3])): scores.append("{0:.3f}".format(data[i][1])) self.lb1.delete(0, END) self.lb2.delete(0, END) self.lb3.delete(0, END) for i in range(x): self.lb1.insert(END, data[i][0]) self.lb2.insert(END, data[i][2]) self.lb3.insert(END, round(data[i][1], 3)) fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "w") lx = len(scores) for i in range(lx): fp.write(str(scores[i]) + "\n") fp.close() self.b1.config(state="normal") self.b2.config(state="normal") self.b3.config(state="normal") def prevframe(self): global prevz, load if (load > 0): self.scale.set(self.scale.get() - 1) def nextframe(self): global prevz, load if (load > 0): self.scale.set(self.scale.get() + 1) def onScale(self, val): global prevz, load if (load > 0): v = self.lig1pdb[int(float(val))][14:19] self.var.set(v) if (self.scale.get() == 0): self.previous.config(state=DISABLED) if (self.scale.get() == len(self.lig1pdb) - 2):"normal") if (self.scale.get() == 1): self.previous.config(state="normal") if (self.scale.get() == len(self.lig1pdb) - 1): if (self.wat.get() == 1): self.wsupdateview(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, int(self.scale.get()), self.vl.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() self.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, int(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) def OnSelect(self, val): global prev sender = val.widget idx = sender.curselection() if (idx != ()): dis = self.lb1.get(idx) if (self.wat.get() == 1 or self.lig.get() == 1): self.wslistdisplay(prev, dis, int(self.scale.get())) elif ( == 1): self.wslistdisplay(prev, dis, 0) prev = dis def sortdata(self, sc): global dr1, dr2, dr3 tableData1 = self.lb1.get(0, END) tableData2 = self.lb2.get(0, END) tableData3 = self.lb3.get(0, END) data = list() nv = len(tableData1) for x in range(nv): data.append([tableData1[x], tableData2[x], tableData3[x]]) if (sc == 0): lab = self.b1.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b1.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b2.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b3.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b1.cget('text') if dr1 == 1: self.b1.config(text='[+] ' + lab) else: self.b1.config(text='[-] ' + lab) data.sort(key=lambda s: (int(s[sc])), reverse=dr1 == 1) dr1 = dr1 * -1 if (sc == 1): lab = self.b1.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b1.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b2.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b3.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if dr2 == 1: self.b2.config(text='[+] ' + lab) else: self.b2.config(text='[-] ' + lab) data.sort(key=lambda s: (s[sc]), reverse=dr2 == 1) dr2 = dr2 * -1 if (sc == 2): lab = self.b1.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b1.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b2.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b3.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if dr3 == 1: self.b3.config(text='[+] ' + lab) else: self.b3.config(text='[-] ' + lab) data.sort(key=lambda s: (float(s[sc])), reverse=dr3 == 1) dr3 = dr3 * -1 nv = len(data) self.lb1.delete(0, 'end') self.lb2.delete(0, 'end') self.lb3.delete(0, 'end') for x in range(nv): self.lb1.insert(END, data[x][0]) self.lb2.insert(END, data[x][1]) self.lb3.insert(END, data[x][2]) def onOpen(self): global load fold = tkFileDialog.askdirectory() self.entry1.delete(0, 'end') self.entry1.insert(0, fold) load = 0 def onOpenMM(self): global load fold = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() self.entry2.delete(0, 'end') self.entry2.insert(0, fold) load = 0 def onOpenPDB(self): global load fold = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() self.entry3.delete(0, 'end') self.entry3.insert(0, fold) load = 0 def OnVsb(self, *args): self.lb1.yview(*args) self.lb2.yview(*args) self.lb3.yview(*args) def OnMouseWheel(self, event): self.lb1.yview("scroll",, "units") self.lb2.yview("scroll",, "units") self.lb3.yview("scroll",, "units") return "break" def Apply(self): global load, prevz if (load == 0): if (self.wat.get() == 1 or self.lig.get() == 1): self.changestate() self.base = os.listdir(self.entry1.get()) pdb1 = list() for a in self.base: matchObj = re.match(r'bound_mobile_\d{6}_0\.\d{5}\.pdb', a, re.M | re.I) if matchObj: pdb1.append(a) self.lig1pdb = list() self.lig2pdb = list() x = pdb1[1][22:27] for a in pdb1: matchObj = re.match(r'bound_mobile_\d{6}_0\.' + x + '.pdb', a, re.M | re.I) if matchObj: self.lig1pdb.append(a) else: self.lig2pdb.append(a) self.lig1pdb.sort() self.lig2pdb.sort() self.scale.configure(from_=0, to=len(self.lig1pdb) - 1) self.scale.config(state="normal") elif ( == 1): self.loadmmpbsaresults() self.mmloadpdb(self.entry3.get()) self.wsvisualizer(0, self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), self.vl.get()) if (self.wat.get() == 1): self.wsloadallpdb(self.lig1pdb, self.entry1.get())"normal") v = self.lig1pdb[0][14:19] self.var.set(v) self.wsvisualizer(int(self.scale.get()), self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), self.vl.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() self.wsloadallpdb(self.lig1pdb, self.entry1.get())"normal") v = self.lig1pdb[0][14:19] self.var.set(v) self.lsvisualizer(int(self.scale.get()), vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), hl, self.vl.get()) load = 1 else: #old code "else:" if (self.wat.get() == 1): self.wsupdateview(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, int(self.scale.get()), self.vl.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() self.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, int(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) elif ( == 1): self.wsupdateview(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, 0, self.vl.get()) prevz = self.entry5.get()
class IniGenGui(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUIGlobals() def initUIGlobals(self): self.parent.title("Ini Generator") Style().configure("TButton", padding=(0, 0, 0, 0), font='serif 10') f1 = Frame(self) f1.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, sticky=N+S+E+W) f11 = LabelFrame(f1, text="Algorithms to Run") f11.grid(row=0, column=0) row = 0 self.check_algs_value_list = [] self.check_algs_map = {} for alg in algorithms: if alg == 'clean': continue check_alg_value = IntVar() check_alg = Checkbutton(f11, text=alg, variable=check_alg_value, justify=LEFT, width=25) check_alg.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=W+E) self.check_algs_value_list.append(check_alg_value) self.check_algs_map[alg] = check_alg_value row += 1 f111 = Frame(f11) f111.grid(row=row, column=0) button_checkall = Button(f111, text="All", command=self.checkall) button_checkall.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W+E) button_uncheckall = Button(f111, text="None", command=self.uncheckall) button_uncheckall.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E) row = 0 f12 = Frame(f1) f12.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=20, sticky=S+W+E) f121 = LabelFrame(f12, text='Location of uPMU') f121.grid(row=0, column=0) self.radio_loc_string = StringVar() locations.append('Other Location') for loc in locations: radio_loc = Radiobutton(f121, text=loc, variable=self.radio_loc_string, value=loc, command=self.set_loc, justify=LEFT, width=25) radio_loc.grid(row=row, column=0, sticky=W+E) row += 1 self.entry_otherloc = Entry(f121) f2 = Frame(self) f2.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=10, sticky=N+S+E+W) f21 = LabelFrame(f2, text='Name of uPMU (raw)') f21.grid(row=0) row = 0 f211 = Frame(f21) f211.grid(row=row) row += 1 self.entry_namesearch = Entry(f211) self.entry_namesearch.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) button_namesearch = Button(f211, text="Search", command=self.namesearch) button_namesearch.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E) self.lstbx_namelist = Listbox(f21) self.lstbx_namelist.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.namelist_select) self.lstbx_namelist.grid(row=row, sticky=W+E) row += 1 f212 = Frame(f21) f212.grid(row=row) row += 1 label_nameselected = Label(f212, text="Selected:") label_nameselected.grid(row=0, column=0) self.entry_nameselected = Entry(f212, state=DISABLED) self.entry_nameselected.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E) f22 = LabelFrame(f2, text="Name of uPMU (abbr)") f22.grid(row=1, sticky=W+E, pady=10) self.entry_name = Entry(f22, width=30) self.entry_name.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) f23 = LabelFrame(f2, text="Name of Reference uPMU (clean)") f23.grid(row=2, pady=10) row = 0 f231 = Frame(f23) f231.grid(row=row) row += 1 self.entry_refnamesearch = Entry(f231) self.entry_refnamesearch.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=E+W) button_refnamesearch = Button(f231, text="Search", command=self.refnamesearch) button_refnamesearch.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E) self.lstbx_refnamelist = Listbox(f23) self.lstbx_refnamelist.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.refnamelist_select) self.lstbx_refnamelist.grid(row=row, sticky=W+E) row += 1 f232 = Frame(f23) f232.grid(row=row) row += 1 label_refnameselected = Label(f232, text="Selected:") label_refnameselected.grid(row=0, column=0) self.entry_refnameselected = Entry(f232, state=DISABLED) self.entry_refnameselected.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W+E) button_gen = Button(self, text="Generate Files", command=self.generate_files) button_gen.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W+E) self.pack() def generate_files(self): algs = [] for alg in self.check_algs_map: if self.check_algs_map[alg].get() == 1: algs.append(alg) if self.radio_loc_string.get() == "Other Location": location = self.entry_otherloc.get() else: location = self.radio_loc_string.get() name_raw = self.entry_nameselected.get() name = self.entry_name.get() ref_name = self.entry_refnameselected.get() uuid_map = self.get_uuid_map(name_raw) reference_uuid_map = self.get_ref_uuid_map(ref_name) IniGenAutomation(location, name_raw, name, uuid_map, ref_name, reference_uuid_map, algs) def namesearch(self): searchterm = self.entry_namesearch.get() searchphrase = '/upmu/%{0}%/%'.format(searchterm) search_results =, searchphrase) self.lstbx_namelist.delete(0, END) if len(search_results) == 0: tkMessageBox.showwarning('Search Error', 'No matches from search for \'{0}\''.format(searchterm)) else: for result in search_results: self.lstbx_namelist.insert(END, result) def refnamesearch(self): searchterm = self.entry_refnamesearch.get() searchphrase = '/Clean/%{0}%/%'.format(searchterm) search_results =, searchphrase, ref=True) self.lstbx_refnamelist.delete(0, END) if len(search_results) == 0: tkMessageBox.showwarning('Search Error', 'No matches from search for \'{0}\''.format(searchterm)) else: for result in search_results: self.lstbx_refnamelist.insert(END, result) def search(self, searchterm, searchphrase, ref=False): connection = _mysql.connect(host="", port=3306, user="******", passwd="moresecuredataftw", db='upmu') connection.query("SELECT * FROM uuidpathmap WHERE path LIKE '{0}'".format(searchphrase)) results = connection.store_result() queried_data = {} result = results.fetch_row() while result != tuple(): queried_data[result[0][0]] = result[0][1] result = results.fetch_row() search_results = set() for path in queried_data: dirs = path.split('/') if ref: if searchterm in '/'.join(dirs[2:-2]): search_results.add('/'.join(dirs[2:-2])) else: if searchterm in '/'.join(dirs[2:-1]): search_results.add('/'.join(dirs[2:-1])) return search_results def set_loc(self): if self.radio_loc_string.get() == "Other Location": self.entry_otherloc.grid(sticky=W+E) else: self.entry_otherloc.grid_forget() def checkall(self): for check in self.check_algs_value_list: check.set(1) def uncheckall(self): for check in self.check_algs_value_list: check.set(0) def namelist_select(self, event): selected_index = self.lstbx_namelist.curselection() selected = self.lstbx_namelist.get(selected_index) self.entry_nameselected.configure(state=NORMAL) self.entry_nameselected.delete(0, END) self.entry_nameselected.insert(0, selected) self.entry_nameselected.configure(state=DISABLED) def refnamelist_select(self, event): selected_index = self.lstbx_refnamelist.curselection() selected = self.lstbx_refnamelist.get(selected_index) self.entry_refnameselected.configure(state=NORMAL) self.entry_refnameselected.delete(0, END) self.entry_refnameselected.insert(0, selected) self.entry_refnameselected.configure(state=DISABLED) def get_uuid_map(self, name): uuid_map = {} connection = _mysql.connect(host="", port=3306, user="******", passwd="moresecuredataftw", db='upmu') connection.query("SELECT * FROM uuidpathmap WHERE path LIKE '/upmu/{0}/%'".format(name)) results = connection.store_result() result = results.fetch_row() while result != tuple(): path = result[0][0].split('/') uuid_map[path[-1]] = result[0][1] result = results.fetch_row() return uuid_map def get_ref_uuid_map(self, name): uuid_map = {} connection = _mysql.connect(host="", port=3306, user="******", passwd="moresecuredataftw", db='upmu') connection.query("SELECT * FROM uuidpathmap WHERE path LIKE '/Clean/{0}/%'".format(name)) results = connection.store_result() result = results.fetch_row() while result != tuple(): path = result[0][0].split('/') uuid_map[path[-2]] = result[0][1] result = results.fetch_row() return uuid_map
'log': 'np.log10', 'sqrt': 'np.sqrt', '^': '**', 'factorial': 'np.factorial', 'ln': 'np.log', 'DtoR': 'np.radians', 'RtoD': 'np.degrees' } root.title("Calculator for Mathematics") Style().configure("TButton", padding=(0, 5, 0, 5), font='cambria 15') border1 = Entry(calc, justify=RIGHT) border1.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=9, pady=5, sticky=W + E) border1.insert(0, "0") sinButton = Button(calc, text="sin(x)") sinButton["command"] = lambda val="sin(": input.numPressed(val) sinButton.grid(row=1, column=4, pady=5, sticky=W + E) cosButton = Button(calc, text="cos(x)") cosButton["command"] = lambda val="cos(": input.numPressed(val) cosButton.grid(row=1, column=5, pady=5, sticky=W + E) tanButton = Button(calc, text="tan(x)") tanButton["command"] = lambda val="tan(": input.numPressed(val) tanButton.grid(row=1, column=6, pady=5) clearButton = Button(calc, text="Clear") clearButton["command"] = input.clearResult
class CHEWDDialog(ModelessDialog): name = "Energy Visualizer" buttons = ("Apply", "Close") help = ("Energy.html", CHEWD) title = "CHemical Energy Wise Decomposition" def fillInUI(self, parent): #parent.resizable(0, 0) frame4 = Frame(parent) frame4.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew") self.wat = IntVar() self.wat.set(1) self.waterswap = Checkbutton(frame4, text="Water Swap", command=self.optionws, variable=self.wat) self.waterswap.grid(row=0, column=0) self.lig = IntVar() self.lig.set(0) self.ligandswap = Checkbutton(frame4, text="Ligand Swap", command=self.optionls, variable=self.lig) self.ligandswap.grid(row=0, column=1) = IntVar() self.mmpbsa = Checkbutton(frame4, text="MMPBSA", command=self.optionmm, self.mmpbsa.grid(row=0, column=2) frame1 = Frame(parent) frame1.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky="nsew") lbl1 = Label(frame1, text="Log file folder", width=12) lbl1.grid(row=0, column=0) self.entry1 = Entry(frame1) self.entry1.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) self.browserButton = Button(frame1, text="Browser", command=self.onOpen) self.browserButton.grid(row=0, column=5, sticky="e") lbl2 = Label(frame1, text="MMPBSA log file", width=12) lbl2.grid(row=1, column=0) self.entry2 = Entry(frame1, state=DISABLED) self.entry2.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) self.browserButtonMM = Button(frame1, text="Browser", command=self.onOpenMM, state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.grid(row=1, column=5, sticky="e") lbl3 = Label(frame1, text="MMPBSA PDB file", width=12) lbl3.grid(row=2, column=0) self.entry3 = Entry(frame1, state=DISABLED) self.entry3.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) self.browserButtonPDB = Button(frame1, text="Browser", command=self.onOpenPDB, state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.grid(row=2, column=5, sticky="e") lbl4 = Label(frame1, text="Ligand Name", width=12) lbl4.grid(row=3, column=0) self.entry4 = Entry(frame1) self.entry4.grid(row=3, column=1) self.lblswap = Label(frame1, text="Swap Ligand", width=12, state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.grid(row=3, column=2) self.swapentry = Entry(frame1, state=DISABLED) self.swapentry.grid(row=3, column=3) self.l1v = IntVar() self.l1v.set(1) self.lig1ck = Checkbutton(frame1, text="Ligand 1", command=self.changelig1, state=DISABLED, variable=self.l1v) self.lig1ck.grid(row=4, column=0) self.l2v = IntVar() self.l2v.set(0) self.lig2ck = Checkbutton(frame1, text="Ligand 2", command=self.changelig2, state=DISABLED, variable=self.l2v) self.lig2ck.grid(row=4, column=2) lbl5 = Label(frame1, text="Display Radius", width=12) lbl5.grid(row=5, column=0) self.entry5 = Entry(frame1) self.entry5.grid(row=5, column=1) self.entry5.insert(0, "5.0") = IntVar() self.surface = Checkbutton(frame1, text="View Surface", command=self.viewsurface, self.surface.grid(row=5, column=2) self.vl = IntVar() self.vl.set(1) self.label = Checkbutton(frame1, text="View Label", command=self.viewlabel, variable=self.vl) self.label.grid(row=5, column=3) lbl6 = Label(frame1, text="Min Value", width=12) lbl6.grid(row=6, column=0) self.entry6 = Entry(frame1) self.entry6.grid(row=6, column=1) self.entry6.insert(0, "-5") lbl7 = Label(frame1, text="Max Value", width=12) lbl7.grid(row=6, column=2) self.entry7 = Entry(frame1) self.entry7.grid(row=6, column=3) self.entry7.insert(0, "+5") lbl8 = Label(frame1, text="Starting log file", width=12) lbl8.grid(row=7, column=0) self.entry8 = Entry(frame1) self.entry8.grid(row=7, column=1) self.entry8.insert(0, "400") lbl9 = Label(frame1, text="Ending log file", width=12) lbl9.grid(row=7, column=2) self.entry9 = Entry(frame1) self.entry9.grid(row=7, column=3) self.entry9.insert(0, "1000") frame2 = Frame(parent) frame2.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky="nsew") self.vsb = Scrollbar(frame2, orient="vertical", command=self.OnVsb) self.vsb.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky="ns") self.lb1 = Listbox(frame2, yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.lb1.grid(row=1, column=0) self.lb2 = Listbox(frame2, yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.lb2.grid(row=1, column=1) self.lb3 = Listbox(frame2, yscrollcommand=self.vsb.set) self.lb3.grid(row=1, column=2) self.b1 = Button(frame2, text="Residue Number", state=DISABLED, command=lambda: self.sortdata(0)) self.b1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.b2 = Button(frame2, text="Residue Name", state=DISABLED, command=lambda: self.sortdata(1)) self.b2.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) self.b3 = Button(frame2, text="Energy Value", state=DISABLED, command=lambda: self.sortdata(2)) self.b3.grid(row=0, column=2, sticky=W + E) self.lb1.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb1.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb2.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb2.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.OnMouseWheel) self.lb3.bind("<<ListboxSelect>>", self.OnSelect) self.lb3.bind("<MouseWheel>", self.OnMouseWheel) frame3 = Frame(parent) frame3.grid(row=3, column=0, sticky="nsew") self.previous = Button(frame3, text="Previous Frame", state=DISABLED, command=self.prevframe) self.previous.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W + E) self.scale = Scale(frame3, command=self.onScale, state=DISABLED, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=320, showvalue=0) self.scale.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=W + E) = Button(frame3, text="Next Frame", state=DISABLED, command=self.nextframe), column=2, sticky=W + E) self.var = IntVar() v = 000 self.var.set(v) self.label = Label(frame3, text=0, textvariable=self.var) self.label.grid(row=0, column=3) ToolTip(lbl1, "Load the result directory of Sire Analysis") ToolTip(self.browserButton, "Load the result directory of Sire Analysis") ToolTip(lbl4, "Enter the name of the Ligand in your coordinate file") ToolTip( lbl5, "The radially distributed zone around ligand you want to be displayed" ) ToolTip( lbl6, "Minimum scale value for the color distribution and it will be treated as blue" ) ToolTip( lbl7, "Maximum scale value for the color distribution and it will be treated as red" ) def viewlabel(self): if (load > 0): if (self.wat.get() == 1): CHEWD.togglelabelws(self.vl.get(), str(self.scale.get()), self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() CHEWD.togglelabells(self.vl.get(), str(self.scale.get()), vl, self.entry5.get(), hl) elif ( == 1): CHEWD.togglelabelws(self.vl.get(), "0", self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get()) def viewsurface(self): if (load > 0): CHEWD.togglesurface( def optionws(self): if (self.wat.get() == 1): self.lig.set(0) self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.swapentry.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig1ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig2ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) else: self.wat.set(0) self.lig.set(1) self.swapentry.config(state="normal") self.lig1ck.config(state="normal") self.lig2ck.config(state="normal") self.lblswap.config(state="normal") self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) def optionls(self): if (self.lig.get() == 1): self.wat.set(0) self.swapentry.config(state="normal") self.lig1ck.config(state="normal") self.lig2ck.config(state="normal") self.lblswap.config(state="normal") self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) else: self.lig.set(0) self.wat.set(1) self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.swapentry.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig1ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig2ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) def optionmm(self): if ( == 1): self.lig.set(0) self.wat.set(0) self.swapentry.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig1ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lig2ck.config(state=DISABLED) self.lblswap.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry8.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry9.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry1.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButton.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry2.config(state="normal") self.entry3.config(state="normal") self.browserButtonMM.config(state="normal") self.browserButtonPDB.config(state="normal") else: self.wat.set(1) self.lig.set(0) self.entry8.config(state="normal") self.entry9.config(state="normal") self.entry1.config(state="normal") self.browserButton.config(state="normal") self.entry2.config(state=DISABLED) self.entry3.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonMM.config(state=DISABLED) self.browserButtonPDB.config(state=DISABLED) def changelig1(self): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): self.l2v.set(0) else: self.l2v.set(1) if (load > 0): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() CHEWD.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, str(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) def changelig2(self): if (self.l2v.get() == 1): self.l1v.set(0) else: self.l1v.set(1) if (load > 0): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() CHEWD.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, str(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) def loadmmpbsaresults(self): fp = open(self.entry2.get(), "r") resv = list() for line in fp: t = line.split(',') t2 = t[0].split() if (len(t) == 20 and len(t2) == 2 and t2[0] != self.entry4.get()): resv.append([int(t2[1]), float(t[17]), t2[0]]) matchObj = re.match(r'Sidechain Energy Decomposition:', line, re.M | re.I) if matchObj: break self.lb1.delete(0, END) self.lb2.delete(0, END) self.lb3.delete(0, END) x = len(resv) for i in range(x): self.lb1.insert(END, resv[i][0]) self.lb2.insert(END, resv[i][2]) self.lb3.insert(END, resv[i][1]) fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "w") fc = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/clear.txt", "w") fp.write("attribute: sireEnergy\n") fp.write("recipient: residues\n") fc.write("attribute: sireEnergy\n") fc.write("recipient: residues\n") for i in range(x): fp.write("\t:" + str(resv[i][0]) + "\t" + str(resv[i][1]) + "\n") fc.write("\t:" + str(resv[i][0]) + "\t0.0\n") fp.close() fc.close() self.b1.config(state="normal") self.b2.config(state="normal") self.b3.config(state="normal") def changestate(self): x = list() tempx = list() if (self.wat.get() == 1): base = os.listdir(self.entry1.get()) else: base = os.listdir(self.entry1.get() + "/") for a in base: if a.endswith(".log"): tempx.append(a) tempx.sort() tlen = len(tempx) ia = int(self.entry8.get()) - 1 while (ia <= int(self.entry9.get()) and ia < tlen): x.append(tempx[ia]) ia += 1 resv = list() c = 0 i = 0 for fn in x: if (self.wat.get() == 1): fp = open(self.entry1.get() + "/" + fn, "r") else: fp = open(self.entry1.get() + "/" + fn, "r") if (c == 0): for line in fp: t = line.split() if (len(t) == 8): if (t[0] == "Residue("): resv.append([int(t[3]), float(t[5]), t[1]]) if (line == "PROTEIN BOX WATER FREE ENERGY COMPONENTS\n"): c = c + 1 i = 0 break else: for line in fp: t = line.split() if (len(t) == 8): if (t[0] == "Residue("): resv[i][1] = resv[i][1] + float(t[5]) i = i + 1 if (line == "PROTEIN BOX WATER FREE ENERGY COMPONENTS\n"): c = c + 1 i = 0 break fp.close() x = len(resv) self.lb1.delete(0, END) self.lb2.delete(0, END) self.lb3.delete(0, END) for i in range(x): resv[i][1] = resv[i][1] / c for i in range(x): self.lb1.insert(END, resv[i][0]) self.lb2.insert(END, resv[i][2]) self.lb3.insert(END, round(resv[i][1], 3)) fp = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/temp.txt", "w") fc = open(tempfile.gettempdir() + "/clear.txt", "w") fp.write("attribute: sireEnergy\n") fp.write("recipient: residues\n") fc.write("attribute: sireEnergy\n") fc.write("recipient: residues\n") for i in range(x): fp.write("\t:" + str(resv[i][0]) + "\t" + str(resv[i][1]) + "\n") fc.write("\t:" + str(resv[i][0]) + "\t0.0\n") fp.close() fc.close() self.b1.config(state="normal") self.b2.config(state="normal") self.b3.config(state="normal") def prevframe(self): global prevz, load if (load > 0): self.scale.set(self.scale.get() - 1) def nextframe(self): global prevz, load if (load > 0): self.scale.set(self.scale.get() + 1) def onScale(self, val): global prevz, load if (load > 0): v = self.lig1pdb[int(float(val))][14:19] self.var.set(v) if (self.scale.get() == 0): self.previous.config(state=DISABLED) if (self.scale.get() == len(self.lig1pdb) - 2):"normal") if (self.scale.get() == 1): self.previous.config(state="normal") if (self.scale.get() == len(self.lig1pdb) - 1): if (self.wat.get() == 1): CHEWD.wsupdateview(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, str(self.scale.get()), self.vl.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() CHEWD.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, str(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) def OnSelect(self, val): global prev sender = val.widget idx = sender.curselection() dis = self.lb1.get(idx) if (self.wat.get() == 1): CHEWD.wslistdisplay(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), prev, dis, str(self.scale.get()), self.vl.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() CHEWD.lslistdisplay(vl, self.entry5.get(), prev, dis, str(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) elif ( == 1): CHEWD.mmlistdisplay(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), prev, dis, "0", self.vl.get()) prev = dis def sortdata(self, sc): global dr1, dr2, dr3 tableData1 = self.lb1.get(0, END) tableData2 = self.lb2.get(0, END) tableData3 = self.lb3.get(0, END) data = list() nv = len(tableData1) for x in range(nv): data.append([tableData1[x], tableData2[x], tableData3[x]]) if (sc == 0): lab = self.b1.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b1.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b2.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b3.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b1.cget('text') if dr1 == 1: self.b1.config(text='[+] ' + lab) else: self.b1.config(text='[-] ' + lab) data.sort(key=lambda s: (s[sc]), reverse=dr1 == 1) dr1 = dr1 * -1 if (sc == 1): lab = self.b1.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b1.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b2.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b3.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if dr2 == 1: self.b2.config(text='[+] ' + lab) else: self.b2.config(text='[-] ' + lab) data.sort(key=lambda s: (s[sc]), reverse=dr2 == 1) dr2 = dr2 * -1 if (sc == 2): lab = self.b1.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b1.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b2.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b2.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if lab[0] == '[': self.b3.config(text=lab[4:]) lab = self.b3.cget('text') if dr3 == 1: self.b3.config(text='[+] ' + lab) else: self.b3.config(text='[-] ' + lab) data.sort(key=lambda s: (s[sc]), reverse=dr3 == 1) dr3 = dr3 * -1 nv = len(data) self.lb1.delete(0, 'end') self.lb2.delete(0, 'end') self.lb3.delete(0, 'end') for x in range(nv): self.lb1.insert(END, data[x][0]) self.lb2.insert(END, data[x][1]) self.lb3.insert(END, data[x][2]) def onOpen(self): global load fold = tkFileDialog.askdirectory() self.entry1.delete(0, 'end') self.entry1.insert(0, fold) load = 0 def onOpenMM(self): global load fold = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() self.entry2.delete(0, 'end') self.entry2.insert(0, fold) load = 0 def onOpenPDB(self): global load fold = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename() self.entry3.delete(0, 'end') self.entry3.insert(0, fold) load = 0 def OnVsb(self, *args): self.lb1.yview(*args) self.lb2.yview(*args) self.lb3.yview(*args) def OnMouseWheel(self, event): self.lb1.yview("scroll",, "units") self.lb2.yview("scroll",, "units") self.lb3.yview("scroll",, "units") return "break" def Apply(self): global load, prevz if (load == 0): if (self.wat.get() == 1 or self.lig.get() == 1): self.changestate() self.base = os.listdir(self.entry1.get()) pdb1 = list() for a in self.base: matchObj = re.match(r'bound_mobile_\d{6}_0\.\d{5}\.pdb', a, re.M | re.I) if matchObj: pdb1.append(a) self.lig1pdb = list() self.lig2pdb = list() #print x x = pdb1[1][22:27] for a in pdb1: matchObj = re.match(r'bound_mobile_\d{6}_0\.' + x + '.pdb', a, re.M | re.I) if matchObj: self.lig1pdb.append(a) else: self.lig2pdb.append(a) self.lig1pdb.sort() self.lig2pdb.sort() self.scale.configure(from_=0, to=len(self.lig1pdb) - 1) self.scale.config(state="normal") elif ( == 1): self.loadmmpbsaresults() CHEWD.mmloadpdb(self.entry3.get()) CHEWD.mmvisualizer("0", tempfile.gettempdir(), self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), self.vl.get()) if (self.wat.get() == 1): CHEWD.wsloadallpdb(self.lig1pdb, self.entry1.get())"normal") v = self.lig1pdb[0][14:19] self.var.set(v) CHEWD.wsvisualizer(str(self.scale.get()), tempfile.gettempdir(), self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), self.vl.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() CHEWD.wsloadallpdb(self.lig1pdb, self.entry1.get())"normal") v = self.lig1pdb[0][14:19] self.var.set(v) CHEWD.lsvisualizer(str(self.scale.get()), tempfile.gettempdir(), vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), hl, self.vl.get()) load = 1 else: if (self.wat.get() == 1): self.changestate() CHEWD.clear(tempfile.gettempdir()) CHEWD.loadresults(tempfile.gettempdir()) CHEWD.wsupdateview(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, str(self.scale.get()), self.vl.get()) elif (self.lig.get() == 1): self.changestate() if (self.l1v.get() == 1): vl = self.entry4.get() hl = self.swapentry.get() if (self.l2v.get() == 1): vl = self.swapentry.get() hl = self.entry4.get() CHEWD.clear(tempfile.gettempdir()) CHEWD.loadresults(tempfile.gettempdir()) CHEWD.lsupdateview(vl, self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, str(self.scale.get()), hl, self.vl.get()) elif ( == 1): CHEWD.mmupdateview(self.entry4.get(), self.entry5.get(), self.entry6.get(), self.entry7.get(), prevz, "0", self.vl.get()) prevz = self.entry5.get()
class Metadator(Tk): def __init__(self): u""" Main window constructor Creates 1 frame and 2 labeled subframes """ # first: the log # see: self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # all errors will be get log_form = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s || %(levelname)s || %(message)s') logfile = RotatingFileHandler('Metadator_LOG.log', 'a', 5000000, 1) logfile.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logfile.setFormatter(log_form) self.logger.addHandler(logfile)'\n\t ======== Metadator ========') # first messages'Starting the UI') # checking the path to GDAL in the path if "GDAL_DATA" not in env.keys(): try: gdal.SetConfigOption(str('GDAL_DATA'), str(path.abspath(r'data/gdal'))) except: print("Oups! Something has gone wrong...\ see:") else: pass # basics settings Tk.__init__(self) # constructor of parent graphic class self.title(u'Metadator {0}'.format(MetadatorVersion)) = Style() # more friendly windows style if opersys == 'win32':'Op. system: {0}'.format(platform.platform())) self.iconbitmap('Metadator.ico') # windows icon self.uzer = env.get(u'USERNAME') elif opersys == 'linux2':'Op. system: {0}'.format(platform.platform())) self.uzer = env.get(u'USER') icon = Image("photo", file=r'data/img/metadator.gif')'wm', 'iconphoto', self._w, icon) self.minsize(580, 100)'clam') elif opersys == 'darwin':'Op. system: {0}'.format(platform.platform())) self.uzer = env.get(u'USER') else: self.logger.warning('Operating system not tested')'Op. system: {0}'.format(platform.platform())) self.resizable(width=False, height=False) self.focus_force()'GDAL version: {}'.format(gdal.__version__)) # variables self.def_rep = "" # folder to search for self.def_lang = 'FR' # language to start self.def_doc = IntVar() # to export into Word self.def_xls = IntVar() # to export into Excel 2003 self.def_xml = IntVar() # to export into ISO 19139 self.def_cat = IntVar() # to merge all output Word files self.def_odt = IntVar() # to export into OpenDocumentText self.def_dict = IntVar() # to make a dictionnary of data self.def_kass = IntVar() # to handle field name case sensitive self.def_stat = IntVar() # to active/disable stats fields self.li_pro = [] # list for profiles in language selected self.li_shp = [] # list for shapefiles path self.li_tab = [] # list for MapInfo tables path self.num_folders = 0 # number of folders explored = strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # date of the day self.dico_layer = OD() # dictionary about layer properties self.dico_profil = OD() # dictionary from profile selected self.dico_fields = OD() # dictionary for fields information self.dico_rekur = OD() # dictionary of recurring attributes self.dico_err = OD() # errors list self.dico_help = OD() # dictionary of help texts li_lang = [lg for lg in listdir(r'locale')] # available languages self.blabla = OD() # texts dictionary # GUI fonts ft_tit = tkFont.Font(family="Times", size=10, weight=tkFont.BOLD) # fillfulling self.load_settings() self.load_texts(self.def_lang) self.li_profiles(self.def_lang) self.li_rekurs(self.def_lang) self.recup_help(self.def_lang) # Tabs self.nb = Notebook(self) self.tab_globals = Frame(self.nb) # tab_id = 0 self.tab_options = Frame(self.nb) # tab_id = 1 self.tab_attribs = Frame(self.nb) # tab_id = 2 self.nb.add(self.tab_globals, text=self.blabla.get('gui_tab1'), padding=3) self.nb.add(self.tab_options, text=self.blabla.get('gui_tab2'), padding=3) self.nb.add(self.tab_attribs, text=self.blabla.get('gui_tab3'), padding=3)'UI created') ### Tab 1: global # Frames self.FrPath = Labelframe(self.tab_globals, name='main', text=self.blabla.get('tab1_fr1')) self.FrProg = Labelframe(self.tab_globals, name='progression', text=self.blabla.get('tab1_frprog')) ## Frame 1 # target folder self.labtarg = Label(self.FrPath, text=self.blabla.get('tab1_path')) = Entry(self.FrPath, width=25) self.browsetarg = Button(self.FrPath, # browse button text=self.blabla.get('tab1_browse'), command=lambda: self.setpathtarg(), takefocus=True) self.browsetarg.focus_force() # force the focus on self.profil = Label(self.FrPath, text=self.blabla.get('tab1_prof')) # profiles switcher self.ddl_profil = Combobox(self.FrPath, values=self.li_pro, width=5) self.ddl_profil.current(0) self.ddl_profil.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.select_profil) # widgets placement self.labtarg.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=8), column=2, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=8) self.browsetarg.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=8) self.profil.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=8) self.ddl_profil.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=W + E + N + S, columnspan=2, padx=2, pady=8) # tooltips InfoBulle(, message=self.dico_help.get(30)[1]) InfoBulle(self.browsetarg, message=self.dico_help.get(30)[1]) InfoBulle(self.ddl_profil, message=self.dico_help.get(31)[1]) ## Frame 2 # variables self.status = StringVar(self.FrProg, '') # widgets self.prog_layers = Progressbar(self.FrProg, orient="horizontal") self.prog_fields = Progressbar(self.FrProg, orient="horizontal") # widgets placement Label(self.FrProg, textvariable=self.status, foreground='DodgerBlue').pack(expand=1) self.prog_layers.pack(expand=1, fill=X) # Frames placement self.FrPath.pack(expand=1, fill='both') self.FrProg.pack(expand=1, fill='both') ### Tab 2: options # Export options caz_doc = Checkbutton(self.tab_options, text=u'HTML / Word (.doc/.docx)', variable=self.def_doc, command=lambda: self.catalog_dependance()) caz_xls = Checkbutton(self.tab_options, text=u'Excel 2003 (.xls)', variable=self.def_xls) caz_xml = Checkbutton(self.tab_options, text=u'XML (ISO 19139)', variable=self.def_xml) self.caz_cat = Checkbutton(self.tab_options, text=self.blabla.get('tab2_merge'), variable=self.def_cat) caz_odt = Checkbutton(self.tab_options, text=u'Open Document Text (.odt)', variable=self.def_odt) # widgets placement caz_doc.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.caz_cat.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) caz_xls.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) caz_xml.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) caz_odt.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) # disabling the widgets which work only on Windows OS if opersys != 'win32':'Disabling Windows reserved functions.') self.def_doc.set(0) self.def_cat.set(0) caz_doc.configure(state='disabled') self.caz_cat.configure(state='disabled') else: pass # make the catalog option depending on the Word option self.catalog_dependance() # tooltips InfoBulle(caz_doc, message=self.dico_help.get(33)[1], image=self.dico_help.get(33)[2]) InfoBulle(caz_xls, message=self.dico_help.get(34)[1], image=self.dico_help.get(34)[2]) InfoBulle(caz_xml, message=self.dico_help.get(35)[1], image=self.dico_help.get(35)[2]) InfoBulle(caz_odt, message=self.dico_help.get(36)[1], image=self.dico_help.get(36)[2]) InfoBulle(self.caz_cat, message=self.dico_help.get(37)[1], image=self.dico_help.get(37)[2]) ### Tab 3: recurring attributes # Attribute selector self.lab_chps = Label(self.tab_attribs, text=self.blabla.get('tab3_sele')) self.ddl_attr = Combobox(self.tab_attribs, values=self.dico_rekur.keys()) self.ddl_attr.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.edit_rekur) self.supr = Button(self.tab_attribs, text=self.blabla.get('tab3_supp'), command=self.del_rekur) # frame self.FrRekur = Labelframe(self.tab_attribs, name='attributes', text=self.blabla.get('tab3_tit')) # attribute settings self.tab3_LBnom = Label(self.FrRekur, text=self.blabla.get('tab3_nom'), state=DISABLED) self.tab3_ENnom = Entry(self.FrRekur, state=DISABLED) self.tab3_LBdesc = Label(self.FrRekur, text=self.blabla.get('tab3_desc'), state=DISABLED) self.tab3_TXdesc = Text(self.FrRekur, height=5, width=30, wrap=WORD, state=DISABLED) self.tab3_CBcass = Checkbutton(self.FrRekur, text=self.blabla.get('tab3_cass'), variable=self.def_kass, state=DISABLED) self.tab3_CBstat = Checkbutton(self.FrRekur, text=self.blabla.get('tab3_stat'), variable=self.def_stat, state=DISABLED) # Validation button = Button(self.FrRekur, text=self.blabla.get('tab3_save'), command=self.save_rekur, state='disabled') # widgets placement self.lab_chps.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky=N + S + W, padx=2, pady=2) self.ddl_attr.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.supr.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.tab3_LBnom.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W, padx=2, pady=2) self.tab3_ENnom.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.tab3_LBdesc.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.tab3_TXdesc.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.tab3_CBcass.grid(row=3, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.tab3_CBstat.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2), column=0, columnspan=4, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) # Frame placement self.FrRekur.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=3, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) # tooltips InfoBulle(self.lab_chps, message=self.dico_help.get(38)[1]) InfoBulle(self.ddl_attr, message=self.dico_help.get(39)[1]) InfoBulle(self.supr, message=self.dico_help.get(40)[1]) InfoBulle(self.tab3_CBcass, message=self.dico_help.get(41)[1]) InfoBulle(self.tab3_CBstat, message=self.dico_help.get(42)[1]) ## Main frame # Hola self.welcome = Label(self, text=self.blabla.get('hi') + self.uzer, font=ft_tit, foreground="red2") # Image self.icone = PhotoImage(master=self, file=r'data/img/metadator.gif') Label(self, image=self.icone).grid(row=2, column=0, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=N + S + W + E) # credits s = Style(self) s.configure('Kim.TButton', foreground='DodgerBlue', borderwidth=0, relief="flat") Button(self, text='by Julien M. (2015)', style='Kim.TButton', command=lambda: open_new('')).grid(row=3, padx=2, pady=2, sticky=W+E) # language switcher self.ddl_lang = Combobox(self, values=li_lang, width=5) self.ddl_lang.current(li_lang.index(self.def_lang)) self.ddl_lang.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.change_lang) # Go go go button self.val = Button(self, text=self.blabla.get('tab1_go'), state='active', command=lambda: self.process()) # Cancel button self.can = Button(self, text=self.blabla.get('gui_quit'), command=self.destroy) # widgets placement self.welcome.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.ddl_lang.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=N, padx=2, pady=0) self.can.grid(row=4, column=0, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) self.val.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=N + S + W + E, padx=2, pady=2) # tooltips InfoBulle(self.ddl_lang, message=self.dico_help.get(32)[1]) ### Notebook placement self.nb.grid(row=0, rowspan=4, column=1, sticky=N + S + W + E) # keep updated list of profiles self.maj() def maj(self): """ update the profiles dropdown list every second """ try: self.li_profiles(self.ddl_lang.get()) self.ddl_profil['values'] = self.li_pro self.after(1000, self.maj) except WindowsError: # avoid an error occuring with browse button self.after(1000, self.maj) pass def alter_state(self, parent, new_state): """ just a function to change easily the state of all children widgets of a parent class parent=Tkinter class with children (Frame, Labelframe, Tk, etc.) new_state=Tkinter keyword for widget state (ACTIVE, NORMAL, DISABLED) """ for child in parent.winfo_children(): child.configure(state=new_state) # end of function return parent, new_state def catalog_dependance(self): """ unselect the catalog option if the word option is unselected """ if self.def_doc.get() == 0: self.def_cat.set(0) self.caz_cat.config(state='disabled') elif self.def_doc.get() == 1: self.caz_cat.config(state='normal') # end of function return def load_settings(self): u""" load settings from last execution """ confile = 'options.ini' config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() # basics self.def_lang = config.get('basics', 'def_codelang') self.def_rep = config.get('basics', 'def_rep') # export preferences self.def_doc.set(config.get('export_preferences', 'def_word')) self.def_cat.set(config.get('export_preferences', 'def_cat')) self.def_xls.set(config.get('export_preferences', 'def_xls')) self.def_xml.set(config.get('export_preferences', 'def_xml')) self.def_dict.set(config.get('export_preferences', 'def_dict')) self.def_odt.set(config.get('export_preferences', 'def_odt')) # log'Last options loaded') # End of function return config, self.def_rep, self.def_lang, self.def_doc def save_settings(self): u""" save options in order to make the next execution easier """ confile = 'options.ini' config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() # add sections config.add_section('basics') config.add_section('export_preferences') # basics config.set('basics', 'def_codelang', self.ddl_lang.get()) config.set('basics', 'def_rep', # export preferences config.set('export_preferences', 'def_word', self.def_doc.get()) config.set('export_preferences', 'def_cat', self.def_cat.get()) config.set('export_preferences', 'def_xls', self.def_xls.get()) config.set('export_preferences', 'def_xml', self.def_xml.get()) config.set('export_preferences', 'def_dict', self.def_dict.get()) config.set('export_preferences', 'def_odt', self.def_odt.get()) # Writing the configuration file with open(confile, 'wb') as configfile: config.write(configfile) # End of function return config def change_lang(self, event): u""" update the texts dictionary with the language selected """ new_lang = event.widget.get() # change to the new language selected self.load_texts(new_lang) self.li_profiles(new_lang) self.li_rekurs(new_lang) self.ddl_profil.delete(0, END) self.ddl_profil.config(values=self.li_pro) self.ddl_profil.update() self.ddl_attr.config(values=self.dico_rekur.keys()) self.recup_help(new_lang) # update widgets text # tab1, text=self.blabla.get('gui_tab1')) self.welcome.config(text=self.blabla.get('hi') + self.uzer) self.can.config(text=self.blabla.get('gui_quit')) self.FrPath.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_fr1')) self.FrProg.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_frprog')) self.labtarg.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_path')) self.browsetarg.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_browse')) self.val.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_go')) self.profil.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_prof')) # tab2, text=self.blabla.get('gui_tab2')) self.caz_cat.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab2_merge')) # tab3, text=self.blabla.get('gui_tab3')) self.lab_chps.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab3_sele')) self.supr.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab3_supp')) self.FrRekur.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab3_tit')) self.tab3_LBnom.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab3_nom')) self.tab3_LBdesc.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab3_desc')) self.tab3_CBcass.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab3_cass')) self.tab3_CBstat.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab3_stat'))'tab3_save')) # End of function return self.blabla def load_texts(self, lang='FR'): u""" Load texts according to the selected language """ # clearing the text dictionary self.blabla.clear() # open xml cursor xml = ET.parse('locale/{0}/lang_{0}.xml'.format(lang)) # Looping and gathering texts from the xml file for elem in xml.getroot().getiterator(): self.blabla[elem.tag] = elem.text # updating the GUI self.update() # en of function return self.blabla def setpathtarg(self): """ ...browse and insert the path of target folder """ foldername = askdirectory(parent=self, initialdir=self.def_rep, mustexist=True, title=self.blabla.get('gui_cible')) # check if a folder has been choosen if foldername: try:, END), foldername) except: info(title=self.blabla.get('nofolder'), message=self.blabla.get('nofolder')) return # count shapefiles and MapInfo files in a separated thread proc = threading.Thread(target=self.li_geofiles, args=(foldername, )) proc.daemon = True proc.start() # end of function return foldername def li_geofiles(self, foldertarget): u""" List shapefiles and MapInfo files (.tab, not .mid/mif) contained in the folders structure """ # reseting global variables self.li_shp = [] self.li_tab = [] self.browsetarg.config(state=DISABLED) # Looping in folders structure self.status.set(self.blabla.get('tab1_prog1')) self.prog_layers.start() for root, dirs, files in walk(unicode(foldertarget)): self.num_folders = self.num_folders + len(dirs) for f in files: """ looking for files with geographic data """ try: unicode(path.join(root, f)) full_path = path.join(root, f) except UnicodeDecodeError: full_path = path.join(root, f.decode('latin1')) # Looping on files contained if path.splitext(full_path.lower())[1].lower() == '.shp'\ and (path.isfile('{0}.dbf'.format(full_path[:-4])) or path.isfile('{0}.DBF'.format(full_path[:-4])))\ and (path.isfile('{0}.shx'.format(full_path[:-4])) or path.isfile('{0}.SHX'.format(full_path[:-4]))): """ listing compatible shapefiles """ # add complete path of shapefile self.li_shp.append(full_path) elif path.splitext(full_path.lower())[1] == '.tab'\ and (path.isfile(full_path[:-4] + '.dat') or path.isfile(full_path[:-4] + '.DAT'))\ and (path.isfile(full_path[:-4] + '.map') or path.isfile(full_path[:-4] + '.MAP'))\ and (path.isfile(full_path[:-4] + '.id') or path.isfile(full_path[:-4] + '.ID')): """ listing MapInfo tables """ # add complete path of MapInfo file self.li_tab.append(full_path) # stopping the progress bar self.prog_layers.stop() # Lists ordering and tupling self.li_shp.sort() self.li_shp = tuple(self.li_shp) self.li_tab.sort() self.li_tab = tuple(self.li_tab) # setting the label text and activing the buttons self.status.set(unicode(len(self.li_shp)) + u' shapefiles - ' + unicode(len(self.li_tab)) + u' tables (MapInfo) - ' + unicode(self.num_folders) + self.blabla.get('log_numfold')) self.browsetarg.config(state=ACTIVE) self.val.config(state=ACTIVE) # End of function return foldertarget, self.li_shp, self.li_tab def li_profiles(self, lang): u""" list profiles already existing """ # reseting global variable self.li_pro = [] # Looping in folders structure folder_profiles = path.join('locale/', lang + '/profiles/') self.li_pro = [lg[:-4] for lg in listdir(folder_profiles)] self.li_pro.append(self.blabla.get('tab1_new')) # End of function return folder_profiles, self.li_pro def li_rekurs(self, lang): u""" List recurring attributes that already exist in the selected language """ # clearing the text dictionary self.dico_rekur.clear() champis = path.abspath(r'locale/{0}/champignons_{0}.xml'.format(lang)) xml = ET.parse(champis) # Looping and gathering texts from the xml file for elem in xml.findall('champ'): rek_name = elem.find('intitule').text rek_desc = elem.find('description').text rek_kass = elem.find('case').text rek_stat = elem.find('stats').text self.dico_rekur[rek_name] = rek_desc, rek_kass, rek_stat self.dico_rekur[self.blabla.get('tab3_new')] = '', 0, 0 # updating the GUI self.update() # End of function return self.dico_rekur def edit_rekur(self, event): u""" preparing the form to edit a recurring attribute """ rekur = event.widget.get() # deactivate the selector self.ddl_attr.config(state=DISABLED) # activate the form self.alter_state(self.FrRekur, NORMAL) # change to the new language selected self.tab3_ENnom.insert(0, rekur) self.tab3_TXdesc.insert(1.0, self.dico_rekur.get(rekur)[0]) self.def_kass.set(self.dico_rekur.get(rekur)[1]) self.def_stat.set(self.dico_rekur.get(rekur)[2]) # End of function return self.dico_rekur def save_rekur(self): u""" save the recurring attribute edited """ # check if the attribute already exists if self.tab3_ENnom.get() in self.dico_rekur: if not askyesno(title=self.blabla.get('tab3_alert_exist1'), message=self.blabla.get('tab3_alert_exist2')): return else: pass else: pass # save self.dico_rekur[self.tab3_ENnom.get()] = self.tab3_TXdesc.get(1.0, END).rstrip(),\ self.def_kass.get(),\ self.def_stat.get() # reset the form self.tab3_ENnom.delete(0, END) self.tab3_TXdesc.delete(1.0, END) self.def_kass.set(0) self.def_stat.set(0) # deactivate the form self.alter_state(self.FrRekur, DISABLED) # updating the dropdown list self.ddl_attr.config(state=NORMAL) self.ddl_attr.delete(0, END) self.ddl_attr['values'] = self.dico_rekur.keys() # End of function return self.dico_rekur def del_rekur(self): u""" delete the selected recurring attribute """ # reactivate the selector self.ddl_attr.config(state=ACTIVE) self.dico_rekur.pop(self.ddl_attr.get()) self.ddl_attr.delete(0, END) self.ddl_attr['values'] = self.dico_rekur.keys() # reset the form self.tab3_ENnom.delete(0, END) self.tab3_TXdesc.delete(1.0, END) self.def_kass.set(0) self.def_stat.set(0) # deactivate the form self.alter_state(self.FrRekur, DISABLED) # End of function return self.dico_rekur def saveas_rekurs(self, lang): u""" save the recurring fields into the file dedicated """ rekur = ET.Element(u'champs') xml_path = r'locale/{0}/champignons_{0}.xml'.format(lang) self.dico_rekur.pop(self.blabla.get('tab3_new')) with open(xml_path, 'w') as champis: for elem in self.dico_rekur.keys(): rek = ET.SubElement(rekur, u'champ') # name of recurring attribute rek_name = ET.SubElement(rek, u'intitule') rek_name.text = elem # description of recurring attribute rek_desc = ET.SubElement(rek, u'description') rek_desc.text = self.dico_rekur.get(elem)[0] # stats option of recurring attribute rek_stats = ET.SubElement(rek, u'stats') rek_stats.text = unicode(self.dico_rekur.get(elem)[1]) # case sensitive option of recurring attribute rek_case = ET.SubElement(rek, u'case') rek_case.text = unicode(self.dico_rekur.get(elem)[2]) # creating the xml tree out_rekurs = ET.ElementTree(rekur) # saving it out_rekurs.write(xml_path, encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration='version="1.0"', method='xml') # End of function return self.dico_rekur def select_profil(self, event): """ when a profile is selected... """ profsel = event.widget.get() # if user wants to use an existing profile or create a new one if profsel == self.blabla.get('tab1_new'): self.val.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_crprofil')) else: self.val.config(text=self.blabla.get('tab1_go')) # end of function return self.val def recup_profil(self, lang): """ get the information from the profile selected """ # clearing the profile dictionary self.dico_profil.clear() # specific path to profile file path_profile = path.join('locale/{0}/profiles/{1}.xml'.format(lang, self.ddl_profil.get())) with open(path_profile, 'r') as profile: # open xml parser xml = ET.parse(profile) # basic informations self.dico_profil['description'] = xml.find('description').text self.dico_profil['sources'] = xml.find('sources').text self.dico_profil['url'] = xml.find('url').text self.dico_profil['url_label'] = xml.find('url_label').text self.dico_profil[u'diffusion'] = xml.find('diffusion').text # data language lang_data = xml.find(u'lang_data') self.dico_profil[u"lang_data"] = lang_data.find(u'name').text # metadata language lang_metad = xml.find(u'lang_metad') self.dico_profil[u"lang_md"] = lang_metad.find(u'name').text # diffusion constraints diff = xml.find(u'diffusion') self.dico_profil['diffusion'] = diff.find(u'name').text # update rythm rythm = xml.find(u'rythm') self.dico_profil['rythm'] = rythm.find(u'name').text # INSPIRE themes themes = xml.find('themesinspire') li_themesinspire = [theme.find('name').text for theme in themes.findall('theme')] self.dico_profil['themesinspire'] = li_themesinspire # custom keywords keywords = xml.find('keywords') li_keywords = [keyword.find('name').text for keyword in keywords.findall('keyword')] self.dico_profil['keywords'] = li_keywords # places keywords geokeywords = xml.find('geokeywords') li_geokeywords = [geokeyword.find('name').text for geokeyword in geokeywords.findall('geokeyword')] self.dico_profil['geokeywords'] = li_geokeywords # contacts contacts = xml.find(u'contacts') # point of contact cont = contacts.find(u'pointdecontact') self.dico_profil[u'cont_name'] = cont.find(u'name').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_orga'] = cont.find(u'org').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_mail'] = cont.find(u'mail').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_role'] = cont.find(u'role').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_func'] = cont.find(u'func')[0].text self.dico_profil[u'cont_street'] = cont.find(u'street').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_city'] = cont.find(u'city').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_cp'] = cont.find(u'cp').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_country'] = cont.find(u'country').text self.dico_profil[u'cont_phone'] = cont.find(u'tel').text # second contact (responsable, etc.) resp = contacts.find(u'second_contact') self.dico_profil[u'resp_name'] = resp.find(u'name').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_orga'] = resp.find(u'org').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_mail'] = resp.find(u'mail').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_role'] = resp.find(u'role').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_func'] = resp.find(u'func')[0].text self.dico_profil[u'resp_street'] = resp.find(u'street').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_city'] = resp.find(u'city').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_cp'] = resp.find(u'cp').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_country'] = resp.find(u'country').text self.dico_profil[u'resp_phone'] = resp.find(u'tel').text # End of function return self.dico_profil def recup_help(self, lang): """ get the help texts """ # specific path to xml file path_help = 'locale/%s/help_%s.xml' % (lang, lang) # reading and parsing the xml with open(path_help, 'r') as source: xml = ET.parse(source) # xml cursor for tooltip in xml.findall('tooltip'): idu = tooltip.find('id').text ref = tooltip.find('ref').text txt = tooltip.find('txt').text img = tooltip.find('image').text doc = tooltip.find('doc').text # fillfulling the INSPIRE dictionary self.dico_help[int(idu)] = ref, txt, img, doc # End of function return self.dico_help def process(self): u""" launch the different processes """ # display the main tab # check option selected: process or create a new profile if self.ddl_profil.get() == self.blabla.get('tab1_new'): # launching the profile form'Creation of a new profile') tr_profile = threading.Thread(target=NewProfile, args=(self.blabla, self.ddl_lang.get(), self.dico_help, self.li_pro)) tr_profile.daemon = True # NewProfile(self.blabla, self.ddl_lang.get(), self.li_pro) self.li_profiles(self.ddl_lang.get()) # updating the dropdow list self.ddl_profil['values'] = self.li_pro return # check if the target folder has been selected if == "": info(title=self.blabla.get('info_blanktarget1'), message=self.blabla.get('info_blanktarget2')) return # check if a profile has been selected if self.ddl_profil.get() == "": info(title=self.blabla.get('info_blankprofile1'), message=self.blabla.get('info_blankprofile2')) return # disabling others GUI parts self.tab_globals.focus_force() self.alter_state(self.FrPath, DISABLED) # check if there are some layers into the folder structure if len(self.li_shp) + len(self.li_tab) == 0: self.logger.warning("No geofiles found in the folder structure") self.status.set(self.blabla.get('log_nodata')) return # specific variables dest = path.join(, 'metadator') if not path.isdir(dest): # test if folder already exists mkdir(dest, 0777) # if not, we create it # getting profile informations self.recup_profil(self.ddl_lang.get()) # saving options in a separated thread tr_options = threading.Thread(target=self.save_settings) tr_options.daemon = True tr_options.start()'Current options saved') # saving recurring fiels in a separated thread tr_rekurs = threading.Thread(target=self.saveas_rekurs, args=(self.ddl_lang.get(), )) tr_rekurs.daemon = True tr_rekurs.start() # configuring the progression bar self.prog_layers["maximum"] = len(self.li_shp) + len(self.li_tab) self.prog_layers["value"] # Processing the shapefiles'\tStart processing the files') for shp in self.li_shp: """ looping on shapefiles list """'Processing: %s' % path.basename(shp)) self.status.set(path.basename(shp)) # reset recipient data self.dico_layer.clear() self.dico_fields.clear() # getting separated process threads Read_SHP(shp, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, 'shape', self.blabla) # checking layer error if self.dico_layer.get('error'): # increment the progress bar self.prog_layers["value"] = self.prog_layers["value"] + 1 self.update() self.logger.warning('This shape has an issue: %s' % shp) continue # getting fields statistics only if needed if self.def_doc.get() == 1 or self.def_xls.get() == 1 or self.def_odt.get() == 1: StatsFields(shp, self.dico_fields, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) # export according to options selected if self.def_doc.get() == 1: ExportToHTML(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, self.dico_profil, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) html_path = path.join(dest, "{0}_MD.html".format(self.dico_layer['name'][:-4])) ExportToDocX(html_path, dest) if self.def_xls.get() == 1: ExportToXLS(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, self.dico_profil, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) if self.def_xml.get() == 1: ExportToXML(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_profil, '', self.blabla, 1, 0) if self.def_odt.get() == 1: ExportToODT(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, self.dico_profil, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) # increment the progress bar self.prog_layers["value"] = self.prog_layers["value"] + 1 self.update() # Processing the MapInfo tables for tab in self.li_tab: """ looping on MapInfo tables list """'Processing: %s' % path.basename(tab)) self.status.set(path.basename(tab)) # reset recipient data self.dico_layer.clear() self.dico_fields.clear() # getting the informations Read_TAB(tab, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, 'table', self.blabla) # checking layer error if self.dico_layer.get('error'): self.logger.warning('This MapInfo table has an issue: %s' % tab) # increment the progress bar self.prog_layers["value"] = self.prog_layers["value"] +1 self.update() continue # getting fields statistics only if needed if self.def_doc.get() == 1 \ or self.def_xls.get() == 1 \ or self.def_odt.get() == 1: StatsFields(tab, self.dico_fields, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) # export according to options selected if self.def_doc.get() == 1: ExportToHTML(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, self.dico_profil, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) html_path = path.join(dest, "{0}_MD.html".format(self.dico_layer['name'][:-4])) ExportToDocX(html_path, dest) if self.def_xls.get() == 1: ExportToXLS(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, self.dico_profil, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) if self.def_xml.get() == 1: ExportToXML(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_profil, '', self.blabla, 1, 0) if self.def_odt.get() == 1: ExportToODT(dest, self.dico_layer, self.dico_fields, self.dico_profil, self.dico_rekur, self.blabla) # increment the progress bar self.prog_layers["value"] = self.prog_layers["value"] + 1 self.update() # Word catalog export if self.def_doc.get() == 1 and self.def_cat.get() == 1: self.status.set(self.blabla.get('info_cat')) self.update() DocxMerger(dest, '00_Metadator_Catalog', 'metadator_') else: pass # final message # msg = self.blabla.get('info_end2') + self.blabla.get('info_end3') # info(title=self.blabla.get('info_end'), message=msg) # opening the destination folder self.open_dir_file(dest) # cleaning up'Hurray! It worked! All seem to have been fine!') self.destroy() # end of function return def open_dir_file(self, target): """ Open a file or a directory in the explorer of the operating system """ # check if the file or the directory exists if not path.exists(target): raise IOError('No such file: {0}'.format(target)) # check the read permission if not access(target, R_OK): raise IOError('Cannot access file: {0}'.format(target)) # open the directory or the file according to the os if opersys == 'win32': # Windows proc = startfile(target) elif opersys.startswith('linux'): # Linux: proc = subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) elif opersys == 'darwin': # Mac: proc = subprocess.Popen(['open', '--', target], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Your `%s` isn't a supported operating system`." % opersys) # end of function return proc
class Window(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Network/Port Scan") = Style()"TFrame", background="#000000")"TCheckbutton", background="#000000")"TButton", background="#000000") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Configure layout self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(5, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(6, weight=1) # Title of program lbl = Label(self, text="Network/Port Scan") lbl.grid(sticky=W, pady=5, padx=5) # Text Box area = ScrolledText(self, height=20) area.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=3, rowspan=4, padx=3, sticky=N + S + E + W) self.area = area # IP Address Button self.ip = BooleanVar() ip_add_button = Checkbutton(self, text="IP Address", variable=self.ip, width=10) ip_add_button.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=N) ip_add_button.config(anchor=W, activebackground="red") # Port Button self.port = BooleanVar() port_button = Checkbutton(self, text="Ports", variable=self.port, width=10) port_button.grid(row=1, column=3) port_button.config(anchor=W, activebackground="orange") # Host Name Button = BooleanVar() host_name_button = Checkbutton(self, text="Host Name",, width=10) host_name_button.grid(row=1, column=3, sticky=S) host_name_button.config(anchor=W, activebackground="yellow") # Gateway Button self.gateway = BooleanVar() gateway_btn = Checkbutton(self, text="Gateway", variable=self.gateway, width=10) gateway_btn.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky=N) gateway_btn.config(anchor=W, activebackground="green") # Services Button self.service = BooleanVar() service_btn = Checkbutton(self, text="Services", variable=self.service, width=10) service_btn.grid(row=2, column=3) service_btn.config(anchor=W, activebackground="blue") # Starting IP label ip_label = Label(self, text="Starting IP: ") ip_label.grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1, padx=3, sticky=W) self.ip_from = Entry(self, width=15) self.ip_from.insert(0, start_ip) self.ip_from.grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1, padx=3, sticky=E) # Ending IP label ip_label_two = Label(self, text="Ending IP: ") ip_label_two.grid(row=5, column=1, pady=1, padx=5, sticky=W) self.ip_to = Entry(self, width=15) self.ip_to.insert(0, end_ip) self.ip_to.grid(row=5, column=1, pady=1, padx=5, sticky=E) # Starting Port Label port_label = Label(self, text="Starting Port: ") port_label.grid(row=5, column=0, pady=3, padx=5, sticky=S + W) self.port_from = Entry(self, width=15) self.port_from.insert(0, 0) self.port_from.grid(row=5, column=0, pady=1, padx=5, sticky=S + E) # Ending Port Label port_label_two = Label(self, text="Ending Port: ") port_label_two.grid(row=5, column=1, pady=3, padx=5, sticky=S + W) self.port_to = Entry(self, width=15) self.port_to.insert(0, 1025) self.port_to.grid(row=5, column=1, pady=1, padx=5, sticky=S + E) # Scan Me self_scan_button = Button(self, text="Scan Me", command=lambda: self.onClick(1), width=33) self_scan_button.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=N) # Scan near me Button scan_other_button = Button(self, text="Scan Near Me", width=33, command=lambda: self.onClick(2)) scan_other_button.grid(row=6, column=0, pady=1, sticky=N) # Clear button clear_button = Button(self, text="Clear text", command=self.clear_text, width=12) clear_button.grid(row=6, column=3, pady=1, sticky=N) # Progress Bar self.label_scanning = Progressbar(self, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=175) self.label_scanning.grid(row=6, column=0, columnspan=4, padx=7, pady=7, sticky=E + S + W) self.label_scanning.config(mode="determinate") # Clear what is in the text box. def clear_text(self): self.area.delete(0.0, 'end') # empty my lists. my_ports[:] = [] ip_address_up[:] = [] target_host_name[:] = [] target_port_up[:] = [] # On click methods for scan me and scan others. def onClick(self, button_id): if button_id == 1: # Check to see if host button is marked if == 1: message = my_host_name() self.area.insert(0.0, message, ("warning")) self.area.tag_configure("warning", foreground="blue") # Check to see if ports button is marked if self.port.get() == 1: # Check port entry widgets. if self.port_from: if self.port_to: # Get the user input starting_port = self.port_from.get() ending_port = self.port_to.get() message, total = scan_my_ports(int(starting_port), int(ending_port)) for i in message: new_message = "My TCP " + i + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message, ("ports")) #self.area.tag_configure("ports", foreground = "green") time = "The TCP port scan completed in: " + str( total) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground="red") else: self.area.insert(0.0, "No valid ports specified.") # Check to see if IP button is marked if self.ip.get() == 1: message = my_ip() self.area.insert(0.0, message) # Check if gateway button is marked. if self.gateway.get() == 1: message = my_gateway() self.area.insert(0.0, message) # Check if service button is marked. if self.service.get() == 1: message, time = scan_my_services() for i in message: new_message = i + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) new_time = "The local scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0.new_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground="red") # If Scan other button is clicked. elif button_id == 2: # Check other IP's if self.ip.get() == 1: # Check the entry widgets. if self.ip_from: if self.ip_to: # Get the ranges from the entry widgets starting_ipv4_address = self.ip_from.get() ending_ipv4_address = self.ip_to.get() # Pass the values from the entry widgets into the function to scan nearby IP addresses. message, time = ping_ip_other(starting_ipv4_address, ending_ipv4_address) if message: for i in message: new_message = "The address: {:>15} {:>15}".format( i, "is UP\n") self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) total_time = "Range scanned: " + str( starting_ipv4_address) + " to " + str( ending_ipv4_address ) + "\n" + "The IP scan completed in: " + str( time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, total_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground="red") else: self.area.insert(0.0, "No Ip range is specified.") # Check others Ports if self.port.get() == 1: # Check port entry widgets. if self.port_from: if self.port_to: # Get the user input starting_port = self.port_from.get() ending_port = self.port_to.get() message, time = scan_ports_other( int(starting_port), int(ending_port)) if message: for i in message: new_msg = "The " + i + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_msg) else: new_msg = "Must scan nearby IP addresses first.\n" total_time = "TCP Port scan completed in: " + str( time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, total_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground="red") else: self.area.insert(0.0, "No Port range specified.") # Check other host names. Based on IP's scanned. if == 1: message, time = scan_host_other(ip_address_up) # Check that IP's of other computers were collected if message: for i in message: new_message = "Host name: " + str(i) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) else: new_msg = "Must scan nearby IP addresses first. \n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_msg) total = "The host scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, total, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground="red") # Check gateway return the gateway of the host machine again. if self.gateway.get() == 1: message = "\n" + str(my_gateway()) self.area.insert(0.0, message) # Check what services are running on which IP and port. if self.service.get() == 1: message, time = services_other() if message: for i in message: new_message = i + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_message) else: new_msg = "The IP addresses and ports must be scanned first." self.area.insert(0.0, new_msg) new_time = "The service scan completed in: " + str(time) + "\n" self.area.insert(0.0, new_time, ("timing")) self.area.tag_configure("timing", foreground="red") else: pass
class MainForm(Frame): """ If method is handling some GUI shit, its written in camelCase style """ def __init__(self, parent, caller_instance): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.caller_instance = caller_instance self.running_on = "%s:%s" % (get_local_addr(), getattr(self.caller_instance, 'port', None) or "8888") self.parent = parent caller_instance.messangers.append(self) self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.__centerWindow() self.parent.title("epyks %s" % self.running_on) # # Addr textbox # addr_validate = (self.parent.register(self.addrValidation), '%S', '%d') self.EntryAddress = Entry(self, validate='key', validatecommand=addr_validate, width=17) self.EntryAddress.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=10, pady=5, columnspan=2, sticky=W) self.EntryAddress.delete(0, END) self.EntryAddress.insert(0, "") # # Call button # self.ButtonCall = Button(self, text="Call", command=self.onButtonCallClick) self.ButtonCall.grid(row=0, column=1, pady=5) # # Callmode status canvas # self.CanvasCallmode = Canvas(self, width=20, height=20, bg="light grey") self.CanvasCallmode.create_oval(1, 1, 20, 20, fill="red", outline="light grey") self.CanvasCallmode.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=0, padx=10, sticky=W, columnspan=2) # # Callmode status label # self.LabelCallmode = Label(self, text="Not connected") self.LabelCallmode.grid(row=1, column=0, padx=35) # # End call button # self.ButtonEndCall = Button(self, text="End call", command=self.onButtonEndCallClick) self.ButtonEndCall.grid(row=1, column=1) # # Message listbox # self.MessagesListBox = Listbox(self) self.MessagesListBox.grid(row=2, column=0, columnspan=2, padx=2, pady=2, sticky="EW") # # Message entry # self.EntryMessage = Entry(self) self.EntryMessage.grid(row=3, column=0, padx=2) # # Send message # self.ButtonSendMessage = Button(self, text="Send", command=self.onButtonSendMessageClick) self.ButtonSendMessage.grid(row=3, column=1) # Testing # Pack all self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) def onGetAnswerMessageBox(self, interlocutor): return tkMessageBox.askyesno( title="Incoming call", message="A call from {}, wanna answer?".format(interlocutor)) def addrValidation(self, string, action): print string if action != 1: # 0 - delete, 1 - insert, -1 - focus in/out return True print "addrValidation: %s" % string if len(string) > 1: return full_ipv4_check(fulladdr=string) return string in ACCEPTABLE_CHARS def onTextBoxChange(self, *args, **kwargs): print 'lol ' + str(args) + str(kwargs) def onButtonCallClick(self): address = (self.EntryAddress.get()) if not full_ipv4_check(fulladdr=address): tkMessageBox.showerror(message="Incorrect address") ip, port = address.split(':'), int(port))) def onButtonSendMessageClick(self): message = self.EntryMessage.get() self.MessagesListBox.insert( END, "{author}> {message}".format(author="self", message=message)) ip, port = self.EntryAddress.get().split(':') self.caller_instance.send(message=message, address=(ip, int(port))) def onButtonEndCallClick(self): self.caller_instance.hang_up() def onMessageRecieved(self, author, message): """ :param author: Address of author, tuple (ip, port) :param message: Content """ author = ''.join([author[0], ':', str(author[1])]) self.MessagesListBox.insert( END, "{author}> {message}".format(author=author, message=message)) def checkStatus(self): status = self.caller_instance.status if status.startswith('On'): self.CanvasCallmode.create_oval(1, 1, 20, 20, fill="green", outline="light grey") self.EntryAddress.delete(0, END) self.EntryAddress.insert( 0, "{}:{}".format(self.caller_instance.interlocutor[0], self.caller_instance.interlocutor[1])) self.EntryAddress.configure(state='readonly') elif status.startswith('Not'): self.CanvasCallmode.create_oval(1, 1, 20, 20, fill="red", outline="light grey") self.EntryAddress.configure(state='') else: self.CanvasCallmode.create_oval(1, 1, 20, 20, fill="yellow", outline="light grey") self.EntryAddress.configure(state='readonly') self.LabelCallmode['text'] = status self.parent.after(ms=100, func=self.checkStatus) def __centerWindow(self): w = 260 h = 270 sw = self.parent.winfo_screenwidth() sh = self.parent.winfo_screenheight() x = (sw - w) / 2 y = (sh - h) / 2 self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y))
class Login(object): def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.title(u'用户登录') self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.geometry('400x670-100+200') self.xmlpath = StringVar() dict = self.checkconf() dict['xml_path'] = str(self.checkxml()) self.lb_user = Label(self.root, text=u'用户名:', padx=5) self.lb_passwd = Label(self.root, text=u'密码:', padx=5) self.checkDep_lab = Label(self.root, text=u'所属部门:', padx=5) self.checkRo_lab = Label(self.root, text=u'角色选择:', padx=5) self.checkRo_group = Label(self.root, text=u'小组选择:', padx=5) self.check_lab1 = Label(self.root, text=u' ', padx=1) self.check_lab2 = Label(self.root, text=u'', padx=1) self.deptset = StringVar() self.deptset.set(dict.get('[dept]')) self.roalset = StringVar() self.roalset.set(dict.get('[role]')) = eval(dict.get('[group]')) self.checkfrom1 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="项目", variable=self.deptset, value="1") self.checkfrom2 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="研发", variable=self.deptset, value="2") self.checkfrom3 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="运维", variable=self.deptset, value="3") self.checkroal1 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="JAVA工程师", variable=self.roalset, value="1") self.checkroal2 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="UI设计师", variable=self.roalset, value="2") self.checkroal3 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="IOS工程师", variable=self.roalset, value="3") self.checkroal4 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="Andrior工程师", variable=self.roalset, value="4") self.checkroal5 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="测试工程师", variable=self.roalset, value="5") self.checkroal6 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="WEB前端", variable=self.roalset, value="6") self.checkroal7 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="JAVA设计师", variable=self.roalset, value="7") self.checkroal8 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="产品专员", variable=self.roalset, value="8") self.checkroal9 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="综合管理员", variable=self.roalset, value="9") self.checkroal0 = Radiobutton(self.root, text="技术总监", variable=self.roalset, value="0") self.lb_user.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_passwd.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.checkDep_lab.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.checkfrom1.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkfrom2.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkfrom3.grid(row=4, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkRo_lab.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky=W) self.checkRo_group.grid(row=16, column=0, sticky=W) self.checkroal1.grid(row=6, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal2.grid(row=7, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal3.grid(row=8, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal4.grid(row=9, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal5.grid(row=10, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal6.grid(row=11, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal7.grid(row=12, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal8.grid(row=13, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal9.grid(row=14, column=1, sticky=W) self.checkroal0.grid(row=15, column=1, sticky=W) self.choicegroup = StringVar() self.choicegroup.set('小组一') num = 0 for i in num = num + 1 setattr( self, 'group_', Radiobutton(self.root,[i], variable=self.choicegroup, value=i).grid(row=16 + num, column=1, sticky=W)) num = 0 self.en_user = Entry(self.root, width=20) self.en_passwd = Entry(self.root, width=20, show='*') self.en_user.insert(0, dict.get('[ID]')) self.en_passwd.insert(0, dict.get('[code]')) self.check_lab1['text'] = ' 已获取: ' self.check_lab2['text'] = dict.get('xml_path') self.en_user.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_passwd.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=1) self.check_lab1.grid(row=25) self.check_lab2.grid(row=26) self.var = IntVar() self.ckb = Checkbutton(self.root, text=u'记住用户名和密码以及设置', underline=0, variable=self.var) self.ckb.grid(row=22, column=0) self.bt_print = Button(self.root, text=u'确定', width=20) self.bt_print.grid(row=23, column=1, sticky=E, pady=5) self.bt_print.config(command=self.print_info) self.root.mainloop() def validate_func(self, en): return False if eval(en).get().strip() != '' else True def checkfromclick1(self): return list def print_info(self): if self.var.get() != 0: print(self.var.get()) self.saveconf() sendmes = {} sendmes['xml_path'] = self.check_lab2['text'] if self.deptset.get() == '1': sendmes['send_dept'] = '268599543846224672-anchor' elif self.deptset.get() == '2': sendmes['send_dept'] = '6377311728366403805-anchor' else: sendmes['send_dept'] = '4218208322934425649-anchor' sendmes['send_role'] = self.roalset.get() sendmes['en_user'] = self.en_user.get().strip() sendmes['en_passwd'] = self.en_passwd.get().strip() sendmes['lastday'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m', time.localtime(time.time()))+'-'\ + str(calendar.monthrange(,[1])\ + ' 17:30' sendmes['xml_lastday'] = time.strftime('%m', time.localtime(time.time()))+'月'\ + str(calendar.monthrange(,[1])+'日' sendmes['group'] = self.choicegroup.get() #isok=runwork.test(sendmes) isok = runwork.doLoginSession(sendmes) #返回信息 if isok == "ture": MG.showinfo(title="完成", message="已保存至待发事项,请注意及时发送") sys.exit(0) elif isok == "chromeerror": MG.showerror(title="失败", message="浏览器驱动与版本不兼容,请尝试更新 \n " "驱动与Chrome版本下载 请参照 目录下README帮助文件 \n " "程序驱动位于bin目录下") sys.exit(0) else: MG.showerror(title="失败", message="失败 可以再尝试下,或者 \n " "目录下mylog日志文件解决问题,或者联系作者 \n" "源码已公开") sys.exit(0) def saveconf(self): f = open("local.conf", 'r') result = list() for line in f.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line.strip().find("=") and '[ID]' in line.strip(): result.append(line.strip().split("=")[0] + '=' + self.en_user.get()) if line.strip().find("=") and '[code]' in line.strip(): result.append(line.strip().split("=")[0] + '=' + self.en_passwd.get()) if line.strip().find("=") and '[dept]' in line.strip(): result.append(line.strip().split("=")[0] + '=' + self.deptset.get()) if line.strip().find("=") and '[role]' in line.strip(): result.append(line.strip().split("=")[0] + '=' + self.roalset.get()) if line.strip().find("=") and '[group]' in line.strip(): result.append(line.strip().split("=")[0] + '=' + line.strip().split("=")[1]) if not len(line) or line.startswith('#'): continue f.close() # 关闭文件 with open('local.conf', 'w') as fw: # with方式不需要再进行close fw.write('%s' % '\n'.join(result)) def checkconf(self): if os.path.exists("local.conf") and os.path.getsize("local.conf") != 0: dict = {} with open('local.conf', 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.strip().find("="): dict[line.strip().split("=")[0]] = line.strip().split( "=")[1] return dict else: dictDefault = { '[ID]': '输入用户名', '[code]': '密码', '[dept]': '1', '[role]': '1' } return dictDefault def checkxml(self): xmlpath = time.strftime('%Y-%m', time.localtime( time.time())) + '月份绩效填写用表.xlsx' print(xmlpath) print(os.path.exists(xmlpath)) if os.path.exists(xmlpath): return xmlpath else: MG.showerror(title="失败", message="不存在" + xmlpath + "文件,停止进程") sys.exit(0) return '-1' #多余
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Resistor Calculator") Style().configure("TButton", padding=(0, 5, 0, 5), font='serif 10') self.columnconfigure(0, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(1, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(2, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(3, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(4, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(5, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(0, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(1, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(2, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(3, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(4, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(5, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(6, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(7, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(8, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(9, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(10, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(11, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(12, pad=3) entry = Entry(self) entry.grid(row=0, columnspan=4, sticky=W+E) global resistance resistance="" def ringOne(number): entry.delete(0, END) entry.insert(0, str(number)) global resistance resistance = resistance + str(number) def ringTwo(number): ent=str(number) entry.insert(END, str(number)) global resistance resistance = resistance + str(number) def ringThree(number): ent=str(number) entry.insert(END, str(number)) global resistance resistance = resistance + str(number) def ringFour(number): global resistance entry.delete(0, END) for x in range (0, number): resistance = resistance + "0" ent = "Resistance is: " + resistance entry.insert(END,ent) resistance = "" def cls(): global resistance resistance = "" entry.delete(0, END) entry.insert(0,"Please Select ring colors") entry.insert(0,"Please Select ring colors") entry.config(justify=RIGHT) black = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringOne(0)) black.grid(row=2, column=0) brown = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringOne(1)) brown.grid(row=3, column=0) red = Button(self, text = "Red", command=lambda: ringOne(2)) red.grid(row=4, column=0) orange = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringOne(3)) orange.grid(row=5, column=0) yellow = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringOne(4)) yellow.grid(row=6, column=0) green = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringOne(5)) green.grid(row=7, column=0) blue = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringOne(6)) blue.grid(row=8, column=0) violet = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringOne(7)) violet.grid(row=9, column=0) grey = Button(self, text = "Grey", command=lambda: ringOne(8)) grey.grid(row=10, column = 0) white = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringOne(9)) white.grid(row=11,column = 0) black2 = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringTwo(0)) black2.grid(row=2, column=1) brown2 = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringTwo(1)) brown2.grid(row=3, column=1) red2 = Button(self, text = "Red", command=lambda: ringTwo(2)) red2.grid(row=4, column=1) orange2 = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringTwo(3)) orange2.grid(row=5, column=1) yellow2 = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringTwo(4)) yellow2.grid(row=6, column=1) green2 = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringTwo(5)) green2.grid(row=7, column=1) blue2 = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringTwo(6)) blue2.grid(row=8, column=1) violet2 = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringTwo(7)) violet2.grid(row=9, column=1) grey2 = Button(self, text = "Grey", command=lambda: ringTwo(8)) grey2.grid(row=10, column = 1) white2 = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringTwo(9)) white2.grid(row=11,column = 1) black3 = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringThree(0)) black3.grid(row=2, column=2) brown3 = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringThree(1)) brown3.grid(row=3, column=2) red3 = Button(self, text = "Red", command=lambda: ringThree(2)) red3.grid(row=4, column=2) orange3 = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringThree(3)) orange3.grid(row=5, column=2) yellow3 = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringThree(4)) yellow3.grid(row=6, column=2) green3 = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringThree(5)) green3.grid(row=7, column=2) blue3 = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringThree(6)) blue3.grid(row=8, column=2) violet3 = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringThree(7)) violet3.grid(row=9, column=2) grey3 = Button(self, text = "Grey", command=lambda: ringThree(8)) grey3.grid(row=10, column = 2) white3 = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringThree(9)) white3.grid(row=11,column = 2) black4 = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringFour(0)) black4.grid(row=2, column=3) brown4 = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringFour(1)) brown4.grid(row=3, column=3) red4 = Button(self, text = "Red", command=lambda: ringFour(2)) red4.grid(row=4, column=3) orange4 = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringFour(3)) orange4.grid(row=5, column=3) yellow4 = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringFour(4)) yellow4.grid(row=6, column=3) green4 = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringFour(5)) green4.grid(row=7, column=3) blue4 = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringFour(6)) blue4.grid(row=8, column=3) violet4 = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringFour(7)) violet4.grid(row=9, column=3) grey4 = Button(self, text = "Grey", command=lambda: ringFour(8)) grey4.grid(row=10, column = 3) white4 = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringFour(9)) white4.grid(row=11,column = 3) i=0 labels = "Ring 1", "Ring 2", "Ring 3", "Multiplier" for label in labels: label1 = Label(self, text=label) label1.grid(row=1, column = i) i+=1 clear = Button(self, text = "Clear", command = lambda: cls()) clear.grid(row=12, columnspan=4, sticky=W+E) self.pack()
class MainFrame(Frame): TOP_FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR = 'gray75' w_ = 500 h_ = 400 a_ = 5. b_ = 5. pad_l = 10 def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent, background='white') self.parent_ = parent # this is the main frame we are working on self.img_frame = Frame(self, background='navy') self.entry1 = None self.entry2 = None self.cb = None # self.init_ui() self.centering() # broken TV app)) # while True: self.state = 0 self.init_random_image() # time.sleep(0.05) def centering(self): pos_x = (self.parent_.winfo_screenwidth() - self.w_) / 2 pos_y = (self.parent_.winfo_screenheight() - self.h_) / 2 self.parent_.geometry('{}x{}+{}+{}'.format(self.w_, self.h_, pos_x, pos_y)) def init_ui(self): self.parent_.title('Rough surface generator') self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) # top panel with controls frame_top = Frame(self, background=self.TOP_FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR) frame_top.pack(fill=X) self.cb = Combobox(frame_top, values=('Gaussian', 'Laplace')) self.cb.current(0) self.cb.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, expand=True) l1 = Label(frame_top, text=r'Cx', background=self.TOP_FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR, width=4) l1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, expand=True) self.entry1 = Entry(frame_top, validate='key', validatecommand=(self.register(self.on_validate), '%d', '%i', '%P', '%s', '%S', '%v', '%V', '%W'), width=10) self.entry1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, expand=True) self.entry1.insert(0, str(self.a_)) l1 = Label(frame_top, text=r'Cy', width=4, background=self.TOP_FRAME_BACKGROUND_COLOR) l1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) self.entry2 = Entry(frame_top, validate='key', validatecommand=(self.register(self.on_validate), '%d', '%i', '%P', '%s', '%S', '%v', '%V', '%W'), width=10) self.entry2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, expand=True) self.entry2.insert(0, str(self.b_)) but1 = Button(frame_top, text='RUN', command=self.button_action) but1.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) # central panel. It will have a label with an image. Image may have a random noise state, or # transformed image state self.img_frame.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) img_label = Label(self.img_frame, background=None) img_label.pack(expand=True, fill=BOTH, padx=5, pady=5) def on_validate(self, d, i, P, s, S, v, V, W): """ :param d: type of action: 1 - insert, 0 - delete, -1 - other :param i: index of char string to be inserted/deleted, or -1 :param P: value of the entry if the edit is allowed :param s: value of entry prior to editing :param S: the text string being inserted or deleted, if any :param v: the type of validation that is currently set :param V: the type of validation that triggered the callback (key, focusin, focusout, forced) :param W: the tk name of the widget :return: True/False -> Valid / Invalid Found it here: Very good answer! """ if d == '1': if W == str(self.entry1): try: float(s + S) return True except ValueError: self.entry1.delete(0, 'end') self.entry1.insert(0, s) print("Not a number, entry 1") return False if W == str(self.entry2): try: float(s + S) return True except ValueError: self.entry2.delete(0, 'end') self.entry2.insert(0, s) print("Not a number, entry 2") return False return True def init_random_image(self): """ Create a rough surface image from a random noise """ self.update() # set a colormap c_map = cm.get_cmap('bwr') # width and height of the image w_ = self.img_frame.winfo_width()-self.pad_l h_ = self.img_frame.winfo_height()-self.pad_l # generate random noise random_map = np.random.random((h_, w_)) # generate a meshgrid for the filter xv, yv = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-int(w_ / 2.), int(w_ / 2.), w_), np.linspace(-int(h_ / 2.), int(h_ / 2.), h_)) # define correlation length and width if len(self.entry1.get()) > 0: clx = float(self.entry1.get()) else: return if len(self.entry2.get()) > 0: cly = float(self.entry2.get()) else: return # if self.cb.get().startswith('G'): # Gaussian filter filter_ = np.exp(-np.power(xv, 2) / clx - np.power(yv, 2) / cly) else: # Laplace filter filter_ = np.exp(-np.abs(xv) / clx - np.abs(yv) / cly) # this is a resulting map random_map = np.fft.ifft2(np.multiply(np.fft.fft2(random_map), np.fft.fft2(filter_))) random_map = np.real(random_map) # normalize to [0, 1] random_map -= np.min(random_map) random_map /= np.max(random_map) # create PhotoImage object to add on the panel img = ImageTk.PhotoImage( Image.fromarray( # image really likes unsigned ints)) np.uint8( # convert to colormap you like c_map( # give a random image to color map with values between 0 and 1 # np.random.random( # (self.img_frame.winfo_height()-self.pad_l, self.img_frame.winfo_width()-self.pad_l) # ) random_map )*255 ) ) ) # Gray colormap # img = ImageTk.PhotoImage( # Image.fromarray(np.random.random_integers(0, 255, # (self.img_frame.winfo_height()-self.pad_l, # self.img_frame.winfo_width()-self.pad_l)).astype(np.int8) # ).convert('L') # ) keys = self.img_frame.children.keys() for key in keys: self.img_frame.children[key].configure(image=img) self.img_frame.children[key].image = img def button_action(self): """ """ self.init_random_image()
class Example(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Append Data") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) labelfont20 = ('Roboto', 15, 'bold') labelfont10 = ('Roboto', 10, 'bold') labelfont8 = ('Roboto', 8, 'bold') frame0 = Frame(self) frame0.pack() lbl0 = Label(frame0, text="Hi Nakul") lbl0.config(font=labelfont20) lbl0.pack( padx=5, pady=5) lbl00 = Label(frame0, text="Fill the data here") lbl00.config(font=labelfont10) lbl00.pack( padx=5, pady=5) #################################### frame1 = Frame(self) frame1.pack(), y=100) lbl1 = Label(frame1, text="Name", width=15) lbl1.pack(side=LEFT,padx=7, pady=5) self.entry1 = Entry(frame1,width=20) self.entry1.pack(padx=5, expand=True) #################################### frame2 = Frame(self) frame2.pack(), y=130) lbl2 = Label(frame2, text="F Name", width=15) lbl2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry2 = Entry(frame2) self.entry2.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ###################################### frame3 = Frame(self) frame3.pack(), y=160) lbl3 = Label(frame3, text="DOB(D/M/Y)", width=15) lbl3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry3 = Entry(frame3) self.entry3.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ####################################### frame4 = Frame(self) frame4.pack(), y=190) lbl4 = Label(frame4, text="Medium(H/E)", width=15) lbl4.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry4 = Entry(frame4) self.entry4.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ########################################## frame5 = Frame(self) frame5.pack(), y=225) MODES = [ ("M", "Male"), ("F", "Female"), ] lbl5 = Label(frame5, text="Gender", width=15) lbl5.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) global v v = StringVar() v.set("Male") # initialize for text, mode in MODES: b = Radiobutton(frame5, text=text,variable=v, value=mode) b.pack(side=LEFT,padx=10) ############################################ #####printing line lbl5a = Label(text="___________________________________________________") lbl5a.pack(), y=255) ############################################ frame6 = Frame(self) frame6.pack(), y=290) lbl6 = Label(frame6, text="Phone No:", width=15) lbl6.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry6 = Entry(frame6) self.entry6.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ################################################ frame7 = Frame(self) frame7.pack(), y=320) lbl7 = Label(frame7, text="Landline No:", width=15) lbl7.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry7 = Entry(frame7) self.entry7.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ############################################### frame8 = Frame(self) frame8.pack(), y=350) lbl8 = Label(frame8, text="Email:", width=15) lbl8.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry8 = Entry(frame8) self.entry8.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ############################################# frame9 = Frame(self) frame9.pack(), y=380) lbl9 = Label(frame9, text="HomeTown:", width=15) lbl9.pack(side=LEFT, padx=7, pady=5) self.entry9 = Entry(frame9) self.entry9.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) ############################################### frame10 = Frame(self) frame10.pack(), y=415) lbl10 = Label(frame10, text="Address:") lbl10.pack( padx=5, pady=5) self.entry10 = Text(frame10,height=5, width=28) self.entry10.pack(padx=5, expand=True) ############################################## ############################################# frame11 = Frame(self) frame11.pack(), y=100) lbl11x = Label(frame11,text="_______Class 10th Data_______") lbl11x.pack(padx=0, pady=0) lbl11 = Label(text="%",width=15) lbl11.pack(side=LEFT,padx=0, pady=0), y=130) self.entry11 = Entry(width=12) self.entry11.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=130) lbl11a = Label(text="Passing Year",width=15) lbl11a.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=160) self.entry11a = Entry(width=12) self.entry11a.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=160) lbl11b = Label(text="Board Name",width=15) lbl11b.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=190) self.entry11b = Entry(width=12) self.entry11b.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=190) #################################################### frame12 = Frame(self) frame12.pack(), y=100) lbl12x = Label(frame12,text="_______Class 12th Data_______") lbl12x.pack(padx=0, pady=0) lbl12 = Label(text="%",width=15) lbl12.pack(side=LEFT,padx=0, pady=0), y=130) self.entry12 = Entry(width=12) self.entry12.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=130) lbl12a = Label(text="Passing Year",width=15) lbl12a.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=160) self.entry12a = Entry(width=12) self.entry12a.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=160) lbl12b = Label(text="Board Name",width=15) lbl12b.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=190) self.entry12b = Entry(width=12) self.entry12b.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=190) ##################################################### frame13 = Frame(self) frame13.pack(), y=100) lbl13x = Label(frame13,text="________B.Tech Data_________") lbl13x.pack(padx=0, pady=0) lbl13 = Label(text="%",width=15) lbl13.pack(side=LEFT,padx=0, pady=0), y=130) self.entry13 = Entry(width=12) self.entry13.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=130) lbl13a = Label(text="Passing Year",width=15) lbl13a.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=160) self.entry13a = Entry(width=12) self.entry13a.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=160) lbl13b = Label(text="College",width=15) lbl13b.pack(padx=0, pady=2), y=190) self.entry13b = Entry(width=12) self.entry13b.pack(padx=1, expand=True), y=190) #################################################### frame14 = Frame(self) frame14.pack(), y=255) lbl14 = Label(frame14, text="Any Other Info:") lbl14.pack( padx=5, pady=5) self.entry14 = Text(frame14,height=5, width=28) self.entry14.pack(padx=5, expand=True) frame15 = Frame(self) frame15.pack(), y=290) openButton = Button(frame15, text="Attatch Resume",width=15,command=self.openResume) openButton.pack(padx=5, pady=5) self.entry15 = Entry(frame15) self.entry15.pack(fill=X, padx=4, expand=True) ############################################################# frame16 = Frame(self) frame16.pack(), y=500) closeButton = Button(frame16, text="SUBMIT",width=35,command=self.getDatax) closeButton.pack(padx=5, pady=5) ####################################### framexxx = Frame(self) framexxx.pack(), y=600) = Label(framexxx,text="Recent Changes Will Appear Here") ####################################### frame000 = Frame(self) frame000.pack(), y=600) self.lbl000= Label(frame000, text="Beta/Sample2.0 | (c) Nakul Rathore") self.lbl000.config(font=labelfont8) self.lbl000.pack( padx=5, pady=5) def openResume(self): ftypes = [('All files', '*')] dlg = tkFileDialog.Open(self, filetypes = ftypes,initialdir='C:/Users/') global x15 fl = #file name x15 = fl temp1 = os.path.basename(fl) global temp2 temp2 = os.path.splitext(temp1)[0] self.entry15.delete(0, 'end') self.entry15.insert(0,temp2) ##################### def getDatax(self): x1 = self.entry1.get() x2 = self.entry2.get() x3 = self.entry3.get() x4 = self.entry4.get() x5 = v.get() x6 = int(self.entry6.get()) x7 = int(self.entry7.get()) x8 = self.entry8.get() x9 = self.entry9.get() x10 = self.entry10.get('1.0', 'end') x11 = int(self.entry11.get()) x11a = int(self.entry11a.get()) x11b = self.entry11b.get() x12 = int(self.entry12.get()) x12a = int(self.entry12a.get()) x12b = self.entry12b.get() x13 = int(self.entry13.get()) x13a = int(self.entry13a.get()) x13b = self.entry13b.get() x14 = self.entry14.get('1.0', 'end') list1=[x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x11a,x11b,x12,x12a,x12b,x13,x13a,x13b,x14,"=HYPERLINK("+"\""+x15+"\""+","+"\""+temp2+"\""+")"] wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('..\database\database.xlsx') ws = print(wb.get_sheet_names()) max_row = ws.get_highest_row() #max_col = ws.get_highest_column() max_col = 21 print max_row for i in xrange(1,max_col+1): #print list1[i] ws.cell(row = max_row+1, column = i).value = list1[i-1] ws.cell(row = max_row+1, column = max_col).font = Font(color="0000FF", underline='single') ws.cell(row = max_row+1, column = max_col).alignment = Alignment(horizontal='center')'..\database\database.xlsx') self.entry1.delete(0, 'end') self.entry2.delete(0, 'end') self.entry3.delete(0, 'end') self.entry4.delete(0, 'end') self.entry6.delete(0, 'end') self.entry7.delete(0, 'end') self.entry8.delete(0, 'end') self.entry9.delete(0, 'end') self.entry10.delete('1.0', '2.0') self.entry11.delete(0, 'end') self.entry11a.delete(0, 'end') self.entry11b.delete(0, 'end') self.entry12.delete(0, 'end') self.entry12a.delete(0, 'end') self.entry12b.delete(0, 'end') self.entry13.delete(0, 'end') self.entry13a.delete(0, 'end') self.entry13b.delete(0, 'end') self.entry14.delete('1.0', '2.0')"Recent Changes Made For : "+x1)
class CreateServer(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, controller): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller CreateServer.local_world = None label_1 = Label(self, text="Create server\n\n\n\n", font=TITLE_FONT, justify=CENTER, anchor=CENTER) label_2 = Label(self, text="Server name:") label_3 = Label(self, text="Gamefield (MxN):") CreateServer.plx_name = 'none' CreateServer.game_dim = '10X10' self.entry_1 = Entry(self) self.entry_2 = Entry(self) self.entry_2.insert(0, '10x10') self.entry_1.bind("<Key>", self.checkString) self.button1 = Button(self, text="Create",state="disabled", command= self.callback_set) self.button2 = Button(self, text="Back", command=lambda: controller.show_frame("StartPage")) label_1.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) label_2.pack() self.entry_1.pack() label_3.pack() self.entry_2.pack() self.button1.pack(pady=10) self.button2.pack(pady=20) def com(self, controller, next_frame): controller.show_frame(next_frame) def checkString(self, event): if self.entry_1: self.button1.config(state="normal") def callback_set(self): set_global_state(1) if self.get_name_field(): self.controller.show_frame("ChooseType") # process user inputs def get_name_field(self): CreateServer.plx_name = self.entry_1.get() CreateServer.game_dim = self.entry_2.get().upper() flag2 = False flag1 = self.string_check(CreateServer.plx_name,"Invalid server name") if flag1: flag2 = self.string_check(CreateServer.game_dim,"Invalid game field parameters") if flag2: m_split=CreateServer.game_dim.split('X') if len(m_split)==2: try: _ = int(m_split[0]) except: flag2 = False try: _ = int(m_split[1]) except: flag2 = False else: flag2 = False if flag2 == False: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Error message", "Invalid game field parameters!") return flag1 & flag2 # check if the string is usable def string_check(self,s,msg): temp = False try: s.decode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: print "it was not an ascii-encoded unicode string" tkMessageBox.showwarning("Error message", msg) except UnicodeDecodeError: print "it was not an ascii-encoded unicode string" tkMessageBox.showwarning("Error message", msg) else: if len(CreateServer.plx_name) < 11 and len(CreateServer.plx_name) >= 1: temp = True else: tkMessageBox.showwarning("Error message", "Please input 1-10 characters!") return temp
class topFrame(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.setUI() def setUI(self): self.parent.title("ServoGui") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.comPort = StringVar(self) self.laststrm = StringVar(self) settingFrame = Frame(self, borderwidth=1, relief=RAISED) settingFrame.pack(fill=Y, side=LEFT) Label(settingFrame, width=50, text="Port Settings", bg="green", fg="black").pack(fill=X) ports = self.getComPorts() w = apply(OptionMenu, (settingFrame, self.comPort) + tuple(ports)) w.pack(fill=X) BaudFrame = Frame(settingFrame) BaudFrame.pack(fill=X) Label(BaudFrame, text="Baud:").pack(side=LEFT) self.baud_entry = Entry(BaudFrame, width=15, validate="focusout", validatecommand=self.baudValidate) self.baud_entry.pack(side=LEFT, expand = True) self.baud_entry.insert(0,"115200") Button(settingFrame, text="Open Port", command=self.openPort). pack(fill=X) Button(settingFrame, text="Close Port", command=self.closePort). pack(fill=X) StreamFrame = Frame(settingFrame) StreamFrame.pack() self.btnStartStream = Button(StreamFrame, text="Start Stream", command=self.startStream, state=DISABLED) self.btnStopStream = Button(StreamFrame, text="Stop Stream", command=self.stopStream, state=DISABLED) self.btnGetConfig = Button(StreamFrame, text="Get Config", command=self.getConfig, state=DISABLED) self.btnStartStream.pack(side=LEFT) self.btnStopStream.pack(side=LEFT) self.btnGetConfig.pack(side=LEFT) self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.writequeue = Queue.Queue() Label(settingFrame, width=50, text="Drive Settings", bg="green", fg="black").pack(fill=X) DriveSettingsFrame = Frame(settingFrame, relief=SUNKEN) DriveSettingsFrame.pack(fill=X) driveSettingsFrames = [] self.driveSettingsEntries = [] for drivesetting in drivesettings: driveSettingsFrames.append(Frame(DriveSettingsFrame)) driveSettingsFrames[-1].pack(fill=X) Label(driveSettingsFrames[-1], text=drivesetting).pack(side=LEFT) self.driveSettingsEntries.append(Entry(driveSettingsFrames[-1])) self.driveSettingsEntries[-1].pack(side=RIGHT) Button(DriveSettingsFrame, text="Send to drive", command=self.sendConfig).pack(fill=X) Button(DriveSettingsFrame, text="Save config in drive", command=self.saveConfig).pack(fill=X) Label(settingFrame, width=50, textvariable=self.laststrm, bg="green", fg="black").pack(fill=X) #MatplotLib stuff f = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100) self.a = f.add_subplot(311) self.a.set_title("Requested and actual position") self.b = f.add_subplot(312) self.b.set_title("Error") self.c = f.add_subplot(313) self.c.set_title("Current meas ADC value") self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, master=self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.canvas, self) toolbar.update() self.canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.hall=[] self.encoder_count=[] self.pos_error=[] self.requested_position=[] self.requested_delta=[] self.adc_value=[] self.pid_output=[] self.a.set_autoscaley_on(True) self.encoder_line, = self.a.plot([],[]) self.error_line, = self.b.plot([],[]) self.reqpos_line, = self.a.plot([],[]) self.ADC_line, = self.c.plot([],[]) self.updateCanvas() def baudValidate(self): sVal = self.baud_entry.get() try: iVal = int(sVal) except ValueError: print "Illegal baud value" self.baud_entry.delete(0, END) self.baud_entry.insert(0, "115200") return False return True def openPort(self): try: self.ser = serial.Serial(self.comPort.get(), int(self.baud_entry.get()), timeout=0) except serial.SerialException: print "unable to open" return self.btnStartStream['state'] = NORMAL self.btnStopStream['state'] = NORMAL self.btnGetConfig['state'] = NORMAL self.thread = SerialThread(self.queue, self.writequeue, self.ser) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() self.process_serial() def closePort(self): self.thread.stop() self.thread.join() self.ser.closePort() self.btnStartStream['state'] = DISABLED self.btnStopStream['state'] = DISABLED self.btnGetConfig['state'] = DISABLED def process_serial(self): while self.queue.qsize(): try: line = self.queue.get() self.handleLine(line) except Queue.Empty: pass self.after(100, self.process_serial) def startStream(self): self.writequeue.put(b"STREAM START \r") def stopStream(self): self.writequeue.put(b"STREAM DIE \r") def getConfig(self): self.writequeue.put(b"GET\r") def saveConfig(self): self.writequeue.put(b"SAVE \r") def sendConfig(self): for setting in drivesettings: dataToSend = b"SET "+setting+" "+self.driveSettingsEntries[drivesettings.index(setting)].get()+"\r" print dataToSend self.writequeue.put(dataToSend) time.sleep(0.2) def getComPorts(self): ports = portNames = [] for port in ports: portNames.append(port[0]) return portNames def handleLine(self,line): line = line.replace(" ", "") line = line.replace("/n", "") line = line.replace("/r", "") parts = line.split(":") if len(parts)>1: if parts[0] == "STR": self.handleStr(parts[1]) return if parts[0] in drivesettings: self.driveSettingsEntries[drivesettings.index(parts[0])].delete(0, END) self.driveSettingsEntries[drivesettings.index(parts[0])].insert(0, parts[1]) def handleStr(self,strm): #format of the stream line: STR:hall;count;requestedPosition;requestedDelta;error parts = strm.split(";") self.laststrm.set(strm) self.hall.append(int(parts[0])) if len(self.hall) > 5000: self.hall.pop(0) self.encoder_count.append(parts[1]) if len(self.encoder_count) > 5000: self.encoder_count.pop(0) self.requested_position.append(parts[2]) if len(self.requested_position) > 5000: self.requested_position.pop(0) self.requested_delta.append(parts[3]) if len(self.requested_delta) > 5000: self.requested_delta.pop(0) self.pos_error.append(parts[4]) if len(self.pos_error) > 5000: self.pos_error.pop(0) self.adc_value.append(parts[5]) if len(self.adc_value) > 5000: self.adc_value.pop(0) self.pid_output.append(parts[5]) if len(self.pid_output) > 5000: self.pid_output.pop(0) def updateCanvas(self): self.encoder_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.encoder_count))) self.encoder_line.set_ydata(self.encoder_count) self.error_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.pos_error))) self.error_line.set_ydata(self.pos_error) self.reqpos_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.requested_position))) self.reqpos_line.set_ydata(self.requested_position) self.ADC_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.adc_value))) self.ADC_line.set_ydata(self.adc_value) self.a.relim() self.a.autoscale_view() self.b.relim() self.b.autoscale_view() self.c.relim() self.c.autoscale_view() self.canvas.draw() self.after(100, self.updateCanvas)
class mSim(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): self.serialStatus = False #create variables self.startmotor = BooleanVar() self.logstate = BooleanVar() self.loggedData = [] self.throttlevar = StringVar() self.throttleval = IntVar() #default values self.throttlevar.set("0%") self.throttleval.set(0) #base frame init Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() self.centerWindow() self.PERIOD_LENGTH_Log = 100 #milliseconds self.PERIOD_LENGTH_Scan = 1000 #milliseconds self.PERIOD_LENGTH_Refresh = 300 #milliseconds self.parent.after(0, self.runScan) self.parent.after(0, self.runLog) self.parent.after(0, self.runRefresh) def runScan(self): #serial port scanning function """ Lists serial port names :raises EnvironmentError: On unsupported or unknown platforms :returns: A list of the serial ports available on the system """ if sys.platform.startswith('win'): ports = ['COM%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(256)] elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): # this excludes your current terminal "/dev/tty" ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty[A-Za-z]*') elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty.*') else: raise EnvironmentError('Unsupported platform') result = [] for port in ports: try: s = serial.Serial(port) s.close() result.append(port) except (OSError, serial.SerialException): pass menu = self.drop["menu"] menu.delete(0, "end") menu.add_command(label="None", command=lambda value="None": self.selected_s_Port.set(value)) for string in result: menu.add_command(label=string, command=lambda value=string: self.selected_s_Port.set(value)) self.parent.after(self.PERIOD_LENGTH_Scan, self.runScan) def runLog(self): #this will probably not work since you're not appending to if (self.logstate.get() == True) and (self.serialStatus == True): #logging data data = dict(zip(*[self.SC.dict.keys(), zip(*self.SC.dict.values())[-1]])) if 'l' not in locals(): # a dictionary with a deque of the recent data for each message type -Austin l = [] if self.loggedData == []: #if empty add titles l=[data.keys()] data = data.values() self.loggedData.append(data) self.parent.after(self.PERIOD_LENGTH_Log, self.runLog) def runRefresh(self): #Refresh figures function self.a.clear() self.b.clear() self.c.clear() self.d.clear() if not self.serialStatus: #TODO: Put SerialComm data buffer here v . Timestamps (from python?) on x axis, values on y-axis #Helpful Info: plot([xvals],[yvals]) self.a.plot([0],[0]) self.b.plot([0],[0]) self.c.plot([0],[0]) self.d.plot([0],[0]) else: self.SC.processData(5) # This param is the number of bytes to try for a message -Austin timestamps = [val / 1000.0 if val != None else val for val in self.SC.dict['Timestamp']] self.a.plot(timestamps, self.SC.dict['Thrust']) self.b.plot(timestamps, self.SC.dict['Rot Speed']) self.c.plot(timestamps, self.SC.dict['Current']) self.d.plot(timestamps, self.SC.dict['Voltage']) #set labels for graphs (could make automatic later) self.a.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.a.set_ylabel('Thrust (N)') self.b.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.b.set_ylabel('RPM') self.c.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.c.set_ylabel('Current (A)') self.d.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.d.set_ylabel('Voltage (V)') #try drawing the canvas try: self.canvas.draw() except: pass #just ignore it, you'll do better next time self.parent.after(self.PERIOD_LENGTH_Refresh, self.runRefresh) def centerWindow(self): w = 900 #eh, who needs scaling anyways h = 600 sw = self.parent.winfo_screenwidth() sh = self.parent.winfo_screenheight() x = (sw - w)/2 y = (sh - h)/2 self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) def initUI(self): #Parent Frame self.parent.title("Test Stand Control Panel") = Style()"default") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Frame 1 (top) frame1 = Frame(self) frame1.pack(fill=X, expand=1) #Start motor button startButton = Button(frame1, text="Start Motor", command=self.startMotor) startButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) #Throttle slider lbl1 = Label(frame1, text="Throttle (0-100):", width=14) lbl1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.scale = Scale(frame1, from_=0, to=100, command=self.onScaleThrottle) self.scale.pack(side=LEFT, padx=15) self.label = Label(frame1, text="throttle", textvariable=self.throttlevar, width=5) self.label.pack(side=LEFT) #Throttlesweep checkbutton self.autovar = BooleanVar() cb = Checkbutton(frame1, text="Throttle Sweep", variable=self.autovar, command=self.onClickAuto) cb.pack(side=LEFT, padx=15) #Com port selection field droplbl = Label(frame1, text="Serial Port:", width=10) droplbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.selected_s_Port = StringVar() self.s_Ports = [] self.drop = OptionMenu(frame1,self.selected_s_Port,"None",*self.s_Ports) self.drop.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) #baudrate selection field (disabled) ## drop2lbl = Label(frame1, text="Baudrate:", width=9) ## drop2lbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) ## self.baudrate = StringVar() ## baudrates = [9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200] ## drop2 = OptionMenu(frame1,self.baudrate,*baudrates) ## drop2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) #Start serial button comsButton = Button(frame1, text="Start Serial", command=self.startSerial) comsButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) #Stop serial button comsStopButton = Button(frame1, text="Stop Serial", command=self.stopSerial) comsStopButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) # Frame 2 (second line) frame2 = Frame(self) frame2.pack(fill=X, expand=1) #Amperage entry lbl2 = Label(frame2, text="Max Motor Current (A):", width=21) lbl2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.MaxA_Entry = Entry(frame2) self.MaxA_Entry.pack(side="left", fill=X, padx=5, expand=False) self.MaxA_Entry.insert(0, 10) #Voltage entry lbl3 = Label(frame2, text="Max Motor Voltage (V):", width=20) lbl3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.MaxV_Entry = Entry(frame2) self.MaxV_Entry.pack(side="left", fill=X, padx=5, expand=False) self.MaxV_Entry.insert(0, 14) #Update button updateButton = Button(frame2, text="Update Values", command=self.updateValues) updateButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) # Graph Frame framegraph = Frame(self) framegraph.pack(fill=X, expand=1) #Init figures f = Figure(figsize=(4,4), dpi=100) self.a = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) self.d = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) self.c = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) self.b = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) f.set_tight_layout(True) self.canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg.FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, master=self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) #Display Toolbar toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.canvas, framegraph) toolbar.update() self.canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) # Frame 0 (Bottom text) frame0 = Frame(self) frame0.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", expand=1) #Display text (allows to give user information) self.textboxvar = StringVar() = Label(frame0, textvariable=self.textboxvar), padx=5, pady=5) # Button Frame (large buttons, near bottom) s = Style() #has its own style s.configure('My.TFrame',background='#f7edc3') #fancy colors framered = Frame(self, style='My.TFrame') framered.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", expand=1) #used the tk instead of ttk library for this, allows font and color mods #Save Button self.saveButton = tk.Button(framered, text="Save Data", bg='green', font=('Arial',20,'bold'), command=self.saveData) self.saveButton.pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=5) #Log button self.logButton = tk.Button(framered, text="Start Data Logging", bg="blue", font=('Arial',20,'bold'), command=self.logData) self.logButton.pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=5) #Stop button self.stopButton = tk.Button(framered, text="Stop Motor", bg='red', font=('Arial',20,'bold'), command=self.stopMotor) self.stopButton.pack(side="right", padx=5, pady=5) #Button behavior functions (hopefully self-explanatory) def onClickAuto(self): #for the throttle sweep (should rename) pass #(I guess I can make it do something if I want) def MaxA(self): #self.MaxA_Entry.get() pass def MaxV(self): pass #not sure why these are even functions def onScaleThrottle(self, val): throttle = str(int(float(val))) self.throttlevar.set(throttle + "%") self.throttleval.set(throttle) try: self.SC.sendThrottleSetting(self.throttleval.get()) except: self.textboxvar.set("Something went wrong, is serial connected?") def startSerial(self): COM_Port = self.selected_s_Port.get() #print type(COM_Port) #print COM_Port if "COM" in COM_Port: self.textboxvar.set("Starting Serial on port " + self.selected_s_Port.get()) #serialThread = Thread(target=SerialComm, args=(COM_Port)) #probably want to pass the self.vars? #serialThread.start() #threads.append(serialThread) try: self.ser = serial.Serial(self.selected_s_Port.get(), 9600) #Baud rate = 9600 self.SC = SerialComm(self.ser, 50) #Dict deques' maxlength = 50 for key in self.SC.dict.keys(): #Initialize dict deques with values so no length errors -Austin for i in range(self.SC.dict[key].maxlen): self.SC.dict[key].append(None) self.serialStatus = True except Exception,e: #if the com port is wrong dont start serial print str(e) self.textboxvar.set("Error starting serial on port " + self.selected_s_Port.get() + ": " + str(e)) else:
def display_reporting_procedure(*args): no_log_file = not _error_file_name path_name = os.path.join(user_directory, 'log', _error_file_name) size=500 fr = Toplevel(height=size, width=size) fr.title(string='Diagnil Problem Reporting Procedure') Message(fr, aspect=300, text=display_messages['reporting_procedure'] ).pack(padx=10, pady=10) def copy_entry_clipboard(ent): ent.selection_range(0, END) # for Unix/Linux ent.clipboard_clear() ent.clipboard_append(ent.get()) # needed for Windows if using_ttk or using_tile: addr_ent = Entry(fr, background=text_bg_color, width=60) else: addr_ent = Entry(fr, background=text_bg_color, width=60, relief=SUNKEN) addr_ent.insert(END, email_addr) addr_ent.pack(padx=20, pady=5) fr_email = Frame(fr) Button(fr_email, text='Copy', command=EventHandler('Reporting proc', lambda : copy_entry_clipboard(addr_ent)) ).pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) Label(fr_email, text='E-mail Address to Clipboard').pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) fr_email.pack(pady=5) Frame(fr).pack(pady=5) if using_ttk or using_tile: file_ent = Entry(fr, background=text_bg_color, width=60) else: file_ent = Entry(fr, background=text_bg_color, width=60, relief=SUNKEN) file_ent.insert(END, path_name) file_ent.pack(padx=20, pady=5) fr_file = Frame(fr) copy_file_button = \ Button(fr_file, text='Copy', command=EventHandler('Reporting proc', lambda : copy_entry_clipboard(file_ent))) copy_file_button.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) Label(fr_file, text='File name to Clipboard').pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) fr_file.pack(pady=5) if no_log_file: file_ent['state'] = DISABLED copy_file_button['state'] = DISABLED Frame(fr).pack(pady=5) Message(fr, aspect=800, text=display_messages['privacy_notice']).pack(padx=10, pady=5) if using_ttk or using_tile: close_button = Button(fr, text=close_button_text, default=ACTIVE, command=EventHandler('Reporting proc', lambda : fr.destroy())) else: close_button = Button(fr, text=close_button_text, default=ACTIVE, width=6, command=EventHandler('Reporting proc', lambda : fr.destroy())) close_button.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=30, pady=10) wrapped_bind(fr, '<Return>', lambda *ev: fr.destroy()) rx,ry = root.winfo_rootx(), root.winfo_rooty() x = (root.winfo_width() - size) // 2 y = (root.winfo_height() - size) // 2 fr.geometry(newGeometry='+%d+%d'%(rx+x, ry+y))
class topFrame(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.setUI() def setUI(self): self.parent.title("ServoGui") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.comPort = StringVar(self) self.laststrm = StringVar(self) settingFrame = Frame(self, borderwidth=1, relief=RAISED) settingFrame.pack(fill=Y, side=LEFT) Label(settingFrame, width=50, text="Port Settings", bg="green", fg="black").pack(fill=X) ports = self.getComPorts() w = apply(OptionMenu, (settingFrame, self.comPort) + tuple(ports)) w.pack(fill=X) BaudFrame = Frame(settingFrame) BaudFrame.pack(fill=X) Label(BaudFrame, text="Baud:").pack(side=LEFT) self.baud_entry = Entry(BaudFrame, width=15, validate="focusout", validatecommand=self.baudValidate) self.baud_entry.pack(side=LEFT, expand=True) self.baud_entry.insert(0, "115200") Button(settingFrame, text="Open Port", command=self.openPort).pack(fill=X) Button(settingFrame, text="Close Port", command=self.closePort).pack(fill=X) StreamFrame = Frame(settingFrame) StreamFrame.pack() self.btnStartStream = Button(StreamFrame, text="Start Stream", command=self.startStream, state=DISABLED) self.btnStopStream = Button(StreamFrame, text="Stop Stream", command=self.stopStream, state=DISABLED) self.btnGetConfig = Button(StreamFrame, text="Get Config", command=self.getConfig, state=DISABLED) self.btnStartStream.pack(side=LEFT) self.btnStopStream.pack(side=LEFT) self.btnGetConfig.pack(side=LEFT) self.queue = Queue.Queue() self.writequeue = Queue.Queue() Label(settingFrame, width=50, text="Drive Settings", bg="green", fg="black").pack(fill=X) DriveSettingsFrame = Frame(settingFrame, relief=SUNKEN) DriveSettingsFrame.pack(fill=X) driveSettingsFrames = [] self.driveSettingsEntries = [] for drivesetting in drivesettings: driveSettingsFrames.append(Frame(DriveSettingsFrame)) driveSettingsFrames[-1].pack(fill=X) Label(driveSettingsFrames[-1], text=drivesetting).pack(side=LEFT) self.driveSettingsEntries.append(Entry(driveSettingsFrames[-1])) self.driveSettingsEntries[-1].pack(side=RIGHT) Button(DriveSettingsFrame, text="Send to drive", command=self.sendConfig).pack(fill=X) Button(DriveSettingsFrame, text="Save config in drive", command=self.saveConfig).pack(fill=X) Label(settingFrame, width=50, textvariable=self.laststrm, bg="green", fg="black").pack(fill=X) #MatplotLib stuff f = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100) self.a = f.add_subplot(311) self.a.set_title("Requested and actual position") self.b = f.add_subplot(312) self.b.set_title("Error") self.c = f.add_subplot(313) self.c.set_title("Current meas ADC value") self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, master=self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.canvas, self) toolbar.update() self.canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=TOP, fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.hall = [] self.encoder_count = [] self.pos_error = [] self.requested_position = [] self.requested_delta = [] self.adc_value = [] self.pid_output = [] self.a.set_autoscaley_on(True) self.encoder_line, = self.a.plot([], []) self.error_line, = self.b.plot([], []) self.reqpos_line, = self.a.plot([], []) self.ADC_line, = self.c.plot([], []) self.updateCanvas() def baudValidate(self): sVal = self.baud_entry.get() try: iVal = int(sVal) except ValueError: print "Illegal baud value" self.baud_entry.delete(0, END) self.baud_entry.insert(0, "115200") return False return True def openPort(self): try: self.ser = serial.Serial(self.comPort.get(), int(self.baud_entry.get()), timeout=0) except serial.SerialException: print "unable to open" return self.btnStartStream['state'] = NORMAL self.btnStopStream['state'] = NORMAL self.btnGetConfig['state'] = NORMAL self.thread = SerialThread(self.queue, self.writequeue, self.ser) self.thread.daemon = True self.thread.start() self.process_serial() def closePort(self): self.thread.stop() self.thread.join() self.ser.closePort() self.btnStartStream['state'] = DISABLED self.btnStopStream['state'] = DISABLED self.btnGetConfig['state'] = DISABLED def process_serial(self): while self.queue.qsize(): try: line = self.queue.get() self.handleLine(line) except Queue.Empty: pass self.after(100, self.process_serial) def startStream(self): self.writequeue.put(b"STREAM START \r") def stopStream(self): self.writequeue.put(b"STREAM DIE \r") def getConfig(self): self.writequeue.put(b"GET\r") def saveConfig(self): self.writequeue.put(b"SAVE \r") def sendConfig(self): for setting in drivesettings: dataToSend = b"SET " + setting + " " + self.driveSettingsEntries[ drivesettings.index(setting)].get() + "\r" print dataToSend self.writequeue.put(dataToSend) time.sleep(0.2) def getComPorts(self): ports = portNames = [] for port in ports: portNames.append(port[0]) return portNames def handleLine(self, line): line = line.replace(" ", "") line = line.replace("/n", "") line = line.replace("/r", "") parts = line.split(":") if len(parts) > 1: if parts[0] == "STR": self.handleStr(parts[1]) return if parts[0] in drivesettings: self.driveSettingsEntries[drivesettings.index( parts[0])].delete(0, END) self.driveSettingsEntries[drivesettings.index( parts[0])].insert(0, parts[1]) def handleStr(self, strm): #format of the stream line: STR:hall;count;requestedPosition;requestedDelta;error parts = strm.split(";") self.laststrm.set(strm) self.hall.append(int(parts[0])) if len(self.hall) > 5000: self.hall.pop(0) self.encoder_count.append(parts[1]) if len(self.encoder_count) > 5000: self.encoder_count.pop(0) self.requested_position.append(parts[2]) if len(self.requested_position) > 5000: self.requested_position.pop(0) self.requested_delta.append(parts[3]) if len(self.requested_delta) > 5000: self.requested_delta.pop(0) self.pos_error.append(parts[4]) if len(self.pos_error) > 5000: self.pos_error.pop(0) self.adc_value.append(parts[5]) if len(self.adc_value) > 5000: self.adc_value.pop(0) self.pid_output.append(parts[5]) if len(self.pid_output) > 5000: self.pid_output.pop(0) def updateCanvas(self): self.encoder_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.encoder_count))) self.encoder_line.set_ydata(self.encoder_count) self.error_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.pos_error))) self.error_line.set_ydata(self.pos_error) self.reqpos_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.requested_position))) self.reqpos_line.set_ydata(self.requested_position) self.ADC_line.set_xdata(range(len(self.adc_value))) self.ADC_line.set_ydata(self.adc_value) self.a.relim() self.a.autoscale_view() self.b.relim() self.b.autoscale_view() self.c.relim() self.c.autoscale_view() self.canvas.draw() self.after(100, self.updateCanvas)
class Test_GPS3G(tk.Frame): _title = "GPS + 3G Demo" def __init__(self, parent, controller): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller label = tk.Label(self, text=self._title, font=TITLE_FONT) label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) frame_apn = tk.Frame(self) frame_apn.pack(fill=tk.X) lbl_apn = tk.Label(frame_apn, text="apn", width=8) lbl_apn.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry_apn = Entry(frame_apn) self.entry_apn.insert(tk.END, 'internet') self.entry_apn.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=5, expand=True) frame_username = tk.Frame(self) frame_username.pack(fill=tk.X) lbl_username = tk.Label(frame_username, text="username", width=8) lbl_username.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry_username = Entry(frame_username) self.entry_username.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=5, expand=True) frame_password = tk.Frame(self) frame_password.pack(fill=tk.X) lbl_password = tk.Label(frame_password, text="password", width=8) lbl_password.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry_password = Entry(frame_password) self.entry_password.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=5, expand=True) frame_dial_number = tk.Frame(self) frame_dial_number.pack(fill=tk.X) lbl_dial_number = tk.Label(frame_dial_number, text="dial_number", width=8) lbl_dial_number.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry_dial_number = Entry(frame_dial_number) self.entry_dial_number.insert(tk.END, '*99#') self.entry_dial_number.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=5, expand=True) btn_exit = tk.Button(self, text="Back", command=self.OnClose) btn_exit.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) self.btn_test = tk.Button(self, text="Run", command=self.GPS3GTest) self.btn_test.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) def OnClose(self): self.btn_test.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.controller.show_frame("StartPage") def GPS3GTest(self): if self.entry_apn.get() == "": mbox.showerror("Error", "apn should not be blank") return App_Argument = "" if ENABLE_ARGUMENT == True: App_Argument += " -a " + self.entry_apn.get() + \ " -d " + self.entry_dial_number.get() if len(self.entry_username.get()) > 0: App_Argument += " -u " + self.entry_username.get() if len(self.entry_password.get()) > 0: App_Argument += " -p " + self.entry_password.get() else: App_Argument = LED_GPS3G print RUN_SCRIPT + GPS_3G_TEST_APP + App_Argument # Force eth0 down, in order to connect 3g correctly if ssh_session.CreateSshSession(RUN_SCRIPT + WIFI_DOWN, WIFI_DOWN) != 0: return self.OnClose() # Wait for eth0 has been down time.sleep(2) if ssh_session.CreateSshSession(RUN_SCRIPT + GPS_3G_TEST_APP + App_Argument, GPS_3G_TEST_APP) != 0: return self.OnClose() self.btn_test.config(state=tk.DISABLED)
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Resistor Calculator") Style().configure("TButton", padding=(0, 5, 0, 5), font='serif 10') self.columnconfigure(0, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(1, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(2, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(3, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(4, pad=3) self.columnconfigure(5, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(0, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(1, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(2, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(3, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(4, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(5, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(6, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(7, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(8, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(9, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(10, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(11, pad=3) self.rowconfigure(12, pad=3) entry = Entry(self) entry.grid(row=0, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) global resistance resistance = "" def ringOne(number): entry.delete(0, END) entry.insert(0, str(number)) global resistance resistance = resistance + str(number) def ringTwo(number): ent = str(number) entry.insert(END, str(number)) global resistance resistance = resistance + str(number) def ringThree(number): ent = str(number) entry.insert(END, str(number)) global resistance resistance = resistance + str(number) def ringFour(number): global resistance entry.delete(0, END) for x in range(0, number): resistance = resistance + "0" ent = "Resistance is: " + resistance entry.insert(END, ent) resistance = "" def cls(): global resistance resistance = "" entry.delete(0, END) entry.insert(0, "Please Select ring colors") entry.insert(0, "Please Select ring colors") entry.config(justify=RIGHT) black = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringOne(0)) black.grid(row=2, column=0) brown = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringOne(1)) brown.grid(row=3, column=0) red = Button(self, text="Red", command=lambda: ringOne(2)) red.grid(row=4, column=0) orange = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringOne(3)) orange.grid(row=5, column=0) yellow = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringOne(4)) yellow.grid(row=6, column=0) green = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringOne(5)) green.grid(row=7, column=0) blue = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringOne(6)) blue.grid(row=8, column=0) violet = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringOne(7)) violet.grid(row=9, column=0) grey = Button(self, text="Grey", command=lambda: ringOne(8)) grey.grid(row=10, column=0) white = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringOne(9)) white.grid(row=11, column=0) black2 = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringTwo(0)) black2.grid(row=2, column=1) brown2 = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringTwo(1)) brown2.grid(row=3, column=1) red2 = Button(self, text="Red", command=lambda: ringTwo(2)) red2.grid(row=4, column=1) orange2 = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringTwo(3)) orange2.grid(row=5, column=1) yellow2 = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringTwo(4)) yellow2.grid(row=6, column=1) green2 = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringTwo(5)) green2.grid(row=7, column=1) blue2 = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringTwo(6)) blue2.grid(row=8, column=1) violet2 = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringTwo(7)) violet2.grid(row=9, column=1) grey2 = Button(self, text="Grey", command=lambda: ringTwo(8)) grey2.grid(row=10, column=1) white2 = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringTwo(9)) white2.grid(row=11, column=1) black3 = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringThree(0)) black3.grid(row=2, column=2) brown3 = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringThree(1)) brown3.grid(row=3, column=2) red3 = Button(self, text="Red", command=lambda: ringThree(2)) red3.grid(row=4, column=2) orange3 = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringThree(3)) orange3.grid(row=5, column=2) yellow3 = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringThree(4)) yellow3.grid(row=6, column=2) green3 = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringThree(5)) green3.grid(row=7, column=2) blue3 = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringThree(6)) blue3.grid(row=8, column=2) violet3 = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringThree(7)) violet3.grid(row=9, column=2) grey3 = Button(self, text="Grey", command=lambda: ringThree(8)) grey3.grid(row=10, column=2) white3 = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringThree(9)) white3.grid(row=11, column=2) black4 = Button(self, text="Black", command=lambda: ringFour(0)) black4.grid(row=2, column=3) brown4 = Button(self, text="Brown", command=lambda: ringFour(1)) brown4.grid(row=3, column=3) red4 = Button(self, text="Red", command=lambda: ringFour(2)) red4.grid(row=4, column=3) orange4 = Button(self, text="Orange", command=lambda: ringFour(3)) orange4.grid(row=5, column=3) yellow4 = Button(self, text="Yellow", command=lambda: ringFour(4)) yellow4.grid(row=6, column=3) green4 = Button(self, text="Green", command=lambda: ringFour(5)) green4.grid(row=7, column=3) blue4 = Button(self, text="Blue", command=lambda: ringFour(6)) blue4.grid(row=8, column=3) violet4 = Button(self, text="Violet", command=lambda: ringFour(7)) violet4.grid(row=9, column=3) grey4 = Button(self, text="Grey", command=lambda: ringFour(8)) grey4.grid(row=10, column=3) white4 = Button(self, text="White", command=lambda: ringFour(9)) white4.grid(row=11, column=3) i = 0 labels = "Ring 1", "Ring 2", "Ring 3", "Multiplier" for label in labels: label1 = Label(self, text=label) label1.grid(row=1, column=i) i += 1 clear = Button(self, text="Clear", command=lambda: cls()) clear.grid(row=12, columnspan=4, sticky=W + E) self.pack()
class Login(object): def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.title(u'登录') self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.geometry('+450+250') self.sysfont = Font(self.root, size=15) self.lb_user = Label(self.root, text=u'用户名:', width=20, height=10, font=("黑体", 15, "bold")) self.lb_passwd1 = Label(self.root, text=u'') self.lb_passwd = Label(self.root, text=u'密码:', width=20, height=5, font=("黑体", 15, "bold")) self.lb_user.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_passwd1.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_passwd.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.en_user = Entry(self.root, font=self.sysfont, width=24) self.en_passwd = Entry(self.root, font=self.sysfont, width=24) self.en_user.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_passwd.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_user.insert(0, u'请输入用户名') self.en_passwd.insert(0, u'请输入密码') self.en_user.config( validate='focusin', validatecommand=lambda: self.validate_func('self.en_user'), invalidcommand=lambda: self.invalid_func('self.en_user')) self.en_passwd.config( validate='focusin', validatecommand=lambda: self.validate_func('self.en_passwd'), invalidcommand=lambda: self.invalid_func('self.en_passwd')) self.var = IntVar() self.ckb = Checkbutton(self.root, text=u'记住用户名和密码', underline=0, variable=self.var, font=(15)) self.ckb.grid(row=3, column=0) self.bt_print = Button(self.root, text=u'登陆') self.bt_print.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=E, pady=50, padx=10) self.bt_print.config(command=self.print_info) self.bt_http = Button(self.root, text=u'http登录') self.bt_http.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=E, pady=50, padx=50) self.bt_http.config(command=self.http_info) self.bt_register = Button(self.root, text=u'注册') self.bt_register.grid(row=3, column=3, sticky=E, pady=50, padx=50) self.bt_register.config(command=self.register_info) self.root.mainloop() def validate_func(self, en): return False if eval(en).get().strip() != '' else True def invalid_func(self, en): value = eval(en).get().strip() if value == u'输入用户名' or value == u'输入密码': eval(en).delete(0, END) if en == 'self.en_passwd': eval(en).config(show='*') def print_info(self): en1_value = self.en_user.get().strip() en2_value = self.en_passwd.get().strip() txt = u'''用户名: %s \n密码 : %s ''' % (self.en_user.get(), self.en_passwd.get()) if en1_value == '' or en1_value == u'输入用户名': showwarning(u'无用户名', u'请输入用户名') elif en2_value == '' or en2_value == u'输入密码': showwarning(u'无密码', u'请输入密码') else: a = 0 ip_port = ('', 9999) regInfo = [en1_value, en2_value] tcpCliSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) tcpCliSock.connect(ip_port) datastr = json.dumps(regInfo) tcpCliSock.send(datastr.encode('utf-8')) data_sign = tcpCliSock.recv(1024) tcpCliSock.close() if data_sign == '0': a = 1 print "数据库连接及验证成功!!!".decode("utf-8").encode("gb2312") showinfo('登陆成功!!!', txt) self.Chat() # # 打印结果 else: print "Error: unable to fecth data" if (a == 0): showinfo('用户名或密码错误!!!', txt) def Chat(self): self.rootC = Toplevel() ChatClient(self.rootC) self.root.withdraw() def http_info(self):"http://localhost:3000/login", new=0, autoraise=True) def register_info(self): self.rootR = Toplevel() loginPage(self.rootR) #self.root.withdraw() def enter_print(self, event): self.print_info()
class Test_Wifi(tk.Frame): _title = "Wifi Demo" def __init__(self, parent, controller): tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.controller = controller label = tk.Label(self, text=self._title, font=TITLE_FONT) label.pack(side="top", fill="x", pady=10) frame_ssid = tk.Frame(self) frame_ssid.pack(fill=tk.X) lbl_ssid = tk.Label(frame_ssid, text="ssid", width=6) lbl_ssid.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry_ssid = Entry(frame_ssid) self.entry_ssid.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=5, expand=True) frame_password = tk.Frame(self) frame_password.pack(fill=tk.X) lbl_password = tk.Label(frame_password, text="password", width=6) lbl_password.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry_password = Entry(frame_password) self.entry_password.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=5, expand=True) frame_url = tk.Frame(self) frame_url.pack(fill=tk.X) lbl_url = tk.Label(frame_url, text="url", width=6) lbl_url.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.entry_url = Entry(frame_url) self.entry_url.insert(tk.END, '') self.entry_url.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=5, expand=True) btn_exit = tk.Button(self, text="Back", command=self.OnClose) btn_exit.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) self.btn_test = tk.Button(self, text="Run", command=self.WifiTest) self.btn_test.pack(side=tk.RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) def OnClose(self): self.btn_test.config(state=tk.NORMAL) self.controller.show_frame("StartPage") def WifiTest(self): if self.entry_ssid.get() == "": mbox.showerror("Error", "ssid should not be blank") return if self.entry_password.get() == "": mbox.showerror("Error", "password should not be blank") return if self.entry_url.get() == "": mbox.showerror("Error", "url should not be blank") return App_Argument = "" if ENABLE_ARGUMENT == True: App_Argument += " -t wifi -s " + self.entry_ssid.get() + \ " -p " + self.entry_password.get() + \ " -l " + self.entry_url.get() else: App_Argument = LED_WIFI print RUN_SCRIPT + WIFI_TEST_APP + App_Argument if ssh_session.CreateSshSession(RUN_SCRIPT + WIFI_TEST_APP + App_Argument, WIFI_TEST_APP) != 0: return self.OnClose() self.btn_test.config(state=tk.DISABLED)
class Window(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, window_type): Frame.__init__(self, parent, msg = None) self.parent = parent if window_type == "main": self.initUI_main() if window_type == "err": self.initUI_err() def initUI_main(self): self.parent.title("Personal Helper") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(7, weight=1) self.columnconfigure(5, pad=10) self.columnconfigure(3, pad=10) self.columnconfigure(1, weight=3) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=0) self.rowconfigure(5, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(5, pad=7) self.rowconfigure(6, pad=6) lbl = Label(self, text="Windows") lbl.grid(sticky=W+N, pady=4, padx=5) check_box = {"work": IntVar(), "boost": IntVar()} check1 = Checkbutton(self, text="work-Mode", variable=check_box["work"]) check1.grid(row=7, column=0) check2 = Checkbutton(self, text="boost games", variable=check_box["boost"]) check2.grid(row=7, column=1) ### old version, may be used again later area = Treeview(self) area['show'] = 'headings' area["columns"] = ("one", "two", "three", "four") area.column("one", width=10) area.column("two", width=10) area.column("three", width=10) area.column("four", width=10) area.heading("one", text="process name") area.heading("two", text="Priority") area.heading("three", text="PID") area.heading("four", text="Usage") ###about this part #area.grid(row=1, column=0, columnspan=2, rowspan=4, padx=5, sticky=E + W + S + N) ####### #comboboxes and relevant buttons self.block_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand= self.update_blocked) self.block_drop['values'] = working_bans self.block_drop.current(0) self.block_drop.grid(row=1, column=1, pady=1) self.entry = Entry(self) self.entry.insert(0, "enter to block") self.entry.grid(row=1, column=4) block_btn_remv = Button(self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list(working_bans, self.block_drop.get())) block_btn_remv.grid(row=1, column=2) block_btn_add = Button(self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_to_list(working_bans, self.entry.get(), self.entry, defults["block"])) block_btn_add.grid(row=1, column=3) ############ #boosted combo self.boost_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand=self.update_boosted) self.boost_drop['values'] = boosted self.boost_drop.current(0) self.boost_drop.grid(row=2, column=1, pady=1) self.entry2 = Entry(self) self.entry2.insert(0, "enter to buff priority") self.entry2.grid(row=2, column=4, pady=4) boost_btn_remv = Button(self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list(boosted, self.boost_drop.get())) boost_btn_remv.grid(row=2, column=2) boost_btn_add = Button(self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_to_list(boosted, self.entry2.get(), self.entry2, defults["boost"])) boost_btn_add.grid(row=2, column=3) ######################################### #degraded combo self.deg_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand=self.update_degraded) self.deg_drop['values'] = degraded self.deg_drop.current(0) self.deg_drop.grid(row=3, column=1, pady=1) self.entry3 = Entry(self) self.entry3.insert(0, "enter to lower priority") self.entry3.grid(row=3, column=4, pady=4) deg_btn_remv = Button(self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list(degraded, self.deg_drop.get())) deg_btn_remv.grid(row=3, column=2) deg_btn_add = Button(self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_to_list(degraded, self.entry3.get(), self.entry3, defults["degrade"])) deg_btn_add.grid(row=3, column=3) #### #music combo self.music_drop = Combobox(self, postcommand=self.update_music) self.music_drop['values'] = music_list.keys() self.music_drop.current(0) self.music_drop.grid(row=4, column=1, pady=1) self.entry4 = Entry(self) self.entry4.insert(0, "enter url") self.entry4.grid(row=4, column=5) self.entry5 = Entry(self) self.entry5.insert(0, "enter song's name") self.entry5.grid(row=4, column=4) music_btn_remv = Button(self, text="Remove", command=lambda: remove_from_list(music_list, self.music_drop.get())) music_btn_remv.grid(row=4, column=2) music_btn_add = Button(self, text="Add", command=lambda: add_music(music_list, self.entry5.get(),self.entry4.get() ,self.entry5, defults["music"])) music_btn_add.grid(row=4, column=3) abtn = Button(self, text="Activate", command=scan_computer_programs) abtn.grid(row=1, column=5, sticky=E) sbtn = Button(self, text="Stop", command=lambda: stop_running()) sbtn.grid(row=2, column=5, pady=6, sticky=E) cbtn = Button(self, text="Close", command=quit) cbtn.grid(row=3, column=5, pady=4, sticky=E) hbtn = Button(self, text="Save", command=save_lists) hbtn.grid(row=6, column=0, sticky=W) tsbtn = Button(self, text="TaskManager", command=lambda: os.system("TaskManager\")) tsbtn.grid(row=3, column=5, sticky=E) obtn = Button(self, text="start", command=lambda: call_running(area, threads["procs"], check_box)) obtn.grid(row=6, column=5, sticky=E) def initUI_err(self): self.parent.title("Personal Helper") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) def update_boosted(self): self.boost_drop['values'] = boosted try: self.boost_drop.current(0) except: self.boost_drop.set("empty") def update_blocked(self): self.block_drop['values'] = working_bans try: self.block_drop.current(0) except: self.block_drop.set("empty") def update_degraded(self): self.deg_drop['values'] = degraded try: self.block_drop.current(0) except: self.block_drop.set("empty") def update_music(self): self.music_drop['values'] = music_list.keys() try: self.block_drop.current(0) except: self.block_drop.set("empty")
class SelectPaths(MyFrame): def __init__(self, topframe=None): MyFrame.__init__(self, topframe=topframe) style = Style() style.theme_use('clam') self.patient_foler_path = "" self.patients = [] self.set_title('Brain segmentation GUI') self.add_ui_components() def add_ui_components(self): # Creating the frames. self.sub_frame1 = Frame(self) self.sub_frame1.grid(column=0, row=0) sub_frame2 = Frame(self) sub_frame2.grid(column=0, row=1) sub_frame3 = Frame(self) sub_frame3.grid(column=0, row=2) sub_frame21 = Frame(sub_frame2) sub_frame21.grid(column=0, row=0) sub_frame22 = Frame(sub_frame2) sub_frame22.grid(padx=20, column=1, row=0) sub_frame221 = Frame(sub_frame22) sub_frame221.grid(row=1, column=0) # Creating the top-menu buttons. self.visualise_button = Button(self.sub_frame1, text="Visualise", command=self.start_visualisation) self.visualise_button.grid(row=0, column=1) self.help_button = Button(self.sub_frame1, text="Help", command=self.open_help) self.help_button.grid(row=0, column=2) # Creating the select modality path. self.modality_label = Label(sub_frame21, text="Path to patient folders", relief=FLAT) self.modality_label.grid(row=1, column=1) self.modality_path_entry = Entry(sub_frame21) self.modality_path_entry.grid(row=2, column=1) #self.modality_path_entry.set(self.patient_folder_path) self.modality_path_button = Button( sub_frame21, text="Choose", command=self.choose_directory_and_import) self.modality_path_button.grid(row=2, column=2) # Creating the patients listbox. self.label_patients = Label(sub_frame22, text="Patients") self.label_patients.grid(row=0, column=0) self.listbox_patients = Listbox(sub_frame221, selectmode='multiple', width=50, height=10) self.listbox_patients.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) #self.listbox_patients.grid(row=1, column=0) self.listbox_patients.bind("<Button-1>", self.listbox_changed) self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(sub_frame221) self.scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) # attach listbox to scrollbar self.listbox_patients.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.scrollbar.config(command=self.listbox_patients.yview) # Creating the status console. self.status_text = Text(sub_frame3, height=5) self.status_text.grid(column=0, row=0) self.status_text.tag_configure('title', justify='center', font="Arial 10 bold") self.status_text.tag_configure('entry', justify='left', font="Arial 9") self.status_text.insert(END, 'Status Console', 'title') self.status_text_entry_number = 1 self.status_text.configure(state='disabled') # ***** EVENTS - START******************************** def start_visualisation(self): """ Launch visualisation module. Linked to self.visualise_button (Button). """ patient_path = os.path.join(self.patient_folder_path, 'processed_' + self.patients[0]) segmentation_path = os.path.join( patient_path, SEGM_PREFIX + '_' + self.patients[0] + '.nii.gz') supervoxel_path = os.path.join( patient_path, SUPERVOXEL_PREFIX + '_' + self.patients[0] + '.nii.gz') # check if the supervoxels and the segmentation exist if not os.path.exists(supervoxel_path): supervoxel_path = None if not os.path.exists(segmentation_path): segmentation_path = None mod_paths = [] for mod in MODALITY_PREFIXES: mod_paths.append(\ os.path.join(patient_path, mod+'_'+self.patients[0]+'.nii.gz')) vis = vv.VisualVolumes(image_paths=mod_paths, segm_path=segmentation_path, supervoxel_id_path=supervoxel_path, topframe=self.master) vis.tkraise() def listbox_changed(self, event): """ Add a patient upon selection in the listbox. Linked to self.listbox_patients (Listbox). """ indices = list(self.listbox_patients.curselection()) selected_idx = self.listbox_patients.nearest(event.y) if selected_idx == -1: return # remove or add a patient index if selected_idx not in indices: indices.append(selected_idx) else: indices.remove(selected_idx) # set self.patients based on the new patient indices and enable visualisation if only one is selected. self.patients = [] for idx in indices: self.patients.append(self.listbox_patients.get(idx).split(' ')[0]) if len(self.patients) == 1: self.visualise_button['state'] = 'enabled' else: self.visualise_button['state'] = 'disabled' def choose_directory_and_import(self): """ Allow the user to select an import path. Linked to self.modality_path_button (Button), and sets self.modality_path_entry (Entry). """ initialdir = DATA_PATH msg = 'Select directory containing patients' path = askdirectory(title=msg, initialdir=initialdir) # update the text box. self.modality_path_entry.delete(0, END) self.modality_path_entry.insert(0, str(path)) # Adding the modality paths after the folder is selected. self.patient_folder_path = self.modality_path_entry.get() if os.path.exists(self.patient_folder_path): patients_validation = os.listdir(self.patient_folder_path) # Checking if the patient has the right modalities and importing the patient. for i, patient in enumerate(patients_validation): # Checking if the patient was already processed. if patient.startswith('processed_') or os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.patient_folder_path, 'processed_' + patient)): print("The files of the patient " + patient + " are already copied") continue # If everything is fine, then it continues to makign folders and copying files # Copying the files into the new folder. valid = self._convert_and_copy_files(patient) if not valid: patients_validation[i] = None # We make a list of patients with only ids for the listbox. valid_patients = [p for p in patients_validation if p is not None] self.list_existing_patients(valid_patients) def _convert_and_copy_files(self, patient): """ Check if all valid files exist for this patient and return True if so. """ # Getting the list of modalities for every patient. patient_path = os.path.join(self.patient_folder_path, patient) modalities = os.listdir(patient_path) # Look for paths valid_paths = {} prefices = [SEGM_PREFIX, SUPERVOXEL_PREFIX] + MODALITY_PREFIXES for prefix in prefices: candidates = [modality \ for modality in modalities \ if modality.startswith(prefix+'.')] if len(candidates) != 1: err = '%s file not identified. Look for ambiguities in %s.' \ % (prefix, patient_path) print(err) return False modality = candidates[0] if not any([ modality.endswith(ext) for ext in ['.mha', '.nii', '.nii.gz'] ]): err = "Image format not recognized: %s. In %s" \ % (modality, patient_path) print(err) return False valid_paths[prefix] = modality # Creating a processed patient folder. os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.patient_folder_path, 'processed_' + patient)) for prefix, basename in valid_paths.iteritems(): shutil.copyfile( os.path.join(self.patient_folder_path, patient, basename), os.path.join(self.patient_folder_path, 'processed_' + patient, prefix + '_' + patient + '.nii.gz')) return True def open_help(self): self.help_window = help_window.HelpWindow() self.help_window.tkraise() # ***** EVENTS - END*************************** def list_existing_patients(self, patients=None): print("Importing existing patients") # We make a list of patients with only ids for the listbox. if patients is None: patients = os.listdir(self.patient_folder_path) self.patients = [] for patient in patients: if not patient.startswith('processed_'): self.patients.append(patient) self.patients.sort() self.populate_patient_listbox(self.patients) if self.listbox_patients.size() > 0: self.listbox_patients.selection_set(0) self.status_text.configure(state='normal') self.status_text.insert( END, '\n' + str(self.status_text_entry_number) + '- Patients are imported.', 'entry') self.status_text_entry_number += 1 self.status_text.insert( END, '\n' + str(self.status_text_entry_number) + '- Please select a patient to proceed', 'entry') self.status_text_entry_number += 1 self.status_text.configure(state='disabled') def populate_patient_listbox(self, patients): self.listbox_patients.delete(0, END) for patient in patients: patient_path = os.path.join(self.patient_folder_path, 'processed_' + patient) #check if a given patient has a label if os.path.exists( os.path.join( patient_path, 'corrected_' + SEGM_PREFIX + '_' + patient + '.nii.gz')): patient = patient + ' - segmentation corrected' self.listbox_patients.insert(END, patient)
class MainWindow(Tk): def __init__(self): Tk.__init__(self) self.title(mainWindowTitle) self.resizable(width=0, height=0) self.__setStyles() self.__initializeComponents() self.__dataController = DataController(); self.mainloop() def __initializeComponents(self): self.imageCanvas = Canvas(master=self, width=imageCanvasWidth, height=windowElementsHeight, bg="white") self.imageCanvas.pack(side=LEFT, padx=(windowPadding, 0), pady=windowPadding, fill=BOTH) self.buttonsFrame = Frame(master=self, width=buttonsFrameWidth, height=windowElementsHeight) self.buttonsFrame.propagate(0) self.loadFileButton = Button(master=self.buttonsFrame, text=loadFileButtonText, command=self.loadFileButtonClick) self.loadFileButton.pack(fill=X, pady=buttonsPadding); self.colorByLabel = Label(self.buttonsFrame, text=colorByLabelText) self.colorByLabel.pack(fill=X) self.colorByCombobox = Combobox(self.buttonsFrame, state=DISABLED, values=colorByComboboxValues) self.colorByCombobox.set(colorByComboboxValues[0]) self.colorByCombobox.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.__colorByComboboxChange) self.colorByCombobox.pack(fill=X, pady=buttonsPadding) self.rejectedValuesPercentLabel = Label(self.buttonsFrame, text=rejectedMarginLabelText) self.rejectedValuesPercentLabel.pack(fill=X) self.rejectedValuesPercentEntry = Entry(self.buttonsFrame) self.rejectedValuesPercentEntry.insert(0, defaultRejectedValuesPercent) self.rejectedValuesPercentEntry.config(state=DISABLED) self.rejectedValuesPercentEntry.pack(fill=X, pady=buttonsPadding) self.colorsSettingsPanel = Labelframe(self.buttonsFrame, text=visualisationSettingsPanelText) self.colorsTableLengthLabel = Label(self.colorsSettingsPanel, text=colorsTableLengthLabelText) self.colorsTableLengthLabel.pack(fill=X) self.colorsTableLengthEntry = Entry(self.colorsSettingsPanel) self.colorsTableLengthEntry.insert(0, defaultColorsTableLength) self.colorsTableLengthEntry.config(state=DISABLED) self.colorsTableLengthEntry.pack(fill=X) self.scaleTypeLabel = Label(self.colorsSettingsPanel, text=scaleTypeLabelText) self.scaleTypeLabel.pack(fill=X) self.scaleTypeCombobox = Combobox(self.colorsSettingsPanel, state=DISABLED, values=scaleTypesComboboxValues) self.scaleTypeCombobox.set(scaleTypesComboboxValues[0]) self.scaleTypeCombobox.bind("<<ComboboxSelected>>", self.__scaleTypeComboboxChange) self.scaleTypeCombobox.pack(fill=X) self.colorsTableMinLabel = Label(self.colorsSettingsPanel, text=colorsTableMinLabelText) self.colorsTableMinLabel.pack(fill=X) self.colorsTableMinEntry = Entry(self.colorsSettingsPanel) self.colorsTableMinEntry.insert(0, defaultColorsTableMin) self.colorsTableMinEntry.config(state=DISABLED) self.colorsTableMinEntry.pack(fill=X) self.colorsTableMaxLabel = Label(self.colorsSettingsPanel, text=colorsTableMaxLabelText) self.colorsTableMaxLabel.pack(fill=X) self.colorsTableMaxEntry = Entry(self.colorsSettingsPanel) self.colorsTableMaxEntry.insert(0, defaultColorsTableMax) self.colorsTableMaxEntry.config(state=DISABLED) self.colorsTableMaxEntry.pack(fill=X) self.colorsSettingsPanel.pack(fill=X, pady=buttonsPadding) self.redrawButton = Button(master=self.buttonsFrame, text=redrawButtonText, state=DISABLED, command=self.__redrawButtonClick) self.redrawButton.pack(fill=X, pady=buttonsPadding) self.buttonsFrame.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=windowPadding, pady=windowPadding, fill=BOTH) def __setStyles(self): Style().configure("TButton", padding=buttonsTextPadding, font=buttonsFont) def loadFileButtonClick(self): fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[('Tablet files', '*.mtb'), ('Tablet files', '*.htd')]) if (fileName): if (not self.__getInputParams()): self.__showInvalidInputMessage() return self.lastFileName = fileName; self.title(mainWindowTitle + " " + fileName) self.__draw(fileName) tkMessageBox.showinfo(measureDialogTitle, measureDialogText + str(self.__dataController.getMeasure(fileName))) self.redrawButton.config(state=NORMAL) self.colorByCombobox.config(state="readonly") self.colorsTableLengthEntry.config(state=NORMAL) self.scaleTypeCombobox.config(state="readonly") def __redrawButtonClick(self): if (not self.__getInputParams()): self.__showInvalidInputMessage() return self.__draw(self.lastFileName) def __scaleTypeComboboxChange(self, event): if (self.scaleTypeCombobox.get() == relativeScaleType): self.colorsTableMinEntry.config(state=DISABLED) self.colorsTableMaxEntry.config(state=DISABLED) else: self.colorsTableMinEntry.config(state=NORMAL) self.colorsTableMaxEntry.config(state=NORMAL) def __colorByComboboxChange(self, event): if (self.colorByCombobox.get() == colorByNoneOption): self.rejectedValuesPercentEntry.config(state=DISABLED) else: self.rejectedValuesPercentEntry.config(state=NORMAL) def __draw(self, fileName): self.imageCanvas.delete(ALL) dataForDrawing = self.__dataController.getDataForDrawing( fileName, self.colorByCombobox.get(), self.colorsTableLength, self.scaleTypeCombobox.get(), self.colorsTableMinValue, self.colorsTableMaxValue, self.rejectedValuesPercent) for package in dataForDrawing: x = package[0]; y = package[1]; color = package[2]; self.imageCanvas.create_line(x, y, x + 1, y + 1, fill=color) def __drawColorBySpeed(self, dataPackages, minX, minY, ratio, hsv): allSpeeds = self.__getAllSpeeds(dataPackages) minSpeed = min(allSpeeds) maxSpeed = max(allSpeeds) if (self.scaleTypeCombobox.get() == relativeScaleType): colorsTableMinValue = minSpeed colorsTableMaxValue = maxSpeed else: colorsTableMinValue = self.colorsTableMinValue colorsTableMaxValue = self.colorsTableMaxValue i = 0 for package in dataPackages: x = (package[dataXNumber] - minX) * ratio y = (package[dataYNumber] - minY) * ratio color = hsv.getColorByValue(colorsTableMinValue, colorsTableMaxValue, allSpeeds[i]) tk_rgb = "#%02x%02x%02x" % color self.imageCanvas.create_line(x, y, x + 1, y + 1, fill=tk_rgb) i += 1 def __showInvalidInputMessage(self): tkMessageBox.showinfo(invalidInputMessageTitle, invalidInputMessageText) def __getInputParams(self): try: self.colorsTableLength = int(self.colorsTableLengthEntry.get()) self.colorsTableMinValue = float(self.colorsTableMinEntry.get()) self.colorsTableMaxValue = float(self.colorsTableMaxEntry.get()) self.rejectedValuesPercent = float(self.rejectedValuesPercentEntry.get()) if (self.colorsTableLength < 1 or self.colorsTableMinValue >= self.colorsTableMaxValue or self.rejectedValuesPercent < 0 or self.rejectedValuesPercent >= 100): raise return True except: return False
class GripperDemo(Frame): def __init__(self, parent1): Frame.__init__(self, parent1) self.parent = parent1 self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.parent.title("Gripper Demo") = Style()"default") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) #scale1 - Gripper Pos ScaleGripperPos = Scale(self, from_=0, to=100, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=300, resolution=1, command=self.onScaleGripperPos) ScaleGripperPos.grid(row=1, column=2) self.label = Label(self, text="Gripper Pos ") self.label.grid(row=1, column=1) self.GripperPos = IntVar() self.labelScaleGripperPos = Label(self, text=0, textvariable=self.GripperPos) self.labelScaleGripperPos.grid(row=1, column=3) #scale2 - X ROTATION scaleRotX = Scale(self, from_=0, to=650, orient=HORIZONTAL, length=300, resolution=1, command=self.onScaleXAxisRot) scaleRotX.grid(row=2, column=2) scaleRotX.set(450) self.label = Label(self, text="X Axis Rotation ") self.label.grid(row=2, column=1) self.labelRotX = Label(self) self.labelRotX.grid(row=2, column=3) #Entry1 - Force self.entryForce = Entry(self) self.entryForce.grid(row=3, column=2) self.entryForce.insert(0, "50") #35=700 #self.forceString = StringVar() #self.forceString.set(1023); self.labelForce = Label(self) self.labelForce.grid(row=3, column=3) #self.entryForce.insert(1023,self.force.get()) #self.entry1.delete(0,END) #delete entry text #entry.bind("<Return>", callback) #calls callback function after hit "enter" self.label = Label(self, text="Current (A)") self.label.grid(row=6, column=1) self.labelCurrent = Label(self) self.labelCurrent.grid(row=6, column=3) #Entry2 - Speed self.entrySpeed = Entry(self) self.entrySpeed.grid(row=4, column=2) self.entrySpeed.insert(0, "4000") self.labelSpeed = Label(self) self.labelSpeed.grid(row=4, column=3) #Entry2 - Active Distance self.entryDistance = Entry(self) self.entryDistance.grid(row=5, column=2) #Entry3 - Send Command self.entrySendCommand = Entry(self) self.entrySendCommand.grid(row=8, column=2) self.activeDistance = IntVar() self.activeDistance.set(15) self.labelActiveDistance = Label(self) self.labelActiveDistance.grid(row=5, column=3) self.entryDistance.insert(0, self.activeDistance.get()) #Button1 - close self.button1 = Button(self, text="close", command=self.gripperClose) self.button1.grid(row=7, column=1) #Button2 - open self.button2 = Button(self, text="open", command=self.gripperOpen) self.button2.grid(row=7, column=2) #Button3 - home self.button3 = Button(self, text="home", command=self.gripperHomeRoutine) self.button3.grid(row=7, column=3) #Button4 - send command self.button4 = Button(self, text="send", command=self.sendCommand) self.button4.grid(row=8, column=3) #Button3 self.buttonForce = Button(self, text="forceSetPoint (mg)", command=self.gripperSetForce) self.buttonForce.grid(row=3, column=1) #Button4 self.buttonSpeed = Button(self, text="speedSetPoint (mseg/close)", command=self.gripperSetSpeed) #80degree each finger = to move 40 degree to close self.buttonSpeed.grid(row=4, column=1) #Button5 self.buttonDistance = Button(self, text="distanceSetPoint (Cm)", command=self.gripperSetDistance) self.buttonDistance.grid(row=5, column=1) def gripperOpen(self): message = "open" rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def gripperClose(self): message = "close_101" #101 is the auto close command rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def gripperHomeRoutine(self): message = "home" rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def sendCommand(self): message = self.entrySendCommand.get() rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def gripperSetForce(self): aux = map(int(self.entryForce.get()), 0, 1200, 0, 1023) message = "setForce_" + str(aux) rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def gripperSetSpeed(self): #0.174seg 80graus (6.0V sem carga) #4s 80 graus na velocidade minima 50ms aux = map(int(self.entrySpeed.get()), 4000, 174, 50, 0) if aux < 0: aux = 0 message = "setSpeed_" + str(aux) rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def gripperSetDistance(self): aux = self.entryDistance.get() message = "setDistance_" + str(aux) rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def onScaleGripperPos(self, x): aux = int(float(x)) self.GripperPos.set(aux) message = "close_" + str(aux) rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def onScaleXAxisRot(self, x): aux = int(float(x)) message = "rotate_" + str(aux) rospy.loginfo(message) pub.publish(message) def updateLabels(self): aux = map(, 0, 1023, 0, 1200) self.labelForce.config(text=str(aux)) aux = int(self.entrySpeed.get()) if aux < 174: aux = 174 self.labelSpeed.config(text=str(aux)) self.labelActiveDistance.config(text=str( self.labelRotX.config(text=str( self.labelCurrent.config(text=str(( - 511) * 0.024))
class mSim(Frame): #could probably have renamed this class. Oh well... def __init__(self, parent): #base frame init Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.initUI() self.centerWindow() #Used to stop threads from infinitely looping global exitapp exitapp = False #serial port scanning thread (this is provided as-is and should work) def serial_ports(): """ Lists serial port names :raises EnvironmentError: On unsupported or unknown platforms :returns: A list of the serial ports available on the system """ if sys.platform.startswith('win'): ports = ['COM%s' % (i + 1) for i in range(256)] elif sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'): # this excludes your current terminal "/dev/tty" ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty[A-Za-z]*') elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'): ports = glob.glob('/dev/tty.*') else: raise EnvironmentError('Unsupported platform') result = [] for port in ports: try: s = serial.Serial(port) s.close() result.append(port) except (OSError, serial.SerialException): pass return result def scanLoop(): #This thread causes lag when closing the program, could fix, but eh it works while True and (not exitapp): self.s_Ports = serial_ports() #update every 4 seconds #(reducing this reduces lag on closing but increases the computation power required) #(Could create more elegant solution, but this works well enough) time.sleep(4) if exitapp == True: break ###END FUNCTION### #Initiallize ports and start scanning thread self.s_Ports = [] sScanThread = Thread(target=scanLoop, args=()) sScanThread.start() threads.append(sScanThread) #create variables self.startmotor = BooleanVar() self.logstate = BooleanVar() self.throttlevar.set("0%") #ghetto fixes woo self.throttleval.set(0) #message sending thread def commsServer(): self.sMsg = None #prev_sMsg = None #don't need this no more def sendSerial(msg, port, baudrate): #just a function to send serial messages if (port is not 'None'): ser = serial.Serial(port, baudrate, serial.EIGHTBITS, serial.PARITY_NONE, serial.STOPBITS_ONE) if ser.isOpen(): ser.close() for b in bytearray("message\n","UTF-8"): ser.write(b) ser.close() while True and (not exitapp): if self.sMsg != None: msg = str(self.sMsg) #send command over serial (pySerial) sendSerial(msg, self.selected_s_Port, self.baudrate) self.sMsg = None else: time.sleep(0.1) if exitapp == True: break ###END FUNCTION### #start the serial sending thingy commsServerThread = Thread(target=commsServer, args=()) commsServerThread.start() threads.append(commsServerThread) #make sure you do this for any new thread you create! #failing to append threads to the threadlist is a criminal offense #not really but it'll stop them from being killed when the program closes def centerWindow(self): w = 800 #eh, who needs scaling anyways h = 640 sw = self.parent.winfo_screenwidth() sh = self.parent.winfo_screenheight() x = (sw - w)/2 y = (sh - h)/2 self.parent.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, h, x, y)) def initUI(self): #Parent Frame self.parent.title("Test Stand Control Panel") = Style()"default") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) # Frame 1 (top) frame1 = Frame(self) frame1.pack(fill=X, expand=1) #Start motor button startButton = Button(frame1, text="Start Motor", command=self.startMotor) startButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) #Throttle slider lbl1 = Label(frame1, text="Throttle (0-100):", width=14) lbl1.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) scale = Scale(frame1, from_=0, to=100, command=self.onScaleThrottle) scale.pack(side=LEFT, padx=15) self.throttlevar = StringVar() self.throttleval = IntVar() self.label = Label(frame1, text="throttle", textvariable=self.throttlevar, width=5) self.label.pack(side=LEFT) #Throttlesweep checkbutton self.autovar = BooleanVar() cb = Checkbutton(frame1, text="Throttle Sweep", variable=self.autovar, command=self.onClickAuto) cb.pack(side=LEFT, padx=15) #Com port selection field droplbl = Label(frame1, text="Serial Port:", width=10) droplbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.selected_s_Port = StringVar() self.s_Ports = [] drop = OptionMenu(frame1,self.selected_s_Port,"None",*self.s_Ports) drop.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) #baudrate selection field (disabled) ## drop2lbl = Label(frame1, text="Baudrate:", width=9) ## drop2lbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) ## self.baudrate = StringVar() ## baudrates = [9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200] ## drop2 = OptionMenu(frame1,self.baudrate,*baudrates) ## drop2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5) #Start serial button comsButton = Button(frame1, text="Start Serial", command=self.startSerial) comsButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) #Stop serial button comsStopButton = Button(frame1, text="Stop Serial", command=self.stopSerial) comsStopButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) # Frame 2 (second line) frame2 = Frame(self) frame2.pack(fill=X, expand=1) #Amperage entry lbl2 = Label(frame2, text="Max Motor Current (A):", width=21) lbl2.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.MaxA_Entry = Entry(frame2) self.MaxA_Entry.pack(side="left", fill=X, padx=5, expand=False) self.MaxA_Entry.insert(0, 10) #Voltage entry lbl3 = Label(frame2, text="Max Motor Voltage (V):", width=20) lbl3.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) self.MaxV_Entry = Entry(frame2) self.MaxV_Entry.pack(side="left", fill=X, padx=5, expand=False) self.MaxV_Entry.insert(0, 14) #Update button updateButton = Button(frame2, text="Update Values", command=self.updateValues) updateButton.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) # Graph Frame framegraph = Frame(self) framegraph.pack(fill=X, expand=1) #Init figures f = Figure(figsize=(4.5,4.5), dpi=100) self.a = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 1) self.d = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 4) self.c = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 3) self.b = f.add_subplot(2, 2, 2) f.set_tight_layout(True) self.canvas = matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg.FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, master=self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=tk.BOTTOM, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) #Display Toolbar toolbar = NavigationToolbar2TkAgg(self.canvas, framegraph) toolbar.update() self.canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=True) #Refresh thread function def refreshFigure(): #this is threaded and just refreshes the figure (see time.sleep() for refresh rate) time.sleep(1) while True and (not exitapp): self.a.clear() self.b.clear() self.c.clear() self.d.clear() if not serialStatus: self.a.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) self.b.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) self.c.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) self.d.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) else: #debug plotsTimestamp self.a.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"]) self.b.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["raw_temp"]) self.c.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["conv_temp"]) self.d.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["Potentiometer"]) #final plots ## self.a.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["Thrust"]) ## self.b.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["RPM"]) ## self.c.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["Current"]) ## self.d.plot(serialData[-10:]["Timestamp"],serialData[-10:]["Voltage"]) #old demo stuff ## self.a.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[5,6,1,3,self.throttleval.get(),9,3,5]) ## self.b.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[3,16,10,30,80,90,30,50]) ## self.c.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[8,5,4,(self.throttleval.get())**(0.5),15,15,15,20]) ## self.d.plot([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8],[14,14,13,12,12,11.5,11.2,10.5]) #set labels for graphs (could make automatic later) self.a.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.a.set_ylabel('Thrust (N)') self.b.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.b.set_ylabel('RPM') self.c.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.c.set_ylabel('Current (A)') self.d.set_xlabel('time (s)') self.d.set_ylabel('Voltage (V)') #try drawing the canvas try: self.canvas.draw() except: pass #just ignore it, you'll do better next time time.sleep(0.1) #refreshrate ###END FUNCTION### #Start the graphing thread plotThread = Thread(target=refreshFigure, args=()) plotThread.start() threads.append(plotThread) # Frame 0 (Bottom text) frame0 = Frame(self) frame0.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", expand=1) #Display text (allows to give user information) self.textboxvar = StringVar() = Label(frame0, textvariable=self.textboxvar), padx=5, pady=5) # Button Frame (large buttons, near bottom) s = Style() #has its own style s.configure('My.TFrame',background='#f7edc3') #fancy colors framered = Frame(self, style='My.TFrame') framered.pack(side="bottom", fill="x", expand=1) #used the tk instead of ttk library for this, allows font and color mods #Save Button self.saveButton = tk.Button(framered, text="Save Data", bg='green', font=('Arial',20,'bold'), command=self.saveData) self.saveButton.pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=5) #Log button self.logButton = tk.Button(framered, text="Start Data Logging", bg="blue", font=('Arial',20,'bold'), command=self.logData) self.logButton.pack(side="left", padx=5, pady=5) #Stop button self.stopButton = tk.Button(framered, text="Stop Motor", bg='red', font=('Arial',20,'bold'), command=self.stopMotor) self.stopButton.pack(side="right", padx=5, pady=5) #Button behavior functions (hopefully self-explanatory) def onClickAuto(self): #for the throttle sweep (should rename) pass #(I guess I can make it do something if I want) def MaxA(self): #self.MaxA_Entry.get() pass #(I guess I can make it do something if I want) def MaxV(self): pass #(I guess I can make it do something if I want) def onScaleThrottle(self, val): throttle = str(int(float(val))) self.throttlevar.set(throttle + "%") self.throttleval.set(throttle) def startSerial(self): try: serialThread.join() except: pass COM_Port = self.selected_s_Port.get() #print type(COM_Port) #print COM_Port if "COM" in COM_Port: self.textboxvar.set("Starting Serial on port " + self.selected_s_Port.get()) serialThread = Thread(target=SerialComm, args=(COM_Port)) #probably want to pass the self.vars? serialThread.start() threads.append(serialThread) global serialStatus serialStatus = True else: self.textboxvar.set("Please select a port (current port: " + self.selected_s_Port.get() + ")") global serialStatus serialStatus = False def stopSerial(self): try: serialThread.join() global serialStatus serialStatus = False except: pass def startMotor(self): #gonna have to make this send a serial message (maybe a popup to confirm too if self.autovar.get(): #I'll give you 5 seconds to move your fingers out of the way print "Preparing to sweep throttle range in 5 seconds" self.textboxvar.set("Sweeping throttle range in 5 seconds") self.startmotor.set(True) else: print "starting motor at " + str(self.throttlevar.get()) + " percent" self.textboxvar.set("Starting motor at " + str(self.throttlevar.get()) + "% in 5 seconds") self.startmotor.set(True) def runMotor(self): #runmotor at specified throttle self.textboxvar.set("Running the motor is not implemented yet") pass def stopMotor(self): #stop motor print "Stopping motor" self.textboxvar.set("Stopping motor (not implemented yet)") self.startmotor.set(False) #self.throttlevar.set("0%") #not sure we want to reset the throttle value pass def saveData(self): #save to csv self.textboxvar.set("Saving logged data.") #for some reason putting this in a thread causes it to not crash, welp try: self.loggedData except AttributeError: self.textboxvar.set("No recorded data.") else: if messagebox.askokcancel("Save", "This will overwrite any data.csv file in the directory. Save anyways?"): def saveCSV(): l = self.loggedData with open('data.csv', 'wb') as f: wtr = csv.writer(f, delimiter= ';') wtr.writerows( l ) time.sleep(2) self.textboxvar.set("Data saved!") saveThread = Thread(target=saveCSV, args=()) saveThread.start() def updateValues(self): #update motor values print "Updating motor values" self.textboxvar.set("Updating motor values (WIP)") pass def logData(self): if self.logstate.get(): self.logButton.configure(text = 'Start Data Logging') self.logButton.configure(bg = 'blue') self.logstate.set(False) else: self.logButton.configure(text = 'Stop Data Logging') self.logButton.configure(bg = 'orange') self.logstate.set(True) #start data logging (probably some kind of thread) def logSerialData(): self.loggedData = [] global serialData l=[serialData[-1].keys()] self.textboxvar.set("Logging from arduino is not implemented yet") #apparently spamming these messages causes crashes, good to know while self.logstate.get() and (not exitapp): print 'Logging Data' time.sleep(1) global serialData data = serialData[-1].values() #recieve and store data (pySerial) l.append(data) self.loggedData = l logThread = Thread(target=logSerialData, args=()) logThread.start() threads.append(logThread)
class Login(object): def __init__(self): self.root = Tk() self.root.title(u'登录') self.root.resizable(False, False) self.root.geometry('+450+250') # self.sysfont = font(self.root, size=15) self.lb_user = Label(self.root, text=u'用户名:', width=20, height=10, font=("黑体", 15, "bold")) self.lb_passwd1 = Label(self.root, text=u'') self.lb_passwd = Label(self.root, text=u'密码:', width=20, height=5, font=("黑体", 15, "bold")) self.lb_user.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_passwd1.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky=W) self.lb_passwd.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky=W) self.en_user = Entry(self.root, width=24) self.en_passwd = Entry(self.root, width=24) self.en_user.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_passwd.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=1) self.en_user.insert(0, u'请输入用户名') self.en_passwd.insert(0, u'请输入密码') self.en_user.config( validate='focusin', validatecommand=lambda: self.validate_func('self.en_user'), invalidcommand=lambda: self.invalid_func('self.en_user')) self.en_passwd.config( validate='focusin', validatecommand=lambda: self.validate_func('self.en_passwd'), invalidcommand=lambda: self.invalid_func('self.en_passwd')) self.var = IntVar() self.ckb = Checkbutton(self.root, text=u'记住用户名和密码', underline=0, variable=self.var, font=(15)) self.ckb.grid(row=3, column=0) self.bt_print = Button(self.root, text=u'登陆') self.bt_print.grid(row=3, column=1, sticky=E, pady=50, padx=10) self.bt_print.config(command=self.print_info) self.bt_register = Button(self.root, text=u'注册') self.bt_register.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=E, pady=50, padx=50) # self.bt_register.config(command=self.register_info) # self.root.bind('<Return>', self.enter_print) self.root.mainloop() def validate_func(self, en): return False if eval(en).get().strip() != '' else True def invalid_func(self, en): value = eval(en).get().strip() if value == u'输入用户名' or value == u'输入密码': eval(en).delete(0, END) if en == 'self.en_passwd': eval(en).config(show='*') def print_info(self): en1_value = self.en_user.get().strip() en2_value = self.en_passwd.get().strip() txt = u'''用户名: %s \n密码 : %s ''' % (self.en_user.get(), self.en_passwd.get()) if en1_value == '' or en1_value == u'输入用户名': print(u'无用户名', u'请输入用户名') elif en2_value == '' or en2_value == u'输入密码': print(u'无密码', u'请输入密码') else: a = 0 # 打开数据库连接 db = pymysql.connect("", "root", "root", "book") # 使用cursor()方法获取操作游标 cursor = db.cursor() # SQL 查询语句 sql = "select * from user" try: # 执行SQL语句 cursor.execute(sql) # 获取所有记录列表 results = cursor.fetchall() for row in results: id = row[0] name = row[1] pwd = row[2] if name == en1_value and pwd == en2_value: a = 1 print("数据库连接及验证成功!!!") print('登陆成功!!!', txt) # # 打印结果 # print "id=%d,name=%s,pwd=%s" % \ # (id, name, pwd) except: print("Error: unable b_while fecth data") # 关闭数据库连接 db.close() if (a == 0): print('用户名或密码错误!!!', txt) def register_info(self): self.rootR = Tk() loginPage(self.rootR) self.root.withdraw() def enter_print(self, event): self.print_info()
def initUI(self): self.parent.title("One Time Pad Generator") = Style()"default") self.grid() #string text_to_encrypt = Entry(self) text_to_encrypt.grid(row=0, column=0) text_to_encrypt.delete(0, Tkinter.END) text_to_encrypt.insert(0, "text you want to encrypt or decrypt") #pad encrypt_pad = Entry(self) encrypt_pad.grid(row=0, column=1) encrypt_pad.delete(0, Tkinter.END) encrypt_pad.insert(0, "padOutput") #start start_encrypt = Entry(self) start_encrypt.grid(row=0, column=2) start_encrypt.delete(0, Tkinter.END) start_encrypt.insert(0, 0) #encrypt button encodeButton = Button(self, text="Encrypt", command=lambda: self.encrypt(text_to_encrypt.get(), encrypt_pad.get(), start_encrypt.get())) encodeButton.grid(row=1, column=0) #decrypt button encodeButton = Button(self, text="Decrypt", command=lambda: self.decrypt(str(text_to_encrypt.get()), encrypt_pad.get(), start_encrypt.get())) encodeButton.grid(row=1, column=2) #generate pad padgen = Entry(self) padgen.grid(row=2, column=0) padgen.delete(0, Tkinter.END) padgen.insert(0, 0) #gen key button genkey = Button(self, text="Generate Key", command=lambda: Cryptography.outputPad(Cryptography.GenerateKey(int(padgen.get())), encrypt_pad.get())) genkey.grid(row=2, column=1) #encrypted text self.T = Tkinter.Text(self) S = Scrollbar(self.T) S.grid(column=2); S.config(command=self.T.yview) self.T.config(yscrollcommand=S.set) self.T.insert(Tkinter.END,self.encrypted[0]) self.T.grid(row=5, column=0, sticky="nsew", rowspan = 10, columnspan = 3) #input email e = Entry(self) e.grid(row = 3, column = 0) e.delete(0, Tkinter.END) e.insert(0, "Send encrypted message via email") #send email email = Button(self, text="Send Email",command=lambda:self.sendmail(e.get())) email.grid(row=3, column=1)
class Window(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.initUI() self.UIwithGrid() def initUI(self): # creating gui self.frame1 = Frame(self) self.frame2 = Frame(self) self.frame3 = Frame(self) self.frame4 = Frame(self) self.frame5 = Frame(self) # created multiple frames self.label1 = Label(self.frame1, text="COURSE PROGRAM ESTIMATOR", font='Helvetica 25 bold', background="SpringGreen3", foreground="black") self.label2 = Label(self.frame1, text=" Training Data: ", font="Times 14") self.entry = Entry(self.frame1, width=65) self.entry.insert( 0, '' ) self.color = Label( self.frame1, text=" ", background="red", ) self.button = Button(self.frame1, text="Fetch and Train", command=self.fetch) self.label3 = Label(self.frame2, text="Individual Courses:", font='Helvetica 10 bold') self.label4 = Label(self.frame3, text=" Top 3 Estimates:", font='Helvetica 10 bold') self.coursesListbox = Listbox(self.frame2, width=30) self.label5 = Label(self.frame4, text=" Accuracy Analysis \nBased on Programs: ", font='Helvetica 10 bold') self.programsListbox = Listbox(self.frame4, width=30) self.estimatesListbox = Text(self.frame5, width=30, height=10) self.scrollbar1 = Scrollbar(self.frame2, orient=VERTICAL) self.scrollbar2 = Scrollbar(self.frame4, orient=VERTICAL) self.scrollbar3 = Scrollbar(self.frame5, orient=VERTICAL) self.scrollbar1.config(command=self.coursesListbox.yview) self.scrollbar2.config(comman=self.programsListbox.yview) self.scrollbar3.config(command=self.estimatesListbox.yview) self.coursesListbox.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar1.set) self.programsListbox.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar2.set) self.estimatesListbox.config(yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar3.set) def UIwithGrid(self): self.frame1.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=N + S + E + W) self.frame2.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=W) self.frame3.grid(row=2, column=2, sticky=N + E) self.frame4.grid(row=3, column=1, columnspan=2, sticky=W, pady=5) self.frame5.grid(row=3, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky=E, pady=5) self.label1.grid(row=1, column=2, sticky=E + W) self.label2.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=2, pady=25, sticky=W) self.entry.grid(row=2, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky=E) self.color.grid(row=3, column=2, columnspan=2) self.button.grid(row=3, column=2, sticky=E, padx=90) self.label3.grid(row=1, column=1) self.coursesListbox.grid(row=2, column=1) self.label4.pack(in_=self.frame3, side='left') self.label5.grid(row=1, column=1) self.programsListbox.grid(row=2, column=1) self.estimatesListbox.grid(row=2, column=3, sticky=E) self.scrollbar1.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=N + S + E) self.scrollbar2.grid(row=2, column=1, sticky=N + E + S) self.scrollbar3.grid(row=2, column=2, columnspan=2, sticky=N + S + E) self.pack() def fetch(self): # fetching phase self.color.config(background='yellow') self.course_list = [] self.update() url = self.entry.get() self.dataobj = Data() # creating data obj self.dataobj.init_data(url) = self.dataobj.courselist.keys() # getting keys # sorting keys self.obj_list = [] for i in self.obj_list.append(self.dataobj.courselist[i]) self.classifier_obj = docclass.naivebayes(docclass.getwords) for i in self.obj_list: # TRANING PHASE self.classifier_obj.train(i.split_name.lower(), i.first_code) r1 = re.compile("(.*?)\s*\(") for i in # adding courses to listbox course_name = self.dataobj.courselist[i].name name = r1.match(course_name) if name != None: name1 = i + '' + '(' + + ')' else: name1 = i + ' ' + '(' + course_name + ')' self.coursesListbox.insert(END, name1) for z in # adding course category to other listbox if self.dataobj.courselist[z].first_code not in self.course_list: self.course_list.append(self.dataobj.courselist[z].first_code) code = self.dataobj.courselist[z].first_code if code not in self.programsListbox.get(0, END): self.programsListbox.insert(END, code) self.color.config(background='green') self.update() self.coursesListbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.estimate) self.programsListbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', self.analyze) def estimate(self, event): # estimating phase try: for wid in self.frame3.winfo_children(): wid.destroy() self.label4 = Label(self.frame3, text=" Top 3 Estimates:", font='Helvetica 10 bold') self.label4.pack(in_=self.frame3) except: print 'ERROR !!!!' widget = event.widget selection = widget.curselection() picked = widget.get(selection[0]) x = picked.split('(') dict_ = {} for cat in self.course_list: # getting estimating scores dict_[cat] = self.classifier_obj.prob(x[1], cat) * 10 scores = dict_ sorted_scores = sorted(scores.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) # sorting dictionary top_3 = sorted_scores[0:3] # getting top 3 scores print top_3 dict_temp = {x[0].split(' ')[0]: top_3} m = 1 for key, value in dict_temp.items(): # adding items as labels for i in value: department, score = i if department != key: # checking if it is true estimation or not color = 'red' else: color = 'green' self.first_element = Label(self.frame3, text=department + ':' + str(score), font='Helvetica 15 bold', background=color, width=20) if m == 1: self.first_element.pack(in_=self.frame3) elif m == 2: self.first_element.pack(in_=self.frame3) elif m == 3: self.first_element.pack(in_=self.frame3) m = m + 1 def analyze(self, event): try: self.estimatesListbox.delete('1.0', END) except: print 'ERROR' widget = event.widget selection = widget.curselection() picked = widget.get(selection[0]) cat_ = picked course_names = {} for i in self.obj_list: # creating a dict. keys name of courses, values code of if i.first_code == cat_: # filtering print i.first_code, cat_ name ='(')[0] course_names[name] = i.code else: continue info = {} for course in course_names.keys(): # finds best match for each course score_dict = {} for cat in self.course_list: score_dict[cat] = self.classifier_obj.prob(course, cat) sorted_scores = sorted(score_dict.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True) info[course] = sorted_scores[0][0] all_info = { 'Total Number Of Courses: ': str(len(info)) } # creating initial analyzing data q = 0 for item in info.values(): # amount of accurate data if item != cat_: q = q + 1 all_info['Inaccurate Classification: '] = str(q) all_info['Accurately Classified: '] = len(info) - q all_info['Accuracy: '] = '%' + str( (float(all_info['Accurately Classified: ']) / float(len(info))) * 100) _ = all_info.keys() _.sort() for infos in _: self.estimatesListbox.insert(END, infos + str(all_info[infos]) + '\n ') for course_ in info: self.estimatesListbox.insert( END, '\t' + course_names[course_] + '-->' + info[course_] + '\n')
def ventanaVoluntarios(self,row): id = -1 guardar = TRUE # Creamos una ventana nueva t = Toplevel(self) t.wm_title("Crear Voluntario") # Etiqueta y entrada de nombre Label(t, text="Nombre").grid(row=0) entradaNombre = Entry(t) entradaNombre.grid(row=0, column=1,sticky = "ew") # Etiqueta y entrada de apellidos Label(t, text="Apellidos").grid(row=1) entradaApellidos = Entry(t) entradaApellidos.grid(row=1, column=1,sticky = "ew") # Etiqueta y entrada de DNI Label(t, text="DNI").grid(row=2) entradaDNI = Entry(t) entradaDNI.grid(row=2, column=1,sticky = "ew") # Etiqueta y entrada de Dirreccion Label(t, text="Direccion").grid(row=3) entradaDireccion = Entry(t) entradaDireccion.grid(row=3, column=1) # Etiqueta y seleccion de Estudios Label(t, text="Estudios").grid(row=4) box_value = StringVar() self.getEstudios() self.selectorEstudios = Combobox(t, textvariable=box_value, state='readonly') self.selectorEstudios['values'] = self.listadoEstudios[0] self.selectorEstudios.configure(width=25) self.selectorEstudios.current(0) self.selectorEstudios.grid(row=4, column=1) botonEditarEstudios = Button(t, text="Editar", command=self.editarEstudio) botonNuevosEstudios = Button(t, text="Nuevo", command=self.nuevoEstudio) botonEditarEstudios.grid(row=4, column=2) botonNuevosEstudios.grid(row=4, column=3) # Etiqueta y seleccion de Genero Label(t, text="Genero").grid(row=5) seleccionGenero = Combobox(t, values=["Masculino (M)", "Femenino (F)"], state='readonly') seleccionGenero.grid(row=5, column=1) # Etiqueta y seleccion de Parroquial Label(t, text="Parroquial").grid(row=6) box_value = StringVar() self.getParroquial() self.selectorParroquial = Combobox(t, textvariable=box_value, state='readonly') self.selectorParroquial['values'] = self.listadoParroquial[0] self.selectorParroquial.configure(width=25) self.selectorParroquial.current(0) self.selectorParroquial.grid(row=6, column=1) botonEditarParroquial = Button(t, text="Editar", command=self.editarParroquia) botonNuevaParroqual = Button(t, text="Nuevo", command=self.nuevaParroquia) botonEditarParroquial.grid(row=6, column=2) botonNuevaParroqual.grid(row=6, column=3) # Etiqueta y seleccion de Correo Label(t, text="Correo").grid(row=0, column=4) entradaCorreo = Entry(t) entradaCorreo.grid(row=0, column=5) Label(t, text="Telefono 1").grid(row=1, column=4) entradaTelefono1 = Entry(t) entradaTelefono1.grid(row=1, column=5) Label(t, text="Telefono 2").grid(row=2, column=4) entradaTelefono2 = Entry(t) entradaTelefono2.grid(row=2, column=5) # Etiqueta y entrada de Fecha Label(t, text="Fecha").grid(row=3, column=4) entradaAno = Entry(t) entradaMes = Entry(t) entradaDia = Entry(t) entradaAno.grid(row=3, column=5) entradaMes.grid(row=3, column=6) entradaDia.grid(row=3, column=7) # Etiqueta y seleccion de Pais Label(t, text="Pais").grid(row=4, column=4) box_value = StringVar() self.getPais() self.selectorPais = Combobox(t, textvariable=box_value, state='readonly') self.selectorPais['values'] = self.listadoPais[0] self.selectorPais.configure(width=25) self.selectorPais.current(0) self.selectorPais.grid(row=4, column=5) botonEditarPais = Button(t, text="Editar", command=self.editarPais) botonNuevaPais = Button(t, text="Nuevo", command=self.nuevoPais) botonEditarPais.grid(row=4, column=6) botonNuevaPais.grid(row=4, column=7) #Rellenamos los cambos si estamos editando if row > -1: voluntario = self.table.model.getRecordAtRow(row) entradaNombre.insert(END,voluntario['nombre']) entradaApellidos.insert(END,voluntario['apellidos']) entradaCorreo.insert(END,voluntario['correo_electronico']) entradaTelefono1.insert(END,voluntario['telefono_1']) entradaTelefono2.insert(END,voluntario['telefono_2']) entradaDireccion.insert(END,voluntario['direccion']) entradaDNI.insert(END,voluntario['dni']) self.selectorEstudios.set(voluntario['estudio']) self.selectorParroquial.set(voluntario['parroquial']) guardar = FALSE id = voluntario['id'] button5 = Button(t, text="Guardar", command=lambda: self.nuevoVoluntario(entradaNombre.get(), entradaApellidos.get(),entradaDNI.get(),entradaDireccion.get(), entradaCorreo.get(),1,self.listadoEstudios[1][self.selectorEstudios.current()], self.listadoParroquial[1][self.selectorParroquial.current()], 1,entradaTelefono1.get(),entradaTelefono2.get(),"M","2001-01-01",t,guardar,id)) button6 = Button(t, text="Cancelar", command=t.destroy) button5.grid(row=7, column=4) button6.grid(row=7, column=5)
def initUI(self): self.master.title("Telegram UnlimitMe") self.master.minsize(width=500, height=300) self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=True) frame1 = Frame(self) frame1.pack(fill=X) tknlbl = Label(frame1, text="Token", width=7, font=("Helvetica", 10)) tknlbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) tkntxt = Entry(frame1, font=("Helvetica", 10)) tkntxt.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) tkntxt.insert(0, self.loadtoken()) frame2 = Frame(self) frame2.pack(fill=X) cidlbl = Label(frame2, text="Chat ID", width=7, font=("Helvetica", 10)) cidlbl.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) cidtxt = Entry(frame2, font=("Helvetica", 10)) cidtxt.pack(fill=X, padx=5, expand=True) cidtxt.insert(0, self.loadcid()) frame3 = Frame(self) frame3.pack(fill=X) msglbl = Label(frame3, text="Message", width=8, font=("Helvetica", 10)) msglbl.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N, padx=5, pady=5) msgtxt = Entry(frame3, width=30, font=("Helvetica", 10)) msgtxt.insert( 0, "UnlimitMe script by (Gooogle)[]" ) msgtxt.pack(fill=BOTH, padx=5, pady=2) frame8 = Frame(self) frame8.pack(fill=X) tmslbl = Label(frame8, text="Spam times", width=10, font=("Helvetica", 10)) tmslbl.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N, padx=5, pady=5) tmstxt = Entry(frame8, width=30, font=("Helvetica", 10)) tmstxt.insert(0, "5") tmstxt.pack(fill=BOTH, padx=5, pady=2) frame7 = Frame(self) frame7.pack(fill=X) imglbl = Label(frame7, text="Image Source", width=15, font=("Helvetica", 10)) imglbl.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N, padx=5, pady=5) imgtxt = Entry(self, width=30, font=("Helvetica", 10)) imgtxt.insert(0, "") imgtxt.pack(fill=BOTH, padx=5, pady=2) frame4 = Frame(self) frame4.pack(fill=X) x = StringVar() x.set("Chat IDS found: \n" + str(chatids(tkntxt.get()))) cidslbl = Label(frame4, textvariable=x, width=40, font=("Helvetica", 10)) cidslbl.pack(side=LEFT, anchor=N, padx=5, pady=5) listbox = Listbox(frame4, width=30, font=("Helvetica", 10)) listbox.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) frame5 = Frame(self) frame5.pack(fill=X) spambtn = Button(frame5, relief=FLAT, bg="#1EFE7B", text="Spam", font=("Helvetica", 10), fg="#ffffff", width=15, command=lambda: self.flood(tmstxt.get(), msgtxt.get( ), tkntxt.get(), cidtxt.get())) spambtn.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) sendbtn = Button( frame5, relief=FLAT, bg="#2ECC71", text="Send", font=("Helvetica", 10), fg="#ffffff", width=15, command=lambda: self.sendMessage(msgtxt.get(), tkntxt.get( ), cidtxt.get()) & listbox.insert(END, "You: " + msgtxt.get())) sendbtn.pack(side=RIGHT, padx=5, pady=5) imgbtn = Button(frame5, relief=FLAT, bg="#1ABC9C", text="Send a Photo", font=("Helvetica", 10), fg="#ffffff", width=15, command=lambda: self.sendImage(imgtxt.get( ), tkntxt.get(), cidtxt.get())) imgbtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) savebtn = Button( frame5, relief=FLAT, bg="#E74C3C", text="Save CID & Token", font=("Helvetica", 10), fg="#ffffff", width=15, command=lambda: self.saveall(tkntxt.get(), cidtxt.get())) savebtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) getcidsbtn = Button(frame5, relief=FLAT, bg="#3498DB", text="Reload Chat IDS", font=("Helvetica", 10), fg="#ffffff", width=15, command=lambda: x.set("Chat IDS found: \n" + chatids(tkntxt.get()))) getcidsbtn.pack(side=LEFT, padx=5, pady=5) frame6 = Frame(self) frame6.pack(fill=X, expand=True) abtlbl = Label( frame6, font=("Helvetica", 10), text="Created by Habb0n - (c) 2016 - Using Python & Tkinter", width=50) abtlbl.pack(side=BOTTOM, anchor=N, padx=1, pady=1)
class Example(Frame): def __init__(self, parent): Frame.__init__(self, parent) self.parent = parent self.parent.title("Jo Ion Picker") self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.compounds = deisotope(filename=input_file) self.error_label = Label(self, text="Error in ppm"), y=730) self.entry = Entry(self, text='error in ppm'), y=750) self.entry.insert(10,'5') self.b = Button(self, text="ReCalc Error", width=15, \ command=self.callback), y=770) self.b_output = Button(self, text="Export", width=10, command=self.write_output), y=800) #self.b_output = Button(self, text="Allowed", width=10, command=self.only_allowed_ions), y=830) self.gaps=IntVar() self.check_gaps = Checkbutton(self, text='Remove Gaps', variable=self.gaps,onvalue=1, offvalue=0, command=self.remove_gaps_call) #self.check.pack(), y=830) self.scrollbar = Scrollbar(self, orient=VERTICAL) = Listbox(self, height=46, yscrollcommand=self.scrollbar.set) self.scrollbar.config( self.scrollbar.pack(side=LEFT, fill=Y) for compound in self.compounds: print "found", compound.get_base_peak() mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry)"<<ListboxSelect>>", self.onSelect), y=20) self.var = StringVar() #self.label = Label(self, text=0, textvariable=self.var), y=710) self.mz_label = Label(self, text="M/Z Num Ions"), y=0) f = Figure(figsize=(8,11), dpi=100) = f.add_subplot(111) mass_list = self.compounds[0].get_mz_list() print mass_list intensity_list = self.compounds[0].get_intensity_list() mass_spec_plot =, intensity_list,\ width=0.05) min_mz = mass_list[0] max_mz = mass_list[-1][min_mz-1, max_mz+1])[0, 1.1*max(intensity_list)]), rotation=45)"Base Ion:" + str(mass_list[0])) self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(f, master=self) self.canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=RIGHT) def onSelect(self, val): sender = val.widget idx = sender.curselection() value = sender.get(idx) self.var.set(value) mz_to_search = value.split()[0] for i, compound in enumerate(self.compounds): if float(mz_to_search) == compound.get_base_peak(): index = i mass_list = self.compounds[index].get_mz_list() print mass_list intensity_list = self.compounds[index].get_intensity_list() mass_spec_plot =, intensity_list,\ width=0.05) min_mz = mass_list[0] max_mz = mass_list[-1][min_mz-1, max_mz+1])[0, 1.1*max(intensity_list)])[str(mass) for mass in mass_list], rotation=45)"Base Ion:" + str(mass_list[0])) self.canvas.draw() def only_allowed_ions(self): ion_list = [] fp = open('ions.csv', 'r') lines = fp.readlines() for line in lines: ion_list.append(float(line)) #print ion_list self.compounds = deisotope(filename=input_file,max_error = float(self.entry.get())) new_compound_list = [] for compound in self.compounds: for ion in ion_list: error_Da = float(self.entry.get())*compound.get_base_peak()/1e6 if compound.get_base_peak() > ion-error_Da \ and compound.get_base_peak() < ion + error_Da: new_compound_list.append(compound) for compound in new_compound_list: print "compound:",compound.get_base_peak(), END) for compound in new_compound_list: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) def callback(self): self.compounds = deisotope(filename=input_file, max_error = float(self.entry.get())), END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) print self.entry.get() def remove_gaps_call(self): self.compounds = deisotope(filename=input_file,max_error = float(self.entry.get())) check_for_gaps(self.compounds), END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) print self.entry.get() def do_list_update(self): l_multi = self.multi.get() l_missing = self.missing.get() l_m1gtm2 = self.m1gtm2.get() # possible situations: 000, 001,010,100, 011,101, 110, 111 if l_multi == 0 and l_missing == 0 and l_m1gtm2 ==0:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) elif l_multi == 0 and l_missing == 0 and l_m1gtm2 ==1:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) intensities = compound.get_intensity_list() if intensities[-1] <= intensities[0]: entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) elif l_multi == 0 and l_missing == 1 and l_m1gtm2 ==0:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) if mzs[-1] - mzs[0] <1.75: # margin of error allowed here entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) elif l_multi == 1 and l_missing == 0 and l_m1gtm2 ==0:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) if num_mzs >1: entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) elif l_multi == 0 and l_missing == 1 and l_m1gtm2 ==1:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() intensities = compound.get_intensity_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) if mzs[-1] - mzs[0] <1.75 and intensities[-1] <= intensities[0]: entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) elif l_multi == 1 and l_missing == 0 and l_m1gtm2 ==1:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() intensities = compound.get_intensity_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) if num_mzs >1 and intensities[-1] <= intensities[0]: entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) elif l_multi == 1 and l_missing == 1 and l_m1gtm2 ==0:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) if num_mzs >1 and mzs[-1] - mzs[0] <1.75: entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) elif l_multi == 1 and l_missing == 1 and l_m1gtm2 ==1:, END) for compound in self.compounds: mzs = compound.get_mz_list() intensities = compound.get_intensity_list() num_mzs = len(mzs) if num_mzs >1 and mzs[-1] - mzs[0] <1.75 and \ intensities[1] <= intensities[0]: entry = str(mzs[0]) + " " + str(num_mzs), entry) else: pass # error! def write_output(self): op = open('edited_output.csv', 'w') op.write('mz, intensity, mz, intensity, mz, intensity\n') items =,END) output_list = [] for item in items: mz_val = item.split(' ')[0] for compound in self.compounds: if float(mz_val) == compound.get_base_peak(): mzs = compound.get_mz_list() intensities = compound.get_intensity_list() for i, mz in enumerate(mzs): op.write(str(mz) + ',' + str(intensities[i]) + ',') op.write('\n') op.close()