Example #1
 def on_init(self):
     self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode((287,510), pygame.HWSURFACE)
     pygame.display.set_caption("Annoying Bird 0.5")
     self._running = True
     self.ss = spritesheet.spritesheet("Flappy-Graphics.bmp")
     self.numbers = self.ss.images_at([(276,647,11,13), (276,665,11,13), (276,699,11,13), (276,717,11,13), (276,751,11,13), (276,769,11,13), (276,803,11,13), (276,821,11,13), (276,855,11,13), (276,873,11,13)], colorkey =(255,255,255))
     self.background = self.ss.image_at((0, 0, 287, 510))
     self.score = 0
     self.numberRect = self.numbers[0].get_rect().move(125, 30)
     self.flappy = flappy.flappy(self.ss)
     self.tube = tube.tube(self.ss)
     self.ground = ground.ground(self.ss)
     self.menu = True
     self.title = pygame.image.load("Menu.bmp")
Example #2
 def on_init(self):
     self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode((287, 510),
     pygame.display.set_caption("Annoying Bird 0.5")
     self._running = True
     self.ss = spritesheet.spritesheet("Flappy-Graphics.bmp")
     self.numbers = self.ss.images_at(
         [(276, 647, 11, 13), (276, 665, 11, 13), (276, 699, 11, 13),
          (276, 717, 11, 13), (276, 751, 11, 13), (276, 769, 11, 13),
          (276, 803, 11, 13), (276, 821, 11, 13), (276, 855, 11, 13),
          (276, 873, 11, 13)],
         colorkey=(255, 255, 255))
     self.background = self.ss.image_at((0, 0, 287, 510))
     self.score = 0
     self.numberRect = self.numbers[0].get_rect().move(125, 30)
     self.flappy = flappy.flappy(self.ss)
     self.tube = tube.tube(self.ss)
     self.ground = ground.ground(self.ss)
     self.menu = True
     self.title = pygame.image.load("Menu.bmp")
Example #3
def empty(vehicle):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.empty(engine,wing,aircraft,fuselage,horizontal,vertical)
        This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.        

            engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
                thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine [Newtons]

            wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                gross_area - wing gross area [meters**2]
                span - span of the wing [meters]
                taper - taper ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the wing [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing [meters]
                r_c - wing root chord [meters]

            aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
                Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
                ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
                    "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst" [dimensionless]
                w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center) [meters]

            fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                area - fuselage wetted area [meters**2]
                diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential [Pascal]
                width - width of the fuselage [meters]
                height - height of the fuselage [meters]
                length - length of the fuselage [meters]                     

                area - area of the horizontal tail [meters**2]
                span - span of the horizontal tail [meters]
                sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail [dimensionless]

                area - area of the vertical tail [meters**2]
                span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail [radians]
                t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes" [dimensionless]

            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo [kilograms]
                wt_pax - weight of all the passengers [kilogram]
                wt_bag - weight of all the baggage [kilogram]
                wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried[kilogram]
                wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft [kilograms]

            calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax = vehicle.passengers
    wt_cargo = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type = vehicle.systems.control
    ac_type = vehicle.systems.accessories

    propulsor_name = vehicle.propulsors.keys()[
        0]  #obtain the key for the propulsor for assignment purposes

    propulsors = vehicle.propulsors[propulsor_name]
    num_eng = propulsors.number_of_engines
    if propulsor_name == 'turbofan' or propulsor_name == 'Turbofan':
        # thrust_sls should be sea level static thrust. Using design thrust results in wrong propulsor
        # weight estimation. Engine sizing should return this value.
        # for now, using thrust_sls = design_thrust / 0.20, just for optimization evaluations
        thrust_sls = propulsors.sealevel_static_thrust
        wt_engine_jet = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(
            wt_engine_jet, num_eng)
        propulsors.mass_properties.mass = wt_propulsion

    else:  #propulsor used is not a turbo_fan; assume mass_properties defined outside model
        wt_propulsion = propulsors.mass_properties.mass

        if wt_propulsion == 0:
                "Propulsion mass= 0 ;e there is no Engine Weight being added to the Configuration",

    S_gross_w = vehicle.reference_area
    #S_gross_w  = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].Areas.reference
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('main_wing'):
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
            "There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration",

        b = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].taper
        t_c_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].sweep
        mac_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.root
        wt_wing = wing_main(S_gross_w, b, lambda_w, t_c_w, sweep_w, Nult, TOW,
        vehicle.wings['main_wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing

    S_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].differential_pressure
    w_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].width
    h_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.maximum
    l_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.total

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('horizontal_stabilizer'):
        wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
        S_h = 0.0
            "There is no Horizontal Tail Weight being added to the Configuration",

        S_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        sweep_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].sweep
        mac_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        t_c_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings[
            'horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.exposed / vehicle.wings[
        l_w2h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].origin[
            0] + vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[
                0] - vehicle.wings['main_wing'].origin[0] - vehicle.wings[
                        0]  #Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
        wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h, sweep_h, Nult, S_h, TOW,
                                             mac_w, mac_h, l_w2h, t_c_h,
            'horizontal_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('vertical_stabilizer'):
        output_3 = Data()
        output_3.wt_tail_vertical = 0.0
        output_3.wt_rudder = 0.0
        S_v = 0.0
            "There is no Vertical Tail Weight being added to the Configuration",

        S_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        t_c_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].sweep
        t_tail = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].t_tail
        output_3 = tail_vertical(S_v, Nult, b_v, TOW, t_c_v, sweep_v,
                                 S_gross_w, t_tail)
            'vertical_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder

    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear = landing_gear(TOW)
    wt_fuselage = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus, w_fus, h_fus, l_fus, Nlim, wt_zf,
                       wt_wing, wt_propulsion, wing_c_r)
    output_2 = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)

    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder)
    vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage

    # packup outputs
    output = payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax, wt_cargo)
    output.wing = wt_wing
    output.fuselage = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear = wt_landing_gear
    output.horizontal_tail = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail = output_3.wt_tail_vertical
    output.rudder = output_3.wt_rudder
    output.systems = output_2.wt_systems
    output.systems_breakdown = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems = output_2.wt_flt_ctrl
    output.systems_breakdown.apu = output_2.wt_apu
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics = output_2.wt_hyd_pnu
    output.systems_breakdown.instruments = output_2.wt_instruments
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics = output_2.wt_avionics
    output.systems_breakdown.optionals = output_2.wt_opitems
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical = output_2.wt_elec
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner = output_2.wt_ac
    output.systems_breakdown.furnish = output_2.wt_furnish

    #define weights components

        landing_gear_component = vehicle.landing_gear  #landing gear previously defined
    except AttributeError:  # landing gear not defined
        landing_gear_component = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
        vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component

    control_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    optionals = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    rudder = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()

    #assign output weights to objects
    landing_gear_component.mass_properties.mass = output.landing_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass = output.pax + output.bag
    furnishings.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass                                    = output.systems_breakdown.avionics \
        + output.systems_breakdown.instruments
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    optionals.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.optionals
    rudder.mass_properties.mass = output.rudder

    #assign components to vehicle
    vehicle.control_systems = control_systems
    vehicle.electrical_systems = electrical_systems
    vehicle.avionics = avionics
    vehicle.furnishings = furnishings
    vehicle.passenger_weights = passengers
    vehicle.air_conditioner = air_conditioner
    vehicle.fuel = fuel
    vehicle.apu = apu
    vehicle.hydraulics = hydraulics
    vehicle.optionals = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component
    vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].rudder = rudder

    return output
Example #4
ds_list = ds_list_sine  #[ds_list_mhd[0], ds_list_hydro[0]]
renorm = {'density': 1, 'pressure': 0.6, 'TotalEnergy': 0.9}
if 0:
    ds0 = ds_list[0]
    ds1 = ds_list[1]
    for ds in ds_list:
        ray_set[ds] = ds.ortho_ray(axis, coord)
    ray_mhd = ray_set[ds0]
    ray_hydro = ray_set[ds1]
    simname = "both_ics"
simname = 't05_sine'
#x=tube.tube(ds_list,      delta=True,  fields=fields, renorm=renorm,filename = simname+".png",legend=True)
#y=tube.tube(ds_list_mhd,  delta=true, fields=fields, renorm=renorm,filename = "mhd"+".png")
y = tube.tube(ds_list_sine,
              filename="sine" + ".png")
#y=tube.tube(ds_list_hydro,delta=True,  fields=fields, renorm=renorm,filename = "hydro"+".png")
if 0:
    for i, field in enumerate(fields):
        for n_ds, ds in enumerate(ds_list):
            counter += 1
            this_ray = ray_set[ds]
            this_x = this_ray['xyz'[axis]]
            this_y = this_ray[field]

#needs: ensure list
Example #5
def empty(vehicle):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.empty(engine,wing,aircraft,fuselage,horizontal,vertical)
        This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.

            engine - a data dictionary with the fields:
                thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine [Newtons]

            wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                gross_area - wing gross area [meters**2]
                span - span of the wing [meters]
                taper - taper ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the wing [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing [meters]
                r_c - wing root chord [meters]

            aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:
                Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
                ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types:
                    "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst" [dimensionless]
                w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center) [meters]

            fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                area - fuselage wetted area [meters**2]
                diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential [Pascal]
                width - width of the fuselage [meters]
                height - height of the fuselage [meters]
                length - length of the fuselage [meters]

                area - area of the horizontal tail [meters**2]
                span - span of the horizontal tail [meters]
                sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail [dimensionless]

                area - area of the vertical tail [meters**2]
                span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail [radians]
                t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes" [dimensionless]

            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo [kilograms]
                wt_pax - weight of all the passengers [kilogram]
                wt_bag - weight of all the baggage [kilogram]
                wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried[kilogram]
                wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft [kilograms]

            calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax = vehicle.passengers
    wt_cargo = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type = vehicle.systems.control
    ac_type = vehicle.systems.accessories
    V_descent = 80.
    d_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].effective_diameter

    propulsor_name = vehicle.propulsors.keys()[0]  # obtain the key for the propulsor for assignment purposes

    propulsors = vehicle.propulsors[propulsor_name]
    num_eng = propulsors.number_of_engines
    if propulsor_name == 'turbofan' or propulsor_name == 'Turbofan':
        # thrust_sls should be sea level static thrust. Using design thrust results in wrong propulsor
        # weight estimation. Engine sizing should return this value.
        # for now, using thrust_sls = design_thrust / 0.20, just for optimization evaluations
        thrust_sls = propulsors.sealevel_static_thrust
        wt_engine_jet = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        # print wt_engine_jet
        # print "Test2"
        wt_propulsion = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(wt_engine_jet, num_eng)
        propulsors.mass_properties.mass = wt_propulsion
        # print wt_propulsion

        d_eng = propulsors.nacelle_diameter

    else:  # propulsor used is not a turbo_fan; assume mass_properties defined outside model
        wt_propulsion = propulsors.mass_properties.mass

        if wt_propulsion == 0:
            warnings.warn("Propulsion mass= 0 ;e there is no Engine Weight being added to the Configuration",

    S_gross_w = vehicle.reference_area
    # S_gross_w  = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].Areas.reference
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('main_wing'):
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)

        b = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].taper
        t_c_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].sweep
        mac_w = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.root
        # print 'c_root =',wing_c_r
        wt_wing = wing_main(S_gross_w, b, lambda_w, t_c_w, sweep_w, Nult, TOW, wt_zf)
        vehicle.wings['main_wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing

    S_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].differential_pressure
    w_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].width
    h_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.maximum
    l_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.total

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('horizontal_stabilizer'):
        wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
        S_h = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Horizontal Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)

        S_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        A_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].aspect_ratio
        sweep_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].sweep
        mac_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        c_r_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].chords.root
        t_c_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        # print 'c_r_h =',c_r_h
        taper_h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].taper
        h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.exposed / vehicle.wings[
        l_w2h = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].origin[0] + \
                vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[0] - vehicle.wings['main_wing'].origin[0] - \
                    0]  # Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
        # wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h, sweep_h, Nult, S_h, TOW, mac_w, mac_h, l_w2h, t_c_h, h_tail_exposed)
        Sel = 0.15 * S_h
        wt_tail_horizontal = hor_tail(c_r_h, taper_h, l_w2h, Sel, S_h, A_h, b_h, sweep_h, TOW, Nult)
        vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('vertical_stabilizer'):
        output_3 = Data()
        output_3.wt_tail_vertical = 0.0
        output_3.wt_rudder = 0.0
        S_v = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Vertical Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)

        S_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        A_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].aspect_ratio
        t_c_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].sweep
        taper_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].taper
        c_r_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].chords.root
        mac_v = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        t_tail = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].t_tail
        output_3 = tail_vertical(S_v, Nult, b_v, TOW, t_c_v, sweep_v, S_gross_w, t_tail)
        wt_tail_vertical = vert_tail(S_v, b_v, c_r_v, taper_v, t_c_v, A_v, sweep_v, l_w2h, TOW)
        vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_vertical
        # print 'b_v =',b_v
        # print 'c_r_v =',c_r_v
        # print 'c_t_v =',c_r_v*taper_v
        # vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder

    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear, gear, h_gear = landing_gear(TOW, d_eng, h_fus, V_descent)
    # print 'h_gear =', h_gear
    l_nose = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.nose
    l_center = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.cabin
    l_tail = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.tail
    S_cstot = 0.22 * mac_w * 0.6 * b * 1.5 + 0.3 * mac_v * 0.9 * b_v + 0.2 * mac_h * 0.9 * b_h  # 1.5 factor is because of assumed spoilers on wings
    Iy_SI = 1230140.7646609414  # kgm^2
    Vmax = 240  # m/s
    wt_fuselage = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus, w_fus, h_fus, l_nose, l_center, l_tail, l_fus, Nlim, wt_zf, wt_wing,
                       wt_propulsion, wing_c_r, TOW, h_gear)
    # output_2 = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)
    OEW = 109000  # kg #FIXME
    V_fuel = 69000 / 820  # m^3 #FIXME
    wt_engine_jet = 9000  # kg
    output_sys = classIIsys(num_eng, wt_engine_jet, V_fuel, Iy_SI, S_cstot, l_fus, OEW, TOW, Vmax, b)

    l_eng = 7  # m
    output_prop = propgroup(num_eng, wt_engine_jet, d_eng, l_eng, output_sys.w_fuelsys, output_sys.w_starter, Nult,
    wt_propulsion = output_prop.w_propulsion
    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_sys.w_system +
                wt_tail_horizontal + output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder)
    vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage

    # packup outputs
    output = payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax, wt_cargo)
    output.wing = wt_wing
    output.fuselage = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear = wt_landing_gear
    output.horizontal_tail = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail = output_3.wt_tail_vertical
    output.rudder = output_3.wt_rudder
    output.systems = output_sys.w_system
    output.systems_breakdown = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems = output_sys.w_flightcontrol
    output.systems_breakdown.apu = output_sys.w_apu
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics = output_sys.w_hydraullics
    # output.systems_breakdown.instruments = output_sys.wt_instruments
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics = output_sys.w_avionics
    # output.systems_breakdown.optionals = output_sys.wt_opitems
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical = output_sys.w_electrical
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner = output_sys.w_env
    # output.systems_breakdown.furnish = output_2.wt_furnish

    # define weights components

        landing_gear_component = vehicle.landing_gear  # landing gear previously defined
    except AttributeError:  # landing gear not defined
        landing_gear_component = SUAVE.Components.Landing_Gear.Landing_Gear()
        vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component

    control_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    # furnishings = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    # optionals = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    rudder = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()

    # assign output weights to objects
    landing_gear_component.mass_properties.mass = output.landing_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass = output.pax + output.bag
    # furnishings.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.avionics  # \
    # + output.systems_breakdown.instruments
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    # optionals.mass_properties.mass = output.systems_breakdown.optionals
    rudder.mass_properties.mass = output.rudder

    # assign components to vehicle
    vehicle.control_systems = control_systems
    vehicle.electrical_systems = electrical_systems
    vehicle.avionics = avionics
    # vehicle.furnishings = furnishings
    vehicle.passenger_weights = passengers
    vehicle.air_conditioner = air_conditioner
    vehicle.fuel = fuel
    vehicle.apu = apu
    vehicle.hydraulics = hydraulics
    # vehicle.optionals = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear = landing_gear_component
    vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].rudder = rudder

    return output
Example #6
axis = 0
coord = (0.505, 0.505)
counter = 0
#fields=['density','pressure','TotalEnergy','x-velocity', ]#,'x-velocity']
fields = ['%s_p' % s for s in all_x]
#fields += ['Bx','By','Bz','magnetic_energy']
#fields += ['magnetic_field_x','magnetic_field_y','magnetic_field_z','magnetic_energy']
#fields +=['x-velocity','y-velocity','z-velocity']
#fields += ['Ltension_x',
#fields += ['Badvection_x']
ray_set = {}
sim = 'a03'
frames = [0]
ds_list = [
    yt.load("%s/DD%04d/data%04d" % (sims[sim], frame, frame))
    for frame in frames
g = ds_list[0].index.grids[0]
#print g[fields[0]]
data = g
renorm = {'density': 1, 'pressure': 0.6, 'TotalEnergy': 0.9}
y = tube.tube(ds_list,
              filename="Tube_%s%s.png" %
              (sim, "_%s" * len(fields) % tuple(fields)),
              plot_args={'marker': '*'})
Example #7
def empty(vehicle):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.empty(engine,wing,aircraft,fuselage,horizontal,vertical)
        This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.        
            engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
                thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine [Newtons]
            wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                gross_area - wing gross area [meters**2]
                span - span of the wing [meters]
                taper - taper ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the wing [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing [meters]
                r_c - wing root chord [meters]
            aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
                Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
                ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
                    "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst" [dimensionless]
                w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center) [meters]
            fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                area - fuselage wetted area [meters**2]
                diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential [Pascal]
                width - width of the fuselage [meters]
                height - height of the fuselage [meters]
                length - length of the fuselage [meters]                     
                area - area of the horizontal tail [meters**2]
                span - span of the horizontal tail [meters]
                sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                area - area of the vertical tail [meters**2]
                span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail [radians]
                t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes" [dimensionless]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo [kilograms]
                wt_pax - weight of all the passengers [kilogram]
                wt_bag - weight of all the baggage [kilogram]
                wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried[kilogram]
                wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
            calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult       = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim       = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW        = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf      = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax    = vehicle.passengers

    wt_cargo   = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats  = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type  = vehicle.systems.control
    ac_type    = vehicle.systems.accessories         
    if not vehicle.propulsors.has_key('Turbo Fan'):
        wt_engine_jet = 0.0
        wt_propulsion = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Turbo Fan Engine Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
        num_eng            = vehicle.propulsors['Turbo Fan'].number_of_engines
        thrust_sls         = vehicle.propulsors['Turbo Fan'].thrust.design
        wt_engine_jet      = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion      = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(wt_engine_jet,num_eng)
    S_gross_w  = vehicle.reference_area
    #S_gross_w  = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].Areas.reference
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('Main Wing'):
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        b          = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w   = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].taper
        t_c_w      = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w    = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].sweep
        mac_w      = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r   = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].chords.root
        wt_wing    = wing_main(S_gross_w,b,lambda_w,t_c_w,sweep_w,Nult,TOW,wt_zf)
        vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing        
    S_fus      = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.differential_pressure
    w_fus      = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.width
    h_fus      = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.heights.maximum
    l_fus      = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.lengths.total
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('Horizontal Stabilizer'):
        wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
        S_h = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Horizontal Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        S_h            = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_h            = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].spans.projected
        sweep_h        = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].sweep
        mac_h          = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        t_c_h          = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.exposed / vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.wetted
        l_w2h      = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].origin[0] + vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[0] - vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].origin[0] - vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].aerodynamic_center[0] #Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
        wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h,sweep_h,Nult,S_h,TOW,mac_w,mac_h,l_w2h,t_c_h, h_tail_exposed)                
        vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal        
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('Vertical Stabilizer'):   
        output_3 = Data()
        output_3.wt_tail_vertical = 0.0
        output_3.wt_rudder = 0.0
        S_v = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Vertical Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
        S_v        = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_v        = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].spans.projected
        t_c_v      = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_v    = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].sweep
        t_tail     = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].t_tail  
        output_3   = tail_vertical(S_v,Nult,b_v,TOW,t_c_v,sweep_v,S_gross_w,t_tail)
        vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder

    # process
    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear    = landing_gear(TOW)
    wt_fuselage        = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus,w_fus,h_fus,l_fus,Nlim,wt_zf,wt_wing,wt_propulsion, wing_c_r)
    output_2           = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)
    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder) 
    vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage
    # packup outputs
    output             = payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax,wt_cargo)
    output.wing              = wt_wing
    output.fuselage          = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion        = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear      = wt_landing_gear
    output.systems           = output_2.wt_systems
    output.wt_furnish        = output_2.wt_furnish
    output.horizontal_tail   = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail     = output_3.wt_tail_vertical
    output.rudder            = output_3.wt_rudder    
    return output
Example #8
            line_title = f"the {line.capitalize()} Line"
        station_list = []
        line_names = t.getLines(False)
        line_ids = t.getLines(True)
        if line != "all":
            if line.lower() != "dlr":
                id_num = line_names.index(line.title())
                line_id = line_ids[id_num]
                station_list = t.getStationsOnLine(line_id)
                station_list = t.getDlrStations()
            station_list = t.getAllStations(False)
        station_result = []

        for item in station_list:
            station_result.append("<tr><td>" + item + "</td></tr>")
        return str(page).format(''.join(result), line_title,

if __name__ == "__main__":
    t = tube.tube()
    cherrypy.quickstart(tube_app(), config="config.txt")
Example #9
import tube

sim1 = '/Users/dcollins/Enzo/dave_vs_enzo_COSMOLOGY_UP/run/Cosmology/MHDZeldovichPancake'
sim2 = '/Users/dcollins/Enzo/dave_vs_enzo_COSMOLOGY_UP/run/Cosmology/MHDCTZeldovichPancake'
coord = (0.505, 0.505)
frame_list = [0]
#ds_list = [yt.load("%s/DD%04d/data%04d"%(sim,frame,frame)) for frame in frame_list]
#rays = [ds.ortho_ray(0,coord) for ds in ds_list]
for this_frame in [0, 20]:
    frame_list = [this_frame]
    ds_list = [
        yt.load("%s/DD%04d/data%04d" % (sim1, frame, frame))
        for frame in frame_list
    ds_list += [
        yt.load("%s/DD%04d/mhdct%04d" % (sim2, frame, frame))
        for frame in frame_list
    outname = 'with_a_in_pressure_%d.pdf' % frame
    fields = ['density', 'pressure', 'By', 'x-velocity']
    y = tube.tube(ds_list, fields=fields, filename=outname,
                  legend=True)  #, renorm=renorm,filename = "sine"+".png")
if 0:
    print outname
    #print rays[0]['magnetic_energy']/rays[2]['magnetic_energy']
    print rays[0]['magnetic_energy'] / rays[2]['magnetic_energy']
    print "print rays[1]['magnetic_energy']/rays[3]['magnetic_energy']"
    x = rays[0]['density'] / rays[2]['density']
    print "densty 0", x.min(), x.max()
Example #10
from pylab import *
import numpy as np
import scikits.audiolab
import tube
import scipy.io.wavfile

#x = arange(0, 1, 0.01)
ret = scikits.audiolab.wavread("/Users/shaoduo/Desktop/dsp_presentation/eg.wav")
#ret = scipy.io.wavfile.read("/Users/shaoduo/Desktop/dsp_presentation/eg.wav")
x = ret[1]

subplot(3, 1, 1)
for i in range(0, len(x)):
	x[i] = x[i] / 2**15
y = tube.tube(x, 3.0, 1.0, 150.0, 0.8, 0.8, 0.6)
#y = tube.symclip(x)
#y = tube.expdist(x, 10.0, 0.8)

scikits.audiolab.wavwrite(y, "/Users/shaoduo/Desktop/dsp_presentation/eg-d.wav", fs=44100, enc='pcm16')
#scipy.io.wavfile.write("/Users/shaoduo/Desktop/dsp_presentation/eg-d.wav", 44100, y)
subplot(3, 1, 2)

xy = abs(x) - abs(y)
subplot(3, 1, 3)
Example #11
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import yt
import tube

ds_list = [yt.load("DD%04d/data%04d"%(frame,frame)) for frame in [0,1]]
tube.tube(ds_list,   legend = True, delta=False, fields=['density','Metal_Density'],filename = 'tube.pdf',labels=['DD%04d'%n for n in [0,1]])
Example #12
    all_ds += ds_list

    g = ds_list[0].index.grids[0]
    data = g
    renorm = {'density': 1, 'pressure': 0.6, 'TotalEnergy': 0.9}
    #renorm = False
    #this_ray = ray_info.get(i,ray_info_default)
    y = tube.tube(
        outname,  # "Tube_%s%s.png"%(sim,"_%s"*len(fields)%tuple(fields)), 
        plot_args={'marker': '*'},
        yscale={'density': 'linear'},

#y=tube.tube(all_ds, return_ray=False,  delta=False, fields=fields, renorm=renorm,
#        filename = "TUBE_many",# "Tube_%s%s.png"%(sim,"_%s"*len(fields)%tuple(fields)),
#        #labels=fields,
#        plot_args={'marker':'*'},legend=True, labels=sim_list+sim_list+sim_list)
Example #13
import tube
base_dir = '/Users/dcollins/Enzo/enzo-dev/run/MHD/1D/'
bw_ded = '%s/BrioWu-MHD-1D'%base_dir
bw_ct  = '%s/BrioWu-MHD-1D-MHDCT'%base_dir
bw_cbremoval = '/Users/dcollins/Enzo/dave_vs_enzo_CenteredBremoval/run/MHD/1D/BrioWu-MHD-1D-MHDCT-CenteredBremoval'
bw_ct_fid = '/Users/dcollins/Enzo/dave_vs_enzo_CenteredBremoval/run/MHD/1D/BrioWu-MHD-1D-MHDCT'
frame = 1
fields=['density','pressure','TotalEnergy','x-velocity', 'By' ]#,'x-velocity']
fields += ['ByF','Bz', 'velocity_y','velocity_z']
BWfields = ['density','x-velocity','By']
fields = BWfields
#set_name = 'ED%02d_%04d/Extra%02d_%04d'%(extra,frame,extra,frame)
#outname = 'ED%02d_%04d.pdf'%(extra,frame)
set_name = 'DD%04d/data%04d'%(frame,frame)
#ds_list = [yt.load("%s/%s"%(sim, set_name)) for sim in [bw_ct_fid,bw_cbremoval]]
bw02 = '/scratch1/dcollins/EnzoProjects/E22_DEF_NonCosmo/bw02_ct'
bw01 = '/scratch1/dcollins/EnzoProjects/E22_DEF_NonCosmo/bw01_ded'
outname = 'E22_wtf.pdf'
ds_list = [yt.load("%s/%s"%(sim, set_name)) for sim in [bw01,bw02]]
y=tube.tube(ds_list,  delta=False, fields=fields, renorm=False,filename =outname ,labels=['bw01','bw02'],legend=True)
#OutputTemplate = "/RD%04d/RedshiftOutput%04d"

axis = 1
counter = 0

for frame in frames:

    ds_list = [
        yt.load(sim_1 + OutputTemplate % (frame, frame)) for sim_1 in sim_list

    y = tube.tube(ds_list,
                  filename='e12_tube_%s_cons_%04d.pdf' % (note, frame),
                  xlim=[0.42, 0.58])
if 0:
    fields_derived = ['thermal_energy', 'pressure', 'BoverRho']
    y = tube.tube(ds_list,
                  filename='e12_tube_%s_derived_%04d.pdf' % (note, frame),
Example #15
def process(mobile, message):
    # extract the first word, and call it "operator"
    message_array = message.split()
    operator      = message_array[0]
    data          = sessions.retrive_data(mobile)
    origin        = data[1]
    destination   = data[2]
    req_time       = data[3]
    req_mes = " ".join(message_array[1:])

    if len(re.findall("((?<= at )\d{1,2})(:)((?<=:)\d{1,2}).*", req_mes, re.IGNORECASE)) != 0:
        user_time = re.findall("((?<= at )\d{1,2})(:)((?<=:)\d{1,2}).*", req_mes, re.IGNORECASE)[0]

        start_time = datetime.datetime.today()
        start_time = start_time.replace(hour = int(user_time[0]))
        start_time = start_time.replace(minute = int(user_time[2]))
        req_time = int((start_time - datetime.datetime(1970,1,1)).total_seconds())
        sessions.save_time(number, req_time)
    #Is the operator "from"
    if operator == "from":
        #do we have a stored destination?
        if destination != None:
            #google using the rest of the message and the stored destination
            google_it(mobile, " ".join(message_array[1:]), destination, req_time)
        # else:
            # save the rest of the message as the origin
            origin = " ".join(message_array[1:])
            sessions.add_origin(mobile, origin)
            # Request the destination

    #ok, how about "to"
    elif operator == "to":
        process_origin(mobile, " ".join(message_array[1:]), origin, destination, req_time)
    #if they have asked to reset:
    elif operator == "reset":
        send_text.text(mobile, "Reset successful!")

    elif operator == "bus":
        bus.bus(mobile, " ".join(message_array[1:]))
    elif operator == "tube":
        tube.tube(mobile, " ".join(message_array[1:]))
    #help operator:
    elif operator == "help":
        send_text.text(mobile, "Hi! Thanks for using traxt. Our service is simple to use:")
        send_text.text(mobile, "1) If you want directions, send a text containing either the start or end point, formatted like so: ")
        send_text.text(mobile, "To set the destination, send a message starting with \"to\" directly followed by the destination. e.g: \"to London\". You will then be prompted to send your start point, which should be formatted like so: ")
        send_text.text(mobile, "To set the start point of your journey, send a message starting with \"from\", directly followed by the start point. e.g: \"from London\". You will then be prompted to send your destination, which should be formatted as shown above.")
        send_text.text(mobile, "2) If you would like tube or bus status, text \"tube [underground line]\" or \"bus [bus No.]\" ")
        send_text.text(mobile, "By sending \"reset\", your session will be cleared, although it will also be cleared automatically. Thanks for using traxt.")

    # so we don't know the operator.
        # Do we have a saved origin?
        if origin != None:
            # then this must be the destination
            destination = " ".join(message_array)
            # google using the saved origin and the rest of the message
            print "Origin is: "     +str(origin)     +". Type is "+str(type(origin))
            print "Destination is: "+str(destination)+". Type is "+str(type(destination))
            google_it(mobile, origin, destination, req_time)
        # we dont have a saved origin, so this must be it
            # save the message as the origin
            origin = " ".join(message_array)
            if destination != None:
                google_it(mobile, origin, destination, req_time)
                sessions.add_origin(mobile, origin)
                # prompt for the destination
Example #16
simlist = ['s11']
axis = 0
coord = (0.505, 0.505)
counter = 0
#fields=['density','pressure','TotalEnergy','x-velocity', ]#,'x-velocity']
#fields =['%s_p'%s for s in all_x]
#fields += ['Bx','By','Bz','magnetic_energy']
#fields += ['magnetic_field_x','magnetic_field_y','magnetic_field_z','magnetic_energy']
#fields +=['x-velocity','y-velocity','z-velocity']
#fields += ['Ltension_x',
#fields += ['Badvection_x']
fields = ['density',
          'Metal_Density']  #'Temperature', 'TotalEnergy']# , 'metallicity']
ray_set = {}
frames = [0, 1]  #range(0,10)
renorm = {'density': 1, 'pressure': 0.6, 'TotalEnergy': 0.9}
for sim in simlist:
    ds_list = []
    ds_list += [
        yt.load("%s/DD%04d/data%04d" % (sims[sim], frame, frame))
        for frame in frames
    fname = "Tube_%s_dev_%s.pdf" % (sim, "_%s" * len(fields) % tuple(fields))
    y = tube.tube(ds_list,
                  labels=[""] * 100)  #, xlim = [0.25,0.75])
#, labels=fields, plot_args={'marker':'*'})
Example #17
def main():
    print("Welcome to the JMC Tube & Rail App")
        "\n[1]: View Statuses\n[2]: View Stations\n[3]: View Fares\n[4]: View Lines\n[9]: Sync\n[0]: Exit"
    option = input("Please select an option > ")
    if option == "1":
    elif option == "2":
    elif option == "3":
    elif option == "4":
    elif option == "9":
    elif option == "0":
        raise SystemExit
        print("Thats not an option!")
        input("Press enter to continue... ")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    tube_data = tube.tube()
    rail_data = tube.rail()
Example #18
def empty_custom_eng(vehicle, propulsor):
    """ output = SUAVE.Methods.Weights.Correlations.Tube_Wing.empty(engine,wing,aircraft,fuselage,horizontal,vertical)
        This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.        
            propulsor - a propulsor object
            wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
                gross_area - wing gross area [meters**2]
                span - span of the wing [meters]
                taper - taper ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the wing [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing [meters]
                r_c - wing root chord [meters]
            aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
                Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft [dimensionless]
                TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft [kilograms]
                num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft [dimensionless]
                ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
                ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
                    "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst" [dimensionless]
                w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center) [meters]
            fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
                area - fuselage wetted area [meters**2]
                diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential [Pascal]
                width - width of the fuselage [meters]
                height - height of the fuselage [meters]
                length - length of the fuselage [meters]                     
                area - area of the horizontal tail [meters**2]
                span - span of the horizontal tail [meters]
                sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail [radians]
                mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail [dimensionless]
                area - area of the vertical tail [meters**2]
                span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical [meters]
                t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail [dimensionless]
                sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail [radians]
                t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes" [dimensionless]
            output - a data dictionary with fields:
                wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo [kilograms]
                wt_pax - weight of all the passengers [kilogram]
                wt_bag - weight of all the baggage [kilogram]
                wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried[kilogram]
                wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft [kilograms]
            calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft

    # Unpack inputs
    #thrust_sls = vehicle.propulsors['Turbo Fan'].thrust.design

    S_gross_w = vehicle.reference_area
    #S_gross_w  = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].Areas.reference
    b = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].spans.projected
    lambda_w = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].taper
    t_c_w = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].thickness_to_chord
    sweep_w = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].sweep
    mac_w = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
    wing_c_r = vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].chords.root

    Nult = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax = vehicle.passengers
    wt_cargo = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type = vehicle.systems.control
    ac_type = vehicle.systems.accessories
    #l_w2h      = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].position[0] + vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[0] - vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].position[0] - vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].aerodynamic_center[0] #Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
    l_w2h = vehicle.w2h
    S_fus = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.differential_pressure
    w_fus = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.width
    h_fus = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.heights.maximum
    l_fus = vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.lengths.total

    S_h = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.reference
    b_h = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].spans.projected
    sweep_h = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].sweep
    mac_h = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
    t_c_h = vehicle.wings['Horizontal Stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
    h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings[
        'Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.exposed / vehicle.wings[
            'Horizontal Stabilizer'].areas.wetted

    S_v = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].areas.reference
    b_v = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].spans.projected
    t_c_v = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
    sweep_v = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].sweep
    t_tail = vehicle.wings['Vertical Stabilizer'].t_tail

    # process
    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft

    wt_wing = wing_main(S_gross_w, b, lambda_w, t_c_w, sweep_w, Nult, TOW,
    wt_landing_gear = landing_gear(TOW)

    wt_propulsion = propulsor.mass_properties.mass
    wt_fuselage = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus, w_fus, h_fus, l_fus, Nlim, wt_zf,
                       wt_wing, wt_propulsion, wing_c_r)
    output_2 = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)
    wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h, sweep_h, Nult, S_h, TOW, mac_w,
                                         mac_h, l_w2h, t_c_h, h_tail_exposed)
    output_3 = tail_vertical(S_v, Nult, b_v, TOW, t_c_v, sweep_v, S_gross_w,

    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder)

    vehicle.wings['Main Wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing
        'Horizontal Stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal
        'Vertical Stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder
    vehicle.fuselages.Fuselage.mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage
    #vehicle.propulsors['Turbo Fan'].mass_properties.mass = wt_engine_jet

    # packup outputs
    output = payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax, wt_cargo)

    output.wing = wt_wing
    output.fuselage = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear = wt_landing_gear
    output.systems = output_2.wt_systems
    output.wt_furnish = output_2.wt_furnish
    output.horizontal_tail = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail = output_3.wt_tail_vertical
    output.rudder = output_3.wt_rudder

    return output
Example #19
    #df.loc[:, 'num_bends_quantity'] = (df['num_bends'] / df['quantity']) ** (1/3)
    #df.loc[:, 'bend_ratio'] = ((df['num_bends'] * df['bend_radius']) / df['quantity']) ** (1/3)

    # train.loc[:, 'inv_diameter'] = train['diameter'].apply(utils.make_inv)
    # test.loc[:, 'inv_diameter'] = test['diameter'].apply(utils.make_inv)
    return df

print('reading train data')
data = pd.read_csv('../competition_data/train_set.csv', parse_dates=[2, ])

data = data[data['quantity'] != 2500]
#data = data[data['annual_usage'] != 150000]

# tube data
tube_data = pd.read_csv('../competition_data/tube.csv')
tube_data = tube.tube(tube_data)
data = pd.merge(data, tube_data, on='tube_assembly_id')

data = specs.specs(data)
data = bill_of_material.bill_of_material(data)

#data.loc[:, 'diameter'] = (data['diameter'] / data['quantity']) ** (1/3)
#data.loc[:, 'length_quantity'] = (data['length'] / data['quantity']) ** (1/3)
#data.loc[:, 'wall_quantity'] = (data['wall'] / data['quantity']) ** (1/3)
#data.loc[:, 'volume_quantity'] = (data['volume'] / data['quantity'])
feature_importance = {}
if not test:
    scores = []
    for train, test in train_test(data, unique_split_label='tube_assembly_id'):

        #print('train', train.head())
Example #20
    # train.loc[:, 'inv_diameter'] = train['diameter'].apply(utils.make_inv)
    # test.loc[:, 'inv_diameter'] = test['diameter'].apply(utils.make_inv)
    return df

print('reading train data')
data = pd.read_csv('../competition_data/train_set.csv', parse_dates=[

data = data[data['quantity'] != 2500]
#data = data[data['annual_usage'] != 150000]

# tube data
tube_data = pd.read_csv('../competition_data/tube.csv')
tube_data = tube.tube(tube_data)
data = pd.merge(data, tube_data, on='tube_assembly_id')

data = specs.specs(data)
data = bill_of_material.bill_of_material(data)

#data.loc[:, 'diameter'] = (data['diameter'] / data['quantity']) ** (1/3)
#data.loc[:, 'length_quantity'] = (data['length'] / data['quantity']) ** (1/3)
#data.loc[:, 'wall_quantity'] = (data['wall'] / data['quantity']) ** (1/3)
#data.loc[:, 'volume_quantity'] = (data['volume'] / data['quantity'])
feature_importance = {}
if not test:
    scores = []
    for train, test in train_test(data, unique_split_label='tube_assembly_id'):

        #print('train', train.head())
Example #21
File: empty.py Project: michK/SUAVE
def empty(vehicle):
    """ This is for a standard Tube and Wing aircraft configuration.        

        calculated aircraft weight from correlations created per component of historical aircraft
      engine - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
          thrust_sls - sea level static thrust of a single engine                [Newtons]

      wing - a data dictionary with the fields:
          gross_area - wing gross area                                           [meters**2]
          span - span of the wing                                                [meters]
          taper - taper ratio of the wing                                        [dimensionless]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the wing                             [dimensionless]
          sweep - sweep angle of the wing                                        [radians]
          mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the wing                               [meters]
          r_c - wing root chord                                                  [meters]

      aircraft - a data dictionary with the fields:                    
          Nult - ultimate load of the aircraft                                   [dimensionless]
          Nlim - limit load factor at zero fuel weight of the aircraft           [dimensionless]
          TOW - maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft                           [kilograms]
          zfw - maximum zero fuel weight of the aircraft                         [kilograms]
          num_eng - number of engines on the aircraft                            [dimensionless]
          num_pax - number of passengers on the aircraft                         [dimensionless]
          wt_cargo - weight of the bulk cargo being carried on the aircraft      [kilograms]
          num_seats - number of seats installed on the aircraft                  [dimensionless]
          ctrl - specifies if the control system is "fully powered", "partially powered", or not powered [dimensionless]
          ac - determines type of instruments, electronics, and operating items based on types: 
              "short-range", "medium-range", "long-range", "business", "cargo", "commuter", "sst"        [dimensionless]
          w2h - tail length (distance from the airplane c.g. to the horizontal tail aerodynamic center)  [meters]

      fuselage - a data dictionary with the fields:
          area - fuselage wetted area                                            [meters**2]
          diff_p - Maximum fuselage pressure differential                        [Pascal]
          width - width of the fuselage                                          [meters]
          height - height of the fuselage                                        [meters]
          length - length of the fuselage                                        [meters]                     

          area - area of the horizontal tail                                     [meters**2]
          span - span of the horizontal tail                                     [meters]
          sweep - sweep of the horizontal tail                                   [radians]
          mac - mean aerodynamic chord of the horizontal tail                    [meters]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the horizontal tail                  [dimensionless]
          exposed - exposed area ratio for the horizontal tail                   [dimensionless]

          area - area of the vertical tail                                       [meters**2]
          span - sweight = weight * Units.lbpan of the vertical                  [meters]
          t_c - thickness-to-chord ratio of the vertical tail                    [dimensionless]
          sweep - sweep angle of the vertical tail                               [radians]
          t_tail - factor to determine if aircraft has a t-tail, "yes"           [dimensionless]

        output - a data dictionary with fields:
            wt_payload - weight of the passengers plus baggage and paid cargo    [kilograms]
            wt_pax - weight of all the passengers                                [kilogram]
            wt_bag - weight of all the baggage                                   [kilogram]
            wt_fuel - weight of the fuel carried                                 [kilogram]
            wt_empty - operating empty weight of the aircraft                    [kilograms]
    Properties Used:

    # Unpack inputs
    Nult       = vehicle.envelope.ultimate_load
    Nlim       = vehicle.envelope.limit_load
    TOW        = vehicle.mass_properties.max_takeoff
    wt_zf      = vehicle.mass_properties.max_zero_fuel
    num_pax    = vehicle.passengers
    wt_cargo   = vehicle.mass_properties.cargo
    num_seats  = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].number_coach_seats
    ctrl_type  = vehicle.systems.control
    ac_type    = vehicle.systems.accessories         
    propulsor_name = vehicle.propulsors.keys()[0] #obtain the key for the propulsor for assignment purposes
    propulsors     = vehicle.propulsors[propulsor_name]
    num_eng        = propulsors.number_of_engines
    if propulsor_name=='turbofan' or propulsor_name=='Turbofan':
        # thrust_sls should be sea level static thrust. Using design thrust results in wrong propulsor 
        # weight estimation. Engine sizing should return this value.
        # for now, using thrust_sls = design_thrust / 0.20, just for optimization evaluations
        thrust_sls                       = propulsors.sealevel_static_thrust
        wt_engine_jet                    = Propulsion.engine_jet(thrust_sls)
        wt_propulsion                    = Propulsion.integrated_propulsion(wt_engine_jet,num_eng)
        propulsors.mass_properties.mass  = wt_propulsion 
    else: #propulsor used is not a turbo_fan; assume mass_properties defined outside model
        wt_propulsion                   = propulsors.mass_properties.mass

        if wt_propulsion==0:
            warnings.warn("Propulsion mass= 0 ;e there is no Engine Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
    S_gross_w  = vehicle.reference_area
    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('main_wing'):
        wt_wing = 0.0
        wing_c_r = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Wing Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        b          = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].spans.projected
        lambda_w   = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].taper
        t_c_w      = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_w    = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_w      = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        wing_c_r   = vehicle.wings['main_wing'].chords.root
        wt_wing    = wing_main.wing_main(S_gross_w,b,lambda_w,t_c_w,sweep_w,Nult,TOW,wt_zf)
        vehicle.wings['main_wing'].mass_properties.mass = wt_wing        

    S_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].areas.wetted
    diff_p_fus = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].differential_pressure
    w_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].width
    h_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].heights.maximum
    l_fus      = vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].lengths.total

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('horizontal_stabilizer'):
        wt_tail_horizontal = 0.0
        S_h = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Horizontal Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)
        S_h            = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_h            = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        sweep_h        = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        mac_h          = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].chords.mean_aerodynamic
        t_c_h          = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        h_tail_exposed = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.exposed / vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].areas.wetted
        l_w2h          = vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].origin[0] + vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].aerodynamic_center[0] - vehicle.wings['main_wing'].origin[0] - vehicle.wings['main_wing'].aerodynamic_center[0] #Need to check this is the length of the horizontal tail moment arm
        wt_tail_horizontal = tail_horizontal(b_h,sweep_h,Nult,S_h,TOW,mac_w,mac_h,l_w2h,t_c_h, h_tail_exposed)                
        vehicle.wings['horizontal_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = wt_tail_horizontal        

    if not vehicle.wings.has_key('vertical_stabilizer'):   
        output_3                  = Data()
        output_3.wt_tail_vertical = 0.0
        output_3.wt_rudder        = 0.0
        S_v                       = 0.0
        warnings.warn("There is no Vertical Tail Weight being added to the Configuration", stacklevel=1)    
        S_v        = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].areas.reference
        b_v        = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].spans.projected
        t_c_v      = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].thickness_to_chord
        sweep_v    = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].sweeps.quarter_chord
        t_tail     = vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].t_tail  
        output_3   = tail_vertical(S_v,Nult,b_v,TOW,t_c_v,sweep_v,S_gross_w,t_tail)
        vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].mass_properties.mass = output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder
    # Calculating Empty Weight of Aircraft
    wt_landing_gear    = landing_gear.landing_gear(TOW)
    wt_fuselage        = tube(S_fus, diff_p_fus,w_fus,h_fus,l_fus,Nlim,wt_zf,wt_wing,wt_propulsion, wing_c_r) 
    output_2           = systems(num_seats, ctrl_type, S_h, S_v, S_gross_w, ac_type)  

    # Calculate the equipment empty weight of the aircraft
    wt_empty           = (wt_wing + wt_fuselage + wt_landing_gear + wt_propulsion + output_2.wt_systems + \
                          wt_tail_horizontal + output_3.wt_tail_vertical + output_3.wt_rudder) 
    vehicle.fuselages['fuselage'].mass_properties.mass = wt_fuselage

    # packup outputs
    output                   = payload.payload(TOW, wt_empty, num_pax,wt_cargo)
    output.wing              = wt_wing
    output.fuselage          = wt_fuselage
    output.propulsion        = wt_propulsion
    output.landing_gear      = wt_landing_gear
    output.horizontal_tail   = wt_tail_horizontal
    output.vertical_tail     = output_3.wt_tail_vertical
    output.rudder            = output_3.wt_rudder
    output.systems           = output_2.wt_systems       
    output.systems_breakdown = Data()
    output.systems_breakdown.control_systems   = output_2.wt_flt_ctrl    
    output.systems_breakdown.apu               = output_2.wt_apu         
    output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics        = output_2.wt_hyd_pnu     
    output.systems_breakdown.instruments       = output_2.wt_instruments 
    output.systems_breakdown.avionics          = output_2.wt_avionics    
    output.systems_breakdown.optionals         = output_2.wt_opitems     
    output.systems_breakdown.electrical        = output_2.wt_elec        
    output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner   = output_2.wt_ac          
    output.systems_breakdown.furnish           = output_2.wt_furnish    
    #define weights components

        landing_gear_component=vehicle.landing_gear #landing gear previously defined
    except AttributeError: # landing gear not defined
    control_systems   = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    electrical_systems= SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    passengers        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    furnishings       = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    air_conditioner   = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    fuel              = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    apu               = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    hydraulics        = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    optionals         = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    rudder            = SUAVE.Components.Physical_Component()
    avionics          = SUAVE.Components.Energy.Peripherals.Avionics()
    #assign output weights to objects
    landing_gear_component.mass_properties.mass                      = output.landing_gear
    control_systems.mass_properties.mass                             = output.systems_breakdown.control_systems
    electrical_systems.mass_properties.mass                          = output.systems_breakdown.electrical
    passengers.mass_properties.mass                                  = output.pax + output.bag
    furnishings.mass_properties.mass                                 = output.systems_breakdown.furnish
    avionics.mass_properties.mass                                    = output.systems_breakdown.avionics \
        + output.systems_breakdown.instruments                  
    air_conditioner.mass_properties.mass                             = output.systems_breakdown.air_conditioner
    fuel.mass_properties.mass                                        = output.fuel
    apu.mass_properties.mass                                         = output.systems_breakdown.apu
    hydraulics.mass_properties.mass                                  = output.systems_breakdown.hydraulics
    optionals.mass_properties.mass                                   = output.systems_breakdown.optionals
    rudder.mass_properties.mass                                      = output.rudder
    #assign components to vehicle
    vehicle.control_systems                     = control_systems
    vehicle.electrical_systems                  = electrical_systems
    vehicle.avionics                            = avionics
    vehicle.furnishings                         = furnishings
    vehicle.passenger_weights                   = passengers 
    vehicle.air_conditioner                     = air_conditioner
    vehicle.fuel                                = fuel
    vehicle.apu                                 = apu
    vehicle.hydraulics                          = hydraulics
    vehicle.optionals                           = optionals
    vehicle.landing_gear                        = landing_gear_component
    vehicle.wings['vertical_stabilizer'].rudder = rudder

    return output