Example #1
    def _get_fit_par(self, args, tube_set, ideal_tube):
        if self.FITPAR in args:
            fit_par = args[self.FITPAR]
                assert getattr(
                    'setAutomatic')  # duck typing check for correct type
            except AssertionError:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Wrong argument {0}. This argument, when given, must be a valid TubeCalibFitParams object"
            # create a fit parameters guessing centre positions
            # the guessing obeys the following rule:
            # centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets/tube_length + ndets / 2
            # Get tube length and number of detectors
            tube_length = tube_set.getTubeLength(0)
            # ndets = len(wsp_index_for_tube0)
            dummy_id1, ndets, dummy_step = tube_set.getDetectorInfoFromTube(0)

            known_pos = ideal_tube.getArray()
            # position of the peaks in pixels
            centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets / tube_length + ndets * 0.5

            fit_par = TubeCalibFitParams(centre_pixel)
            # make it automatic, it means, that for every tube,
            # the parameters for fit will be re-evaluated, from the first
            # guess positions given by centre_pixel

        return fit_par
Example #2
def provideTheExpectedValue(filename):
    Giving the expected value for the position of the peaks in pixel.

    The :func:`~Examples.minimalInput` let to the calibrate to guess the position of the pixels
    among the tubes. Altough it works nicelly, providing these expected values may improve the results.
    This is done through the **fitPar** parameter.
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50,-0.16,-0.00, 0.16, 0.50 ],[2,1,1,1,2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
    # == Apply the Calibation ==
    ApplyCalibration( Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
Example #3
def provideTheExpectedValue(filename):
    Giving the expected value for the position of the peaks in pixel.

    The :func:`~Examples.minimalInput` let to the calibrate to guess the position of the pixels
    among the tubes. Altough it works nicelly, providing these expected values may improve the results.
    This is done through the **fitPar** parameter.
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, -0.00, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
    # == Apply the Calibation ==
    ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
Example #4
    def _get_fit_par(self, args, tube_set, ideal_tube):
        if self.FITPAR in args:
            fit_par = args[self.FITPAR]
            # fitPar must be a TubeCalibFitParams
            if not isinstance(fit_par, TubeCalibFitParams):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "Wrong argument {0}. This argument, when given, must be a valid TubeCalibFitParams object".
            # create a fit parameters guessing centre positions
            # the guessing obeys the following rule:
            # centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets/tube_length + ndets / 2
            # Get tube length and number of detectors
            tube_length = tube_set.getTubeLength(0)
            # ndets = len(wsp_index_for_tube0)
            dummy_id1, ndets, dummy_step = tube_set.getDetectorInfoFromTube(0)

            known_pos = ideal_tube.getArray()
            # position of the peaks in pixels
            centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets / tube_length + ndets * 0.5

            fit_par = TubeCalibFitParams(centre_pixel)
            # make it automatic, it means, that for every tube,
            # the parameters for fit will be re-evaluated, from the first
            # guess positions given by centre_pixel

        return fit_par
Example #5
def improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes(filename):
    Analysing the result of provideTheExpectedValue it was seen that the calibration
    of some tubes was not good.

    .. note::
          This method list some of them, there are a group belonging to window B2 that shows
          only 2 peaks that are not dealt with here.

    If first plot the bad ones using the **plotTube** option. It them, find where they fail, and how
    to correct their peaks, using the **overridePeaks**.
    If finally, applies the calibration again with the points corrected.
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams

    not_good = [19,37, 71, 75, 181, 186, 234, 235, 245, 273, 345]

    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50,-0.16,-0.00, 0.16, 0.50 ],[2,1,1,1,2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    #calibrationTable, peakTable= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
    #	fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, plotTube=not_good, rangeList=not_good)

    #CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)

    # it is defined as the mean values around the neighbours
    define_peaks = {19:[10, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717], # the first one was bad
                    37: [6.36, 80.9347, 122.941, 165.104, 248.32], # the first one was bad
                    71: [8.62752, 85.074, 124.919, 164.116, 246.82 ], # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
                    75: [14.4285, 90.087, 128.987, 167.047, 242.62], # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
                    181: [11.726, 94.0496, 137.816,  180, 255], # the third peak was lost
                    186:[11.9382, 71.5203, 107, 147.727, 239.041], #lost the second peak
                    234: [4.84, 82.7824, 123.125, 163.945, 241.877], # the first one was bad
                    235: [4.84, 80.0077, 121.002, 161.098, 238.502], # the first one was bad
                    245: [9.88089, 93.0593, 136.911, 179.5, 255], # the third peak was bad
                    273: [18.3711, 105.5, 145.5, 181.6, 243.252], # lost first and third peaks
                    345: [4.6084, 87.0351, 128.125, 169.923, 245.3] # the last one was bad
    calibrationTable, peakTable= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
                                                fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, overridePeaks=define_peaks)

    ApplyCalibration( Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
def improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes(filename):
    Analysing the result of provideTheExpectedValue it was seen that the calibration
    of some tubes was not good.

    .. note::
          This method list some of them, there are a group belonging to window B2 that shows
          only 2 peaks that are not dealt with here.

    If first plot the bad ones using the **plotTube** option. It them, find where they fail, and how
    to correct their peaks, using the **overridePeaks**.
    If finally, applies the calibration again with the points corrected.
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams

    # not_good = [19,37, 71, 75, 181, 186, 234, 235, 245, 273, 345]

    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole instrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, -0.00, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    # calibrationTable, peakTable= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
    #	fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, plotTube=not_good, rangeList=not_good)

    # CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)

    # it is defined as the mean values around the neighbours
    define_peaks = {19: [10, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717],  # the first one was bad
                    37: [6.36, 80.9347, 122.941, 165.104, 248.32],  # the first one was bad
                    71: [8.62752, 85.074, 124.919, 164.116, 246.82],  # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
                    75: [14.4285, 90.087, 128.987, 167.047, 242.62],  # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
                    181: [11.726, 94.0496, 137.816, 180, 255],  # the third peak was lost
                    186: [11.9382, 71.5203, 107, 147.727, 239.041],  # lost the second peak
                    234: [4.84, 82.7824, 123.125, 163.945, 241.877],  # the first one was bad
                    235: [4.84, 80.0077, 121.002, 161.098, 238.502],  # the first one was bad
                    245: [9.88089, 93.0593, 136.911, 179.5, 255],  # the third peak was bad
                    273: [18.3711, 105.5, 145.5, 181.6, 243.252],  # lost first and third peaks
                    345: [4.6084, 87.0351, 128.125, 169.923, 245.3]  # the last one was bad
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
                                                 fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, overridePeaks=define_peaks)

    mantid.ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
Example #7
def changeMarginAndExpectedValue(filename):
    To fit correctly, it is important to have a good window around the peak. This windown is defined
    by the **margin** parameter.

    This examples shows how the results worsen if we change the margin from its default value **15**
    to **10**.

    It shows how to see the fitted values using the **plotTube** parameter.

    It will also output the peaks position and save them, through the **outputPeak** option and
    the :func:`tube.savePeak` method.

    An example of the fitted data compared to the acquired data to find the peaks positions:

    .. image:: /images/calibratePlotFittedData.png

    The result deteriorate, as you can see:

    .. image:: /images/calibrateChangeMarginAndExpectedValue.png

    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole instrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, -0.00, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
                                                 plotTube=[1, 10, 100],
    # == Apply the Calibation ==

    tube.savePeak(peakTable, 'TubeDemoMaps01.txt')
Example #8
def calibrateB2Window(filename):
    There are among the B2 window tubes, some tubes that are showing only 2 strips.

    Those tubes must be calibrated separated, as the known positions are not valid.

    This example calibrate them, using only 4 known values: 2 edges and 2 peaks.

    Run this example, and them see the worksapce in the calibrated instrument and you will see
    how it worked.

    The picture shows the output, look that only a section of the B2 Window was calibrated.

    .. image:: /images/calibrateB2Window.png

    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    # b2 with 2 peaks range
    b2_range = list(range(196, 212)) + list(range(222, 233))

    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole instrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(
        plotTube=[b2_range[0], b2_range[-1]],

Example #9
def changeMarginAndExpectedValue(filename):
    To fit correcly, it is important to have a good window around the peak. This windown is defined
    by the **margin** parameter.

    This examples shows how the results worsen if we change the margin from its default value **15**
    to **10**.

    It shows how to see the fitted values using the **plotTube** parameter.

    It will also output the peaks position and save them, through the **outputPeak** option and
    the :func:`tube.savePeak` method.

    An example of the fitted data compared to the acquired data to find the peaks positions:

    .. image:: /images/calibratePlotFittedData.png

    The result deteriorate, as you can see:

    .. image:: /images/calibrateChangeMarginAndExpectedValue.png

    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50,-0.16,-0.00, 0.16, 0.50 ],[2,1,1,1,2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
                                                fitPar=fitPar, plotTube=[1,10,100], outputPeak=True, margin=10)
    # == Apply the Calibation ==
    ApplyCalibration( Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)

    tube.savePeak(peakTable, 'TubeDemoMaps01.txt')
def calibrateB2Window(filename):
    There are among the B2 window tubes, some tubes that are showing only 2 strips.

    Those tubes must be calibrated separated, as the known positions are not valid.

    This example calibrate them, using only 4 known values: 2 edges and 2 peaks.

    Run this example, and them see the worksapce in the calibrated instrument and you will see
    how it worked.

    The picture shows the output, look that only a section of the B2 Window was calibrated.

    .. image:: /images/calibrateB2Window.png

    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    # b2 with 2 peaks range
    b2_range = list(range(196, 212)) + list(range(222, 233))

    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole instrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
                                                 fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, plotTube=[b2_range[0], b2_range[-1]],

    mantid.ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
Example #11
def improvingCalibrationSingleTube(filename):
    The :func:`~Examples.provideTheExpectedValue` provided a good solution, but there are few
    tubes whose calibration was not so good.

    This method explores how to deal with these tubes.

    First of all, it is important to identify the tubes that did not work well.

    From the outputs of provideTheExpectedValue, looking inside the instrument tree,
    it is possible to list all the tubes that are not so good.

    Unfortunatelly, they do not have a single name identifier.
    So, locating them it is a little bit trickier.
    The :func:`~Examples.findThoseTubesThatNeedSpecialCareForCalibration` shows one way of finding those
    tubes.     The index is the position inside the PeakTable.

    For this example, we have used inspection from the Instrument View.
    One of them is inside the A1_Window, 3rd PSD_TUBE_STRIP 8 pack up, 4th PSD_TUBE_STRIP: Index = 8+8+4 - 1 = 19.

    In this example, we will ask the calibration to run the calibration only for 3 tubes
    (indexes 18,19,20). Them, we will check why the 19 is not working well. Finally, we will try to
    provide another peaks position for this tube,
    and run the calibration again for these tubes, to improve the results.

    This example shows how to use **overridePeaks** option
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    import time
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50,-0.16,-0.00, 0.16, 0.50 ],[2,1,1,1,2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
                                                fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, plotTube=[18,19,20], rangeList=[18,19,20])

    ApplyCalibration( Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)

    # reload to reset the calibration applied
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # looking into the second line of calibrationTable, you will see that it defines the peaks for the first position
    # as 14.9788, -0.303511, 9.74828
    # let's change the peak from  -0.303511 to 8.14

    #to override the peaks definition, we use the overridePeaks
    overridePeaks = {19: [8.14, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717]}

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    # we will not plot anymore, because it will not plot the overrided peaks
    calibrationTable, peakTable= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
                                                fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, rangeList=[18,19,20], overridePeaks=overridePeaks)

    ApplyCalibration( Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
# == Create Objects needed for calibration ==

# The positions of the shadows and ends here are an intelligent guess.
# First array gives positions in Metres and second array gives type 1=Gaussian peak 2=edge.

knownPos = [-0.65, -0.22, -0.00, 0.22, 0.65]
funcForm = [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

# Get fitting parameters
# Set initial parameters for peak finding
ExpectedHeight = -1000.0  # Expected Height of Gaussian Peaks (initial value of fit parameter)
ExpectedWidth = 8.0  # Expected width of Gaussian peaks in pixels  (initial value of fit parameter)
ExpectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]  # Expected positions of the edges and Gaussian peaks
# in pixels (initial values of fit parameters)
fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(ExpectedPositions, ExpectedHeight, ExpectedWidth)

print("Created objects needed for calibration.")

# == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcForm,
print("Got calibration (new positions of detectors) ")

# == Apply the Calibation ==
mantid.ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
print("Applied calibration")

# == Save workspace ==
# mantid.SaveNexusProcessed(CalibInstWS, 'TubeCalibDemoMapsResult.nxs', "Result of Running TCDemoMaps.py")
# print("saved calibrated workspace (CalibInstWS) into Nexus file TubeCalibDemoMapsResult.nxs")
Example #13
def improvingCalibrationSingleTube(filename):
    The :func:`~Examples.provideTheExpectedValue` provided a good solution, but there are few
    tubes whose calibration was not so good.

    This method explores how to deal with these tubes.

    First of all, it is important to identify the tubes that did not work well.

    From the outputs of provideTheExpectedValue, looking inside the instrument tree,
    it is possible to list all the tubes that are not so good.

    Unfortunatelly, they do not have a single name identifier.
    So, locating them it is a little bit trickier.
    The :func:`~Examples.findThoseTubesThatNeedSpecialCareForCalibration` shows one way of finding those
    tubes.     The index is the position inside the PeakTable.

    For this example, we have used inspection from the Instrument View.
    One of them is inside the A1_Window, 3rd PSD_TUBE_STRIP 8 pack up, 4th PSD_TUBE_STRIP: Index = 8+8+4 - 1 = 19.

    In this example, we will ask the calibration to run the calibration only for 3 tubes
    (indexes 18,19,20). Them, we will check why the 19 is not working well. Finally, we will try to
    provide another peaks position for this tube,
    and run the calibration again for these tubes, to improve the results.

    This example shows how to use **overridePeaks** option
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, -0.00, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
                                                 plotTube=[18, 19, 20],
                                                 rangeList=[18, 19, 20])

    ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)

    # reload to reset the calibration applied
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # looking into the second line of calibrationTable, you will see that it defines the peaks for the first position
    # as 14.9788, -0.303511, 9.74828
    # let's change the peak from  -0.303511 to 8.14

    #to override the peaks definition, we use the overridePeaks
    overridePeaks = {19: [8.14, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717]}

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    # we will not plot anymore, because it will not plot the overrided peaks
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
                                                 rangeList=[18, 19, 20],

    ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
Example #14
def calibrate(ws, tubeSet, knownPositions, funcForm, **kwargs):

      Define the calibrated positions of the detectors inside the tubes defined
      in tubeSet.

      Tubes may be considered a list of detectors alined that may be considered
      as pixels for the analogy when they values are displayed.

      The position of these pixels are provided by the manufactor, but its real
      position depends on the electronics inside the tube and varies slightly
      from tube to tube. The calibrate method, aims to find the real positions
      of the detectors (pixels) inside the tube.

      For this, it will receive an Integrated workspace, where a special
      measurement was performed so to have a
      pattern of peaks or through. Where gaussian peaks or edges can be found.

      The calibration follows the following steps

      1. Finding the peaks on each tube
      2. Fitting the peaks agains the Known Positions
      3. Defining the new position for the pixels(detectors)

      Let's consider the simplest way of calling calibrate:

      .. code-block:: python

         from tube import calibrate
         ws = Load('WISH17701')
         ws = Integration(ws)
         known_pos = [-0.41,-0.31,-0.21,-0.11,-0.02, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.39 ]
         peaks_form = 9*[1] # all the peaks are gaussian peaks
         calibTable = calibrate(ws,'WISH/panel03',known_pos, peaks_form)

      In this example, the calibrate framework will consider all the
      tubes (152) from WISH/panel03.
      You may decide to look for a subset of the tubes, by passing the
      **rangeList** option.

      .. code-block:: python

         # This code will calibrate only the tube indexed as number 3
         # (usually tube0004)
         calibTable = calibrate(ws,'WISH/panel03',known_pos,
                                peaks_form, rangeList=[3])

      **Finding the peaks on each tube**

      * Dynamically fitting peaks

       The framework expects that for each tube, it will find a peak pattern
       around the pixels corresponding to the known_pos positions.

       The way it will work out the estimated peak position (in pixel) is

       1. Get the length of the tube: distance(first_detector,last_detector) in the tube.
       2. Get the number of detectors in the tube (nDets)
       3. It will be assumed that the center of the tube correspond to the origin (0)

       .. code-block:: python

          centre_pixel = known_pos * nDets/tube_length + nDets/2

       It will them look for the real peak around the estimated value as:

       .. code-block:: python

          # consider tube_values the array of counts, and peak the estimated
          # position for the peak
          real_peak_pos = argmax(tube_values[peak-margin:peak+margin])

       After finding the real_peak_pos, it will try to fit the region around
       the peak to find the best expected position of the peak in a continuous
       space. It will do this by fitting the region around the peak to a
       Gaussian Function, and them extract the PeakCentre returned by the

       .. code-block:: python

          centre = real_peak_pos
          fit_start, fit_stop = centre-margin, centre+margin
          values = tube_values[fit_start,fit_stop]
          background = min(values)
          peak = max(values) - background
          width = len(where(values > peak/2+background))
          # It will fit to something like:
          # Fit(function=LinerBackground,A0=background;Gaussian,
          # Height=peak, PeakCentre=centre, Sigma=width,fit_start,fit_end)

      * Force Fitting Parameters

       These dinamically values can be avoided by defining the **fitPar** for
       the calibrate function

       .. code-block:: python

          eP = [57.5, 107.0, 156.5, 206.0, 255.5, 305.0, 354.5, 404.0, 453.5]
          # Expected Height of Gaussian Peaks (initial value of fit parameter)
          ExpectedHeight = 1000.0
          # Expected width of Gaussian peaks in pixels
          # (initial value of fit parameter)
          ExpectedWidth = 10.0
          fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams( eP, ExpectedHeight, ExpectedWidth )
          calibTable = calibrate(ws, 'WISH/panel03', known_pos, peaks_form, fitPar=fitPar)

       Different Function Factors

       Although the examples consider only Gaussian peaks, it is possible to
       change the function factors to edges by passing the index of the
       known_position through the **funcForm**. Hence, considering three special
       points, where there are one gaussian peak and thow edges, the calibrate
       could be configured as:

       .. code-block:: python

          known_pos = [-0.1 2 2.3]
          # gaussian peak followed by two edges (through)
          form_factor = [1 2 2]
          calibTable = calibrate(ws,'WISH/panel03',known_pos,

      * Override Peaks

       It is possible to scape the finding peaks position steps by providing the
       peaks through the **overridePeaks** parameters. The example below tests
       the calibration of a single tube (30) but scapes the finding peaks step.

       .. code-block:: python

          known_pos = [-0.41,-0.31,-0.21,-0.11,-0.02, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.39 ]
          define_peaks = [57.5, 107.0, 156.5, 206.0, 255.5, 305.0, 354.5,
                         404.0, 453.5]
          calibTable = calibrate(ws, 'WISH/panel03', known_pos, peaks_form,
                           overridePeaks={30:define_peaks}, rangeList=[30])

      * Output Peaks Positions

       Enabling the option **outputPeak** a WorkspaceTable will be produced with
       the first column as tube name and the following columns with the position
       where corresponding peaks were found. Like the table below.

       |TubeId | Peak1 | ... | PeakM |
       |tube0  | 15.5  | ... | 370.3 |
       |  ...  |  ...  | ... |  ...  |
       |tubeN  | 14.9  | ... | 371.2 |

       The signature changes to:

       .. code-block:: python

          calibTable, peakTable = calibrate(...)

       It is possible to give a peakTable directly to the **outputPeak** option,
       which will make the calibration to append the peaks to the given table.

       .. hint::

         It is possible to save the peakTable to a file using the
         :meth:`savePeak` method.

      **Find the correct position along the tube**

       The second step of the calibration is to define the correct position of
       pixels along the tube. This is done by fitting the peaks positions found
       at the previous step against the known_positions provided.


        known       |              *
        positions   |           *
                    |      *
                    |  *
                      pixels positions

       The default operation is to fit the pixels positions against the known
       positions with a quadratic function in order to define an operation to
       move all the pixels to their real positions. If necessary, the user may
       select to fit using a polinomial of 3rd order, through the parameter

       .. note::

         The known positions are given in the same unit as the spacial position
         (3D) and having the center of the tube as the origin.

       Hence, this section will define a function that:

       .. math:: F(pix) = RealRelativePosition

      **Define the new position for the detectors**

       Finally, the position of the detectors are defined as a vector operation

       .. math::

         \\vec{p} = \\vec{c} + v \\vec{u}

       Where :math:`\\vec{p}` is the position in the 3D space, **v** is the
       RealRelativePosition deduced from the last session, and finally,
       :math:`\\vec{u}` is the unitary vector in the direction of the tube.

      :param ws: Integrated workspace with tubes to be calibrated.
      :param tubeSet: Specification of Set of tubes to be calibrated. If a string is passed, a TubeSpec will be created passing the string as the setTubeSpecByString.

       This will be the case for TubeSpec as string

       .. code-block:: python

         self.tube_spec = TubeSpec(ws)

       If a list of strings is passed, the TubeSpec will be created with this list:

       .. code-block:: python

          self.tube_spec = TubeSpec(ws)

       If a :class:`~tube_spec.TubeSpec` object is passed, it will be used as it is.

      :param knownPositions: The defined position for the peaks/edges, taking the center as the origin and having the same units as the tube length in the 3D space.

      :param funcForm: list with special values to define the format of the peaks/edge (peaks=1, edge=2). If it is not provided, it will be assumed that all the knownPositions are peaks.

      Optionals parameters to tune the calibration:

      :param fitPar: Define the parameters to be used in the fit as a :class:`~tube_calib_fit_params.TubeCalibFitParams`. If not provided, the dynamic mode is used. See :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.provideTheExpectedValue`

      :param margin: value in pixesl that will be used around the peaks/edges to fit them. Default = 15. See the code of :py:mod:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMerlin` where **margin** is used to calibrate small tubes.

       .. code-block:: python

          fit_start, fit_end = centre - margin, centre + margin

      :param rangeList: list of tubes indexes that will be calibrated. As in the following code (see: :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.improvingCalibrationSingleTube`):

       .. code-block:: python

          for index in rangelist:

      :param calibTable: Pass the calibration table, it will them append the values to the provided one and return it. (see: :py:mod:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMerlin`)

      :param plotTube: If given, the tube whose index is in plotTube will be ploted as well as its fitted peaks, it can receive a list of indexes to plot.(see: :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.changeMarginAndExpectedValue`)

      :param excludeShortTubes: Do not calibrate tubes whose length is smaller than given value. (see at: Examples/TubeCalibDemoMerlin_Adjustable.py)

      :param overridePeaks: dictionary that defines an array of peaks positions (in pixels) to be used for the specific tube(key). (see: :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.improvingCalibrationSingleTube`)

       .. code-block:: python

          for index in rangelist:
            if overridePeaks.has_key(index):
              use_this_peaks = overridePeaks[index]
              # skip finding peaks

      :param fitPolyn: Define the order of the polinomial to fit the pixels positions agains the known positions. The acceptable values are 1, 2 or 3. Default = 2.

      :param outputPeak: Enable the calibrate to output the peak table, relating the tubes with the pixels positions. It may be passed as a boolean value (outputPeak=True) or as a peakTable value. The later case is to inform calibrate to append the new values to the given peakTable. This is usefull when you have to operate in subsets of tubes. (see :py:mod:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMerlin` that shows a nice inspection on this table).

       .. code-block:: python

         calibTable, peakTable = calibrate(ws, (omitted), rangeList=[1],
         # appending the result to peakTable
         calibTable, peakTable = calibrate(ws, (omitted), rangeList=[2],
         # now, peakTable has information for tube[1] and tube[2]

      :rtype: calibrationTable, a TableWorkspace with two columns DetectorID(int) and DetectorPositions(V3D).

    FITPAR = 'fitPar'
    MARGIN = 'margin'
    RANGELIST = 'rangeList'
    CALIBTABLE = 'calibTable'
    PLOTTUBE = 'plotTube'
    EXCLUDESHORT = 'excludeShortTubes'
    OVERRIDEPEAKS = 'overridePeaks'
    FITPOLIN = 'fitPolyn'
    OUTPUTPEAK = 'outputPeak'

    #check that only valid arguments were passed through kwargs
    for key in kwargs.keys():
            msg = "Wrong argument: '%s'! This argument is not defined in the signature of this function. Hint: remember that arguments are case sensitive" % key
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # check parameter ws: if it was given as string, transform it in
    # mantid object
    if isinstance(ws,str):
        ws = mtd[ws]
    if not isinstance(ws,MatrixWorkspace):
        raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument ws = %s. It must be a MatrixWorkspace" % (str(ws)))

    # check parameter tubeSet. It accepts string or preferable a TubeSpec
    if isinstance(tubeSet,str):
        selectedTubes = tubeSet
        tubeSet = TubeSpec(ws)
    elif isinstance(tubeSet, list):
        selectedTubes = tubeSet
        tubeSet = TubeSpec(ws)
    elif not isinstance(tubeSet,TubeSpec):
        raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument tubeSet. It must be a TubeSpec or a string that defines the set of tubes to be calibrated. For example: WISH/panel03")

    # check the known_positions parameter
    # for old version compatibility, it also accepts IdealTube, eventhough
    # they should only be used internally
    if not (isinstance(knownPositions, list) or
            isinstance(knownPositions, tuple) or
            isinstance(knownPositions, numpy.ndarray)):
        raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument knownPositions. It expects a list of values for the positions expected for the peaks in relation to the center of the tube")
        idealTube = IdealTube()

    #deal with funcForm parameter
        nPeaks = len(idealTube.getArray())
        if len(funcForm) != nPeaks:
            raise 1
        for val in funcForm:
            if val not in [1,2]:
                raise 2
        raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument FuncForm. It expects a list of values describing the form of everysingle peaks. So, for example, if there are three peaks where the first is a peak and the followers as edge, funcForm = [1, 2, 2]. Currently, it is defined 1-Gaussian Peak, 2 - Edge. The knownPos has %d elements and the given funcForm has %d."%(nPeaks, len(funcForm)))

    #apply the functional form to the ideal Tube

    # check the FITPAR parameter (optional)
    # if the FITPAR is given, than it will just pass on, if the FITPAR is
    # not given, it will create a FITPAR 'guessing' the centre positions,
    # and allowing the find peaks calibration methods to adjust the parameter
    # for the peaks automatically
    if kwargs.has_key(FITPAR):
        fitPar = kwargs[FITPAR]
        #fitPar must be a TubeCalibFitParams
        if not isinstance(fitPar, TubeCalibFitParams):
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. This argument, when given, must be a valid TubeCalibFitParams object"%FITPAR)
        # create a fit parameters guessing centre positions
        # the guessing obeys the following rule:
        # centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets/tube_length + ndets / 2
        # Get tube length and number of detectors
        tube_length = tubeSet.getTubeLength(0)
        #ndets = len(wsp_index_for_tube0)
        id1, ndets, step = tubeSet.getDetectorInfoFromTube(0)

        known_pos = idealTube.getArray()
        # position of the peaks in pixels
        centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets/tube_length + ndets * 0.5

        fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(centre_pixel)
        # make it automatic, it means, that for every tube,
        # the parameters for fit will be re-evaluated, from the first
        # guess positions given by centre_pixel

    # check the MARGIN paramter (optional)
    if kwargs.has_key(MARGIN):
            margin = float(kwargs[MARGIN])
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It was expected a number!"%MARGIN)

    #deal with RANGELIST parameter
    if kwargs.has_key(RANGELIST):
        rangeList = kwargs[RANGELIST]
        if isinstance(rangeList,int):
            rangeList = [rangeList]
            # this deals with list and tuples and iterables to make sure
            # rangeList becomes a list
            rangeList = list(rangeList)
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It expects a list of indexes for calibration"%RANGELIST)
        rangeList = range(tubeSet.getNumTubes())

    # check if the user passed the option calibTable
    if kwargs.has_key(CALIBTABLE):
        calibTable = kwargs[CALIBTABLE]
        #ensure the correct type is passed
        # if a string was passed, transform it in mantid object
        if isinstance(calibTable,str):
            calibTable = mtd[calibTable]
        #check that calibTable has the expected form
            if not isinstance(calibTable,ITableWorkspace):
                raise 1
            if calibTable.columnCount() != 2:
                raise 2
            colNames = calibTable.getColumnNames()
            if colNames[0] != 'Detector ID' or colNames[1] != 'Detector Position':
                raise 3
            raise RuntimeError("Invalid type for %s. The expected type was ITableWorkspace with 2 columns(Detector ID and Detector Positions)" % CALIBTABLE)
        calibTable = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace="CalibTable")
        # "Detector ID" column required by ApplyCalibration
        calibTable.addColumn(type="int",name="Detector ID")
        # "Detector Position" column required by ApplyCalibration
        calibTable.addColumn(type="V3D",name="Detector Position")

    #deal with plotTube option
    if kwargs.has_key(PLOTTUBE):
        plotTube = kwargs[PLOTTUBE]
        if isinstance(plotTube, int):
            plotTube = [plotTube]
            plotTube = list(plotTube)
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It expects an index (int) or a list of indexes" %PLOTTUBE)
        plotTube = []

    #deal with minimun tubes sizes
    if kwargs.has_key(EXCLUDESHORT):
        excludeShortTubes = kwargs[EXCLUDESHORT]
            excludeShortTubes = float(excludeShortTubes)
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It expects a float value for the minimun size of tubes to be calibrated")
        #a tube with length 0 can not be calibrated, this is the minimun value
        excludeShortTubes = 0.0

    #deal with OVERRIDEPEAKS parameters
    if kwargs.has_key(OVERRIDEPEAKS):
        overridePeaks = kwargs[OVERRIDEPEAKS]
            nPeaks = len(idealTube.getArray())
            # check the format of override peaks
            if not isinstance(overridePeaks, dict):
                raise 1
            for key in overridePeaks.keys():
                if not isinstance(key,int):
                    raise 2
                if key < 0 or key >= tubeSet.getNumTubes():
                    raise 3
                if len(overridePeaks[key]) != nPeaks:
                    raise 4
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It expects a dictionary with key as the tube index and the value as a list of peaks positions. Ex (3 peaks): overridePeaks = {1:[2,5.4,500]}"%OVERRIDEPEAKS)
        overridePeaks = dict()

    # deal with FITPOLIN parameter
    if kwargs.has_key(FITPOLIN):
        polinFit = kwargs[FITPOLIN]
        if polinFit not in [1, 2,3]:
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It expects a number 1 for linear, 2 for quadratic, or 3 for 3rd polinomial order when fitting the pixels positions agains the known positions" % FITPOLIN)
        polinFit = 2

    # deal with OUTPUT PEAK
    deletePeakTableAfter = False
    if kwargs.has_key(OUTPUTPEAK):
        outputPeak = kwargs[OUTPUTPEAK]
        outputPeak = False
    if isinstance(outputPeak, ITableWorkspace):
        if outputPeak.columnCount() < len(idealTube.getArray()):
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It expects a boolean flag, or a ITableWorksapce with columns (TubeId, Peak1,...,PeakM) for M = number of peaks given in knownPositions" % OUTPUTPEAK)
        if not outputPeak:
            deletePeakTableAfter = True
        # create the output peak table
        outputPeak = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace="PeakTable")
        for i in range(len(idealTube.getArray())):

    getCalibration(ws, tubeSet, calibTable, fitPar, idealTube, outputPeak,\
        overridePeaks, excludeShortTubes, plotTube, rangeList, polinFit)

    if deletePeakTableAfter:
        return calibTable
        return calibTable, outputPeak
Example #15
    def runTest(self):
        # This script calibrates WISH using known peak positions from
        # neutron absorbing bands. The workspace with suffix "_calib"
        # contains calibrated data. The workspace with suxxic "_corrected"
        # contains calibrated data with known problematic tubes also corrected

        ws = mantid.LoadNexusProcessed(Filename="WISH30541_integrated.nxs")

        # This array defines the positions of peaks on the detector in
        # meters from the center (0)

        # For wish this is calculated as follows:
        # Height of all 7 bands = 0.26m => each band is separated by 0.260 / 6 = 0.4333m

        # The bands are on a cylinder diameter 0.923m. So we can work out the angle as
        # (0.4333 * n) / (0.923 / 2) where n is the number of bands above (or below) the
        # center band.

        # Putting this together with the distance to the detector tubes (2.2m) we get
        # the following:  (0.4333n) / 0.4615 * 2200 = Expected peak positions
        # From this we can show there should be 5 peaks (peaks 6 + 7 are too high/low)
        # at: 0, 0.206, 0.413 respectively (this is symmetrical so +/-)

        peak_positions = np.array([-0.413, -0.206, 0, 0.206, 0.413])
        funcForm = 5 * [1]  # 5 gaussian peaks
        fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams([59, 161, 258, 353, 448])

        instrument = ws.getInstrument()
        spec = TubeSpec(ws)


        idealTube = IdealTube()

        # First calibrate all of the detectors
        calibrationTable, peaks = tube.calibrate(ws, spec, peak_positions, funcForm, margin=15,
                                                 outputPeak=True, fitPar=fitPar)
        self.calibration_table = calibrationTable

        def findBadPeakFits(peaksTable, threshold=10):
            """ Find peaks whose fit values fall outside of a given tolerance
            of the mean peak centers across all tubes.

            Tubes are defined as have a bad fit if the absolute difference
            between the fitted peak centers for a specific tube and the
            mean of the fitted peak centers for all tubes differ more than
            the threshold parameter.

            @param peakTable: the table containing fitted peak centers
            @param threshold: the tolerance on the difference from the mean value
            @return A list of expected peak positions and a list of indices of tubes
            to correct
            n = len(peaksTable)
            num_peaks = peaksTable.columnCount() - 1
            column_names = ['Peak%d' % i for i in range(1, num_peaks + 1)]
            data = np.zeros((n, num_peaks))
            for i, row in enumerate(peaksTable):
                data_row = [row[name] for name in column_names]
                data[i, :] = data_row

            # data now has all the peaks positions for each tube
            # the mean value is the expected value for the peak position for each tube
            expected_peak_pos = np.mean(data, axis=0)

            # calculate how far from the expected position each peak position is
            distance_from_expected = np.abs(data - expected_peak_pos)
            check = np.where(distance_from_expected > threshold)[0]
            problematic_tubes = list(set(check))
            print("Problematic tubes are: " + str(problematic_tubes))
            return expected_peak_pos, problematic_tubes

        def correctMisalignedTubes(ws, calibrationTable, peaksTable, spec, idealTube, fitPar, threshold=10):
            """ Correct misaligned tubes due to poor fitting results
            during the first round of calibration.

            Misaligned tubes are first identified according to a tolerance
            applied to the absolute difference between the fitted tube
            positions and the mean across all tubes.

            The FindPeaks algorithm is then used to find a better fit
            with the ideal tube positions as starting parameters
            for the peak centers.

            From the refitted peaks the positions of the detectors in the
            tube are recalculated.

            @param ws: the workspace to get the tube geometry from
            @param calibrationTable: the calibration table output from running calibration
            @param peaksTable: the table containing the fitted peak centers from calibration
            @param spec: the tube spec for the instrument
            @param idealTube: the ideal tube for the instrument
            @param fitPar: the fitting parameters for calibration
            @param threshold: tolerance defining is a peak is outside of the acceptable range
            @return table of corrected detector positions
            table_name = calibrationTable.name() + 'Corrected'
            corrections_table = mantid.CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=table_name)
            corrections_table.addColumn('int', "Detector ID")
            corrections_table.addColumn('V3D', "Detector Position")

            mean_peaks, bad_tubes = findBadPeakFits(peaksTable, threshold)

            for index in bad_tubes:
                print("Refitting tube %s" % spec.getTubeName(index))
                tube_dets, _ = spec.getTube(index)
                getPoints(ws, idealTube.getFunctionalForms(), fitPar, tube_dets)
                tube_ws = mantid.mtd['TubePlot']
                fit_ws = mantid.FindPeaks(InputWorkspace=tube_ws, WorkspaceIndex=0,
                                          PeakPositions=fitPar.getPeaks(), PeaksList='RefittedPeaks')
                centers = [row['centre'] for row in fit_ws]
                detIDList, detPosList = getCalibratedPixelPositions(ws, centers, idealTube.getArray(), tube_dets)

                for id, pos in zip(detIDList, detPosList):
                    corrections_table.addRow({'Detector ID': id, 'Detector Position': kernel.V3D(*pos)})

            return corrections_table

        corrected_calibration_table = correctMisalignedTubes(ws, calibrationTable, peaks, spec, idealTube, fitPar)
        self.correction_table = corrected_calibration_table
        tube.saveCalibration(self.correction_table.getName(), out_path=self.calibration_out_path)
        tube.saveCalibration(self.calibration_table.getName(), out_path=self.correction_out_path)
Example #16
def findThoseTubesThatNeedSpecialCareForCalibration(filename):
    The example :func:`provideTheExpectedValue` has shown its capability to calibrate almost
    all tubes, but,    as explored in the :func:`improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes` and
    :func:`improvingCalibrationSingleTube` there are
    some tubes that could not be calibrated using that method.

    The goal of this method is to show one way to find the tubes that will require special care.

    It will first perform the same calibration seen in :func:`provideTheExpectedValue`,
    them, it will process the **peakTable** output of the calibrate method when enabling the
    parameter **outputPeak**.

    It them creates the Peaks workspace, that is the diffence of the peaks position from the
    expected values of the peaks positions for all the tubes. This allows to spot what are the
    tubes whose fitting are outliers in relation to the others.

    .. image:: /images/plotingPeaksDifference.png

    The final result for this method is to output using **plotTube** the result of the fitting
    to all the 'outliers' tubes.
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50,-0.16,-0.00, 0.16, 0.50 ],[2,1,1,1,2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,
                                                fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True)

    # == now, lets investigate the peaks

    #parsing the peakTable to produce a numpy array with dimension (number_of_tubes x number_of_peaks)
    print 'parsing the peak table'
    n = len(peakTable)
    peaksId = n*['']
    data = numpy.zeros((n,5))
    line = 0
    for row in peakTable:
        data_row = [row['Peak%d'%(i)] for i in [1,2,3,4,5]]
        data[line,:] = data_row
        peaksId[line] = row['TubeId']
    # data now has all the peaks positions for each tube
    # the mean value is the expected value for the peak position for each tube
    expected_peak_pos = numpy.mean(data,axis=0)
    #calculate how far from the expected position each peak position is
    distance_from_expected =  numpy.abs(data - expected_peak_pos)

    print 'Creating the Peaks Workspace that shows the distance from the expected value for all peaks for each tube'
    # Let's see these peaks:
    Peaks = CreateWorkspace(range(n),distance_from_expected,NSpec=5)

    # plot all the 5 peaks for Peaks Workspace. You will see that most of the tubes differ
    # at most 12 pixels from the expected values.

    #so let's investigate those that differ more than 12
    # return an array with the indexes for the first axis which is the tube indentification
    check = numpy.where(distance_from_expected > 12)[0]

    #remove repeated values
    #select only those tubes inside the problematic_tubes
    problematic_tubes = list(set(check))

    print 'Tubes whose distance is far from the expected value: ', problematic_tubes

    print 'Calibrating again only these tubes'
    #let's confir that our suspect works
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,\
    	fitPar=fitPar, rangeList= problematic_tubes, plotTube=problematic_tubes)
Example #17
def completeCalibration(filename):
    This example shows how to use some properties of calibrate method to
    join together the calibration done in :func:`provideTheExpectedValue`,
    and improved in :func:`calibrateB2Window`, and :func:`improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes`.

    It also improves the result of the calibration because it deals with the E door. The
    aquired data cannot be used to calibrate the E door, and trying to do so, produces a bad
    result. In this example, the tubes inside the E door are excluded to the calibration.
    Using the '''rangeList''' option.

    # first step, load the workspace
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)

    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all

    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50,-0.16,-0.00, 0.16, 0.50 ],[2,1,1,1,2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    #execute the improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes excluding the range of b2 window
    # correct the definition of the peaks for the folowing indexes
    #define_peaks = {19:[10, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717], # the first one was bad
    #	37: [6.36, 80.9347, 122.941, 165.104, 248.32], # the first one was bad
    #	71: [8.62752, 85.074, 124.919, 164.116, 246.82 ], # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
    #	75: [14.4285, 90.087, 128.987, 167.047, 242.62], # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
    #	181: [11.726, 94.0496, 137.816,  180, 255], # the third peak was lost
    #	186:[11.9382, 71.5203, 107, 147.727, 239.041], #lost the second peak
    #	234: [4.84, 82.7824, 123.125, 163.945, 241.877], # the first one was bad
    #	235: [4.84, 80.0077, 121.002, 161.098, 238.502], # the first one was bad
    #	245: [9.88089, 93.0593, 136.911, 179.5, 255], # the third peak was bad
    #	273: [18.3711, 105.5, 145.5, 181.6, 243.252],# lost first and third peaks
    #	345: [4.6084, 87.0351, 128.125, 169.923, 245.3]} # the last one was bad
    define_peaks = {19:[10, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717],\
    	37: [6.36, 80.9347, 122.941, 165.104, 248.32],\
    	71: [8.62752, 85.074, 124.919, 164.116, 246.82 ],\
    	75: [14.4285, 90.087, 128.987, 167.047, 242.62],\
    	181: [11.726, 94.0496, 137.816,  180, 255],\
    	186:[11.9382, 71.5203, 107, 147.727, 239.041],\
    	234: [4.84, 82.7824, 123.125, 163.945, 241.877],\
    	235: [4.84, 80.0077, 121.002, 161.098, 238.502],\
    	245: [9.88089, 93.0593, 136.911, 179.5, 255],\
    	273: [18.3711, 105.5, 145.5, 181.6, 243.252],\
    	345: [4.6084, 87.0351, 128.125, 169.923, 245.3]}

    b2_window = range(196,212) + range(222,233)

    complete_range = range(648)

    # this data can not be used to calibrate the E1 window, so, let's remove it.
    e1_window = range(560,577)
    aux = numpy.setdiff1d(complete_range, b2_window)
    # the group that have 3 stripts are all the tubes except the b2 window and e window.
    range_3_strips = numpy.setdiff1d(aux, e1_window)

    calibrationTable, peak3Table= tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, knownPos, funcFactor,\
    	fitPar=fitPar, outputPeak=True, overridePeaks=define_peaks, rangeList=range_3_strips)

    # now calibrate the b2_window REMOVE SECOND PEAK
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50,-0.16, 0.16, 0.50 ],[2,1,1,2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # apply the calibration for the b2_window 2 strips values
    calibrationTable, peak2Table = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent,
                                                  knownPos,  #these parameters now have only 4 points
                                                  calibTable = calibrationTable, # it will append to the calibTable
                                                  rangeList = b2_window)

    ApplyCalibration( Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
Example #18
def findThoseTubesThatNeedSpecialCareForCalibration(filename):
    The example :func:`provideTheExpectedValue` has shown its capability to calibrate almost
    all tubes, but,    as explored in the :func:`improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes` and
    :func:`improvingCalibrationSingleTube` there are
    some tubes that could not be calibrated using that method.

    The goal of this method is to show one way to find the tubes that will require special care.

    It will first perform the same calibration seen in :func:`provideTheExpectedValue`,
    them, it will process the **peakTable** output of the calibrate method when enabling the
    parameter **outputPeak**.

    It them creates the Peaks workspace, that is the diffence of the peaks position from the
    expected values of the peaks positions for all the tubes. This allows to spot what are the
    tubes whose fitting are outliers in relation to the others.

    .. image:: /images/plotingPeaksDifference.png

    The final result for this method is to output using **plotTube** the result of the fitting
    to all the 'outliers' tubes.
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, -0.00, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,

    # == now, lets investigate the peaks

    #parsing the peakTable to produce a numpy array with dimension (number_of_tubes x number_of_peaks)
    print 'parsing the peak table'
    n = len(peakTable)
    peaksId = n * ['']
    data = numpy.zeros((n, 5))
    line = 0
    for row in peakTable:
        data_row = [row['Peak%d' % (i)] for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]]
        data[line, :] = data_row
        peaksId[line] = row['TubeId']
        line += 1
    # data now has all the peaks positions for each tube
    # the mean value is the expected value for the peak position for each tube
    expected_peak_pos = numpy.mean(data, axis=0)
    #calculate how far from the expected position each peak position is
    distance_from_expected = numpy.abs(data - expected_peak_pos)

    print 'Creating the Peaks Workspace that shows the distance from the expected value for all peaks for each tube'
    # Let's see these peaks:

    # plot all the 5 peaks for Peaks Workspace. You will see that most of the tubes differ
    # at most 12 pixels from the expected values.

    #so let's investigate those that differ more than 12
    # return an array with the indexes for the first axis which is the tube indentification
    check = numpy.where(distance_from_expected > 12)[0]

    #remove repeated values
    #select only those tubes inside the problematic_tubes
    problematic_tubes = list(set(check))

    print 'Tubes whose distance is far from the expected value: ', problematic_tubes

    print 'Calibrating again only these tubes'
    #let's confir that our suspect works
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)
Example #19
    def runTest(self):
        # This script calibrates WISH using known peak positions from
        # neutron absorbing bands. The workspace with suffix "_calib"
        # contains calibrated data. The workspace with suxxic "_corrected"
        # contains calibrated data with known problematic tubes also corrected

        ws = mantid.LoadNexusProcessed(Filename="WISH30541_integrated.nxs")

        # This array defines the positions of peaks on the detector in
        # meters from the center (0)

        # For wish this is calculated as follows:
        # Height of all 7 bands = 0.26m => each band is separated by 0.260 / 6 = 0.4333m

        # The bands are on a cylinder diameter 0.923m. So we can work out the angle as
        # (0.4333 * n) / (0.923 / 2) where n is the number of bands above (or below) the
        # center band.

        # Putting this together with the distance to the detector tubes (2.2m) we get
        # the following:  (0.4333n) / 0.4615 * 2200 = Expected peak positions
        # From this we can show there should be 5 peaks (peaks 6 + 7 are too high/low)
        # at: 0, 0.206, 0.413 respectively (this is symmetrical so +/-)

        peak_positions = np.array([-0.413, -0.206, 0, 0.206, 0.413])
        funcForm = 5 * [1]  # 5 gaussian peaks
        fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams([59, 161, 258, 353, 448])

        instrument = ws.getInstrument()
        spec = TubeSpec(ws)


        idealTube = IdealTube()

        # First calibrate all of the detectors
        calibrationTable, peaks = tube.calibrate(ws, spec, peak_positions, funcForm, margin=15,
                                                 outputPeak=True, fitPar=fitPar)
        self.calibration_table = calibrationTable

        def findBadPeakFits(peaksTable, threshold=10):
            """ Find peaks whose fit values fall outside of a given tolerance
            of the mean peak centers across all tubes.

            Tubes are defined as have a bad fit if the absolute difference
            between the fitted peak centers for a specific tube and the
            mean of the fitted peak centers for all tubes differ more than
            the threshold parameter.

            @param peakTable: the table containing fitted peak centers
            @param threshold: the tolerance on the difference from the mean value
            @return A list of expected peak positions and a list of indices of tubes
            to correct
            n = len(peaksTable)
            num_peaks = peaksTable.columnCount() - 1
            column_names = ['Peak%d' % i for i in range(1, num_peaks + 1)]
            data = np.zeros((n, num_peaks))
            for i, row in enumerate(peaksTable):
                data_row = [row[name] for name in column_names]
                data[i, :] = data_row

            # data now has all the peaks positions for each tube
            # the mean value is the expected value for the peak position for each tube
            expected_peak_pos = np.mean(data, axis=0)

            # calculate how far from the expected position each peak position is
            distance_from_expected = np.abs(data - expected_peak_pos)
            check = np.where(distance_from_expected > threshold)[0]
            problematic_tubes = list(set(check))
            print("Problematic tubes are: " + str(problematic_tubes))
            return expected_peak_pos, problematic_tubes

        def correctMisalignedTubes(ws, calibrationTable, peaksTable, spec, idealTube, fitPar, threshold=10):
            """ Correct misaligned tubes due to poor fitting results
            during the first round of calibration.

            Misaligned tubes are first identified according to a tolerance
            applied to the absolute difference between the fitted tube
            positions and the mean across all tubes.

            The FindPeaks algorithm is then used to find a better fit
            with the ideal tube positions as starting parameters
            for the peak centers.

            From the refitted peaks the positions of the detectors in the
            tube are recalculated.

            @param ws: the workspace to get the tube geometry from
            @param calibrationTable: the calibration table output from running calibration
            @param peaksTable: the table containing the fitted peak centers from calibration
            @param spec: the tube spec for the instrument
            @param idealTube: the ideal tube for the instrument
            @param fitPar: the fitting parameters for calibration
            @param threshold: tolerance defining is a peak is outside of the acceptable range
            @return table of corrected detector positions
            table_name = calibrationTable.name() + 'Corrected'
            corrections_table = mantid.CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace=table_name)
            corrections_table.addColumn('int', "Detector ID")
            corrections_table.addColumn('V3D', "Detector Position")

            mean_peaks, bad_tubes = findBadPeakFits(peaksTable, threshold)

            for index in bad_tubes:
                print("Refitting tube %s" % spec.getTubeName(index))
                tube_dets, _ = spec.getTube(index)
                getPoints(ws, idealTube.getFunctionalForms(), fitPar, tube_dets)
                tube_ws = mantid.mtd['TubePlot']
                fit_ws = mantid.FindPeaks(InputWorkspace=tube_ws, WorkspaceIndex=0,
                                          PeakPositions=fitPar.getPeaks(), PeaksList='RefittedPeaks')
                centers = [row['centre'] for row in fit_ws]
                detIDList, detPosList = getCalibratedPixelPositions(ws, centers, idealTube.getArray(), tube_dets)

                for id, pos in zip(detIDList, detPosList):
                    corrections_table.addRow({'Detector ID': id, 'Detector Position': kernel.V3D(*pos)})

            return corrections_table

        corrected_calibration_table = correctMisalignedTubes(ws, calibrationTable, peaks, spec, idealTube, fitPar)
        self.correction_table = corrected_calibration_table
        tube.saveCalibration(self.correction_table.getName(), out_path=self.calibration_out_path)
        tube.saveCalibration(self.calibration_table.getName(), out_path=self.correction_out_path)
Example #20
def completeCalibration(filename):
    This example shows how to use some properties of calibrate method to
    join together the calibration done in :func:`provideTheExpectedValue`,
    and improved in :func:`calibrateB2Window`, and :func:`improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes`.

    It also improves the result of the calibration because it deals with the E door. The
    aquired data cannot be used to calibrate the E door, and trying to do so, produces a bad
    result. In this example, the tubes inside the E door are excluded to the calibration.
    Using the '''rangeList''' option.

    # first step, load the workspace
    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams
    CalibInstWS = loadingStep(filename)

    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    # Set what we want to calibrate (e.g whole intrument or one door )
    CalibratedComponent = 'MAPS'  # Calibrate all

    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, -0.00, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 128.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    #execute the improvingCalibrationOfListOfTubes excluding the range of b2 window
    # correct the definition of the peaks for the folowing indexes
    #define_peaks = {19:[10, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717], # the first one was bad
    #	37: [6.36, 80.9347, 122.941, 165.104, 248.32], # the first one was bad
    #	71: [8.62752, 85.074, 124.919, 164.116, 246.82 ], # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
    #	75: [14.4285, 90.087, 128.987, 167.047, 242.62], # the last one was bad - check if we can inprove
    #	181: [11.726, 94.0496, 137.816,  180, 255], # the third peak was lost
    #	186:[11.9382, 71.5203, 107, 147.727, 239.041], #lost the second peak
    #	234: [4.84, 82.7824, 123.125, 163.945, 241.877], # the first one was bad
    #	235: [4.84, 80.0077, 121.002, 161.098, 238.502], # the first one was bad
    #	245: [9.88089, 93.0593, 136.911, 179.5, 255], # the third peak was bad
    #	273: [18.3711, 105.5, 145.5, 181.6, 243.252],# lost first and third peaks
    #	345: [4.6084, 87.0351, 128.125, 169.923, 245.3]} # the last one was bad
    define_peaks = {
        19: [10, 80.9771, 123.221, 164.993, 245.717],
        37: [6.36, 80.9347, 122.941, 165.104, 248.32],
        71: [8.62752, 85.074, 124.919, 164.116, 246.82],
        75: [14.4285, 90.087, 128.987, 167.047, 242.62],
        181: [11.726, 94.0496, 137.816, 180, 255],
        186: [11.9382, 71.5203, 107, 147.727, 239.041],
        234: [4.84, 82.7824, 123.125, 163.945, 241.877],
        235: [4.84, 80.0077, 121.002, 161.098, 238.502],
        245: [9.88089, 93.0593, 136.911, 179.5, 255],
        273: [18.3711, 105.5, 145.5, 181.6, 243.252],
        345: [4.6084, 87.0351, 128.125, 169.923, 245.3]

    b2_window = range(196, 212) + range(222, 233)

    complete_range = range(648)

    # this data can not be used to calibrate the E1 window, so, let's remove it.
    e1_window = range(560, 577)
    aux = numpy.setdiff1d(complete_range, b2_window)
    # the group that have 3 stripts are all the tubes except the b2 window and e window.
    range_3_strips = numpy.setdiff1d(aux, e1_window)

    calibrationTable, peak3Table = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,

    # now calibrate the b2_window REMOVE SECOND PEAK
    # define the known positions and function factor (edge, peak, peak, edge)
    knownPos, funcFactor = [-0.50, -0.16, 0.16, 0.50], [2, 1, 1, 2]

    # the expected positions in pixels for the special points
    expectedPositions = [4.0, 85.0, 161.0, 252.0]
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(expectedPositions)

    # apply the calibration for the b2_window 2 strips values
    calibrationTable, peak2Table = tube.calibrate(
        knownPos,  #these parameters now have only 4 points
        calibTable=calibrationTable,  # it will append to the calibTable

    ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
def calibrateMerlin(filename):
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==

    rangeLower = 3000  # Integrate counts in each spectra from rangeLower to rangeUpper
    rangeUpper = 20000  #

    # Get calibration raw file and integrate it
    rawCalibInstWS = mantid.LoadRaw(
        filename)  # 'raw' in 'rawCalibInstWS' means unintegrated.
    print("Integrating Workspace")
    CalibInstWS = mantid.Integration(rawCalibInstWS,
        "Created workspace (CalibInstWS) with integrated data from run and instrument to calibrate"

    # the known positions are given in pixels inside the tubes and transformed to provide the positions
    # with the center of the tube as the origin
    knownPositions = 2.92713867188 * (numpy.array([
        27.30074322, 92.5, 294.65178585, 362.37861919, 512.77103043,
        663.41425323, 798.3223896, 930.9, 997.08480835
    ]) / 1024 - 0.5)
    funcForm = numpy.array([2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2], numpy.int8)
    # The calibration will follow different steps for sets of tubes

    # For the door9, the best points to define the known positions are the 1st edge, 5 peaks, last edge.
    points7 = knownPositions[[0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8]]
    points7func = funcForm[[0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8]]

    door9pos = points7
    door9func = points7func
    CalibratedComponent = 'MERLIN/door9'  # door9
    # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
    # also put peaks into PeakFile
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(
        # because 20, 21, 22, 23 are defective detectors
        "Got calibration (new positions of detectors) and put slit peaks into file TubeDemoMerlin01.txt"
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door9_tube1_peaks')

    # For the door8, the best points to define the known positions are the 1st edge, 5 peaks, last_edge
    door8pos = points7
    door8func = points7func
    CalibratedComponent = 'MERLIN/door8'
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(
        outputPeak=True,  # change to peakTable to append to peakTable
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door8_peaks')

    # For the doors 7,6,5,4, 2, 1 we may use the 9 points
    doorpos = knownPositions
    doorfunc = funcForm
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door%d' % (i) for i in [7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1]]
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door1to7_peaks')

    # The door 3 is a special case, because it is composed by diffent kind of tubes.
    # door 3 tubes: 5_8, 5_7, 5_6, 5_5, 5_4, 5_3, 5_2, 5_1, 4_8, 4_7, 4_6, 4_5, 4_4, 4_3, 4_2, 4_1, 3_8, 3_7, 3_6, 3_5, 3_4
    # obeys the same rules as the doors 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1
    # For the tubes 3_3, 3_2, 3_1 -> it is better to skip the central peak
    # For the tubes 1_x (smaller tube below), it is better to take the final part of known positions: peak4,peak5,edge6,edge7
    # For the tubes 2_x (smaller tube above, it is better to take the first part of known positions: edge1, edge2, peak1,peak2

    # NOTE: the smaller tubes they have length = 1.22879882813, but 1024 detectors
    # so we have to correct the known positiosn by multiplying by its lenght and dividing by the longer dimension

    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams

    # calibrating tubes 1_x
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_1_%d' % (i) for i in range(1, 9)]

    half_diff_center = (
        2.92713867188 -
        1.22879882813) / 2  # difference among the expected center position for
    # both tubes here a little bit of attempts is necessary.
    # The effective center position and lengh is different for the calibrated tube, that is the reason,
    # the calibrated values of the smaller tube does not seems aligned with the others. By, finding the
    # 'best' half_diff_center value, the alignment occurs nicely.
    half_diff_center = 0.835  #

    # the knownpositions were given with the center of the bigger tube as origin, to convert
    # to the center of the upper tube as origin is necessary to subtract them with  the half_diff_center
    doorpos = knownPositions[[5, 6, 7, 8]] - half_diff_center
    doorfunc = [1, 1, 2, 2]
    # for the smal tubes, automatically searching for the peak position in pixel was not working quite well,
    # so we will give the aproximate position for these tubes through fitPar argument
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams([216, 527, 826, 989])

    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_tube1_peaks')

    # calibrating tubes 2_x
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_2_%d' % (i) for i in range(1, 9)]
    # the knownpositions were given with the center of the bigger tube as origin, to convert
    # to the center of the lower tube as origin is necessary to sum them with  (len_big - len_small)/2
    doorpos = knownPositions[[0, 1, 2, 3]] + half_diff_center
    # print doorpos
    doorfunc = [2, 2, 1, 1]

    # for the smal tubes, automatically searching for the peak position in pixel was not working quite well,
    # so we will give the aproximate position for these tubes through fitPar argument
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams([50, 202, 664, 815])

    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,

    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_tube2_peaks')

    # calibrating tubes 3_3,3_2,3_1
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_3_%d' % (i) for i in [1, 2, 3]]
    doorpos = knownPositions[[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
    doorfunc = funcForm[[0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_123_peaks')

    # calibrating others inside door3
    # 5_8, 5_7, 5_6, 5_5, 5_4, 5_3, 5_2, 5_1, 4_8, 4_7, 4_6, 4_5, 4_4, 4_3, 4_2, 4_1, 3_8, 3_7, 3_6, 3_5, 3_4
    part_3 = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_3_%d' % (i) for i in [4, 5, 6, 7, 8]]
    part_4 = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_4_%d' % (i) for i in range(1, 9)]
    part_5 = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_5_%d' % (i) for i in range(1, 9)]
    CalibratedComponent = part_3 + part_4 + part_5
    doorpos = knownPositions
    doorfunc = funcForm
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_peaks')

    # == Apply the Calibation ==
    print("Applied calibration")
Example #22
def calibrate(ws, tubeSet, knownPositions, funcForm, **kwargs):

      Define the calibrated positions of the detectors inside the tubes defined
      in tubeSet.

      Tubes may be considered a list of detectors alined that may be considered
      as pixels for the analogy when they values are displayed.

      The position of these pixels are provided by the manufactor, but its real
      position depends on the electronics inside the tube and varies slightly
      from tube to tube. The calibrate method, aims to find the real positions
      of the detectors (pixels) inside the tube.

      For this, it will receive an Integrated workspace, where a special
      measurement was performed so to have a
      pattern of peaks or through. Where gaussian peaks or edges can be found.

      The calibration follows the following steps

      1. Finding the peaks on each tube
      2. Fitting the peaks agains the Known Positions
      3. Defining the new position for the pixels(detectors)

      Let's consider the simplest way of calling calibrate:

      .. code-block:: python

         from tube import calibrate
         ws = Load('WISH17701')
         ws = Integration(ws)
         known_pos = [-0.41,-0.31,-0.21,-0.11,-0.02, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.39 ]
         peaks_form = 9*[1] # all the peaks are gaussian peaks
         calibTable = calibrate(ws,'WISH/panel03',known_pos, peaks_form)

      In this example, the calibrate framework will consider all the
      tubes (152) from WISH/panel03.
      You may decide to look for a subset of the tubes, by passing the
      **rangeList** option.

      .. code-block:: python

         # This code will calibrate only the tube indexed as number 3
         # (usually tube0004)
         calibTable = calibrate(ws,'WISH/panel03',known_pos,
                                peaks_form, rangeList=[3])

      **Finding the peaks on each tube**

      * Dynamically fitting peaks

       The framework expects that for each tube, it will find a peak pattern
       around the pixels corresponding to the known_pos positions.

       The way it will work out the estimated peak position (in pixel) is

       1. Get the length of the tube: distance(first_detector,last_detector) in the tube.
       2. Get the number of detectors in the tube (nDets)
       3. It will be assumed that the center of the tube correspond to the origin (0)

       .. code-block:: python

          centre_pixel = known_pos * nDets/tube_length + nDets/2

       It will them look for the real peak around the estimated value as:

       .. code-block:: python

          # consider tube_values the array of counts, and peak the estimated
          # position for the peak
          real_peak_pos = argmax(tube_values[peak-margin:peak+margin])

       After finding the real_peak_pos, it will try to fit the region around
       the peak to find the best expected position of the peak in a continuous
       space. It will do this by fitting the region around the peak to a
       Gaussian Function, and them extract the PeakCentre returned by the

       .. code-block:: python

          centre = real_peak_pos
          fit_start, fit_stop = centre-margin, centre+margin
          values = tube_values[fit_start,fit_stop]
          background = min(values)
          peak = max(values) - background
          width = len(where(values > peak/2+background))
          # It will fit to something like:
          # Fit(function=LinerBackground,A0=background;Gaussian,
          # Height=peak, PeakCentre=centre, Sigma=width,fit_start,fit_end)

      * Force Fitting Parameters

       These dinamically values can be avoided by defining the **fitPar** for
       the calibrate function

       .. code-block:: python

          eP = [57.5, 107.0, 156.5, 206.0, 255.5, 305.0, 354.5, 404.0, 453.5]
          # Expected Height of Gaussian Peaks (initial value of fit parameter)
          ExpectedHeight = 1000.0
          # Expected width of Gaussian peaks in pixels
          # (initial value of fit parameter)
          ExpectedWidth = 10.0
          fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams( eP, ExpectedHeight, ExpectedWidth )
          calibTable = calibrate(ws, 'WISH/panel03', known_pos, peaks_form, fitPar=fitPar)

       Different Function Factors

       Although the examples consider only Gaussian peaks, it is possible to
       change the function factors to edges by passing the index of the
       known_position through the **funcForm**. Hence, considering three special
       points, where there are one gaussian peak and thow edges, the calibrate
       could be configured as:

       .. code-block:: python

          known_pos = [-0.1 2 2.3]
          # gaussian peak followed by two edges (through)
          form_factor = [1 2 2]
          calibTable = calibrate(ws,'WISH/panel03',known_pos,

      * Override Peaks

       It is possible to scape the finding peaks position steps by providing the
       peaks through the **overridePeaks** parameters. The example below tests
       the calibration of a single tube (30) but scapes the finding peaks step.

       .. code-block:: python

          known_pos = [-0.41,-0.31,-0.21,-0.11,-0.02, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.39 ]
          define_peaks = [57.5, 107.0, 156.5, 206.0, 255.5, 305.0, 354.5,
                         404.0, 453.5]
          calibTable = calibrate(ws, 'WISH/panel03', known_pos, peaks_form,
                           overridePeaks={30:define_peaks}, rangeList=[30])

      * Output Peaks Positions

       Enabling the option **outputPeak** a WorkspaceTable will be produced with
       the first column as tube name and the following columns with the position
       where corresponding peaks were found. Like the table below.

       |TubeId | Peak1 | ... | PeakM |
       |tube0  | 15.5  | ... | 370.3 |
       |  ...  |  ...  | ... |  ...  |
       |tubeN  | 14.9  | ... | 371.2 |

       The signature changes to:

       .. code-block:: python

          calibTable, peakTable = calibrate(...)

       It is possible to give a peakTable directly to the **outputPeak** option,
       which will make the calibration to append the peaks to the given table.

       .. hint::

         It is possible to save the peakTable to a file using the
         :meth:`savePeak` method.

      **Find the correct position along the tube**

       The second step of the calibration is to define the correct position of
       pixels along the tube. This is done by fitting the peaks positions found
       at the previous step against the known_positions provided.


        known       |              *
        positions   |           *
                    |      *
                    |  *
                      pixels positions

       The default operation is to fit the pixels positions against the known
       positions with a quadratic function in order to define an operation to
       move all the pixels to their real positions. If necessary, the user may
       select to fit using a polinomial of 3rd order, through the parameter

       .. note::

         The known positions are given in the same unit as the spacial position
         (3D) and having the center of the tube as the origin.

       Hence, this section will define a function that:

       .. math:: F(pix) = RealRelativePosition

      **Define the new position for the detectors**

       Finally, the position of the detectors are defined as a vector operation

       .. math::

         \\vec{p} = \\vec{c} + v \\vec{u}

       Where :math:`\\vec{p}` is the position in the 3D space, **v** is the
       RealRelativePosition deduced from the last session, and finally,
       :math:`\\vec{u}` is the unitary vector in the direction of the tube.

      :param ws: Integrated workspace with tubes to be calibrated.
      :param tubeSet: Specification of Set of tubes to be calibrated. If a string is passed, a TubeSpec will be created passing the string as the setTubeSpecByString.

       This will be the case for TubeSpec as string

       .. code-block:: python

         self.tube_spec = TubeSpec(ws)

       If a list of strings is passed, the TubeSpec will be created with this list:

       .. code-block:: python

          self.tube_spec = TubeSpec(ws)

       If a :class:`~tube_spec.TubeSpec` object is passed, it will be used as it is.

      :param knownPositions: The defined position for the peaks/edges, taking the center as the origin and having the same units as the tube length in the 3D space.

      :param funcForm: list with special values to define the format of the peaks/edge (peaks=1, edge=2). If it is not provided, it will be assumed that all the knownPositions are peaks.

      Optionals parameters to tune the calibration:

      :param fitPar: Define the parameters to be used in the fit as a :class:`~tube_calib_fit_params.TubeCalibFitParams`. If not provided, the dynamic mode is used. See :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.provideTheExpectedValue`

      :param margin: value in pixesl that will be used around the peaks/edges to fit them. Default = 15. See the code of :py:mod:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMerlin` where **margin** is used to calibrate small tubes.

       .. code-block:: python

          fit_start, fit_end = centre - margin, centre + margin

      :param rangeList: list of tubes indexes that will be calibrated. As in the following code (see: :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.improvingCalibrationSingleTube`):

       .. code-block:: python

          for index in rangelist:

      :param calibTable: Pass the calibration table, it will them append the values to the provided one and return it. (see: :py:mod:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMerlin`)

      :param plotTube: If given, the tube whose index is in plotTube will be ploted as well as its fitted peaks, it can receive a list of indexes to plot.(see: :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.changeMarginAndExpectedValue`)

      :param excludeShortTubes: Do not calibrate tubes whose length is smaller than given value. (see at: Examples/TubeCalibDemoMerlin_Adjustable.py)

      :param overridePeaks: dictionary that defines an array of peaks positions (in pixels) to be used for the specific tube(key). (see: :py:func:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMaps_All.improvingCalibrationSingleTube`)

       .. code-block:: python

          for index in rangelist:
            if overridePeaks.has_key(index):
              use_this_peaks = overridePeaks[index]
              # skip finding peaks

      :param fitPolyn: Define the order of the polinomial to fit the pixels positions agains the known positions. The acceptable values are 1, 2 or 3. Default = 2.

      :param outputPeak: Enable the calibrate to output the peak table, relating the tubes with the pixels positions. It may be passed as a boolean value (outputPeak=True) or as a peakTable value. The later case is to inform calibrate to append the new values to the given peakTable. This is usefull when you have to operate in subsets of tubes. (see :py:mod:`~Examples.TubeCalibDemoMerlin` that shows a nice inspection on this table).

       .. code-block:: python

         calibTable, peakTable = calibrate(ws, (omitted), rangeList=[1],
         # appending the result to peakTable
         calibTable, peakTable = calibrate(ws, (omitted), rangeList=[2],
         # now, peakTable has information for tube[1] and tube[2]

      :rtype: calibrationTable, a TableWorkspace with two columns DetectorID(int) and DetectorPositions(V3D).

    FITPAR = 'fitPar'
    MARGIN = 'margin'
    RANGELIST = 'rangeList'
    CALIBTABLE = 'calibTable'
    PLOTTUBE = 'plotTube'
    EXCLUDESHORT = 'excludeShortTubes'
    OVERRIDEPEAKS = 'overridePeaks'
    FITPOLIN = 'fitPolyn'
    OUTPUTPEAK = 'outputPeak'

    #check that only valid arguments were passed through kwargs
    for key in kwargs.keys():
        if key not in [
            msg = "Wrong argument: '%s'! This argument is not defined in the signature of this function. Hint: remember that arguments are case sensitive" % key
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    # check parameter ws: if it was given as string, transform it in
    # mantid object
    if isinstance(ws, str):
        ws = mtd[ws]
    if not isinstance(ws, MatrixWorkspace):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Wrong argument ws = %s. It must be a MatrixWorkspace" % (str(ws)))

    # check parameter tubeSet. It accepts string or preferable a TubeSpec
    if isinstance(tubeSet, str):
        selectedTubes = tubeSet
        tubeSet = TubeSpec(ws)
    elif isinstance(tubeSet, list):
        selectedTubes = tubeSet
        tubeSet = TubeSpec(ws)
    elif not isinstance(tubeSet, TubeSpec):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Wrong argument tubeSet. It must be a TubeSpec or a string that defines the set of tubes to be calibrated. For example: WISH/panel03"

    # check the known_positions parameter
    # for old version compatibility, it also accepts IdealTube, eventhough
    # they should only be used internally
    if not (isinstance(knownPositions, list)
            or isinstance(knownPositions, tuple)
            or isinstance(knownPositions, numpy.ndarray)):
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Wrong argument knownPositions. It expects a list of values for the positions expected for the peaks in relation to the center of the tube"
        idealTube = IdealTube()

    #deal with funcForm parameter
        nPeaks = len(idealTube.getArray())
        if len(funcForm) != nPeaks:
            raise 1
        for val in funcForm:
            if val not in [1, 2]:
                raise 2
        raise RuntimeError(
            "Wrong argument FuncForm. It expects a list of values describing the form of everysingle peaks. So, for example, if there are three peaks where the first is a peak and the followers as edge, funcForm = [1, 2, 2]. Currently, it is defined 1-Gaussian Peak, 2 - Edge. The knownPos has %d elements and the given funcForm has %d."
            % (nPeaks, len(funcForm)))

    #apply the functional form to the ideal Tube

    # check the FITPAR parameter (optional)
    # if the FITPAR is given, than it will just pass on, if the FITPAR is
    # not given, it will create a FITPAR 'guessing' the centre positions,
    # and allowing the find peaks calibration methods to adjust the parameter
    # for the peaks automatically
    if kwargs.has_key(FITPAR):
        fitPar = kwargs[FITPAR]
        #fitPar must be a TubeCalibFitParams
        if not isinstance(fitPar, TubeCalibFitParams):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong argument %s. This argument, when given, must be a valid TubeCalibFitParams object"
                % FITPAR)
        # create a fit parameters guessing centre positions
        # the guessing obeys the following rule:
        # centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets/tube_length + ndets / 2
        # Get tube length and number of detectors
        tube_length = tubeSet.getTubeLength(0)
        #ndets = len(wsp_index_for_tube0)
        id1, ndets, step = tubeSet.getDetectorInfoFromTube(0)

        known_pos = idealTube.getArray()
        # position of the peaks in pixels
        centre_pixel = known_pos * ndets / tube_length + ndets * 0.5

        fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(centre_pixel)
        # make it automatic, it means, that for every tube,
        # the parameters for fit will be re-evaluated, from the first
        # guess positions given by centre_pixel

    # check the MARGIN paramter (optional)
    if kwargs.has_key(MARGIN):
            margin = float(kwargs[MARGIN])
            raise RuntimeError("Wrong argument %s. It was expected a number!" %

    #deal with RANGELIST parameter
    if kwargs.has_key(RANGELIST):
        rangeList = kwargs[RANGELIST]
        if isinstance(rangeList, int):
            rangeList = [rangeList]
            # this deals with list and tuples and iterables to make sure
            # rangeList becomes a list
            rangeList = list(rangeList)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong argument %s. It expects a list of indexes for calibration"
                % RANGELIST)
        rangeList = range(tubeSet.getNumTubes())

    # check if the user passed the option calibTable
    if kwargs.has_key(CALIBTABLE):
        calibTable = kwargs[CALIBTABLE]
        #ensure the correct type is passed
        # if a string was passed, transform it in mantid object
        if isinstance(calibTable, str):
            calibTable = mtd[calibTable]
        #check that calibTable has the expected form
            if not isinstance(calibTable, ITableWorkspace):
                raise 1
            if calibTable.columnCount() != 2:
                raise 2
            colNames = calibTable.getColumnNames()
            if colNames[0] != 'Detector ID' or colNames[
                    1] != 'Detector Position':
                raise 3
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Invalid type for %s. The expected type was ITableWorkspace with 2 columns(Detector ID and Detector Positions)"
                % CALIBTABLE)
        calibTable = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace="CalibTable")
        # "Detector ID" column required by ApplyCalibration
        calibTable.addColumn(type="int", name="Detector ID")
        # "Detector Position" column required by ApplyCalibration
        calibTable.addColumn(type="V3D", name="Detector Position")

    #deal with plotTube option
    if kwargs.has_key(PLOTTUBE):
        plotTube = kwargs[PLOTTUBE]
        if isinstance(plotTube, int):
            plotTube = [plotTube]
            plotTube = list(plotTube)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong argument %s. It expects an index (int) or a list of indexes"
                % PLOTTUBE)
        plotTube = []

    #deal with minimun tubes sizes
    if kwargs.has_key(EXCLUDESHORT):
        excludeShortTubes = kwargs[EXCLUDESHORT]
            excludeShortTubes = float(excludeShortTubes)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong argument %s. It expects a float value for the minimun size of tubes to be calibrated"
        #a tube with length 0 can not be calibrated, this is the minimun value
        excludeShortTubes = 0.0

    #deal with OVERRIDEPEAKS parameters
    if kwargs.has_key(OVERRIDEPEAKS):
        overridePeaks = kwargs[OVERRIDEPEAKS]
            nPeaks = len(idealTube.getArray())
            # check the format of override peaks
            if not isinstance(overridePeaks, dict):
                raise 1
            for key in overridePeaks.keys():
                if not isinstance(key, int):
                    raise 2
                if key < 0 or key >= tubeSet.getNumTubes():
                    raise 3
                if len(overridePeaks[key]) != nPeaks:
                    raise 4
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong argument %s. It expects a dictionary with key as the tube index and the value as a list of peaks positions. Ex (3 peaks): overridePeaks = {1:[2,5.4,500]}"
                % OVERRIDEPEAKS)
        overridePeaks = dict()

    # deal with FITPOLIN parameter
    if kwargs.has_key(FITPOLIN):
        polinFit = kwargs[FITPOLIN]
        if polinFit not in [1, 2, 3]:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong argument %s. It expects a number 1 for linear, 2 for quadratic, or 3 for 3rd polinomial order when fitting the pixels positions agains the known positions"
                % FITPOLIN)
        polinFit = 2

    # deal with OUTPUT PEAK
    deletePeakTableAfter = False
    if kwargs.has_key(OUTPUTPEAK):
        outputPeak = kwargs[OUTPUTPEAK]
        outputPeak = False
    if isinstance(outputPeak, ITableWorkspace):
        if outputPeak.columnCount() < len(idealTube.getArray()):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Wrong argument %s. It expects a boolean flag, or a ITableWorksapce with columns (TubeId, Peak1,...,PeakM) for M = number of peaks given in knownPositions"
                % OUTPUTPEAK)
        if not outputPeak:
            deletePeakTableAfter = True
        # create the output peak table
        outputPeak = CreateEmptyTableWorkspace(OutputWorkspace="PeakTable")
        outputPeak.addColumn(type='str', name='TubeId')
        for i in range(len(idealTube.getArray())):
            outputPeak.addColumn(type='float', name='Peak%d' % (i + 1))

    getCalibration(ws, tubeSet, calibTable, fitPar, idealTube, outputPeak,
                   overridePeaks, excludeShortTubes, plotTube, rangeList,

    if deletePeakTableAfter:
        return calibTable
        return calibTable, outputPeak
Example #23
    "Created workspace (CalibInstWS) with integrated data from run and instrument to calibrate"

# == Create Objects needed for calibration ==
# The positions of the shadows and ends here are an intelligent guess.
# First array gives positions in Metres and second array gives type 1=Gaussian peak 2=edge.
# See http://www.mantidproject.org/IdealTube for details.
knownPos = [-0.50, -0.165, -0.00, 0.165, 0.50]
funcForm = [2, 1, 1, 1, 2]

# Get fitting parameters
fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams(ExpectedPositions, ExpectedHeight, ExpectedWidth)

print("Created objects needed for calibration.")

# == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
# also put peaks into PeakFile
calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS,
print("Got calibration (new positions of detectors) ")

# == Apply the Calibation ==
mantid.ApplyCalibration(Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
Example #24
def calibrateMerlin(filename):
  # == Set parameters for calibration ==

    rangeLower = 3000 # Integrate counts in each spectra from rangeLower to rangeUpper
    rangeUpper = 20000 #

  # Get calibration raw file and integrate it
    rawCalibInstWS = LoadRaw(filename)    #'raw' in 'rawCalibInstWS' means unintegrated.
    print "Integrating Workspace"
    CalibInstWS = Integration( rawCalibInstWS, RangeLower=rangeLower, RangeUpper=rangeUpper )
    print "Created workspace (CalibInstWS) with integrated data from run and instrument to calibrate"

  # the known positions are given in pixels inside the tubes and transformed to provide the positions
  # with the center of the tube as the origin
    knownPositions = 2.92713867188*(numpy.array([ 27.30074322, 92.5,    294.65178585,    362.37861919 , 512.77103043    ,663.41425323, 798.3223896,     930.9, 997.08480835])/1024 - 0.5)
    funcForm = numpy.array([2,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,2],numpy.int8)
  # The calibration will follow different steps for sets of tubes

  # For the door9, the best points to define the known positions are the 1st edge, 5 peaks, last edge.
    points7 = knownPositions[[0,2,3,4,5,6,8]]
    points7func = funcForm[[0,2,3,4,5,6,8]]

    door9pos = points7
    door9func = points7func
    CalibratedComponent = 'MERLIN/door9'    # door9
  # == Get the calibration and put results into calibration table ==
  # also put peaks into PeakFile
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, door9pos, door9func,
        rangeList=range(20) # because 20, 21, 22, 23 are defective detectors
    print "Got calibration (new positions of detectors) and put slit peaks into file TubeDemoMerlin01.txt"
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door9_tube1_peaks')

  # For the door8, the best points to define the known positions are the 1st edge, 5 peaks, last_edge
    door8pos = points7
    door8func = points7func
    CalibratedComponent = 'MERLIN/door8'
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, door8pos,
    outputPeak = True, #change to peakTable to append to peakTable
    calibTable = calibrationTable,
    margin = 30)
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door8_peaks')

  # For the doors 7,6,5,4, 2, 1 we may use the 9 points
    doorpos = knownPositions
    doorfunc = funcForm
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door%d'%(i) for i in [7,6,5,4, 2, 1]]
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, doorpos,\
    outputPeak = True,\
    calibTable = calibrationTable,\
    margin = 30)
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door1to7_peaks')

  # The door 3 is a special case, because it is composed by diffent kind of tubes.
  # door 3 tubes: 5_8, 5_7, 5_6, 5_5, 5_4, 5_3, 5_2, 5_1, 4_8, 4_7, 4_6, 4_5, 4_4, 4_3, 4_2, 4_1, 3_8, 3_7, 3_6, 3_5, 3_4
  # obeys the same rules as the doors 7, 6, 5, 4, 2, 1
  # For the tubes 3_3, 3_2, 3_1 -> it is better to skip the central peak
  # For the tubes 1_x (smaller tube below), it is better to take the final part of known positions: peak4,peak5,edge6,edge7
  # For the tubes 2_x (smaller tube above, it is better to take the first part of known positions: edge1, edge2, peak1,peak2

  # NOTE: the smaller tubes they have length = 1.22879882813, but 1024 detectors
  # so we have to correct the known positiosn by multiplying by its lenght and dividing by the longer dimension

    from tube_calib_fit_params import TubeCalibFitParams

  # calibrating tubes 1_x
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_1_%d'%(i) for i in range(1,9)]

    half_diff_center = (2.92713867188 -1.22879882813)/2    # difference among the expected center position for both tubes

  # here a little bit of attempts is necessary. The efective center position and lengh is different for the calibrated tube, that
  # is the reason, the calibrated values of the smaller tube does not seems aligned with the others. By, finding the 'best' half_diff_center
  # value, the alignment occurs nicely.
    half_diff_center = 0.835 #

  # the knownpositions were given with the center of the bigger tube as origin, to convert
  # to the center of the upper tube as origin is necessary to subtract them with  the half_diff_center
    doorpos = knownPositions[[5,6,7,8]] - half_diff_center
    doorfunc = [1,1,2,2]
  # for the smal tubes, automatically searching for the peak position in pixel was not working quite well,
  # so we will give the aproximate position for these tubes through fitPar argument
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams([216, 527, 826, 989])

    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, doorpos,\
    outputPeak = True,\
    fitPar = fitPar,\
    calibTable = calibrationTable,\
    margin = 30)
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_tube1_peaks')

  # calibrating tubes 2_x
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_2_%d'%(i) for i in range(1,9)]
  # the knownpositions were given with the center of the bigger tube as origin, to convert
  # to the center of the lower tube as origin is necessary to sum them with  (len_big - len_small)/2
    doorpos = knownPositions[[0,1,2,3]] + half_diff_center
  # print doorpos
    doorfunc = [2,2,1,1]

  # for the smal tubes, automatically searching for the peak position in pixel was not working quite well,
  # so we will give the aproximate position for these tubes through fitPar argument
    fitPar = TubeCalibFitParams([50, 202, 664, 815])

    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, doorpos,\
    outputPeak = True,\
    calibTable = calibrationTable,\
    fitPar = fitPar,\
    margin = 30)

    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_tube2_peaks')

  # calibrating tubes 3_3,3_2,3_1
    CalibratedComponent = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_3_%d'%(i) for i in [1,2,3]]
    doorpos = knownPositions[[0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8]]
    doorfunc = funcForm[[0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8]]
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, doorpos,\
    outputPeak = True,\
    calibTable = calibrationTable,\
    margin = 30)
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_123_peaks')

  # calibrating others inside door3
  # 5_8, 5_7, 5_6, 5_5, 5_4, 5_3, 5_2, 5_1, 4_8, 4_7, 4_6, 4_5, 4_4, 4_3, 4_2, 4_1, 3_8, 3_7, 3_6, 3_5, 3_4
    part_3 = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_3_%d'%(i) for i in [4,5,6,7,8]]
    part_4 = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_4_%d'%(i) for i in range(1,9)]
    part_5 = ['MERLIN/door3/tube_5_%d'%(i) for i in range(1,9)]
    CalibratedComponent = part_3 + part_4 + part_5
    doorpos = knownPositions
    doorfunc = funcForm
    calibrationTable, peakTable = tube.calibrate(CalibInstWS, CalibratedComponent, doorpos,\
    outputPeak = True,\
    calibTable = calibrationTable,\
    margin = 30)
    analisePeakTable(peakTable, 'door3_peaks')

  # == Apply the Calibation ==
    ApplyCalibration( Workspace=CalibInstWS, PositionTable=calibrationTable)
    print "Applied calibration"