Example #1
def CalibrateWish( run_per_panel_list):
    :param run_per_panel_list: is a list of tuples with the run number and the associated panel 

    run_per_panel_list =  [ (17706, 'panel01'), (17705, 'panel02'),  (17701, 'panel03'), (17702, 'panel04'), (17695, 'panel05')]
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    previousDefaultInstrument = config['default.instrument']
    # definition of the parameters static for the calibration
    lower_tube = numpy.array([-0.41,-0.31,-0.21,-0.11,-0.02, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.39 ])
    upper_tube = numpy.array(lower_tube+0.003)
    funcForm = 9*[1] # 9 gaussian peaks
    margin = 15
    low_range = range(0,76)
    high_range = range(76,152)
    kwargs = {'margin':margin}

    # it will copy all the data from the runs to have a single instrument with the calibrated data. 
    whole_instrument = LoadRaw(str(run_per_panel_list[0][0]))
    whole_instrument = Integration(whole_instrument)

    for (run_number, panel_name) in run_per_panel_list:        
        panel_name = str(panel_name)
	run_number = str(run_number)
        # load your data and integrate it
        ws = LoadRaw(run_number, OutputWorkspace=panel_name)
        ws = Integration(ws, 1, 20000, OutputWorkspace=panel_name)

        # use the TubeSpec object to be able to copy the data to the whole_instrument
        tube_set = TubeSpec(ws)
        # update kwargs argument before calling calibrate        
        kwargs['rangeList'] = low_range # calibrate only the lower tubes
        calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(ws, tube_set, lower_tube, funcForm, **kwargs)
        # update kwargs
        kwargs['calibTable'] = calibrationTable # append calib to calibrationtable
	kwargs['rangeList'] = high_range # calibrate only the upper tubes

        calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(ws, tube_set, upper_tube, funcForm, **kwargs)
        kwargs['calibTable'] = calibrationTable

        ApplyCalibration(ws, calibrationTable)

        # copy data from the current panel to the whole_instrument
        for i in range(tube_set.getNumTubes()):
		for spec_num in tube_set.getTube(i):

    # calibrate the whole_instrument with the last calibrated panel which has the calibration accumulation
    # of all the others

    config['default.instrument'] = previousDefaultInstrument
Example #2
def CalibrateWish(run_per_panel_list):
    :param run_per_panel_list: is a list of tuples with the run number and the associated panel

    run_per_panel_list =  [ (17706, 'panel01'), (17705, 'panel02'),  (17701, 'panel03'), (17702, 'panel04'), (17695, 'panel05')]
    # == Set parameters for calibration ==
    previousDefaultInstrument = config['default.instrument']

    # definition of the parameters static for the calibration
    lower_tube = numpy.array([-0.41,-0.31,-0.21,-0.11,-0.02, 0.09, 0.18, 0.28, 0.39 ])
    upper_tube = numpy.array(lower_tube+0.003)
    funcForm = 9*[1] # 9 gaussian peaks
    margin = 15
    low_range = range(0,76)
    high_range = range(76,152)
    kwargs = {'margin':margin}

    # it will copy all the data from the runs to have a single instrument with the calibrated data.
    whole_instrument = LoadRaw(str(run_per_panel_list[0][0]))
    whole_instrument = Integration(whole_instrument)

    for (run_number, panel_name) in run_per_panel_list:
        panel_name = str(panel_name)
        run_number = str(run_number)
        # load your data and integrate it
        ws = LoadRaw(run_number, OutputWorkspace=panel_name)
        ws = Integration(ws, 1, 20000, OutputWorkspace=panel_name)

        # use the TubeSpec object to be able to copy the data to the whole_instrument
        tube_set = TubeSpec(ws)

        # update kwargs argument before calling calibrate
        kwargs['rangeList'] = low_range # calibrate only the lower tubes
        calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(ws, tube_set, lower_tube, funcForm, **kwargs)

        # update kwargs
        kwargs['calibTable'] = calibrationTable # append calib to calibrationtable
        kwargs['rangeList'] = high_range # calibrate only the upper tubes

        calibrationTable = tube.calibrate(ws, tube_set, upper_tube, funcForm, **kwargs)
        kwargs['calibTable'] = calibrationTable

        ApplyCalibration(ws, calibrationTable)

        # copy data from the current panel to the whole_instrument
        for i in range(tube_set.getNumTubes()):
            for spec_num in tube_set.getTube(i):

    # calibrate the whole_instrument with the last calibrated panel which has the calibration accumulation
    # of all the others

    config['default.instrument'] = previousDefaultInstrument
Example #3
def getCalibrationFromPeakFile(ws, calibTable, iTube, PeakFile):
       Get the results the calibration and put them in the calibration table provided.

       @param ws: Integrated Workspace with tubes to be calibrated
       @param calibTable: Calibration table into which the calibration results are placed
       @param  iTube: The ideal tube
       @param PeakFile: File of peaks for calibration


    # Get Ideal Tube
    ideal_tube = iTube.getArray()

    # Read Peak File
    peak_array = read_peak_file(PeakFile)
    n_tubes = len(peak_array)
    print("Number of tubes read from file =", n_tubes)

    for i in range(n_tubes):

        # Deal with (i+1)st tube got from file
        tube_name = peak_array[i][0]  # e.g. 'MERLIN/door3/tube_3_1'
        tube = TubeSpec(ws)
        actual_tube = peak_array[i][1]  # e.g.  [2.0, 512.5, 1022.0]

        wht, _ = tube.getTube(0)
        print("Calibrating tube", i + 1, "of", n_tubes, tube_name)
        if len(wht) < 1:
                "Unable to get any workspace indices for this tube. Calibration abandoned."

        det_id_list, det_pos_list = getCalibratedPixelPositions(
            ws, actual_tube, ideal_tube, wht)

        if len(det_id_list) == len(wht):  # We have corrected positions
            for j in range(len(wht)):
                next_row = {
                    'Detector ID': det_id_list[j],
                    'Detector Position': det_pos_list[j]

    if n_tubes == 0:

    # Delete temporary workspaces for getting new detector positions
Example #4
def getCalibrationFromPeakFile ( ws, calibTable, iTube,  PeakFile ):
       Get the results the calibration and put them in the calibration table provided.

       @param ws: Integrated Workspace with tubes to be calibrated
       @param calibTable: Calibration table into which the calibration results are placed
       @param  iTube: The ideal tube
       @param PeakFile: File of peaks for calibtation


    # Get Ideal Tube
    idealTube = iTube.getArray()

    # Read Peak File
    PeakArray = readPeakFile( PeakFile )
    nTubes = len(PeakArray)
    print "Number of tubes read from file =",nTubes

    for i in range(nTubes):

        # Deal with (i+1)st tube got from file
        TubeName = PeakArray[i][0] # e.g. 'MERLIN/door3/tube_3_1'
        tube = TubeSpec(ws)
        actualTube = PeakArray[i][1] # e.g.  [2.0, 512.5, 1022.0]

        wht, _ = tube.getTube(0)
        print "Calibrating tube", i+1 ,"of", nTubes, TubeName #, " length", tubeSet.getTubeLength(i)
        if  len(wht) < 1 :
            print "Unable to get any workspace indices for this tube. Calibration abandoned."

        detIDList, detPosList = getCalibratedPixelPositions( ws, actualTube, idealTube, wht)

        #print len(wht)
        if  len(detIDList) == len(wht): # We have corrected positions
            for j in range(len(wht)):
                nextRow = {'Detector ID': detIDList[j], 'Detector Position': detPosList[j] }
                calibTable.addRow ( nextRow )

    if nTubes == 0:

    # Delete temporary workspaces for getting new detector positions