def spectrum_2d(M, indices=None): Fourier.compute_spectrum_2d(M, Dt=3) # smooth on 3 time step. S_E = np.nanmean(M.S_E[..., indices], axis=2) graphes.color_plot(M.kx,, S_E, log=True, fignum=1) graphes.colorbar(label='$E_k$') figs = graphes.legende('$k_x$ (mm)', '$k_y$ (mm)', 'Energy Spectrum (log)') return figs
def time_average(M, indices=None): figs = {} fields, names, vmin, vmax, labels, units = std_fields() for j, field in enumerate(fields): Y = np.nanmean(getattr(M, field)[..., indices], axis=2) graphes.color_plot(M.x, M.y, Y, fignum=j + 1, vmin=vmin[j] / 5, vmax=vmax[j] / 5) graphes.colorbar(label=names[j] + ' ' + units[j]) figs.update(graphes.legende('X (mm)', 'Y (mm)', 'Time averaged ' + field, cplot=True)) return figs
def spatial_decay(M, field='E', indices=None): from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid.inset_locator import inset_axes import stephane.vortex.track as track fields, names, vmin, vmax, labels, units = std_fields() j = fields.index(field) Z = np.nanmean(getattr(M, field)[..., indices], axis=2) X, Y = [], [] for i in indices: tup = track.positions(M, i, field=field, indices=indices, step=1, sigma=10.) X.append(tup[1]) Y.append(tup[3]) X0, Y0 = np.nanmean(X), np.nanmean(Y) R, Theta = Smath.cart2pol(M.x - X0, M.y - Y0) R0 = M.param.Diameter Z_flat = np.ndarray.flatten(Z) R_flat = np.ndarray.flatten(R) Theta_flat = np.ndarray.flatten(Theta) phi = np.pi / 2 C = np.mod((Theta_flat + phi + np.pi) / 2 / np.pi, 1) cmap = color = [matplotlib.colors.rgb2hex(cmap(c)[:3]) for c in C] fig, ax2 = graphes.set_fig(1, subplot=122) fig.set_size_inches(20, 6) ax2.scatter(R_flat, Z_flat, marker='o', facecolor=color, alpha=0.3, lw=0, cmap=cmap) Rth = np.arange(10 ** 1, 10 ** 2, 1.) # graphes.graphloglog(Rth, 10 ** 5 * (Rth / R0) ** -3.2, label='k--') # graphes.graphloglog(Rth, 5 * 10 ** 4 * (Rth / R0) ** -4.5, label='k--') graphes.set_axis(10 ** 0, 10 ** 2, 10 ** 2, 8 * 10 ** 4) figs = graphes.legende('$R$ (mm)', 'Energy (mm$^2$/s$^{2}$)', 'Spatial decay') fig, ax1 = graphes.set_fig(1, subplot=121) graphes.color_plot(M.x, M.y, Z, fignum=1, vmin=0, vmax=40000, subplot=121) graphes.colorbar(label=names[j] + ' (' + units[j] + ')') figs.update(graphes.legende('X (mm)', 'Y (mm)', 'Time averaged ' + field, cplot=True)) inset_ax = inset_axes(ax2, height="50%", width="50%", loc=3) inset_ax.pcolormesh(M.x / 10 - 10, M.y / 10 - 10, Theta, cmap=cmap) inset_ax.axis('off') return figs
def make_2dmovie(M, name, Range=None, fignum=1, local=True, log=False, vmin=0, vmax=1, filt=False): """ Movie of the colormap of the velocity modulus U over time INPUT ----- M : Mdata class instance, or any other object that contains the following fields : methods : shape() attributes : Ux, Uy Sdata object Ids object ... name : name of the field to be plotted. example : Ux,Uy, vorticity, strain Range : np array fignum : int. default value is 1 Dirname : string Directory to save the figures log : bool. default value is True OUTPUT ----- None """ if Range is not None: start, stop, step = tuple(Range) else: start, stop, step = tuple([0, M.shape()[-1], 5]) # U=np.sqrt(S.Ux**2+S.Uy**2) # by default, pictures are save here : if local: Dirlocal = '/Users/stephane/Documents/Experiences_local/Accelerated_grid' else: Dirlocal = os.path.dirname(M.Sdata.fileCine) Dirname = name if filt: Dirname = Dirname + '_filtered' Dir = Dirlocal + '/PIV_data/' + M.Id.get_id() + '/' + Dirname + '/' print(Dir) fig = graphes.set_fig(fignum) graphes.set_fig(0) # clear current figure print('Compute ' + name) M, field = vgradient.compute(M, name, filter=filt) for i in range(start, stop, step): # Z = energy(M,i) graphes.Mplot(M, field, i, fignum=fignum, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, log=log, auto_axis=True) # graphes.color_plot(Xp,Yp,-Z,fignum=fignum,vmax=700,vmin=0) if i == start: cbar = graphes.colorbar() # fignum=fignum,label=name+'(mm^2 s^{-2})') else: print('update') # cbar.update_normal(fig) filename = Dir + 'V' + str(i) graphes.save_fig(fignum, filename, frmt='png')
def make_2dmovie(M, Z, start, stop, Dirname='velocity_module', vmin=-3, vmax=3): # Movie of the velocity modulus U # U=np.sqrt(S.Ux**2+S.Uy**2) fignum = 5 for i in range(start, stop): Z0 = Z[:, :, i] / 1000 print(i) # print('<dU>_x,y = '+str(np.median(Z0))) # print('<dU^2>_x,y = '+str(np.std(Z0))) graphes.color_plot(M.x, M.y, np.log10(Z0), fignum=fignum, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) if i == start: graphes.colorbar(fignum=fignum, label='V (m/s)') titre = '' graphes.legende('x (mm)', 'y (mm)', titre) if i == start: input() # graphes.vfield_plot(S) Dir = os.path.dirname(M.Sdata.fileCine) + '/' + Dirname + '/' print(Dir) filename = Dir + 'V' + str(i) graphes.save_fig(fignum, filename, fileFormat='png')
def vfield(sigma, modes, fignum=1): names = { 'sigma': sigma, 'n': modes } # name:eval(name) for name in ['sigma','n','N_p']}# this piece of code does not work t = distribution(sigma, modes) B = 1. n = 100 dx = 2 * B / n x = np.arange(-B, B, dx) y = 0. z = np.arange(-B, B, dx) P = np.asarray(np.meshgrid(x, y, z)) dim = P.shape N =[1:]) X = np.reshape(P[0, ...], (N, )) Y = np.reshape(P[1, ...], (N, )) Z = np.reshape(P[2, ...], (N, )) Pos = [np.asarray([x0, y0, z0]) for x0, y0, z0 in zip(X, Y, Z)] V = biot.velocity_from_line(t.paths, Pos, Gamma=1, d=3) V_2d = np.reshape(V, (n, n, 3)) E = np.sum(np.power(V_2d, 2), axis=2) subplot = [111] fig, axes = panel.make(subplot, fignum=fignum) fig.set_size_inches(10, 10) graphes.color_plot(x, z, E, fignum=fignum, vmin=0, vmax=0, log=True) c = graphes.colorbar() figs = {} figs.update(graphes.legende('X', 'Z', 'E')) graphes.save_figs(figs, prefix='Random_path/V_Distributions/Fields/', suffix=suf(names), dpi=300, display=True, frmt='png')
def plot_lambda_Re_lambda_coarse(Mfluc, cutoff=10**(-3), vminRe=0, vmaxRe=800, vminLambda=0, vmaxLambda=10, nu=1.004, x0=None, y0=None, x1=None, y1=None, redo=False): if not hasattr(Mfluc, 'U2ave') or redo: print 'Mfluc does not have attribute Mfluc.U2ave. Calculate it.' Mfluc = compute_u2_duidxi(Mfluc, x0=x0, y0=y0, x1=x1, y1=y1) # Calculate Local Taylor microscale: lambdaT Mfluc.lambdaT_Local = np.sqrt(Mfluc.U2ave / Mfluc.dUidxi2ave) Mfluc.Re_lambdaT_Local = Mfluc.lambdaT_Local * np.sqrt(Mfluc.U2ave) / nu Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local = np.sqrt(Mfluc.Ux2ave / Mfluc.dUxdx2ave) Mfluc.Re_lambdaTx_Local = Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local * np.sqrt(Mfluc.Ux2ave) / nu Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local = np.sqrt(Mfluc.Uy2ave / Mfluc.dUydy2ave) Mfluc.Re_lambdaTy_Local = Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local * np.sqrt(Mfluc.Uy2ave) / nu # Mfluc.lambdaT_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) # Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) # Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) # Mfluc.Re_lambdaT_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.x.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) # Mfluc.Re_lambdaTx_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) # Mfluc.Re_lambdaTy_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) # for x in range(0, Mfluc.Ux.shape[0] - 1): # for y in range(0, Mfluc.Ux.shape[1] - 1): # if Mfluc.dUidxi2ave[x, y] < cutoff: # Mfluc.lambdaT_Local[x, y] = 0 # else: # Mfluc.lambdaT_Local[x, y] = np.sqrt(Mfluc.U2ave[x, y] / Mfluc.dUidxi2ave[x, y]) # Mfluc.Re_lambdaT_Local[x, y] = Mfluc.lambdaT_Local[x, y] * np.sqrt(Mfluc.U2ave[x, y]) / nu # if Mfluc.dUxdx2ave[x, y] < cutoff: # Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local[x, y] = 0 # else: # Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local[x, y] = np.sqrt(Mfluc.Ux2ave[x, y] / Mfluc.dUxdx2ave[x, y]) # Mfluc.Re_lambdaTx_Local[x, y] = Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local[x, y] * np.sqrt(Mfluc.Ux2ave[x, y]) / nu # if Mfluc.dUydy2ave[x, y] < cutoff: # Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local[x, y] = 0 # else: # Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local[x, y] = np.sqrt(Mfluc.Uy2ave[x, y] / Mfluc.dUydy2ave[x, y]) # Mfluc.Re_lambdaTy_Local[x, y] = Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local[x, y] * np.sqrt(Mfluc.Uy2ave[x, y]) / nu # Plot Taylor miroscale graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x, Mfluc.y, Mfluc.Re_lambdaT_Local, fignum=1, vmin=vminRe, vmax=vmaxRe) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $Re_\lambda$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x, Mfluc.y, Mfluc.Re_lambdaTx_Local, fignum=2, vmin=vminRe, vmax=vmaxRe) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $Re_{\lambda,x}$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x, Mfluc.y, Mfluc.Re_lambdaTy_Local, fignum=3, vmin=vminRe, vmax=vmaxRe) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $Re_{\lambda,y}$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x, Mfluc.y, Mfluc.lambdaT_Local, fignum=4, vmin=vminLambda, vmax=vmaxLambda) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $\lambda$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x, Mfluc.y, Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local, fignum=5, vmin=vminLambda, vmax=vmaxLambda) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $\lambda_x$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x, Mfluc.y, Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local, fignum=6, vmin=vminLambda, vmax=vmaxLambda) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $\lambda_y$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)')
def plot_lambda_Re_lambda_heatmaps(Mfluc, cutoff=10**(-3), vminRe=0, vmaxRe=800, vminLambda=0, vmaxLambda=800, nu=1.004, x0=None, y0=None, x1=None, y1=None, redo=False): """ Plots a heatmap of local Re_lambda and lambda Parameters ---------- Mfluc cutoff vminRe vmaxRe vminLambda vmaxLambda nu Returns ------- """ if x0 is None: x0, y0 = 0, 0 x1, y1 = Mfluc.Ux.shape[1], Mfluc.Ux.shape[0] print 'Will average from (%d, %d) to (%d, %d) (index)' % (x0, y0, x1, y1) nrows, ncolumns = y1 - y0, x1 - x0 Mfluc.lambdaT_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) Mfluc.Re_lambdaT_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) Mfluc.Re_lambdaTx_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) Mfluc.Re_lambdaTy_Local = np.zeros((Mfluc.Ux.shape[0], Mfluc.Ux.shape[1])) if not hasattr(Mfluc, 'U2ave') or redo: print 'Mfluc does not have attribute Mfluc.U2ave. Calculate it.' Mfluc = compute_u2_duidxi(Mfluc, x0=x0, y0=y0, x1=x1, y1=y1) print Mfluc.Ux2ave.shape # Calculate Local Taylor microscale: lambdaT for y in range(0, Mfluc.Ux.shape[0] - 1): for x in range(0, Mfluc.Ux.shape[1] - 1): if Mfluc.dUidxi2ave[y, x] < cutoff: Mfluc.lambdaT_Local[y, x] = 0 else: Mfluc.lambdaT_Local[y, x] = np.sqrt(Mfluc.U2ave[y, x] / Mfluc.dUidxi2ave[y, x]) Mfluc.Re_lambdaT_Local[y, x] = Mfluc.lambdaT_Local[ y, x] * np.sqrt(Mfluc.U2ave[y, x]) / nu if Mfluc.dUxdx2ave[y, x] < cutoff: Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local[y, x] = 0 else: Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local[y, x] = np.sqrt(Mfluc.Ux2ave[y, x] / Mfluc.dUxdx2ave[y, x]) Mfluc.Re_lambdaTx_Local[y, x] = Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local[ y, x] * np.sqrt(Mfluc.Ux2ave[y, x]) / nu if Mfluc.dUydy2ave[y, x] < cutoff: Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local[y, x] = 0 else: Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local[y, x] = np.sqrt(Mfluc.Uy2ave[y, x] / Mfluc.dUydy2ave[y, x]) Mfluc.Re_lambdaTy_Local[y, x] = Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local[ y, x] * np.sqrt(Mfluc.Uy2ave[y, x]) / nu # Plot Taylor miroscale graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.y[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.Re_lambdaT_Local[y0:y1, x0:x1], fignum=1, vmin=vminRe, vmax=vmaxRe) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $Re_\lambda$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.y[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.Re_lambdaTx_Local[y0:y1, x0:x1], fignum=2, vmin=vminRe, vmax=vmaxRe) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $Re_{\lambda,x}$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.y[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.Re_lambdaTy_Local[y0:y1, x0:x1], fignum=3, vmin=vminRe, vmax=vmaxRe) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $Re_{\lambda,y}$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.y[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.lambdaT_Local[y0:y1, x0:x1], fignum=4, vmin=vminLambda, vmax=vmaxLambda) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $\lambda$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.y[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.lambdaTx_Local[y0:y1, x0:x1], fignum=5, vmin=vminLambda, vmax=vmaxLambda) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $\lambda_x$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)') graphes.color_plot(Mfluc.x[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.y[y0:y1, x0:x1], Mfluc.lambdaTy_Local[y0:y1, x0:x1], fignum=6, vmin=vminLambda, vmax=vmaxLambda) graphes.colorbar() plt.title('Local $\lambda_y$') plt.xlabel('X (mm)') plt.ylabel('Y (mm)')
print M.Uy[10, :, 0] print print M.Id.index for M in Mlist: print(M.Sdata.fileCine[-20:-5]) print(M.Sdata.fileDir) print(M.Sdata.filename) # name of the file(SData) that stores measures (M) print(M.Sdata.param) print M.shape() # Plot the time averaged energy frame = 10 # args are (M, variable, frame, vmin, vman) graphes.Mplot(M, 'E', frame, vmin=0, vmax=100000) graphes.colorbar() # Plot the vorticity at a particular time graphes.Mplot(M, 'omega', frame, vmin=-300, vmax=300) graphes.colorbar() # Plot the enstrophy at a particular time (frame#) graphes.Mplot(M, 'enstrophy', frame, vmin=0, vmax=90000) graphes.colorbar() ######################################################## figs = {} fields, names, vmin, vmax, labels, units = comp.std_fields() # print(M.param.v) indices = range(50, M.Ux.shape[2]) field = 'E'