Example #1
    def add_event(cls, slug, params=None):
        # Only a validation simulation! Custom events are only tracked on the game site.
            session = cls.game_session_list.get_session(params['gameSessionId'])
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            raise BadRequest('Invalid game session id')

        game = session.game
        if game is None:
            raise ApiException('No game with that slug')

        if slug != game.slug:
            raise BadRequest('Slug and game session do not match')

            event_key = params['key']
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise BadRequest('Event key missing')

            event_value = params['value']
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise BadRequest('Event value missing')
        del params['value']

            event_key, event_value = _validate_event(event_key, event_value)
        except ValueError as e:
            raise BadRequest(e.message)

        # If reaches this point, assume success
        return  {'ok': True, 'data': {'msg': 'Added "' + str(event_value) + '" for "' + event_key + '" ' \
                                             '(Simulation only - Custom events are only tracked on the game site)'}}
Example #2
 def get_size(default_size, max_size):
         size = int(params.get('size', default_size))
         if size <= 0 or size > max_size:
             raise BadRequest('size must be a positive integer smaller than %d' % max_size)
     except ValueError:
         raise BadRequest('size must be a positive integer smaller than %d' % max_size)
     return size
Example #3
    def _validate_access(self, access):
            access = int(access)
        except ValueError:
            raise BadRequest('Access level invalid. Access must be an integer.')

        if access not in self.valid_access_levels:
            raise BadRequest('Access level invalid. Must be one of %s' % str(self.valid_access_levels))
        return access
Example #4
    def get(self, user, key):
        with self.lock:
            if not isinstance(key, unicode):
                raise BadRequest('Key must be a string')

            if not self.validate_key.match(key):
                raise BadRequest('Key can only contain alphanumeric characters hyphens and dots')

            return self.store.get(key)
Example #5
    def add_event_batch(cls, slug, params=None):
        # Only a validation simulation! Custom events are only tracked on the game site.
            session = cls.game_session_list.get_session(params['gameSessionId'])
        except (KeyError, TypeError):
            raise BadRequest('Invalid game session id')

        game = session.game
        if game is None:
            raise ApiException('No game with that slug')

        if slug != game.slug:
            raise BadRequest('Slug and game session do not match')

            event_batch = params['batch']
        except (TypeError, KeyError):
            raise BadRequest('Event batch missing')
        del params['batch']

        if not isinstance(event_batch, list):
            raise BadRequest('Event batch must be an array of events')

        for event in event_batch:
                event_key = event['key']
            except (TypeError, KeyError):
                raise BadRequest('Event key missing')

                event_value = event['value']
            except (TypeError, KeyError):
                raise BadRequest('Event value missing')

                event_key, event_value = _validate_event(event_key, event_value)
            except ValueError as e:
                raise BadRequest(e.message)

                event_time = float(event['timeOffset'])
            except (TypeError, KeyError):
                raise BadRequest('Event time offset missing')
            except ValueError:
                raise BadRequest('Event time offset should be a float')

            if event_time > 0:
                raise BadRequest('Event time offsets should be <= 0 to represent older events')

        # If reaches this point, assume success
        return  {'ok': True, 'data': {'msg': 'Added %d events ' \
                                             '(Simulation only - Custom events are only tracked on the game site)' %
Example #6
    def compare_and_set(self, user, key, value, token):
        with self.lock:

            key = str(key)
            if not self.validate_key.match(key):
                raise BadRequest('Key can only contain alphanumeric characters hyphens and dots')

            if key in self.store:
                key_store = self.store[key]

                if key_store['access'] != self.read_and_write:
                    raise Forbidden('Forbidden: Key "%s" is read only access (must use set for read only keys)' % key,
                                       {'reason': 'read_only'})
                owner = key_store['ownedBy']

                # if the key is in the store then check its token
                if key_store['token'] != token:
                    raise CompareAndSetInvalidToken()
                owner = user.username
                # if the key is missing from the store make sure the token is unset
                if token:
                    raise CompareAndSetInvalidToken()

            return self._set(key, value, owner, self.read_and_write)
Example #7
 def _get_gamesession(cls, params):
     """ Get the user id and project version id for this game session """
         session = cls.game_session_list.get_session(
     except KeyError:
         raise BadRequest('Request is missing gameSessionId parameter')
     if session is None:
         raise InvalidGameSession('No gamesession with that id')
     return session
 def set_properties(cls, slug, datashare_id, params=None):
     game = get_game_by_slug(slug)
     datashare = DataShareList.get(game).get(datashare_id)
     if 'joinable' in params:
             joinable = asbool(params['joinable'])
         except ValueError:
             raise BadRequest('Joinable must be a boolean value')
         datashare.set_joinable(get_current_user(), joinable)
     return {'ok': True}
Example #9
 def login(cls):
     username = request.params.get('username')
     except UnicodeEncodeError:
         raise BadRequest(
             'Username "%s" is invalid. '
             'Usernames can only contain alphanumeric and hyphen characters.'
             % username)
     return {'ok': True}
    def cancel_notification_by_id(cls, slug):

        game = _get_game(slug)

        _id = request.POST.get('id')
        if not _id:
            raise BadRequest('No task-id given')

        GameNotificationTaskListManager.cancel_notification_by_id(game, _id)

        return { 'ok': True }
Example #11
 def get_user(self, username):
     username_lower = username.lower()
     with self.lock:
             return self.users[username_lower]
         except KeyError:
             LOG.info('No user with username "%s" adding user with defaults', username)
                 user = self._add_user(username_lower)
                 return user
             except ValueError as e:
                 raise BadRequest(str(e))
    def cancel_notification_by_key(cls, slug):

        game = _get_game(slug)

        user = _get_user_name()

        key = request.POST.get('key')
        if not key:
            raise BadRequest('No task-key given')

        GameNotificationTaskListManager.cancel_notification_by_key(game, user, key)

        return {'ok': True}
Example #13
    def login_user(self, username_lower):
        with self.lock:
            if username_lower in self.users:
                user = self.users[username_lower]
                    user = self._add_user(username_lower)
                except ValueError as e:
                    raise BadRequest(str(e))

        # 315569260 seconds = 10 years
        response.set_cookie('local', username_lower, httponly=False, max_age=315569260)
        return user
    def read_notification_keys(cls, slug):
        game = _get_game(slug)

            return {
                'ok': True,
                'data': {
                    'keys': GameNotificationKeysList.get(game).to_dict()

        except GameNotificationsUnsupportedException:
            return {'ok': True, 'data': {'items': {}, 'resources': {}}}
        except ValidationException as e:
            raise BadRequest(str(e))
    def _get_task_data(cls, slug):

        game = _get_game(slug)

        user = _get_user_name()

            data = _json_decoder.decode(request.POST['data'])
        except KeyError:
            raise BadRequest('Missing parameter "data"')
        except JSONDecodeError as e:
            raise BadRequest('Data-parameter JSON error: %s' % str(e))

        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            raise BadRequest('Data-parameter is not a dict')

        # pylint: disable=E1103
        get_data = data.get
        # pylint: enable=E1103

        key = get_data('key')
        if not key:
            raise BadRequest('No notification-key given')
        ## check that the key actually exists on the game
        if key not in GameNotificationKeysList.get(game).to_dict():
            raise BadRequest('Unknown key "' + key + '" given.')

        msg = get_data('msg')
        if not msg:
            raise BadRequest('No message given')

        if not msg.get('text'):
            raise BadRequest('No text-attribute in msg')

            delay = int(get_data('time') or 0)
        except ValueError:
            raise BadRequest('Incorrect format for time')

        ## filter out empty strings and if there's just nothing there, use the current user as default recipient
        recipient = get_data('recipient', '').strip() or user

        return create_id(), key, user, recipient, msg, game, delay
    def _add(cls, slug, task_id, key, sender, recipient, msg, send_time, game):


            task = GameNotificationTask(slug, task_id, key, sender, recipient, msg, send_time)

            if GameNotificationTaskListManager.add_task(game, task):
                return {
                    'ok': True,
                    'id': task_id

            response.status_int = 429
            return {
                'ok': False,
                'msg': 'limit exceeded.'

        except (GameNotificationTaskError, GameNotificationPathError) as e:
            raise BadRequest('NotificationTask could not be saved: %s' % str(e))
Example #17
    def set(self, user, key, value):
        with self.lock:
            key = str(key)
            if not self.validate_key.match(key):
                raise BadRequest('Key can only contain alphanumeric characters hyphens and dots')

            if key in self.store:
                key_store = self.store[key]

                if key_store['access'] != self.read_only:
                    raise Forbidden('Forbidden: Key "%s" is read and write access'
                                    '(must use compare and set for read and write keys)' % key,
                                       {'reason': 'read_and_write'})
                owner = key_store['ownedBy']
                if owner != user.username:
                    raise Forbidden('Forbidden: Key "%s" is read only' % key, {'reason': 'read_only'})
                owner = user.username
            return self._set(key, value, owner, self.read_only)