Example #1
def is_multipoint_on_linestring(feature_1: Sequence,
                                feature_2: Sequence) -> bool:
    Checks if feature_1 multipoint feature is in feature_2 polygon
    returns False, if all multipoints are on the boundary

    :param feature_1: Coordinates of multipoint feature
    :param feature_2: Coordinates of polygon feature 2

    :return: boolean True/False if feature 1 is within feature 2

    points_on_line = False

    points_on_line = all(
        boolean_point_on_line(coords_1, feature_2[1])
        for coords_1 in feature_1[1])

    if not points_on_line:
        return points_on_line

    points_on_line = any(
        boolean_point_on_line(coords_1, feature_2[1],
                              {"ignoreEndVertices": True})
        for coords_1 in feature_1[1])

    return points_on_line
Example #2
def disjoint(feature_1: List[Union[str, Sequence]],
             feature_2: List[Union[str, Sequence]]) -> bool:
    Returns true if the intersection of the two geometries is an empty set.

    :param feature_1: {List} a List with geometry type and coordinates
    :param feature_2: {List} a List with geometry type and coordinates
    :return: boolean True/False if features are disjoint

    is_disjoint = True

    if feature_1[0] in ["Point"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["Point"]:
            is_disjoint = feature_1[1] != feature_2[1]

        elif feature_2[0] in ["LineString"]:
            is_disjoint = not boolean_point_on_line(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["Polygon"]:
            is_disjoint = not boolean_point_in_polygon(feature_1[1],

    elif feature_1[0] in ["LineString"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["Point"]:
            is_disjoint = not boolean_point_on_line(feature_2[1], feature_1[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["LineString"]:
            is_disjoint = not is_line_on_line(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["Polygon"]:
            is_disjoint = not is_line_in_poly(feature_2[1], feature_1[1])

    elif feature_1[0] in ["Polygon"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["Point"]:
            is_disjoint = not boolean_point_in_polygon(feature_2[1],

        elif feature_2[0] in ["LineString"]:
            is_disjoint = not is_line_in_poly(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["Polygon"]:
            is_disjoint = not is_poly_in_poly(feature_2[1], feature_1[1])

    return is_disjoint
Example #3
    def test_boolean_point_on_line(self, fixture):

        if "true" in fixture:
            features = fixture.get("true")
            point, line = features["features"]
            options = features.get("properties", {})
            expected_result = True

            features = fixture.get("false")
            point, line = features["features"]
            options = features.get("properties", {})
            expected_result = False

        test_result = boolean_point_on_line(point, line, options)

        assert test_result == expected_result
Example #4
def is_line_on_line(feature_1: Sequence, feature_2: Sequence) -> bool:
    Checks if feature_1 linestring feature is in feature_2 linestring

    :param feature_1: Coordinates of linestring feature 1
    :param feature_2: Coordinates of linestring feature 2

    :return: boolean True/False if feature 1 is within feature 2

    line_on_line = False

    for coords in feature_1:

        line_on_line = boolean_point_on_line(coords, feature_2)
        if not line_on_line:

    return line_on_line
Example #5
def check_within(feature_1: List[Union[str, Sequence]],
                 feature_2: List[Union[str, Sequence]]) -> bool:
    Returns true if the first geometry is completely within the second geometry

    :param feature_1: {List} a List with geometry type and coordinates
    :param feature_2: {List} a List with geometry type and coordinates

    :return: boolean True/False if feature 1 is within feature 2
    is_within = False

    if feature_1[0] in ["Point"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["Point", "MultiPoint"]:

            is_within = boolean_point_on_point(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["LineString", "MultiLineString"]:

            is_within = boolean_point_on_line(feature_1[1], feature_2[1],
                                              {"ignoreEndVertices": True})

        elif feature_2[0] in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]:
            is_within = boolean_point_in_polygon(feature_1[1], feature_2[1],
                                                 {"ignoreBoundary": True})

    if feature_1[0] in ["MultiPoint"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["MultiPoint"]:

            is_within = all(
                boolean_point_on_point(coords_1, feature_2[1])
                for coords_1 in feature_1[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["LineString", "MultiLineString"]:

            is_within = is_multipoint_on_linestring(feature_1, feature_2)

        elif feature_2[0] in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]:
            is_within = is_multipoint_on_polygon(feature_1, feature_2)

    elif feature_1[0] in ["LineString"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["LineString"]:
            is_within = is_line_on_line(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        if feature_2[0] in ["MultiLineString"]:
            is_within = is_line_on_multiline(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["Polygon"]:
            is_within = is_line_in_poly(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["MultiPolygon"]:
            is_within = is_line_in_multipoly(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

    elif feature_1[0] in ["MultiLineString"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["MultiLineString"]:
            is_within = all(
                is_line_on_multiline(coords_1, feature_2[1])
                for coords_1 in feature_1[1])

        elif feature_2[0] in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]:
            is_within = all(
                is_line_in_poly(coords_1, feature_2[1])
                for coords_1 in feature_1[1])

    elif feature_1[0] in ["Polygon"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["Polygon"]:
            is_within = is_poly_in_poly(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

        if feature_2[0] in ["MultiPolygon"]:
            is_within = is_poly_in_multipoly(feature_1[1], feature_2[1])

    elif feature_1[0] in ["MultiPolygon"]:

        if feature_2[0] in ["MultiPolygon"]:
            is_within = all(
                is_poly_in_multipoly(coords_1, feature_2[1])
                for coords_1 in feature_1[1])

    return is_within
Example #6
def point_on_feature(features: GeoJSON) -> Point:
    Takes a Feature or FeatureCollection and returns a {Point} guaranteed to be on the surface of the feature.

    Given a {Polygon}, the point will be in the area of the polygon
    Given a {LineString}, the point will be along the string
    Given a {Point}, the point will the same as the input

    :param features: any GeoJSON feature or feature collection
    :return: Point GeoJSON Feature on the surface of `input`
    feature_collection = normalize_to_feature_collection(features)

    center_point = center(feature_collection)
    center_coords = center_point.get("geometry").get("coordinates")

    # check to see if centroid is on surface
    center_on_surface = False

    geometry_type = get_geometry_type(feature_collection)
    geometry_coords = get_coords_from_features(feature_collection)

    if isinstance(geometry_type, str):
        geometry_type = [geometry_type]

    for geo_type, geo_coords in zip(geometry_type, geometry_coords):

        if geo_type in ["Point", "MultiPoint"]:

            if geo_type == "Point":
                geo_coords = [geo_coords]

            for point_coords in geo_coords:

                if (center_coords[0]
                        == point_coords[0]) and (center_coords[1]
                                                 == point_coords[1]):

                    center_on_surface = True

        elif geo_type in ["LineString", "MultiLineString"]:

            if geo_type == "LineString":
                geo_coords = [geo_coords]

            for line_coords in geo_coords:
                if boolean_point_on_line(center_coords, line_coords):
                    center_on_surface = True

        elif geo_type in ["Polygon", "MultiPolygon"]:

            if geo_type == "Polygon":
                geo_coords = polygon(geo_coords)
                geo_coords = multi_polygon(geo_coords)
            if boolean_point_in_polygon(center_point, geo_coords):
                center_on_surface = True

    if center_on_surface:
        point_on_surface = center_point


        point_on_surface = nearest_point(center_point, feature_collection)

    return point_on_surface