Example #1
def test_get_coord():
    """Test get_coord function."""

    point = Point((73, 19))
    feature = Feature(geometry=point)
    flist = [73, 19]
    c1 = get_coord(point)
    c2 = get_coord(feature)
    c3 = get_coord(flist)
    assert c1 == [73, 19]
    assert c1 == c2 == c3

    # Test for derived class from Feature
    class Vertex(Feature):
        """Derived from Feature"""
        def __init__(self, node: str, point: Point):
            Feature.__init__(self, geometry=point)
            self.nodeid = node

    p1 = Point((25.25458, 51.623879))
    f1 = Feature(geometry=p1)
    v1 = Vertex("v1", point=p1)
    p2 = Point((25.254626, 51.624053))
    f2 = Feature(geometry=p2)
    v2 = Vertex("v2", point=p2)

    df = distance(f1, f2)
    dv = distance(v1, v2)
    assert df == dv
Example #2
def grid(bbox, cell_width, cell_height, units):
    This function generates the grids for the given bounding box

    :param bbox: bounding box coordinates
    :param cell_width: Cell width in specified in units
    :param cell_height: Cell height in specified in units
    :param units: Units for given sizes
    :return: FeatureCollection of grid boxes genarated
        for the giving bounding box
    results = []
    west = bbox[0]
    south = bbox[1]
    east = bbox[2]
    north = bbox[3]

    start = Feature(geometry=Point((west, south)))
    end = Feature(geometry=Point((east, south)))
    x_fraction = cell_width / (distance(start, end, units))
    cell_width_deg = x_fraction * (east - west)

    start = Feature(geometry=Point((west, south)))
    end = Feature(geometry=Point((west, north)))
    y_fraction = cell_height / (distance(start, end, units))
    cell_height_deg = y_fraction * (north - south)

    # rows & columns
    bbox_width = east - west
    bbox_height = north - south
    columns = math.ceil(bbox_width / cell_width_deg)
    rows = math.ceil(bbox_height / cell_height_deg)

    # if the grid does not fill the bbox perfectly, center it.
    delta_x = (bbox_width - columns * cell_width_deg) / 2
    delta_y = (bbox_height - rows * cell_height_deg) / 2

    # iterate over columns & rows
    current_x = west + delta_x
    for column in range(0, columns):
        current_y = south + delta_y
        for row in range(0, rows):
            cell_poly = Feature(geometry=Polygon([[
                [current_x, current_y],
                [current_x, current_y + cell_height_deg],
                    current_x + cell_width_deg,
                    current_y + cell_height_deg,
                [current_x + cell_width_deg, current_y],
                [current_x, current_y],

            current_y += cell_height_deg

        current_x += cell_width_deg

    return FeatureCollection(results)
Example #3
 def _callback_feature_each(pt, feature_index):
     nonlocal min_dist, best_feature_index
     distance_to_point = turf.distance(target_point, pt)
     # print(distance_to_point)
     if float(distance_to_point) < min_dist:
         best_feature_index = feature_index
         min_dist = distance_to_point
         # print(min_dist)
     return True
Example #4
 def _callback_feature_each(pt, feature_index):
     nonlocal found_dist, best_feature_index
     distance_to_point = turf.distance(target_point, pt)
     # print(distance_to_point)
     if (float(distance_to_point) >= min_dist) and (float(distance_to_point) < max_dist):
         best_feature_index = feature_index
         found_dist = distance_to_point
         # print(min_dist)
         return False  # return False will break the loop once inside a polygon
     return True
Example #5
 def _callback_feature_each(pt, feature_index):
     nonlocal min_dist, best_feature_index
     distance_to_point = turf.distance(target_point, pt)
     # print(distance_to_point)
     if float(distance_to_point) <= cellSide:
         best_feature_index = feature_index
         min_dist = distance_to_point
         # print(min_dist)
         return False  # return False will break the loop once inside a polygon
     return True
Example #6
 def dist(pt1, pt2, options):
     if "units" in options:
         return distance(pt1, pt2, options["units"])
         return distance(pt1, pt2)