Example #1
def time_run_to_stop(n):
    au = atomic_units()
    trun = []
    # n = 10
    W0s = (np.random.random(n) * 3 - 2) * 150 * au['GHz']  # -100 -> 50 GHz
    # Eps = np.random.random(n)*300*au['mVcm']
    Eps = np.array([100 * au['mVcm']] * n)
    Emw = 4 * 1000 * au['mVcm']
    fmw = 2 * np.pi * 15.932 / au['ns']
    t0 = 0 * au['ns']
    toff = 20 * au['ns']
    tring = 10 * au['ns']
    tstop = toff + 5 * tring
    Wlim = -600 * au['GHz']
    global lut_up_f
    global lut_down_f
    lut_up_f, lut_down_f = tab.import_lookup_table_f(Eps[0])
    for i in range(n):
        progress("time_run_to_stop()", i, n)
        clock_start = time.clock()
        run_to_stop(W0s[i], Eps[i], Emw, fmw, t0, toff, tstop, Wlim, tring)
        clock_end = time.clock()
        trun = trun + [clock_end - clock_start]
    bins = np.linspace(0, np.mean(trun) * 2, float(n) / 10)
    print('mean = {} s'.format(np.mean(trun)))
    print('median = {} s'.format(np.median(trun)))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.hist(trun, bins)
    ax.set_title("{0} runs of 'run_to_stop()'".format(n))
    return trun
Example #2
def time_run_to_stop(n):
    """n executions run_to_stop() with random W0, Ep. Plot histogram of times.

    Build n-length random arrays of W0 from -100 to 50 GHz and Ep from 0 to
    300 mV/cm. Build an array of run times for run_to_20ns(), and then plot a
    histogram of the time distributions. Return the array of times.

    returns trun -- list: run times for run_to_stop()
    au = atomic_units()
    trun = []
    W0s = (np.random.random(n) - 2/3)*150*au['GHz']  # -100 -> 50 GHz
    # Eps = np.random.random(n)*300*au['mVcm']
    # Eps = np.array([100*au['mVcm']]*n)
    Eps = np.random.choice(range(0, 301, 1), size=n)*1.94469e-13
    Emw = 4*1000*au['mVcm']
    fmw = 2*math.pi*15.932/au['ns']
    t0 = 0*au['ns']
    toffs = (20 + np.random.random(n)*20)*au['ns']  # 20 to 40 ns
    tring = 180*au['ns']
    tstops = toffs + 5*tring
    Wlim = -600*au['GHz']
    dups = np.random.choice([True, False], size=n)  # np.bool_ !!!!!
    # field lookup tables
    lut_up, lut_down = tab.import_lookup_table()
    lut_up_f, lut_down_f = tab.import_lookup_table_f(Eps[0])
    # execute
    for i in range(n):
        progress("time_run_to_stop()", i, n)
        clock_start = time.clock()
                W0s[i], Eps[i], Emw, fmw, t0, toffs[i], tstops[i], Wlim, tring,
                bool(dups[i]), lut_up, lut_down, lut_up_f, lut_down_f,
                tr=False)  # np.bool_ !!!!!
        clock_end = time.clock()
        trun = trun + [clock_end - clock_start]
    # plot
    bins = np.linspace(0, np.mean(trun)*2, int(n/10))
    print('mean = {} s'.format(np.mean(trun)))
    print('median = {} s'.format(np.median(trun)))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.hist(trun, bins)
    ax.set(title="{0} runs of 'run_to_stop()'".format(n), xlabel="time (s)")
    return trun
Example #3
def timeit_run_to_20ns():
    """timeit callable for run_to_20ns()"""
    W0 = (random.random()*3 - 2)*150*1.51983e-7
    Ep = random.choice(range(0, 301, 1))*1.94469e-13
    Emw = 4*1000*1.94469e-13
    fmw = 2*math.pi*15.932/41341400.0
    t0 = 0*41341400.0
    toff = 20*41341400.0
    # tring = 10*41341400.0
    # tstop = toff + 5*tring
    Wlim = -600*1.51983e-7
    dup = random.choice([True, False])
    # field lookup tables
    global lut_up_f
    global lut_down_f
    lut_up_f, lut_down_f = tab.import_lookup_table_f(Ep)
    # execute
    run_to_20ns(W0, Ep, Emw, fmw, t0, toff, Wlim, dup)
Example #4
def bulk_f(W0s, Ep, Emw, w_mw, t0, toff, tring, tstop, Wlim, dup):
    au = tab.atomic_units()
    # lookup tables
    lut_up, lut_down = tab.import_lookup_table()
    lut_up_f, lut_down_f = tab.import_lookup_table_f(Ep)
    # final energies DataFrame
    n = 2000  # uncertainty of ~ 1%
    m = n * len(W0s)
    Wfs = np.ones(m) * np.NaN
    df = pd.DataFrame()
    df['Wf'] = Wfs
    df['W0'] = np.repeat(W0s, n)
    df['Ep'] = Ep
    df['Emw'] = Emw
    df['w_mw'] = w_mw
    df['t0'] = t0
    df['toff'] = toff
    df['tring'] = tring
    df['tstop'] = tstop
    df['Wlim'] = Wlim
    df['dup'] = dup
    # build results
    for i in df.index:
        tab.progress("bulk_f(): ", i, m)
        W0 = df.loc[i, 'W0']
        if np.isnan(df.loc[i, 'toff']):
            toff = (20 + 20 * random.random()) * au['ns']
            df.loc[i, 'toff'] = toff
        args = (W0, Ep, Emw, w_mw, t0, toff, tstop, Wlim, tring, dup, lut_up,
                lut_down, lut_up_f, lut_down_f)
        df.loc[i, 'Wf'] = s1d.run_to_stop(*args, tr=False)
    Epstring = str(int(round(Ep / au['mVcm'], 1) * 10))
    Epstring = Epstring.zfill(4)
    fname = "wfinals" + "_" + Epstring + "_"
    if dup is True:
        fname = fname + "u"
        fname = fname + "d"
    fname = fname + ".h5"
    fname = os.path.join("wfinals", fname)
    df.to_hdf(fname, 'df')
    return df
Example #5
def time_run_to_20ns(n):
    """n executions run_to_20ns with random W0, Ep. Plot histogram of times.

    Build n-length random arrays of W0 from -100 to 50 GHz and Ep from 0 to
    300 mV/cm. Build an array of run times for run_to_20ns(), and then plot a
    histogram of the time distributions. Return the array of times.

    returns trun -- list: run times for run_to_20ns()
    au = atomic_units()
    trun = []
    W0s = (np.random.random(n) - 2/3)*150*au['GHz']
    # Eps = np.random.random(n)*300*au['mVcm']
    Eps = np.random.choice(range(0, 300+1, 1), size=n)*1.94469e-13
    Emw = 4*1000*au['mVcm']
    fmw = 2*math.pi*15.932/au['ns']
    t0 = 0*au['ns']
    tstop = 20*au['ns']
    Wlim = -600*au['GHz']
    dups = np.random.choice([True, False], size=n)  # np.bool_ !!!!!
    # field lookup tables
    global lut_up_f
    global lut_down_f
    lut_up_f, lut_down_f = tab.import_lookup_table_f(Eps[0])
    for i in range(n):
        progress("time_run_to_20ns()", i, n)
        clock_start = time.clock()
        run_to_20ns(W0s[i], Eps[i], Emw, fmw, t0, tstop, Wlim,
                    bool(dups[i]), tr=False)  # np.bool_ !!!!!
        clock_end = time.clock()
        trun = trun + [clock_end - clock_start]
    bins = np.linspace(0, max(trun)*1.2, 1001)
    print('mean = {} s'.format(np.mean(trun)))
    print('median = {} s'.format(np.median(trun)))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.hist(trun, bins)
    ax.set_title("{0} runs of 'run_to_20ns()'".format(n))
    return trun
Example #6
def plot_run_to_20ns_track():
    """Plot the energy vs. time from each step in the model."""
    au = atomic_units()
    # ==========
    # Model
    # ==========
    # run_to_20ns_track() arguments
    W0 = (np.random.random() * 3 - 2) * 150 * au['GHz']
    Ep = 100 * au['mVcm']
    Emw = 4 * 1000 * au['mVcm']
    fmw = 2 * np.pi * 15.932 / au['ns']
    t0 = 0 * au['ns']
    tstop = 20 * au['ns']
    Wlim = -600 * au['GHz']
    # lut
    global lut_up_f
    global lut_down_f
    lut_up_f, lut_down_f = tab.import_lookup_table_f(Ep)
    # run to 20ns
    Wfinal, y, t, track = run_to_20ns_track(W0, Ep, Emw, fmw, t0, tstop, Wlim)
    # convert to plottable format
    # track -- Group 0
    df = track[['ti', 'Wi']].copy()
    df.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wi': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift = track[['ti', 'Wf']].copy()
    shift.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wf': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift['t'] = shift['t'] + 1  # 10 as shfit
    df = df.append(shift, ignore_index=True)
    df['group'] = 0
    df.sort_values(by='t', inplace=True)
    # integrated path -- Group 1
    df = df.append(pd.DataFrame({
        't': t,
        'W': Wfinal,
        'group': 1
    # catch -- Group 2
    # tf = catch_at_20ns(Wfinal[-1], y[-1], t[-1])
    # df = df.append(pd.DataFrame({'t': np.array([t[-1], tf]), 'W': Wfinal[-1],
    #                              'group': 2}), ignore_index=True)
    # orbits after Ep turns off -- Group 3
    W0 = Wfinal[-1]
    y0 = y[-1]
    t0 = t[-1]
    tring = 10 * au['ns']  # guess at ringdown
    tstop = t0 + 5 * tring  # very little MW left
    Wfinal, tc, track = run_after_20ns_track(W0, y0, Emw, fmw, t0, tstop, Wlim,
    df = df.append(pd.DataFrame({
        't': np.array([t0, tc]),
        'W': W0,
        'group': 2
    tdf = track[['ti', 'Wi']].copy()
    tdf.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wi': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift = track[['ti', 'Wf']].copy()
    shift.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wf': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift['t'] = shift['t'] + 1  # 10 as shift
    tdf = tdf.append(shift, ignore_index=True)
    tdf['group'] = 3
    tdf.sort_values(by='t', inplace=True)
    df = df.append(tdf, ignore_index=True)
    # lab units
    df['t'] = df['t'] / au['ns']
    df['W'] = df['W'] / au['GHz']
    # ==========
    # Plot
    # ==========
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.axvline(0, c='k')
    ax.axhline(0, c='k')
    df.where(df['group'] == 0).plot(x='t',
    df.where(df['group'] == 3).plot(x='t',
    df.where(df['group'] == 2).plot(x='t',
    df.where(df['group'] == 1).plot(x='t',
    return df
Example #7
def plot_run_to_stop():
    """Plot the energy vs. time from each step in the model."""
    au = atomic_units()
    # ==========
    # Model
    # ==========
    # run_to_20ns_track() arguments
    W0 = (random.random() - 2/3)*150*au['GHz']
    Ep = random.choice(range(0, 301, 1))*au['mVcm']
    Emw = 4*1000*au['mVcm']
    fmw = 2*math.pi*15.932/au['ns']
    t0 = 0*au['ns']
    toff = 20*au['ns']
    Wlim = -600*au['GHz']
    tring = 10*au['ns']  # guess at ringdown
    tstop = toff + 5*tring  # very little MW left
    dup = random.choice([True, False])  # otherwise, numpy.bool_
    # dup = True
    # field lookup tables
    global lut_up_f
    global lut_down_f
    lut_up_f, lut_down_f = tab.import_lookup_table_f(Ep)
    # run to stop
    Wfinal, t, y, track1, tc, track2 = run_to_stop(
            W0, Ep, Emw, fmw, t0, toff, tstop, Wlim, tring, dup, tr=True)
    intg_w = y_to_w_vec(np.array(y))
    # track1 -- Group 0
    df = track1[['ti', 'Wi']].copy()
    df.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wi': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift = track1[['ti', 'Wf']].copy()
    shift.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wf': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift['t'] = shift['t'] + 1  # 10 as shfit
    df = df.append(shift, ignore_index=True)
    df['group'] = 0
    df.sort_values(by='t', inplace=True)
    # integrated path -- Group 1
    df = df.append(pd.DataFrame({'t': t, 'W': intg_w, 'group': 1}),
    # catch -- Group 2
    df = df.append(pd.DataFrame(
            {'t': np.array([t[-1], tc]), 'W': intg_w[-1], 'group': 2}),
    # track2 -- Group 3
    tdf = track2[['ti', 'Wi']].copy()
    tdf.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wi': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift = track2[['ti', 'Wf']].copy()
    shift.rename(index=int, columns={'ti': 't', 'Wf': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift['t'] = shift['t'] + 1  # 10 as shift
    # stopping point
    ostop = track2.iloc[-1][['tf', 'Wf']]
    ostop.rename({'tf': 't', 'Wf': 'W'}, inplace=True)
    shift = shift.append(ostop)
    tdf = tdf.append(shift, ignore_index=True)
    tdf['group'] = 3
    tdf.sort_values(by='t', inplace=True)
    df = df.append(tdf, ignore_index=True)
    # lab units
    df['t'] = df['t']/au['ns']
    df['W'] = df['W']/au['GHz']
    # ==========
    # Plot
    # ==========
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.axvline(0, c='k')
    ax.axhline(0, c='k')
    df.where(df['group'] == 0).plot(
            x='t', y='W', label='dW', ax=ax, c='C0', marker='o')
    df.where(df['group'] == 3).plot(
            x='t', y='W', label='dWo', ax=ax, c='C3', marker='o')
    df.where(df['group'] == 2).plot(
            x='t', y='W', label='catch', ax=ax, c='C2', marker='o')
    df.where(df['group'] == 1).plot(
            x='t', y='W', label='intg', ax=ax, c='C1', marker='.')
    ax.set(title="dup = {}".format(dup))
    return df