def demo(): turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(120) turtle.forward(80) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(80) turtle.exitonclick()
def tscheme_exitonclick(): """Wait for a click on the turtle window, and then close it.""" global _turtle_screen_on if _turtle_screen_on: print("Close or click on turtle window to complete exit") turtle.exitonclick() _turtle_screen_on = False
def viewer(dna): '''Display ORFs and GC content for dna.''' dna = dna.upper() # make everything upper case, just in case t = turtle.Turtle() turtle.setup(1440, 240) # make a long, thin window turtle.screensize(len(dna) * 6, 200) # make the canvas big enough to hold the sequence # scale coordinate system so one character fits at each point setworldcoordinates(turtle.getscreen(), 0, 0, len(dna), 6) turtle.hideturtle() t.speed(0) t.tracer(100) t.hideturtle() # Draw the sequence across the bottom of the window. t.up() for i in range(len(dna)): t.goto(i, 0) t.write(dna[i],font=("Helvetica",8,"normal")) # Draw bars for ORFs in forward reading frames 0, 1, 2. # Draw the bar for reading frame i at y = i + 1. t.width(5) # width of the pen for each bar for i in range(3): orf(dna, i, t) t.width(1) # reset the pen width gcFreq(dna, 20, t) # plot GC content over windows of size 20 turtle.exitonclick()
def draw_figures(figures): for figure in figures: t = turtle.Turtle() t.speed('fast') figure.draw(t) turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): # Inputs for interpreter and generator grammar = {'[':_push_state, ']':_pop_state, 'F':_forwards, 'L':_left, 'R':_right, } rules = {'T':'F[LT][RT]'} data = 'T' generations = 5 # Create a generator g = Generator(data, rules) data = g.nth_generation(generations) # Create and set up interpreter i = Interpreter(grammar) i.use_memory = True # Use the interpreter's memory, # i.e. pass the interpreter as the # first argument to every callback in the grammar # Initialise a turtle t = turtle.Turtle() t.hideturtle() t.left(90) # Load required items into interpreter memory i.load('turtle', t) # Load in a turtle i.load('state', []) # Load in an empty list for turtle's state stack i.execute(data) turtle.exitonclick()
def dessiner(l,a,m,azimut=0): wn = turtle.Screen() mike = turtle.Turtle() mike.left(azimut) coordonneesX=[] coordonneesY = [] coordonneesA = [] for c in m: if c=='F': mike.forward(l) elif c=='+': mike.left(a) elif c=='-': mike.right(a) elif c=='[': coordonneesX.append(mike.xcor()) coordonneesY.append(mike.ycor()) coordonneesA.append(mike.heading()) elif c==']': mike.penup() mike.goto(coordonneesX[-1],coordonneesY[-1]) mike.setheading(coordonneesA[-1]) mike.pendown() coordonneesX.pop(-1) coordonneesY.pop(-1) coordonneesA.pop(-1) else: break turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): init_turtle() koch_curve = lsys.lsystem(alphabet, axiom, rules) tree = koch_curve.apply_rules(int(sys.argv[1])) koch_curve.perform_actions(tree) print 'click to exit' turtle.exitonclick()
def turtlePrint(board, width, height): turtle.hideturtle() turtle.speed(0) turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-210, -60) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(20*width-210, -60) turtle.goto(20*width-210, 20*height-60) turtle.goto(-210, 20*height-60) turtle.goto(-210, -60) turtle.penup() for y in xrange(height): for x in xrange(width): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(20*x-200,20*y-50) turtle.pendown() if board[x][y] is 1: turtle.pencolor("green") turtle.pencolor("black") elif board[x][y] is 2: elif board[x][y] is 3: turtle.pencolor("red") turtle.pencolor("black") elif board[x][y] is 8: turtle.pencolor("blue") turtle.pencolor("black") turtle.exitonclick()
def start(): #E turtle.backward(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(30) turtle.penup() turtle.backward(30) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(50) #F turtle.penup() turtle.forward(100) turtle.pendown() turtle.backward(50) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.penup() turtle.backward(50) turtle.pendown() turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(70) turtle.exitonclick()
def draw_figures(figures): t = turtle.Turtle() t.speed('slow') for figure in figures: figure.draw(t) turtle.exitonclick()
def plot(a=None,b=None,c=None,scale=10): f = lambda x: x ** 2 _min = -20 _max = 20 if hasattr(a,'__call__') or type(a) == list: f = a elif hasattr(b,'__call__') or type(b) == list: f = b _max = a elif hasattr(c,'__call__') or type(c) == list: f = c _max = b _min = a if type(f) == list: _min = 0 ls = f f = lambda i: ls[max(i,0)] _max = len(ls)-1 pen = turtle.Turtle() pen.penup() pen.goto(_min*scale,f(_min)) pen.pendown() for x in range(_min,_max+1): pen.goto(x*scale,f(x)) turtle.exitonclick()
def draw_figures(figures_info): t = turtle.Turtle() t.speed('fast') for f_info in figures_info: figure_type = f_info['type'] if figure_type == 'square': draw_square( turtle_instance=t, center_x=f_info['center_x'], center_y=f_info['center_y'], side_length=f_info['side'], color=f_info['color'] ) elif figure_type == 'circle': draw_circle( turtle_instance=t, center_x=f_info['center_x'], center_y=f_info['center_y'], radius=f_info['radius'], color=f_info['color'] ) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported figure") turtle.exitonclick()
def show(): turtle.hideturtle() turtle.speed(0) side = turtle.window_height()/7 grid(side) write(side) turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): board_ac=[10,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] turtle.screensize(300,300) turtle.hideturtle() go_to(0,0,0) board() #players() win=0 n_jogada=0 player1=input('Player 1:\t') player2=input('Player 2:\t') while win!=1: n_jogada += 1 if check(board_ac) == True: if (-1)**n_jogada == -1: win=1 print(player2, 'Ganhou!') else: win=1 print(player1, 'Ganhou!') else: player_turn(n_jogada, board_ac) turtle.exitonclick()
def tscm_exitonclick(): """Wait for a click on the turtle window, and then close it.""" global _turtle_screen_on if _turtle_screen_on: turtle.exitonclick() _turtle_screen_on = False return UNSPEC
def main(): turtle.left(90) turtle.up() turtle.backward(120) turtle.down() drawTree(60) turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): """ Tous les phase du battleship passe par le main() et il sert de boucle principal car il est appelé à tous les 0.5 secondes """ if i.phase == "PlaceShip": i.placeShip() elif i.phase == "Attack": # Nom fictif i.attack() elif i.phase == "win": print('Vous avez gagné!') turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pencolor('black') turtle.write('Vous avez gagné!',align="center",font=("Arial",70, "normal")) i.phase = "exit" elif i.phase == "lose": print('Vous avez perdu!') turtle.goto(0,0) turtle.pencolor('black') turtle.write('Vous avez perdu!',align="center",font=("Arial",70, "normal")) i.phase = "exit" elif i.phase == "exit": turtle.exitonclick() return None else: print('out') turtle.ontimer(main,500)
def drawText(text): t = turtle.Turtle() #t.speed(0) #turtle.tracer(0,0) for i in range(0,len(text)): char = text[i] turtle.exitonclick()
def spiral(n): """draws a square spircal with n number of lines""" for x in range(n): turtle.forward(x*5) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(x*5) turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): turtle_init() depth = int(sys.argv[1]) tree = '0' while depth > 0: tree = apply_rules(tree) depth -= 1 draw_tree(tree) turtle.exitonclick()
def draw_sqr(some,length): for j in range(0,100): for i in range(0,4): some.forward(length) some.right(90) some.right(5) limit =+ 1 turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): # for i in range(5): # star_arm() # hexagon(50) side = int( input( "Enter the sides: >")) leng = int( input( "Enter the length of each side: >")) draw_shape( side, leng) t.exitonclick()
def render(self): turtle.up() w=turtle.window_width() self.dist=w/len(self.string) turtle.back(w/2) turtle.shape("turtle") for c in self.string: self.draw(c) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): pen = turtle.Turtle() sides = 12 turn = 150 for x in range(sides): pen.forward(200) pen.left(turn) turtle.exitonclick()
def squares(): """\ Draw the exterior border """ for i in range(3): t.left(20) for i in range(4): t.forward(100) t.left(90) t.exitonclick()
def rectangle(int1,int2): """makes rectange dimensions int1xint2""" i = 1 while i <= 2: forwardleft(int1) forwardleft(int2) i += 1 turtle.exitonclick()
def snail(): for x in range(25,175): turtle.left(5) for n in range(0,4): turtle.forward(x) turtle.left(90) else: window.configure( bg = 'green') turtle.exitonclick()
def circle(): for x in range(0,72): turtle.left(5) for n in range(0,4): turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(90) else: window.configure( bg = 'blue') turtle.exitonclick()
def draw_snowflake(sentiment): from Tkinter import * import turtle import random sentiment +=1 # Create the turtles a = turtle.Turtle() b = turtle.Turtle() c = turtle.Turtle() d = turtle.Turtle() e = turtle.Turtle() f = turtle.Turtle() g = turtle.Turtle() h = turtle.Turtle() turtles = [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] for blah in turtles: blah.speed(0) blah.tracer(1000000) blah.pensize(2) # Make all the turtles point in the right directions b.left(45) c.left(90) d.left(135) e.left(180) f.left(225) g.left(270) h.left(315) ts = turtle.getscreen() for i in range(random.randrange(0, 200)): #this should be lower with positive sentiment turn = random.randrange(0, round(360/(sentiment*10))) #this should be lower with positive sentiment length = random.randrange(0, 30) #this should be higher with positive sentiment for blah in turtles: blah.right(turn) blah.forward(length) for i in range(random.randrange(0, 1000)): #this should be lower with positive sentiment turn = -1 * random.randrange(0, round(361/(sentiment*10))) #this should be lower with positive sentiment length = random.randrange(0, 30) #this should be higher with positive sentiment for blah in turtles: blah.right(turn) blah.forward(length) ts.getcanvas().postscript(file="static/duck.eps") turtle.done() turtle.exitonclick()
def initialize(): screen = turtle.Screen() pen = turtle.Turtle() screen.tracer(1000) screen.screensize(800,800) screen.setworldcoordinates(1.9,0,3.6,1) pen.hideturtle() drawAxes(pen) markC(pen) drawOrbits(pen) turtle.exitonclick()
""" try: print('trying') graphTsub(exitOnClick) print('did it') except: print('hiccup') graphTsub(exitOnClick) """ # Make a list of Rect objects # @num - number of Rect objects to make def bunchORects(num): rectList = [0] * num markers = '*o-.<>#@!`~#$%()&18xc' for i in range(num): x = random.randint(0, 250) y = random.randint(0, 250) w = random.randint(20, 30) h = random.randint(10, 100) fill = random.choice((True, False)) marker = random.choice(markers) rectList[i] = Rect(w, h, marker, fill, x, y) rectList[i].graphT(False) # draw it with turtle return rectList bunchORects(10) turtle.exitonclick() # click exits the turtle window
import turtle a = turtle.Turtle() a.pencolor('green') a.pensize(6) a.fillcolor('blue') a.begin_fill() a.end_fill() #a.don() turtle.exitonclick()
t=turtle.Turtle() #거북이 모양 생성 t.shape("arrow") #모양을 거북이로 #right->rt forward->fd left->lt t.color("blue") t.penup() t.goto(-200,0) t.pendown() t.width(5) t.penup() t.color("black") t.goto(-70,0) t.pendown() t.penup() t.color("red") t.goto(60,0) t.pendown() t.penup() t.color("yellow") t.goto(-135,-50) t.pendown() t.penup() t.color("green") t.goto(-5,-50) t.pendown() turtle.exitonclick() #그래픽창 안 닫히게 하기 위해서 마지막에 추가(클릭시 창 닫힘)
import turtle as tr tr.shape('turtle') tr.color('red') tr.width(5) tr.pendown() tr.fd(100) tr.left(90) tr.fd(100) tr.left(90) tr.fd(100) tr.left(90) tr.fd(100) tr.exitonclick()
tim.back(1) tim.write("Joe Schmidt",font=("times new roman",16,"normal")) tim.back(9) # moves tim next to name tim.right(90) tim.forward(15) tim.speed(20) bake() tim.penup() tim.goto(42, 60) # places cherries cherry() tim.goto(100, 32) cherry() tim.goto(100, -22) cherry() tim.goto(42, -50) cherry() tim.goto(-42, -50) cherry() tim.goto(-100, -22) cherry() tim.goto(-100, 32) cherry() tim.goto(-42, 60) cherry() candle() LIE() sign() turtle.exitonclick() #Keeps pycharm window open so we can see the drawing
def CircleOFSquares turtle.exitonclick()
y1 = y + r * sin(angle + (p - 0.5) * ((2 * pi) / points)) x2 = x + R * cos(angle + p * ((2 * pi) / points)) y2 = y + R * sin(angle + p * ((2 * pi) / points)) turtle.goto(x1, y1) turtle.pendown() turtle.goto(x2, y2) turtle.goto(first_point_x, first_point_y) def ring(turtle, cx, cy, Nstars, radius, points, R, r): turtle.bgcolor("blue") for n in range(Nstars): star_x = cx + radius * cos(n * ((2 * pi) / Nstars)) star_y = cy + radius * sin(n * ((2 * pi) / Nstars)) turtle.color("gold") turtle.begin_fill() star(turtle, star_x, star_y, points, R, r) turtle.end_fill() """star(exturtle, -300, 0, 5, 50, 20) star(exturtle, -100, 0, 6, 50, 20) star(exturtle, 100, 0, 7, 50, 20) star(exturtle, 300, 0, 8, 50, 20) exturtle.exitonclick()""" ring(exturtle, 0, 0, 12, 250, 5, 40, 15) exturtle.exitonclick()
import turtle turtle.home() # starts program and puts turtle in the center of the window # Put Movement/Special commands here: turtle.exitonclick() # the window will close when you click on it
def trick(pick="red"): speed(0) penup() goto(-140, 140) for step in range(15): write(step, align='center') right(90) for num in range(8): penup() forward(10) pendown() forward(10) penup() backward(160) left(90) forward(20) turtle1 = Turtle() turtle1.color('red') turtle1.shape('turtle') turtle1.penup() turtle1.goto(-160, 100) turtle1.pendown() for turn in range(10): turtle1.right(36) turtle2 = Turtle() turtle2.color('blue') turtle2.shape('turtle') turtle2.penup() turtle2.goto(-160, 40) turtle2.pendown() total_x = 0 total_y = 0 for turn in range(100): x = randint(1, 5) y = randint(1, 5) total_x += x total_y += y turtle1.forward(x) turtle2.forward(y) turtle.exitonclick() print(total_x, total_y) if pick == "red" and total_x > total_y: tts = gTTS("Your Turtle Won! Congratulations On Your Cake!")"3.mp3") playsound("3.mp3") img ="Cake.jpg") elif pick == "blue" and total_y > total_x: tts = gTTS("Your Turtle Won! Congratulations On Your Cake!")"4.mp3") playsound("4.mp3") img ="cake.jpg") else: pass
import turtle turtle.speed(0) # これがないとスピードめちゃ遅い for i in range(100): # for文で動的描画を可能に * i) # 半径を等比数列に turtle.exitonclick() # クリックでウィンドウ削除
def run_demo(): "Run demo" speedy = Runner() for i in range(1000): speedy.step() turtle.exitonclick()
# Draws a rectangular box in the window import turtle turtle.pencolor('red') # Set pen color to red turtle.forward(200) # Move pen forward 200 units (create bottom of rectangle) turtle.left(90) # Turn pen by 90 degrees turtle.pencolor('blue') # Change pen color to blue turtle.forward(150) # Move pen forward 150 units (create right wall) turtle.left(90) # Turn pen by 90 degrees turtle.pencolor('green') # Change pen color to green turtle.forward(200) # Move pen forward 200 units (create top) turtle.left(90) # Turn pen by 90 degrees turtle.pencolor('black') # Change pen color to black turtle.forward(150) # Move pen forward 150 units (create left wall) turtle.hideturtle() # Make pen invisible turtle.exitonclick() # Wait for user input
def main(): t.penup() t.backward(300) t.pendown() draw_five_star(100) t.exitonclick()
from turtle import forward, left, right, exitonclick length = 100 angle = 180 - (180 / 3) for i in range(3): forward(length) left(angle) exitonclick()
def main(board_filepath): board_objects = [ ] # List to store output of board -- DO NOT CHANGE VARIABLE NAME output_list = [ ] # List to store final output -- DO NOT CHANGE VARIABLE NAME def sort_grid(l=[]): k = sorted(l) h = 0 li = [] for i in k: li.append(tuple(i)) for i in range(int(m.sqrt(len(l)))): for j in range(int(m.sqrt(len(l)))): k[h][0] = i + 1 k[h][1] = j + 1 h += 1 return (k) def find_shape(c): peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.04 * peri, True) if len(approx) == 3: shape = "Triangle" elif len(approx) == 4: shape = "4-sided" else: shape = "Circle" return shape def detect_color(px): if px[0] > 240 and px[1] < 10 and px[2] < 10: return "blue" elif px[0] < 10 and px[1] < 10 and px[2] > 240: return "red" elif px[0] < 10 and px[1] > 240 and px[2] < 10: return "green" elif px[0] < 10 and px[1] > 240 and px[2] > 240: return "yellow" elif px[0] < 10 and px[1] < 10 and px[2] < 10: return "black" image_board = cv2.imread(board_filepath) image_board_gray = cv2.cvtColor(image_board, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #cv2.imshow("gray",image_board_gray) image_board_inrange = cv2.inRange(image_board_gray, 200, 255) #cv2.imshow("board",image_board_inrange) cnts_b = cv2.findContours(image_board_inrange.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cnts_b = cnts_b[0] cnts_b1, heirarchy_b = cv2.findContours(image_board_inrange.copy(), cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE) cv2.drawContours(image_board, cnts_b, -1, (206, 255, 39), 1) cnts_b1 = cnts_b1[0] shape = None l_board = [] for j in range(0, len(heirarchy_b[0])): if heirarchy_b[0][j][3] == -1: c = cnts_b[j] M = cv2.moments(c) cX = int((M['m10'] / M['m00'])) cY = int((M['m01'] / M['m00'])) if heirarchy_b[0][j][2] != -1: #cv2.putText(image_board,str(j), (cX, cY), cv2.FONT_ITALIC,0.5, (0,0,0), 2) shape = find_shape(cnts_b[heirarchy_b[0][j][2]]) M1 = cv2.moments(cnts_b[heirarchy_b[0][j][2]]) cX_object = int((M1['m10'] / M1['m00'])) cY_object = int((M1['m01'] / M1['m00'])) px = image_board[cY_object, cX_object] color = detect_color(px) area = int(M1['m00']) else: shape = None color = None area = None l_board.append([cX, cY, heirarchy_b[0][j][2], shape, color, area]) l_board_sorted = sort_grid(l_board) #print("^^",l_board_sorted) u = dict() path_board = {} def stopExists(start): for j in l_board_sorted: if (tuple([start[0], start[1]]) != tuple([j[0], j[1]]) and j[3] == start[3] and j[4] == start[4] and abs(j[5] - start[5]) <= 10): return (True) break else: return (False) return (stop) for start_object in l_board_sorted: if (start_object[2] != -1 and start_object[4] != "black" and stopExists(start_object)): for object in l_board_sorted: if object[2] == -1: path_board[tuple([object[0], object[1]])] = ["0"] elif l_board_sorted.index( start_object) != l_board_sorted.index( object) and object[3] == start_object[ 3] and object[4] == start_object[4] and object[ 5] == start_object[5]: path_board[tuple([object[0], object[1]])] = ["*"] elif l_board_sorted.index( start_object) == l_board_sorted.index(object): path_board[tuple([object[0], object[1]])] = ["#"] else: path_board[tuple([object[0], object[1]])] = ["1"] #print "" #print path_board #print "" ########################################################################################################################################################## for i in path_board: j = 0 for j in range(4): path_board[i].append([0, 0]) closed = set() opened = set() parent = {} g = {} gtemp = {} def lookup(x, y): if (x <= 0) or (y <= 0) or (x > (10)) or ( y > (10)) or path_board[(x, y)][0] == '1': return 0 else: return [x, y] def link(t): x = t[0] y = t[1] if path_board[t][0] == '1': return path_board[t][1] = lookup(x, y - 1) #north path_board[t][2] = lookup(x - 1, y) #west path_board[t][3] = lookup(x, y + 1) #south path_board[t][4] = lookup(x + 1, y) #east start = tuple([start_object[0], start_object[1]]) stop = set() for j in path_board: if (path_board[j][0] == "*"): stop.add(j) #break ''' print(start) print(stop) ''' for i in path_board: link(i) #for i in range(1,11): # for j in range(1,11): # print(i,j,path_board[(i,j)]) g[start] = 0 gtemp[start] = g[start] opened.add(start) def neighbours(t): """ Generate a set of neighbouring nodes """ neighbour = set() if path_board[t][1] != 0: neighbour.add(tuple(path_board[t][1])) if path_board[t][2] != 0: neighbour.add(tuple(path_board[t][2])) if path_board[t][3] != 0: neighbour.add(tuple(path_board[t][3])) if path_board[t][4] != 0: neighbour.add(tuple(path_board[t][4])) return neighbour def path(current_node): try: p = path(parent[current_node]) return_path = [] return_path.extend(p) return_path.append(current_node) return return_path except KeyError: # we have reached the start node return [current_node] while ((len(opened) > 0) and stop.isdisjoint(closed)): gsort = sorted(gtemp, key=lambda t: g[t]) i = 0 for i in range(len(gsort) - 1): if (gsort[i] not in closed): break current = gsort[i] for w in stop: if current == w: s = path(w) #print(path(w)) end = w try: opened.remove(current) gtemp.pop(current) # print("*",len(opened),opened) except KeyError: pass closed.add(current) for neighbour in neighbours(current): if neighbour not in closed: temp_g = g[current] + 1 if (neighbour not in opened) or (temp_g < g[neighbour]): # if the neighbour node has not yet been evaluated yet, then we evaluate it # or, if we have just found a shorter way to reach neighbour from the start node, # then we replace the previous route to get to neighbour, with this new quicker route parent[neighbour] = current g[neighbour] = temp_g gtemp[neighbour] = temp_g if neighbour not in opened: opened.add(neighbour) #print(len(opened),opened) u[(start, end)] = s path_board = {} ##################################################################################################################################################################### output_object = [] for j in range(0, len(l_board_sorted)): if l_board_sorted[j][2] != -1: output_object.append((l_board_sorted[j][0], l_board_sorted[j][1])) #print len(output_object) print "%", output_object #this is the output of task 1 - coordinates of occupied grid #cv2.imshow("contour",image_board) #for k in u: # print "$",k," ",u[k] print "" v = sorted(u) print v print "" for i in v: print i, "--->", u[i] import turtle as t r = 60 b = 5.5 * r t.bgpic("test_image" + str(fyl) + ".gif") t.pensize(10) t.penup() for p in u: t.penup() t.clear() for i in u[p]: t.color("violet", "violet") t.setpos(i[0] * r - b, (11 - i[1]) * r - b) t.pendown() t.exitonclick()
def main(): sun = turtle.Turtle() mercury = turtle.Turtle() venus = turtle.Turtle() earth = turtle.Turtle() mars = turtle.Turtle() jupiter = turtle.Turtle() saturn = turtle.Turtle() for t in [sun, mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn]: t.shape("circle") t.speed(0) sun.color("yellow") mercury.color("blue") venus.color("green") earth.color("red") mars.color("black") jupiter.color("orange") saturn.color("cyan") place(mercury, 30, 30, "left") place(venus, 50, 40, "left") place(mars, 100, 75, "right") place(earth, 125, 50, "left") place(jupiter, 150, 30, "left") place(saturn, 175, 100, "left") for t in [sun, mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn]: t.forward(0.01) for j in range(4): for i in range(1000): for t in [mercury, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn]: if t == mercury: a, b = 30, 30 if t == venus: a, b = 50, 40 if t == earth: a, b = 100, 75 if t == mars: a, b = 125, 50 if t == jupiter: a, b = 150, 30 if t == saturn: a, b = 175, 100 c = math.sqrt(a**2 - b**2) circumference = math.pi * (3 / 2 * (a + b) - math.sqrt(a * b)) step = circumference / 1000 p = t.position() x = p[0] y = p[1] if t == mars: angle_rad = math.pi + math.atan2(-b**2 * (x + c / 2), a**2 * y) else: angle_rad = math.pi + math.atan2(-b**2 * (x - c / 2), a**2 * y) angle = math.degrees(angle_rad) t.setheading(angle) t.forward(step) turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): turtle.setup(1200, 750, 0, 0) turtle.bgcolor((0.8, 0.8, 1.0)) turtle.tracer(False) rainbow() # 输出文字 turtle.tracer(False) turtle.goto(100, -100) turtle.pendown() turtle.color("red") turtle.write("早日战胜疫情", align="center", font=("Script MT Bold", 80, "bold")) turtle.tracer(True) turtle.mainloop() if __name__ == "__main__": draw_main() #首先绘制心形框架 time.sleep(2) draw_flag() #绘制国旗 time.sleep(0.5) draw_word("中国", -500, "left") #打印加油文字 draw_word("加油") time.sleep(0.5) draw_signature() #签署名 time.sleep(1) turtle.reset() main() turtle.exitonclick() # 点击关闭窗口
def main(): square() rectangle() turtle.exitonclick()
t.setup(width, height, 0, 0) t.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, width, height) # pen properties # (turtle starts out pointed horizontally to the right) t.speed(0.51) # set turtle speed to slowest t.width(8) # set pen width t.color(lineColor) # initial pen position t.penup() # don't draw while positioning t.setpos(60, height / 2 - 60) # set position # draw uppercase letter M t.pendown(), dotColor) t.left(90) t.forward(120), dotColor) t.right(135) t.forward(60), dotColor) t.left(90) t.forward(60), dotColor) t.right(135) t.forward(120), dotColor) t.exitonclick() # keep window open until mouse click
import turtle import random # Draws a regular polygon with the given number of sides. # The length of each side is length. # The pen begins at point(x, y). # The color of the polygon is color (defaults to black). # The polygon is rendered solid if fill is True (defaults to False). def polygon(sides, length, x, y, color="black", fill=False): turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(x, y) turtle.pendown() turtle.color(color) if fill: turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(sides): turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(360//sides) if fill: turtle.end_fill() # Disable rendering to speed up drawing turtle.hideturtle() turtle.tracer(0) # Draw a few polygons polygon(3, 30, 10, 10) # Black triangle outline polygon(4, 30, 50, 50, "blue") # Blue square outline polygon(5, 30, 100, 100, "red", True) # Red solid pentagon polygon(5, 30, 150, 150, True) # error! turtle.update() # Render image turtle.exitonclick() # Wait for user's mouse click
def drow_triangle(length): for i in range(3): turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(120) turtle.exitonclick()
# Program fonksiyona gönderilen parametreler ile çokgen çizer. # Uzunluk paremetresi girilerek herbir kenarın uzunluğu belirlenir. # Çizim x ve y parametrelerine girilen koordinat noktalarından başlar. # Bir sonraki parametre çizimin kenar rengini belirler. (Varsayılan değer olarak siyah). # Çizilen çokgenin içine dolgu olup olmayacağı belirlenir(Varsayılan False). def Cokgen(kenarSayisi, uzunluk, x, y, renk="black", dolgu=False): turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(x, y) turtle.pendown() turtle.color(renk) if dolgu: turtle.begin_fill() for i in range(kenarSayisi): turtle.forward(uzunluk) turtle.left(360 // kenarSayisi) if dolgu: turtle.end_fill() # Adım adım çizim işlemi iptal edilerek çizim hızlandırılıyor turtle.hideturtle() turtle.tracer(0) # Fonksiyonlar örnek çizimler için kullanılıyor Cokgen(3, 30, 0, 0) # Üçgen çizimi Cokgen(4, 30, 50, 50, "blue") # Kenar rengi mavi olan Kare çizimi Cokgen(5, 30, 100, 100, "red", True) # Dolgusu kırmızı olan beşgen çizimi turtle.update() turtle.exitonclick() # Fare tuşuna tıklandığında çıkış işlemi yapılacaktır.
def finish(self): turtle.done() turtle.exitonclick()
import turtle as tur tur.title('First turtle') tur.speed(10) tur.bgcolor('black') tur.pencolor('blue') tur.up() tur.rt(45) tur.fd(90) tur.rt(135) tur.down() x = 0 while x < 120: i = 0 while i < 6: tur.fd(200), tur.rt(61) i += 1 tur.rt(11.1111) x += 1 tur.exitonclick()
def koch_curve(n, line_length=10): for move in koch_turns(n): turtle.forward(line_length) turtle.left(move) turtle.forward(line_length) turtle.exitonclick()
def main(): ball = Ball() for _ in range(100): ball.move() exitonclick()
#====================== Start of lozenge drawing ========================== # lozenge angles lozenge_angles = [50, 130, 50, 130 + rotation_angle] # => list for corner_angle in lozenge_angles: # 100 pixels forward turtle.forward(50) # => NoneType # 40 degree clockwise turtle.right(corner_angle) # => NoneType #====================== End of lozenge drawing ========================== # first counter incremetation counter_1 += 1 # => int #====================== Start of of the out coming line ========================== # Set the cursor 90 degree south turtle.right(90) # => NoneType # Move cursor out of the main shape turtle.forward(150) # => NoneType #====================== End of of the out coming line ========================== # To prevent the canvas to close automatically. turtle.exitonclick() # => NoneType
def square_function(): for _ in range(4): turtle.forward(100) turtle.right(90) turtle.exitonclick()
REDUCE_RATE = 0.7 WIDTH_RATE = 0.1 RANDOM_RATE_MIN = 0.9 RANDOM_RATE_MAX = 1.1 def tree(length): rate = random.uniform(RANDOM_RATE_MIN, RANDOM_RATE_MAX) len = length * rate t.width(len * WIDTH_RATE) t.forward(len) if len > MIN_LENGTH: sub = len * REDUCE_RATE t.left(ANGLE) tree(sub) t.right(2 * ANGLE) tree(sub) t.left(ANGLE) t.backward(len) t.speed(0) t.penup() t.goto(0, -200) t.pendown() t.setheading(90) tree(120) t.exitonclick()
''' Modify the starter code below to create your own cool drawing and then Pull Request it to your instructor. Turtle Documentation: ''' import turtle yoda = turtle.Turtle() screen = turtle.Screen() # makes a screen object screen.bgcolor('black') # colors the screen yoda.pensize(3) # width of pen line yoda.speed(10) # speed of drawing. Go fast to not waste time. yoda.color("#00FF00") #head yoda.penup() yoda.setpos(50, 185) #Birds beak yoda.pendown() yoda.goto(200, 210) yoda.goto(88, 145) yoda.penup() yoda.setpos(200, -300) yoda.pendown() yoda.pencolor('#00FF00') yoda.write('Matthew P.', font=("Arial", 12, "normal")) turtle.exitonclick() #Keeps pycharm window open