def SetupClock(radius): # 建立表的外框 turtle.reset() turtle.pensize(7) for i in range(60): Skip(radius) if i % 5 == 0: turtle.forward(20) Skip(-radius - 20) Skip(radius + 20) if i == 0: turtle.write(int(12), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) elif i == 30: Skip(25) turtle.write(int(i/5), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) Skip(-25) elif (i == 25 or i == 35): Skip(20) turtle.write(int(i/5), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) Skip(-20) else: turtle.write(int(i/5), align="center", font=("Courier", 14, "bold")) Skip(-radius - 20) else: Skip(-radius) turtle.right(6)
def initBannerCanvas( numChars , numLines, scale ): """ Set up the drawing canvas to draw a banner numChars wide and numLines high. The coordinate system used assumes all characters are 20x20 and there are 10-point spaces between them. Precondition: The initial canvas is default size, then input by the first two user inputs, every input after that defines each letter's scale, probably between 1 and 3 for the scale values to have the window visible on the screen. Postcondition: The turtle's starting position is at the bottom left corner of where the first character should be displayed, the letters are printed. """ scale = int(input("scale, integer please")) # This setup function uses pixels for dimensions. # It creates the visible size of the canvas. canvas_height = 80 * numLines *scale canvas_width = 80 * numChars *scale turtle.setup( canvas_width *scale, canvas_height *scale) # This setup function establishes the coordinate system the # program perceives. It is set to match the planned number # of characters. height = 30 *scale width = 30 * numChars *scale margin = 5 # Add a bit to remove the problem with window decorations. turtle.setworldcoordinates( -margin+1 * scale, -margin+1 * scale, width + margin* scale, numLines*height + margin * scale) turtle.reset() turtle.up() turtle.setheading( 90 ) turtle.forward( ( numLines - 1 ) * 30 ) turtle.right( 90 ) turtle.pensize( 1 *scale)
def square(): for i in range(4): turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def drawCloud(words, num = 20): """ Draws a wordcloud with 20 random words, sized by frequency found in the WORDS dictionary. """ t.reset() t.up() t.hideturtle() topCounts = sorted([words[word] for word in list(words.keys()) if len(word) > 3]) largest = topCounts[0] normalized_counts = {} for item in list(words.keys()): if len(item) > 3: newSize = int(float(words[item]) / largest * 24) normalized_counts[item] = newSize size = t.screensize() width_dim = (int(-1 * size[0] / 1.5), int(size[0] / 2)) height_dim = (int(-1 * size[1] / 1.5), int(size[1] / 1.5)) for item in random.sample(list(normalized_counts.keys()), num): t.goto(random.randint(*width_dim), random.randint(*height_dim)) t.color(random.choice(COLORS)) try: t.write(item, font = ("Arial", int(normalized_counts[item]), "normal")) except: try: t.write(str(item, errors = 'ignore'), font = ("Arial", int(normalized_counts[item]), "normal")) except: pass
def drawSootSprite(N, R): # reset direction turtle.reset() # draw star drawStar(N, R) # draw body*2*R) # draw right eyeball turtle.fd(0.2*R)*R, 'white') # draw right pupil turtle.pu() turtle.bk(0.1*R) turtle.pd()*R) turtle.pu() # centre turtle.setpos(0, 0) # draw left eyeball turtle.bk(0.2*R) turtle.pd()*R, 'white') # draw left pupil turtle.pu() turtle.fd(0.1*R) turtle.pd()*R) turtle.hideturtle()
def draw_walk(x, y, speed = 'slowest', scale = 20): ''' Animate a two-dimensional random walk. Args: x x positions y y positions speed speed of the animation scale scale of the drawing ''' # Reset the turtle. turtle.reset() turtle.speed(speed) # Combine the x and y coordinates. walk = zip(x * scale, y * scale) start = next(walk) # Move the turtle to the starting point. turtle.penup() turtle.goto(*start) # Draw the random walk. turtle.pendown() for _x, _y in walk: turtle.goto(_x, _y)
def drawStar(N, R): turtle.reset() a = 360/N for i in range(N): turtle.fd(R) turtle.bk(R) turtle.left(a)
def initBannerCanvas( numChars, numLines ): """ Set up the drawing canvas to draw a banner numChars wide and numLines high. The coordinate system used assumes all characters are 20x20 and there are 10-point spaces between them. Postcondition: The turtle's starting position is at the bottom left corner of where the first character should be displayed. """ # This setup function uses pixels for dimensions. # It creates the visible size of the canvas. canvas_height = 80 * numLines canvas_width = 80 * numChars turtle.setup( canvas_width, canvas_height ) # This setup function establishes the coordinate system the # program perceives. It is set to match the planned number # of characters. height = 30 width = 30 * numChars margin = 5 # Add a bit to remove the problem with window decorations. turtle.setworldcoordinates( -margin+1, -margin+1, width + margin, numLines*height + margin ) turtle.reset() turtle.up() turtle.setheading( 90 ) turtle.forward( ( numLines - 1 ) * 30 ) turtle.right( 90 ) turtle.pensize( 2 * scale)
def spiral(): n=5 while n<100:, 180) n +=5 raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def tree(trunkLength,height): turtle.speed(1) turtle.reset() turtle.left(90) turtle.pu() turtle.backward(200) turtle.pd() grow(trunkLength,height)
def init_screen(): # Delete the turtle's drawings from the screen, re-center the turtle and # set variables to the default values screen = turtle.Screen() screen.setup(width=500, height=500) screen.title('Yin Yang') turtle.reset() turtle.bgcolor('#E8E8F6') turtle.hideturtle()
def trianglespiral(): n=10 while n<100: turtle.forward(n) turtle.left(120) n +=10 raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def circle(): import math circunference = 2 * math.pi * 10 n = int(circunference / 3) + 1 length = circunference / n polygon(18, n, length) raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def new(): """Aids save and load functionality, and provides a 'blank-slate' method. Clears the current command list of all commands, refreshes the screen and returns the turtle to home. """ global commandList commandList = [] turtle.reset()
def rectangle(): for i in range(2): turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(90) raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def triangle(): turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(120) turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(120) raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def main(): """ :pre:(relative) pos (0,0), heading (east), up :post:(relative) pos (X,0), heading (east), up :return: none """ numberOfTree=int(raw_input("How many trees in your forest ?")) treeHome=["Mapel","Pine","bodhiTree"] dummy_house=raw_input("Is there a house in the forest (y/n)?") highestHeight=50 treeHomeRandom=[treeHome[r.randint(0,2)] for n in range(numberOfTree) ] if dummy_house in ['Y','y']: if numberOfTree>2: treeHomeRandom.insert(r.randint(1,numberOfTree-2),"House") elif numberOfTree<=2: treeHomeRandom.insert(1,"House") if numberOfTree <= 11: if dummy_house in ['Y','y']: init(-(numberOfTree+1)*100/2,-100) else: init(-(numberOfTree)*100/2,-100) else: init(-600,-100) #print(treeHomeRandom) totalWood=0 for myTree in treeHomeRandom: (length,totalWood)=treeAndHouse(myTree,totalWood) if length>highestHeight: highestHeight=length t.up() t.forward(100) t.down() t.up() t.back(100) star2(highestHeight+10) raw_input("Night is done Press Enter for day") t.reset() print("We have " + str(totalWood) +" units of lumber for building." ) print ("We will build a house with walls " + str((totalWood)/(2+math.sqrt(2)))+ " tall.") init(0,-300) house((totalWood)/(2+math.sqrt(2))) t.left(90) t.forward(3*abs((totalWood)/(2+math.sqrt(2)))/2+30) t.right(90) maple_shape(30) t.right(90) t.up() t.back(3*abs((totalWood)/(2+math.sqrt(2)))/2+30) t.right(90) raw_input("Day is done, house is build, Press enter to quit")
def show_result(convex,usetime,color,algorithm): drawpoint(pointset,'black') drawpoint(convex,color) drawline(convex,color) turtle.up() #turtle.pensize(400) turtle.goto(-60,min_y-30) turtle.down() turtle.write('%s,use time:%s'%(algorithm,str(usetime))) time.sleep(10) turtle.reset()
def squaredspiral(): n=10 while n<100: turtle.forward(n) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(n) turtle.left(90) n +=10 raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def __init__(self,actions,drawColour="black"): self.actions = actions self.stack = [] t.setup() # Try to make the animation of drawing reasonably fast. t.tracer(100,0) # Only draw every 50th update, set delay to zero. t.title ("Jose Javier's L System demo") t.reset() t.degrees() t.color(drawColour) t.hideturtle() # don't draw the turtle; increase drawing speed.
def mkHand(name, length): # 注册Turtle形状,建立表针TuConsolartle turtle.reset() Skip(-length * 0.1) # 开始记录多边形的顶点。当前的乌龟位置是多边形的第一个顶点。 turtle.begin_poly() turtle.forward(length * 1.1) # 停止记录多边形的顶点。当前的乌龟位置是多边形的最后一个顶点。将与第一个顶点相连。 turtle.end_poly() # 返回最后记录的多边形。 handForm = turtle.get_poly() turtle.register_shape(name, handForm)
def mkHand(name, length): #注册turtle形状,建立表针turtle turtle.reset() Skip(-length*0.1) #开始记录多边形的顶点,当前的位置是多边形的第一个顶点 turtle.begin_poly() turtle.forward(length*1.1) #停止记录多边形的顶点,当前位置是多边形的最后一个顶点,将于第一个顶点相连 turtle.end_poly() #返回最后记录的多边形 handForm = turtle.get_poly() turtle.register_shape(name, handForm)
def pentagon(): turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(72) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(72) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(72) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(72) turtle.forward(50) raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def reset(goal, turtle, info) : turtle.reset() turtle.clear() goal.reset() goal.clear() while True : goalPos=setGoal(goal) pos=turtle.pos() if(goalPos[0]<=pos[0]<=goalPos[0]+100 and goalPos[1]<=pos[1]<=goalPos[1]+100) : continue else : info["goalPos"]=goalPos info["tracks"]=[turtle.pos()] break
def main(): t.reset() t.down() t.speed(22) a = 1 for i in range(1000): if a > 0: t.pencolor("red") a -= 2 else: t.pencolor("blue") a += 2 t.forward(i) t.right(98)
def flowers_3(): turtle.speed (150) # Flower 1 move_turtle(turtle, -100) flowers(turtle, 7, 60.0, 60.0) # Flower 2 move_turtle(turtle, 100) flowers(turtle, 10, 40.0, 80.0) # Flower 3 move_turtle(turtle, 100) flowers(turtle, 20, 140.0, 20.0) raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
def init(): """ Initialisation function which takes input from user and displays output. :pre: (relative) pos (0,0), heading (east), right :post: (relative) pos (0,0), heading (east), right :return: None """ global totalWood global maxHeight trees = int(input("How many trees in your forest?")) house = input("Is there a house in the forest (y/n)?") if trees < 2 and house == "y": print("we need atleast two trees for drawing house") else: turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-330, -100) position_of_house = random.randint(1, trees - 1) counter = 0 if house != "y": counter = counter + 1 while counter <= trees: if counter == position_of_house and house == "y": y = drawHouse(100) totalWood = totalWood + y spaceBetween(counter, trees) else: type_of_tree = random.randint(1, 3) wood, height = drawTrees(type_of_tree) spaceBetween(counter, trees) totalWood = totalWood + wood if height > maxHeight: maxHeight = height counter = counter + 1 draw_star(maxHeight) turtle.hideturtle() input("Night is done, press enter for day") new_wall_size = calculate_wall_size(totalWood) print("We have " + str(totalWood) + " units of lumber for building.") print("We will build a house with walls " + str(new_wall_size) + " tall.") turtle.reset() turtle.penup() turtle.setposition(-250, -250) drawHouse(new_wall_size) draw_sun(3 * new_wall_size / 2) turtle.hideturtle() input("Day is done, house is built, press enter to quit")
def setupboundingbox(): turtle.reset() turtle.setup(1100, 1100) turtle.screensize(canvwidth=1100, canvheight=1100) turtle.up() turtle.goto(-500, -500) turtle.setheading(90) turtle.down() turtle.forward(1000) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(1000) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(1000) turtle.right(90) turtle.forward(1000)
def hexagon(): turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(50) turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(50) raw_input('Press Enter') clear() turtle.reset()
import turtle as p p.reset() p.Pen() p.pencolor('blue') p.bgcolor('pink') p.pensize(5) p.fillcolor('red') p.begin_fill() p.left(72) #(108°-36°)/2=72° p.forward(150) p.right(144) #180-36=144 p.forward(150) p.right(144) p.forward(150) p.right(144) p.forward(150) p.right(144) p.forward(150) p.end_fill() """ 知识点: 画五角星 五边形五个顶角读数和=540° 五角形五个顶角读数和=180°,每个角36° """
def WASD(W): if (W == "/n"): nothing = (".") elif (W == "w input"): far = input("how many units?") far = float(far) turtle.forward(far) elif(W == 'w'): turtle.forward(20) elif (W == 'a'): turtle.left(90) elif (W == 'd'): turtle.right(90) elif (W == 'ss'): turtle.backward(25) elif (W == 'c'): turtle.clear() elif (W == 'r'): turtle.reset() elif (W == "bgc"): color = input("What color?") turtle.bgcolor(color) elif (W == "shape"): shape = input("What shape?") turtle.shape(shape) elif (W == "pic"): pic = input("Type the name of the pic") turtle.bgpic(pic) elif (W == "efill"): turtle.end_fill() elif (W == "fill"): turtle.begin_fill() elif (W == "2x2"): WASD("w") WASD("a") WASD("w") WASD("a") WASD("w") WASD("a") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") elif (W == "ww"): turtle.forward(25) elif (W == "www"): turtle.forward(100) elif (W == "wwww"): turtle.forward(200) elif (W == "b"): return(True) elif (W == " "): turtle.penup() WASD("w") turtle.pendown() else: print("invalid move") return ("invalid")
def drawSecond (): turtle.clear() turtle.reset() turtle.speed(100) array = [22, 24, 55, 84, 30] adjacentSort(array)
# import turtle # Подключаем модуль turtle turtle.reset() # Приводим черепашку в начальное положение turtle.down() # Опускаем перо перо (начало рисования) turtle.forward(200) # Проползти 20 пикселей вперед turtle.left(90) # Поворот влево на 90 градусов turtle.forward(200) # Рисуем вторую сторону квадрата turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(200) # Рисуем третью сторону квадрата turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(200) # Рисуем четвертую сторону квадрата turtle.up() # Поднять перо (закончить рисовать) turtle.forward(100) # Отвести черепашку от рисунка в сторону # turtle._root.mainloop() # Задержать окно на экране turtle.pendown() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(150, 200) turtle.pendown() turtle.penup() turtle.goto(-70, 200) turtle.pendown() input('Press Enter')
2.2 pen movement ''' t.penup() # alias pu() and up() t.pendown() # alias pd() and down() t.forward(10) # alias fd() t.backward(10) # alias bd() t.right(10) # right(radian) alias rt() for right() t.left(10) # left(radian) alias lt() for left() t.goto(5, 5) # goto(x, y) alias setpos() and setposition() for goto(), 360, 50) # circle(radius, radian=360, step=0) # The center is radius units left of the turtle ''' 2.3 pen controller ''' t.fillcolor('yellow') t.color('red', 'yellow') # pencolor() and fillcolor() t.filling() # Is current state a filling state? t.begin_fill() # begin to fill t.end_fill() # end fill t.hideturtle() # alias ht() make the arrow of the turtle invisible t.showturtle() # alias st() make the arrow of the turtle visible ''' 2.4 global control command ''' t.clear() # clear windows but perverse current state of turtle t.reset() # clear windows and reset turtle state t.undo() # undo last operation t.isvisible() # return # stamp() # copy current graphics t.done() # end turtle
def drawSquareLoop(): for num in range(4): turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(90) turtle.reset()
def drawCircle(): turtle.reset()
puzzle_3 = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [2, 3, 4, 1], [3, 4, 1, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0]] # Solution: [[4,1,2,3],[2,3,4,1],[3,4,1,2],[1,2,3,4]] puzzle_4 = [[0, 2, 4, 0], [1, 0, 0, 3], [4, 0, 0, 2], [0, 1, 3, 0]] # Solution: [[3,2,4,1],[1,4,2,3],[4,3,1,2],[2,1,3,4]] puzzle_5 = [[0, 4, 2, 0], [2, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 3], [0, 3, 1, 0]] # Solution: [[3,4,2,1],[2,1,3,4],[1,2,4,3],[4,3,1,2]] all_puzzles = [puzzle_1, puzzle_2, puzzle_3, puzzle_4, puzzle_5] # --------------------------------------------- Start the game ---------------------------------------------------------- # while True: turtle.reset() # Start with a clean canvas in case user wants to replay setWorld() game_won = False turtle.pd() drawGrid() # --------- Draw the lines in bold, across and down -------- # turtle.pu() turtle.goto(-75, 0) turtle.pd() turtle.fd(150) turtle.pu() turtle.goto(0, 75) turtle.pd() turtle.fd(150)
def hpy_d790d7aad797d79c(): """אתחל את לוח הציור""" turtle.reset()
def main(): turtle.pensize(5) turtle.speed(0) init_turtle() legend_region() general_data = read_data("worldbank_life_expectancy") data_asia = filter_region(general_data, "South Asia") data_middle = filter_region(general_data, "Middle East & North Africa") data_europe = filter_region(general_data, "Europe & Central Asia") data_america = filter_region(general_data, "North America") data_caribbean = filter_region(general_data, "Latin America & Caribbean") data_pacific = filter_region(general_data, "East Asia & Pacific") data_africa = filter_region(general_data, "Sub-Saharan Africa") plot_line(data_asia, "red") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_middle, "black") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_europe, "green") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_america, "yellow") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_caribbean, "orange") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_pacific, "purple") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_africa, "blue") next_graph = input("Hit enter to see income graph: ") if next_graph == "": turtle.reset() turtle.speed(0) turtle.pensize(5) init_turtle() legend_income() data_low = filter_income(general_data, "Low income") data_upper = filter_income(general_data, "Upper middle income") data_lower = filter_income(general_data, "Lower middle income") data_high = filter_income(general_data, "High income") plot_line(data_low, "blue") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_upper, "red") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_lower, "green") turtle.up() turtle.goto(-350, -300) plot_line(data_high, "orange") turtle.done()
def main(show_AI = False): """ :param show_AI: :return: """ tt.bgcolor(0, 0, .25) # see_play_game(Human(), Game()) players = [] survival = [] best_player = None if show_AI: for i in range(20): players.append(neural_simple.AI()) tt.title(i) survival.append(see_AI_play_game(players[i], Game())) for round in range(300): best = 0 highest = survival[0] for j in range(len(survival)): if survival[j] > highest: best = j highest = survival[j] best_player = players[best] players = [] survival = [] for j in range(20): tt.title(i) players.append(neural_simple.AI(best_player)) survival.append(see_AI_play_game(players[j], Game())) best_player = players[best] tt.reset() Eat.print.print_player(best_player) time.sleep(1) if not show_AI: for i in range(20): players.append(neural_simple.AI()) tt.title(i) survival.append(see_play_game(players[i], Game())) for round in range(300): best = 0 highest = survival[0] for j in range(len(survival)): if survival[j] > highest: best = j highest = survival[j] best_player = players[best] players = [] survival = [] for j in range(20): tt.title(i) players.append(Eat.neural_simple.AI(best_player)) survival.append(see_play_game(players[j], Game())) best_player = players[best] tt.reset() Eat.print.print_player(best_player) time.sleep(1) input() see_play_game(best_player, Game()) Eat.print.print_player(best_player)
def init(): t.reset() t.up()
def WASD(W): if (True): if (True): if (True): print("-") if (W == "w"): turtle.forward(50) elif (W == "a"): turtle.left(90) elif (W == "s"): turtle.right(180) turtle.forward(25) elif (W == "d"): turtle.right(90) elif (W == "ss"): turtle.backward(25) elif (W == "c"): turtle.clear() elif (W == "r"): turtle.reset() elif (W == "bgc"): color = input("What color?") turtle.bgcolor(color) elif (W == "shape"): shape = input("What shape?") turtle.shape(shape) elif (W == "pic"): pic = input("Type the name of the pic") turtle.bgpic(pic) elif (W == "efill"): turtle.end_fill() elif (W == "sleep"): print("Going to Sleep") WASD("st") wer = 0 while (wer < 10): WASD("a") wer = (wer + 1) WASD("ht") WASD("bcb") input() wer = 0 while (wer < 10): WASD("a") wer = (wer + 1) WASD("ht") WASD("r") WASD("ht") turtle.bgcolor("white") WASD("stop") elif (W == "shutdown script"): print("Running Shutdown Scripts") turtle.shape("turtle") wer = 0 WASD("st") while (wer < 10): WASD("a") wer = (wer + 1) WASD("ht") # turtle.bgpic("shutdown") WASD("bcb") WASD("www") WASD("d") WASD("ww") elif (W == "fill"): turtle.begin_fill() elif (W == "stop"): return (3) elif (W == "bcb"): turtle.bgcolor("black") elif (W == "2x2"): WASD("w") WASD("a") WASD("w") WASD("a") WASD("w") WASD("a") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") WASD("d") WASD("w") elif (W == "ww"): turtle.forward(25) elif (W == "www"): turtle.forward(100) elif (W == "wwww"): turtle.forward(200) elif (W == "bgw"): turtle.bgcolor("white") elif (W == "w2"): turtle.forward(9500) elif (W == "w1"): turtle.forward(4750) elif (W == "ht"): elif (W == "st"): else: print("invalid move") else: print("") else: print("") else: print("")
turtle.pensize(12) #绘制时的宽度 turtle.color('red') #绘制时的颜色 turtle.fillcolor('red') #绘制的填充颜色 turtle.fill(t) turtle.fill(t) degree = 22 speed = 10 turtle.forward(degree) #向前移动距离degree代表距离 turtle.backward(degree) #向后移动距离degree代表距离 turtle.right(degree) #向右移动多少度 turtle.left(degree) #向左移动多少度 turtle.goto(20, 40) #将画笔移动到坐标为x,y的位置 turtle.stamp() #复制当前图形 turtle.speed(speed) #画笔绘制的速度范围[0,10]整数 turtle.clear() #清空turtle画的笔迹 turtle.reset() #清空窗口,重置turtle状态为起始状态 turtle.undo() #撤销上一个turtle动作 turtle.isvisible() #返回当前turtle是否可见 turtle.stamp() #复制当前图形 turtle.write('string') #写字符串'string' #画一个R为10的圆形, 270) #圆弧为270度, steps=3) #画一个R为20的圆内切多边形 # line = 50 # for x in range(25): # if x % 5 ==0: # line += 20 # turtle.forward(line) # turtle.right(144)
def main(): #define variables and objects list = [] requiredColors = ["red", "yellow", "blue", "green"] # Create a loop loop = True while loop: # Create user menu print("(1)Enter Circle") print("(2)Enter Rectangle") print("(3)Remove Shape") print("(4)Draw Shapes") print("(5)Exit") menu = int(input("Select an option from the menu above (1-5): ")) # Create menu for circle # User inputs position, radius, and color. The position is the CENTER of the circle if menu == 1: x, y, radius = eval(input("Enter the circles position (x,y) and radius: ")) # Allow red, yellow, blue, and green only color = input("Enter the circles color (red, yellow, green, or blue): ") # Make sure that the color fits parameters while color != requiredColors: color = input("Must be red, yellow, green, or blue: ") if requiredColors.count(color) > 0: break # Use the class circle = Circle(x, y, radius, color) # Add the object to the list list.append(circle) # Create menu for rectangle # User inputs position, height, width, color. The position is the lower left-hand corner elif menu == 2: x, y, height, width = eval(input("Enter the rectangles position (x,y), height and width: ")) # Allow red, yellow, blue, and green only color = input("Enter the circles color (red, yellow, green, or blue): ") # Make sure that the color fits parameters while color != "red" or "yellow" or "green" or "blue": color = input("Must be red, yellow, green, or blue: ") if color == "red" or "yellow" or "green" or "blue": break # Use the class rectangle = Rectangle(x, y, height, width, color) # Add the object to the list list.append(rectangle) # Show the number of items in the list and let the user enter a number and remove that shape from the list. elif menu == 3: # Show the list print(list) # Ask the user to remove an object from the list remove = int(input("What object would you like to remove from the list?: ")) # Use pop to remove object from the list list.pop(remove - 1) print(list) elif menu == 4: # Clear the screen before drawing turtle.reset() for i in list: i.draw() # Exit the program else: break
def drawThird (): turtle.clear() turtle.reset() turtle.speed(100) array = [12, 34, 99, 55, 20] adjacentSort(array)
def drawFirst (): turtle.clear() turtle.reset() turtle.speed(100) array = [22, 11, 99, 88, 10] adjacentSort(array)
print("Do you want to change square size ?") turtle.bgcolor("gray") turtle.color("black", "olive") turtle.pensize(5) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.shape("square") # create the square using shape method. turtle.shapesize(15) #shape size. turtle.end_fill() print() b = int(input("So, enter the value for square in px : ") ) # Enter the any interger value for area of square. turtle.reset() #reset the python turtle graphic print() print('"Thank you, you can check your square in python turtle graphic."') d = b * b # area of square window = turtle.Screen() # Pop up a new window using turtle screen method. # resizeable square turtle.bgcolor("gray") turtle.color("black", "olive") turtle.pensize(5) turtle.begin_fill()
draw_2(length, level - 1) def turn_left(width, step, draw): for _ in range(4): draw(width, step) turtle.left(90) def turn_right(width, step, draw): for _ in range(4): draw(width, step) turtle.right(90) # --- main --- # clear everything turtle.reset() # the fastest turtle turtle.speed(0) turn_left(300, 3, draw_2) # hide turtle turtle.hideturtle() # keep open window turtle.exitonclick()
tur.pu() tur.goto(startx, starty) tur.pd() tur.goto(endx, endy) return thirdx = fullx / 3 thirdy = fully / 3 Ax = thirdx + startx Ay = thirdy + starty Cx = 2 * thirdx + startx Cy = 2 * thirdy + starty Bx, By = rotate([Ax, Ay], [startx, starty], -math.pi / 1.5) line(startx, starty, Ax, Ay) line(Ax, Ay, Bx, By) line(Bx, By, Cx, Cy) line(Cx, Cy, endx, endy) length = 200 rt3 = math.sqrt(3) while True: tur.speed(0) tur.color("cyan") tur.bgcolor("black") line(-length * rt3, length, length * rt3, length) line(length * rt3, length, 0, -length * 2) line(0, -length * 2, -length * rt3, length) time.sleep(10) tur.reset()
def reset(): # erase all of the targets turtle.reset() turtle.speed(0)
import turtle # turtle.reset() from turtle import * # reset() # from turtle import as t # print(dir(turtle)) # список всех имён, определённых в модуле turtle.reset() # отобразить холст turtle.shape("turtle") turtle.shapesize(3, 3) turtle.pensize(5) turtle.color("red") turtle.penup() turtle.speed(1) turtle.forward(10) turtle.left(90) turtle.forward(10) turtle.done()
tl.pencolor('green') tl.up() tl.goto(-150, -150) tl.down() # shift turtle tl.forward(100) tl.left(90) tl.forward(100) tl.right(90) tl.forward(50) tl.backward(100) tl.reset() # change turtle tl.shape('turtle') # control turtle speed tl.speed(2) tl.forward(100) tl.speed(10) tl.right(90) tl.forward(100) tl.reset() tl.pen(pencolor='red', fillcolor='green', pensize=5, speed=5) tl.begin_fill() tl.end_fill()
import turtle as t,180) t.reset(),90) t.right(30) t.left(30) t.left
up() #delay(10) speed(0) bgcolor("white") fd(270) lt(90) down() begin_poly() draw_7_shape(270, 190) lt(90) fd(380) lt(90) draw_7_shape(190, 110) lt(90) fd(240) lt(90) draw_7_shape(110, 20) #sleep(5) end_poly() spir = get_poly() register_shape("spiral", spir) shape("spiral") reset() speed(0) fillcolor("black") while True: rt(2) #done()
turtle.right(195) turtle.pendown() turtle.forward(140) turtle.left(180) turtle.forward(70) turtle.left(45) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(20) turtle.right(45) turtle.pendown(),100) SyntaxError: invalid syntax >>> turtle.reset <function reset at 0x00000183D2693040> >>> turtle.reset() >>> turtle.goto(-300,100) >>> turtle.undo() >>> turtle.penup() >>> turtle.goto(-300,100) >>> turtle.pendown() >>> for n in range(1) : hhh() >>> def hhh() : turtle.forward(100) turtle.left(195) turtle.penup() turtle.forward(120) turtle.right(195)
def restart(): turtle.reset() turtle.stamp()
def restart(): turtle.reset()
def name_input(): while True: name = raw_input("Enter the Name: ") list(name) print(name) turtle.reset() turtle.speed("fastest") turtle.pensize(10) space(-(len(name) / 2 * 100)) for i in name: shape_color = color[randint(0, len(color) - 1)] turtle.color(shape_color) if i == "A" or i == "a": A() elif i == "B" or i == "b": B() elif i == "C" or i == "c": C() elif i == "D" or i == "d": D() elif i == "E" or i == "e": E() elif i == "F" or i == "f": F() elif i == "G" or i == "g": G() elif i == "H" or i == "h": H() elif i == "I" or i == "i": I() elif i == "J" or i == "j": J() elif i == "K" or i == "k": K() elif i == "L" or i == "l": L() elif i == "M" or i == "m": M() elif i == "N" or i == "n": N() elif i == "O" or i == "o": O() elif i == "P" or i == "p": P() elif i == "Q" or i == "q": Q() elif i == "R" or i == "r": R() elif i == "S" or i == "s": S() elif i == "T" or i == "t": T() elif i == "U" or i == "u": U() elif i == "V" or i == "v": V() elif i == "W" or i == "w": W() elif i == "X" or i == "x": X() elif i == "Y" or i == "y": Y() elif i == "Z" or i == "z": Z()
def do_reset(self, arg): 'Clear the screen and return turtle to center: RESET' turtle.reset()
def __setScreen(self): """set the screen/window depending on view static attributes.""" turtle.resizemode('noresize') self.width = self.GRID_MARGINLEFT + 2 * self.gridWidth + self.GAP_BETWEEN_GRIDS + self.GRID_MARGINRIGHT self.height = self.GRID_MARGINTOP + self.gridWidth + self.GRID_MARGINBOTTOM turtle.setup(width=self.width + 10, height=self.height + 10) turtle.screensize(self.width, self.height) turtle.bgpic("Ressources/fire_ocean.gif") turtle.reset()