Example #1
    def get_all(self):
        """Returns all roles.

        An empty list is returned if no roles are present.

        :return: list of roles; empty list if none are found
        :rtype:  list of tuskar.api.controllers.v2.models.Role
        LOG.debug('Retrieving all roles')
        manager = RoleManager()
        all_roles = manager.list_roles(only_latest=False)
        transfer_roles = [models.Role.from_tuskar_model(r) for r in all_roles]
        return transfer_roles
Example #2
    def extra_data(self, role_uuid):
        """Retrieve the extra data files associated with a given role.

        :param role_uuid: identifies the role
        :type  role_uuid: str

        :return: a dict where keys are filenames and values are their contents
        :rtype:  dict

        This method will retrieve all stored role_extra records (these are
        created at the same time that the Roles are, by using --role-extra
        parameter to tuskar-load-roles).

        The internal representation for a given role-extra file encodes the
        file extension into the name. For instance 'hieradata/compute.yaml'
        is stored as 'extra_compute_yaml'.

        The given role's template is searched for 'get_file' directives and
        then matched against the stored role-extra records (based on their
        name... e.g. 'extra_controller_yaml' we look for 'controller.yaml'
        after a get_file directive).

        This method thus returns all the matched role-extra files for the
        given role. The keys will include the relative path if one is
        used in the role template:
            "hieradata/common.yaml": "CONTENTS",
            "hieradata/controller.yaml": "CONTENTS",
            "hieradata/object.yaml": "CONTENTS"

        manager = RoleManager()
        db_role = manager.retrieve_db_role_by_uuid(role_uuid)
        db_role_extra = manager.retrieve_db_role_extra()
        role_extra_paths = utils.resolve_template_extra_data(
            db_role, db_role_extra)
        return manager.template_extra_data_for_output(role_extra_paths)
Example #3
    def setUp(self):
        super(RoleManagerTests, self).setUp()
        self.role_manager = RoleManager()

        self.template_store = TemplateStore()
Example #4
    def package_templates(self, plan_uuid):
        """Packages and returns all of the templates related to the given plan.
        The returned dictionary is keyed by filename and contains the contents
        of that file (a template or an environment file).

        :type plan_uuid: str

        :return: mapping of filename to contents for each file in the plan
        :rtype:  dict

        :raises tuskar.storage.exceptions.UnknownUUID: if there is no plan
                with the given UUID

        # Load and parse the plan.
        db_plan = self.plan_store.retrieve(plan_uuid)
        master_template = parser.parse_template(
        environment = parser.parse_environment(

        # Compose the plan files and all plan roles and package them into
        # a single dictionary.
        plan_contents = composer.compose_template(master_template)
        env_contents = composer.compose_environment(environment)

        files_dict = {
            'plan.yaml': plan_contents,
            'environment.yaml': env_contents,

        plan_roles = self._find_roles(environment)
        manager = RoleManager()
        for role in plan_roles:
            contents = composer.compose_template(role.template)
            filename = name_utils.role_template_filename(
                role.name, role.version, role.relative_path)
            files_dict[filename] = contents

        def _add_template_extra_data_for(templates, template_store):
            template_extra_data = manager.retrieve_db_role_extra()
            for template in templates:
                db_template = template_store.retrieve_by_name(template.name)
                prefix = os_path.split(db_template.name)[0]
                template_extra_paths = utils.resolve_template_extra_data(
                    db_template, template_extra_data)
                extra_data_output = manager.template_extra_data_for_output(
                    template_extra_paths, prefix)

        # also grab any extradata files for the role
        _add_template_extra_data_for(plan_roles, self.template_store)

        # in addition to provider roles above, return non-role template files
        reg_mapping = self.registry_mapping_store.list()
        for entry in reg_mapping:
            if os_path.splitext(entry.name)[1] in ('.yaml', '.yml'):
                # if entry is an alias, don't include it
                files_dict[entry.name] = entry.contents

        # similarly, also grab extradata files for the non role templates
        _add_template_extra_data_for(reg_mapping, self.registry_mapping_store)

        return files_dict