Example #1
 def prepare_metadata(algo_category, burst=None, current_ga=GenericAttributes()):
     Gather generic_metadata from submitted fields and current to be execute algorithm.
     Will populate STATE, GROUP, etc in generic_metadata
     generic_metadata = GenericAttributes()
     generic_metadata.state = algo_category.defaultdatastate
     generic_metadata.parent_burst = burst
     return generic_metadata
 def _prepare_metadata(algo_category,
     Gather generic_metadata from submitted fields and current to be execute algorithm.
     Will populate STATE, GROUP, etc in generic_metadata
     generic_metadata = GenericAttributes()
     generic_metadata.state = algo_category.defaultdatastate
     generic_metadata.parent_burst = burst
     if DataTypeMetaData.KEY_OPERATION_TAG in submit_data:
         generic_metadata.operation_tag = submit_data[
     if DataTypeMetaData.KEY_TAG_1 in submit_data:
         generic_metadata.user_tag_1 = submit_data[
     if operation_group is not None:
         generic_metadata.user_tag_3 = operation_group.name
     return generic_metadata
Example #3
class H5File(object):
    A H5 based file format.
    This class implements reading and writing to a *specific* h5 based file format.
    A subclass of this defines a new file format.
    is_new_file = False

    def __init__(self, path):
        # type: (str) -> None
        self.path = path
        storage_path, file_name = os.path.split(path)
        self.storage_manager = HDF5StorageManager(storage_path, file_name)
        # would be nice to have an opened state for the chunked api instead of the close_file=False

        # common scalar headers
        self.gid = Uuid(HasTraits.gid, self)
        self.written_by = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='written_by')
        self.create_date = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='create_date')

        # Generic attributes descriptors
        self.generic_attributes = GenericAttributes()
        self.invalid = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='invalid')
        self.is_nan = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='is_nan')
        self.subject = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='subject')
        self.state = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='state')
        self.type = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='type')
        self.user_tag_1 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_1')
        self.user_tag_2 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_2')
        self.user_tag_3 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_3')
        self.user_tag_4 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_4')
        self.user_tag_5 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_5')
        self.visible = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='visible')
        self.metadata_cache = None

        if not self.storage_manager.is_valid_hdf5_file():
            self.written_by.store(self.__class__.__module__ + '.' +
            self.is_new_file = True

    def file_name_base(cls):
        return cls.__name__.replace("H5", "")

    def iter_accessors(self):
        # type: () -> typing.Generator[Accessor]
        for accessor in self.__dict__.values():
            if isinstance(accessor, Accessor):
                yield accessor

    def iter_datasets(self):
        for dataset in self.__dict__.values():
            if isinstance(dataset, DataSet):
                yield dataset

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def close(self):

    def store(self, datatype, scalars_only=False, store_references=True):
        # type: (HasTraits, bool, bool) -> None
        for accessor in self.iter_accessors():
            f_name = accessor.trait_attribute.field_name
            if f_name is None:
                # skipp attribute that does not seem to belong to a traited type
                # accessor is an independent Accessor
            if scalars_only and not isinstance(accessor, Scalar):
            if not store_references and isinstance(accessor, Reference):
            accessor.store(getattr(datatype, f_name))

    def load_into(self, datatype):
        # type: (HasTraits) -> None
        for accessor in self.iter_accessors():
            if isinstance(accessor, Reference):
                # we do not load references recursively
            f_name = accessor.trait_attribute.field_name
            if f_name is None:
                # skipp attribute that does not seem to belong to a traited type

            # handle optional data, that will be missing from the h5 files
                value = accessor.load()
            except MissingDataSetException:
                if accessor.trait_attribute.required:
                    value = None

            if isinstance(accessor, JsonFinal):
                current_attr = getattr(datatype, f_name)
                for k, v in current_attr.items():
                    current_attr[k] = value[k]
                setattr(datatype, f_name, value)

    def store_generic_attributes(self, generic_attributes, create=True):
        # type: (GenericAttributes, bool) -> None
        # write_metadata  creation time, serializer class name, etc
        if create:


    def load_generic_attributes(self):
        # type: () -> GenericAttributes
        self.generic_attributes.invalid = self.invalid.load()
        self.generic_attributes.is_nan = self.is_nan.load()
        self.generic_attributes.subject = self.subject.load()
        self.generic_attributes.state = self.state.load()
        self.generic_attributes.type = self.type.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_1 = self.user_tag_1.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_2 = self.user_tag_2.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_3 = self.user_tag_3.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_4 = self.user_tag_4.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_5 = self.user_tag_5.load()
        self.generic_attributes.visible = self.visible.load()
        self.generic_attributes.create_date = string2date(
            str(self.create_date.load())) or None
        return self.generic_attributes

    def gather_references(self):
        ret = []
        for accessor in self.iter_accessors():
            if isinstance(accessor, Reference):
                ret.append((accessor.trait_attribute, accessor.load()))
        return ret

    def from_file(path):
        # type: (str) -> typing.Type[H5File]
        base_dir, fname = os.path.split(path)
        storage_manager = HDF5StorageManager(base_dir, fname)
        meta = storage_manager.get_metadata()
        h5file_class_fqn = meta.get('written_by')
        if h5file_class_fqn is None:
            return H5File(path)
        package, cls_name = h5file_class_fqn.rsplit('.', 1)
        module = importlib.import_module(package)
        cls = getattr(module, cls_name)
        return cls(path)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}("{}")>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.path)
Example #4
class H5File(object):
    A H5 based file format.
    This class implements reading and writing to a *specific* h5 based file format.
    A subclass of this defines a new file format.
    KEY_WRITTEN_BY = 'written_by'
    is_new_file = False

    def __init__(self, path):
        # type: (str) -> None
        self.path = path
        storage_path, file_name = os.path.split(path)
        self.storage_manager = HDF5StorageManager(storage_path, file_name)
        # would be nice to have an opened state for the chunked api instead of the close_file=False

        # common scalar headers
        self.gid = Uuid(HasTraits.gid, self)
        self.written_by = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name=self.KEY_WRITTEN_BY)
        self.create_date = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='create_date')
        self.type = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='type')

        # Generic attributes descriptors
        self.generic_attributes = GenericAttributes()
        self.invalid = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='invalid')
        self.is_nan = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='is_nan')
        self.subject = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='subject')
        self.state = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='state')
        self.user_tag_1 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_1')
        self.user_tag_2 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_2')
        self.user_tag_3 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_3')
        self.user_tag_4 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_4')
        self.user_tag_5 = Scalar(Attr(str), self, name='user_tag_5')
        self.operation_tag = Scalar(Attr(str, required=False), self, name='operation_tag')
        self.parent_burst = Uuid(Attr(uuid.UUID, required=False), self, name='parent_burst')
        self.visible = Scalar(Attr(bool), self, name='visible')
        self.metadata_cache = None

        if not self.storage_manager.is_valid_hdf5_file():
            self.written_by.store(self.__class__.__module__ + '.' + self.__class__.__name__)
            self.is_new_file = True

    def file_name_base(cls):
        return cls.__name__.replace("H5", "")

    def read_subtype_attr(self):
        return None

    def iter_accessors(self):
        # type: () -> typing.Generator[Accessor]
        for accessor in self.__dict__.values():
            if isinstance(accessor, Accessor):
                yield accessor

    def iter_datasets(self):
        for dataset in self.__dict__.values():
            if isinstance(dataset, DataSet):
                yield dataset

    def __enter__(self):
        return self

    def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):

    def close(self):

    def store(self, datatype, scalars_only=False, store_references=True):
        # type: (HasTraits, bool, bool) -> None
        for accessor in self.iter_accessors():
            f_name = accessor.trait_attribute.field_name
            if f_name is None:
                # skipp attribute that does not seem to belong to a traited type
                # accessor is an independent Accessor
            if scalars_only and not isinstance(accessor, Scalar):
            if not store_references and isinstance(accessor, Reference):
            accessor.store(getattr(datatype, f_name))

    def load_into(self, datatype):
        # type: (HasTraits) -> None
        for accessor in self.iter_accessors():
            if isinstance(accessor, (Reference, ReferenceList)):
                # we do not load references recursively
            f_name = accessor.trait_attribute.field_name
            if f_name is None:
                # skipp attribute that does not seem to belong to a traited type

            # handle optional data, that will be missing from the h5 files
                value = accessor.load()
            except MissingDataSetException:
                if accessor.trait_attribute.required:
                    value = None

            if isinstance(accessor, JsonFinal):
                current_attr = getattr(datatype, f_name)
                for k, v in current_attr.items():
                    current_attr[k] = value[k]
                    setattr(datatype, f_name, value)
                except TraitFinalAttributeError:
                    if getattr(datatype, f_name) != value:
                            'Cannot overwrite Final attribute: {} on {}, but it already has the expected value'.format(
                                f_name, type(datatype).__name__))

    def store_generic_attributes(self, generic_attributes, create=True):
        # type: (GenericAttributes, bool) -> None
        # write_metadata  creation time, serializer class name, etc
        if create:

        if self.generic_attributes.parent_burst is not None:

    def load_generic_attributes(self):
        # type: () -> GenericAttributes
        self.generic_attributes.invalid = self.invalid.load()
        self.generic_attributes.is_nan = self.is_nan.load()
        self.generic_attributes.subject = self.subject.load()
        self.generic_attributes.state = self.state.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_1 = self.user_tag_1.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_2 = self.user_tag_2.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_3 = self.user_tag_3.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_4 = self.user_tag_4.load()
        self.generic_attributes.user_tag_5 = self.user_tag_5.load()
        self.generic_attributes.visible = self.visible.load()
        self.generic_attributes.create_date = string2date(str(self.create_date.load())) or None
            self.generic_attributes.operation_tag = self.operation_tag.load()
        except MissingDataSetException:
            self.generic_attributes.operation_tag = None
            burst = self.parent_burst.load()
            self.generic_attributes.parent_burst = burst.hex if burst is not None else None
        except MissingDataSetException:
            self.generic_attributes.parent_burst = None
        return self.generic_attributes

    def gather_references(self, datatype_cls=None):
        ret = []
        for accessor in self.iter_accessors():
            trait_attribute = None
            if datatype_cls:
                if hasattr(datatype_cls, accessor.field_name):
                    trait_attribute = getattr(datatype_cls, accessor.field_name)
            if not trait_attribute:
                trait_attribute = accessor.trait_attribute
            if isinstance(accessor, Reference):
                ret.append((trait_attribute, accessor.load()))
            if isinstance(accessor, ReferenceList):
                hex_gids = accessor.load()
                gids = [uuid.UUID(hex_gid) for hex_gid in hex_gids]
                ret.append((trait_attribute, gids))
        return ret

    def determine_datatype_from_file(self):
        config_type = self.type.load()
        package, cls_name = config_type.rsplit('.', 1)
        module = importlib.import_module(package)
        datatype_cls = getattr(module, cls_name)
        return datatype_cls

    def determine_type(path):
        # type: (str) -> typing.Type[HasTraits]
        type_class_fqn = H5File.get_metadata_param(path, 'type')
        if type_class_fqn is None:
            return HasTraits
        package, cls_name = type_class_fqn.rsplit('.', 1)
        module = importlib.import_module(package)
        cls = getattr(module, cls_name)
        return cls

    def get_metadata_param(path, param):
        base_dir, fname = os.path.split(path)
        storage_manager = HDF5StorageManager(base_dir, fname)
        meta = storage_manager.get_metadata()
        return meta.get(param)

    def h5_class_from_file(path):
        # type: (str) -> typing.Type[H5File]
        h5file_class_fqn = H5File.get_metadata_param(path, H5File.KEY_WRITTEN_BY)
        if h5file_class_fqn is None:
            return H5File(path)
        package, cls_name = h5file_class_fqn.rsplit('.', 1)
        module = importlib.import_module(package)
        cls = getattr(module, cls_name)
        return cls

    def from_file(path):
        # type: (str) -> H5File
        cls = H5File.h5_class_from_file(path)
        return cls(path)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}("{}")>'.format(type(self).__name__, self.path)
Example #5
class ABCAdapter(object):
    Root Abstract class for all TVB Adapters. 
    # model.Algorithm instance that will be set for each adapter class created by in build_adapter method
    stored_adapter = None
    launch_mode = AdapterLaunchModeEnum.ASYNC_DIFF_MEM

    def __init__(self):
        self.generic_attributes = GenericAttributes()
        self.generic_attributes.subject = DataTypeMetaData.DEFAULT_SUBJECT
        self.storage_interface = StorageInterface()
        # Will be populate with current running operation's identifier
        self.operation_id = None
        self.user_id = None
        self.submitted_form = None
        self.log = get_logger(self.__class__.__module__)

    def get_group_name(cls):
        if hasattr(cls, "_ui_group") and hasattr(cls._ui_group, "name"):
            return cls._ui_group.name
        return None

    def get_group_description(cls):
        if hasattr(cls, "_ui_group") and hasattr(cls._ui_group, "description"):
            return cls._ui_group.description
        return None

    def get_ui_name(cls):
        if hasattr(cls, "_ui_name"):
            return cls._ui_name
            return cls.__name__

    def get_ui_description(cls):
        if hasattr(cls, "_ui_description"):
            return cls._ui_description

    def get_ui_subsection(cls):
        if hasattr(cls, "_ui_subsection"):
            return cls._ui_subsection

        if hasattr(cls, "_ui_group") and hasattr(cls._ui_group, "subsection"):
            return cls._ui_group.subsection

    def can_be_active():
        To be overridden where needed (e.g. Matlab dependent adapters).
        :return: By default True, and False when the current Adapter can not be executed in the current env
        for various reasons (e.g. no Matlab or Octave installed)
        return True

    def submit_form(self, form):
        self.submitted_form = form

    # TODO separate usage of get_form_class (returning a class) and return of a submitted instance
    def get_form(self):
        if self.submitted_form is not None:
            return self.submitted_form
        return self.get_form_class()

    def get_form_class(self):
        return None

    def get_adapter_fragments(self, view_model):
        The result will be used for introspecting and checking operation changed input
        params from the defaults, to show in web gui.
        :return: a list of ABCAdapterForm classes, in case the current Adapter GUI
        will be composed of multiple sub-forms.
        return {}

    def get_view_model_class(self):
        return self.get_form_class().get_view_model()

    def get_output(self):
        Describes inputs and outputs of the launch method.

    def configure(self, view_model):
        To be implemented in each Adapter that requires any specific configurations
        before the actual launch.

    def get_required_memory_size(self, view_model):
        Abstract method to be implemented in each adapter. Should return the required memory
        for launching the adapter.

    def get_required_disk_size(self, view_model):
        Abstract method to be implemented in each adapter. Should return the required memory
        for launching the adapter in kilo-Bytes.

    def get_execution_time_approximation(self, view_model):
        Method should approximate based on input arguments, the time it will take for the operation 
        to finish (in seconds).
        return -1

    def launch(self, view_model):
         To be implemented in each Adapter.
         Will contain the logic of the Adapter.
         Takes a ViewModel with data, dependency direction is: Adapter -> Form -> ViewModel
         Any returned DataType will be stored in DB, by the Framework.
        :param view_model: the data model corresponding to the current adapter

    def add_operation_additional_info(self, message):
        Adds additional info on the operation to be displayed in the UI. Usually a warning message.
        current_op = dao.get_operation_by_id(self.operation_id)
        current_op.additional_info = message

    def extract_operation_data(self, operation):
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(operation.id)
        self.operation_id = operation.id
        self.current_project_id = operation.project.id
        self.user_id = operation.fk_launched_by

    def _ensure_enough_resources(self, available_disk_space, view_model):
        # Compare the amount of memory the current algorithms states it needs,
        # with the average between the RAM available on the OS and the free memory at the current moment.
        # We do not consider only the free memory, because some OSs are freeing late and on-demand only.
        total_free_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().free + psutil.swap_memory().free
        total_existent_memory = psutil.virtual_memory().total + psutil.swap_memory().total
        memory_reference = (total_free_memory + total_existent_memory) / 2
        adapter_required_memory = self.get_required_memory_size(view_model)

        if adapter_required_memory > memory_reference:
            msg = "Machine does not have enough RAM memory for the operation (expected %.2g GB, but found %.2g GB)."
            raise NoMemoryAvailableException(msg % (adapter_required_memory / 2 ** 30, memory_reference / 2 ** 30))

        # Compare the expected size of the operation results with the HDD space currently available for the user
        # TVB defines a quota per user.
        required_disk_space = self.get_required_disk_size(view_model)
        if available_disk_space < 0:
            msg = "You have exceeded you HDD space quota by %.2f MB Stopping execution."
            raise NoMemoryAvailableException(msg % (- available_disk_space / 2 ** 10))
        if available_disk_space < required_disk_space:
            msg = ("You only have %.2f GB of disk space available but the operation you "
                   "launched might require %.2f Stopping execution...")
            raise NoMemoryAvailableException(msg % (available_disk_space / 2 ** 20, required_disk_space / 2 ** 20))
        return required_disk_space

    def _update_operation_entity(self, operation, required_disk_space):
        operation.estimated_disk_size = required_disk_space

    def _prelaunch(self, operation, view_model, available_disk_space=0):
        Method to wrap LAUNCH.
        Will prepare data, and store results on return.
        required_disk_size = self._ensure_enough_resources(available_disk_space, view_model)
        self._update_operation_entity(operation, required_disk_size)

        result = self.launch(view_model)

        if not isinstance(result, (list, tuple)):
            result = [result, ]
        return self._capture_operation_results(result)

    def _capture_operation_results(self, result):
        After an operation was finished, make sure the results are stored
        in DB storage and the correct meta-data,IDs are set.
        data_type_group_id = None
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(self.operation_id)
        if operation.user_group is None or len(operation.user_group) == 0:
            operation.user_group = date2string(datetime.now(), date_format=LESS_COMPLEX_TIME_FORMAT)
            operation = dao.store_entity(operation)
        if self._is_group_launch():
            data_type_group_id = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(operation.fk_operation_group).id

        count_stored = 0
        if result is None:
            return "", count_stored

        group_type = None  # In case of a group, the first not-none type is sufficient to memorize here
        for res in result:
            if res is None:
            if not res.fixed_generic_attributes:
            res.fk_from_operation = self.operation_id
            res.fk_datatype_group = data_type_group_id

            associated_file = h5.path_for_stored_index(res)
            if os.path.exists(associated_file):
                if not res.fixed_generic_attributes:
                    with H5File.from_file(associated_file) as f:
                # Compute size-on disk, in case file-storage is used
                res.disk_size = self.storage_interface.compute_size_on_disk(associated_file)

            group_type = res.type
            count_stored += 1

        if count_stored > 0 and self._is_group_launch():
            # Update the operation group name
            operation_group = dao.get_operationgroup_by_id(operation.fk_operation_group)

        return 'Operation ' + str(self.operation_id) + ' has finished.', count_stored

    def __check_integrity(self, result):
        Check that the returned parameters for LAUNCH operation
        are of the type specified in the adapter's interface.
        for result_entity in result:
            if result_entity is None:
            if not self.__is_data_in_supported_types(result_entity):
                msg = "Unexpected output DataType %s"
                raise InvalidParameterException(msg % type(result_entity))

    def __is_data_in_supported_types(self, data):

        if data is None:
            return True
        for supported_type in self.get_output():
            if isinstance(data, supported_type):
                return True
        # Data can't be mapped on any supported type !!
        return False

    def _is_group_launch(self):
        Return true if this adapter is launched from a group of operations
        operation = dao.get_operation_by_id(self.operation_id)
        return operation.fk_operation_group is not None

    def load_entity_by_gid(self, data_gid):
        # type: (typing.Union[uuid.UUID, str]) -> DataType
        Load a generic DataType, specified by GID.
        idx = load_entity_by_gid(data_gid)
        if idx and self.generic_attributes.parent_burst is None:
            # Only in case the BurstConfiguration references hasn't been set already, take it from the current DT
            self.generic_attributes.parent_burst = idx.fk_parent_burst
        return idx

    def load_traited_by_gid(self, data_gid):
        # type: (typing.Union[uuid.UUID, str]) -> HasTraits
        Load a generic HasTraits instance, specified by GID.
        index = self.load_entity_by_gid(data_gid)
        return h5.load_from_index(index)

    def load_with_references(self, dt_gid):
        # type: (typing.Union[uuid.UUID, str]) -> HasTraits
        dt_index = self.load_entity_by_gid(dt_gid)
        h5_path = h5.path_for_stored_index(dt_index)
        dt, _ = h5.load_with_references(h5_path)
        return dt

    def view_model_to_has_traits(self, view_model):
        # type: (ViewModel) -> HasTraits
        has_traits_class = view_model.linked_has_traits
        has_traits = has_traits_class()
        view_model_class = type(view_model)
        if not has_traits_class:
            raise Exception("There is no linked HasTraits for this ViewModel {}".format(type(view_model)))
        for attr_name in has_traits_class.declarative_attrs:
            view_model_class_attr = getattr(view_model_class, attr_name)
            view_model_attr = getattr(view_model, attr_name)
            if isinstance(view_model_class_attr, DataTypeGidAttr) and view_model_attr:
                attr_value = self.load_with_references(view_model_attr)
            elif isinstance(view_model_class_attr, Attr) and isinstance(view_model_attr, ViewModel):
                attr_value = self.view_model_to_has_traits(view_model_attr)
            elif isinstance(view_model_class_attr, List) and len(view_model_attr) > 0 and isinstance(view_model_attr[0],
                attr_value = list()
                for view_model_elem in view_model_attr:
                    elem = self.view_model_to_has_traits(view_model_elem)
                attr_value = view_model_attr
            setattr(has_traits, attr_name, attr_value)
        return has_traits

    def build_adapter_from_class(adapter_class):
        Having a subclass of ABCAdapter, prepare an instance for launching an operation with it.
        if not issubclass(adapter_class, ABCAdapter):
            raise IntrospectionException("Invalid data type: It should extend adapters.ABCAdapter!")
            stored_adapter = dao.get_algorithm_by_module(adapter_class.__module__, adapter_class.__name__)

            adapter_instance = adapter_class()
            adapter_instance.stored_adapter = stored_adapter
            return adapter_instance
        except Exception as excep:
            raise IntrospectionException(str(excep))

    def determine_adapter_class(stored_adapter):
        # type: (Algorithm) -> ABCAdapter
        Determine the class of an adapter based on module and classname strings from stored_adapter
        :param stored_adapter: Algorithm or AlgorithmDTO type
        :return: a subclass of ABCAdapter
        ad_module = importlib.import_module(stored_adapter.module)
        adapter_class = getattr(ad_module, stored_adapter.classname)
        return adapter_class

    def build_adapter(stored_adapter):
        # type: (Algorithm) -> ABCAdapter
        Having a module and a class name, create an instance of ABCAdapter.
            adapter_class = ABCAdapter.determine_adapter_class(stored_adapter)
            adapter_instance = adapter_class()
            adapter_instance.stored_adapter = stored_adapter
            return adapter_instance

        except Exception:
            msg = "Could not load Adapter Instance for Stored row %s" % stored_adapter
            raise IntrospectionException(msg)

    def load_view_model(self, operation):
        storage_path = self.storage_interface.get_project_folder(operation.project.name, str(operation.id))
        input_gid = operation.view_model_gid
        return h5.load_view_model(input_gid, storage_path)

    def array_size2kb(size):
        :param size: size in bytes
        :return: size in kB
        return size * TvbProfile.current.MAGIC_NUMBER / 8 / 2 ** 10

    def fill_index_from_h5(analyzer_index, analyzer_h5):
        Method used only by analyzers that write slices of data.
        As they never have the whole array_data in memory, the metadata related to array_data (min, max, etc.) they
        store on the index is not correct, so we need to update them.
        metadata = analyzer_h5.array_data.get_cached_metadata()

        if not metadata.has_complex:
            analyzer_index.array_data_max = float(metadata.max)
            analyzer_index.array_data_min = float(metadata.min)
            analyzer_index.array_data_mean = float(metadata.mean)

        analyzer_index.aray_has_complex = metadata.has_complex
        analyzer_index.array_is_finite = metadata.is_finite
        analyzer_index.shape = json.dumps(analyzer_h5.array_data.shape)
        analyzer_index.ndim = len(analyzer_h5.array_data.shape)

    def path_for(self, h5_file_class, gid, dt_class=None):
        project = dao.get_project_by_id(self.current_project_id)
        return h5.path_for(self.operation_id, h5_file_class, gid, project.name, dt_class)

    def store_complete(self, datatype, generic_attributes=GenericAttributes()):
        project = dao.get_project_by_id(self.current_project_id)
        return h5.store_complete(datatype, self.operation_id, project.name, generic_attributes)

    def get_storage_path(self):
        project = dao.get_project_by_id(self.current_project_id)
        return self.storage_interface.get_project_folder(project.name, str(self.operation_id))