Example #1
    def build(adapter_class=DummyAdapter1):

        all_categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
        algo_category_id = all_categories[0].id

        stored_adapter = Algorithm(adapter_class.__module__, adapter_class.__name__, algo_category_id,
                                   adapter_class.get_group_name(), adapter_class.get_group_description(),
                                   adapter_class.get_ui_name(), adapter_class.get_ui_description(),
                                   adapter_class.get_ui_subsection(), datetime.now())
        adapter_inst = adapter_class()

        adapter_form = adapter_inst.get_form()
        required_datatype = adapter_form.get_required_datatype()
        if required_datatype is not None:
            required_datatype = required_datatype.__name__
        filters = adapter_form.get_filters()
        if filters is not None:
            filters = filters.to_json()

        stored_adapter.required_datatype = required_datatype
        stored_adapter.datatype_filter_filter = filters
        stored_adapter.parameter_name = adapter_form.get_input_name()
        stored_adapter.outputlist = str(adapter_inst.get_output())

        inst_from_db = dao.get_algorithm_by_module(adapter_class.__module__, adapter_class.__name__)
        if inst_from_db is not None:
            stored_adapter.id = inst_from_db.id

        return dao.store_entity(stored_adapter, inst_from_db is not None)
    def test_introspect(self):
        Test that expected categories and groups are found in DB after introspection.
        We also check algorithms introspected during base_testcase.init_test_env

        all_categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
        category_ids = [
            cat.id for cat in all_categories
            if cat.displayname == "AdaptersTest"
        adapters = dao.get_adapters_from_categories(category_ids)
        self.assertEqual(8, len(adapters), "Introspection failed!")
        nr_adapters_mod2 = 0
        for algorithm in adapters:
                algorithm.module in [
                ], "Unknown Adapter module:" + str(algorithm.module))
                algorithm.classname in [
                    "TestAdapter1", "TestAdapterDatatypeInput", "TestAdapter2",
                    "TestAdapter22", "TestAdapterHugeMemoryRequired",
                    "TestAdapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired",
                ], "Unknown Adapter Class:" + str(algorithm.classname))
            if algorithm.module == 'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter2':
                nr_adapters_mod2 += 1
        self.assertEqual(nr_adapters_mod2, 2)
 def test_introspect(self):
     Test that expected categories and groups are found in DB after introspection.
     We also check algorithms introspected during base_testcase.init_test_env
     all_categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     category_ids = [cat.id for cat in all_categories if cat.displayname == "AdaptersTest"]
     adapters = dao.get_adapters_from_categories(category_ids)
     self.assertEqual(8, len(adapters), "Introspection failed!")
     nr_adapters_mod2 = 0
     for algorithm in adapters:
         self.assertTrue(algorithm.module in ['tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter1',
                         "Unknown Adapter module:" + str(algorithm.module))
         self.assertTrue(algorithm.classname in ["TestAdapter1", "TestAdapterDatatypeInput",
                                                 "TestAdapter2", "TestAdapter22", "TestAdapterHugeMemoryRequired",
                                                 "TestAdapter3", "TestAdapterHDDRequired",
                         "Unknown Adapter Class:" + str(algorithm.classname))
         if algorithm.module == 'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter2':
             nr_adapters_mod2 += 1
     self.assertEqual(nr_adapters_mod2, 2)
Example #4
 def test_default_cancel(self):
     On cancel we should get a redirect to the back page link.
     cherrypy.request.method = "POST"
     categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     algo_groups = dao.get_adapters_from_categories([categories[0].id])
     self._expect_redirect('/project/viewoperations/%i' % self.test_project.id, self.flow_c.default,
                           categories[0].id, algo_groups[0].id, cancel=True, back_page='operations')
 def test_default_cancel(self):
     On cancel we should get a redirect to the back page link.
     cherrypy.request.method = "POST"
     categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     algo_groups = dao.get_groups_by_categories([categories[0].id])
     self._expect_redirect('/project/viewoperations/%i' % self.test_project.id, self.flow_c.default,
                           categories[0].id, algo_groups[0].id, cancel=True, back_page='operations')
Example #6
 def teardown_method(self):
     all_categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     category_ids = [
         cat.id for cat in all_categories
         if cat.displayname == TestCategory.category_name
     adapters = dao.get_adapters_from_categories(category_ids)
     for algorithm in adapters:
         dao.remove_entity(Algorithm, algorithm.id)
     dao.remove_entity(AlgorithmCategory, category_ids[0])
 def test_valid_step(self):
     For all algorithm categories check that a submenu is generated and the result
     page has it's title given by category name.
     categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     for categ in categories:
         result_dict = self.flow_c.step(categ.id)
         self.assertTrue(common.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST in result_dict,
                         "Expect to have a submenu with available algorithms for category.")
         self.assertEqual(result_dict["section_name"], categ.displayname.lower())
Example #8
 def test_valid_step(self):
     For all algorithm categories check that a submenu is generated and the result
     page has it's title given by category name.
     categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     for categ in categories:
         result_dict = self.flow_c.step(categ.id)
         self.assertTrue(b_c.KEY_SUBMENU_LIST in result_dict, 
                         "Expect to have a submenu with available algorithms for category.")
         self.assertEqual(result_dict["section_name"], categ.displayname.lower())
Example #9
 def test_default(self):
     Test default method from step controllers. Check that the submit link is ok, that a mainContent
     is present in result dict and that the isAdapter flag is set to true.
     cherrypy.request.method = "GET"
     categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     for categ in categories:
         algo_groups = dao.get_adapters_from_categories([categ.id])
         for algo in algo_groups:
             result_dict = self.flow_c.default(categ.id, algo.id)
             assert result_dict[common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] == '/flow/%i/%i' % (categ.id, algo.id)
             assert 'mainContent' in result_dict
             assert result_dict['isAdapter']
 def test_default(self):
     Test default method from step controllers. Check that the submit link is ok, that a mainContent
     is present in result dict and that the isAdapter flag is set to true.
     cherrypy.request.method = "GET"
     categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     for categ in categories:
         algo_groups = dao.get_groups_by_categories([categ.id])
         for algo in algo_groups:
             result_dict = self.flow_c.default(categ.id, algo.id)
             self.assertEqual(result_dict[common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK], '/flow/%i/%i' % (categ.id, algo.id))
             self.assertTrue('mainContent' in result_dict)
Example #11
 def test_default(self):
     Test default method from step controllers. Check that the submit link is ok, that a mainContent
     is present in result dict and that the isAdapter flag is set to true.
     cherrypy.request.method = "GET"
     categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
     for categ in categories:
         # Ignore creators, as those won't go through this flow
         if categ.displayname in [CreateAlgorithmCategoryConfig.category_name]:
         algo_groups = dao.get_adapters_from_categories([categ.id])
         for algo in algo_groups:
             result_dict = self.flow_c.default(categ.id, algo.id)
             assert result_dict[common.KEY_SUBMIT_LINK] == '/flow/%i/%i' % (categ.id, algo.id)
             assert 'mainContent' in result_dict
             assert result_dict['isAdapter']
    def test_introspect(self):
        Test the actual introspect module on a test structure created in:
        tvb_test.dummy_adapters and tvb_test.dummy_datatypes

        all_categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
        category_ids = [
            cat.id for cat in all_categories
            if cat.displayname == "AdaptersTest"
        groups = dao.get_groups_by_categories(category_ids)
        self.assertEqual(len(groups), 11, "Introspection failed!")
        nr_adapters_mod2 = 0
        for algorithm in groups:
                algorithm.module in [
                ], "Unknown Adapter:" + str(algorithm.module))
                algorithm.classname in [
                    "TestAdapter1", "TestAdapterDatatypeInput", "TestAdapter2",
                    "TestAdapter22", "TestAdapter3", "NDimensionArrayAdapter",
                    "PythonAdapter", "TestAdapterHDDRequired",
                    "TestAdapterNoMemoryImplemented", "TestGroupAdapter"
                ], "Unknown Adapter Class:" + str(algorithm.classname))
            if algorithm.module == 'tvb_test.adapters.testadapter2':
                nr_adapters_mod2 = nr_adapters_mod2 + 1
            nr_adapters_mod2, 2,
            "Two adapters should have been loaded from module tvb_test.adapters2!"
Example #13
    def test_introspect(self):
        Test that expected categories and groups are found in DB after introspection.
        We also check algorithms introspected during base_testcase.init_test_env
        introspector = Introspector()
            TestCategory] = import_adapters(tvb.tests.framework.adapters,

        all_categories = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
        category_ids = [
            cat.id for cat in all_categories
            if cat.displayname == TestCategory.category_name
        adapters = dao.get_adapters_from_categories(category_ids)

        assert 5 == len(adapters), "Introspection failed!"
        nr_adapters_mod3 = 0

        for algorithm in adapters:
            assert algorithm.module in [
            ], "Unknown Adapter Module:" + str(algorithm.module)
            assert algorithm.classname in [
                "TestAdapter1", "TestAdapter2",
                "TestAdapterHugeMemoryRequired", "TestAdapter3",
            ], "Unknown Adapter Class:" + str(algorithm.classname)
            if algorithm.module == 'tvb.tests.framework.adapters.testadapter3':
                nr_adapters_mod3 += 1

        assert nr_adapters_mod3 == 3
Example #14
 def read_algorithm_categories():
     Retrieve from DB all categories of adapters that were previously stored
     by introspection into a Python module-given as parameter at startup.
     return dao.get_algorithm_categories()
    def retrieve_project_full(self, project_id, applied_filters=None, current_page=1):
        Return a Tuple with Project entity and Operations for current Project.
        :param project_id: Current Project Identifier
        :param applied_filters: Filters to apply on Operations
        :param current_page: Number for current page in operations
        selected_project = self.find_project(project_id)
        total_filtered = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters)
        start_idx = OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE * (current_page - 1)

        if total_filtered >= start_idx + OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE:
            end_idx = OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE
            end_idx = total_filtered - start_idx

        pages_no = total_filtered // OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE + (1 if total_filtered % OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE else 0)
        total_ops_nr = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id)
        current_ops = dao.get_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters, start_idx, end_idx)
        started_ops = 0
        if current_ops is None:
            return selected_project, [], 0
        operations = []
        for one_op in current_ops:
                result = {}
                if one_op[0] != one_op[1]:
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0]) + "-" + str(one_op[1])
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0])
                burst = dao.get_burst_for_operation_id(one_op[0])
                result["burst_name"] = burst.name if burst else '-'
                result["count"] = one_op[2]
                result["gid"] = one_op[14]
                if one_op[3] is not None and one_op[3]:
                        operation_group = dao.get_generic_entity(model.OperationGroup, one_op[3])[0]
                        result["group"] = operation_group.name
                        result["group"] = result["group"].replace("_", " ")
                        result["operation_group_id"] = operation_group.id
                        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(one_op[3])
                        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(datatype_group.id)
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = datatype.gid
                        result["gid"] = operation_group.gid
                        all_categs = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
                        view_categ = dao.get_visualisers_categories()[0]
                        excludes = [categ.id for categ in all_categs if categ.id != view_categ.id]
                        algo = self.retrieve_launchers("DataTypeGroup", datatype.gid,

                        view_groups = []
                        for algo in algo.values():
                            url = '/flow/' + str(algo['category']) + '/' + str(algo['id'])
                            if algo['part_of_group']:
                                url = '/flow/prepare_group_launch/' + datatype.gid + '/' + \
                                      str(algo['category']) + '/' + str(algo['id'])
                        result["view_groups"] = view_groups

                    except Exception, excep:
                        self.logger.warning("Will ignore group on entity:" + str(one_op))
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = None
                    result['group'] = None
                    result['datatype_group_gid'] = None
                result["algorithm"] = dao.get_algorithm_by_id(one_op[4])
                result["method"] = one_op[5]
                result["user"] = dao.get_user_by_id(one_op[6])
                if type(one_op[7]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["create"] = string2date(str(one_op[7]))
                    result["create"] = one_op[7]
                if type(one_op[8]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["start"] = string2date(str(one_op[8]))
                    result["start"] = one_op[8]
                if type(one_op[9]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["complete"] = string2date(str(one_op[9]))
                    result["complete"] = one_op[9]

                if result["complete"] is not None and result["start"] is not None:
                    result["duration"] = timedelta2string(result["complete"] - result["start"])
                result["status"] = one_op[10]
                if result["status"] == model.STATUS_STARTED:
                    started_ops += 1
                result["additional"] = one_op[11]
                result["visible"] = True if one_op[12] > 0 else False
                result['operation_tag'] = one_op[13]
                result['figures'] = None
                if not result['group']:
                    datatype_results = dao.get_results_for_operation(result['id'])
                    result['results'] = [dao.get_generic_entity(dt.module + '.' + dt.type,
                                                                dt.gid, 'gid')[0] for dt in datatype_results]
                    operation_figures = dao.get_figures_for_operation(result['id'])

                    # Compute the full path to the figure / image on disk
                    for figure in operation_figures:
                        figures_folder = self.structure_helper.get_images_folder(figure.project.name,
                        figure_full_path = os.path.join(figures_folder, figure.file_path)
                        # Compute the path available from browser 
                        figure.figure_path = utils.path2url_part(figure_full_path)

                    result['figures'] = operation_figures
                    result['results'] = None
 def read_algorithm_categories():
     Retrieve from DB all categories of adapters that were previously stored
     by introspection into a Python module-given as parameter at startup.
     return dao.get_algorithm_categories()