Example #1
    def retrieve_project_full(self, project_id, applied_filters=None, current_page=1):
        Return a Tuple with Project entity and Operations for current Project.
        :param project_id: Current Project Identifier
        :param applied_filters: Filters to apply on Operations
        :param current_page: Number for current page in operations
        selected_project = self.find_project(project_id)
        total_filtered = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters)
        pages_no = total_filtered // OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE + (1 if total_filtered % OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE else 0)
        total_ops_nr = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id)

        start_idx = OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE * (current_page - 1)
        current_ops = dao.get_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters, start_idx, OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE)
        if current_ops is None:
            return selected_project, 0, [], 0

        operations = []
        view_categ_id = dao.get_visualisers_categories()[0].id
        for one_op in current_ops:
                result = {}
                if one_op[0] != one_op[1]:
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0]) + "-" + str(one_op[1])
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0])
                burst = dao.get_burst_for_operation_id(one_op[0])
                result["burst_name"] = burst.name if burst else '-'
                result["count"] = one_op[2]
                result["gid"] = one_op[13]
                if one_op[3] is not None and one_op[3]:
                        operation_group = dao.get_generic_entity(OperationGroup, one_op[3])[0]
                        result["group"] = operation_group.name
                        result["group"] = result["group"].replace("_", " ")
                        result["operation_group_id"] = operation_group.id
                        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(one_op[3])
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = datatype_group.gid
                        result["gid"] = operation_group.gid
                        ## Filter only viewers for current DataTypeGroup entity:
                        result["view_groups"] = FlowService().get_visualizers_for_group(datatype_group.gid)
                    except Exception:
                        self.logger.exception("We will ignore group on entity:" + str(one_op))
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = None
                    result['group'] = None
                    result['datatype_group_gid'] = None
                result["algorithm"] = dao.get_algorithm_by_id(one_op[4])
                result["user"] = dao.get_user_by_id(one_op[5])
                if type(one_op[6]) is str:
                    result["create"] = string2date(str(one_op[6]))
                    result["create"] = one_op[6]
                if type(one_op[7]) is str:
                    result["start"] = string2date(str(one_op[7]))
                    result["start"] = one_op[7]
                if type(one_op[8]) is str:
                    result["complete"] = string2date(str(one_op[8]))
                    result["complete"] = one_op[8]

                if result["complete"] is not None and result["start"] is not None:
                    result["duration"] = format_timedelta(result["complete"] - result["start"])
                result["status"] = one_op[9]
                result["additional"] = one_op[10]
                result["visible"] = True if one_op[11] > 0 else False
                result['operation_tag'] = one_op[12]
                result['figures'] = None
                if not result['group']:
                    datatype_results = dao.get_results_for_operation(result['id'])
                    result['results'] = []
                    for dt in datatype_results:
                        dt_loaded = ABCAdapter.load_entity_by_gid(dt.gid)
                        if dt_loaded:
                            self.logger.warning("Could not retrieve datatype %s" % str(dt))

                    operation_figures = dao.get_figures_for_operation(result['id'])

                    # Compute the full path to the figure / image on disk
                    for figure in operation_figures:
                        figures_folder = self.structure_helper.get_images_folder(figure.project.name)
                        figure_full_path = os.path.join(figures_folder, figure.file_path)
                        # Compute the path available from browser
                        figure.figure_path = utils.path2url_part(figure_full_path)

                    result['figures'] = operation_figures
                    result['results'] = None
            except Exception:
                ## We got an exception when processing one Operation Row. We will continue with the rest of the rows.
                self.logger.exception("Could not prepare operation for display:" + str(one_op))
        return selected_project, total_ops_nr, operations, pages_no
Example #2
    def retrieve_launchers(self, datatype_gid, inspect_group=False, include_categories=None):
        Returns all the available launch-able algorithms from the database.
        Filter the ones accepting as required input a specific DataType.

        :param datatype_gid: GID, to filter algorithms for this particular entity.
        :param inspect_group: TRUE if we are now in the inspection of sub-entities in a DataTypeGroup
        :param include_categories: List of categories to be included in the result.
                When None, all lanchable categories are included
            all_launch_categ = dao.get_launchable_categories()
            launch_categ = dict((categ.id, categ.displayname) for categ in all_launch_categ
                                if include_categories is None or categ.id in include_categories)

            datatype_instance = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype_gid)
            data_class = datatype_instance.__class__
            all_compatible_classes = [data_class.__name__]
            for one_class in getmro(data_class):
                if issubclass(one_class, MappedType) and one_class.__name__ not in all_compatible_classes:

            self.logger.debug("Searching in categories: " + str(len(launch_categ)) + " - " +
                              str(launch_categ.keys()) + "-" + str(include_categories))
            launchable_groups = dao.get_apliable_algo_groups(all_compatible_classes, launch_categ.keys())

            to_remove = []
            for one_group in launchable_groups:
                compatible_algorithms = []
                for one_algo in one_group.children:
                    filter_chain = FilterChain.from_json(one_algo.datatype_filter)
                    if not filter_chain or filter_chain.get_python_filter_equivalent(datatype_instance):
                if len(compatible_algorithms) > 0:
                    one_group.children = copy.deepcopy(compatible_algorithms)

            for one_group in to_remove:
                del one_group

            launchers = ProjectService.__prepare_group_result(launchable_groups, launch_categ, inspect_group)

            if data_class.__name__ == model.DataTypeGroup.__name__:
                # If part of a group, update also with specific launchers of the child datatype
                dt_group = dao.get_datatype_group_by_gid(datatype_gid)
                datatypes = dao.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
                if len(datatypes):
                    datatype = datatypes[-1]
                    datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype.gid)

                    views_categ_id = dao.get_visualisers_categories()[0].id
                    categories_for_small_type = [categ.id for categ in all_launch_categ
                                                 if categ.id != views_categ_id and (include_categories is None or
                                                                                    categ.id in include_categories)]
                    if categories_for_small_type:
                        specific_launchers = self.retrieve_launchers(datatype.gid, True, categories_for_small_type)
                        for key in specific_launchers:
                            if key in launchers:
                                launchers[key] = specific_launchers[key]
            return launchers

        except Exception, excep:
            ProjectService().logger.warning("Attempting to filter launcher for group despite exception!")
            return ProjectService.__prepare_group_result([], [], inspect_group)
Example #3
 def get_visualisers_category():
     """Retrieve all Algorithm categories, with display capability"""
     result = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
     if result is None or len(result) < 1:
         raise Exception("View Category not found!!!")
     return result[0]
Example #4
 def get_visualisers_category():
     """Retrieve all Algorithm categories, with display capability"""
     result = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
     if not result:
         raise ValueError("View Category not found!!!")
     return result[0]
Example #5
    def retrieve_project_full(self, project_id, applied_filters=None, current_page=1):
        Return a Tuple with Project entity and Operations for current Project.
        :param project_id: Current Project Identifier
        :param applied_filters: Filters to apply on Operations
        :param current_page: Number for current page in operations
        selected_project = self.find_project(project_id)
        total_filtered = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters)
        pages_no = total_filtered // OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE + (1 if total_filtered % OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE else 0)
        total_ops_nr = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id)

        start_idx = OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE * (current_page - 1)
        current_ops = dao.get_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters, start_idx, OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE)
        if current_ops is None:
            return selected_project, 0, [], 0

        operations = []
        view_categ_id = dao.get_visualisers_categories()[0].id
        for one_op in current_ops:
                result = {}
                if one_op[0] != one_op[1]:
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0]) + "-" + str(one_op[1])
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0])
                burst = dao.get_burst_for_operation_id(one_op[0])
                result["burst_name"] = burst.name if burst else '-'
                result["count"] = one_op[2]
                result["gid"] = one_op[14]
                if one_op[3] is not None and one_op[3]:
                        operation_group = dao.get_generic_entity(model.OperationGroup, one_op[3])[0]
                        result["group"] = operation_group.name
                        result["group"] = result["group"].replace("_", " ")
                        result["operation_group_id"] = operation_group.id
                        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(one_op[3])
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = datatype_group.gid
                        result["gid"] = operation_group.gid

                        ## Filter only viewers for current DataTypeGroup entity:
                        launcher = self.retrieve_launchers(datatype_group.gid,
                        view_groups = []
                        for launcher in launcher.values():
                            url = '/flow/' + str(launcher['category']) + '/' + str(launcher['id'])
                            if launcher['part_of_group']:
                                url = '/flow/prepare_group_launch/' + datatype_group.gid + '/' + \
                                      str(launcher['category']) + '/' + str(launcher['id'])
                        result["view_groups"] = view_groups

                    except Exception:
                        self.logger.exception("We will ignore group on entity:" + str(one_op))
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = None
                    result['group'] = None
                    result['datatype_group_gid'] = None
                result["algorithm"] = dao.get_algorithm_by_id(one_op[4])
                result["method"] = one_op[5]
                result["user"] = dao.get_user_by_id(one_op[6])
                if type(one_op[7]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["create"] = string2date(str(one_op[7]))
                    result["create"] = one_op[7]
                if type(one_op[8]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["start"] = string2date(str(one_op[8]))
                    result["start"] = one_op[8]
                if type(one_op[9]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["complete"] = string2date(str(one_op[9]))
                    result["complete"] = one_op[9]

                if result["complete"] is not None and result["start"] is not None:
                    result["duration"] = format_timedelta(result["complete"] - result["start"])
                result["status"] = one_op[10]
                result["additional"] = one_op[11]
                result["visible"] = True if one_op[12] > 0 else False
                result['operation_tag'] = one_op[13]
                result['figures'] = None
                if not result['group']:
                    datatype_results = dao.get_results_for_operation(result['id'])
                    result['results'] = [dao.get_generic_entity(dt.module + '.' + dt.type,
                                                                dt.gid, 'gid')[0] for dt in datatype_results]
                    operation_figures = dao.get_figures_for_operation(result['id'])

                    # Compute the full path to the figure / image on disk
                    for figure in operation_figures:
                        figures_folder = self.structure_helper.get_images_folder(figure.project.name)
                        figure_full_path = os.path.join(figures_folder, figure.file_path)
                        # Compute the path available from browser
                        figure.figure_path = utils.path2url_part(figure_full_path)

                    result['figures'] = operation_figures
                    result['results'] = None
            except Exception:
                ## We got an exception when processing one Operation Row. We will continue with the rest of the rows.
                self.logger.exception("Could not prepare operation for display:" + str(one_op))
        return selected_project, total_ops_nr, operations, pages_no
Example #6
 def get_visualisers_category():
     """Retrieve all Algorithm categories, with display capability"""
     result = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
     if result is None or len(result) < 1:
         raise Exception("View Category not found!!!")
     return result[0]
Example #7
    def get_visualizers_for_group(self, dt_group_gid):

        categories = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
        return self._get_launchable_algorithms(dt_group_gid, categories)[1]
 def get_visualisers_category():
     """Retrieve all Algorithm categories, with display capability"""
     result = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
     if not result:
         raise ValueError("View Category not found!!!")
     return result[0]
    def get_visualizers_for_group(self, dt_group_gid):

        categories = dao.get_visualisers_categories()
        return self._get_launchable_algorithms(dt_group_gid, categories)[1]
    def retrieve_launchers(self, dataname, datatype_gid=None, inspect_group=False, exclude_categories=None):
        Returns all the available launch-able algorithms from the database.
        Filter the ones accepting as required input a specific DataType.

        :param dataname: String or class representing DataType to retrieve filters for it.
        :param datatype_gid: Optional GID, to filter algorithms for this particular entity.
        :param inspect_group: TRUE if we are now in the inspection of sub-entities in a DataTypeGroup
        :param exclude_categories: List of categories to be excluded from the result.
        if exclude_categories is None:
            exclude_categories = []
        launch_categ = dao.get_launchable_categories()
        launch_categ = dict((categ.id, categ.displayname) for categ in launch_categ
                            if categ.id not in exclude_categories)
        launch_groups = dao.get_apliable_algo_groups(dataname, launch_categ.keys())

        if datatype_gid is None:
            return ProjectService.__prepare_group_result(launch_groups, launch_categ, inspect_group)

            datatype_instance = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype_gid)
            data_class = datatype_instance.__class__
            for one_class in data_class.__bases__:
                launch_groups.extend(dao.get_apliable_algo_groups(one_class.__name__, launch_categ.keys()))
            specific_datatype = dao.get_generic_entity(data_class, datatype_gid, "gid")
            to_remove = []
            for one_group in launch_groups:
                valid_algorithms = []
                for one_algo in one_group.children:
                    filter_chain = FilterChain.from_json(one_algo.datatype_filter)
                    if not filter_chain or filter_chain.get_python_filter_equivalent(specific_datatype[0]):
                if len(valid_algorithms) > 0:
                    one_group.children = copy.deepcopy(valid_algorithms)
            for one_group in to_remove:
                del one_group
            launchers = ProjectService.__prepare_group_result(launch_groups, launch_categ, inspect_group)

            if dataname == model.DataTypeGroup.__name__:
                # If part of a group, update also with specific launchers of that datatype
                dt_group = dao.get_datatype_group_by_gid(datatype_gid)
                datatypes = dao.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
                if len(datatypes):
                    datatype = datatypes[-1]
                    datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype.gid)
                    views_categ_id = dao.get_visualisers_categories()[0].id
                    specific_launchers = self.retrieve_launchers(datatype.__class__.__name__, datatype.gid,
                                                                 True, [views_categ_id] + exclude_categories)
                    for key in specific_launchers:
                        if key in launchers:
                            launchers[key] = specific_launchers[key]
            return launchers
        except Exception, excep:
            ProjectService().logger.warning("Attempting to filter launcher  for group despite exception!")
            return ProjectService.__prepare_group_result(launch_groups, launch_categ, inspect_group)
    def retrieve_project_full(self, project_id, applied_filters=None, current_page=1):
        Return a Tuple with Project entity and Operations for current Project.
        :param project_id: Current Project Identifier
        :param applied_filters: Filters to apply on Operations
        :param current_page: Number for current page in operations
        selected_project = self.find_project(project_id)
        total_filtered = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters)
        start_idx = OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE * (current_page - 1)

        if total_filtered >= start_idx + OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE:
            end_idx = OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE
            end_idx = total_filtered - start_idx

        pages_no = total_filtered // OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE + (1 if total_filtered % OPERATIONS_PAGE_SIZE else 0)
        total_ops_nr = self.count_filtered_operations(project_id)
        current_ops = dao.get_filtered_operations(project_id, applied_filters, start_idx, end_idx)
        started_ops = 0
        if current_ops is None:
            return selected_project, [], 0
        operations = []
        for one_op in current_ops:
                result = {}
                if one_op[0] != one_op[1]:
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0]) + "-" + str(one_op[1])
                    result["id"] = str(one_op[0])
                burst = dao.get_burst_for_operation_id(one_op[0])
                result["burst_name"] = burst.name if burst else '-'
                result["count"] = one_op[2]
                result["gid"] = one_op[14]
                if one_op[3] is not None and one_op[3]:
                        operation_group = dao.get_generic_entity(model.OperationGroup, one_op[3])[0]
                        result["group"] = operation_group.name
                        result["group"] = result["group"].replace("_", " ")
                        result["operation_group_id"] = operation_group.id
                        datatype_group = dao.get_datatypegroup_by_op_group_id(one_op[3])
                        datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_id(datatype_group.id)
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = datatype.gid
                        result["gid"] = operation_group.gid
                        all_categs = dao.get_algorithm_categories()
                        view_categ = dao.get_visualisers_categories()[0]
                        excludes = [categ.id for categ in all_categs if categ.id != view_categ.id]
                        algo = self.retrieve_launchers("DataTypeGroup", datatype.gid,

                        view_groups = []
                        for algo in algo.values():
                            url = '/flow/' + str(algo['category']) + '/' + str(algo['id'])
                            if algo['part_of_group']:
                                url = '/flow/prepare_group_launch/' + datatype.gid + '/' + \
                                      str(algo['category']) + '/' + str(algo['id'])
                        result["view_groups"] = view_groups

                    except Exception, excep:
                        self.logger.warning("Will ignore group on entity:" + str(one_op))
                        result["datatype_group_gid"] = None
                    result['group'] = None
                    result['datatype_group_gid'] = None
                result["algorithm"] = dao.get_algorithm_by_id(one_op[4])
                result["method"] = one_op[5]
                result["user"] = dao.get_user_by_id(one_op[6])
                if type(one_op[7]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["create"] = string2date(str(one_op[7]))
                    result["create"] = one_op[7]
                if type(one_op[8]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["start"] = string2date(str(one_op[8]))
                    result["start"] = one_op[8]
                if type(one_op[9]) in (str, unicode):
                    result["complete"] = string2date(str(one_op[9]))
                    result["complete"] = one_op[9]

                if result["complete"] is not None and result["start"] is not None:
                    result["duration"] = timedelta2string(result["complete"] - result["start"])
                result["status"] = one_op[10]
                if result["status"] == model.STATUS_STARTED:
                    started_ops += 1
                result["additional"] = one_op[11]
                result["visible"] = True if one_op[12] > 0 else False
                result['operation_tag'] = one_op[13]
                result['figures'] = None
                if not result['group']:
                    datatype_results = dao.get_results_for_operation(result['id'])
                    result['results'] = [dao.get_generic_entity(dt.module + '.' + dt.type,
                                                                dt.gid, 'gid')[0] for dt in datatype_results]
                    operation_figures = dao.get_figures_for_operation(result['id'])

                    # Compute the full path to the figure / image on disk
                    for figure in operation_figures:
                        figures_folder = self.structure_helper.get_images_folder(figure.project.name,
                        figure_full_path = os.path.join(figures_folder, figure.file_path)
                        # Compute the path available from browser 
                        figure.figure_path = utils.path2url_part(figure_full_path)

                    result['figures'] = operation_figures
                    result['results'] = None
Example #12
    def retrieve_launchers(self, datatype_gid, inspect_group=False, include_categories=None):
        Returns all the available launch-able algorithms from the database.
        Filter the ones accepting as required input a specific DataType.

        :param datatype_gid: GID, to filter algorithms for this particular entity.
        :param inspect_group: TRUE if we are now in the inspection of sub-entities in a DataTypeGroup
        :param include_categories: List of categories to be included in the result.
                When None, all lanchable categories are included
            all_launch_categ = dao.get_launchable_categories()
            launch_categ = dict((categ.id, categ.displayname) for categ in all_launch_categ
                                if include_categories is None or categ.id in include_categories)

            datatype_instance = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype_gid)
            data_class = datatype_instance.__class__
            all_compatible_classes = [data_class.__name__]
            for one_class in getmro(data_class):
                if issubclass(one_class, MappedType) and one_class.__name__ not in all_compatible_classes:

            self.logger.debug("Searching in categories: " + str(len(launch_categ)) + " - " +
                              str(launch_categ.keys()) + "-" + str(include_categories))
            launchable_groups = dao.get_apliable_algo_groups(all_compatible_classes, launch_categ.keys())

            to_remove = []
            for one_group in launchable_groups:
                compatible_algorithms = []
                for one_algo in one_group.children:
                    filter_chain = FilterChain.from_json(one_algo.datatype_filter)
                    if not filter_chain or filter_chain.get_python_filter_equivalent(datatype_instance):
                if len(compatible_algorithms) > 0:
                    one_group.children = copy.deepcopy(compatible_algorithms)

            for one_group in to_remove:
                del one_group

            launchers = ProjectService.__prepare_group_result(launchable_groups, launch_categ, inspect_group)

            if data_class.__name__ == model.DataTypeGroup.__name__:
                # If part of a group, update also with specific launchers of the child datatype
                dt_group = dao.get_datatype_group_by_gid(datatype_gid)
                datatypes = dao.get_datatypes_from_datatype_group(dt_group.id)
                if len(datatypes):
                    datatype = datatypes[-1]
                    datatype = dao.get_datatype_by_gid(datatype.gid)

                    views_categ_id = dao.get_visualisers_categories()[0].id
                    categories_for_small_type = [categ.id for categ in all_launch_categ
                                                 if categ.id != views_categ_id and (include_categories is None or
                                                                                    categ.id in include_categories)]
                    if categories_for_small_type:
                        specific_launchers = self.retrieve_launchers(datatype.gid, True, categories_for_small_type)
                        for key in specific_launchers:
                            if key in launchers:
                                launchers[key] = specific_launchers[key]
            return launchers

        except Exception, excep:
            ProjectService().logger.warning("Attempting to filter launcher for group despite exception!")
            return ProjectService.__prepare_group_result([], [], inspect_group)