Example #1
def test_shape_func():
    if not tvm.testing.device_enabled("cuda") or not tvm.cuda(0).exist:

    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    data_shape = (relay.Any(), )
    x = relay.var("x", shape=data_shape)
    y = relay.op.vm.shape_of(x)
    z = relay.nn.relu(y)
    p0 = relay.var("p0", shape=data_shape)
    fn = relay.Function([p0], z)
    out = relay.var("out", shape=(1, ), dtype="int64")
    ins = relay.Tuple([y])
    outs = relay.Tuple([out])
    is_inputs = [False]
    shape_func = relay.op.vm.shape_func(fn, ins, outs, is_inputs)
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([x, out], shape_func)
    ca = context_analysis(mod, tvm.cuda())
    main = mod["main"]

    cpu_dev = tvm.cpu().device_type
    gpu_dev = tvm.cuda().device_type
    assert main.params[0] in ca and ca[main.params[0]][0].value == gpu_dev
    # The output of shape func should be on cpu.
    assert main.params[1] in ca and ca[main.params[1]][0].value == cpu_dev
    # shape func is the body and it should be on cpu
    assert main.body in ca and ca[main.body][0].value == cpu_dev
Example #2
def test_alloc_storage():
    if not tvm.testing.device_enabled("cuda") or not tvm.cuda(0).exist:

    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    size = relay.Var("size", relay.scalar_type("int64"))
    alignment = relay.Var("alignment", relay.scalar_type("int64"))
    # allocate a chunk on of memory on gpu.
    sto = relay.op.memory.alloc_storage(size, alignment, tvm.cuda())
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([size, alignment], sto)
    ca = context_analysis(mod, tvm.cuda())
    main = mod["main"]
    body = main.body

    cpu_dev = tvm.cpu().device_type
    gpu_dev = tvm.cuda().device_type
    # Inputs are unified with alloc storage inputs which are on cpu
    assert main.params[0] in ca and ca[main.params[0]][0].value == cpu_dev
    assert main.params[1] in ca and ca[main.params[1]][0].value == cpu_dev

    assert isinstance(body, relay.Call) and len(body.args) == 2
    # size of alloc_storage is on cpu
    assert body.args[0] in ca and ca[body.args[0]][0].value == cpu_dev
    # alignment of alloc_storage is on cpu
    assert body.args[1] in ca and ca[body.args[1]][0].value == cpu_dev
    # alloc_storage is on gpu as specified
    assert body in ca and ca[body][0].value == gpu_dev
Example #3
def test_alloc_tensor():
    if not tvm.testing.device_enabled("cuda") or not tvm.cuda(0).exist:

    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    sto_type = relay.TypeCall(mod.get_global_type_var("Storage"), [])
    sto = relay.Var("x", sto_type)
    sh = relay.const(np.array([3, 2]), dtype="int64")
    at = relay.op.memory.alloc_tensor(sto, relay.const(0, dtype="int64"), sh)
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([sto], at)
    ca = context_analysis(mod, tvm.cuda())
    main = mod["main"]
    body = main.body

    cpu_dev = tvm.cpu().device_type
    gpu_dev = tvm.cuda().device_type
    # Input of the function falls back to the default device gpu
    assert main.params[0] in ca and ca[main.params[0]][0].value == gpu_dev

    assert isinstance(body, relay.Call) and len(body.args) == 3
    # storage of alloc_tensor falls back to the default device gpu
    assert body.args[0] in ca and ca[body.args[0]][0].value == gpu_dev
    # shape of alloc_tensor is on cpu
    assert body.args[1] in ca and ca[body.args[1]][0].value == cpu_dev
    # alloc_tensor keeps the same device context as storage which is is on gpu
    assert body in ca and ca[body][0].value == gpu_dev
Example #4
def test_vm_shape_of():
    if not tvm.testing.device_enabled("cuda") or not tvm.cuda(0).exist:

    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    data_shape = (relay.Any(), )
    x = relay.var("x", shape=data_shape)
    y = relay.op.vm.shape_of(x)
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([x], y)
    ca = context_analysis(mod, tvm.cuda())
    main = mod["main"]

    cpu_dev = tvm.cpu().device_type
    gpu_dev = tvm.cuda().device_type
    assert main.params[0] in ca and ca[main.params[0]][0].value == gpu_dev
    assert main.body in ca and ca[main.body][0].value == cpu_dev
Example #5
def test_dynamic_input():
    if not tvm.testing.device_enabled("cuda") or not tvm.cuda(0).exist:

    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    data_shape = (relay.Any(), relay.Any())
    x0 = relay.var("x0", shape=data_shape)
    x1 = relay.var("x1", shape=data_shape)
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([x0, x1], x0 + x1)

    compiler = relay.vm.VMCompiler()
    mod, _ = compiler.optimize(mod, target="cuda")
    ca = context_analysis(mod, tvm.cpu())
    main = mod["main"]

    gpu_dev = tvm.cuda().device_type
    assert main.params[0] in ca and ca[main.params[0]][0].value == gpu_dev
    assert main.params[1] in ca and ca[main.params[1]][0].value == gpu_dev
    assert main.body in ca and ca[main.body][0].value == gpu_dev
Example #6
def test_device_copy():
    if not tvm.testing.device_enabled("cuda") or not tvm.cuda(0).exist:

    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    x = relay.var("x", shape=(2, 3))
    copy = relay.op.device_copy(x, tvm.cpu(), tvm.cuda())
    out = copy + relay.const(np.random.rand(2, 3))
    glb_var = relay.GlobalVar("main")
    mod[glb_var] = relay.Function([x], out)
    ca = context_analysis(mod, tvm.cpu())

    cpu_dev = tvm.cpu().device_type
    gpu_dev = tvm.cuda().device_type
    for expr, dev in ca.items():
        if isinstance(expr, _expr.Call):
            assert dev[0].value == gpu_dev
        elif isinstance(expr, _expr.Var):
            assert dev[0].value == cpu_dev
        elif isinstance(expr, _expr.Constant):
            assert dev[0].value == gpu_dev
Example #7
def test_vm_reshape_tensor():
    if not tvm.testing.device_enabled("cuda") or not tvm.cuda(0).exist:

    x = relay.var("x", shape=(2, 8), dtype="float32")
    shape = relay.const([-1, 4, 2], dtype="int64")
    y = relay.op.vm.reshape_tensor(x, shape, [2, 4, 2])
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    mod["main"] = relay.Function([x], y)
    ca = context_analysis(mod, tvm.cuda())
    main = mod["main"]
    body = main.body

    cpu_dev = tvm.cpu().device_type
    gpu_dev = tvm.cuda().device_type
    # Input of the function falls back to the default device gpu
    assert main.params[0] in ca and ca[main.params[0]][0].value == gpu_dev

    # dats of reshape_tensor falls back to the default device gpu
    assert body.args[0] in ca and ca[body.args[0]][0].value == gpu_dev
    # shape of reshape_tensor is on cpu
    assert body.args[1] in ca and ca[body.args[1]][0].value == cpu_dev
    # reshape_tensor sits on the same device as the data
    assert body in ca and ca[body][0].value == gpu_dev