def test_dynamic_concat():
    fn @concat_loop(%i: int32, %st: (any, 1)) -> (any, 1) {
        if (%i < 10) {
            let %i = reshape(cast(i, "float32"), newshape=(1, ))
            let %new_st = concatenate((st, i), axis=0)
            concat_loop(%i + 1, )
        } else {
    # Initial Values.
    i = relay.var('i', shape=(), dtype='int32')
    st = relay.var('st', shape=(relay.Any(), 1), dtype='int32')

    def _cond(i, st):
        return relay.op.min(relay.op.less(i, int32(10)))

    def _body(i, st):
        i_vec = relay.op.reshape(i, (1, 1))
        ret = relay.op.concatenate([st, i_vec], axis=0)
        return i + int32(1), ret

    loop = while_loop(_cond, [i, st], _body)
    start = relay.var('start', shape=(), dtype='int32')
    body = loop(start, relay.op.reshape(relay.const(0), newshape=(1, 1)))
    func = relay.Function([start], relay.TupleGetItem(body, 1))
    func = infer_type(func)
Example #2
def test_recursive_concat_with_wrong_annotation():
    fn (%start: int32) {
        %7 = {
            let %while_loop = fn (%i: int32, %st: Tensor[(1, 1), int32]) {
            %0 = less(%i, 10)
            %1 = min(%0)
            if (%1) {
                %2 = add(%i, 1)
                %3 = reshape(%i, newshape=[1, 1])
                %4 = (%st, %3)
                /* The result of concat should be 1,1 but it is 2, 1. */
                %5 = concatenate(%4)
                %while_loop(%2, %5)
            } else {
                (%i, %st)
        %6 = reshape(0, newshape=[1, 1])
        %while_loop(%start, %6)
    # Initial Values.
    i = relay.var('i', shape=(), dtype='int32')
    st = relay.var('st', shape=(1, 1), dtype='int32')

    def _cond(i, st):
        return relay.op.min(relay.op.less(i, int32(10)))

    def _body(i, st):
        i_vec = relay.op.reshape(i, (1, 1))
        ret = relay.op.concatenate([st, i_vec], axis=0)
        return i + int32(1), ret

    loop = while_loop(_cond, [i, st], _body)
    start = relay.var('start', shape=(), dtype='int32')
    body = loop(start, relay.op.reshape(relay.const(0), newshape=(1, 1)))
    func = relay.Function([start], relay.TupleGetItem(body, 1))
        func = infer_type(func)
        assert False
    except Exception as e:
        assert "in particular dimension 0 conflicts 2 does not match 1" in str(