Example #1
def test_pow():
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    p = Prelude(mod)
    nat_iterate = mod.get_global_var("nat_iterate")
    shape = (10, 10)
    dtype = "float32"
    t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype)
    x = relay.var("x", t)
    double = relay.Function([x], x + x)
    i = relay.var("i", t)
    func = relay.Function([i], nat_iterate(double, make_nat_expr(p, 3))(i))
    mod["main"] = func
    mod = transform.InferType()(mod)
    mod["main"] = gradient(mod["main"], mod=mod)
    m = transform.InferType()(mod)
    back_func = m["main"]
    assert back_func.checked_type == relay.FuncType(
        [t], relay.TupleType([t, relay.TupleType([t])]))
    i_nd = rand(dtype, *shape)
    forward, (grad_i, ) = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(back_func)(i_nd)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(forward.numpy(), 8 * i_nd.numpy())
                                8 * np.ones_like(grad_i.numpy()))
Example #2
def test_tuple():
    ttype = relay.TupleType([relay.TensorType((1,)), relay.TensorType((10,))])
    tup = relay.var('tup', type_annotation=ttype)
    f = relay.Function([tup], relay.TupleGetItem(tup, 1))
    i_data = np.random.rand(41).astype('float32')
    j_data = np.random.rand(10).astype('float32')

    exe = create_exec(f)
    code, lib = exe.save()
    des_exec = _vm.Executable.load_exec(code, lib)
    des_vm = _vm.VirtualMachine(des_exec)

    result = veval(des_vm, (i_data, j_data))
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), j_data)
Example #3
def test_map_accuml():
    a = relay.TypeVar("a")
    b = relay.TypeVar("b")
    c = relay.TypeVar("c")
    expected_type = relay.FuncType(
        [relay.FuncType([a, b], relay.TupleType([a, c])), a,
         l(b)], relay.TupleType([a, l(c)]), [a, b, c])
    assert mod[map_accuml].checked_type == expected_type

    acc = relay.Var("acc", nat())
    x = relay.Var("x", nat())
    add_to_acc = relay.Function([acc, x], relay.Tuple([add(x, acc), x]))

    vals = cons(build_nat(1), cons(build_nat(2), cons(build_nat(3), nil())))
    res = intrp.evaluate(map_accuml(add_to_acc, z(), vals))

    sum = count(res[0])
    new_vals = to_list(res[1])

    assert sum == 6
    assert len(new_vals) == 3
    assert count(new_vals[0]) == 3
    assert count(new_vals[1]) == 2
    assert count(new_vals[2]) == 1
def test_function():
    param_names = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
    params = tvm.runtime.convert([relay.Var(n) for n in param_names])
    ret_type = relay.TupleType(tvm.runtime.convert([]))
    body = relay.Tuple(tvm.runtime.convert([]))
    type_params = tvm.runtime.convert([])
    fn = relay.Function(params, body, ret_type, type_params)
    fn = fn.with_attr("test_attribute", tvm.tir.StringImm("value"))
    assert fn.params == params
    assert fn.body == body
    assert fn.type_params == type_params
    assert fn.span == None
    assert fn.attrs["test_attribute"] == "value"
Example #5
def test_vm_reshape_tuple(target, dev, x_shape=(1, 4, 2), y_shape=(1, 2, 10)):
    tup = relay.var(
    out = relay.reshape(relay.TupleGetItem(tup, 0), (1, -1))
    f = relay.Function([tup], out)

    x_data = np.random.uniform(size=x_shape).astype("float32")
    y_data = np.random.uniform(size=y_shape).astype("float32")

    res = veval(f, (x_data, y_data), device=dev, target=target)
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(res.numpy(), np.reshape(x_data, (1, -1)))
Example #6
def test_param_alpha_equal():
    # only checks equality of the types
    v1 = relay.Var("v1")
    v2 = relay.Var("v2")

    p1 = relay.Param(v1, relay.TensorType((1, 2, 3), "float32"))
    p2 = relay.Param(v2, relay.TensorType((1, 2, 3), "float32"))
    assert alpha_equal(p1, p2)

    p3 = relay.Param(v1, relay.TensorType((4, 5, 6), "int8"))
    assert not alpha_equal(p1, p3)

    p4 = relay.Param(v1, relay.TupleType([relay.TensorType((1, 2, 3),
    assert not alpha_equal(p1, p4)
def test_typecall_kind():
    gtv = relay.GlobalTypeVar('gtv')

    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    data = relay.TypeData(gtv, [], [])
    mod[gtv] = data
    empty_call = relay.TypeCall(gtv, [])
    assert check_kind(empty_call, mod) == relay.TypeKind.Type

    new_mod = tvm.IRModule()
    tv = relay.TypeVar('tv')
    new_data = relay.TypeData(gtv, [tv], [])
    new_mod[gtv] = new_data
    call = relay.TypeCall(gtv, [relay.TupleType([])])
    assert check_kind(call, new_mod) == relay.TypeKind.Type
Example #8
def test_tuple():
    ttype = relay.TupleType([relay.TensorType((1,)), relay.TensorType((10,))])
    tup = relay.var('tup', type_annotation=ttype)
    f = relay.Function([tup], relay.TupleGetItem(tup, 1))
    i_data = np.random.rand(41).astype('float32')
    j_data = np.random.rand(10).astype('float32')

    vm = create_vm(f)
    ser = serializer.Serializer(vm)
    code, lib = ser.serialize()
    deser = deserializer.Deserializer(code, lib)
    des_vm = deser.deserialize()

    result = veval(des_vm, (i_data, j_data))
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(result.asnumpy(), j_data)
Example #9
def test_func_kind():
    # only contain type kinds
    tp1 = relay.TypeParam('tp1', relay.Kind.Type)
    tp2 = relay.TypeParam('tp2', relay.Kind.Type)

    shape = tvm.convert([1, 2, 3])
    dtype = 'float32'
    tensor_type = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype)

    type_params = tvm.convert([tp1, tp2])
    type_constraints = tvm.convert([])
    arg_types = tvm.convert([tp1, tensor_type])
    ret_type = relay.TupleType(tvm.convert([tp2, tensor_type]))

    tf = relay.FuncType(arg_types, ret_type, type_params, type_constraints)
    assert check_kind(tf)
Example #10
def test_adt_match():
    mod = relay.Module()
    box, constructor = initialize_box_adt(mod)

    v = relay.Var('v', relay.TensorType((), 'float32'))
    match = relay.Match(constructor(relay.const(0, 'float32')),
                         # redundant but shouldn't matter to typechecking

    mt = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(match, mod)
    assert mt.checked_type == relay.TupleType([])
Example #11
def test_function():
    param_names = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
    params = tvm.runtime.convert([relay.Var(n) for n in param_names])
    ret_type = relay.TupleType(tvm.runtime.convert([]))
    body = relay.Tuple(tvm.runtime.convert([]))
    type_params = tvm.runtime.convert([])
    fn = relay.Function(params, body, ret_type, type_params)
    fn = fn.with_attr("test_attribute", "value")
    fn = fn.with_attr("test_attribute1", "value1")
    assert fn.params == params
    assert fn.body == body
    assert fn.type_params == type_params
    assert fn.span == None
    assert fn.attrs["test_attribute"] == "value"
    assert fn.attrs["test_attribute1"] == "value1"
def test_func_kind():
    # only contain type kinds
    tp1 = relay.TypeVar('tp1', relay.TypeKind.Type)
    tp2 = relay.TypeVar('tp2', relay.TypeKind.Type)

    shape = tvm.runtime.convert([1, 2, 3])
    dtype = 'float32'
    tensor_type = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype)

    tr = relay.TypeRelation(None, tvm.runtime.convert([tensor_type, tp1]) , 1, None)

    type_params = tvm.runtime.convert([tp1, tp2])
    type_constraints = tvm.runtime.convert([tr])
    arg_types = tvm.runtime.convert([tp1, tensor_type])
    ret_type = relay.TupleType(tvm.runtime.convert([tp2, tensor_type]))

    tf = relay.FuncType(arg_types, ret_type, type_params, type_constraints)
    assert check_kind(tf) == relay.TypeKind.Type
Example #13
def test_adt_match_type_annotations():
    mod = relay.Module()
    box, constructor = initialize_box_adt(mod)

    # the only type annotation is inside the match pattern var
    # but that should be enough info
    tt = relay.TensorType((2, 2), 'float32')
    x = relay.Var('x')
    mv = relay.Var('mv', tt)
    match = relay.Match(constructor(x), [
            relay.PatternConstructor(constructor, [relay.PatternVar(mv)]),

    func = relay.Function([x], match)
    ft = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(func, mod)
    assert ft.checked_type == relay.FuncType([tt], relay.TupleType([]))
Example #14
def test_constructor_call():
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    box, constructor = initialize_box_adt(mod)

    box_unit = constructor(relay.Tuple([]))
    box_constant = constructor(relay.const(0, "float32"))

    func = relay.Function([], relay.Tuple([box_unit, box_constant]))
    mod["main"] = func
    mod = infer_mod(mod)
    ret_type = mod["main"].checked_type.ret_type.fields
    # NB(@jroesch): when we annotate spans the ast fragments before
    # annotation the previous fragments will no longer be directly equal.
    box = mod.get_global_type_var("box")
    expected1 = box(relay.TupleType([]))
    expected2 = box(relay.TensorType((), "float32"))
    assert ret_type[0] == expected1
    assert ret_type[1] == expected2
Example #15
def test_zip():
    a = relay.TypeVar("a")
    b = relay.TypeVar("b")
    expected_type = relay.FuncType([rlist(a), rlist(b)],
                                   rlist(relay.TupleType([a, b])), [a, b])
    assert prelude.mod[zip].checked_type == expected_type

    l1 = cons(
        make_nat_expr(prelude, 1),
        cons(make_nat_expr(prelude, 2), cons(make_nat_expr(prelude, 3),
    l2 = cons(
        cons(cons(nil(), nil()), cons(cons(nil(), cons(nil(), nil())), nil())))

    res = intrp.evaluate(zip(l1, l2))
    zipped = to_list(res)
    assert len(zipped) == 3
    assert count(zipped[0][0]) == 1
    assert len(to_list(zipped[0][1])) == 0
    assert count(zipped[1][0]) == 2
    assert len(to_list(zipped[1][1])) == 1
    assert count(zipped[2][0]) == 3
    assert len(to_list(zipped[2][1])) == 2

    # test truncation
    l3 = cons(make_nat_expr(prelude, 4), cons(make_nat_expr(prelude, 5),
    shorter_res = intrp.evaluate(zip(l3, l2))
    truncated = to_list(shorter_res)
    assert len(truncated) == 2
    assert count(truncated[0][0]) == 4
    assert len(to_list(truncated[0][1])) == 0
    assert count(truncated[1][0]) == 5
    assert len(to_list(truncated[1][1])) == 1

    l4 = cons(nil(), nil())
    shortest_res = intrp.evaluate(zip(l3, l4))
    singleton = to_list(shortest_res)
    assert len(singleton) == 1
    assert count(singleton[0][0]) == 4
    assert len(to_list(singleton[0][1])) == 0
Example #16
def override_shape(tensor_type, axis, dim):
    """Change a dimension in a tensor shape."""
    # Handle multiple tensors by overriding the shape of each.
    if isinstance(tensor_type, relay.TupleType):
        tensor_type = tensor_type.fields
        tensor_type = [tensor_type]

    # Create new tensortypes for each input.
    new_types = []
    for t_type in tensor_type:
        new_dims = list(t_type.shape)
        new_dims[axis] = dim
        new_types.append(relay.TensorType(new_dims, t_type.dtype))

    # Dont return a tuple if there is a single tensor.
    if len(new_types) == 1:
        return new_types[0]
    return relay.TupleType(tvm.runtime.convert(new_types))
Example #17
def _test_tuple_argument(mode):
    shape = (2, 3)
    dtype = "float32"
    tensor_type = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype)
    fields = 3
    tuple_type = relay.TupleType([tensor_type] * fields)
    tup = relay.var("tup", type_annotation=tuple_type)
    body = relay.TupleGetItem(tup, 0)
    for i in range(1, fields):
        body = relay.add(body, relay.TupleGetItem(tup, i))
    func = relay.Function([tup], body)
    func = run_infer_type(func)
    back_func = run_infer_type(gradient(func, mode=mode))
    xs = [rand(dtype, *shape) for _ in range(fields)]
    xs_np = np.array([x.numpy() for x in xs])
    expected_forward = np.sum(xs_np, axis=0)
    forward, grad = create_executor().evaluate(back_func)(tuple(xs))
    tvm.testing.assert_allclose(forward.numpy(), expected_forward)
    for field in grad[0]:
        tvm.testing.assert_allclose(field.numpy(), np.ones_like(field.numpy()))
Example #18
def test_adt_match():
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    box, constructor = initialize_box_adt(mod)

    v = relay.Var("v", relay.TensorType((), "float32"))
    match = relay.Match(
        constructor(relay.const(0, "float32")),
                relay.PatternConstructor(constructor, [relay.PatternVar(v)]),
            # redundant but shouldn't matter to typechecking
            relay.Clause(relay.PatternWildcard(), relay.Tuple([])),

    func = relay.Function([], match)
    mod["main"] = func
    mod = infer_mod(mod)
    actual = mod["main"].checked_type.ret_type
    assert actual == relay.TupleType([])
Example #19
def test_adt_match_type_annotations():
    mod = tvm.IRModule()
    box, constructor = initialize_box_adt(mod)

    # the only type annotation is inside the match pattern var
    # but that should be enough info
    tt = relay.TensorType((2, 2), "float32")
    x = relay.Var("x")
    mv = relay.Var("mv", tt)
    match = relay.Match(
                relay.PatternConstructor(constructor, [relay.PatternVar(mv)]),

    mod["main"] = relay.Function([x], match)
    mod = infer_mod(mod)
    ft = mod["main"].checked_type
    assert ft == relay.FuncType([tt], relay.TupleType([]))
Example #20
def test_unfoldl():
    a = relay.TypeVar("a")
    b = relay.TypeVar("b")
    expected_type = relay.FuncType(
        [relay.FuncType([a], optional(relay.TupleType([a, b]))), a], l(b),
        [a, b])

    x = relay.Var("x", nat())
    n = relay.Var("n", nat())
    count_down = relay.Function(
        relay.Match(x, [
            relay.Clause(relay.PatternConstructor(s, [relay.PatternVar(n)]),
                         some(relay.Tuple([n, x]))),
            relay.Clause(relay.PatternConstructor(z, []), none())

    res = intrp.evaluate(unfoldl(count_down, make_nat_expr(3)))
    unfolded = to_list(res)

    assert len(unfolded) == 3
    assert count(unfolded[0]) == 1
    assert count(unfolded[1]) == 2
    assert count(unfolded[2]) == 3
def test_add_tuple():
    """Add elements of tuple. Check types and semantic equivalence."""
    mod = tvm.IRModule()

    shape = (10, 10)
    dtype = "float32"
    tensor_type = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype)
    t = relay.TupleType([tensor_type, tensor_type])

    x = relay.var("x", t)
    # f((x1,x2)) = x1 + x2
    y = relay.Function([x], relay.TupleGetItem(x, 0) + relay.TupleGetItem(x, 1))

    mod["main"] = y
    mod = transform.InferType()(mod)
    mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod)
    mod = tvm.transform.PrintIR(show_meta_data=True)(mod)
    y = mod["main"]

    assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], tensor_type)

    x = (rand(dtype, *shape), rand(dtype, *shape))
    y = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(y)(x)
    assert_allclose(y.numpy(), x[0].numpy() + x[1].numpy())
def test_ret_tuple():
    """Test tuple return type. Check types and semantic equivalence."""
    mod = tvm.IRModule()

    shape = (10, 10)
    dtype = "float32"
    t = relay.TensorType(shape, dtype)

    x = relay.var("x", t)
    # f(x) = (x,x)
    func = relay.Function([x], relay.Tuple([x, x * relay.const(2.0)]))
    func = run_infer_type(func)

    mod["main"] = func
    mod = transform.InferType()(mod)
    mod = transform.LazyGradientInit()(mod)
    func = mod["main"]

    assert mod["main"].checked_type == relay.FuncType([t], relay.TupleType([t, t]))

    x = rand(dtype, *shape)
    y = create_executor(mod=mod).evaluate(func)(x)
    assert_allclose(y[0].numpy(), x.numpy())
    assert_allclose(y[1].numpy(), x.numpy() * 2.0)
Example #23
def test_function_alpha_equal():
    tt1 = relay.TensorType((1, 2, 3), "float32")
    tt2 = relay.TensorType((4, 5, 6), "int8")
    tt3 = relay.TupleType([tt1, tt2])

    v1 = relay.Var("v1", tt1)
    v2 = relay.Var("v2", tt2)
    v3 = relay.Var("v3", tt3)
    v4 = relay.Var("v4", tt2)
    vret = relay.Constant(tvm.nd.array(np.ones(1)))

    tp1 = relay.TypeVar("tp1", relay.Kind.Type)
    tp2 = relay.TypeVar("tp2", relay.Kind.Type)
    tp3 = relay.TypeVar("tp3", relay.Kind.Shape)
    tp4 = relay.TypeVar("tp4", relay.Kind.Shape)

    basic_args = [relay.Var("v3", tt1), relay.Var("v4", tt2)]
    basic_tps = [tp1, tp2]

    func = relay.Function([v1, v2], v1,
                          tt2, basic_tps)
    mapped = relay.Function(basic_args, basic_args[0], tt2, basic_tps)
    assert alpha_equal(func, mapped)

    fewer_params = relay.Function([relay.Var("v4", tt2)], v4, tt2, basic_tps)
    assert not alpha_equal(func, fewer_params)

    more_params = relay.Function([relay.Var("v3", tt1),
                                  relay.Var("v4", tt2),
                                  relay.Var("v2", tt2)], v4, tt2, basic_tps)
    assert not alpha_equal(func, more_params)

    params_unordered = relay.Function([v2, v1], v1,
                                      tt2, basic_tps)
    assert not alpha_equal(func, params_unordered)

    params_mismatch = relay.Function([v1, v3], v1,
                                     tt2, basic_tps)
    assert not alpha_equal(func, params_mismatch)

    # also would not typecheck
    ret_type_mismatch = relay.Function(basic_args, v4, tt1, basic_tps)
    assert not alpha_equal(func, ret_type_mismatch)

    # also mis-typed
    different_body = relay.Function(basic_args, v3, tt2, basic_tps)
    assert not alpha_equal(func, different_body)

    fewer_type_params = relay.Function(basic_args, v4, tt2, [tp1])
    assert not alpha_equal(func, fewer_type_params)

    more_type_params = relay.Function(basic_args, v4, tt2, [tp1, tp2, tp3])
    assert not alpha_equal(func, more_type_params)

    type_params_unordered = relay.Function(basic_args, v4, tt2, [tp2, tp1])
    assert not alpha_equal(func, type_params_unordered)

    different_type_params = relay.Function(basic_args, v4, tt2, [tp3, tp4])
    assert not alpha_equal(func, different_type_params)

    # a well-typed example that also differs in body, ret type, and type params
    tupled_example = relay.Function(basic_args, relay.Tuple([v3, v4]), tt3)
    assert not alpha_equal(func, tupled_example)

    # nullable
    no_ret_type = relay.Function(basic_args, v4, None, [tp1, tp2])
    # both null
    assert alpha_equal(no_ret_type, no_ret_type)
    # one null
    assert not alpha_equal(func, no_ret_type)
    assert not alpha_equal(no_ret_type, func)
def main(argv):

    dtype = 'float32'
    num_hidden = int(argv[1])
    batch_size = 1

    input_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, num_hidden), dtype)
    state_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type])
    weight_type = relay.TensorType((4 * num_hidden, num_hidden), dtype)
    bias_type = relay.TensorType((4 * num_hidden, ), dtype)

    # inputs = relay.Var('inputs', input_type)
    # states = relay.Var('states', state_type)

    # cell_state = relay.Var('cell_state', input_type)
    # hidden_state = relay.Var('hidden_state', input_type)
    # i2h_weight = relay.Var('i2h_weight', weight_type)
    # i2h_bias = relay.Var('i2h_bias', bias_type)
    # h2h_weight = relay.Var('h2h_weight', weight_type)
    # h2h_bias = relay.Var('h2h_bias', bias_type)

    # mod = tvm.IRModule()
    # mod['lstm'] = lstm_cell(num_hidden)
    # mod['main'] = relay.Function([inputs, cell_state, hidden_state,
    #                                 i2h_weight, i2h_bias, h2h_weight, h2h_bias],
    #                             mod.get_global_var('lstm')(inputs, relay.Tuple([cell_state, hidden_state]),
    #                                 i2h_weight, i2h_bias, h2h_weight, h2h_bias))

    mod, p = get_workload(batch_size, num_hidden)

    ex = relay.create_executor('vm', mod=mod, ctx=tvm.cpu(), target='llvm')

    i_val = generate_random_tensor(input_type)

    cell_val = np.zeros((batch_size, num_hidden), np.float32)
    hidden_val = np.zeros((batch_size, num_hidden), np.float32)

    i2h_w_val = generate_random_tensor(weight_type)
    i2h_b_val = generate_random_tensor(bias_type)
    h2h_w_val = generate_random_tensor(weight_type)
    h2h_b_val = generate_random_tensor(bias_type)

    # order: i_sz, o_sz,  input, cell, hidden, i2h_weight, h2h_weight, i2h_bias, h2h_bias
    f = open(argv[2], 'wb')
    f.write(num_hidden.to_bytes(4, 'little'))
    f.write(num_hidden.to_bytes(4, 'little'))

    print("Wrote %d bytes" % f.tell())

    print("inputs:", i_val)
    print("cell:", cell_val)
    print("hidden:", hidden_val)
    print("i2h_weights:", i2h_w_val)
    print("h2h_weights:", h2h_w_val)
    print("i2h_bias:", i2h_b_val)
    print("h2h_bias:", h2h_b_val)

    # i2h_dense = np.add(i2h_w_val.asnumpy().dot(i_val.asnumpy()[0]), i2h_b_val.asnumpy())
    # h2h_dense = np.add(h2h_w_val.asnumpy().dot(hidden_val[0]), h2h_b_val.asnumpy())
    # print("i2h dense: ", i2h_dense)
    # print("h2h dense: ", h2h_dense)
    # comb_dense = np.add(i2h_dense, h2h_dense)
    # print("combined dense:", comb_dense)

    # def sig(x):
    #     return (1.0 / (1.0 + math.exp(-x)))
    # vsig = np.vectorize(sig)
    # in_gate = vsig(comb_dense[:num_hidden])
    # forget_gate = vsig(comb_dense[num_hidden:num_hidden*2])
    # in_trx = np.tanh(comb_dense[num_hidden*2:num_hidden*3])
    # out_gate = vsig(comb_dense[num_hidden*3:])
    # next_c = np.add(np.multiply(forget_gate, cell_val), np.multiply(in_gate, in_trx))
    # next_h = np.multiply(out_gate, np.tanh(next_c))
    # print("next_c:", next_c)
    # print("next_h:", next_h)

    out = ex.evaluate()(i_val, i2h_w_val, i2h_b_val, h2h_w_val, h2h_b_val)

    print("output: ", out)

    print("Wrote %d bytes" % f.tell())
Example #25
def test_unify_quantified_funcs_var_order():
    solver = make_solver()
    a, b, c = relay.TypeVar('a'), relay.TypeVar('b'), relay.TypeVar('c')

    ft1 = relay.FuncType([a, relay.TupleType([b, c])], relay.TupleType([a, b, c]), [a, b, c])
    ft2 = relay.FuncType([a, relay.TupleType([a, c])], relay.TupleType([a, a, c]), [a, c])
Example #26
def lstm_definition(batch_size,
    state_tensor_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, hidden_size))
    state_tuple_type = relay.TupleType([state_tensor_type, state_tensor_type])

    input_var = relay.var("input", shape=(batch_size, time_steps, input_size))
    state_var = relay.var("state", type_annotation=state_tuple_type)
    i2h_weight_var = relay.var("i2h_weight",
                               shape=(4 * hidden_size, input_size))
    h2h_weight_var = relay.var("h2h_weight",
                               shape=(4 * hidden_size, hidden_size))
    i2h_bias_var = relay.var("i2h_bias", shape=(4 * hidden_size, ))
    h2h_bias_var = relay.var("h2h_bias", shape=(4 * hidden_size, ))

    # in this case, we are ignoring the state outputs
    builder = relay.ScopeBuilder()
    cell_var = builder.let(
        "lstm_cell", relay_lstm_cell(batch_size, input_size, hidden_size))
    splits = builder.let(
        relay.split(input_var, time_steps, time_axis).astuple())
    last_state = state_var
    seq_outs = []
    for i in range(time_steps):
        squeezed = builder.let(
            relay.squeeze(relay.TupleGetItem(splits, i), axis=[time_axis]))
        cell_out = builder.let(
            cell_var(squeezed, last_state, i2h_weight_var, h2h_weight_var,
                     i2h_bias_var, i2h_bias_var))
        new_seq_out = builder.let(f"seq_out_{i}",
                                  relay.TupleGetItem(cell_out, 0))
        new_hidden = builder.let(f"state_update_{i}",
                                 relay.TupleGetItem(cell_out, 1))
        last_state = new_hidden

    stacked = builder.let("stacked", relay.stack(seq_outs, axis=time_axis))
    # finally reshape to match pytorch's semantics (one layer)
    reshape_hidden = builder.let(
        relay.reshape(relay.TupleGetItem(last_state, 0),
                      (1, batch_size, hidden_size)))
    reshape_cell = builder.let(
        relay.reshape(relay.TupleGetItem(last_state, 1),
                      (1, batch_size, hidden_size)))
    builder.ret(relay.Tuple([stacked, reshape_hidden, reshape_cell]))

    ret_type = relay.TupleType([
        relay.TensorType((batch_size, time_steps, hidden_size)),
        relay.TensorType((1, batch_size, hidden_size)),
        relay.TensorType((1, batch_size, hidden_size))

    return relay.Function([
        input_var, state_var, i2h_weight_var, h2h_weight_var, i2h_bias_var,
Example #27
def test_tuple():
    tp = relay.TensorType((10, ))
    x = relay.var("x", tp)
    res = relay.Tuple([x, x])
    assert (relay.ir_pass.infer_type(res).checked_type == relay.TupleType(
        [tp, tp]))
Example #28
def lstm_cell(num_hidden, batch_size=1, dtype="float32", name=""):
    """Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) network cell.

    num_hidden : int
        Number of units in output symbol.

    batch_size : int
        Batch size (length of states).

    result : tvm.relay.Function
        A Relay function that evaluates an LSTM cell.
        The function takes in a tensor of input data, a tuple of two
        states, and weights and biases for dense operations on the
        inputs and on the state. It returns a tuple with two members,
        an output tensor and a tuple of two new states.
    builder = relay.ScopeBuilder()

    input_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, num_hidden), dtype)
    weight_type = relay.TensorType((4 * num_hidden, num_hidden), dtype)
    bias_type = relay.TensorType((4 * num_hidden,), dtype)

    dense_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, 4 * num_hidden), dtype)
    slice_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type, input_type, input_type])
    ret_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type])])

    inputs = relay.Var("inputs", input_type)
    states = relay.Var("states", relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type]))

    i2h_weight = relay.Var("i2h_weight", weight_type)
    i2h_bias = relay.Var("i2h_bias", bias_type)

    h2h_weight = relay.Var("h2h_weight", weight_type)
    h2h_bias = relay.Var("h2h_bias", bias_type)

    i2h = builder.let(
        ("i2h", dense_type),
            data=inputs, units=num_hidden * 4, weight=i2h_weight, bias=i2h_bias, name="%si2h" % name
    h2h = builder.let(
        ("h2h", dense_type),
            data=relay.TupleGetItem(states, 0),
            units=num_hidden * 4,
            name="%sh2h" % name,

    gates = builder.let(("gates", dense_type), relay.add(i2h, h2h))
    slice_gates = builder.let(
        ("slice_gates", slice_type), relay.split(gates, indices_or_sections=4, axis=1).astuple()

    in_gate = builder.let(
        ("in_gate", input_type), relay.sigmoid(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 0))
    forget_gate = builder.let(
        ("forget_gate", input_type), relay.sigmoid(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 1))
    in_transform = builder.let(
        ("in_transform", input_type), relay.tanh(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 2))
    out_gate = builder.let(
        ("out_gate", input_type), relay.sigmoid(relay.TupleGetItem(slice_gates, 3))

    next_c = builder.let(
        ("next_c", input_type),
            relay.multiply(forget_gate, relay.TupleGetItem(states, 1)),
            relay.multiply(in_gate, in_transform),
    next_h = builder.let(("next_h", input_type), relay.multiply(out_gate, relay.tanh(next_c)))
    ret = builder.let(("ret", ret_type), relay.Tuple([next_h, relay.Tuple([next_h, next_c])]))

    body = builder.get()

    return relay.Function(
        [inputs, states, i2h_weight, i2h_bias, h2h_weight, h2h_bias], body, ret_type
Example #29
    B = T.match_buffer(b, [128, 128], scope="scopeA")
    C = T.match_buffer(c, [128, 128], scope="scopeB")
    D = T.match_buffer(d, [128, 128], scope="scopeC")

    for i, j, k in T.grid(128, 128, 128):
        with T.block("update"):
            vi, vj, vk = T.axis.remap("SSR", [i, j, k])
            with T.init():
                D[vi, vj] = C[vi, vj]
            D[vi, vj] = D[vi, vj] + A[vi, vk] * B[vj, vk]

gem_ty = relay.FuncType(
            relay.TensorType((128, 128), "float32"),
            relay.TensorType((128, 128), "float32"),
        relay.TensorType((128, 128), "float32"),
    relay.TensorType((128, 128), "float32"),

def test_get_prim_func_arg_and_result_constraints():
    scopes = tir.analysis.get_prim_func_arg_and_result_memory_constraints(
        gem, gem_ty)
    assert [x for x in scopes] == ["scopeA", "scopeB", "scopeC"]

def test_apply_prim_func_arg_and_result_memory_constraints():
    rewritten = tir.analysis.apply_prim_func_arg_and_result_memory_constraints(
def get_lstm(batch_size, num_hidden, dtype):
    '''Returns a module where the main() function is an LSTM RNN,
    returning a tuple of two items where the first is the
    list of outputs and the second is the final hidden state'''
    mod = relay.Module()
    p = Prelude(mod)
    input_type = relay.TensorType((batch_size, num_hidden), dtype)
    weight_type = relay.TensorType((4 * num_hidden, num_hidden), dtype)
    bias_type = relay.TensorType((4 * num_hidden, ), dtype)
    state_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, input_type])
    cell_type = relay.TupleType([input_type, state_type])
    state_var_type = relay.TupleType([p.l(input_type), state_type])
    input_list = relay.Var('input_list', p.l(input_type))
    init_states = relay.Var('init_states', state_type)
    cell_fn = lstm_cell(num_hidden, batch_size, dtype, "lstm_cell")
    i2h_weight = relay.Var('i2h_weight', weight_type)
    i2h_bias = relay.Var('i2h_bias', bias_type)
    h2h_weight = relay.Var('h2h_weight', weight_type)
    h2h_bias = relay.Var('h2h_bias', bias_type)
    state_var = relay.Var('state_var', state_var_type)
    input_var = relay.Var('input_var', input_type)
    cell_out = relay.Var('cell_out', cell_type)
    iteration = relay.Function([state_var, input_var],
                                                              1), i2h_weight,
                                           i2h_bias, h2h_weight, h2h_bias),
                                       p.cons(relay.TupleGetItem(cell_out, 0),
                                       relay.TupleGetItem(cell_out, 1)
                                   ])), state_var_type)
    fold_res = relay.Var('fold_res', state_var_type)
    mod['rnn'] = relay.Function(
        [i2h_weight, i2h_bias, h2h_weight, h2h_bias, init_states, input_list],
            p.foldl(iteration, relay.Tuple([p.nil(), init_states]),
                p.rev(relay.TupleGetItem(fold_res, 0)),
                relay.TupleGetItem(fold_res, 1)
            ])), state_var_type)

    mod['main'] = relay.Function(
        relay.Call(mod.get_global_var('rnn'), [
            p.cons(relay.const(generate_random_tensor(input_type)), p.nil())
    return mod