def test_recursion(): """ Program: def @f(%n: int32, %data: float32) -> float32 { if (%n == 0) { %data } else { @f(%n - 1, log(%data)) } } """ sb = relay.ScopeBuilder() f = relay.GlobalVar("f") ti32 = relay.scalar_type("int32") tf32 = relay.scalar_type("float32") n = relay.var("n", ti32) data = relay.var("data", tf32) with sb.if_scope(relay.equal(n, relay.const(0, ti32))): sb.ret(data) with sb.else_scope(): sb.ret(f(relay.subtract(n, relay.const(1, ti32)), relay.log(data))) mod = relay.Module() mod[f] = relay.Function([n, data], sb.get()) assert "@f(%1, %2) /* ty=float32 */" in mod.astext() assert mod[f].checked_type == relay.FuncType([ti32, tf32], tf32)
def test_equal(): i = relay.var('i', shape=[], dtype='int32') eq = op.equal(i, relay.const(0, dtype='int32')) func = relay.Function([i], eq) ft = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(func) assert ft.checked_type == relay.FuncType([relay.scalar_type('int32')], relay.scalar_type('bool'))
def test_monomorphic_let(): "Program: let %x = 1; %x" sb = relay.ScopeBuilder() x = sb.let('x', relay.const(1.0, "float64")) sb.ret(x) xchecked = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(sb.get()) assert xchecked.checked_type == relay.scalar_type("float64" )
def test_filter(): a = relay.TypeVar("a") expected_type = relay.FuncType([ relay.FuncType([a], relay.scalar_type("bool")), l(a) ], l(a), [a]) assert mod[filter].checked_type == expected_type x = relay.Var("x", nat()) greater_than_one = relay.Function( [x], relay.Match(x, [ relay.Clause( relay.PatternConstructor(s, [ relay.PatternConstructor( s, [relay.PatternWildcard()]) ]), relay.const(True)), relay.Clause(relay.PatternWildcard(), relay.const(False)) ])) res = intrp.evaluate( filter(greater_than_one, cons(build_nat(1), cons(build_nat(1), cons(build_nat(3), cons(build_nat(1), cons(build_nat(5), cons(build_nat(1), nil())))))))) filtered = to_list(res) assert len(filtered) == 2 assert count(filtered[0]) == 3 assert count(filtered[1]) == 5
def test_incomplete_call(): tt = relay.scalar_type('int32') x = relay.var('x', tt) f = relay.var('f') func = relay.Function([x, f], relay.Call(f, [x]), tt) ft = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(func) f_type = relay.FuncType([tt], tt) assert ft.checked_type == relay.FuncType([tt, f_type], tt)
def verify_full(fill_value, src_shape, dtype): x = relay.var("x", relay.scalar_type(dtype)) z = relay.full(x, src_shape, dtype) func = relay.Function([x], z) ref_res = np.full(src_shape, fill_value) for target, ctx in ctx_list(): for kind in ["graph", "debug"]: intrp = relay.create_executor(kind, ctx=ctx, target=target) op_res = intrp.evaluate(func)(np.array(fill_value, dtype)) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(op_res.asnumpy(), ref_res, rtol=1e-5)
def test_ref(): x = relay.var("x", "float32") y = relay.var("y", "float32") r = relay.RefCreate(x) st = relay.scalar_type("float32") assert relay.ir_pass.infer_type(r).checked_type == relay.RefType(st) g = relay.RefRead(r) assert relay.ir_pass.infer_type(g).checked_type == st w = relay.RefWrite(r, y) assert relay.ir_pass.infer_type(w).checked_type == relay.TupleType([])
def test_global_var_recursion(): mod = relay.Module({}) gv = relay.GlobalVar("foo") x = relay.var('x', shape=[]) tt = relay.scalar_type('float32') func = relay.Function([x], relay.Call(gv, [x]), tt) mod[gv] = func ft = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(gv, mod) assert mod[ft].checked_type == relay.FuncType([tt], tt)
def test_id_type(): mod = tvm.IRModule() id_type = relay.GlobalTypeVar("id") a = relay.TypeVar("a") mod[id_type] = relay.TypeData(id_type, [a], []) b = relay.TypeVar("b") make_id = relay.Var("make_id", relay.FuncType([b], id_type(b), [b])) t = relay.scalar_type("float32") b = relay.Var("b", t) mod["main"] = relay.Function([make_id, b], make_id(b)) mod = transform.InferType()(mod) assert mod["main"].body.checked_type == id_type(t)
def verify_full(fill_value, src_shape, dtype): x = relay.var("x", relay.scalar_type(dtype)) rank = len(src_shape) dyn_src_shape = relay.var("dyn_scr_shape", relay.ty.TensorType((rank, ), "int64")) z = relay.full(x, dyn_src_shape, dtype) func = relay.Function([x, dyn_src_shape], z) ref_res = np.full(src_shape, fill_value).astype(dtype) verify_func(func, [ np.array(fill_value).astype(dtype), np.array(src_shape).astype("int64") ], ref_res)
def verify_full_like(base, fill_value, dtype): x_data = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=base).astype(dtype) x = relay.var("x", relay.TensorType(base, dtype)) y = relay.var("y", relay.scalar_type(dtype)) z = relay.full_like(x, y) func = relay.Function([x, y], z) ref_res = np.full_like(x_data, fill_value) for target, ctx in ctx_list(): for kind in ["graph", "debug"]: intrp = relay.create_executor(kind, ctx=ctx, target=target) op_res = intrp.evaluate(func)(x_data, np.array(fill_value, dtype)) tvm.testing.assert_allclose(op_res.asnumpy(), ref_res, rtol=1e-5)
def verify_full(fill_value, fill_shape, dtype): x = relay.var("x", relay.scalar_type(dtype)) y = relay.var("y", relay.TensorType(fill_shape, 'int64')) z = relay.full(x, relay.shape_of(y), dtype) func = run_infer_type(relay.Function([x, y], z)) func2 = run_opt_pass(run_opt_pass(func, transform.DynamicToStatic()), transform.InferType()) zz = func2.body assert isinstance(zz, relay.Call) assert zz.op == relay.op.get("full") ref_res = np.full(fill_shape, fill_value).astype(dtype) y_data = np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=fill_shape).astype('int64') verify_func(func2, [fill_value, y_data], ref_res)
def test_higher_order_nested(): a = relay.TypeVar("a") x = relay.Var("x", a) id_func = relay.Function([x], x, a, [a]) choice_t = relay.FuncType([], relay.scalar_type("bool")) f = relay.Var("f", choice_t) b = relay.TypeVar("b") z = relay.Var("z") top = relay.Function([f], relay.If(f(), id_func, relay.Function([z], z)), relay.FuncType([b], b), [b]) expected = relay.FuncType([choice_t], relay.FuncType([b], b), [b]) ft = infer_expr(top) assert ft.checked_type == expected
def test_higher_order_nested(): a = relay.TypeVar('a') x = relay.Var('x', a) id_func = relay.Function([x], x, a, [a]) choice_t = relay.FuncType([], relay.scalar_type('bool')) f = relay.Var('f', choice_t) b = relay.TypeVar('b') z = relay.Var('z') top = relay.Function([f], relay.If(f(), id_func, relay.Function([z], z)), relay.FuncType([b], b), [b]) expected = relay.FuncType([choice_t], relay.FuncType([b], b), [b]) ft = run_infer_type(top) assert ft.checked_type == expected
def test_higher_order_argument(): a = relay.TypeVar('a') x = relay.Var('x', a) id_func = relay.Function([x], x, a, [a]) b = relay.TypeVar('b') f = relay.Var('f', relay.FuncType([b], b)) y = relay.Var('y', b) ho_func = relay.Function([f, y], f(y), b, [b]) # id func should be an acceptable argument to the higher-order # function even though id_func takes a type parameter ho_call = ho_func(id_func, relay.const(0, 'int32')) hc = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(ho_call) expected = relay.scalar_type('int32') assert hc.checked_type == expected
def test_higher_order_argument(): a = relay.TypeVar("a") x = relay.Var("x", a) id_func = relay.Function([x], x, a, [a]) b = relay.TypeVar("b") f = relay.Var("f", relay.FuncType([b], b)) y = relay.Var("y", b) ho_func = relay.Function([f, y], f(y), b, [b]) # id func should be an acceptable argument to the higher-order # function even though id_func takes a type parameter ho_call = ho_func(id_func, relay.const(0, "int32")) hc = infer_expr(ho_call) expected = relay.scalar_type("int32") assert hc.checked_type == expected
def test_higher_order_argument(): a = relay.TypeVar('a') x = relay.Var('x', a) id_func = relay.Function([x], x, a, [a]) b = relay.TypeVar('b') f = relay.Var('f', relay.FuncType([b], b)) y = relay.Var('y', b) ho_func = relay.Function([f, y], f(y), b, [b]) # id func should be an acceptable argument to the higher-order # function even though id_func takes a type parameter ho_call = ho_func(id_func, relay.const(0, 'int32')) hc = run_infer_type(ho_call) expected = relay.scalar_type('int32') assert hc.checked_type == expected
def test_filter(): a = relay.TypeVar("a") expected_type = relay.FuncType( [relay.FuncType([a], relay.scalar_type("bool")), rlist(a)], rlist(a), [a] ) assert prelude.mod[filter].checked_type == expected_type x = relay.Var("x", nat()) greater_than_one = relay.Function( [x], relay.Match( x, [ relay.Clause( relay.PatternConstructor( s, [relay.PatternConstructor(s, [relay.PatternWildcard()])] ), relay.const(True), ), relay.Clause(relay.PatternWildcard(), relay.const(False)), ], ), ) res = intrp.evaluate( filter( greater_than_one, cons( make_nat_expr(prelude, 1), cons( make_nat_expr(prelude, 1), cons( make_nat_expr(prelude, 3), cons( make_nat_expr(prelude, 1), cons(make_nat_expr(prelude, 5), cons(make_nat_expr(prelude, 1), nil())), ), ), ), ), ) ) filtered = to_list(res) assert len(filtered) == 2 assert count(filtered[0]) == 3 assert count(filtered[1]) == 5
def test_higher_order_nested(): a = relay.TypeVar('a') x = relay.Var('x', a) id_func = relay.Function([x], x, a, [a]) choice_t = relay.FuncType([], relay.scalar_type('bool')) f = relay.Var('f', choice_t) b = relay.TypeVar('b') z = relay.Var('z') top = relay.Function( [f], relay.If(f(), id_func, relay.Function([z], z)), relay.FuncType([b], b), [b]) expected = relay.FuncType([choice_t], relay.FuncType([b], b), [b]) ft = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(top) assert ft.checked_type == expected
def verify_meshgrid(lengths, indexing='ij'): input_vars = [] input_data = [] for (i, length) in enumerate(lengths): input_name = 'x_{}'.format(i) if (length == 0): input_vars.append(relay.var(input_name, relay.scalar_type('float32'))) input_data.append(np.array(1, 'float32')) else: input_vars.append(relay.var(input_name, relay.TensorType((length,), 'float32'))) input_data.append(np.arange(length).astype('float32')) z = relay.meshgrid(input_vars, indexing=indexing).astuple() func = relay.Function(input_vars, z) ref_res = np.meshgrid(*input_data, indexing=indexing) for (target, ctx) in tvm.testing.enabled_targets(): for kind in ['graph', 'debug']: intrp = relay.create_executor(kind, ctx=ctx, target=target) op_res = intrp.evaluate(func)(*input_data) assert (len(op_res) == len(ref_res)) for i in range(len(op_res)): tvm.testing.assert_allclose(op_res[i].asnumpy(), ref_res[i], rtol=1e-05)
def test_sum(): assert mod[sum].checked_type == relay.FuncType( [l(relay.scalar_type('int32'))], relay.scalar_type('int32')) res = intrp.evaluate(sum(cons(relay.const(1), cons(relay.const(2), nil())))) assert get_scalar(res) == 3
def test_length(): a = relay.TypeVar("a") assert mod[length].checked_type == relay.FuncType( [l(a)], relay.scalar_type('int32'), [a]) res = intrp.evaluate(length(cons(z(), cons(z(), cons(z(), nil()))))) assert get_scalar(res) == 3
def test_sum(): assert prelude.mod[sum].checked_type == relay.FuncType( [rlist(relay.scalar_type("int32"))], relay.scalar_type("int32") ) res = intrp.evaluate(sum(cons(relay.const(1), cons(relay.const(2), nil())))) assert get_scalar(res) == 3
from tvm import relay import tvm x = relay.expr.var('x', relay.scalar_type('float32'), dtype='float32') y = relay.expr.var('y', relay.scalar_type('float32'), dtype='float32') dense = relay.nn.dense(x, y) func = relay.expr.Function([x], dense, relay.scalar_type('float32')) mod = relay.Module.from_expr(func) # note this API print("Relay module function:\n", mod.astext(show_meta_data=False)) graph, lib, params =, 'llvm', params={}) print("TVM graph:\n", graph) print("TVM parameters:\n", params) print("TVM compiled target function:\n", lib.get_source())
"bool", "int8x4", "uint1x4", "float16x4", } def parses_as(code, expr): # type: (str, relay.Expr) -> bool return alpha_equal(relay.fromtext(SEMVER + "\n" + code), expr) def get_scalar(x): # type: (relay.Constant) -> (Union[float, int, bool]) return int32 = relay.scalar_type("int32") _ = relay.Var("_") X = relay.Var("x") Y = relay.Var("y") X_ANNO = relay.Var("x", int32) Y_ANNO = relay.Var("y", int32) UNIT = relay.Tuple([]) # decorator to determine if parser is enabled def if_parser_enabled(func): # @wraps(func) def wrapper(): if not enabled():
from tvm import relay import tvm.relay.op x = relay.expr.var('x', relay.scalar_type('int64'), dtype= 'int64') one = relay.expr.const(1, dtype= 'int64') add = relay.op.tensor.add(x, one) func = relay.Function([x], add, relay.scalar_type('int64')) mod = graph, lib, params =, 'llvm', params={}) print("TVM graph:\n", graph) print("TVM parameters:\n", params) print("TVM compiled target function:\n", lib.get_source())
return expr def parses_as(code, expr): # type: (str, relay.Expr) -> bool parsed = parse_text(code) result = graph_equal(parsed, expr) return result def get_scalar(x): # type: (relay.Constant) -> (Union[float, int, bool]) return int32 = relay.scalar_type("int32") _ = relay.Var("_") X = relay.Var("x") Y = relay.Var("y") X_ANNO = relay.Var("x", int32) Y_ANNO = relay.Var("y", int32) UNIT = relay.Tuple([]) def test_comments(): assert parses_as( """ // This is a line comment! ()
def test_free_expr(): x = relay.var("x", "float32") y = relay.add(x, x) yy = relay.ir_pass.infer_type(y) assert yy.checked_type == relay.scalar_type("float32") assert x.vid.same_as(yy.args[0].vid)
def test_length(): a = relay.TypeVar("a") assert prelude.mod[length].checked_type == relay.FuncType( [rlist(a)], relay.scalar_type("int32"), [a]) res = eval(length(cons(z(), cons(z(), cons(z(), nil()))))) assert get_scalar(res) == 3