Example #1
    def update_params(self, d):
        super(StompWidget, self).update_params(d)
        d.topics = []
        d.onmessageframe = defaultdict(str)  # {topic: 'js callbacks'}
        for callback in self.callbacks:
            if len(moksha.livewidgets[callback]):
                cbs = ''
                if callback == 'onmessageframe':
                    for topic in moksha.livewidgets[callback]:
                        for cb in moksha.livewidgets[callback][topic]:
                            d.onmessageframe[topic] += '%s;' % str(cb)
                    for cb in moksha.livewidgets[callback]:
                        if isinstance(cb, (js_callback, js_function)):
                            cbs += '$(%s);' % str(cb)
                            cbs += str(cb)
                if cbs:
                    d[callback] = cbs

        if d.notify:
            d.onopen = js_callback(
                'function() { $.jGrowl("Moksha live socket connected") }')
            d.onerror = js_callback(
                'function(error) { $.jGrowl("Moksha Live Socket Error: " + error) }'
            d.onerrorframe = js_callback(
                'function(f) { $.jGrowl("Error frame received from Moksha Socket: " + f) }'
            d.onclose = js_callback(
                'function(c) { $.jGrowl("Moksha Socket Closed") }')
Example #2
    def update_params(self, d):
        super(StompWidget, self).update_params(d)
        d.topics = []
        d.onmessageframe = defaultdict(str) # {topic: 'js callbacks'}
        for callback in self.callbacks:
            if len(moksha.livewidgets[callback]):
                cbs = ''
                if callback == 'onmessageframe':
                    for topic in moksha.livewidgets[callback]:
                        for cb in moksha.livewidgets[callback][topic]:
                            d.onmessageframe[topic] += '%s;' % str(cb)
                    for cb in moksha.livewidgets[callback]:
                        if isinstance(cb, (js_callback, js_function)):
                            cbs += '$(%s);' % str(cb)
                            cbs += str(cb)
                if cbs:
                    d[callback] = cbs

        if d.notify:
            d.onopen = js_callback('function() { $.jGrowl("Moksha live socket connected") }')
            d.onerror = js_callback('function(error) { $.jGrowl("Moksha Live Socket Error: " + error) }')
            d.onerrorframe = js_callback('function(f) { $.jGrowl("Error frame received from Moksha Socket: " + f) }')
            d.onclose = js_callback('function(c) { $.jGrowl("Moksha Socket Closed") }')
Example #3
class OrbitedWidget(Widget):
    params = {
        'onopen': 'A javascript callback for when the connection opens',
        'onread': 'A javascript callback for when new data is read',
        'onclose': 'A javascript callback for when the connection closes',
    onopen = onread = onclose = js_callback('function(){}')
    javascript = [orbited_js]
    template = """
        <script type="text/javascript">
            Orbited.settings.port = %(port)s
            Orbited.settings.hostname = '%(host)s'
            document.domain = document.domain
            TCPSocket = Orbited.TCPSocket
            connect = function() {
                conn = new TCPSocket()
                conn.onread = ${onread}
                conn.onopen = ${onopen}
                conn.onclose = ${onclose}
                conn.open('%(host)s', %(port)s)
            $(document).ready(function() {
    """ % {
        'port': orbited_port,
        'host': orbited_host
Example #4
   def get_all(self):
      ''' List all fax

      grid = MyJqGrid( id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u"Télécopies",
            sortname='created', sortorder='desc',
            colNames = [u'Action', u'Type', u'Destinataire(s)', u'Origine', 
               u'Fichier', u'Commentaires', u'Date', u'Télécharg.' ],
            colModel = [ { 'width': 60, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False },
               { 'name': 'type', 'width': 60 },
               { 'name': 'dest', 'width': 100 },
               { 'name': 'src', 'width': 100 },
               { 'name': 'filename', 'width': 100 },
               { 'name': 'comment', 'width': 280 },
               { 'name': 'created', 'width': 120 },
               { 'width': 60, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False },
            navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
               'del': False, 'search': True, 'refresh': True, 
               'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
      tmpl_context.grid = grid
      tmpl_context.form = None
      return dict( title=u"Liste des télécopies", debug='')
Example #5
    def update_params(self, d):
        super(AsynchronousJQPlotWidget, self).update_params(d)
        if not d.get('id'):
            d['id'] = 'asynch_jqplot_%s' % str(int(random() * 999))
        if not d.get('src_url'):
            raise ValueError, "AsynchronousJQPlotWidget must have a data url"
        src_url = d.get('src_url')
        url_kw = d.get('url_kw')
        if not url_kw:
            url_kw = {}
        data = d.get('data')
        if not data:
            data = [[[0,0]]]
        options = d.get('options')
        if not options:
            options = {}
        interval = d.get('interval')
        if not interval:
            interval = -1

        callback = js_callback('function (json){%s}' % self.callback_reset % d.id)
        ajres = '$.getJSON(\'%s\', %s, %s)' % (src_url, url_kw, callback)

            js_function('%s ='%d.id)(
                    "%s" % d.id, data, options)))

        if interval > 0 :
            self.add_call(js_function('setInterval')(ajres, interval)) 
Example #6
 def get_all(self):
    ''' List all
    grid = MyJqGrid( 
          id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Services',
          colNames = [u'Action', u'Prénom', u'Nom', u'Société', u'Téléphone(s)',
             u'@ email', u'Privé'],
          colModel = [ 
             { 'width': 80, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False, 'search': False },
             { 'name': 'firstname', 'width': 80 },
             { 'name': 'lastname', 'width': 80 },
             { 'name': 'company', 'width': 120 },
             { 'name': 'phones', 'width': 160, 'search': False, 'sortable': False },
             { 'name': 'email', 'width': 160 },
             { 'name': 'private', 'width': 40, 'search': False },
          sortname = 'lastname',
          navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
             'del': False, 'search': True, 'refresh': True, 
             'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
          search_options = {
              'caption': "Rechercher...",
              'Find': "Chercher",
              'Reset': "RAZ",
              'sopt': ['cn', 'nc'],
              'odata' : ['equal', 'not equal', 'less', 'less or equal','greater','greater or equal', 'begins with','does not begin with','is in','is not in','ends with','does not end with','contient','ne contient pas'],
              'groupOps': [ {'op': "AND", 'text': "all"}, {'op': "OR", 'text': "any"} ],
              'matchText': " match",
              'rulesText': " rules"
    tmpl_context.grid = grid
    tmpl_context.form = None
    return dict( title=u'Annuaire téléphonique', debug='')
Example #7
    def get_all(self):
        """ List all applications

        grid = MyJqGrid(
            caption="Applications (SVI)",
            colNames=[u"Action", u"Application", u"Extension", u"Numéro", u"Active", u"Scenario"],
                {"width": 60, "align": "center", "sortable": False},
                {"name": "name", "width": 120},
                {"name": "exten", "width": 40},
                {"name": "dnis", "width": 40},
                {"name": "active", "width": 280},
                {"display": u"Scénario", "width": 60, "sortable": False},
                "view": False,
                "edit": False,
                "add": True,
                "del": False,
                "search": False,
                "refresh": True,
                "addfunc": js_callback("add"),

        tmpl_context.grid = grid
        tmpl_context.form = None

        return dict(title=u"Liste des applications", debug="")
Example #8
class MokshaLiveFeedTree(Dynatree):
    title = 'Moksha Live Feed Tree'
    rootVisible = True
    persist = True
    fx = {'height': 'toggle', 'duration': 200}
    initAjax = {
            'url': '/apps/feeds/init_tree',
            'data': {'key': 'root'}
    onActivate = js_callback("function(dtnode) { moksha.send_message('moksha.feeds', {action: 'get_feed', 'key': dtnode.data.key, topic: moksha_feed_topic}); }")

    #def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
    #    Dynatree.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
    #    self.template += """
    #        <script>
    #            var moksha_feed_topic = "${topic}";
    #        </script>
    #    """
    #    #LiveWidget.__init__(self, *args, **kw)

    def update_params(self, d):
        # the unique queue to use over our stomp TCPSocket
        d['topic'] = str(uuid4()) 
        Dynatree.update_params(self, d)
Example #9
   def get_all(self):
      ''' List all users
      if not in_group('admin'):
         redirect( str(request.identity['user'].user_id) + '/edit')

      grid = MyJqGrid( id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Utilisateurs',
            colNames = [u'Action', u'Compte', u'Nom', u'email', u'Poste', u'Groupes'],
            colModel = [
               { 'sortable': False, 'search': False, 'width': 80, 'align': 'center' },
               { 'name': 'user_name', 'width': 80 },
               { 'name': 'display_name', 'width': 120 },
               { 'name': 'email_address', 'width': 180 },
               { 'name': 'phone', 'width': 60, 'sortable': False, 'search': False },
               { 'name': 'groups', 'width': 160, 'sortable': False, 'search': False } ],
            sortname = 'user_name',
            navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
               'del': False, 'search': True, 'refresh': True, 
               'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
      tmpl_context.grid = grid
      tmpl_context.form = None
      tmpl_context.count = u'Total : %d utilisateurs' % DBSession.query(User).count()
      return dict( title=u'Liste des utilisateurs', debug='')
Example #10
def when_ready(func):
    Takes a js_function and returns a js_callback that will run
    when the document is ready.

        >>> from tw.api import js_function
        >>> print when_ready(js_function('jQuery')('foo').bar({'biz': 'baz'}))
        $(document).ready(function(){jQuery("foo").bar({"biz": "baz"})});
    return js_callback('$(document).ready(function(){' + str(func) + '});')
Example #11
def when_ready(func):
    Takes a js_function and returns a js_callback that will run
    when the document is ready.

        >>> from tw.api import js_function
        >>> print when_ready(js_function('jQuery')('foo').bar({'biz': 'baz'}))
        $(document).ready(function(){jQuery("foo").bar({"biz": "baz"})});
    return js_callback("$(document).ready(function(){" + str(func) + "});")
Example #12
   def get_all(self):
      ''' List all phones

      if Globals.manager is None:
         flash(u'Vérifier la connexion Asterisk', 'error')
         # Refresh Asterisk peers
         Globals.manager.send_action({'Action': 'DeviceStateList'})

      grid = MyJqGrid( id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Téléphones',
         colNames = [u'Action', u'Modèle', u'Poste',
            u'Numéro direct', u'Utilisateur', u'Service'],
         colModel = [
            { 'width': 80, 'align': 'center', 'search': False, 'sortable': False },
            { 'name': 'ua', 'width': 140, 'search': False, 'sortable': False },
            { 'name': 'exten', 'width': 60 },
            { 'name': 'dnis', 'width': 60 },
            { 'name': 'user_id', 'width': 120, 'search': False },
            { 'name': 'department_id', 'width': 120, 'search': False },
         postData = {'unavailable_only': 
                  function() { return $('#unavailable_only').attr('checked');}\
               ''')}, # Don't display deleted campaigns by default
         navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
            'del': False, 'search': True, 'refresh': True, 
            'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
         subGrid = True,
         subGridUrl = 'fetch_detail',
         subGridModel = [{
            'name': [u'Compte SIP', u'Secret SIP', u'Adresse IP', u'Adresse MAC'],
            'width': [100, 100, 100, 100]
      tmpl_context.grid = grid
#      tmpl_context.form = None
#      tmpl_context.count = u'Total : %d téléphones' % DBSession.query(Phone).count()
      return dict( title=u'Liste des téléphones', debug='')
Example #13
    def update_params(self, d):
        super(MokshaContainer, self).update_params(d)

        if isinstance(d.content, Widget):
            d.widget_name = d.content.__class__.__name__
            content_args = getattr(d, 'content_args', {})

            if isinstance(d.content, LiveWidget):
                topics = d.content.get_topics()
                # FIXME: also unregister the moksha callback functions.  Handle
                # cases where multiple widgets are listening to the same topics
                d.onClose = js_callback("function(o){%s $(o).remove();}" %
                d.onIconize = d.onCollapse = js_callback(
                    "function(o){%s}" % unsubscribe_topics(topics))
                d.onRestore = js_callback("function(o){%s}" %

            d.content = d.content.display(**content_args)

        for option in self.options:
            d[option] = d.get(option, True) and option or ''

        d.buttons = ''
        for button in self.button_options:
            if d.get(button, True):
                d.buttons += '%s,' % button[:1]
        d.buttons = d.buttons[:-1]

        d.id = str(uuid.uuid4())

            jQuery('#%s' % d.id).buildContainers({
                'onClose': d.onClose,
                'onResize': d.onResize,
                'onCollapse': d.onCollapse,
                'onIconize': d.onIconize,
                'onDrag': d.onDrag,
                'onRestore': d.onRestore,
Example #14
    def update_params(self, d):
        super(MokshaContainer, self).update_params(d)

        if isinstance(d.content, Widget):
            d.widget_name = d.content.__class__.__name__
            content_args = getattr(d, 'content_args', {})

            if isinstance(d.content, LiveWidget):
                topics = d.content.get_topics()
                # FIXME: also unregister the moksha callback functions.  Handle
                # cases where multiple widgets are listening to the same topics
                d.onClose = js_callback("function(o){%s $(o).remove();}" %
                d.onIconize = d.onCollapse = js_callback("function(o){%s}" %
                d.onRestore = js_callback("function(o){%s}" %

            d.content = d.content.display(**content_args)

        for option in self.options:
            d[option] = d.get(option, True) and option or ''

        d.buttons = ''
        for button in self.button_options:
            if d.get(button, True):
                d.buttons += '%s,' % button[:1]
        d.buttons = d.buttons[:-1]

        d.id = str(uuid.uuid4())

        self.add_call(jQuery('#%s' % d.id).buildContainers({
            'elementsPath': '/toscawidgets/resources/moksha.widgets.container.container/static/css/elements/',
            'onClose': d.onClose,
            'onResize': d.onResize,
            'onCollapse': d.onCollapse,
            'onIconize': d.onIconize,
            'onDrag': d.onDrag,
            'onRestore': d.onRestore,
Example #15
class MokshaAjaxFeedTree(Dynatree):
    title = 'Moksha Ajax Feed Tree'
    rootVisible = True
    persist = True
    initAjax = {
            'url': '/apps/feeds/init_tree',
            'data': {'key': 'root'}
    onActivate = js_callback("""
        function(dtnode) {
          $('#TopPane').load('/apps/feeds/get_entries?key=' + dtnode.data.key.replace(/ /, ''));
    """.replace('\n', ''))
Example #16
 def update_params(self, d):
     super(AutoCompleteField, self).update_params(d)
     if not getattr(d,"id",None):
         raise ValueError, "AutocompleteField is supposed to have id"
     if (self.fetchJSON):
         json_callback = js_callback('function(data) {$("#%s").autocomplete(data["data"]);}' % d.id)
         call = js_function('$.getJSON')(self.completionURL, json_callback)
         jQuery('#%s' % d.id).autocomplete(self.completionURL,dict(minChars=self.minChars,selectFirst=self.selectFirst,cacheLength=self.cacheLength,extraFields=self.extraFields))
Example #17
class MokshaLiveFeedEntriesTree(Dynatree):
    rootVisible = False
    persist = True
    onActivate = js_callback("""
        function(dtnode) {
            moksha.send_message('moksha.feeds', {
                'action': 'get_entry',
                'key': dtnode.data.key,
                 topic: moksha_feed_topic

            /* Unsubscribe from current feed, subscribe to new one */
    """.replace('\n', ''))
Example #18
 def update_params(self, d):
     super(TextField, self).update_params(d)
     if not getattr(d, "id", None):
         raise ValueError, "Slider must have id"
     container = '%s_container' % d.id
     self.add_call(js_callback('$("#%s").slider({ \
         min: %d, max: %d, step: 1, range: false, \
         value: $("#%s").val(), \
         slide: function (event, ui) { \
         } \
         })' % (container, self.min, self.max, d.id, d.id)))
     jQuery = js_function('jQuery')
     input = jQuery("#%s" % d.id)
     self.add_call(input.css("display", "none"))
Example #19
 def update_params(self, d):
     super(TextField, self).update_params(d)
     if not getattr(d, "id", None):
         raise ValueError, "Slider must have id"
     container = '%s_container' % d.id
         js_callback('$("#%s").slider({ \
         min: %d, max: %d, step: 1, range: false, \
         value: $("#%s").val(), \
         slide: function (event, ui) { \
         } \
         })' % (container, self.min, self.max, d.id, d.id)))
     jQuery = js_function('jQuery')
     input = jQuery("#%s" % d.id)
     self.add_call(input.css("display", "none"))
Example #20
 def get_all(self):
    ''' List all groups
    grid = MyJqGrid(
          id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Profils',
          colNames = [u'Action', u'Nom', u'Description', u'Utilisateurs'],
          colModel = [ 
             { 'sortable': False, 'search': False, 'width': 80, 'align': 'center' },
             { 'name': 'group_name', 'width': 80 },
             { 'name': 'display_name', 'width': 160 },
             { 'name': 'users', 'sortable': False, 'search': False, 'width': 160 } ],
          sortname = 'group_name',
          navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': False,
             'del': False, 'search': True, 'refresh': True, 
             'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
    tmpl_context.grid = grid
    tmpl_context.form = None
    return dict( title=u'Liste des groupes', debug='', values=None)
Example #21
 def get_all(self):
    ''' List all holidays
    grid = MyJqGrid( 
          id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Jours fériés',
          colNames = [u'Action', u'Nom', u'Date'],
          colModel = [ 
             { 'width': 80, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False, 
             'search': False },
             { 'name': 'name', 'width': 80 },
             { 'name': 'date', 'width': 60 },
          sortname = 'date',
          navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
             'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
             'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
    tmpl_context.grid = grid
    tmpl_context.form = None
    return dict( title=u'Liste des jours fériés', debug='')
Example #22
 def get_all(self):
    ''' List all departments
    grid = MyJqGrid( 
          id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Services',
          colNames = [u'Action', u'Nom court', u'Nom complet', u'Téléphones',],
          colModel = [ 
             { 'width': 80, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False, 'search': False },
             { 'display': u'Nom court', 'name': 'name', 'width': 80 },
             { 'display': u'Nom complet', 'name': 'comment', 'width': 160 },
             { 'display': u'Téléphones', 'width': 500, 'sortable': False, 'search': False }
          sortname = 'name',
          navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
             'del': False, 'search': True, 'refresh': True, 
             'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
    tmpl_context.grid = grid
    tmpl_context.form = None
    return dict( title=u'Liste des services', debug='')
Example #23
 def get_all(self):
    ''' List all queues
    grid = MyJqGrid( 
          id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Groupes ACD',
          colNames = [u'Action', u'Nom', u'Priorité', u'Description'],
          colModel = [ 
             { 'width': 80, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False, 'search': False },
             { 'display': u'Nom', 'name': 'name', 'width': 80 },
             { 'display': u'Priorité', 'name': 'priority', 'width': 60 },
             { 'display': u'Description', 'name': 'comment', 'width': 160 },
          sortname = 'name',
          navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
             'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
             'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
    tmpl_context.grid = grid
    tmpl_context.form = None
    return dict( title=u'Liste des groupes d\'appels', debug='')
Example #24
   def get_all(self):
      ''' List call forwards

      grid = MyJqGrid( id='grid', url='fetch', 
            caption = u'Renvois',
            sortname='id', sortorder='asc',
            colNames = [u'Action', u'Extension',
               u'Renvoi', u'Vers' ],
            colModel = [ { 'width': 60, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False },
               { 'name': 'exten', 'width': 60 },
               { 'name': 'type', 'width': 60 },
               { 'name': 'to', 'width': 100 },
            navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
               'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True,
               'addfunc': js_callback('add')},
      tmpl_context.grid = grid
      tmpl_context.form = None
      return dict( title=u"Renvois", debug='', values='')
Example #25
 def get_all(self):
    ''' List all shortcuts
    grid = MyJqGrid( 
          id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Numéros raccourcis',
          colNames = [u'Action', u'Description', u'Raccourci', u'Numéro réel'],
          colModel = [ 
             { 'width': 80, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False, 'search': False },
             { 'name': 'comment', 'width': 160 },
             { 'name': 'exten', 'width': 80 },
             { 'name': 'number', 'width': 80 },
          sortname = 'exten',
          navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
             'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
             'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
    tmpl_context.grid = grid
    tmpl_context.form = None
    return dict( title=u'Liste des raccourcis', debug='')
Example #26
   def get_all(self):
      ''' List all moh

      grid = MyJqGrid( id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u"Sons et musiques d\'attente",
            sortname='name', sortorder='asc',
            colNames = [u'Action', u'Type', u'Langue', u'Nom', u'Commentaires', u'\u00C9coute' ],
            colModel = [ { 'width': 60, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False },
               { 'name': 'type', 'width': 60 },
               { 'name': 'language', 'width': 60 },
               { 'name': 'name', 'width': 60 },
               { 'name': 'comment', 'width': 280 },
               { 'width': 60, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False },
            navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
               'del': False, 'search': True, 'refresh': True, 
               'addfunc': js_callback('add'),
      tmpl_context.grid = grid
      tmpl_context.form = None
      return dict( title=u"Liste des sons & musiques d'attente", debug='')
Example #27
 def test_attr_mixed_in_chain_call(self):
     proto = js_function('$')
     iframe = js_callback('window.frames.my_iframe')
     call = proto('my_component').ajax.load_in(iframe)
     expected = '$("my_component").ajax.load_in(window.frames.my_iframe)'
     self.failUnlessEqual(str(call), expected)
Example #28
re_pro = re.compile(r'CLIPRO')

grid = MyJqGrid( 
   id='grid', url='fetch', caption=u'Campagnes',
   colNames = [u'Action', u'Nom', u'Active', u'Type', u'Statistiques'],
   colModel = [ 
      { 'width': 80, 'align': 'center', 'sortable': False, 'search': False },
      { 'name': 'name', 'width': 80 },
      { 'name': 'active', 'width': 160 },
      { 'name': 'type', 'width': 100,  },
      { 'name': 'stats', 'width': 100,  'sortable': False, 'search': False },
   sortname = 'name',
   navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': True,
      'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
      'addfunc': js_callback('add'),

cmp_types = ((-1, ' - - - '), (0, u'Commerciale'), 
   (1, u'Récurrente'), (2, u'\u00C9vénementielle'))

def percent(n, t):
   if t==0: return '-'
   r = 100*n/t
   return  u'%d %%' % r

def stats_compute(cmp_id):
      p = DBSession.query(Campaign).get(cmp_id)
Example #29
class MokshaContainer(Widget):
    template = 'mako:moksha.widgets.container.templates.container'
    javascript = [container_js]
    css = [container_css]
    options = ['draggable', 'resizable']
    button_options = ['iconize', 'minimize', 'close']
    params = [
        'buttons', 'skin', 'height', 'width', 'left', 'top', 'id', 'title',
        'icon', 'content', 'widget_name', 'view_source', 'dock', 'onResize',
        'onClose', 'onCollapse', 'onIconize', 'onDrag', 'onRestore'
    ] + options[:]
    draggable = droppable = True
    resizable = False
    iconize = minimize = close = True
    hidden = True  # hide from the moksha menu
    content = ''  # either text, or a Widget instance
    widget_name = None
    title = 'Moksha Container'
    skin = 'default'  # default, black, white, stiky, alert
    view_source = True
    dock = 'moksha_dock'
    icon = 'gears.png'

    # Pixel tweaking
    width = 450
    height = 500
    left = 170
    top = 125

    # Javascript callbacks
    onResize = js_callback("function(o){}")
    onClose = js_callback("function(o){}")
    onCollapse = js_callback("function(o){}")
    onIconize = js_callback("function(o){}")
    onDrag = js_callback("function(o){}")
    onRestore = js_callback("function(o){}")

    def update_params(self, d):
        super(MokshaContainer, self).update_params(d)

        if isinstance(d.content, Widget):
            d.widget_name = d.content.__class__.__name__
            content_args = getattr(d, 'content_args', {})

            if isinstance(d.content, LiveWidget):
                topics = d.content.get_topics()
                # FIXME: also unregister the moksha callback functions.  Handle
                # cases where multiple widgets are listening to the same topics
                d.onClose = js_callback("function(o){%s $(o).remove();}" %
                d.onIconize = d.onCollapse = js_callback(
                    "function(o){%s}" % unsubscribe_topics(topics))
                d.onRestore = js_callback("function(o){%s}" %

            d.content = d.content.display(**content_args)

        for option in self.options:
            d[option] = d.get(option, True) and option or ''

        d.buttons = ''
        for button in self.button_options:
            if d.get(button, True):
                d.buttons += '%s,' % button[:1]
        d.buttons = d.buttons[:-1]

        d.id = str(uuid.uuid4())

            jQuery('#%s' % d.id).buildContainers({
                'onClose': d.onClose,
                'onResize': d.onResize,
                'onCollapse': d.onCollapse,
                'onIconize': d.onIconize,
                'onDrag': d.onDrag,
                'onRestore': d.onRestore,
Example #30
   def do_stat(self, period, begin, end, stat, queues='', members=''):

      tmpl_context.flot_labels_rotated = 'false' # Rotate plot labels ?

      if stat=='global':
         row_list = (10, 25)
         caption = flot_label = u'Appels reçus par groupe'
         sortname = 'name'
         sortorder = 'asc'
         colnames = [u'Groupe d\'appels', u'Nombre d\'appels reçus']
         colmodel = [
            { 'name': 'name', 'width': 60, 'sortable': True},
            { 'name': 'count', 'width': 60, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
         tmpl_context.flot_series = '"0,1"' # List of series to plot
         title = u'Statistiques globales'

      elif stat=='queues':
         row_list = (10, 25)
         caption = flot_label = u'Appels par groupe'
         sortname = 'name'
         sortorder = 'asc'
         colnames = [u'Groupe d\'appels', u'Appels reçus', u'Traités', u'%',
               u'Abandons', u'%', u'Dissuasions', u'%', u'Fermé', u'%']
         colmodel = [
            { 'name': 'name', 'width': 60, 'sortable': True},
            { 'name': 'incoming', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'name': 'connect', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'abandon', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'dissuasion', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'closed', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
         tmpl_context.flot_series = '"0,1,3,5,7"' # List of series to plot
         title = u'Statistiques par groupes d\'appels'

      elif stat in ('sla','abandon'):
         row_list = (30,120)
         caption = flot_label = u'Niveau de service'
         sortname = 'wait'
         sortorder = 'asc'
         colnames = [u'Attente', u'Appels', u'%', u'Cumul (%)']
         colmodel = [
            { 'name': 'wait', 'width': 60, 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'count', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
         tmpl_context.flot_series = '"0,"' # List of series to plot
         if stat=='sla':
            title = u'Niveau de service'
            title = u'Abandons'

      elif stat=='daily':
         row_list = (30,120)
         caption = flot_label = u'Niveau de service'
         sortname = 'wait'
         sortorder = 'asc'
         colnames = [u'Jour de la semaine', u'Appels', u'%']
         colmodel = [
            { 'name': 'dow', 'width': 60, 'sortable': True},
            { 'name': 'count', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
         tmpl_context.flot_series = '"0,"' # List of series to plot
         title = u'Distribution quotidienne'

      elif stat=='hourly':
         row_list = (48,)
         caption = flot_label = u'Distribution horaire'
         sortname = 'hour'
         sortorder = 'asc'
         colnames = [u'Heure', u'Entrant', u'%', u'Fermé', u'%',
               u'Dissuasion', u'%', u'Abandons', u'%', u'Traités', u'%']
         colmodel = [
            { 'name': 'hour', 'width': 60, 'sortable': True},
            { 'name': 'incoming', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'closed', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'dissuasion', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'abandon', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'connect', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
         tmpl_context.flot_series = '"0,2,4,6"' # List of series to plot
         title = u'Distribution horaire'
         tmpl_context.flot_labels_rotated = 'true' # Rotate plot labels ?

      elif stat=='members':
         row_list = (50, 100, 150)
         caption = flot_label = u'Agents'
         sortname = 'member'
         sortorder = 'asc'
         colnames = [u'Agent', u'Services', u'Durée', u'Pauses', u'Durée',
               u'Appels reçus', u'Durée', u'Moyenne', 
               u'Appels émis', u'Durée', u'Moyenne' ]
         colmodel = [
            {'name': 'member', 'width': 60, 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'service_num', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'service', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'pause_num', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'pause', 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'calls_in', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'ci_dur', 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'ci_avg', 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'calls_out', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'co_dur', 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            {'name': 'co_avg', 'width': 20, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
         tmpl_context.flot_series = '"0,2,4,7"' # List of series to plot
         title = u'Distribution par agent'
         tmpl_context.flot_labels_rotated = 'true' # Rotate plot labels ?

      # Hidden form for CSV export
      tmpl_context.form = Form(
         name = 'stats_form',
         submit_text = None,
#         hover_help = True,
         fields = [

      # Data grid
      tmpl_context.data_grid = MyJqGrid( id='data_grid', 
         url='fetch', caption=caption,
         sortname=sortname, sortorder=sortorder,
         colNames = colnames, colModel = colmodel,
         navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': False,
               'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
         loadComplete = js_callback('load_complete'),
         rowNum = row_list[0],
         rowList = row_list,
         postData = {'period': period, 'begin': begin, 'end': end,
            'queues': queues, 'members': members, 'stat': stat},

      # Plot: data are gathered from the grid, through javscript, cf. cc_stats.html
      tmpl_context.data_flot = FlotWidget(
            data = [
               { 'data': [],
               'label': u'' },
            options = {
               'grid': { 'backgroundColor': '#fffaff',
               'clickable': True,
               'hoverable': True},
               'xaxis': { 'ticks': []}
            height = '300px',
            width = '600px',
            label = flot_label,

period=%s, begin=%s, end=%s
''' % (period, begin, end, queues, members, stat))

      return dict( title=title , debug='', values='')
Example #31
 def test_can_chain_calls(self):
     jQuery = js_function('jQuery')
     cb = js_callback('make_async')
     call = jQuery('a .async').click(cb).foo().bar()
     expected = 'jQuery("a .async").click(make_async).foo().bar()'
     self.failUnlessEqual(str(call), expected)
Example #32
class StompWidget(Widget):
    callbacks = [
        'onopen', 'onerror', 'onerrorframe', 'onclose', 'onconnectedframe',
    javascript = [jquery_json_js]
    params = callbacks[:] + [
        'topics', 'notify', 'orbited_host', 'orbited_port', 'orbited_url',
        'orbited_js', 'stomp_host', 'stomp_port', 'stomp_user', 'stomp_pass'
    onopen = js_callback('function(){}')
    onerror = js_callback('function(error){}')
    onclose = js_callback('function(c){}')
    onerrorframe = js_callback('function(f){}')
    onmessageframe = ''
    onconnectedframe = ''

    # Popup notification bubbles on socket state changes
    notify = False

    engine_name = 'mako'
    template = u"""
      <script type="text/javascript">
        if (typeof TCPSocket == 'undefined') {
            moksha_callbacks = new Object();
            moksha_socket_busy = false;

        ## Register our topic callbacks
        % for topic in topics:
            var topic = "${topic}";
            if (!moksha_callbacks[topic]) {
                moksha_callbacks[topic] = [];
            moksha_callbacks[topic].push(function(json, frame) {
        % endfor

        if (typeof TCPSocket == 'undefined') {
            document.domain = document.domain;
            moksha_socket_busy = true;
            $.getScript("${orbited_url}/static/Orbited.js", function(){
                Orbited.settings.port = ${orbited_port};
                Orbited.settings.hostname = '${orbited_host}';
                Orbited.settings.streaming = true;
                TCPSocket = Orbited.TCPSocket;
                $.getScript("${orbited_url}/static/protocols/stomp/stomp.js", function(){
                    ## Create a new TCPSocket & Stomp client
                    stomp = new STOMPClient();
                    stomp.onopen = ${onopen};
                    stomp.onclose = ${onclose};
                    stomp.onerror = ${onerror};
                    stomp.onerrorframe = ${onerrorframe};
                    stomp.onconnectedframe = function(){ 
                        moksha_socket_busy = false;
                    stomp.onmessageframe = function(f){
                        var dest = f.headers.destination;
                        var json = null;
                        try {
                            var json = $.parseJSON(f.body);
                        } catch(err) {
                            moksha.error("Unable to decode JSON message body");
                        if (moksha_callbacks[dest]) {
                            for (var i=0; i < moksha_callbacks[dest].length; i++) {
                                moksha_callbacks[dest][i](json, f);

                    stomp.connect('${stomp_host}', ${stomp_port},
                                  '${stomp_user}', '${stomp_pass}');

        } else {
            ## Utilize the existing stomp connection
            if (moksha_socket_busy) {
                $('body').bind('moksha.socket_ready', function() {
            } else {

        window.onbeforeunload = function() {
            if (typeof stomp != 'undefined') {

        if (typeof moksha == 'undefined') {
            moksha = {
                /* Send a STOMP message to a given topic */
                send_message: function(topic, body) {
                    stomp.send($.toJSON(body), topic)

        % if notify:
            $.jGrowl.defaults.position = 'bottom-right';
        % endif
    hidden = True

    def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
        self.notify = asbool(config.get('moksha.socket.notify', False))
        self.orbited_host = config.get('orbited_host', 'localhost')
        self.orbited_port = config.get('orbited_port', 9000)
        self.orbited_scheme = config.get('orbited_scheme', 'http')
        self.orbited_url = '%s://%s:%s' % (
            self.orbited_scheme, self.orbited_host, self.orbited_port)
        self.orbited_js = JSLink(link=self.orbited_url + '/static/Orbited.js')
        self.stomp_host = config.get('stomp_host', 'localhost')
        self.stomp_port = config.get('stomp_port', 61613)
        self.stomp_user = config.get('stomp_user', 'guest')
        self.stomp_pass = config.get('stomp_pass', 'guest')
        super(StompWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw)

    def update_params(self, d):
        super(StompWidget, self).update_params(d)
        d.topics = []
        d.onmessageframe = defaultdict(str)  # {topic: 'js callbacks'}
        for callback in self.callbacks:
            if len(moksha.livewidgets[callback]):
                cbs = ''
                if callback == 'onmessageframe':
                    for topic in moksha.livewidgets[callback]:
                        for cb in moksha.livewidgets[callback][topic]:
                            d.onmessageframe[topic] += '%s;' % str(cb)
                    for cb in moksha.livewidgets[callback]:
                        if isinstance(cb, (js_callback, js_function)):
                            cbs += '$(%s);' % str(cb)
                            cbs += str(cb)
                if cbs:
                    d[callback] = cbs

        if d.notify:
            d.onopen = js_callback(
                'function() { $.jGrowl("Moksha live socket connected") }')
            d.onerror = js_callback(
                'function(error) { $.jGrowl("Moksha Live Socket Error: " + error) }'
            d.onerrorframe = js_callback(
                'function(f) { $.jGrowl("Error frame received from Moksha Socket: " + f) }'
            d.onclose = js_callback(
                'function(c) { $.jGrowl("Moksha Socket Closed") }')
Example #33
    {'display':'Pressure', 'name':'prep_pressure', 'width':10, 'align':'center'},
    {'display':'Press Dwell', 'name':'prep_press_dwell', 'width':10, 'align':'center'},
    {'display':'Press Method', 'name':'prep_press_method', 'width':10, 'align':'center'},
    {'display':'Heat Treatment', 'name':'heat_treatment', 'width':10, 'align':'center'},
    {'display':'Case', 'name':'location_case', 'width':10, 'align':'center'},
    {'display':'Tray', 'name':'location_tray', 'width':10, 'align':'center'},
searchitems = [
            {'display':'ID', 'name':'sample_id', 'isdefault':True},
            {'display':'Material Type', 'name':'material_type'},
            {'display':'Source', 'name':'source'}
from tw.api import js_callback

    {'name':'Add', 'bclass':'add', 'onpress': js_callback('add_record')},
    {'name':'Delete', 'bclass':'delete', 'onpress': js_callback('delete_record')},

colModel = [
            {'display':'ID', 'name':'id', 'width':20, 'align':'center'},
            {'display':'Title', 'name':'title', 'width':80, 'align':'left'},
            {'display':'Description', 'name':'description', 'width':100, 'align':'left'},
            {'display':'Year', 'name':'year', 'width':40, 'align':'center'},
            {'display':'Genera', 'name':'genera', 'width':40, 'align':'center'}
searchitems = [
            {'display':'Title', 'name':'title', 'isdefault':True},
            {'display':'Year', 'name':'year'},
            {'display':'Genre', 'name':'genera'}
Example #34
   def crm(self, cust_id, out_id=None, result=None, message=None,
         begin=None, duration=None, alarm_type=None, alarm_dest=None,
         comment=None, next=None, prev=None):
      ''' CRM page

      cust_id = int(cust_id)
      c = DBSession.query(Customer).get(cust_id)

      if next:
         cc = DBSession.query(Customer). \
            filter(Customer.cmp_id==c.cmp_id). \
            filter(Customer.active==True). \
            filter(func.lower(Customer.lastname)>c.lastname.lower()). \
            order_by(func.lower(Customer.lastname)). \
         if cc:
            c = cc
            cust_id = cc.cust_id

      elif prev:
         cc = DBSession.query(Customer). \
            filter(Customer.cmp_id==c.cmp_id). \
            filter(Customer.active==True). \
            filter(func.lower(Customer.lastname)<c.lastname.lower()). \
            order_by(desc(func.lower(Customer.lastname))). \
         if cc:
            c = cc
            cust_id = cc.cust_id

      if not c.active:
         # Return to list of customers
         redirect('/cc_outcall/list', params={
            'cmp_id': c.campaign.cmp_id,
            'cmp_name': c.campaign.name})

      phone1 = c.phone1
      phone2 = c.phone2
      phone3 = c.phone3
      phone4 = c.phone4
      phone5 = c.phone5
      ph1_click = '''onclick="originate('%s',%d)"''' % (c.phone1, cust_id)
      ph2_click = '''onclick="originate('%s',%d)"''' % (c.phone2, cust_id)
      ph3_click = '''onclick="originate('%s',%d)"''' % (c.phone3, cust_id)
      ph4_click = '''onclick="originate('%s',%d)"''' % (c.phone4, cust_id)
      ph5_click = '''onclick="originate('%s',%d)"''' % (c.phone5, cust_id)
      email_href = 'href=mailto:%s' % c.email
      if config.get('crm_url') != '':
         crm_url = config.get('crm_url') % c.code
         crm_click = '''onclick="crm('%s')"''' % crm_url
         crm_click = '''onclick="alert('CRM URL not configured!')"'''
      cal = {}
      back_list = \
         '''onclick="postdata('list',{cmp_id:%d,cmp_name:'%s'})"''' % (
         c.campaign.cmp_id, c.campaign.name)
      next_cust = \
         '''onclick="postdata('crm',{cust_id:%d,next:true})"''' % cust_id
      prev_cust = \
         '''onclick="postdata('crm',{cust_id:%d,prev:true})"''' % cust_id
      title = u'%s : %s' % (c.campaign.name, capwords(c.display_name))

      tmpl_context.grid = MyJqGrid( 
         id='grid', url='outcall_fetch', caption=u'Appels',
         colNames = [u'Date', u'Numéro', u'Résultat', u'Commentaire'],
         colModel = [ 
            { 'name': 'created', 'width': 80 },
            { 'name': 'dst', 'width': 40, 'sortable': False },
            { 'name': 'result', 'width': 160, 'sortable': False },
            { 'name': 'comment', 'width': 160, 'sortable': False },
         postData = {'cust_id': cust_id},
         sortname = 'created',
         navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': False,
            'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
         loadComplete = js_callback('load_complete'),

      tmpl_context.form = crm_form
      values = {'cust_id': cust_id, 'out_id': out_id, 'result': result,
         'begin': begin, 'duration': duration, 'message': message,
         'comment': comment}

      return dict(title=title, campaign=c.campaign.name, code=c.code, 
         phone1=phone1, phone2=phone2, phone3=phone3, phone4=phone4, phone5=phone5,
         ph1_click=ph1_click, ph2_click=ph2_click, ph3_click=ph3_click,
         ph4_click=ph4_click, ph5_click=ph5_click, email_href=email_href,
         crm_click=crm_click, cal_click=cal, back_list=back_list,
         next_cust=next_cust, prev_cust=prev_cust, values=values)
Example #35
   def index(self, selected=None, daily=None):

      if not in_any_group('admin','STATS'):
         flash(u'Accès interdit !', 'error')
      if daily:
         log.info('stats_type <- %s' % daily)
         self.stats_type = daily
         (m,d,y) = daily.split('/')
         title = u'Statistiques quotidiennes de %s %s' % (month_name[int(m)-1], y)
         flot_label = u'Appels quotidiens (%s %s)' % (month_name[int(m)-1], y)
         last_day = monthrange(int(y),int(m))[1]
         row_list = [last_day, 15, 10, 5]

         self.stats_type = None
         title = u'Statistiques mensuelles'
         flot_label = u'Appels mensuels'
         row_list = [12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60, 120]

      # Data grid
      tmpl_context.data_grid = MyJqGrid( id='data_grid', 
         url='/stats/fetch', caption=u"Valeurs",
         sortname='name', sortorder='desc',
         colNames = [u'Jour' if daily else u'Mois', u'Appels', u'Durée'],
         colModel = [
            { 'name': 'date', 'width': 60, 'sortable': True},
            { 'name': 'calls', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True},
            { 'name': 'billsec', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': True}
         navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': False,
               'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
         loadComplete = js_callback('load_complete'),
         rowNum = row_list[0],
         rowList = row_list,

      # Hidden form for daily stats
      tmpl_context.form = Form(
         name = 'stats_form',
         submit_text = None,
         hover_help = True,
         fields = [

      log.info('stats_type -> %s' % self.stats_type)

      # Plot: data are gathered from the grid, through javscript, cf. stats.html
      tmpl_context.data_flot = FlotWidget(
            data = [
               { 'data': [],
               'label': u'Appels mensuels' },
            options = {
               'grid': { 'backgroundColor': '#fffaff',
               'clickable': True,
               'hoverable': True},
               'xaxis': { 'ticks': []}
            height = '300px',
            width = '600px',
            label = flot_label,

      # Hourly grid
      tmpl_context.hourly_grid = MyJqGrid( id='hourly_grid', 
         url='/stats/fetch_hourly', caption=u'Valeurs horaires',
         sortname='name', sortorder='desc',
         colNames = [u'Tranche horaire', u'Appels', u'Durée'],
         colModel = [
            { 'name': 'date', 'width': 60, 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'calls', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False},
            { 'name': 'billsec', 'width': 40, 'align': 'right', 'sortable': False}
         navbuttons_options = {'view': False, 'edit': False, 'add': False,
               'del': False, 'search': False, 'refresh': True, 
         loadComplete = js_callback('load_hourly_complete'),
         rowNum = 24,
         rowList = [12,24],

      # Plot: data are gathered from the grid, through javscript, cf. stats.html
      tmpl_context.hourly_flot = FlotWidget(
            data = [
               { 'data': [],
               'label': u'Distribution horaire' },
            options = {
               'grid': { 'backgroundColor': '#fffaff',
               'clickable': True,
               'hoverable': True},
               'xaxis': { 'ticks': []}
            height = '300px',
            width = '600px',
            label = flot_label,

      # Inject javascript for tabs
      from tw.jquery.ui import ui_tabs_js

      return dict( title=title, debug=False, values={})
Example #36
   return a

# New phone page contains 2 forms, displayed in two tabs:
# the first form (ip_form) "discovers" the phone
ip_form = AjaxForm(
   id = 'ip_form',
   fields = [ 
      TextField('ip', label_text=u'Adresse IP'), 
#         help_text=u'ex.'),
      TextField('mac', label_text=u'Adresse matérielle (MAC)'),
#         help_text=u'ex. 01:23:45:68:89:ab'),
      TextField('pwd', label_text=u'Mot de passe', default='admin'),
#   hover_help = True,
   beforeSubmit = js_callback('wait'),
   success = js_callback('phone_ok'),
   action = 'check_phone',
   dataType = 'JSON',
   target = None,
   clearForm = False,
   resetForm = False,
   timeout = '60000',
   submit_text = u'Rechercher...'

# The second form for related data
class New_phone_form(AjaxForm):
   ''' New phone form
   fields = [
Example #37
class MokshaAjaxFeedEntriesTree(Dynatree):
    rootVisible = False
    persist = True
    onActivate = js_callback("""function(dtnode) { $('#BottomPane').load('/apps/feeds/get_entry?key=' + dtnode.data.key); }""")