Example #1
 def _set(self, _, others):
     args = []
     for other in others:
         if other.id is None:
             msg = "You must save all other instances before defining a relationship"
             raise ReferenceNotSavedError(msg)
             self.thisname: self.inst.id,
             self.othername: other.id
     return self.dbconfig.insertMany(self.tablename(), args)
Example #2
 def _set_polymorphic(self, others):
     ds = []
     for other in others:
         if other.id is None:
             msg = "You must save all other instances before defining a relationship"
             raise ReferenceNotSavedError(msg)
         setattr(other, "%s_id" % self.args['as'], self.inst.id)
         setattr(other, "%s_type" % self.args['as'],
     return defer.DeferredList(ds)
Example #3
 def _update(self, _, others):
     tablename = self.otherklass.tablename()
     args = {self.thisname: self.inst.id}
     ids = []
     for other in others:
         if other.id is None:
             msg = "You must save all other instances before defining a relationship"
             raise ReferenceNotSavedError(msg)
     where = ["id IN (%s)" % ",".join(ids)]
     return self.dbconfig.update(tablename, args, where)
Example #4
    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        Get the given attribute.

        @param name: The name of the property to get.

        @return: If the name is a relationship based property, then a
        L{Relationship} instance will be returned.  Otherwise the set property
        of the class will be returned.
        klass = object.__getattribute__(self, "__class__")
        if klass.RELATIONSHIP_CACHE is not None and name in klass.RELATIONSHIP_CACHE:
            if object.__getattribute__(self, 'id') is None:
                raise ReferenceNotSavedError("Cannot get/set relationship on unsaved object")
            relationshipKlass, args = klass.RELATIONSHIP_CACHE[name]
            return relationshipKlass(self, name, args)
        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)