Example #1
class UnparsedEntryTests(TestCase, EntryTestsMixin):
    Tests for L{UnparsedEntry}
    def setUp(self):
        Set up the 'entry' to be an unparsed entry for some random text.
        self.entry = UnparsedEntry("    This is a bogus entry.  \n")

    def test_fromString(self):
        Creating an L{UnparsedEntry} should simply record the string it was
        self.assertEqual("    This is a bogus entry.  \n", self.entry._string)

    def test_matchesHost(self):
        An unparsed entry can't match any hosts.

    def test_matchesKey(self):
        An unparsed entry can't match any keys.

    def test_toString(self):
        L{UnparsedEntry.toString} returns its input string, sans trailing
        self.assertEqual("    This is a bogus entry.  ", self.entry.toString())
class UnparsedEntryTests(TestCase, EntryTestsMixin):
    Tests for L{UnparsedEntry}
    def setUp(self):
        Set up the 'entry' to be an unparsed entry for some random text.
        self.entry = UnparsedEntry("    This is a bogus entry.  \n")

    def test_fromString(self):
        Creating an L{UnparsedEntry} should simply record the string it was
        self.assertEqual("    This is a bogus entry.  \n",

    def test_matchesHost(self):
        An unparsed entry can't match any hosts.
        self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesHost("www.twistedmatrix.com"))

    def test_matchesKey(self):
        An unparsed entry can't match any keys.
        self.assertEqual(False, self.entry.matchesKey(Key.fromString(sampleKey)))

    def test_toString(self):
        L{UnparsedEntry.toString} returns its input string, sans trailing
        self.assertEqual("    This is a bogus entry.  ", self.entry.toString())
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the 'entry' to be an unparsed entry for some random text.
     self.entry = UnparsedEntry("    This is a bogus entry.  \n")
 def setUp(self):
     Set up the 'entry' to be an unparsed entry for some random text.
     self.entry = UnparsedEntry("    This is a bogus entry.  \n")