Example #1
    def hasHostKey(self, hostname, key):
        Check for an entry with matching hostname and key.

        @param hostname: A hostname or IP address literal to check for.
        @type hostname: L{bytes}

        @param key: The public key to check for.
        @type key: L{Key}

        @return: C{True} if the given hostname and key are present in this file,
            C{False} if they are not.
        @rtype: L{bool}

        @raise HostKeyChanged: if the host key found for the given hostname
            does not match the given key.
        for lineidx, entry in enumerate(self.iterentries(), -len(self._added)):
            if entry.matchesHost(hostname) and entry.keyType == key.sshType():
                if entry.matchesKey(key):
                    return True
                    # Notice that lineidx is 0-based but HostKeyChanged.lineno
                    # is 1-based.
                    if lineidx < 0:
                        line = None
                        path = None
                        line = lineidx + 1
                        path = self._savePath
                    raise HostKeyChanged(entry, path, line)
        return False
    def hasHostKey(self, hostname, key):
        @return: True if the given hostname and key are present in this file,
        False if they are not.

        @rtype: L{bool}

        @raise HostKeyChanged: if the host key found for the given hostname
        does not match the given key.
        for lineidx, entry in enumerate(self._entries):
            if entry.matchesHost(hostname):
                if entry.matchesKey(key):
                    return True
                    raise HostKeyChanged(entry, self._savePath, lineidx + 1)
        return False