def test_wrappedModule(self):
        Deprecating an attribute in a module replaces and wraps that module
        instance, in C{sys.modules}, with a
        L{twisted.python.deprecate._ModuleProxy} instance but only if it hasn't
        already been wrapped.
        sys.modules[self._testModuleName] = mod = types.ModuleType('foo')
        self.addCleanup(sys.modules.pop, self._testModuleName)

        setattr(mod, 'first', 1)
        setattr(mod, 'second', 2)

            Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0),

        proxy = sys.modules[self._testModuleName]
        self.assertNotEqual(proxy, mod)

            Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0),

        self.assertIs(proxy, sys.modules[self._testModuleName])
    def test_not_catched_warning(self):
        buildbot_module = new.module('buildbot_module')
        buildbot_module.deprecated_attr = 1
        with mock.patch.dict(sys.modules,
                             {'buildbot_module': buildbot_module}):
            deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Buildbot", 0, 9, 0),
                                      "test message",

            # Overwrite with Twisted's module wrapper.
            import buildbot_module

        warnings = self.flushWarnings([self.test_not_catched_warning])
        self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 0)

        # Should produce warning

        warnings = self.flushWarnings([self.test_not_catched_warning])
        self.assertEqual(len(warnings), 1)
        self.assertEqual(warnings[0]['category'], DeprecationWarning)
        self.assertIn("test message", warnings[0]['message'])
Example #3
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Twisted Persisted: utilities for managing persistence.

from twisted.python import versions, deprecate

    versions.Version('twisted', 11, 0, 0),
    "Use a different persistence library. This one "
    "is no longer maintained.", __name__, 'journal')
Example #4
def getPythonContainers(meth):
    """Walk up the Python tree from method 'meth', finding its class, its module
    and all containing packages."""
    containers = []
    moduleName = meth.im_class.__module__
    while moduleName is not None:
        module = sys.modules.get(moduleName, None)
        if module is None:
            module = __import__(moduleName)
        moduleName = getattr(module, '__module__', None)
    return containers

    versions.Version("Twisted", 12, 3, 0),
    "This function never worked correctly.  Implement lookup on your own.",
    __name__, "getPythonContainers")

def _runSequentially(callables, stopOnFirstError=False):
    Run the given callables one after the other. If a callable returns a
    Deferred, wait until it has finished before running the next callable.

    @param callables: An iterable of callables that take no parameters.

    @param stopOnFirstError: If True, then stop running callables as soon as
        one raises an exception or fires an errback. False by default.

    @return: A L{Deferred} that fires a list of C{(flag, value)} tuples. Each
Example #5
        The same channel will be re-used as long as it doesn't get closed.
        if self._channel and not self._channel.closed:
            # If the channel is already there and still opened, just return
            # it (the client will be still connected and working as well).
            return succeed(self._channel)

        pending = Deferred()
        return pending

QueueManager = DeprecatedQueueManager  # For backward compatibility
        Version("txlongpoll", 4, 0, 0),
        "Use txlongpoll.notification.NotificationSource instead.",

class FrontEndAjax(Resource):
    A web resource which, when rendered with a C{'uuid'} in the request
    arguments, will return the raw data from the message queue associated with
    that UUID.
    isLeaf = True

    def __init__(self, source):
        @param source: The NotificationSource to fetch notifications from.
Example #6
    func = cls.__dict__[name]
    if _PY3:
        return _MethodType(func, self)
    return _MethodType(func, self, cls)

from incremental import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

from collections import OrderedDict

    Version("Twisted", 15, 5, 0),
    "Use collections.OrderedDict instead.",

if _PY3:
    from base64 import encodebytes as _b64encodebytes
    from base64 import decodebytes as _b64decodebytes
    from base64 import encodestring as _b64encodebytes
    from base64 import decodestring as _b64decodebytes

def _bytesChr(i):
    Like L{chr} but always works on ASCII, returning L{bytes}.
Example #7
__all__ = [

# backwards compatability
    Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
    "Please use twisted.web.http.datetimeToString instead",
    Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
    "Please use twisted.web.http.stringToDatetime instead",
date_time_string = http.datetimeToString
string_date_time = http.stringToDatetime

# Support for other methods may be implemented on a per-resource basis.
supportedMethods = ('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST')

def _addressToTuple(addr):
# Import reflect first, so that circular imports (between deprecate and
# reflect) don't cause headaches.
import twisted.python.reflect
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

# Known module-level attributes.

version = Version('Twisted', 8, 0, 0)
message = 'Oh noes!'

Example #9
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.application.internet import StreamServerEndpointService

def parse(description, factory, default='tcp'):
    This function is deprecated as of Twisted 10.2.

    @see: L{twisted.internet.endpoints.server}
    return endpoints._parseServer(description, factory, default)

    Version("Twisted", 10, 2,
            0), "in favor of twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString",
    __name__, "parse")

_DEFAULT = object()

def service(description, factory, default=_DEFAULT, reactor=None):
    Return the service corresponding to a description.

    @param description: The description of the listening port, in the syntax
        described by L{twisted.internet.endpoints.server}.

    @type description: C{str}

    @param factory: The protocol factory which will build protocols for
Example #10
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Twisted's unit tests.

from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.test import proto_helpers

for obj in proto_helpers.__all__:
        Version('Twisted', 19, 7, 0, release_candidate=1),
        'Please use twisted.internet.testing.{} instead.'.format(obj),
        'twisted.test.proto_helpers', obj)
Example #11
        if self.reverseVideo:
        if self.foreground != WHITE:
            attrs.append(FOREGROUND + self.foreground)
        if self.background != BLACK:
            attrs.append(BACKGROUND + self.background)
        if attrs:
            return "\x1b[" + ";".join(map(str, attrs)) + "m"
        return ""

CharacterAttribute = _FormattingState

    Version("Twisted", 13, 1, 0),
    "Use twisted.conch.insults.text.assembleFormattedText instead.",

# XXX - need to support scroll regions and scroll history
class TerminalBuffer(protocol.Protocol):
    An in-memory terminal emulator.

    for keyID in (
Example #12
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecated, deprecatedModuleAttribute

if sys.version_info >= (3, 7, 0):
    _PY37PLUS = True
    _PY37PLUS = False

if platform.python_implementation() == "PyPy":
    _PYPY = True
    _PYPY = False

FileType = IOBase
    Version("Twisted", 21, 2, 0),
    "Obsolete alias for io.IOBase",

frozenset = frozenset
    Version("Twisted", 21, 2, 0),
    "Obsolete alias for frozenset builtin type",

InstanceType = object
    Version("Twisted", 21, 2, 0),
    "Old-style classes don't exist in Python 3",
Example #13
_DEFAULT = object()
def acquireAttribute(objects, attr, default=_DEFAULT):
    """Go through the list 'objects' sequentially until we find one which has
    attribute 'attr', then return the value of that attribute.  If not found,
    return 'default' if set, otherwise, raise AttributeError. """
    for obj in objects:
        if hasattr(obj, attr):
            return getattr(obj, attr)
    if default is not _DEFAULT:
        return default
    raise AttributeError('attribute %r not found in %r' % (attr, objects))

    versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 1, 0),
    "Please use twisted.python.reflect.namedAny instead.",
    __name__, "findObject")

def findObject(name):
    """Get a fully-named package, module, module-global object or attribute.
    Forked from twisted.python.reflect.namedAny.

    Returns a tuple of (bool, obj).  If bool is True, the named object exists
    and is returned as obj.  If bool is False, the named object does not exist
    and the value of obj is unspecified.
    names = name.split('.')
    topLevelPackage = None
    moduleNames = names[:]
Example #14
# This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copyright Buildbot Team Members

from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
from twisted.python.versions import Version

from buildbot.buildslave.libvirt import (EC2LatentBuildSlave)

deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Buildbot", 0, 8, 8),
                          "It has been moved to buildbot.buildslave.ec2",
                          "buildbot.libvirtbuildslave", "EC2LatentBuildSlave")

_hush_pyflakes = [EC2LatentBuildSlave]
Example #15
    """Walk up the Python tree from method 'meth', finding its class, its module
    and all containing packages."""
    containers = []
    moduleName = meth.im_class.__module__
    while moduleName is not None:
        module = sys.modules.get(moduleName, None)
        if module is None:
            module = __import__(moduleName)
        moduleName = getattr(module, '__module__', None)
    return containers

    versions.Version("Twisted", 12, 3, 0),
    "This function never worked correctly.  Implement lookup on your own.",
    __name__, "getPythonContainers")

    versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 1,
                     0), "Please use twisted.python.reflect.namedAny instead.",
    __name__, "findObject")

def findObject(name):
    """Get a fully-named package, module, module-global object or attribute.
    Forked from twisted.python.reflect.namedAny.

    Returns a tuple of (bool, obj).  If bool is True, the named object exists
    and is returned as obj.  If bool is False, the named object does not exist
    and the value of obj is unspecified.
Example #16
File: Project: 0004c/VTK
        if self.reverseVideo:
        if self.foreground != WHITE:
            attrs.append(FOREGROUND + self.foreground)
        if self.background != BLACK:
            attrs.append(BACKGROUND + self.background)
        if attrs:
            return '\x1b[' + ';'.join(map(str, attrs)) + 'm'
        return ''

CharacterAttribute = _FormattingState

    Version('Twisted', 13, 1, 0),
    'Use twisted.conch.insults.text.assembleFormattedText instead.',

# XXX - need to support scroll regions and scroll history
class TerminalBuffer(protocol.Protocol):
    An in-memory terminal emulator.

                  'HOME', 'INSERT', 'DELETE', 'END', 'PGUP', 'PGDN',
                  'F1', 'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9',
Example #17
_DEFAULT = object()
def acquireAttribute(objects, attr, default=_DEFAULT):
    """Go through the list 'objects' sequentially until we find one which has
    attribute 'attr', then return the value of that attribute.  If not found,
    return 'default' if set, otherwise, raise AttributeError. """
    for obj in objects:
        if hasattr(obj, attr):
            return getattr(obj, attr)
    if default is not _DEFAULT:
        return default
    raise AttributeError('attribute %r not found in %r' % (attr, objects))

    versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 1, 0),
    "Please use twisted.python.reflect.namedAny instead.",
    __name__, "findObject")

def findObject(name):
    """Get a fully-named package, module, module-global object or attribute.
    Forked from twisted.python.reflect.namedAny.

    Returns a tuple of (bool, obj).  If bool is True, the named object exists
    and is returned as obj.  If bool is False, the named object does not exist
    and the value of obj is unspecified.
    names = name.split('.')
    topLevelPackage = None
    moduleNames = names[:]
Example #18

O_BINARY = getattr(os, "O_BINARY", 0)

class FakeWindowsError(OSError):
    Stand-in for sometimes-builtin exception on platforms for which it
    is missing.

    Version("Twisted", 21, 2, 0),
    "Catch OSError and check presence of 'winerror' attribute.",

    WindowsError: OSError = WindowsError
except NameError:
    WindowsError = FakeWindowsError

    Version("Twisted", 21, 2, 0),
    "Catch OSError and check presence of 'winerror' attribute.",
Example #19
# This file is part of Buildbot.  Buildbot is free software: you can
# redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copyright Buildbot Team Members

from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
from twisted.python.versions import Version

from buildbot.buildslave.ec2 import EC2LatentBuildSlave

deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Buildbot", 0, 8, 8),
                          "It has been moved to buildbot.buildslave.ec2",
                          "buildbot.ec2buildslave", "EC2LatentBuildSlave")

_hush_pyflakes = [
        # Try using the API that we need, which only works right with
        # zope.interface 3.6 (or 4.0 on Python 3)
        class IDummy(interface.Interface):
        class Dummy(object):
    except TypeError:
        # It is installed but not compatible with this version of Python.
        raise ImportError(required + ".")


# Ensure compat gets imported
from twisted.python import compat

# setup version
from twisted._version import version
__version__ = version.short()

del compat

# Deprecating lore.
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

    Version("Twisted", 14, 0, 0),
    "Use Sphinx instead.",
    "twisted", "lore")
Example #21
# Copyright (c) 2001-2011 Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Twisted Persisted: utilities for managing persistence.

from twisted.python import versions, deprecate

    versions.Version("twisted", 11, 0, 0),
    "Use a different persistence library. This one " "is no longer maintained.",
Example #22
def getPythonContainers(meth):
    """Walk up the Python tree from method 'meth', finding its class, its module
    and all containing packages."""
    containers = []
    moduleName = meth.im_class.__module__
    while moduleName is not None:
        module = sys.modules.get(moduleName, None)
        if module is None:
            module = __import__(moduleName)
        moduleName = getattr(module, '__module__', None)
    return containers

    versions.Version("Twisted", 12, 3, 0),
    "This function never worked correctly.  Implement lookup on your own.",
    __name__, "getPythonContainers")

def _runSequentially(callables, stopOnFirstError=False):
    Run the given callables one after the other. If a callable returns a
    Deferred, wait until it has finished before running the next callable.

    @param callables: An iterable of callables that take no parameters.

    @param stopOnFirstError: If True, then stop running callables as soon as
        one raises an exception or fires an errback. False by default.

    @return: A L{Deferred} that fires a list of C{(flag, value)} tuples. Each
Example #23
            timeout = 0.1

        # See comment for identical line in GtkReactor.simulate.
        self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add((timeout * 1010), self.simulate)

def install():
    """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
    reactor = GtkReactor()
    from twisted.internet.main import installReactor
    return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                    __name__, "install")

def portableInstall():
    """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
    reactor = PortableGtkReactor()
    from twisted.internet.main import installReactor
    return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                    __name__, "portableInstall")

if runtime.platform.getType() != 'posix':
Example #24
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
# Copyright Buildbot Team Members

from buildbot.steps.source.base import Source
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import BK
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import Bzr
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import CVS
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import Darcs
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import Git
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import Mercurial
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import Monotone
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import P4
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import Repo
from buildbot.steps.source.oldsource import SVN
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
from twisted.python.versions import Version

warningString = "The slave-side %s step is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.  Please switch to the corresponding master-side step."

oldClasses = ["CVS", "SVN", "Git", "Darcs", "Repo", "Bzr", "Mercurial", "P4",
              "Monotone", "BK"]

for oldClass in oldClasses:
    deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Buildbot", 0, 8, 9),
                              warningString % (oldClass),
                              "buildbot.steps.source", oldClass)

_hush_pyflakes = [Source, CVS, SVN,
                  Git, Darcs, Repo, Bzr, Mercurial, P4, Monotone, BK]
Example #25
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Twisted Runner: Run and monitor processes.

from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

from twisted._version import version
__version__ = version.short()

    Version("Twisted", 16, 0, 0),
    "Use twisted.__version__ instead.",
    "twisted.runner", "__version__")
Example #26
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

import stringprep
from encodings import idna

# We require Unicode version 3.2.
from unicodedata import ucd_3_2_0 as unicodedata

from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

from zope.interface import Interface, implementer

crippled = False
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Twisted", 13, 1, 0),
                          "crippled is always False", __name__, "crippled")

class ILookupTable(Interface):
    Interface for character lookup classes.
    def lookup(c):
        Return whether character is in this table.

class IMappingTable(Interface):
    Interface for character mapping classes.
Example #27
    def areDone(self, avatarId):
        Override to determine if the authentication is finished for a given

        @param avatarId: the avatar returned by the first checker.  For
            this checker to function correctly, all the checkers must
            return the same avatar ID.
        return True

        Version("Twisted", 15, 0, 0),
        ("Please use twisted.conch.checkers.SSHPublicKeyChecker, "
         "initialized with an instance of "
         "twisted.conch.checkers.UNIXAuthorizedKeysFiles instead."),
        __name__, "SSHPublicKeyDatabase")

class IAuthorizedKeysDB(Interface):
    An object that provides valid authorized ssh keys mapped to usernames.

    @since: 15.0
    def getAuthorizedKeys(avatarId):
        Gets an iterable of authorized keys that are valid for the given
Example #28
        if len(property_changes) > 1:
            self.descriptionDone = '{} properties set'.format(
        elif len(property_changes) == 1:
            self.descriptionDone = 'property \'{}\' set'.format(
        if cmd.didFail():
            return FAILURE
        return SUCCESS

SetPropertyFromCommandNewStyle = SetPropertyFromCommand
    Version("buildbot", 3, 0, 0),
    "Use SetPropertyFromCommand instead. This step will be removed in Buildbot 3.2.",

SetProperty = SetPropertyFromCommand
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Buildbot", 0, 8, 8),
                          "It has been renamed to SetPropertyFromCommand",
                          "", "SetProperty")

class ShellCommand(buildstep.ShellMixin, buildstep.BuildStep):
    name = 'shell'

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
Example #29
# exceptions that can be raised while trying to start a build

class BuilderInUseError(Exception):

class WorkerSetupError(Exception):

WorkerTooOldError = WorkerSetupError
    Version("buildbot", 2, 9, 0),
    message="Use WorkerSetupError instead.",

class LatentWorkerFailedToSubstantiate(Exception):

class LatentWorkerCannotSubstantiate(Exception):

class LatentWorkerSubstantiatiationCancelled(Exception):
Example #30
def loadFromItem(model, item):
    Initialise model parameters from an Axiom item instance.

    @type model: L{Model}

    @type item: L{axiom.item.Item}
    for name, param in model.params.iteritems():
        param.value = getattr(item, name)

ValueParameter = Value
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version('methanal', 0, 2,
                                  0), 'use methanal.model.Value instead',
                          __name__, 'ValueParameter')

ListParameter = List
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version('methanal', 0, 2,
                                  0), 'use methanal.model.List instead',
                          __name__, 'ListParameter')

EnumerationParameter = Enum
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version('methanal', 0, 2,
                                  0), 'use methanal.model.Enum instead',
                          __name__, 'EnumerationParameter')

DecimalParameter = DecimalValue
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version('methanal', 0, 2, 0),
                          'use methanal.model.DecimalValue instead', __name__,
Example #31
    def get_path(self):
        return self.get_encoded_path()

    def get_url(self):
        return self.get_encoded_url()

# Backwards compatibility layer.  For deprecation.
def URLContext(service_endpoint, bucket=None, object_name=None):
    args = (service_endpoint,)
    for s in (bucket, object_name):
        if s is not None:
            args += (s.decode("utf-8"),)
    return s3_url_context(*args)

    Version("txAWS", 0, 3, 0),
    "See txaws.s3.client.query",

    Version("txAWS", 0, 3, 0),
    "See txaws.s3.client.s3_url_context",
Example #32
        if self.reverseVideo:
        if self.foreground != WHITE:
            attrs.append(FOREGROUND + self.foreground)
        if self.background != BLACK:
            attrs.append(BACKGROUND + self.background)
        if attrs:
            return '\x1b[' + ';'.join(map(str, attrs)) + 'm'
        return ''

CharacterAttribute = _FormattingState

    Version('Twisted', 13, 1, 0),
    'Use twisted.conch.insults.text.assembleFormattedText instead.',
    'twisted.conch.insults.helper', 'CharacterAttribute')

# XXX - need to support scroll regions and scroll history
class TerminalBuffer(protocol.Protocol):
    An in-memory terminal emulator.
                  'HOME', 'INSERT', 'DELETE', 'END', 'PGUP', 'PGDN', 'F1',
                  'F2', 'F3', 'F4', 'F5', 'F6', 'F7', 'F8', 'F9', 'F10', 'F11',
        exec('%s = object()' % (keyID, ))
Example #33
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.compat import _PY3
from twisted.application.internet import StreamServerEndpointService

def parse(description, factory, default='tcp'):
    This function is deprecated as of Twisted 10.2.

    @see: L{twisted.internet.endpoints.server}
    return endpoints._parseServer(description, factory, default)

    Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0),
    "in favor of twisted.internet.endpoints.serverFromString",
    __name__, "parse")

_DEFAULT = object()

def service(description, factory, default=_DEFAULT, reactor=None):
    Return the service corresponding to a description.

    @param description: The description of the listening port, in the syntax
        described by L{twisted.internet.endpoints.server}.

    @type description: C{str}
Example #34
    Emitted when L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess} is called in a way which may
    result in termination of the created child process not being reported.

    Deprecated in Twisted 10.0.
    MESSAGE = ("spawnProcess called, but the SIGCHLD handler is not "
               "installed. This probably means you have not yet "
               "called, or called "
               " You will probably "
               "never see this process finish, and it may become a "
               "zombie process.")

    Version("Twisted", 10, 0,
            0), "There is no longer any potential for zombie process.",
    __name__, "PotentialZombieWarning")

class ProcessDone(ConnectionDone):
    """A process has ended without apparent errors"""
    def __init__(self, status):
        Exception.__init__(self, "process finished with exit code 0")
        self.exitCode = 0
        self.signal = None
        self.status = status

class ProcessTerminated(ConnectionLost):
    """A process has ended with a probable error condition"""
    def __init__(self, exitCode=None, signal=None, status=None):
Example #35
import types
for tran in 'TCP UNIX SSL UDP UNIXDatagram Multicast'.split():
    for side in 'Server Client'.split():
        if tran == "Multicast" and side == "Client":
        base = globals()['_Abstract'+side]
        doc = _doc[side] % vars()
        klass = types.ClassType(tran+side, (base,),
                                {'method': tran, '__doc__': doc})
        globals()[tran+side] = klass

        Version("Twisted", 13, 1, 0),
        "It relies upon IReactorUDP.connectUDP "
        "which was removed in Twisted 10. "
        "Use twisted.application.internet.UDPServer instead.",
        "twisted.application.internet", "UDPClient")

class TimerService(_VolatileDataService):
    Service to periodically call a function

    Every C{step} seconds call the given function with the given arguments.
    The service starts the calls when it starts, and cancels them
    when it stops.

    @ivar clock: Source of time. This defaults to L{None} which is
        causes L{twisted.internet.reactor} to be used.
Example #36
__all__ = [

# backwards compatibility
    Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
    "Please use twisted.web.http.datetimeToString instead",
    Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
    "Please use twisted.web.http.stringToDatetime instead",
date_time_string = http.datetimeToString
string_date_time = http.stringToDatetime

# Support for other methods may be implemented on a per-resource basis.
supportedMethods = ('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST')

def _addressToTuple(addr):
Example #37
    Emitted when L{IReactorProcess.spawnProcess} is called in a way which may
    result in termination of the created child process not being reported.

    Deprecated in Twisted 10.0.
    MESSAGE = (
        "spawnProcess called, but the SIGCHLD handler is not "
        "installed. This probably means you have not yet "
        "called, or called "
        " You will probably "
        "never see this process finish, and it may become a "
        "zombie process.")

    Version("Twisted", 10, 0, 0),
    "There is no longer any potential for zombie process.",

class ProcessDone(ConnectionDone):
    """A process has ended without apparent errors"""

    def __init__(self, status):
        Exception.__init__(self, "process finished with exit code 0")
        self.exitCode = 0
        self.signal = None
        self.status = status

Example #38
    def areDone(self, avatarId):
        Override to determine if the authentication is finished for a given

        @param avatarId: the avatar returned by the first checker.  For
            this checker to function correctly, all the checkers must
            return the same avatar ID.
        return True

        Version("Twisted", 15, 0, 0),
        ("Please use twisted.conch.checkers.SSHPublicKeyChecker, "
         "initialized with an instance of "
         "twisted.conch.checkers.UNIXAuthorizedKeysFiles instead."),
        __name__, "SSHPublicKeyDatabase")

class IAuthorizedKeysDB(Interface):
    An object that provides valid authorized ssh keys mapped to usernames.

    @since: 15.0.0
    def getAuthorizedKeys(avatarId):
        Gets an iterable of authorized keys that are valid for the given
import stringprep
from encodings import idna

# We require Unicode version 3.2.
from unicodedata import ucd_3_2_0 as unicodedata

from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

from zope.interface import Interface, implementer

crippled = False
    Version("Twisted", 13, 1, 0),
    "crippled is always False",

class ILookupTable(Interface):
    Interface for character lookup classes.

    def lookup(c):
        Return whether character is in this table.
Example #40
    if isinstance(x, text_type):
        x = x.encode(encoding, errors)
    return x

def bytes2unicode(x, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict'):
    if isinstance(x, (text_type, type(None))):
        return x
    return text_type(x, encoding, errors)

_hush_pyflakes = [json]

    Version("buildbot", 0, 9, 4),
    message="Use json from the standard library instead.",

def toJson(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        return datetime2epoch(obj)

# changes and schedulers consider None to be a legitimate name for a branch,
# which makes default function keyword arguments hard to handle.  This value
# is always false.

class NotABranch:
Example #41
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Chat protocols.

from twisted.python import deprecate, versions

    versions.Version("Twisted", 15, 1, 0), "MSN has shutdown.", __name__,
Example #42
            return SUCCESS

    def interrupt(self, reason):
        except KeyError:  # Process not started yet
        except error.ProcessExitedAlready:

MasterShellCommandNewStyle = MasterShellCommand
    Version("buildbot", 3, 0, 0),
    message="Use MasterShellCommand instead. This step will be removed in Buildbot 3.2.",

class SetProperty(BuildStep):
    name = 'SetProperty'
    description = ['Setting']
    descriptionDone = ['Set']
    renderables = ['property', 'value']

    def __init__(self, property, value, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(**kwargs) = property
        self.value = value
Example #43
reference_atom = 'reference'        # r

# mutable collections
dictionary_atom = "dictionary"      # d
list_atom = 'list'                  # l
set_atom = 'set'

# immutable collections
#   (assignment to __dict__ and __class__ still might go away!)
tuple_atom = "tuple"                # t
instance_atom = 'instance'          # i
frozenset_atom = 'frozenset'

    Version("Twisted", 15, 0, 0),
    "instance_atom is unused within Twisted.",
    "twisted.spread.jelly", "instance_atom")

# errors
unpersistable_atom = "unpersistable"# u
unjellyableRegistry = {}
unjellyableFactoryRegistry = {}

_NO_STATE = object()

def _newInstance(cls, state=_NO_STATE):
    Make a new instance of a class without calling its __init__ method.
    Supports both new- and old-style classes.

    @param state: A C{dict} used to update C{inst.__dict__} or C{_NO_STATE}
Example #44
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Twisted Conch: The Twisted Shell. Terminal emulation, SSHv2 and telnet.

from incremental import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

from twisted._version import __version__ as version
__version__ = version.short()

deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Twisted", 16, 0,
                                  0), "Use twisted.__version__ instead.",
                          "twisted.conch", "__version__")
Example #45
File: Project: 0004c/VTK
from xml.dom import minidom as dom
import parser
import urlparse
import os.path

from twisted.lore import tree, process
from twisted.web import domhelpers
from twisted.python import reflect
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

parserErrors = (SyntaxError,)
    Version("Twisted", 13, 1, 0),
    "parserErrors is deprecated",

class TagChecker:

    def check(self, dom, filename):
        self.hadErrors = 0
        for method in reflect.prefixedMethods(self, 'check_'):
            method(dom, filename)
        if self.hadErrors:
            raise process.ProcessingFailure("invalid format")

    def _reportError(self, filename, element, error):
        hlint = element.hasAttribute('hlint') and element.getAttribute('hlint')
Example #46
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Twisted Web: a L{web server<twisted.web.server>} (including an
L{HTTP implementation<twisted.web.http>} and a
L{resource model<twisted.web.resource>}) and
a L{web client<twisted.web.client>}.

from twisted.web._version import version
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

__version__ = version.short()

    Version('Twisted', 11, 1,
            0), "Google module is deprecated. Use Google's API instead",
    __name__, "google")
Example #47

    def reallyDel(self, k):
        *actually* del self.k without incurring side-effects.  This is a
        hook to be overridden by subclasses.
        del self.__dict__[k]

# just in case
OriginalAccessor = Accessor
    Version("Twisted", 12, 1, 0),
    "OriginalAccessor is a reference to class twisted.python.reflect.Accessor "
    "which is deprecated.", "twisted.python.reflect", "OriginalAccessor")

class Summer(Accessor):
    Extend from this class to get the capability to maintain 'related
    sums'.  Have a tuple in your class like the following::


    and the 'credit_total' member of the 'credit' member of self will
    always be incremented when the 'amount' member of self is
    incremented, similiarly for the debit versions.
Example #48
persistent_atom = b'persistent'  # p
reference_atom = b'reference'  # r

# mutable collections
dictionary_atom = b"dictionary"  # d
list_atom = b'list'  # l
set_atom = b'set'

# immutable collections
#   (assignment to __dict__ and __class__ still might go away!)
tuple_atom = b"tuple"  # t
instance_atom = b'instance'  # i
frozenset_atom = b'frozenset'

deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Twisted", 15, 0, 0),
                          "instance_atom is unused within Twisted.",
                          "twisted.spread.jelly", "instance_atom")

# errors
unpersistable_atom = b"unpersistable"  # u
unjellyableRegistry = {}
unjellyableFactoryRegistry = {}

def _createBlank(cls):
    Given an object, if that object is a type (or a legacy old-style class),
    return a new, blank instance of that type which has not had C{__init__}
    called on it.  If the object is not a type, return C{None}.

    @param cls: The type (or class) to create an instance of.
Example #49
import ipaddr
import re

from twisted.python import deprecate
from twisted.python.versions import Version


re_ipv6 = re.compile("\[([a-fA-F0-9:]+)\]:(.*$)")
re_ipv4 = re.compile("((?:\d{1,3}\.?){4}):(.*$)")

    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
    "Removed due to 'bridgedb.Bridges.PortList' being moved to "\

    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
    "Attribute 'bridgedb.Bridges.re_ipv4' was removed due to "\
    "'bridgedb.Bridges.parseORAddressLine' moving to "\

    Version('bridgedb', 0, 0, 1),
    "Attribute 'bridgedb.Bridges.re_ipv6' was removed due to "\
    "'bridgedb.Bridges.parseORAddressLine' moving to "\
Example #50
            timeout = 0.1

        # See comment for identical line in GtkReactor.simulate.
        self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add((timeout * 1010), self.simulate)

def install():
    """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
    reactor = GtkReactor()
    from twisted.internet.main import installReactor
    return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                    __name__, "install")

def portableInstall():
    """Configure the twisted mainloop to be run inside the gtk mainloop.
    reactor = PortableGtkReactor()
    from twisted.internet.main import installReactor
    return reactor

deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                    __name__, "portableInstall")

if runtime.platform.getType() != 'posix':
Example #51
@see: L{twisted.conch.insults.text.attributes}
@author: Jp Calderone

from twisted.conch.insults import helper, insults
from twisted.python import _textattributes
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
from twisted.python.versions import Version

flatten = _textattributes.flatten

    Version('Twisted', 13, 1, 0),
    'Use twisted.conch.insults.text.assembleFormattedText instead.',

    'black': helper.BLACK,
    'red': helper.RED,
    'green': helper.GREEN,
    'yellow': helper.YELLOW,
    'blue': helper.BLUE,
    'magenta': helper.MAGENTA,
    'cyan': helper.CYAN,
    'white': helper.WHITE}

Example #52
class GtkReactor(posixbase.PosixReactorBase):
    GTK+ event loop reactor.

    @ivar _reads: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to gtk INPUT_READ
        watch handles.

    @ivar _writes: A dictionary mapping L{FileDescriptor} instances to gtk
        INTPUT_WRITE watch handles.

    @ivar _simtag: A gtk timeout handle for the next L{simulate} call.

    deprecate.deprecatedModuleAttribute(deprecatedSince, deprecationMessage,
                                        __name__, "GtkReactor")

    def __init__(self):
        Initialize the file descriptor tracking dictionaries and the base
        self._simtag = None
        self._reads = {}
        self._writes = {}

    def addReader(self, reader):
        if reader not in self._reads:
            self._reads[reader] = gtk.input_add(reader, gtk.GDK.INPUT_READ,

    def addWriter(self, writer):
        if writer not in self._writes:
            self._writes[writer] = gtk.input_add(writer, gtk.GDK.INPUT_WRITE,

    def getReaders(self):
        return self._reads.keys()

    def getWriters(self):
        return self._writes.keys()

    def removeAll(self):
        return self._removeAll(self._reads, self._writes)

    def removeReader(self, reader):
        if reader in self._reads:
            del self._reads[reader]

    def removeWriter(self, writer):
        if writer in self._writes:
            del self._writes[writer]

    doIterationTimer = None

    def doIterationTimeout(self, *args):
        self.doIterationTimer = None
        return 0  # auto-remove

    def doIteration(self, delay):
        # flush some pending events, return if there was something to do
        # don't use the usual "while gtk.events_pending(): mainiteration()"
        # idiom because lots of IO (in particular test_tcp's
        # ProperlyCloseFilesTestCase) can keep us from ever exiting.
        log.msg(channel='system', event='iteration', reactor=self)
        if gtk.events_pending():
        # nothing to do, must delay
        if delay == 0:
            return  # shouldn't delay, so just return
        self.doIterationTimer = gtk.timeout_add(int(delay * 1000),
        # This will either wake up from IO or from a timeout.
        gtk.mainiteration(1)  # block
        # note: with the .simulate timer below, delays > 0.1 will always be
        # woken up by the .simulate timer
        if self.doIterationTimer:
            # if woken by IO, need to cancel the timer
            self.doIterationTimer = None

    def crash(self):

    def run(self, installSignalHandlers=1):
        gtk.timeout_add(0, self.simulate)

    def _readAndWrite(self, source, condition):
        # note: gtk-1.2's gtk_input_add presents an API in terms of gdk
        # constants like INPUT_READ and INPUT_WRITE. Internally, it will add
        # POLL_HUP and POLL_ERR to the poll() events, but if they happen it
        # will turn them back into INPUT_READ and INPUT_WRITE. gdkevents.c
        # maps IN/HUP/ERR to INPUT_READ, and OUT/ERR to INPUT_WRITE. This
        # means there is no immediate way to detect a disconnected socket.

        # The g_io_add_watch() API is more suited to this task. I don't think
        # pygtk exposes it, though.
        why = None
        didRead = None
            if condition & gtk.GDK.INPUT_READ:
                why = source.doRead()
                didRead = source.doRead
            if not why and condition & gtk.GDK.INPUT_WRITE:
                # if doRead caused connectionLost, don't call doWrite
                # if doRead is doWrite, don't call it again.
                if not source.disconnected and source.doWrite != didRead:
                    why = source.doWrite()
                    didRead = source.doWrite  # if failed it was in write
            why = sys.exc_info()[1]
            log.msg('Error In %s' % source)

        if why:
            self._disconnectSelectable(source, why, didRead == source.doRead)

    def callback(self, source, condition):
        log.callWithLogger(source, self._readAndWrite, source, condition)
        self.simulate()  # fire Twisted timers
        return 1  # 1=don't auto-remove the source

    def simulate(self):
        """Run simulation loops and reschedule callbacks.
        if self._simtag is not None:
        timeout = min(self.timeout(), 0.1)
        if timeout is None:
            timeout = 0.1
        # Quoth someone other than me, "grumble", yet I know not why. Try to be
        # more specific in your complaints, guys. -exarkun
        self._simtag = gtk.timeout_add(int(timeout * 1010), self.simulate)
Example #53
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Subpackage containing the modules that implement the command line tools.

Note that these are imported by top-level scripts which are intended to be
invoked directly from a shell.

from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

    Version("Twisted", 11, 1, 0),
    "Seek unzipping software outside of Twisted.",

del Version, deprecatedModuleAttribute
Example #54
            self.addCompleteLog('property changes', "\n".join(props_set))

    def describe(self, done=False):
        if len(self.property_changes) > 1:
            return ["%d properties set" % len(self.property_changes)]
        elif len(self.property_changes) == 1:
            return ["property '%s' set" % list(self.property_changes)[0]]
            # let ShellCommand describe
            return ShellCommand.describe(self, done)

SetProperty = SetPropertyFromCommand
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Buildbot", 0, 8, 8),
                          "It has been renamed to SetPropertyFromCommand",
                          "", "SetProperty")

class Configure(ShellCommand):

    name = "configure"
    haltOnFailure = 1
    flunkOnFailure = 1
    description = ["configuring"]
    descriptionDone = ["configure"]
    command = ["./configure"]

class WarningCountingShellCommand(ShellCommand, CompositeStepMixin):
    renderables = ['suppressionFile']
Example #55
                          for k,v in self.property_changes.items() ]
            self.addCompleteLog('property changes', "\n".join(props_set))

    def getText(self, cmd, results):
        if len(self.property_changes) > 1:
            return [ "%d properties set" % len(self.property_changes) ]
        elif len(self.property_changes) == 1:
            return [ "property '%s' set" % self.property_changes.keys()[0] ]
            # let ShellCommand describe
            return ShellCommand.getText(self, cmd, results)

SetProperty = SetPropertyFromCommand
deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Buildbot", 0, 8, 8),
        "It has been renamed to SetPropertyFromCommand",
        "", "SetProperty")

class Configure(ShellCommand):

    name = "configure"
    haltOnFailure = 1
    flunkOnFailure = 1
    description = ["configuring"]
    descriptionDone = ["configure"]
    command = ["./configure"]

class StringFileWriter(pb.Referenceable):
    FileWriter class that just puts received data into a buffer.
Example #56
    @return: a bound method
    @rtype: L{types.MethodType}
    func = cls.__dict__[name]
    if _PY3:
        return _MethodType(func, self)
    return _MethodType(func, self, cls)

from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

from collections import OrderedDict

deprecatedModuleAttribute(Version("Twisted", 15, 5,
                                  0), "Use collections.OrderedDict instead.",
                          "twisted.python.compat", "OrderedDict")

if _PY3:
    from base64 import encodebytes as _b64encodebytes
    from base64 import decodebytes as _b64decodebytes
    from base64 import encodestring as _b64encodebytes
    from base64 import decodestring as _b64decodebytes

def _bytesChr(i):
    Like L{chr} but always works on ASCII, returning L{bytes}.

    @param i: The ASCII code point to return.
Example #57
import math

from zope.interface import implements

# Twisted imports
from twisted.internet import protocol, defer, interfaces, error
from twisted.python import log, deprecate, versions

LENGTH, DATA, COMMA = range(3)
NUMBER = re.compile('(\d*)(:?)')

deprecatedSince = versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0)
message = "NetstringReceiver parser state is private."
for attr in ["LENGTH", "DATA", "COMMA", "NUMBER"]:
        deprecatedSince, message, __name__, attr)
del deprecatedSince, message, attr


class NetstringParseError(ValueError):
    The incoming data is not in valid Netstring format.

class IncompleteNetstring(Exception):
    Not enough data to complete a netstring.
Example #58
        s = s + '\n'

    return s

def isMultiline(s):
    """Returns True if this string has a newline in it."""
    return (string.find(s, '\n') != -1)

def endsInNewline(s):
    """Returns True if this string ends in a newline."""
    return (s[-len('\n'):] == '\n')

    versions.Version("Twisted", 10, 2, 0),
    "Please use inspect.getdoc instead.",
    __name__, "docstringLStrip")

def docstringLStrip(docstring):
    Gets rid of unsightly lefthand docstring whitespace residue.

    You'd think someone would have done this already, but apparently
    not in 1.5.2.

    BUT since we're all using Python 2.1 now, use L{inspect.getdoc}
    instead.  I{This function should go away soon.}
Example #59
# -*- test-case-name: twisted.web.test -*-
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.

Twisted Web: a L{web server<twisted.web.server>} (including an
L{HTTP implementation<twisted.web.http>} and a
L{resource model<twisted.web.resource>}) and
a L{web client<twisted.web.client>}.

from twisted.web._version import version
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute

__version__ = version.short()

    Version('Twisted', 11, 1, 0),
    "Google module is deprecated. Use Google's API instead",
    __name__, "google")
Example #60
# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
# See LICENSE for details.
Twisted's unit tests.

from twisted.python.deprecate import deprecatedModuleAttribute
from twisted.python.versions import Version
from twisted.test import proto_helpers

for obj in proto_helpers.__all__:
        Version('Twisted', 'NEXT', 0, 0),
        'Please use twisted.internet.testing.{} instead.'.format(obj),
        'twisted.test.proto_helpers', obj)