Example #1
			def signal_handler(sig, frm):
				# Supress buffering of re-issued messages
				self.handler._emit, self.handler.emit = self.handler.emit, lambda *a, **k: None
				for msg in list(self.buffer): log.fatal(self.handler.format(msg))
				self.handler.emit = self.handler._emit
Example #2
def main():
	import argparse
	parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
		description='Start the IRC helper bot.')

	parser.add_argument('-e', '--relay-enable',
		action='append', metavar='relay', default=list(),
		help='Enable only the specified relays, can be specified multiple times.')
	parser.add_argument('-d', '--relay-disable',
		action='append', metavar='relay', default=list(),
		help='Explicitly disable specified relays,'
			' can be specified multiple times. Overrides --relay-enable.')

	parser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
		action='append', metavar='path', default=list(),
		help='Configuration files to process.'
			' Can be specified more than once.'
			' Values from the latter ones override values in the former.'
			' Available CLI options override the values in any config.')

	parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
		help='Connect to IRC, but do not communicate there,'
			' dumping lines-to-be-sent to the log instead.')
	parser.add_argument('--fatal-errors', action='store_true',
		help='Do not try to ignore entry_point'
			' init errors, bailing out with traceback instead.')
		action='store_true', help='Verbose operation mode.')
	parser.add_argument('--debug-memleaks', action='store_true',
		help='Import guppy and enable its manhole to debug memleaks (requires guppy module).')
		action='store_true', help='Even more verbose mode than --debug.')
	optz = parser.parse_args()

	## Read configuration files
	cfg = lya.AttrDict.from_yaml('{}.yaml'.format(splitext(realpath(__file__))[0]))
	for k in optz.config: cfg.update_yaml(k)

	## CLI overrides
	if optz.dry_run: cfg.debug.dry_run = optz.dry_run

	## Logging
	import logging
	logging.NOISE = logging.DEBUG - 1
	logging.addLevelName(logging.NOISE, 'NOISE')
	try: from twisted.python.logger._stdlib import fromStdlibLogLevelMapping
	except ImportError: pass # newer twisted versions only
	else: fromStdlibLogLevelMapping[logging.NOISE] = logging.NOISE
	if optz.noise: lvl = logging.NOISE
	elif optz.debug: lvl = logging.DEBUG
	else: lvl = logging.WARNING
	lya.configure_logging(cfg.logging, lvl)

	for lvl in 'noise', 'debug', 'info', ('warning', 'warn'), 'error', ('critical', 'fatal'):
		lvl, func = lvl if isinstance(lvl, tuple) else (lvl, lvl)
		assert not hasattr(log, lvl)
		setattr(log, func, ft.partial( log.msg,
			logLevel=logging.getLevelName(lvl.upper()) ))

	# Manholes
	if optz.debug_memleaks:
		import guppy
		from guppy.heapy import Remote

	## Fake "xattr" module, if requested
	if cfg.core.xattr_emulation:
		import shelve
		xattr_db = shelve.open(cfg.core.xattr_emulation, 'c')
		class xattr_path(object):
			def __init__(self, base):
				assert isinstance(base, str)
				self.base = base
			def key(self, k): return '{}\0{}'.format(self.base, k)
			def __setitem__(self, k, v): xattr_db[self.key(k)] = v
			def __getitem__(self, k): return xattr_db[self.key(k)]
			def __del__(self): xattr_db.sync()
		class xattr_module(object): xattr = xattr_path
		sys.modules['xattr'] = xattr_module

	## Actual init
	# Merge entry points configuration with CLI opts
	conf = ep_config( cfg,
		[ dict(ep='relay_defaults'),
			dict( ep='modules',
				enabled=optz.relay_enable, disabled=optz.relay_disable ) ] )
	(conf_base, conf), (conf_def_base, conf_def) =\
		op.itemgetter('modules', 'relay_defaults')(conf)
	for subconf in conf.viewvalues(): subconf.rebase(conf_base)
	relays, channels, routes = (
		dict( (name, subconf) for name,subconf in conf.viewitems()
		if name[0] != '_' and subconf.get('type') == subtype )
		for subtype in ['relay', 'channel', 'route'] )

	# Init interface
	interface = routing.BCInterface(
		dry_run=cfg.debug.dry_run )

	# Find out which relay entry_points are actually used
	route_mods = set(it.chain.from_iterable(
			(mod if isinstance(mod, list) else [mod])
			for mod in ((route.get(k) or list()) for k in ['src', 'dst', 'pipe']) )
		for route in routes.viewvalues() ))
	for name in list(route_mods):
			name_ep = relays[name].name
			if name == name_ep: continue
		except KeyError: pass

	# Init relays
	relays_obj = dict()
	for ep in get_relay_list():
		if ep.name[0] == '_':
			log.debug( 'Skipping entry_point with name'
				' prefixed by underscore: {}'.format(ep.name) )
		if ep.name not in route_mods:
			log.debug(( 'Skipping loading relay entry_point {}'
				' because its not used in any of the routes' ).format(ep.name))
		ep_relays = list( (name, subconf)
			for name, subconf in relays.viewitems()
			if subconf.get('name', name) == ep.name )
		if not ep_relays: ep_relays = [(ep.name, conf_base.clone())]
		for name, subconf in ep_relays:
			try: relay_defaults = conf_def[ep.name]
			except KeyError: pass
			if subconf.get('enabled', True):
				log.debug('Loading relay: {} ({})'.format(name, ep.name))
					obj = ep.load().relay(subconf, interface=interface)
					if not obj: raise AssertionError('Empty object')
				except Exception as err:
					if optz.fatal_errors: raise
					log.error('Failed to load/init relay {}: {} {}'.format(ep.name, type(err), err))
					obj, subconf.enabled = None, False
			if obj and subconf.get('enabled', True): relays_obj[name] = obj
				log.debug(( 'Entry point object {!r} (name:'
					' {}) was disabled after init' ).format(obj, ep.name) )
	for name in set(relays).difference(relays_obj):
		log.debug(( 'Unused relay configuration - {}: no such'
			' entry point - {}' ).format(name, relays[name].get('name', name)))
	if not relays_obj:
		log.fatal('No relay objects were properly enabled/loaded, bailing out')
	log.debug('Enabled relays: {}'.format(relays_obj))

	# Relays-client interface
	interface.update(relays_obj, channels, routes)

	# Server
	if cfg.core.connection.server.endpoint:
		password = cfg.core.connection.get('password')
		if not password:
			from hashlib import sha1
			password = cfg.core.connection.password =\
				sha1(open('/dev/urandom', 'rb').read(120/8)).hexdigest()
		factory = irc.BCServerFactory(
			*(chan.get('name', name) for name,chan in channels.viewitems()),
			**{cfg.core.connection.nickname: password} )
			.serverFromString(reactor, cfg.core.connection.server.endpoint)\

	# Client with proper endpoints + reconnection
	# See: http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/4472 + 4700 + 4735
	ep = endpoints.clientFromString(reactor, cfg.core.connection.endpoint)
	irc.BCClientFactory(cfg.core, interface, ep).connect()

	log.debug('Starting event loop')
Example #3
	def update(self, relays, channels, routes):

		def resolve(route, k, fork=False, lvl=0):
			if k not in route: route[k] = list()
			elif isinstance(route[k], types.StringTypes): route[k] = [route[k]]
			modules = list()
			for v in route[k]:
				if v not in routes: modules.append(v)
					for subroute in routes[v]:
						if fork is None:
							resolve(subroute, k, lvl=lvl+1)
							fork = route.clone()
							fork.pipe = (list(fork.pipe) + subroute.pipe)\
								if fork is True else (subroute.pipe + list(fork.pipe))
							resolve(subroute, k, fork=True, lvl=lvl+1)
							fork[k] = subroute[k]
			route[k] = modules

		for name, route in routes.viewitems():
			if not route.get('pipe'): route.pipe = list()
			route.name = name
			routes[name] = [route]
		for k, fork in ('pipe', None), ('src', True), ('dst', False):
			for name, route_set in routes.items():
				for route in route_set:
					if k == 'pipe':
						for v in route.pipe or list():
							if v in channels:
								log.fatal( 'Channels are not allowed'
									' in route.pipe sections (route: {}, channel: {})'.format(name, v) )
					resolve(route, k, fork=fork)

		pipes, pipes_chk = dict(), set()
		pipes_valid = set(relays).union(channels)
		for route in it.chain.from_iterable(routes.viewvalues()):
			if not route.src or not route.dst: continue
			for src, dst in it.product(route.src, route.dst):
				pipe = tuple([src] + route.pipe + [dst])
				if pipe in pipes_chk: continue
				for v in pipe:
					if v not in pipes_valid:
						log.fatal('Unknown route component (route: {}): {}'.format(route.name, v))
				pipes_chk.add(pipe) # to eliminate duplicates
				pipes.setdefault(src, list()).append((dst, route.pipe))
		log.noise('Pipelines (by src): {}'.format(pipes))

		# Add reverse (obj -> name) mapping to relays
		for name, relay_obj in relays.items(): relays[relay_obj] = name

		self.relays, self.channels, self.routes = relays.copy(), channels.copy(), pipes

		# Remove channels that aren't used in any of the routes
		self.channel_map, channels = dict(), set()
		for src, routes in self.routes.viewitems():
			for dst, pipe in routes: channels.add(dst)
		for channel in list(self.channels):
			if channel not in channels:
				log.debug('Ignoring channel, not used in any of the routes: {}'.format(channel))
				del self.channels[channel]
				alias, channel = channel, self.channels[channel]
				name = channel.get('name') or alias
				self.channel_map[name] = alias