Example #1
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.config_file = config['config_filename']
        self.host = config['management']['host'] # hostname of the management interface
        self.port = config['management']['port'] # port to listen on
        self.srcdir = config['management']['srcdir'] # source directory of templates

        server_private_key = os.path.join(config['management']['basedir'], config['management']['ssl_key'])
        server_cert = os.path.join(config['management']['basedir'], config['management']['ssl_cert'])

        # allow the config to be readable by .rpy files
        registry = Registry()
        registry.setComponent(WebBoxMulti, self)

        self.root = FileNoDirectoryListings(self.srcdir, registry=registry)
        # make .rpy python cgi
        self.root.processors = {'.rpy': script.ResourceScript}

        # hook in the controller urls to /start /stop etc.
        self.root.putChild("new", WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), self.do_new))

        admin = FileNoDirectoryListings(self.srcdir + os.sep + "admin", registry=registry)
        self.admin = admin
        # make .rpy python cgi
        self.admin.processors = {'.rpy': script.ResourceScript}
        self.admin.putChild("start", WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), self.do_start))
        self.admin.putChild("stop", WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), self.do_stop))

        class MgmtRealm(object):
            def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
                if IResource in interfaces:
                    return (IResource, admin, lambda: None)
                logging.debug("Error in requestAvatar.")

        realm = MgmtRealm()
        portal = Portal(realm, [FilePasswordDB(self.config['htdigest'])]) #FIXME insecure passwords
        credentialFactory = DigestCredentialFactory("md5", "webbox") # webbox is the "realm" of the htdigest
        adminAuth = HTTPAuthSessionWrapper(portal, [credentialFactory])

        self.root.putChild("admin", adminAuth)

        self.site = Site(self.root)
        sslContext = ssl.DefaultOpenSSLContextFactory(server_private_key, server_cert)
        reactor.listenSSL(self.port, self.site, contextFactory=sslContext)

        self.url = "https://"+self.host+":"+str(self.port)

        # load a web browser once the server has started
        def on_start(arg):
            logging.debug("Listening on: "+self.url)
                import webbrowser
            except Exception as e:
                pass # no web browser? no problem.
        def start_failed(arg):
            logging.debug("Startup failed: "+str(arg))

        # calls the web browser opening function above when the reactor has finished starting up
        d = Deferred()
        d.addCallbacks(on_start, start_failed)
        reactor.callWhenRunning(d.callback, "Server startup")

        logging.debug("Starting WebBox management interface on: "+self.url)

        # add webboxes already configured
        self.webboxes = {}

Example #2
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.host = config['management']['host'] # hostname of the management interface
        self.port = config['management']['port'] # port to listen on
        self.srcdir = config['management']['srcdir'] # source directory of templates
        # TODO ssl port? or multiple ports?

        self.vhost = NameVirtualHost()

        # allow the config to be readable by .rpy files
        registry = Registry()
        registry.setComponent(WebBoxVHost, self)

        root = FileNoDirectoryListings(self.srcdir, registry=registry)
        # make .rpy python cgi
        root.processors = {'.rpy': script.ResourceScript}

        # hook in the vhost controller urls to /start /stop etc.
        root.putChild("start", WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), self.do_start))
        root.putChild("stop", WSGIResource(reactor, reactor.getThreadPool(), self.do_stop))

        class MgmtRealm(object):
            def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
                if IResource in interfaces:
                    return (IResource, root, lambda: None)
                logging.debug("Error in requestAvatar.")

        realm = MgmtRealm()
        portal = Portal(realm, [FilePasswordDB(config['htdigest'])]) #FIXME insecure passwords
        credentialFactory = DigestCredentialFactory("md5", "webbox") # webbox is the "realm" of the htdigest
        rootAuth = HTTPAuthSessionWrapper(portal, [credentialFactory])
        self.vhost.addHost(self.host, rootAuth)

        self.site = Site(self.vhost)
        reactor.listenTCP(self.port, self.site)
        # TODO ssl port?

        self.url = "http://"+self.host+":"+str(self.port)

        # load a web browser once the server has started
        def on_start(arg):
            logging.debug("Listening on: "+self.url)
                import webbrowser
            except Exception as e:
                pass # no web browser? no problem.
        def start_failed(arg):
            logging.debug("Startup failed: "+str(arg))

        # calls the web browser opening function above when the reactor has finished starting up
        d = Deferred()
        d.addCallbacks(on_start, start_failed)
        reactor.callWhenRunning(d.callback, "Server startup")

        logging.debug("Starting WebBox management interface on: "+self.url)

        # add vhosts already configured
        self.webboxes = {}
