def showCmdUsage(f): info = f.command if 'usage' in info: cmd = irc.bold("/twitch %s %s" % (info['name'], info['usage'])) else: cmd = irc.bold("/twitch %s" % info['name']) print("Usage: %s - %s" % (cmd, info['desc'])) if 'detail' in info: detail = info['detail'] if type(detail) is list: for line in detail: print(irc.format(line)) else: print(irc.format(detail)) if 'example' in info: print(irc.format("Example: %B/twitch %s%B") % info['example'])
def makeTopic(self): attrs = {} for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): #log.debug("attrs[%s] = %s", k, v) attrs[k] = v if attrs['online'] = '%C(green)[LIVE]' else: attrs['online'] = '%C(red)[OFFLINE]' if self.mature: attrs['mature'] = " %C(red)🔞%R" else: attrs['mature'] = "" #attrs['displayName'] = irc.color('yellow', attrs['displayName']) #attrs['game'] = irc.color('yellow', attrs['game']) # add commas to numbers log.debug("viewers = %s (%s)", attrs['viewers'], type(attrs['viewers'])) attrs['viewers'] = locale.format('%d', attrs['viewers'], grouping=True) attrs['followers'] = locale.format('%d', attrs['followers'], grouping=True) attrs['views'] = locale.format('%d', attrs['views'], grouping=True) topic = \ "%B{online}%R{mature} 👤{viewers} ♥{followers} 👁{views} | " + \ "{title} | %C(yellow){displayName}%R playing %C(yellow){game}%R" topic = irc.format(topic.format(**attrs)) if topic == self.topic: log.debug("%s.makeTopic(): topic not changed", self) return None self.topic = topic return topic
def emote(param, param_eol): action = param[0] if action == 'set': if len(param) < 3: raise BadParameterError("Usage: emote set text replacement") twitch.emotes.set(param[1], param[2]) print("* %s => %s" % (param[1], irc.format(param[2]))) elif action == 'del': if len(param) < 2: raise BadParameterError("Usage: emote del name") twitch.emotes.delete(param[1]) print("* %s deleted" % param[1]) elif action == 'reload': twitch.emotes.load() print("* Loaded %d emotes" % len(twitch.emotes.emotes)) elif action == 'list': for key in twitch.emotes.parsed_emotes: print("* %s => %s" % (key, twitch.emotes.parsed_emotes[key])) elif action == 'show': if len(param) < 2: raise BadParameterError("Usage: emote show name") name = param[1] if name in twitch.emotes.parsed_emotes: print("* %s => %s" % (name, twitch.emotes.parsed_emotes[name])) else: print("* No emote '%s' defined" % name) else: raise BadParameterError("Unknown action '%s'" % action)
def makeTopic(self): attrs = {} for k, v in self.__dict__.items(): #log.debug("attrs[%s] = %s", k, v) attrs[k] = v if attrs['online'] = '%C(green)[LIVE]' else: attrs['online'] = '%C(red)[OFFLINE]' if self.mature: attrs['mature'] = " %C(red)🔞%R" else: attrs['mature'] = "" #attrs['displayName'] = irc.color('yellow', attrs['displayName']) #attrs['game'] = irc.color('yellow', attrs['game']) # add commas to numbers log.debug("viewers = %s (%s)", attrs['viewers'], type(attrs['viewers'])) attrs['viewers'] =locale.format('%d',attrs['viewers'], grouping=True) attrs['followers']=locale.format('%d',attrs['followers'], grouping=True) attrs['views'] =locale.format('%d',attrs['views'], grouping=True) topic = \ "%B{online}%R{mature} 👤{viewers} ♥{followers} 👁{views} | " + \ "{title} | %C(yellow){displayName}%R playing %C(yellow){game}%R" topic = irc.format(topic.format(**attrs)) if topic == self.topic: log.debug("%s.makeTopic(): topic not changed", self) return None self.topic = topic return topic
def echo(param, param_eol): print(irc.format(twitch.emotes.insert(param_eol[0])))
def formatMessageText(self, chan, text): text = twitch.emotes.insert(text) for name, utype in self.getTypes(chan).items(): if 'format' in utype: text = irc.format(utype['format'].format(text)) return text
def getNameBadges(self, chan): badges = [] for name, utype in self.getTypes(chan).items(): if 'badge' in utype: badges.append(irc.format(utype['badge'])) return badges