class TwitchNotifier(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot): 'PixlBot' = bot self.config = bot.config['TwitchNotifier'] self.backend = FileBackend('db') self.backend.autocommit = True"Twitch notifier plugin ready") self.uuids = [] self.online_uuids = [] self.sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext() self.sslcontext.load_cert_chain(self.config['cert_path'], self.config['key_path']) self._twitch_init_() def _twitch_init_(self):"Registering with Twitch...") self.twitch = Twitch(self.config['id'], self.config['secret']) self.twitch.authenticate_app([]) f"Registering webhook endpoint {self.config['myurl']} ...") self.hook = TwitchWebHook(self.config['myurl'], self.config['id'], self.config['port'], ssl_context=self.sslcontext) self.hook.authenticate(self.twitch)"Clearing all hook subscriptions...") self.hook.unsubscribe_all(self.twitch) # Clear all subs on startup self.hook.start() self._register_all() def _login_to_id(self, name: str) -> Optional[str]: """Returns the twitch ID for a given login name, or None if the name couldn't be resolved.""" try: res: dict = self.twitch.get_users(logins=[name]) except TwitchBackendException as e:"Backend error fetching user! {e}") return None if len(res) == 0: return None else: return res['data'][0]['id'] def _register_all(self): """Attempts to register stream_changed callbacks for all configured users.""""Registering callbacks for all watched users..") users = self.backend.filter(TwitchWatchedUser, {'twitch_name': { "$exists": True }}) if not users:"No users to watch. No callbacks registered.") else: for u in users:"Registering: {u['twitch_name']}") success, uuid = self.hook.subscribe_stream_changed( u['twitch_id'], self._cb_stream_changed) if success and uuid: self.uuids.append(uuid) f"{success}: registered subscription UUID: {uuid}") else: f"{success}: failed registering subscription: {uuid}") def _cb_stream_changed(self, uuid, data): """Callback for Twitch webhooks, fires on stream change event""""Callback data for {uuid}: {data}") if data["type"] == "offline": if uuid in self.online_uuids: self.online_uuids.remove( uuid ) # Stupid twitch sending the same damn webhook multiple times... return else: f"Ignoring duplicate offline callback for {uuid}") return elif data["type"] == "live": if uuid in self.online_uuids: f"Ignoring duplicate live callback for {uuid}") return else: self.online_uuids.append(uuid) else: f"Got a callback type we can't handle: {data['type']}") return if uuid not in self.uuids: f"Got a callback for a UUID we're not tracking: {uuid}, my UUIDs: {self.uuids}" ) return try: item = self.backend.get(TwitchWatchedUser, {"twitch_id": data["user_id"]}) except TwitchWatchedUser.DoesNotExist: f"Got a callback for a USER we're not tracking: {data['user_id']} -> {data['user_name']}" ) return channel: discord.TextChannel = item['notify_channel']) width = 640 height = 360 url = data['thumbnail_url'].format(width=width, height=height) tu = self.twitch.get_users(data['user_id'])['data'][0] embed = discord.Embed( title=f"Now streaming {data['game_name']}", description=data['title'],, ) embed.set_image(url=url) embed.set_thumbnail(url=tu["profile_image_url"]) embed.set_author(name=item["twitch_name"], url=f"{data['user_name']}") embed.add_field(name="Watch live at", value=f"{data['user_name']}") channel. send( # This isn't an async function, so enqueue it manually embed=embed)) f"Successfully sent online notification for {data['user_id']}") @cog_ext.cog_subcommand( base="Twitchwatch", name="add_notification", description="Add a go live notification for Twitch", options=[twitch_name, notify_channel, notify_text], guild_ids=util.guilds) async def add_notification(self, ctx: SlashContext, twitch_name: str, notify_channel: discord.TextChannel, notify_text: str): twitch_id = self._login_to_id(twitch_name) try: self.backend.get(TwitchWatchedUser, {'twitch_name': twitch_name}) except TwitchWatchedUser.DoesNotExist: pass except TwitchWatchedUser.MultipleDocumentsReturned: "Multiple users returned - database inconsistent???") return if not twitch_id: await ctx.send(embed=mkembed( 'error', f"Unable to get the Twitch ID for the name {twitch_name}")) return await ctx.defer() # This bit can take a minute. success, uuid = self.hook.subscribe_stream_changed( twitch_id, self._cb_stream_changed) if success and uuid: self.uuids.append(uuid) f"{success}: registered subscription UUID: {uuid}") else: f"{success}: failed registering subscription: {uuid}") await ctx.send("Bluh, couldn't register the webhook with twitch :(" ) return item = TwitchWatchedUser({ 'twitch_name': twitch_name, 'twitch_id': twitch_id, 'discord_name':, 'notify_channel':, 'notify_text': notify_text, 'uuid': str(uuid) })"DB object dump: {item.__dict__}") await ctx.send(embed=mkembed("done", f"Notification added for {twitch_name}", @cog_ext.cog_subcommand( base="Twitchwatch", name="del_notification", description="Remove a go live notification for Twitch", options=[twitch_name], guild_ids=util.guilds) async def del_notification(self, ctx: SlashContext, twitch_name: str): try: item = self.backend.get(TwitchWatchedUser, {'twitch_name': twitch_name}) except TwitchWatchedUser.DoesNotExist: await ctx.send(embed=mkembed( "error", f"No notification exists for {twitch_name}")) return self.hook.unsubscribe(item['uuid'])"Removing watch {item['uuid']}: {twitch_name}") self.backend.delete(item) if item['uuid'] in self.uuids: self.uuids.remove(item['uuid']) await ctx.send( embed=mkembed("done", f"Notification for {twitch_name} removed."))
# please note that you have to add http://localhost:17563 as a OAuth redirect URL for your app, see the above link for more information auth = UserAuthenticator(twitch, [AuthScope.USER_READ_EMAIL]) token, refresh_token = auth.authenticate() # this will open a webpage twitch.set_user_authentication( token, [AuthScope.USER_READ_EMAIL], refresh_token ) # setting the user authentication so any api call will also use it # setting up the Webhook itself # Please note that the first parameter is the domain your webhook is reachable from the outside, the last parameter # is the port that the Webhook should use hook = TwitchWebHook("", 'your app id', 8080) hook.authenticate( twitch ) # this will use the highest authentication set, which is the user authentication. # some hooks don't require any authentication, which would remove the requirement to set up a https reverse proxy # if you don't require authentication just dont call authenticate() hook.start() # the hook has to run before you subscribe to any events since the twitch api will do a handshake this this webhook as soon as you subscribe success, uuid_stream = hook.subscribe_stream_changed('your user id', callback_stream_changed) print(f'was subscription successfull?: {success}') success, uuid_user = hook.subscribe_user_changed('your user id', callback_user_changed) print(f'was subscription successfull?: {success}') # now we are fully set up and listening to our webhooks, lets wait for a user imput to stop again: input('Press enter to stop...') # lets unsubscribe again success = hook.unsubscribe(uuid_user) print(f'was unsubscription successfull?: {success}')
class DiscordTwitchWebhook(): def __init__(self, twitch_appid, twitch_secret, callback_url): self.discord_username = "******" self.twitch = Twitch(twitch_appid, twitch_secret) self.callback_url = callback_url self.hook = TwitchWebHook(callback_url, twitch_appid, 8080) self.authenticated = False self.subscriptions = [] def authenticate(self): self.authenticated = False try: self.twitch.authenticate_app([]) self.hook.authenticate(self.twitch) except TwitchAuthorizationException: print("Twitch authentication failed") except RuntimeError: print("Webhook must be https") else: self.authenticated = True return self.authenticated def subscribe_user(self, user: DiscordTwitchCallback): if not self.authenticated: raise Exception #TODO handle more exceptions user_data = self.twitch.get_users(logins=[user.username]) = user_data['data'][0] =['id'] if user not in self.subscriptions: ret, user.uuid = self.hook.subscribe_stream_changed(, self.callback_stream_changed) if ret: self.subscriptions.append(user) else: print(f"Failed to subscribe to {user.username}") def unsubscribe_user(self, user: DiscordTwitchCallback): #TODO return def start(self): self.hook.start() def stop(self): self.hook.unsubscribe_all(self.twitch) self.hook.stop() def callback_stream_changed(self, uuid, twdata): print('Callback for UUID ' + str(uuid), twdata) user = next((user for user in self.subscriptions if user.uuid == uuid), None) if user == None: print("Callback failed") return if twdata['type'] == 'live': emb = self.create_embed(twdata) user.run_callback(emb) def create_embed(self, twdata): return Embed(title=f"{twdata['user_name']}", description=f"{twdata['user_name']} is streaming {twdata['game_name']}! Get in here!", color=6570404, url=f"{twdata['user_name']}") \ .set_image(url=twdata['thumbnail_url'].format(width="1280", height="720"))