Example #1
def test_style_error():
    pf = PythonFile(PYTHON_STATEMENT, 'keeper.py')

    class ActualCheckstylePlugin(CheckstylePlugin):
        def nits(self):
            return []

    cp = ActualCheckstylePlugin(pf)

    se = cp.error('A123', 'You have a terrible taste in libraries.')
    assert se.line_number is None
    assert se.code == 'A123'

    se = cp.error('A123', 'You have a terrible taste in libraries.', 7)
    assert se.line_number == '007'

    se = cp.error('A123', 'You have a terrible taste in libraries.', 2)
    assert se.line_number == '002-005'
    assert se.severity == Nit.ERROR

    sw = cp.warning('A321', 'You have a terrible taste in libraries.', 2)
    assert sw.severity == Nit.WARNING
    assert sw.code == 'A321'

    import_from = None
    for node in ast.walk(pf.tree):
        if isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
            import_from = node
    assert import_from is not None

    ase = cp.error('B380', "I don't like your from import!", import_from)
    assert ase.severity == Nit.ERROR

    se = cp.error('B380', "I don't like your from import!", 2)
    assert str(se) == str(ase)
Example #2
def test_python_file():
    pf = PythonFile(PYTHON_STATEMENT, 'keeper.py')
    assert pf.filename == 'keeper.py'
    assert pf.logical_lines == {
        1: (1, 2, 0),
        2: (2, 6, 0),
        7: (7, 8, 0),
        10: (10, 11, 0),
        11: (11, 12, 2),
        12: (12, 13, 4),
        14: (14, 15, 2),
        15: (15, 16, 4)
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        pf[len(PYTHON_STATEMENT.splitlines()) + 1]
    assert pf[1] == ["import ast"]
    assert pf[2] == ["from os.path import (", "    join,", "    split,", ")"]
    assert pf[3] == ["    join,"]
    assert '\n'.join(pf) == PYTHON_STATEMENT
    assert list(pf.enumerate()) == list(
        enumerate(PYTHON_STATEMENT.splitlines(), 1))