Example #1
def urlize_twitter(text):
    Replace #hashtag and @username references in a tweet with HTML text.
    html = TwitterText(text).autolink.auto_link()
    return mark_safe(
        html.replace('twitter.com/search?q=', 'twitter.com/search/realtime/'))
Example #2
 def html_text(self):
     if self.source == 'twitter':
         # careful: TwitterText.autolink.auto_link does *not* escape
         # HTML.  On the other hand, the twitter API will give you
         # the text HTML escaped.  Why, please ask the respective
         # authors.  It's dumb ...
         return Markup(TwitterText(self.text).autolink.auto_link())
     return Markup(self.text)
Example #3
def twitter_text(text, search_query=False):
    Parses a text string through the TwitterText auto_link method and if search_query is passed, through the hit_highlight method.
    tt = TwitterText(text)
    if search_query:
        tt.text = tt.highlighter.hit_highlight(query=search_query)
    tt.text = tt.autolink.auto_link()
    return tt.text
def urlize_twitter(text):
    Replace #hashtag and @username references in a tweet with HTML text.
    tt = TwitterText(text)
    html = tt.autolink.auto_link()
    html = html.replace("twitter.com/search?q=",
    return mark_safe(html)
Example #5
def validate_tweet(message):
    twitter_text = TwitterText(message)
    ret = twitter_text.validation.tweet_invalid()
    if not ret:
        return True
        if ret == 'Too long':
            ret = 'Too Long (%d) characters' % len(message)

        raise TwitterValidationError(ret)
Example #6
def process_links(msg_list):
  For each message, extract URLs, shorten them, add link meta data
    data = []
    for msg in msg_list:
        message = msg.get('message')
        tt = TwitterText(message)
        ex = tt.extractor
        orig_urls = ex.extract_urls()
        short_urls = ex.extract_urls(shorten_url)
        link = short_urls[0] if len(short_urls) > 0 else None
        for a, b in zip(orig_urls, short_urls):
            message = message.decode("utf-8").replace(a, b).encode("utf-8")
        puts(colored.yellow('INFO: Message: %s (%s)' %
                            (message, len(message))))
        obj = dict(message=message, meta=dict(link=link))
    return data
Example #7
def markup_tweet(text):
    return Markup(TwitterText(text).autolink.auto_link())
            print(f"Day {dayname} has no Pixiv tags!")

        tagnames: Set[str] = set()
        for tag in day.tags:
            if tag.name.startswith("#"):
                print(f"Day {dayname} has improper tag {tag}!")

            if tag.name in tagnames:
                print(f"Day {dayname} has duplicate tag {tag}!")

            if not tag.is_twitter() and not tag.is_pixiv():
                print(f"Day {dayname} has tag with no platform!")

            if tag.is_twitter():
                twittertext = TwitterText("#" + tag.name)
                if not twittertext.validation.valid_hashtag():
                    print(f"Day {dayname} has invalid twitter tag {tag}!")

            tagcount += 1

        if len(day.citations) == 0:
            print(f"Day {dayname} has no citations!")

        if LINK_REGEX.search(day.explanation):
            print(f"Day {dayname} has links in explanation!")

        tweettext = format_twitter(day)
        invalid = TwitterText(tweettext).validation.tweet_invalid()
        if invalid:
Example #9
 def render_html(self):
     if self.feed.type == 'TW':
         tt = TwitterText(self.text)
         return tt.autolink.auto_link()
         return self.text