Example #1
 def test_get_with_many_children(self):
     Multiple children are supported.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar"), LeafSchema("egg")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar>spam1</bar><egg>spam2</egg></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     self.assertEqual("spam1", foo.bar)
     self.assertEqual("spam2", foo.egg)
Example #2
 def test_add_with_invalid_min(self):
     L{NodeSchema.add} allows the C{min_occurs} parameter to only be
     C{None}, zero or one.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo")
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, schema.add, LeafSchema("bar"),
     self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, schema.add, LeafSchema("bar"),
Example #3
 def test_dump_with_multiple_children(self):
     L{NodeSchema.dump} supports multiple children.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar"), LeafSchema("egg")])
     foo = NodeItem(schema)
     foo.bar = "spam1"
     foo.egg = "spam2"
Example #4
 def test_get_with_non_existing_index(self):
     """An error is raised when trying to access a non existing item."""
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><item><bar>egg</bar></item></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, foo.__getitem__, 1)
     self.assertEqual("Non existing item in tag 'foo'", error.message)
Example #5
 def test_set_with_leaf(self):
     L{SequenceSchema.set} raises an error if the given child is a leaf node
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo")
     error = self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, schema.set, LeafSchema("bar"))
     self.assertEqual("Sequence can't have leaf children", str(error))
Example #6
 def test_dump_with_missing_attribute(self):
     L{NodeSchema.dump} ignores missing attributes if C{min_occurs} is zero.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo")
     schema.add(LeafSchema("bar"), min_occurs=0)
     foo = NodeItem(schema)
     self.assertEqual("<foo/>", etree.tostring(schema.dump(foo)))
Example #7
 def test_get_with_namespace(self):
     The child leaf elements of a L{NodeItem} can be accessed as attributes.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo xmlns=\"spam\"><bar>egg</bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     self.assertEqual("egg", foo.bar)
Example #8
 def test_get_with_nested(self):
     It is possible to access nested nodes.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [NodeSchema("bar", [LeafSchema("egg")])])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar><egg>spam</egg></bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     self.assertEqual("spam", foo.bar.egg)
Example #9
 def test_get(self):
     The child elements of a L{SequenceItem} can be accessed as attributes.
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><item><bar>egg</bar></item></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     self.assertEqual("egg", foo[0].bar)
Example #10
 def test_set_with_previous_child(self):
     L{SequenceSchema.set} raises an error if the sequence has already
     a child.
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     error = self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, schema.set, NodeSchema("egg"))
     self.assertEqual("Sequence has already a child", str(error))
Example #11
 def test_get_with_non_required_tag(self):
     No error is raised if a tag is missing and its min count is zero.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo")
     schema.add(LeafSchema("bar"), min_occurs=0)
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     self.assertIdentical(None, foo.bar)
Example #12
 def test_get_with_reserved_keyword(self):
     Attributes associated to tags named against required attributes can
     be accessed appending a '_' to the name.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("return")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><return>true</return></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     self.assertEqual("true", foo.return_)
Example #13
 def test_dump(self):
     L{NodeSchema.dump} creates an L{etree.Element} out of a L{NodeItem}.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     foo = NodeItem(schema)
     foo.bar = "spam"
Example #14
 def test_dump(self):
     L{SequenceSchema.dump} creates a L{etree.Element} out of
     a L{SequenceItem}.
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     foo = SequenceItem(schema)
     foo.append().bar = "egg"
Example #15
 def test_get_with_missing_required_tag(self):
     An error is raised when trying to access a required attribute and
     the associated tag is missing.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo></foo>")
     item = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, getattr, item, "bar")
     self.assertEqual("Missing tag 'bar'", error.message)
Example #16
 def test_get_with_empty_required_tag(self):
     An error is raised if an expected required tag is found but has and
     empty value.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar/></foo>")
     item = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, getattr, item, "bar")
     self.assertEqual("Missing tag 'bar'", error.message)
Example #17
 def test_set_with_non_leaf_tag(self):
     An error is raised when trying to set a non-leaf attribute to
     a value other than C{None}.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [NodeSchema("bar", [LeafSchema("egg")])])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar><egg>spam</egg></bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, setattr, foo, "bar", "yo")
     self.assertEqual("Can't set non-leaf tag 'bar'", error.message)
Example #18
 def test_set_with_required_tag(self):
     An error is raised when trying to set a required attribute to C{None}.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar>spam</bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, setattr, foo, "bar", None)
     self.assertEqual("Missing tag 'bar'", error.message)
     self.assertEqual("spam", foo.bar)
Example #19
 def test_get_items(self):
     """L{SequenceItem} supports elements with many child items."""
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo>"
     foo = schema.create(root)
     self.assertEqual("egg0", foo[0].bar)
     self.assertEqual("egg1", foo[1].bar)
Example #20
 def test_set_with_duplicate_tag(self):
     An error is raised when trying to set an attribute associated
     with a tag that appears more than once.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar>spam1</bar><bar>spam2</bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, setattr, foo, "bar", "egg")
     self.assertEqual("Duplicate tag 'bar'", error.message)
Example #21
 def test_get_with_unknown_tag(self):
     An error is raised when trying to access an attribute not in the
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar>egg</bar><spam>boom</spam></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, getattr, foo, "spam")
     self.assertEqual("Unknown tag 'spam'", error.message)
Example #22
 def test_create_with_bad_tag(self):
     L{SequenceSchema.create} raises an error if the tag of the given
     element doesn't match the expected one.
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     root = etree.fromstring("<spam><item><bar>egg</bar></item></spam>")
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, schema.create, root)
     self.assertEqual("Expected response with tag 'foo', but got "
                      "'spam' instead", error.args[0])
Example #23
 def test_set_with_required_non_leaf_tag(self):
     An error is raised when trying to set a required non-leaf tag
     to C{None}.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [NodeSchema("bar", [LeafSchema("egg")])])
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar><egg>spam</egg></bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, setattr, foo, "bar", None)
     self.assertEqual("Missing tag 'bar'", error.message)
     self.assertTrue(hasattr(foo, "bar"))
Example #24
 def test_create_with_bad_tag(self):
     L{NodeSchema.create} raises an error if the tag of the given element
     doesn't match the expected one.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo", [LeafSchema("bar")])
     root = etree.fromstring("<egg><bar>spam</bar></egg>")
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, schema.create, root)
         "Expected response with tag 'foo', but got "
         "'egg' instead", error.message)
Example #25
 def test_iter(self):
     """L{SequenceItem} objects are iterable."""
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo>"
     foo = schema.create(root)
     [item0, item1] = list(foo)
     self.assertEqual("egg0", item0.bar)
     self.assertEqual("egg1", item1.bar)
Example #26
 def test_remove_with_non_existing_item(self):
     L{SequenceItem.remove} raises an exception when trying to remove a
     non existing item
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><item><bar>egg</bar></item></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     item = foo.remove(foo[0])
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, foo.remove, item)
     self.assertEqual("Non existing item in tag 'foo'", error.message)
Example #27
 def test_set_with_non_required_tag(self):
     It is possible to set a non-required tag value to C{None}, in that
     case the element will be removed if present.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo")
     schema.add(LeafSchema("bar"), min_occurs=0)
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar>spam</bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     foo.bar = None
     self.assertEqual("<foo/>", etree.tostring(schema.dump(foo)))
Example #28
 def test_set_with_optional_node_tag(self):
     It is possible to set an optional node tag to C{None}, in that
     case it will be removed from the tree.
     schema = NodeSchema("foo")
     schema.add(NodeSchema("bar", [LeafSchema("egg")]), min_occurs=0)
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><bar><egg>spam</egg></bar></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     foo.bar = None
     self.assertEqual("<foo/>", etree.tostring(schema.dump(foo)))
Example #29
 def test_append_with_too_many_items(self):
     An error is raised when trying to append items above the max.
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo")
     schema.set(NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]), min_occurs=0,
     root = etree.fromstring("<foo><item><bar>egg</bar></item></foo>")
     foo = schema.create(root)
     error = self.assertRaises(WSDLParseError, foo.append)
     self.assertEqual("Too many items in tag 'foo'", error.args[0])
     self.assertEqual(1, len(list(foo)))
Example #30
 def test_dump_with_many_items(self):
     L{SequenceSchema.dump} supports many child items in the sequence.
     schema = SequenceSchema("foo", NodeSchema("item", [LeafSchema("bar")]))
     foo = SequenceItem(schema)
     foo.append().bar = "spam0"
     foo.append().bar = "spam1"
         "</foo>", etree.tostring(schema.dump(foo)))