Example #1
 def add_auth(self, http_request, **kwargs):
     headers = http_request.headers
     params = http_request.params
     params['AWSAccessKeyId'] = self._provider.access_key
     params['SignatureVersion'] = self.SignatureVersion
     params['Timestamp'] = txboto.utils.get_ts()
     qs, signature = self._calc_signature(
         http_request.params, http_request.method,
         http_request.auth_path, http_request.host)
     txboto.log.debug('query_string: %s Signature: %s' % (qs, signature))
     if http_request.method == 'POST':
         headers['Content-Type'] = ('application/x-www-form-urlencoded;'
                                    ' charset=UTF-8')
         http_request.body = '{}&Signature={}'.format(
             qs, quote_plus(signature))
         http_request.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(http_request.body))
         http_request.body = ''
         # if this is a retried request, the qs from the previous try will
         # already be there, we need to get rid of that and rebuild it
         http_request.path = http_request.path.split('?')[0]
         http_request.path = (http_request.path + '?' + qs +
                              '&Signature=' + quote_plus(signature))
Example #2
 def add_auth(self, req, **kwargs):
     req.params['AWSAccessKeyId'] = self._provider.access_key
     req.params['SignatureVersion'] = self.SignatureVersion
     req.params['Timestamp'] = txboto.utils.get_ts()
     qs, signature = self._calc_signature(req.params, req.method,
                                          req.auth_path, req.host)
     txboto.log.debug('query_string: %s Signature: %s' % (qs, signature))
     if req.method == 'POST':
         req.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(req.body))
         req.headers['Content-Type'] = req.headers.get('Content-Type',
         req.body = ''
     # if this is a retried req, the qs from the previous try will
     # already be there, we need to get rid of that and rebuild it
     req.path = req.path.split('?')[0]
     req.path = (req.path + '?' + qs +
                 '&Signature=' + quote_plus(signature))