Example #1
 def start_method(self, attrs):
     self.member = interface.Method(str(attrs['name']))
     self.member.nargs = 0
     self.member.nret = 0
     self.isMethod = True
Example #2
class DBusObject(object):
    Straight-forward L{IDBusObject} implementation. This
    implementation provides an API similar to that of
    L{twisted.spread.pb.Referenceable}. Classes to be exported over
    DBus may simply derive from L{DBusObject}, specify their object path
    and supported DBus interfaces in the constructor, and implement
    methods named 'dbus_<methodName>' for each method they wish to

    @ivar dbusInterfaces: List of L{interface.DBusInterface} objects this class
                          supports. If one or more superclasses also define
                          dbusInterfaces, the contents of those lists will be
                          added to the total interfaces the object supports.


    _objectHandler = None

    dbusInterfaces = [
            interface.Method('Get', 'ss', 'v'), interface.Method('Set', 'ssv'),
            interface.Method('GetAll', 's', 'a{sv}'),
            interface.Signal('PropertiesChanged', 'sa{sv}as')),

    def __init__(self, objectPath):
        @type objectPath: C{string}
        @param objectPath: The DBus path of the object. The format of the path
                           must comply with the DBus specification.

        self._objectPath = objectPath
        self._objectHandler = None


    def _iterIFaceCaches(self):

        for base in self.__class__.__mro__:

            if base is object:

            cache = base.__dict__.get('_dbusIfaceCache', None)

            if cache is None:

                cache = dict()

                for name, obj in base.__dict__.iteritems():
                    self._cacheInterfaces(base, cache, name, obj)

                setattr(base, '_dbusIfaceCache', cache)

            yield cache

    def _cacheInterfaces(self, cls, cache, cls_attr_name, obj):
        def get_ic(interface_name):
            if not interface_name in cache:
                cache[interface_name] = _IfaceCache(interface_name)
            return cache[interface_name]

        if inspect.isfunction(obj) and hasattr(obj, '_dbusInterface'):
            get_ic(obj._dbusInterface).methods[obj._dbusMethod] = getattr(
                cls, obj.func_name)

        elif isinstance(obj, DBusProperty):

            if obj.interface is None:
                for iface in self.getInterfaces():
                    if obj.pname in iface.properties:
                        obj.interface = iface.name

            if obj.interface is None:
                raise AttributeError(
                    'No supported DBus interfaces contain a property named "%s"'
                    % obj.pname)

            for iface in self.getInterfaces():
                if obj.interface == iface.name:
                    obj.iprop = iface.properties[obj.pname]

            get_ic(obj.interface).properties[obj.pname] = obj
            obj.attr_name = cls_attr_name

    def _searchCache(self, interfaceName, cacheAttr, key):
        for cache in self._iterIFaceCaches():
            if interfaceName:
                if interfaceName in cache:
                    d = getattr(cache[interfaceName], cacheAttr)
                    if key in d:
                        return d[key]
                for ic in cache.itervalues():
                    d = getattr(ic, cacheAttr)
                    if key in d:
                        return d[key]

    def _getDecoratedMethod(self, interfaceName, methodName):
        f = self._searchCache(interfaceName, 'methods', methodName)
        if f:
            return getattr(self, f.func_name)

    def _getProperty(self, interfaceName, propertyName):
        return self._searchCache(interfaceName, 'properties', propertyName)

    def getConnection(self):
        if self._objectHandler:
            return self._objectHandler.conn

    def getInterfaces(self):
        for base in self.__class__.__mro__:
            if 'dbusInterfaces' in base.__dict__:
                for iface in base.dbusInterfaces:
                    yield iface

    def getObjectPath(self):
        return self._objectPath

    def setObjectHandler(self, objectHandler):
        self._objectHandler = objectHandler

    def _set_method_flags(self, method_obj):
        Sets the \"_dbusCaller\" boolean on the \"dbus_*\" methods. This
        is a one-time operation used to flag each method with a boolean
        indicating whether or not they accept the \"dbusCaller\" keyword
        args = inspect.getargspec(method_obj)[0]
        needs_caller = False

        if len(args) >= 1 and args[-1] == 'dbusCaller':
            needs_caller = True

        method_obj.im_func._dbusCaller = needs_caller

    def executeMethod(self, interfaceObj, methodName, methodArguments, sender):
        m = getattr(self, 'dbus_' + methodName, None)

        iname = interfaceObj.name

        if m is None:
            m = self._getDecoratedMethod(iname, methodName)
            if m is None:
                raise NotImplementedError

        if hasattr(m, '_dbusInterface') and m._dbusInterface != iname:
            m = self._getDecoratedMethod(iname, methodName)
            if m is None:
                raise NotImplementedError

        if not hasattr(m, '_dbusCaller'):

        if m._dbusCaller:
            if methodArguments:
                return m(*methodArguments, dbusCaller=sender)
                return m(dbusCaller=sender)
            if methodArguments:
                return m(*methodArguments)
                return m()

    def emitSignal(self, signalName, *args, **kwargs):
        Emits the specified signal with the supplied arguments

        @type signalName: C{string}
        @param signalName: Name of the signal to emit. This must match the
                           name of a signal in one of the objects supported

        @type interface: C{string}
        @keyword interface: Optional keyword argument specifying the DBus interface
                            to use. This is only needed if more than one interface
                            defines a signal with the same name.

        @param args: Positional arguments for the signal content
        if self._objectHandler is None:

        iface = kwargs.get('interface', None)

        s = None
        for i in self.getInterfaces():
            if iface and not iface == i.name:

            t = i.signals.get(signalName, None)

            if isinstance(t, interface.Signal):
                s = t

        if s is None:
            raise AttributeError(
                'Signal "%s" not found in any supported interface.' %
                (signalName, ))

        msig = message.SignalMessage(self._objectPath,


    def getAllProperties(self, interfaceName):
        r = dict()

        def addp(p):
            if p.iprop.access != 'write':
                v = getattr(self, p.attr_name)
                if p.iprop.sig in marshal.variantClassMap:
                    v = marshal.variantClassMap[p.iprop.sig](v)
                r[p.pname] = v

        if interfaceName:
            for cache in self._iterIFaceCaches():
                ifc = cache.get(interfaceName, None)

                if ifc:
                    for p in ifc.properties.itervalues():

            for cache in self._iterIFaceCaches():
                for ifc in cache.itervalues():
                    for p in ifc.properties.itervalues():

        return r

    @dbusMethod('org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', 'Get')
    def _dbus_PropertyGet(self, interfaceName, propertyName):
        p = self._getProperty(interfaceName, propertyName)
        if p is None:
            raise Exception('Invalid Property')

        if p.iprop.access == 'write':
            raise Exception('Property is not readable')

        v = getattr(self, p.attr_name)

        if p.iprop.sig in marshal.variantClassMap:
            return marshal.variantClassMap[p.iprop.sig](v)
            return v

    @dbusMethod('org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', 'Set')
    def _dbus_PropertySet(self, interfaceName, propertyName, value):
        p = self._getProperty(interfaceName, propertyName)

        if p is None:
            raise Exception('Invalid Property')

        if p.iprop.access not in ('write', 'readwrite'):
            raise Exception('Property is not Writeable')

        return setattr(self, p.attr_name, value)

    @dbusMethod('org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties', 'GetAll')
    def _dbus_PropertyGetAll(self, interfaceName):
        return self.getAllProperties(interfaceName)
Example #3
class OMXPlayer(object):
    Asyncronous, Twisted based, wrapper/proxy for omxplayer processes.
    def __init__(self,
        Initialization arguments:
        - `filename`: the movie filename to play.
        - `player_mgr`: provides access to DBus, reactor, and more.
        - `layer`: used with omxplayer --layer argument.
        - `loop`: if true, omxplayer is passed the --loop argument.
        - `alpha`:  used with omxplayer --alpha argument.
        - `fadein`: fade in duration, in seconds.
        - `fadeout`: fade out duration, in seconds.

        self._filename = filename
        self._player_mgr = player_mgr
        self._dbus_mgr = player_mgr.dbus_mgr
        self._layer = layer
        self._loop = loop
        self._alpha = alpha
        self._fadein = fadein
        self._fadeout = fadeout

        # Will be obtained by querying the omxplayer process via DBus.
        self._duration = None

        # Use a known name so that we can track omxplayer's DBus presence.
        self._dbus_player_name = self.generate_player_name(filename)
        self._log = logger.Logger(namespace='player.each.%s' %
                                  (self._dbus_player_name, ))

        self._reactor = self._player_mgr.reactor
        self._dbus_conn = self._dbus_mgr.dbus_conn

        # Used to track omxplayer process startup/termination.
        self._process_protocol = None

        # DBus proxy object for the player: used to control it.
        self._dbus_player = None

        # Lifecycle tracking.
        self._ready = defer.Deferred()
        self._stop_in_progress = False
        self._fadeout_dc = None
        self._fading_out = False

    def __repr__(self):

        return '<OMXPlayer %r filename=%r>' % (

    _player_id = 0

    def generate_player_name(filename):
        Generate unique player name.
        OMXPlayer._player_id = (OMXPlayer._player_id + 1) % 1000
        return 'c.p%s-%03i' % (

    # Maybe if txdbus and/or omxplayer's introspection abilities were better
    # these declarations wouldn't be needed; as of this writing, they are.

    # For the nitty gritty details, see:
    # - https://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html
    # - https://github.com/popcornmix/omxplayer
    # - https://github.com/cocagne/txdbus

    _OMX_DBUS_PLAYER_PROPERTIES = txdbus_interface.DBusInterface(
        txdbus_interface.Method('Get', arguments='ss', returns='x'),

    _OMX_DBUS_PLAYER_INTERFACE = txdbus_interface.DBusInterface(
        txdbus_interface.Method('PlayPause', arguments='', returns=''),
        txdbus_interface.Method('Stop', arguments='', returns=''),
        txdbus_interface.Method('SetAlpha', arguments='ox', returns='x'),
        txdbus_interface.Method('SetPosition', arguments='ox', returns='x'),

    def spawn(self, end_callable=None):
        Spawns the omxplayer process associated to this instance, returning
        a deferred that fires after the process is started and ready to be
        controlled via the other instance methods; the spawned omxplayer
        will be paused.

        The optional `end_callable` will be called when the spawned omxplayer
        process terminates, and passed in a single argument with the omxplayer's
        exit code.

        player_name = self._dbus_player_name

        # Ask DBus manager to track this player's name bus presence.


        # Wait for process started confirmation.
        yield self._process_protocol.started

        # Wait until the player name shows up on DBus.
        yield self._dbus_mgr.wait_dbus_name_start(player_name)

        # Setup the optional notification of process termination.
        if end_callable:

        yield self._get_dbus_player_object()

        yield self._determine_duration()

        # Player is now ready to be controlled.

        # Since omxplayer defaults to starting in play mode, ask it to
        # play/pause straight away; we promised to have it paused when
        # done.
        yield self.play_pause()

    def _spawn_process(self):

        # Spawn the omxplayer.bin process.

        args = [self._player_mgr.executable]
        if self._loop:
        args.extend(('--dbus_name', str(self._dbus_player_name)))
        args.extend(('--layer', str(self._layer)))
        args.extend(('--orientation', str(180)))
        args.extend(('--alpha', str(self._alpha)))

        self._process_protocol = process.spawn(
            'player.proc.%s' % (self._dbus_player_name, ),

    def _get_dbus_player_object(self):

        # Get the DBus object for this player.

        self._log.debug('getting dbus object')

        # Hardcoded data from omxplayer documentation.
        ifaces = [
        self._dbus_player = yield self._dbus_conn.getRemoteObject(
        self._log.debug('got dbus object')

    def _determine_duration(self):

        # Ask omxplayer for the duration of the video file.

        duration_microsecs = yield self._dbus_player.callRemote(
        self._duration = duration_microsecs / 1000000
        self._log.debug('duration is {d:.1f}s', d=self._duration)

    def _wait_ready(self, action):

        # Returns a deferred that fires when the spawned omxplayer is
        # ready to be controlled via DBus; methods exposing such type of
        # controls will wait on this before issuing actual control commands
        # towards omxplayer; this prevents race conditions that exist between
        # the `spawn` method (that can take quite a while to complete) and
        # the remaining player control methods.

        # TODO: Convert this into a decorator?

        if not self._ready.called:
            self._log.info('wait ready: {a}', a=action)
        yield self._ready

    def stop(self, skip_dbus=False, timeout=1):
        Stops the spawned omxplayer process.

        If `skip_dbus` is False, starts by asking it to stop via DBus,
        waiting for it to cleanly stop.
        In that case, returns a deferred that fires with the exit code.

        If that fails, tries to send a SIGTERM signal to the process.
        If it works, waits for the process to cleanly stop.

        In the non DBus controlled clean stop, returns a deferred that fires
        with None, when completed.

        player_name = self._dbus_player_name



        if self._process_protocol.stopped.called:
            # Prevent race condition: do nothing if process is gone.
            self._log.info('no process to stop', p=player_name)
            exit_code = yield self._process_protocol.stopped

        exit_code = None
        stop_via_sigterm = skip_dbus

        if not skip_dbus:
                exit_code = yield self._stop_via_dbus(timeout=timeout)
            except Exception as e:
                # May have failed due to timeout or any other reason.
                # The best we can do is ensuring we try stopping it via SIGTERM
                # and prevent exception propagation to caller, letting it assume
                # stop() completed successfully.
                stop_via_sigterm = True
                self._log.warn('stopping failed: {e!r}', e=e)

        if stop_via_sigterm:
            yield self._stop_via_sigterm()



    def _stop_via_dbus(self, timeout):

        # Asks the spawned process to stop via a DBus command, waits
        # for it to be gone from DBus and for process exit. Returns a
        # deferred that fires with the process exit code.

        # May raise exceptions if, for example, DBus is unreachable.

        yield self._wait_ready('stop')

        if not self._stop_in_progress:
            self._stop_in_progress = True
            self._log.debug('requesting stop')
                # Prevent race condition with timeout: process might have
                # terminated or DBus may have become unreachable.
                yield self._dbus_player.callRemote(
            except error.TimeOut:
                self._log.info('stop request timed out')
            except Exception as e:
                self._log.warn('stop request failed: {e!r}', e=e)
                self._log.debug('requested stop')

        player_name = self._dbus_player_name

        if not self._process_protocol.stopped.called:
            # Process still there: wait until it disappears from DBus.
            yield self._dbus_mgr.wait_dbus_name_stop(player_name)

        # Finally, wait for the actual process to end and get exit code.
        exit_code = yield self._process_protocol.stopped

    def _stop_via_sigterm(self):

        # Sends a SIGTERM to the spawned process and waits for it to exit.

        self._log.debug('signalling process termination')
        except OSError as e:
            self._log.warn('signalling process failed: {e!r}', e=e)
            self._log.debug('signalled process termination')

        # Finally, wait for the process to end, discarding the exit code.
        yield self._process_protocol.stopped

    def play_pause(self):
        Asks the spawned omxplayer to play/pause.
        Returns a deferred that fires once the command is acknowledged.

        yield self._wait_ready('play/pause')

        # Based on https://github.com/popcornmix/omxplayer
        self._log.debug('requesting play/pause')
        yield self._dbus_player.callRemote(
            'PlayPause', interface='org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player')
        self._log.debug('requested play/pause')

    def play(self, skip_fadein=False):
        To be used right after `spawn`, asks the spawned omxplayer to play.

        Immediately after that:
        - Schedules the video fade out, if not looping.
        - Initiates the video fade in.

        Returns a deferred that fires when the video as faded in completely.

        yield self.play_pause()

        if not self._loop:

        yield self.fadein(immediate=skip_fadein)

    def _schedule_fadeout(self):
        Schedules end-of-video automatic fadeout.
        Assumes video has just started playing from the beginning.


        delta_t = self._duration - self._fadeout - 0.1
        self._fadeout_dc = self._reactor.callLater(delta_t, self.fadeout)

        self._log.debug('will fade out in {d:.1f} seconds', d=delta_t)

    def _cancel_scheduled_fadeout(self):
        Cancel any eventually scheduled fadeout.

        if self._fadeout_dc:
            except Exception:

    def _set_alpha(self, int64):
        Asks the spawned omxplayer to change its alpha value.
        Returns a deferred that fires once the command is acknowledged.

        result = yield self._dbus_player.callRemote(

    def _fade(self, duration, from_alpha, to_alpha):

        # Issues timed calls to `_set_alpha` to ensure that the spawned
        # omxplayer's alpha is faded between the passed in alpha values:
        # - `duration` represents time in seconds.

        # Notes:
        # - Assumes 25fps video.
        # - Uses delay < 20ms which is 2x framerate.

        if duration:
            delay = 0.019
            start_time = time()
            delta_alpha = to_alpha - from_alpha
            relative_time = 0
            while relative_time < 1:
                alpha = from_alpha + delta_alpha * relative_time
                self._log.debug('alpha {s}', s=alpha)
                yield self._set_alpha(round(alpha))
                yield sleep(delay, self._reactor)
                relative_time = (time() - start_time) / duration

        result = yield self._set_alpha(round(to_alpha))

    def fadein(self, immediate=False):
        Triggers a fade in of the spawned omxplayer.
        Returns a deferred that fires once the fade in is completed.

        yield self._wait_ready('fade in')

        self._log.info('fade in starting')
        result = yield self._fade(0 if immediate else self._fadein, 0, 255)
        self._log.info('fade in completed')

    def fadeout(self):
        Triggers a fade out of the spawned omxplayer.
        Returns a deferred that fires once the fade out is completed.
        yield self._wait_ready('fade out')

        if self._fading_out:
            self._log.info('fade out in progress')

        self._log.info('fade out starting')

        self._fading_out = True
        result = yield self._fade(self._fadeout, 255, 0)
        self._fading_out = False

        self._log.info('fade out completed')

    def fadeout_and_stop(self):
        Stops after a fade out.

        yield self.fadeout()
        yield self.stop()