Example #1
from PySide2 import QtWidgets, QtGui, QtCore

from maya import cmds
import DashLegacy
import Dash
import DashCommand

# Python 3 Compatability
if sys.version_info > (2, 7):
    basestring = (str, )
    operator.div = operator.truediv

if '_dash' not in sys.modules:
    # Store the real Dash objects
    _dash = ModuleType('_dash')
    _dash.DashUILegacy = DashLegacy.DashUI
    _dash.DashUI = Dash.DashUI
    _dash.DashCommand = DashCommand.DashCommand
    _dash.dashHelp = DashCommand.dashHelp
    sys.modules['_dash'] = _dash
    # We've already stored the original Dash objects we're going to patch
    _dash = sys.modules['_dash']

_registry = []
_functions = {}

def install():
    '''Install dashplus.