def erase(self): """ Erase workspace variable from its associated workspace. """ if arts_api.erase_variable(, self.ws_id, self.group_id) = None
def add_variable(self, var): """ This will try to copy a given python variable to the ARTS workspace and return a WorkspaceVariable object representing this newly created variable. Types are natively supported by the C API are int, str, [str], [int], and numpy.ndarrays. These will be copied directly into the newly created WSV. In addition to that all typhon ARTS types the can be stored to XML can be set to a WSV, but in this case the communication will happen through the file systs (cf. WorkspaceVariable.from_typhon). The user should not have to call this method explicitly, but instead it is used by the WorkspaceMethod call function to transfer python variable arguments to the ARTS workspace. Args: var: Python variable of type int, str, [str], [int] or np.ndarray which should be copied to the workspace. """ if type(var) == WorkspaceVariable: return var # Create WSV in ARTS Workspace group = group_names[WorkspaceVariable.get_group_id(var)] wsv = self.create_variable(group, None) # Set WSV value using the ARTS C API s = VariableValueStruct(var) if s.ptr: e = arts_api.set_variable_value(self.ptr, wsv.ws_id, wsv.group_id, s) if e: arts_api.erase_variable(self.ptr, wsv.ws_id, wsv.group_id) raise Exception("Setting of workspace variable through C API " " failed with the " + "following error:\n" + e.decode("utf8")) # If the type is not supported by the C API try to write the type to XML # and read into ARTS workspace. else: try: wsv.from_typhon(var) except: raise Exception("Could not add variable since + " + str(type(var)) + " is neither supported by " + "the C API nor typhon XML IO.") self._vars[] = wsv return wsv