def __init__(self, deck): self._deck = deck self._commander = CommanderCardInPlay(deck.commander()) self._draw_pile =[:] shuffle(self._draw_pile) self._hand = [] self._active_structures = [] self._active_assault_units = [] self._active_action = None
class Board: def __init__(self, deck): self._deck = deck self._commander = CommanderCardInPlay(deck.commander()) self._draw_pile =[:] shuffle(self._draw_pile) self._hand = [] self._active_structures = [] self._active_assault_units = [] self._active_action = None def draw(self): if self._draw_pile: self._hand.append(self._draw_pile.pop()) if log_enabled(): log(" Drew: {" + self._hand[-1].description() + "}") log(" Hand size: " + str(len(self._hand)) + " | Draw pile size: " + str(len(self._draw_pile))) def tick_timers(self): if log_enabled(): log(" Ticking Timers") for card in self._active_structures: card.tick() for card in self._active_assault_units: card.tick() def activate_action(self, opposing_board): if self._active_action: if log_enabled(): log(" Activating Action {" + self._active_action.description() + "}") self.perform_activation_skills(self._active_action, opposing_board) def activate_commander(self, opposing_board): if log_enabled(): log(" Activating Commander {" + self._commander.description() + "}") self.perform_activation_skills(self._commander, opposing_board) def activate_structures(self, opposing_board): for i in range(0, len(self._active_structures)): card = self._active_structures[i] if log_enabled(): log(" Activating Structure [" + str(i) + "] {" + card.description() + "}") if card.is_active(): self.perform_activation_skills(card, opposing_board) elif log_enabled(): log(" (structure is not ready)") def activate_assault_units(self, opposing_board): for i in range(0, len(self._active_assault_units)): card = self._active_assault_units[i] if log_enabled(): log(" Activating Assault Unit [" + str(i) + "] {" + card.description() + "}") if card.is_active() and card.can_use_skills(): self.perform_activation_skills(card, opposing_board) self.perform_attack(i, card, opposing_board) elif log_enabled(): log(" (unit is not ready)") def reset_status(self): for card in self._active_assault_units: card.reset_status() def activate_cards(self, opposing_board): if log_enabled(): log(" Activating cards") self.activate_action(opposing_board) self.activate_commander(opposing_board) self.activate_structures(opposing_board) self.activate_assault_units(opposing_board) def perform_activation_skills(self, card, opposing_board): self.perform_activation_skill_list(card, card.activation_skills(), opposing_board) def perform_activation_skill_list(self, card, skills, opposing_board): for skill in skills: self.perform_one_activation_skill(card, skill, opposing_board) def perform_one_activation_skill(self, card, skill, opposing_board): if log_enabled(): log(" Performing skill " + skill.description()) targets = self.get_target_list_for_skill(skill, opposing_board) if log_enabled(): if not targets: if log_enabled(): log(" (No valid targets)") if skill.all(): for target in targets: self.perform_activation_skill_on_target(card, skill, target, opposing_board) elif targets: self.perform_activation_skill_on_target(card, skill, choice(targets), opposing_board) def get_target_list_for_skill(self, skill, opposing_board): targeting = skill.targeting() if targeting == "hostile": targets = [card for card in opposing_board.active_assault_units() if not card.is_dead()] elif targeting == "friendly wounded": targets = [card for card in self._active_assault_units if card.is_wounded()] elif targeting == "hostile attack-ready": targets = [card for card in opposing_board.active_assault_units() if card.is_ready_to_attack_next_turn()] elif targeting == "friendly attack-ready": targets = [card for card in self._active_assault_units if card.is_ready_to_attack()] elif targeting == "hostile ready": targets = [card for card in opposing_board.active_assault_units() if card.is_ready_next_turn()] elif targeting == "hostile structure": targets = [card for card in opposing_board.active_structures() if not card.is_dead()] target_faction = skill.target_faction() if target_faction: targets = [card for card in targets if card.faction() == target_faction] return targets def perform_activation_skill_on_target(self, card, skill, target, opposing_board, can_payback=True): # Enfeeble, Heal, Jam, Mimic, Rally, Siege, Strike, Weaken # Account for: Evade, Payback, Regenerate if log_enabled(): log(" Skill target is: {" + target.description() + "}") hostile = skill.is_hostile_activation_skill() if hostile and target.evade(): if coin_toss(): if log_enabled(): log(" Evade! {" + target.description() + "} evaded " + skill.description()) if log_enabled(): log(" --Final skill target status: {" + target.description() + "}") return can_payback = can_payback and hostile and card.type() == "assault" skill_name = if skill_name == "heal": target.heal(skill.value()) elif skill_name == "weaken": target.weaken(skill.value()) elif skill_name == "rally": target.rally(skill.value()) elif skill_name == "strike": damage = skill.value() enfeebled = target.enfeebled() if enfeebled > 0: damage += enfeebled if log_enabled(): log(" Enfeeble bonus damage: " + str(enfeebled)) target.take_damage(damage) elif skill_name == "siege": target.take_damage(skill.value()) can_payback = False elif skill_name == "jam": if coin_toss(): target.suffer_jam() else: if log_enabled(): log(" Jam failed on {" + target.description() + "}") # no chance for payback if it misses can_payback = False elif skill_name == "enfeeble": target.suffer_enfeeble(skill.value()) elif skill_name == "mimic": mimiced_skills = target.activation_skills_for_mimic() self.perform_activation_skill_list(card, mimiced_skills, opposing_board) can_payback = False if log_enabled(): log(" --Final skill target status: {" + target.description() + "}") if target.payback() and can_payback: if coin_toss(): if log_enabled(): log(" Payback! {" + target.description() + "} will attempt " + skill.description() + " on {" + card.description() + "}") opposing_board.perform_activation_skill_on_target(target, skill, card, self, can_payback=False) def commander_target(self): for card in self._active_structures: if card.is_wall() and not card.is_dead(): return card return self._commander def non_commander_target_for_index(self, index): if index < 0 or index >= len(self._active_assault_units): return None target = self._active_assault_units[index] if not target or target.is_dead(): return None return target def target_for_index(self, index): target = self.non_commander_target_for_index(index) if target: return target return self.commander_target() def assault_count(self): return len(self._active_assault_units) def perform_attack(self, index, attacker, opposing_board): # Attack Jammed = Attacker Immobilized = Attacker weakened to 0 > Swipe check > Flurry check > Fear > Enfeeble = Valor > Flying = Antiair > Armored = Pierce > Immobilize = Poison > Count Damage > Crush > Defender Regenerate > Counter > Attacker Regenerate = Leech > Siphon > Flurry Repeat > Swipe Repeat if log_enabled(): log(" Performing attack") if attacker.cannot_attack(): return if attacker.fear(): self.perform_attack_on_target(opposing_board.commander_target(), attacker, opposing_board) elif attacker.swipe(): main_target = opposing_board.non_commander_target_for_index(index) if main_target: left_target = opposing_board.non_commander_target_for_index(index - 1) right_target = opposing_board.non_commander_target_for_index(index + 1) if left_target: if log_enabled(): log(" === Swipe Attack left ===") self.perform_attack_on_target(left_target, attacker, opposing_board) if left_target or right_target: if log_enabled(): log(" === Swipe Attack center ===") if attacker.cannot_attack(): return self.perform_attack_on_target(main_target, attacker, opposing_board) if right_target: if log_enabled(): log(" === Swipe Attack right ===") if attacker.cannot_attack(): return self.perform_attack_on_target(right_target, attacker, opposing_board) else: self.perform_attack_on_target(opposing_board.commander_target(), attacker, opposing_board) else: self.perform_attack_on_target(opposing_board.target_for_index(index), attacker, opposing_board) def perform_attack_on_target(self, target, attacker, opposing_board): attacks = 1 flurry = attacker.flurry() if flurry > 0 and coin_toss(): attacks += flurry if log_enabled(): log(" Flurry! performing " + str(attacks) + " total attacks") for i in range(1, attacks + 1): if i > 0 and attacker.cannot_attack(): return if log_enabled(): log(" === Attack \#" + str(i) + " ===") self.perform_single_attack_on_target(target, attacker, opposing_board) if target.is_dead(): target = opposing_board.commander_target() else: self.perform_single_attack_on_target(target, attacker, opposing_board) def perform_single_attack_on_target(self, target, attacker, opposing_board): if log_enabled(): log(" Attack target is: {" + target.description() + "}") damage = attacker.attack() if log_enabled(): log(" Base damage (including rally/weaken): " + str(damage)) enfeebled = target.enfeebled() if enfeebled > 0: damage += enfeebled if log_enabled(): log(" Enfeeble bonus damage: " + str(enfeebled)) valor = attacker.valor() if valor > 0 and self.assault_count() < opposing_board.assault_count(): damage += valor if log_enabled(): log(" Valor bonus damage: " + str(valor)) if target.flying(): antiair = attacker.antiair() if antiair: damage += antiair if log_enabled(): log(" Antiair bonus damage: " + str(antiair)) elif not attacker.flying(): if coin_toss(): if log_enabled(): log(" Flying! Unit {" + attacker.description() + "} missed {" + target.description() + "}") return armor = target.armored() if armor > 0: pierce = attacker.pierce() if pierce: if log_enabled(): log(" Armor reduced from " + str(armor) + " by pierce " + str(pierce)) armor = max(0, armor - pierce) if log_enabled(): log(" Damage reduced by armor: " + str(armor)) damage -= armor if damage <= 0: if log_enabled(): log(" Blocked: {" + attacker.description() + "} has modified damage " + str(damage)) return if attacker.immobilize(): if coin_toss(): if log_enabled(): log(" Immobilize! Unit {" + attacker.description() + "} immobilizes {" + target.description() + "}") target.suffer_immobilize() poison = attacker.poison() if poison > 0: if log_enabled(): log(" Poison! Unit {" + attacker.description() + "} inflicts " + str(poison) + " poison on target {" + target.description() + "}") target.suffer_poison(poison) target_died = target.take_damage(damage) if log_enabled(): log(" Unit {" + attacker.description() + "} does " + str(damage) + " attack damage to {" + target.description() + "}") crush = attacker.crush() if crush > 0 and target_died: crush_target = opposing_board.commander_target() if log_enabled(): log(" Crush! Unit {" + attacker.description() + "} does {" + str(damage) + "} crush damage to {" + crush_target.description() + "}") crush_target.take_damage(damage) if log_enabled(): log(" --Final crushed unit status: {" + crush_target.description() + "}") counter = target.counter() if counter > 0: if log_enabled(): log(" Unit {" + attacker.description() + "} suffers " + str(counter) + " counter damage from {" + target.description() + "}") attacker.take_damage(counter) target_is_assault = target.type() == "assault" leech = attacker.leech() if leech > 0 and target_is_assault and not attacker.is_dead(): if log_enabled(): log(" Leech! Unit {" + attacker.description() + "} leeches for " + str(leech) + "hp") attacker.heal(leech) siphon = attacker.siphon() if siphon > 0 and target_is_assault: if log_enabled(): log(" Siphon! Commander {" + self._commander.description() + "} receives siphon for " + str(siphon) + "hp from {" + attacker.description() + "}") self._commander.heal(siphon) if log_enabled(): log(" --Final attacking unit status: {" + attacker.description() + "}") if log_enabled(): log(" --Final defending unit status: {" + target.description() + "}") def apply_poison(self): # FIXME: when exactly is poison applied? for card in self._active_assault_units: if card.poisoned() > 0: if log_enabled(): log(" Poison damage! Poisoned unit {" + card.description() + "} will suffer " + str(card.poisoned()) + " poison damage") card.apply_poison() if log_enabled(): log(" --Final poisoned unit status: {" + card.description() + "}") def bury_the_dead(self): for card in self._active_structures: if card.is_dead(): self._active_structures.remove(card) if log_enabled(): log(" Removed dead structure card: {" + card.description() + "}") for card in self._active_assault_units: if card.is_dead(): self._active_assault_units.remove(card) if log_enabled(): log(" Removed dead assault card: {" + card.description() + "}") def clean_up(self, opposing_board): if log_enabled(): log(" Cleaning up") self.bury_the_dead() opposing_board.bury_the_dead() self._active_action = None self.reset_status(); def commander(self): return self._commander def active_assault_units(self): return self._active_assault_units def active_structures(self): return self._active_structures def play_random_turn(self, opposing_board): self.apply_poison() self.tick_timers() if log_enabled(): log(" Drawing") while len(self._hand) < 3 and self._draw_pile: self.draw() if self._hand: self.play_from_hand(choice(self._hand)) self.activate_cards(opposing_board) self.clean_up(opposing_board) return opposing_board.commander().is_dead() def play_from_hand(self, card_to_play): self._hand.remove(card_to_play) if log_enabled(): log(" Playing card: {" + card_to_play.description() + "}") if card_to_play.type() == "assault": self._active_assault_units.append(AssaultCardInPlay(card_to_play)) elif card_to_play.type() == "structure": self._active_structures.append(StructureCardInPlay(card_to_play)) else: self._active_action = card_to_play def log_as_offense(self): self.log_front_row() self.log_back_row() def log_as_defense(self): self.log_back_row() self.log_front_row() def log_front_row(self): self.log_cards(self._active_assault_units) def log_back_row(self): back_row = [self._commander] + self._active_structures + ([self._active_action] if self._active_action else []) self.log_cards(back_row) def log_cards(self, card_list): line = "" for card in card_list: line += "+----------+ " print line; line = "" for card in card_list: line += "| "; if card.type() == "action" or card.type() == "commander": line += " " else: line += "{0:>2}".format(card.delay()) line += " | " print line; line = "" for card in card_list: line += "|"; line += "{0: ^10.10}".format( line += "| " print line; line = "" for card in card_list: line += "| "; if card.type() == "assault": line += "{0:<2}".format(card.attack()) else: line += " " line += " " if card.type() == "action": line += " " else: line += "{0:>2}".format( line += " | " print line; line = "" for card in card_list: line += "+----------+ " print line;