def _reenableCustomCP(config, host_id, cp_name): from u import bootstrap request = uHCL.Request(host_id, user='******', group='root') jbossdir = bootstrap.getJBossDir(config.rootpath) + "/" src = jbossdir + "puitconf_d/" + cp_name + ".properties" dst = jbossdir + "puitconf/" + cp_name + ".properties" request.copy(src, dst) request.perform()
def syncLocalesFromDB(cls): request = uHCL.Request(cls.get_host_id(), user='******', group='root') request.command( "python /usr/local/bm/tools_py/ syncLocalesFromDB", stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', valid_exit_codes=[0]) output = request.perform() uLogging.debug('done, output \n%s' % output['stdout'])
def syncStores(cls):"Synchronization stores") request = uHCL.Request(cls.get_host_id(), user='******', group='root') request.command("python /usr/local/bm/tools_py/", stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', valid_exit_codes=[0]) output = request.perform() uLogging.debug('done, output \n%s' % output['stdout']) return output
def update_linux_slave(task_item, config): uLogging.debug("Updating Linux slave {host}".format( # Initializing request object request = uHCL.Request(, user='******', group='root') # Preparing the instructions if update repourl is necessarily if config.need_update_yum_repourl: request = prepare_request_for_repourl_updating(request, config) # Filling request object with corresponding commands if paagent_dist_url is not a fake if task_item.paagent_dist_url: request = prepare_request_for_rpm_updating(request, task_item) return request.performCompat()
def check_update_windows_slave(task_item, config): uLogging.debug("Checking if agent on Windows host {host} is updated".format( auth_token = uHCL.getHostAuthToken(, config, config.mn_as_cert_issuer) remote_temp_dir = get_remote_temp_dir( remote_async_exec_path = get_remote_async_exec_path( # Asynchronous upgrade. If installation has been failed then PAgent.exe will be run again for product check only. # The following cases can be: # 1. exit code is 1604, it means installation is OK (manual upgrade is performed). # 2. exit code is 0 , it's OK too. # 3. exit code is 1603 (returned by bootstrapper when 'CheckWithoutUpgrade' built-in property # is given at the command line. It means that agent not upgraded. check_result_request = uHCL.Request(, auto_export=True) check_cmd_args = [remote_async_exec_path, '--status', '--anchor ' + agent_anchor_name, '"{paagent_exe} /c /qn REBOOT=Suppress AUTO_UPGRADE=1 CheckWithoutRunUpgrade=1"'.format( paagent_exe=PAAGENT_EXE_FILENAME ), '--exit-codes 0,1604'] check_result_request.command(remote_async_exec_path, check_cmd_args, cwd=remote_temp_dir, stderr="err", stdout="out", retvar="exit_code") host_ip = uPEM.getHostCommunicationIP( check_result_http_request = urllib2.Request("https://{host_ip}:8352/process".format(host_ip=host_ip), headers={"Authorization": auth_token}, data=None) check_result_http_request.get_method = lambda: 'POST' uLogging.debug("Checking update status of Windows slave {host} via REST HCL request to {host_ip}".format(, host_ip=host_ip)) try: if uLinux.SSL_VERIFICATION_ENFORCED: http_respond = urllib2.urlopen(check_result_http_request, context=ssl._create_unverified_context(), data=check_result_request.toxml()) else: http_respond = urllib2.urlopen(check_result_http_request, data=check_result_request.toxml()) http_respond_out = try: status_code = http_respond.getcode() except AttributeError: status_code = http_respond.code except urllib2.HTTPError, error: status_code = error.code http_respond_out =
def getRPMlist(cls): bm_pattern = '^(bm.*)-(\d+\.\d+\..*)$' request = uHCL.Request(cls.get_host_id(), user='******', group='root') request.command("rpm -qa", stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', valid_exit_codes=[0]) output = request.perform() prog = re.compile(bm_pattern) res = [] for x in output['stdout'].split(): m = prog.match(x) if m: res.append(RPM(, return res
def installPatches(sourcePatchesDir, con, host_id, upgrade_instructions): cur = con.cursor() cur.execute( "SELECT, p.ctype, p.pkg_id, p.version FROM packages p JOIN components c ON (c.pkg_id = p.pkg_id) WHERE c.host_id = %s ORDER BY c.component_id", host_id) installed_packages = {} for row in cur.fetchall(): installed_packages[(row[0], row[1])] = row[3] to_install = {} if upgrade_instructions is not None: for patch in upgrade_instructions.patches: name, ctype = patch if patch in installed_packages: 'Going to install %s-%s patch because it is installed', name, ctype) to_install[patch] = upgrade_instructions.patches[patch] platform, rootpath = uPEM.getHostInfo(con, host_id) for nameAndCtype in to_install: name, ctype = nameAndCtype for patch in to_install[nameAndCtype]: if os.path.isabs(patch.fromPath): raise Exception( "Source patch path '%s' is absolute, but it must be relative to %s directory" % (patch.fromPath, os.path.join(sourcePatchesDir, name + '-' + ctype, platform.os + '-' + platform.osver))) sourcePatchPath = os.path.join(sourcePatchesDir, name + '-' + ctype, platform.os + '-' + platform.osver, patch.fromPath) if not os.path.exists(sourcePatchPath): raise Exception( "Path '%s' does not exist in source patch directory" % sourcePatchPath) if os.path.isabs(patch.toPath): targetPatchPath = patch.toPath else: targetPatchPath = os.path.join(rootpath, patch.toPath) r = uHCL.Request(host_id=host_id, user='******', group='root') r.transfer('1', sourcePatchPath, targetPatchPath) r.perform() return to_install
def schedule_update_windows_slave(task_item): # Preparing HCL request for scheduling agent upgrade via asyncExec.exe remote_temp_dir = get_remote_temp_dir( remote_async_exec_path = get_remote_async_exec_path( schedule_request = uHCL.Request(, auto_export=True) schedule_request.mkdir(remote_temp_dir) schedule_request.fetch( srcfile=posixpath.basename(task_item.paagent_dist_url), urls=[posixpath.dirname(task_item.paagent_dist_url)], dstvar="archive" ) schedule_request.extract("${archive}", remote_temp_dir) schedule_cmd_args = [ remote_async_exec_path, '--delay 10', '--cluster', '--checkmutex {mutex}'.format(mutex=agent_msi_mutex), '--anchor {anchor}'.format(anchor=agent_anchor_name), '"{paagent_exe} /c /qn /l {update_log} REBOOT=Suppress AUTO_UPGRADE=1"'.format( paagent_exe=PAAGENT_EXE_FILENAME, update_log=WIN_UPGRADE_LOG) ] # With 'retvar' option we will catch return code and will not fail if it is not eq 0 schedule_request.command(remote_async_exec_path, schedule_cmd_args, cwd=remote_temp_dir, stderr="err", stdout="out", retvar="exit_code") uLogging.debug("Scheduling agent upgrade on Windows host {host}.".format( uLogging.debug("Executing {async_exec_launch}".format(async_exec_launch=" ".join(schedule_cmd_args))) schedule_result = schedule_request.performCompat() schedule_return_code = int(schedule_result['exit_code']) if schedule_return_code < 100: if schedule_return_code == 12: "Agent upgrade on host {host} is running already. Skip scheduling.".format( ) elif schedule_return_code != 0: err_msg = "Scheduling windows update on host {host} failed. AsyncExec exit code: {exit_code}; " \ "stdout: {out}; stderr: {err}".format(, exit_code=schedule_result['exit_code'], out=schedule_result['out'], err=schedule_result['err']) uLogging.err(err_msg) raise uUtil.ExecFailed(command=" ".join(schedule_cmd_args), status=schedule_result['exit_code'], out=schedule_result['out'], err=schedule_result['err'])
def check_net_bandwidth_for_host(host):"Checking bandwidth between MN and host {host}".format(host=host)) bandwidth_report = HostBandwidthReport(host) try: file_for_test = FileForSpeedtest() test_request = uHCL.Request(host_id=host.host_id) test_request.fetch(srcfile=file_for_test.file_name, urls=[file_for_test.site_url], dstvar="dummy_speedtest_file") test_request.rm(path="${dummy_speedtest_file}") execution_time = measure_hcl_execution_time(request=test_request) bandwidth_report.measuring_finished = True bandwidth_report.calc_mbps(execution_time=execution_time, file_size_bytes=file_for_test.size_bytes) uLogging.debug(bandwidth_report) except Exception as e: uLogging.save_traceback() bandwidth_report.failure_reason = e uLogging.warn(str(bandwidth_report)) finally: return bandwidth_report
def _start_stop(cls, command): if not command:'...requested operation is not defined for %s' % return request = uHCL.Request(cls.get_host_id(), user='******', group='root') request.command(command, stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', retvar='retvar') output = request.perform() if output['retvar'] != '0': if not (command == cls.stopCmd and output['retvar'] == '1' and 'STOPPED' in output['stdout']): raise Exception( "Command '%s' failed. Return code: %s, \n stdout: %s \n stderr: %s" % (command, output['retvar'], output['stdout'], output['stderr'])) uLogging.debug('done, output \n%s' % output['stdout']) return output
def configure(cls):'Running billing configure') request = uHCL.Request(cls.get_host_id(), user='******', group='root') request.command(cls.configureScript, stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', retvar='retvar') output = request.perform() # w/a for POA-114760 (null error message if script outrput is too long). Need to check retvar explicitly, if output['retvar'] != '0': uLogging.err( "Command '%s' failed. Return code: %s, \n stdout: %s \n stderr: %s" % (cls.configureScript, output['retvar'], output['stdout'], output['stderr'])) raise Exception( "Command '%s' failed. Return code: %s, \n stdout: %s \n stderr: %s" % (cls.configureScript, output['retvar'], output['stdout'][-4048:], output['stderr'][-4048:])) uLogging.debug('done, output \n%s' % output['stdout']) return output
def checkURLAccessFromServiceNodes(hosts_to_check, url, in_precheck=False, proxy=""): problem_hosts = [] for host in hosts_to_check: try: proxy_arg = "" if proxy: proxy_arg = "--proxy %s" % proxy request = uHCL.Request(host.host_id, user='******', group='root') # HTTP 301 redirect for requesting folders w/o trailing slash request.command( "curl -o /dev/null --silent --head -L --write-out '%%{http_code}' %s %s" % (url, proxy_arg), stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', valid_exit_codes=range(0, 100)) output = request.performCompat() if output['stdout'] != "200": uLogging.err('URL "%s" is not accessible from host "%s": HTTP response code is "%s"' % ( url, host, output['stdout'])) problem_hosts += [(host, 'HTTP response code for %s is %s' % (url, output['stdout']))] except Exception, e: uUtil.logLastException() problem_hosts += [(host, str(e))] except:
return rv def ping(host_id): ip = getHostCommunicationIP(host_id) port = 8352 try: if ip: uURLChecker.try_connect((ip, port), 2) except socket.error, e: raise Exception('Connection to host %s failed (%s). Please ensure host is online and pa-agent service is running on it.' % (ip, e)) # node is reachable by http. remove from unreachable_hosts just in case (POA-113200) cleanUnreachableState(host_id) hcl = uHCL.Request(host_id=host_id) host = getHost(host_id) if Const.isOsaWinPlatform(host.platform.os): hcl.command("echo 0") else: hcl.set_creds(user='******') hcl.command("/bin/echo 0") try: hcl.performCompat() return except uUtil.ExecFailed: pass execCtl('pleskd_ctl', ['ping', str(host_id)]) def _execCtl(ctlname, fun, *args): platform, root = getMNInfo()
def precheck(cls, lpath_to_precheck_tar=None): host_id = cls.get_host_id() request = uHCL.Request(host_id, user='******', group='root') rpath_tmp = '/usr/local/bm/tmp' rpath_to_precheck = os.path.join(rpath_tmp, 'precheck') if lpath_to_precheck_tar: #else prechecks is assumed already at billing host rpath_to_precheck_tar = os.path.join( rpath_tmp, os.path.basename(lpath_to_precheck_tar)) lpath_to_poaupdater = os.path.dirname(__file__) rpath_to_poaupdater = os.path.join(rpath_to_precheck, 'poaupdater') uLogging.debug( 'Transfer %s to %s at host %s' % (lpath_to_precheck_tar, rpath_to_precheck_tar, host_id)) request.transfer('1', lpath_to_precheck_tar, rpath_tmp) uLogging.debug('Remove %s at host %s' % (rpath_to_precheck, host_id)) request.rm(rpath_to_precheck) uLogging.debug('Extract %s to %s at host %s' % (rpath_to_precheck_tar, rpath_to_precheck, host_id)) request.mkdir(rpath_to_precheck) extract_cmd = ('tar -xf %s -C %s' % (rpath_to_precheck_tar, rpath_to_precheck)) request.command(extract_cmd, stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', valid_exit_codes=[0]) uLogging.debug('Transfer %s to %s at host %s' % (lpath_to_poaupdater, rpath_to_precheck, host_id)) request.mkdir(rpath_to_poaupdater) request.transfer('1', lpath_to_poaupdater, rpath_to_poaupdater) packages = [ x for x in uPackaging.listInstalledPackagesOnHost(host_id) if is_billing_package( ] tmp = ' '.join([ '-p %s:%s:%s:%s' % (, p.version, '0', 'x86_64') for p in packages ]) rcmd = 'python %s %s %s' % (os.path.join( rpath_to_precheck, ''), cls.role, tmp) uLogging.debug('Launch %s at host %s' % (rcmd, host_id)) request.command(rcmd, stdout='stdout', stderr='stderr', valid_exit_codes=[0, 1, 2]) try: output = request.perform() if output['stdout']: raise BillingPrecheckFailed(output['stdout']) if output['stderr']: uLogging.debug(output['stderr']) if 'No such file or directory' in output['stderr']: uLogging.warn( 'It looks like prechecks were skipped during MN upgrade. Billing prechecks will be skipped too' ) else: raise uPrecheck.PrecheckFailed( 'Several Billing prechecks were failed at %s (host id #%s).' % (, host_id), '') except uUtil.ExecFailed, e: err = str(e) uLogging.debug(err) if "attribute 'src_host_id' is not declared for element 'TRANSFER'" in err: raise uPrecheck.PrecheckFailed( 'Pleskd agent at %s (host id #%s) has version lower then pleskd on MN. This may be the caused by hosts skip during previous updates.' % (, host_id), "Update pleskd to 6.0.7 or higher") raise uPrecheck.PrecheckFailed( 'Several Billing prechecks were failed at %s (host id #%s).' % (, host_id), '')