Example #1
def _win32_dir(path, star=''):
    Using the windows cmd shell to get information about a directory
    from ubelt import util_cmd
    import re
    wrapper = 'cmd /S /C "{}"'  # the /S will preserve all inner quotes
    command = 'dir /-C "{}"{}'.format(path, star)
    wrapped = wrapper.format(command)
    info = util_cmd.cmd(wrapped, shell=True)
    if info['ret'] != 0:
        from ubelt import util_format
        print('Failed command:')
        print(util_format.repr2(info, nl=1))
        raise OSError(str(info))
    # parse the output of dir to get some info
    # Remove header and footer
    lines = info['out'].split('\n')[5:-3]
    splitter = re.compile('( +)')
    for line in lines:
        parts = splitter.split(line)
        date, sep, time, sep, ampm, sep, type_or_size, sep = parts[:8]
        name = ''.join(parts[8:])
        # if type is a junction then name will also contain the linked loc
        if name == '.' or name == '..':
        if type_or_size in ['<JUNCTION>', '<SYMLINKD>', '<SYMLINK>']:
            # colons cannot be in path names, so use that to find where
            # the name ends
            pos = name.find(':')
            bpos = name[:pos].rfind('[')
            name = name[:bpos - 1]
            pointed = name[bpos + 1:-1]
            yield type_or_size, name, pointed
            yield type_or_size, name, None
Example #2
def _win32_junction(path, link, verbose=0):
    On older (pre 10) versions of windows we need admin privledges to make
    symlinks, however junctions seem to work.

    For paths we do a junction (softlink) and for files we use a hard link

        >>> # xdoc: +REQUIRES(WIN32)
        >>> import ubelt as ub
        >>> root = ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('ubelt', 'win32_junction')
        >>> ub.delete(root)
        >>> ub.ensuredir(root)
        >>> fpath = join(root, 'fpath.txt')
        >>> dpath = join(root, 'dpath')
        >>> fjunc = join(root, 'fjunc.txt')
        >>> djunc = join(root, 'djunc')
        >>> ub.touch(fpath)
        >>> ub.ensuredir(dpath)
        >>> ub.ensuredir(join(root, 'djunc_fake'))
        >>> ub.ensuredir(join(root, 'djunc_fake with space'))
        >>> ub.touch(join(root, 'djunc_fake with space file'))
        >>> _win32_junction(fpath, fjunc)
        >>> _win32_junction(dpath, djunc)
        >>> # thank god colons are not allowed
        >>> djunc2 = join(root, 'djunc2 [with pathological attrs]')
        >>> _win32_junction(dpath, djunc2)
        >>> _win32_is_junction(djunc)
        >>> ub.writeto(join(djunc, 'afile.txt'), 'foo')
        >>> assert ub.readfrom(join(dpath, 'afile.txt')) == 'foo'
        >>> ub.writeto(fjunc, 'foo')
    # junctions store absolute paths
    path = os.path.abspath(path)
    link = os.path.abspath(link)

    from ubelt import util_cmd
    if os.path.isdir(path):
        # try using a junction (soft link)
        if verbose:
            print('... as soft link')

        # TODO: what is the windows api for this?
        command = 'mklink /J "{}" "{}"'.format(link, path)
        # try using a hard link
        if verbose:
            print('... as hard link')
        # command = 'mklink /H "{}" "{}"'.format(link, path)
            jwfs.link(path, link)  # this seems to be allowed
        except Exception:
            print('Failed to hardlink link={} to path={}'.format(link, path))
        command = None

    if command is not None:
        info = util_cmd.cmd(command, shell=True)
        if info['ret'] != 0:
            from ubelt import util_format
            print('Failed command:')
            print(util_format.repr2(info, nl=1))
            raise OSError(str(info))
    return link