Example #1
class Event(MagModel):
    location = Column(Choice(c.EVENT_LOCATION_OPTS))
    start_time = Column(UTCDateTime)
    duration = Column(Integer)  # half-hour increments
    name = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)

    assigned_panelists = relationship('AssignedPanelist', backref='event')
    applications = relationship('PanelApplication', backref='event')
    panel_feedback = relationship('EventFeedback', backref='event')
    tournaments = relationship('TabletopTournament',
    guest = relationship('GuestGroup', backref='event')

    def half_hours(self):
        half_hours = set()
        for i in range(self.duration):
            half_hours.add(self.start_time + timedelta(minutes=30 * i))
        return half_hours

    def minutes(self):
        return (self.duration or 0) * 30

    def start_slot(self):
        if self.start_time:
            start_delta = self.start_time_local - c.EPOCH
            return int(start_delta.total_seconds() / (60 * 30))

    def end_time(self):
        return self.start_time + timedelta(minutes=self.minutes)
Example #2
class ReceiptItem(MagModel):
    attendee_id = Column(UUID,
                         ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    attendee = relationship(Attendee,

    group_id = Column(UUID,
                      ForeignKey('group.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    group = relationship(Group,

    txn_id = Column(UUID,
                    ForeignKey('stripe_transaction.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    stripe_transaction = relationship(
    txn_type = Column(Choice(c.TRANSACTION_TYPE_OPTS), default=c.PAYMENT)
    payment_method = Column(Choice(c.PAYMENT_METHOD_OPTS), default=c.STRIPE)
    amount = Column(Integer)
    when = Column(UTCDateTime, default=lambda: datetime.now(UTC))
    who = Column(UnicodeText)
    desc = Column(UnicodeText)
    cost_snapshot = Column(JSON, default={}, server_default='{}')
    refund_snapshot = Column(JSON, default={}, server_default='{}')
Example #3
class IndieJudge(MagModel, ReviewMixin):
    admin_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('admin_account.id'))
    status = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_JUDGE_STATUS_OPTS), default=c.UNCONFIRMED)
    no_game_submission = Column(Boolean, nullable=True)
    genres = Column(MultiChoice(c.MIVS_INDIE_JUDGE_GENRE_OPTS))
    platforms = Column(MultiChoice(c.MIVS_INDIE_PLATFORM_OPTS))
    platforms_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    staff_notes = Column(UnicodeText)

    codes = relationship('IndieGameCode', backref='judge')
    reviews = relationship('IndieGameReview', backref='judge')

    email_model_name = 'judge'

    def judging_complete(self):
        return len(self.reviews) == len(self.game_reviews)

    def mivs_all_genres(self):
        return c.MIVS_ALL_GENRES in self.genres_ints

    def attendee(self):
        return self.admin_account.attendee

    def full_name(self):
        return self.attendee.full_name

    def email(self):
        return self.attendee.email
Example #4
class IndieStudio(MagModel):
    group_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('group.id'), nullable=True)
    name = Column(UnicodeText, unique=True)
    address = Column(UnicodeText)
    website = Column(UnicodeText)
    twitter = Column(UnicodeText)
    facebook = Column(UnicodeText)
    status = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_STUDIO_STATUS_OPTS),
    staff_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())

    games = relationship('IndieGame',
    developers = relationship('IndieDeveloper',

    email_model_name = 'studio'

    def confirm_deadline(self):
        sorted_games = sorted([g for g in self.games if g.accepted],
                              key=lambda g: g.accepted)
        confirm_deadline = timedelta(days=c.MIVS_CONFIRM_DEADLINE)
        return sorted_games[0].accepted + confirm_deadline

    def after_confirm_deadline(self):
        return self.confirm_deadline < localized_now()

    def website_href(self):
        return make_url(self.website)

    def email(self):
        return [dev.email for dev in self.developers if dev.primary_contact]

    def primary_contact(self):
        return [dev for dev in self.developers if dev.primary_contact][0]

    def submitted_games(self):
        return [g for g in self.games if g.submitted]

    def comped_badges(self):
        game_count = len([g for g in self.games if g.status == c.ACCEPTED])
        return c.MIVS_INDIE_BADGE_COMPS * game_count

    def unclaimed_badges(self):
        claimed_count = len(
            [d for d in self.developers if not d.matching_attendee])
        return max(0, self.comped_badges - claimed_count)
Example #5
class StripeTransaction(MagModel):
    stripe_id = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=True)
    type = Column(Choice(c.TRANSACTION_TYPE_OPTS), default=c.PENDING)
    amount = Column(Integer)
    when = Column(UTCDateTime, default=lambda: datetime.now(UTC))
    who = Column(UnicodeText)
    desc = Column(UnicodeText)
    attendees = relationship('StripeTransactionAttendee', backref='stripe_transaction')
    groups = relationship('StripeTransactionGroup', backref='stripe_transaction')
Example #6
class MerchPickup(MagModel):
    picked_up_by_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'))
    picked_up_for_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'), unique=True)
    picked_up_by = relationship(
        primaryjoin='MerchPickup.picked_up_by_id == Attendee.id',
    picked_up_for = relationship(
        primaryjoin='MerchPickup.picked_up_for_id == Attendee.id',
Example #7
class Attendee:
    art_show_bidder = relationship('ArtShowBidder',
    art_show_purchases = relationship(

    def not_attending_need_not_pay(self):
        if self.badge_status == c.NOT_ATTENDING:
            self.paid = c.NEED_NOT_PAY

    def add_as_agent(self):
        if self.promo_code:
            art_apps = self.session.lookup_agent_code(self.promo_code.code)
            for app in art_apps:
                app.agent_id = self.id

    def art_show_app_cost(self):
        cost = 0
        if self.art_show_applications:
            for app in self.art_show_applications:
                cost += app.total_cost
        return cost

    def art_show_receipt(self):
        open_receipts = [
            receipt for receipt in self.art_show_receipts if not receipt.closed
        if open_receipts:
            return open_receipts[0]

    def full_address(self):
        if self.country and self.city and (self.region or self.country not in [
                'United States', 'Canada'
        ]) and self.address1:
            return True

    def payment_page(self):
        if self.art_show_applications:
            for app in self.art_show_applications:
                if app.total_cost and app.status != c.PAID:
                    return '../art_show_applications/edit?id={}'.format(app.id)
        return 'attendee_donation_form?id={}'.format(self.id)
Example #8
class WatchList(MagModel):
    first_names = Column(UnicodeText)
    last_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    email = Column(UnicodeText, default='')
    birthdate = Column(Date, nullable=True, default=None)
    reason = Column(UnicodeText)
    action = Column(UnicodeText)
    active = Column(Boolean, default=True)
    attendees = relationship('Attendee',

    def full_name(self):
        return '{} {}'.format(self.first_names,
                              self.last_name).strip() or 'Unknown'

    def first_name_list(self):
        return [name.strip().lower() for name in self.first_names.split(',')]

    def _fix_birthdate(self):
        if self.birthdate == '':
            self.birthdate = None
Example #9
class Room(MagModel, NightsMixin):
    notes = Column(UnicodeText)
    message = Column(UnicodeText)
    locked_in = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    nights = Column(MultiChoice(c.NIGHT_OPTS))
    created = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    assignments = relationship('RoomAssignment', backref='room')

    def email(self):
        return [ra.attendee.email for ra in self.assignments]

    def first_names(self):
        return [ra.attendee.first_name for ra in self.assignments]

    def check_in_date(self):
        return c.NIGHT_DATES[self.nights_labels[0]]

    def check_out_date(self):
        # TODO: Undo this kludgy workaround by fully implementing:
        #       https://github.com/magfest/hotel/issues/39
        if self.nights_labels[-1] == 'Monday':
            return c.ESCHATON.date() + timedelta(days=1)
            return c.NIGHT_DATES[self.nights_labels[-1]] + timedelta(days=1)
Example #10
class DeptRole(MagModel):
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    department_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('department.id'))

    dept_memberships = relationship(

    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('name', 'department_id'), )

    def dept_membership_count(self):
        return len(self.dept_memberships)

    def dept_membership_count(cls):
        return func.count(cls.dept_memberships)

    def extra_apply_attrs(cls):
        return set(['dept_memberships_ids'

    def dept_memberships_ids(self):
        _, ids = self._get_relation_ids('dept_memberships')
        return [str(d.id) for d in self.dept_memberships] \
            if ids is None else ids

    def dept_memberships_ids(self, value):
        self._set_relation_ids('dept_memberships', DeptMembership, value)
Example #11
class TabletopTournament(MagModel):
    event_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('event.id'), unique=True)

    # Separate from the event name for cases where we want a shorter name in our SMS messages.
    name = Column(UnicodeText)

    entrants = relationship('TabletopEntrant', backref='tournament')
Example #12
class PanelApplication(MagModel):
    event_id = Column(UUID,
                      ForeignKey('event.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    poc_id = Column(UUID,
                    ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    length = Column(Choice(c.PANEL_LENGTH_OPTS), default=c.SIXTY_MIN)
    length_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    length_reason = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    unavailable = Column(UnicodeText)
    available = Column(UnicodeText)
    affiliations = Column(UnicodeText)
    past_attendance = Column(UnicodeText)
    presentation = Column(Choice(c.PRESENTATION_OPTS))
    other_presentation = Column(UnicodeText)
    tech_needs = Column(MultiChoice(c.TECH_NEED_OPTS))
    other_tech_needs = Column(UnicodeText)
    need_tables = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    tables_desc = Column(UnicodeText)
    has_cost = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    cost_desc = Column(UnicodeText)
    livestream = Column(Choice(c.LIVESTREAM_OPTS), default=c.DONT_CARE)
    panelist_bringing = Column(UnicodeText)
    extra_info = Column(UnicodeText)
    applied = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    status = Column(Choice(c.PANEL_APP_STATUS_OPTS),
    comments = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)

    applicants = relationship('PanelApplicant', backref='application')

    email_model_name = 'app'

    def email(self):
        return self.submitter and self.submitter.email

    def submitter(self):
        for a in self.applicants:
            if a.submitter:
                return a
        return None

    def other_panelists(self):
        return [a for a in self.applicants if not a.submitter]

    def matched_attendees(self):
        return [a.attendee for a in self.applicants if a.attendee_id]

    def unmatched_applicants(self):
        return [a for a in self.applicants if not a.attendee_id]
Example #13
class TabletopEntrant(MagModel):
    tournament_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('tabletop_tournament.id'))
    attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'))
    signed_up = Column(UTCDateTime, default=lambda: datetime.now(UTC))
    confirmed = Column(Boolean, default=False)

    reminder = relationship('TabletopSmsReminder',
    replies = relationship('TabletopSmsReply', backref='entrant')

    def _within_cutoff(self):
        if self.is_new:
            tournament = self.tournament or self.session.tabletop_tournament(
            cutoff = timedelta(minutes=c.TABLETOP_SMS_CUTOFF_MINUTES)
            if self.signed_up > tournament.event.start_time - cutoff:
                self.confirmed = True

    def should_send_reminder(self):
        stagger = timedelta(minutes=c.TABLETOP_SMS_STAGGER_MINUTES)
        reminder = timedelta(minutes=c.TABLETOP_SMS_REMINDER_MINUTES)
        return not self.confirmed \
            and not self.reminder \
            and localized_now() < self.tournament.event.start_time \
            and localized_now() > self.signed_up + stagger \
            and localized_now() > self.tournament.event.start_time - reminder

    def matches(self, message):
        sent = message.date_sent.replace(tzinfo=UTC)
        start_time_slack = timedelta(minutes=c.TABLETOP_TOURNAMENT_SLACK)
        return normalize_phone(self.attendee.cellphone) == message.from_ \
            and self.reminder and sent > self.reminder.when \
            and sent < self.tournament.event.start_time + start_time_slack

    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('tournament_id',
                                       name='_tournament_entrant_uniq'), )
Example #14
class ArtShowPayment(MagModel):
    receipt_id = Column(UUID,
                        ForeignKey('art_show_receipt.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    receipt = relationship('ArtShowReceipt',
                           cascade='save-update, merge',
                                           cascade='save-update, merge'))
    amount = Column(Integer, default=0)
    type = Column(Choice(c.ART_SHOW_PAYMENT_OPTS),
    when = Column(UTCDateTime, default=lambda: datetime.now(UTC))
Example #15
class WatchList(MagModel):
    first_names = Column(UnicodeText)
    last_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    email = Column(UnicodeText, default='')
    birthdate = Column(Date, nullable=True, default=None)
    reason = Column(UnicodeText)
    action = Column(UnicodeText)
    active = Column(Boolean, default=True)
    attendees = relationship(
        'Attendee', backref=backref('watch_list', load_on_pending=True))

    def _fix_birthdate(self):
        if self.birthdate == '':
            self.birthdate = None
Example #16
class TabletopGame(MagModel):
    code = Column(UnicodeText)
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'))
    returned = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    checkouts = relationship('TabletopCheckout', backref='game')

    _repr_attr_names = ['name']

    def checked_out(self):
            return [c for c in self.checkouts if not c.returned][0]
        except Exception:
Example #17
class AdminAccount(MagModel):
    attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'), unique=True)
    hashed = Column(UnicodeText)
    access = Column(MultiChoice(c.ACCESS_OPTS))

    password_reset = relationship('PasswordReset',

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}>'.format(self.attendee.full_name)

    def is_nick():
        return AdminAccount.admin_name() in c.JERKS

    def admin_name():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().full_name
            return None

    def admin_email():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().email
            return None

    def access_set(id=None):
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                id = id or cherrypy.session['account_id']
                return set(session.admin_account(id).access_ints)
            return set()
Example #18
class IndieStudio(MagModel):
    group_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('group.id'), nullable=True)
    name = Column(UnicodeText, unique=True)
    address = Column(UnicodeText)
    website = Column(UnicodeText)
    twitter = Column(UnicodeText)
    facebook = Column(UnicodeText)
    status = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_STUDIO_STATUS_OPTS),
    staff_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())

    accepted_core_hours = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    discussion_emails = Column(UnicodeText)
    completed_discussion = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    read_handbook = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    training_password = Column(UnicodeText)
    selling_at_event = Column(
        Boolean, nullable=True,
        admin_only=True)  # "Admin only" preserves null default
    needs_hotel_space = Column(
        Boolean, nullable=True,
        admin_only=True)  # "Admin only" preserves null default
    name_for_hotel = Column(UnicodeText)
    email_for_hotel = Column(UnicodeText)

    games = relationship('IndieGame',
    developers = relationship('IndieDeveloper',

    email_model_name = 'studio'

    def primary_contact_first_names(self):
        if len(self.primary_contacts) == 1:
            return self.primary_contacts[0].first_name

        string = self.primary_contacts[0].first_name
        for dev in self.primary_contacts[1:-1]:
            string += ", " + dev.first_name
        if len(self.primary_contacts) > 2:
            string += ","
        string += " and " + self.primary_contacts[-1].first_name
        return string

    def confirm_deadline(self):
        sorted_games = sorted([g for g in self.games if g.accepted],
                              key=lambda g: g.accepted)
        confirm_deadline = timedelta(days=c.MIVS_CONFIRM_DEADLINE)
        return sorted_games[0].accepted + confirm_deadline

    def after_confirm_deadline(self):
        return self.confirm_deadline < localized_now()

    def discussion_emails_list(self):
        return list(filter(None, self.discussion_emails.split(',')))

    def core_hours_status(self):
        return "Accepted" if self.accepted_core_hours else None

    def discussion_status(self):
        return "Completed" if self.completed_discussion else None

    def handbook_status(self):
        return "Read" if self.read_handbook else None

    def training_status(self):
        if self.training_password:
            return "Completed" if self.training_password.lower() == c.MIVS_TRAINING_PASSWORD.lower()\
                else "Entered the wrong phrase!"

    def selling_at_event_status(self):
        if self.selling_at_event is not None:
            return "Expressed interest in selling" if self.selling_at_event else "Opted out"

    def hotel_space_status(self):
        if self.needs_hotel_space is not None:
            return "Requested hotel space for {} with email {}".format(self.name_for_hotel, self.email_for_hotel)\
                if self.needs_hotel_space else "Opted out"

    def checklist_deadline(self, slug):
        default_deadline = c.MIVS_CHECKLIST[slug]['deadline']
        if self.group and self.group.registered >= default_deadline and slug != 'hotel_space':
            return self.group.registered + timedelta(days=3)
        return default_deadline

    def past_checklist_deadline(self, slug):

            slug: A standardized name, which should match the checklist's section name in config.
            E.g., the properties above ending in _status

        Returns: A timedelta object representing how far from the deadline this team is for a particular checklist item

        return localized_now() - self.checklist_deadline(slug)

    def checklist_items_due_soon_grouped(self):
        two_days = []
        one_day = []
        overdue = []
        for key, val in c.MIVS_CHECKLIST.items():
            if localized_now() >= self.checklist_deadline(key):
                overdue.append([val['name'], "mivs_" + key])
            elif (localized_now() -
                  timedelta(days=1)) >= self.checklist_deadline(key):
                one_day.append([val['name'], "mivs_" + key])
            elif (localized_now() -
                  timedelta(days=2)) >= self.checklist_deadline(key):
                two_days.append([val['name'], "mivs_" + key])

        return two_days, one_day, overdue

    def website_href(self):
        return make_url(self.website)

    def email(self):
        return [
            dev.email_to_address for dev in self.developers
            if dev.primary_contact

    def primary_contacts(self):
        return [dev for dev in self.developers if dev.primary_contact]

    def submitted_games(self):
        return [g for g in self.games if g.submitted]

    def comped_badges(self):
        game_count = len([g for g in self.games if g.status == c.ACCEPTED])
        return c.MIVS_INDIE_BADGE_COMPS * game_count

    def unclaimed_badges(self):
        claimed_count = len(
            [d for d in self.developers if not d.matching_attendee])
        return max(0, self.comped_badges - claimed_count)
Example #19
class IndieGame(MagModel, ReviewMixin):
    studio_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('indie_studio.id'))
    title = Column(UnicodeText)
    brief_description = Column(UnicodeText)  # 140 max
    genres = Column(MultiChoice(c.MIVS_INDIE_GENRE_OPTS))
    platforms = Column(MultiChoice(c.MIVS_INDIE_PLATFORM_OPTS))
    platforms_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)  # 500 max
    how_to_play = Column(UnicodeText)  # 1000 max
    link_to_video = Column(UnicodeText)
    link_to_game = Column(UnicodeText)
    password_to_game = Column(UnicodeText)
    code_type = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_CODE_TYPE_OPTS), default=c.NO_CODE)
    code_instructions = Column(UnicodeText)
    build_status = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_BUILD_STATUS_OPTS),
    build_notes = Column(UnicodeText)  # 500 max
    shown_events = Column(UnicodeText)
    video_submitted = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    submitted = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_liability = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_showtimes = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_reminder1 = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    agreed_reminder2 = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    alumni_years = Column(MultiChoice(c.PREV_MIVS_YEAR_OPTS))
    alumni_update = Column(UnicodeText)

    link_to_promo_video = Column(UnicodeText)
    link_to_webpage = Column(UnicodeText)
    twitter = Column(UnicodeText)
    facebook = Column(UnicodeText)
    other_social_media = Column(UnicodeText)

    tournament_at_event = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    tournament_prizes = Column(UnicodeText)
    has_multiplayer = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    player_count = Column(UnicodeText)

    # Length in minutes
    multiplayer_game_length = Column(Integer, nullable=True)
    leaderboard_challenge = Column(Boolean, default=False)

    status = Column(Choice(c.MIVS_GAME_STATUS_OPTS),
    judge_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    waitlisted = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
    accepted = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)

    codes = relationship('IndieGameCode', backref='game')
    reviews = relationship('IndieGameReview', backref='game')
    images = relationship('IndieGameImage',

    email_model_name = 'game'

    def accepted_time(self):
        if self.status == c.ACCEPTED and not self.accepted:
            self.accepted = datetime.now(UTC)

    def waitlisted_time(self):
        if self.status == c.WAITLISTED and not self.waitlisted:
            self.waitlisted = datetime.now(UTC)

    def email(self):
        return self.studio.email

    def reviews_to_email(self):
        return [review for review in self.reviews if review.send_to_studio]

    def video_href(self):
        return make_url(self.link_to_video)

    def href(self):
        return make_url(self.link_to_game)

    def screenshots(self):
        return [img for img in self.images if img.is_screenshot]

    def best_screenshots(self):
        return [
            img for img in self.images
            if img.is_screenshot and img.use_in_promo

    def best_screenshot_downloads(self, count=2):
        all_images = reversed(
                   key=lambda img: (img.is_screenshot and img.use_in_promo, img
                                    .is_screenshot, img.use_in_promo)))

        screenshots = []
        for i, screenshot in enumerate(all_images):
            if os.path.exists(screenshot.filepath):
                if len(screenshots) >= count:
        return screenshots

    def best_screenshot_download_filenames(self, count=2):
        nonchars = re.compile(r'[\W]+')
        best_screenshots = self.best_screenshot_downloads(count)
        screenshots = []
        for i, screenshot in enumerate(best_screenshots):
            if os.path.exists(screenshot.filepath):
                name = '_'.join([s for s in self.title.lower().split() if s])
                name = nonchars.sub('', name)
                filename = '{}_{}.{}'.format(name,
                                             len(screenshots) + 1,
                if len(screenshots) >= count:
        return screenshots + ([''] * (count - len(screenshots)))

    def promo_image(self):
        return next(
            iter([img for img in self.images if not img.is_screenshot]), None)

    def missing_steps(self):
        steps = []
        if not self.link_to_game:
                'You have not yet included a link to where the judges can '
                'access your game')
        if self.code_type != c.NO_CODE and self.link_to_game:
            if not self.codes:
                    'You have not yet attached any codes to this game for '
                    'our judges to use')
            elif not self.unlimited_code \
                    and len(self.codes) < c.MIVS_CODES_REQUIRED:
                    'You have not attached the {} codes you must provide '
                    'for our judges'.format(c.MIVS_CODES_REQUIRED))
        if not self.agreed_showtimes:
                'You must agree to the showtimes detailed on the game form')
        if not self.agreed_liability:
                'You must check the box that agrees to our liability waiver')

        return steps

    def video_broken(self):
        for r in self.reviews:
            if r.video_status == c.BAD_LINK:
                return True

    def unlimited_code(self):
        for code in self.codes:
            if code.unlimited_use:
                return code

    def video_submittable(self):
        return bool(self.link_to_video)

    def submittable(self):
        return not self.missing_steps

    def scores(self):
        return [r.game_score for r in self.reviews if r.game_score]

    def score_sum(self):
        return sum(self.scores, 0)

    def average_score(self):
        return (self.score_sum / len(self.scores)) if self.scores else 0

    def has_issues(self):
        return any(r.has_issues for r in self.reviews)

    def confirmed(self):
        return self.status == c.ACCEPTED \
            and self.studio \
            and self.studio.group_id

    def has_been_accepted(self):
        return self.status == c.ACCEPTED

    def guidebook_name(self):
        return self.studio.name

    def guidebook_subtitle(self):
        return self.title

    def guidebook_desc(self):
        return self.description

    def guidebook_location(self):
        return ''

    def guidebook_image(self):
        return self.best_screenshot_download_filenames()[0]

    def guidebook_thumbnail(self):
        return self.best_screenshot_download_filenames()[1] \
            if len(self.best_screenshot_download_filenames()) > 1 else self.best_screenshot_download_filenames()[0]

    def guidebook_images(self):
        image_filenames = [self.best_screenshot_download_filenames()[0]]
        images = [self.best_screenshot_downloads()[0]]
        if self.guidebook_image != self.guidebook_thumbnail:

        return image_filenames, images
Example #20
class AdminAccount(MagModel):
    attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'), unique=True)
    hashed = Column(UnicodeText, private=True)
    access = Column(MultiChoice(c.ACCESS_OPTS))

    password_reset = relationship('PasswordReset',

    api_tokens = relationship('ApiToken', backref='admin_account')
    active_api_tokens = relationship(
        'AdminAccount.id == ApiToken.admin_account_id, '
        'ApiToken.revoked_time == None)')

    judge = relationship('IndieJudge', uselist=False, backref='admin_account')

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}>'.format(self.attendee.full_name)

    def admin_name():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().full_name
        except Exception:
            return None

    def admin_email():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().email
        except Exception:
            return None

    def access_set(id=None):
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                id = id or cherrypy.session['account_id']
                return set(session.admin_account(id).access_ints)
        except Exception:
            return set()

    def _allowed_opts(self, opts, required_access):
        access_opts = []
        admin_access = set(self.access_ints)
        for access, label in opts:
            required = set(required_access.get(access, []))
            if not required or any(a in required for a in admin_access):
                access_opts.append((access, label))
        return access_opts

    def allowed_access_opts(self):
        return self._allowed_opts(c.ACCESS_OPTS, c.REQUIRED_ACCESS)

    def allowed_api_access_opts(self):
        required_access = {a: [a] for a in c.API_ACCESS.keys()}
        return self._allowed_opts(c.API_ACCESS_OPTS, required_access)

    def is_admin(self):
        return c.ADMIN in self.access_ints

    def _disable_api_access(self):
        new_access = set(int(s) for s in self.access.split(',') if s)
        old_access = set(
            int(s) for s in self.orig_value_of('access').split(',') if s)
        removed = old_access.difference(new_access)
        removed_api = set(a for a in c.API_ACCESS.keys() if a in removed)
        if removed_api:
            revoked_time = datetime.utcnow()
            for api_token in self.active_api_tokens:
                if removed_api.intersection(api_token.access_ints):
                    api_token.revoked_time = revoked_time
Example #21
class GuestGroup(MagModel):
    group_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('group.id'))
    event_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('event.id', ondelete='SET NULL'), nullable=True)
    group_type = Column(Choice(c.GROUP_TYPE_OPTS), default=c.BAND)
    num_hotel_rooms = Column(Integer, default=1, admin_only=True)
    payment = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    vehicles = Column(Integer, default=1, admin_only=True)
    estimated_loadin_minutes = Column(Integer, default=c.DEFAULT_LOADIN_MINUTES, admin_only=True)
    estimated_performance_minutes = Column(Integer, default=c.DEFAULT_PERFORMANCE_MINUTES, admin_only=True)

    wants_mc = Column(Boolean, nullable=True)
    info = relationship('GuestInfo', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    bio = relationship('GuestBio', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    taxes = relationship('GuestTaxes', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    stage_plot = relationship('GuestStagePlot', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    panel = relationship('GuestPanel', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    merch = relationship('GuestMerch', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    charity = relationship('GuestCharity', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    autograph = relationship('GuestAutograph', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    interview = relationship('GuestInterview', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)
    travel_plans = relationship('GuestTravelPlans', backref=backref('guest', load_on_pending=True), uselist=False)

    email_model_name = 'guest'

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        If someone tries to access a property called, e.g., info_status,
        and the named property doesn't exist, we instead call
        self.status. This allows us to refer to status config options
        indirectly, which in turn allows us to override certain status
        options on a case-by-case basis. This is helpful for a couple of
        properties here, but it's vital to allow events to control group
        checklists with granularity.
        if name.endswith('_status'):
            return self.status(name.rsplit('_', 1)[0])
            return super(GuestGroup, self).__getattr__(name)

    def deadline_from_model(self, model):
        name = str(self.group_type_label).upper() + "_" + str(model).upper() + "_DEADLINE"
        return getattr(c, name, None)

    def all_badges_claimed(self):
        return not any(a.is_unassigned for a in self.group.attendees)

    def estimated_performer_count(self):
        return len([a for a in self.group.attendees if a.badge_type == c.GUEST_BADGE])

    def performance_minutes(self):
        return self.estimated_performance_minutes

    def email(self):
        return self.group.email

    def normalized_group_name(self):
        # Lowercase
        name = self.group.name.strip().lower()

        # Remove all special characters
        name = ''.join(s for s in name if s.isalnum() or s == ' ')

        # Remove extra whitespace & replace spaces with underscores
        return ' '.join(name.split()).replace(' ', '_')

    def badges_status(self):
        if self.group.unregistered_badges:
            return str(self.group.unregistered_badges) + " Unclaimed"
        return "Yes"

    def taxes_status(self):
        return "Not Needed" if not self.payment else self.status('taxes')

    def panel_status(self):
        application_count = len(self.group.leader.panel_applications)
        return '{} Panel Application(s)'.format(application_count) \
            if self.group.leader.panel_applications else self.status('panel')

    def mc_status(self):
        return None if self.wants_mc is None else yesno(self.wants_mc, 'Yes,No')

    def checklist_completed(self):
        for list_item in c.GUEST_CHECKLIST_ITEMS:
            item_status = getattr(self, list_item['name'] + '_status', None)
            if self.deadline_from_model(list_item['name']) and not item_status:
                return False
            elif item_status and 'Unclaimed' in item_status:
                return False
        return True

    def status(self, model):
        This is a safe way to check if a step has been completed and
        what its status is for a particular group. It checks for a
        custom 'status' property for the step; if that doesn't exist, it
        will attempt to return True if an ID of the step exists or an
        empty string if not. If there's no corresponding deadline for
        the model we're checking, we return "N/A".

         model: This should match one of the relationship columns in the
             GuestGroup class, e.g., 'bio' or 'taxes'.

            Returns either the 'status' property of the model, "N/A,"
            True, or an empty string.

        if not self.deadline_from_model(model):
            return "N/A"

        subclass = getattr(self, model, None)
        if subclass:
            return getattr(subclass, 'status', getattr(subclass, 'id'))
        return ''

    def guidebook_name(self):
        return self.group.name if self.group else ''

    def guidebook_subtitle(self):
        return self.group_type_label

    def guidebook_desc(self):
        return self.bio.desc if self.bio else ''

    def guidebook_image(self):
        return self.bio.pic_filename if self.bio else ''

    def guidebook_thumbnail(self):
        return self.bio.pic_filename if self.bio else ''

    def guidebook_images(self):
        if not self.bio:
            return ['', '']

        return [self.bio.pic_filename], [self.bio]
Example #22
class Event(MagModel):
    location = Column(Choice(c.EVENT_LOCATION_OPTS))
    start_time = Column(UTCDateTime)
    duration = Column(Integer)  # half-hour increments
    name = Column(UnicodeText, nullable=False)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)

    assigned_panelists = relationship('AssignedPanelist', backref='event')
    applications = relationship('PanelApplication', backref='event')
    panel_feedback = relationship('EventFeedback', backref='event')
    tournaments = relationship('TabletopTournament', backref='event', uselist=False)
    guest = relationship('GuestGroup', backref=backref('event', cascade="save-update,merge"),

    def half_hours(self):
        half_hours = set()
        for i in range(self.duration):
            half_hours.add(self.start_time + timedelta(minutes=30 * i))
        return half_hours

    def minutes(self):
        return (self.duration or 0) * 30

    def start_slot(self):
        if self.start_time:
            start_delta = self.start_time_local - c.EPOCH
            return int(start_delta.total_seconds() / (60 * 30))

    def end_time(self):
        return self.start_time + timedelta(minutes=self.minutes)

    def guidebook_name(self):
        return self.name

    def guidebook_subtitle(self):
        # Note: not everything on this list is actually exported
        if self.location in c.PANEL_ROOMS:
            return 'Panel'
        if self.location in c.MUSIC_ROOMS:
            return 'Music'
        if self.location in c.TABLETOP_LOCATIONS:
            return 'Tabletop Event'
        if "Autograph" in self.location_label:
            return 'Autograph Session'

    def guidebook_desc(self):
        panelists_creds = '<br/><br/>' + '<br/><br/>'.join(
            a.other_credentials for a in self.applications[0].applicants if a.other_credentials
        ) if self.applications else ''
        return self.description + panelists_creds

    def guidebook_location(self):
        return self.event.location_label
class PromoCodeGroup(MagModel):
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    code = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    buyer_id = Column(UUID,
                      ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    buyer = relationship('Attendee',

    email_model_name = 'group'

    def group_code(self):
        Promo Code Groups can be used one of two ways: Each promo
        code's unique code can be used to claim a specific badge,
        or the groups' code can be used by multiple people to
        claim random badges in the group.

        We don't want this to clash with any promo codes' existing
        codes, so we use that class' generator method.
        if not self.code:
            self.code = PromoCode.generate_random_code()

    def normalized_code(self):
        return self.normalize_code(self.code)

    def normalized_code(cls):
        return func.replace(func.replace(func.lower(cls.code), '-', ''), ' ',

    def email(self):
        return self.buyer.email if self.buyer else None

    def total_cost(self):
        return sum(code.cost for code in self.promo_codes if code.cost)

    def valid_codes(self):
        return [code for code in self.promo_codes if code.is_valid]

    def sorted_promo_codes(self):
        return list(
                   key=lambda pc: (not pc.used_by, pc.used_by[0].full_name
                                   if pc.used_by else pc.code)))

    def hours_since_registered(self):
        if not self.registered:
            return 0
        delta = datetime.now(UTC) - self.registered
        return max(0, delta.total_seconds()) / 60.0 / 60.0

    def hours_remaining_in_grace_period(self):
        return max(0,
                   c.GROUP_UPDATE_GRACE_PERIOD - self.hours_since_registered)

    def is_in_grace_period(self):
        return self.hours_remaining_in_grace_period > 0

    def min_badges_addable(self):
        return 1 if self.hours_remaining_in_grace_period > 0 else c.MIN_GROUP_ADDITION
Example #24
class AdminAccount(MagModel):
    attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'), unique=True)
    access_groups = relationship(
    hashed = Column(UnicodeText, private=True)

    password_reset = relationship('PasswordReset',

    api_tokens = relationship('ApiToken', backref='admin_account')
    active_api_tokens = relationship(
        'AdminAccount.id == ApiToken.admin_account_id, '
        'ApiToken.revoked_time == None)')

    judge = relationship('IndieJudge', uselist=False, backref='admin_account')

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}>'.format(self.attendee.full_name)

    def admin_name():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().full_name
        except Exception:
            return None

    def admin_email():
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                return session.admin_attendee().email
        except Exception:
            return None

    def get_access_set(id=None, include_read_only=False):
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                id = id or cherrypy.session.get('account_id')
                account = session.admin_account(id)
                if include_read_only:
                    return account.read_or_write_access_set
                return account.write_access_set
        except Exception:
            return set()

    def _extra_apply_attrs(cls):
        return set(['access_groups_ids'])

    def write_access_set(self):
        access_list = [list(group.access) for group in self.access_groups]
        return set([item for sublist in access_list for item in sublist])

    def read_access_set(self):
        access_list = [
            list(group.read_only_access) for group in self.access_groups
        return set([item for sublist in access_list for item in sublist])

    def read_or_write_access_set(self):
        return self.read_access_set.union(self.write_access_set)

    def access_groups_labels(self):
        return [d.name for d in self.access_groups]

    def access_groups_ids(self):
        _, ids = self._get_relation_ids('access_groups')
        return [str(a.id) for a in self.access_groups] if ids is None else ids

    def access_groups_ids(self, value):
        values = set(s for s in listify(value) if s)
        for group in list(self.access_groups):
            if group.id not in values:
                # Manually remove the group to ensure the associated
                # rows in the admin_access_group table are deleted.
        self._set_relation_ids('access_groups', AccessGroup, list(values))

    def allowed_access_opts(self):
        return self.session.query(AccessGroup).all()

    def allowed_api_access_opts(self):
        no_access_set = self.invalid_api_accesses()
        return [(access, label) for access, label in c.API_ACCESS_OPTS
                if access not in no_access_set]

    def viewable_guest_group_types(self):
        return [
            opt for opt in c.GROUP_TYPE_VARS
            if opt.lower() + "_admin" in self.read_or_write_access_set

    def is_admin(self):
        return 'devtools' in self.write_access_set

    def is_mivs_judge_or_admin(self, id=None):
            from uber.models import Session
            with Session() as session:
                id = id or cherrypy.session.get('account_id')
                admin_account = session.admin_account(id)
                return admin_account.judge or 'mivs_judging' in admin_account.read_or_write_access_set
        except Exception:
            return None

    def api_read(self):
        return any([
            group.has_any_access('api', read_only=True)
            for group in self.access_groups

    def api_update(self):
        return any([
            group.has_access_level('api', AccessGroup.LIMITED)
            for group in self.access_groups

    def api_create(self):
        return any([
            group.has_access_level('api', AccessGroup.CONTACT)
            for group in self.access_groups

    def api_delete(self):
        return any(
            [group.has_full_access('api') for group in self.access_groups])

    def full_dept_admin(self):
        return any([
            group.has_full_access('dept_admin') for group in self.access_groups

    def full_shifts_admin(self):
        return any([
            for group in self.access_groups

    def full_dept_checklist_admin(self):
        return any([
            for group in self.access_groups

    def full_attractions_admin(self):
        return any([
            for group in self.access_groups

    def full_email_admin(self):
        return any([
            for group in self.access_groups

    def full_registration_admin(self):
        return any([
            for group in self.access_groups

    def max_level_access(self, site_section_or_page, read_only=False):
        write_access_list = [
            int(group.access.get(site_section_or_page, 0))
            for group in self.access_groups
        read_access_list = [
            int(group.read_only_access.get(site_section_or_page, 0))
            for group in self.access_groups
        return max(write_access_list +
                   read_access_list) if read_only else max(write_access_list)

    def disable_api_access(self):
        invalid_api = self.invalid_api_accesses()
        if invalid_api:

    def remove_disabled_api_keys(self, invalid_api):
        revoked_time = datetime.utcnow()
        for api_token in self.active_api_tokens:
            if invalid_api.intersection(api_token.access_ints):
                api_token.revoked_time = revoked_time

    def invalid_api_accesses(self):
        Builds and returns a set of API accesses that this account does not have.
        Designed to help remove/hide API keys/options that accounts do not have permissions for.
        removed_api = set(c.API_ACCESS.keys())
        for access, label in c.API_ACCESS_OPTS:
            access_name = 'api_' + label.lower()
            if getattr(self, access_name, None):
        return removed_api
class MarketplaceApplication(MagModel):
        'categories', 'categories_text', 'description', 'special_needs'

    attendee_id = Column(UUID,
                         ForeignKey('attendee.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    attendee = relationship('Attendee',
                            cascade='save-update, merge',
                                            cascade='save-update, merge'))
    business_name = Column(UnicodeText)
    status = Column(Choice(c.MARKETPLACE_STATUS_OPTS),
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    approved = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)

    categories = Column(MultiChoice(c.DEALER_WARES_OPTS))
    categories_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    special_needs = Column(UnicodeText)

    admin_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    base_price = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    overridden_price = Column(Integer, nullable=True, admin_only=True)
    amount_paid = Column(Integer, default=0, index=True, admin_only=True)

    email_model_name = 'app'

    def _cost_adjustments(self):
        self.base_price = self.default_cost

        if self.overridden_price == '':
            self.overridden_price = None

    def incomplete_reason(self):
        if self.status not in [c.APPROVED, c.PAID]:
            return self.status_label
        if self.attendee.placeholder:
            return "Missing registration info"

    def app_fee(self):
        return c.MARKETPLACE_FEE or 0

    def total_cost(self):
        if self.status != c.APPROVED:
            return 0
            return self.potential_cost

    def potential_cost(self):
        if self.overridden_price is not None:
            return self.overridden_price
            return self.base_price or self.default_cost or 0

    def amount_unpaid(self):
        return max(0, self.total_cost - self.amount_paid)

    def email(self):
        return self.attendee.email

    def is_unpaid(self):
        return self.status == c.APPROVED
Example #26
class Attraction(MagModel):
    _NONE = 0
    _PER_FEATURE = 1
        'None – '
        'Attendees can attend as many events as they wish '
        '(least restrictive)'
    ), (
        'Once Per Feature – '
        'Attendees can only attend each feature once'
    ), (
        'Once Per Attraction – '
        'Attendees can only attend this attraction once '
        '(most restrictive)'

        (-1, 'Anytime during event'),
        (0, 'When the event starts'),
        (300, '5 minutes before'),
        (600, '10 minutes before'),
        (900, '15 minutes before'),
        (1200, '20 minutes before'),
        (1800, '30 minutes before'),
        (2700, '45 minutes before'),
        (3600, '1 hour before')]

        ('', 'Never'),
        (0, 'When checkin starts'),
        (300, '5 minutes before checkin'),
        (900, '15 minutes before checkin'),
        (1800, '30 minutes before checkin'),
        (3600, '1 hour before checkin'),
        (7200, '2 hours before checkin'),
        (86400, '1 day before checkin')]

    name = Column(UnicodeText, unique=True)
    slug = Column(UnicodeText, unique=True)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    is_public = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    advance_notices = Column(JSON, default=[], server_default='[]')
    advance_checkin = Column(Integer, default=0)  # In seconds
    restriction = Column(Choice(_RESTRICTION_OPTS), default=_NONE)
    badge_num_required = Column(Boolean, default=False)
    department_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('department.id'), nullable=True)
    owner_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('admin_account.id'))

    owner = relationship(
    owner_attendee = relationship(
    department = relationship(
    features = relationship(
        order_by='[AttractionFeature.name, AttractionFeature.id]')
    public_features = relationship(
                    'AttractionFeature.attraction_id == Attraction.id,'
                    'AttractionFeature.is_public == True)',
        order_by='[AttractionFeature.name, AttractionFeature.id]')
    events = relationship(
        order_by='[AttractionEvent.start_time, AttractionEvent.id]')
    signups = relationship(
        order_by='[AttractionSignup.checkin_time, AttractionSignup.id]')

    def _sluggify_name(self):
        self.slug = sluggify(self.name)

    def feature_opts(self):
        return [(f.id, f.name) for f in self.features]

    def feature_names_by_id(self):
        return OrderedDict(self.feature_opts)

    def used_location_opts(self):
        locs = set(e.location for e in self.events)
        sorted_locs = sorted(locs, key=lambda l: c.EVENT_LOCATIONS[l])
        return [(l, c.EVENT_LOCATIONS[l]) for l in sorted_locs]

    def unused_location_opts(self):
        locs = set(e.location for e in self.events)
        return [(l, s) for l, s in c.EVENT_LOCATION_OPTS if l not in locs]

    def advance_checkin_label(self):
        if self.advance_checkin < 0:
            return 'anytime during the event'
        return humanize_timedelta(
            separator=' ',
            now='by the time the event starts',
            prefix='at least ',
            suffix=' before the event starts')

    def location_opts(self):
        locations = map(lambda e: (e.location, c.EVENT_LOCATIONS[e.location]), self.events)
        return [(l, s) for l, s in sorted(locations, key=lambda l: l[1])]

    def locations(self):
        return OrderedDict(self.location_opts)

    def locations_by_feature_id(self):
        return groupify(self.features, 'id', lambda f: f.locations)

    def signups_requiring_notification(self, session, from_time, to_time, options=None):
        Returns a dict of AttractionSignups that require notification.

        The keys of the returned dict are the amount of advanced notice, given
        in seconds. A key of -1 indicates confirmation notices after a signup.

        The query generated by this method looks horrific, but is surprisingly
        advance_checkin = max(0, self.advance_checkin)
        subqueries = []
        for advance_notice in sorted(set([-1] + self.advance_notices)):
            event_filters = [AttractionEvent.attraction_id == self.id]
            if advance_notice == -1:
                notice_ident = cast(AttractionSignup.attraction_event_id, UnicodeText)
                notice_param = bindparam('confirm_notice', advance_notice).label('advance_notice')
                advance_notice = max(0, advance_notice) + advance_checkin
                notice_delta = timedelta(seconds=advance_notice)
                event_filters += [
                    AttractionEvent.start_time >= from_time + notice_delta,
                    AttractionEvent.start_time < to_time + notice_delta]
                notice_ident = func.concat(AttractionSignup.attraction_event_id, '_{}'.format(advance_notice))
                notice_param = bindparam(
                    'advance_notice_{}'.format(advance_notice), advance_notice).label('advance_notice')

            subquery = session.query(AttractionSignup, notice_param).filter(
                    AttractionNotification.ident == notice_ident,
                    AttractionNotification.attraction_event_id == AttractionSignup.attraction_event_id,
                    AttractionNotification.attendee_id == AttractionSignup.attendee_id)))).with_labels()

        query = subqueries[0].union(*subqueries[1:])
        if options:
            query = query.options(*listify(options))
        return groupify(query, lambda x: x[0], lambda x: x[1])
class PromoCode(MagModel):
    Promo codes used by attendees to purchase badges at discounted prices.

        code (str): The actual textual representation of the promo code. This
            is what the attendee would have to type in during registration to
            receive a discount. `code` may not be an empty string or a string
            consisting entirely of whitespace.
        discount (int): The discount amount that should be applied to the
            purchase price of a badge. The interpretation of this value
            depends on the value of `discount_type`. In any case, a value of
            0 equates to a full discount, i.e. a free badge.
        discount_str (str): A human readable description of the discount.
        discount_type (int): The type of discount this promo code will apply.
            Valid values are:

            * 0 `_FIXED_DISCOUNT`: `discount` is interpreted as a fixed
                dollar amount by which the badge price should be reduced. If
                `discount` is 49 and the badge price is normally $100, then
                the discounted badge price would be $51.

            * 1 `_FIXED_PRICE`: `discount` is interpreted as the actual badge
                price. If `discount` is 49, then the discounted badge price
                would be $49.

            * 2 `_PERCENT_DISCOUNT`: `discount` is interpreted as a percentage
                by which the badge price should be reduced. If `discount` is
                20 and the badge price is normally $50, then the discounted
                badge price would $40 ($50 reduced by 20%). If `discount` is
                100, then the price would be 100% off, i.e. a free badge.

        group (relationship): An optional relationship to a PromoCodeGroup
            object, which groups sets of promo codes to make attendee-facing

        cost (int): The cost of this promo code if and when it was bought
          as part of a PromoCodeGroup.

        expiration_date (datetime): The date & time upon which this promo code
            expires. An expired promo code may no longer be used to receive
            discounted badges.
        is_free (bool): True if this promo code will always cause a badge to
            be free. False if this promo code may not cause a badge to be free.

                It's possible for this value to be False for a promo code that
                still reduces a badge's price to zero. If there are some other
                discounts that also reduce a badge price (like an age discount)
                then the price may be pushed down to zero.

        is_expired (bool): True if this promo code is expired, False otherwise.
        is_unlimited (bool): True if this promo code may be used an unlimited
            number of times, False otherwise.
        is_valid (bool): True if this promo code is still valid and may be
            used again, False otherwise.
        normalized_code (str): A normalized version of `code` suitable for
            database queries. Normalization converts `code` to all lowercase
            and removes dashes ("-").
        used_by (list): List of attendees that have used this promo code.

                This property is declared as a backref in the Attendee class.

        uses_allowed (int): The total number of times this promo code may be
            used. A value of None means this promo code may be used an
            unlimited number of times.
        uses_allowed_str (str): A human readable description of
        uses_count (int): The number of times this promo code has already
            been used.
        uses_count_str (str): A human readable description of uses_count.
        uses_remaining (int): Remaining number of times this promo code may
            be used.
        uses_remaining_str (str): A human readable description of

    _FIXED_PRICE = 1
    _DISCOUNT_TYPE_OPTS = [(_FIXED_DISCOUNT, 'Fixed Discount'),
                           (_FIXED_PRICE, 'Fixed Price'),
                           (_PERCENT_DISCOUNT, 'Percent Discount')]

        '0': 'OQD',
        '1': 'IL',
        '2': 'Z',
        '5': 'S',
        '6': 'G',
        '8': 'B'

    _UNAMBIGUOUS_CHARS = string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase
    for _, s in _AMBIGUOUS_CHARS.items():
        _UNAMBIGUOUS_CHARS = re.sub('[{}]'.format(s), '', _UNAMBIGUOUS_CHARS)

    code = Column(UnicodeText)
    discount = Column(Integer, nullable=True, default=None)
    discount_type = Column(Choice(_DISCOUNT_TYPE_OPTS),
    expiration_date = Column(UTCDateTime, default=c.ESCHATON)
    uses_allowed = Column(Integer, nullable=True, default=None)
    cost = Column(Integer, nullable=True, default=None)

    group_id = Column(UUID,
                      ForeignKey('promo_code_group.id', ondelete='SET NULL'),
    group = relationship(PromoCodeGroup,

    __table_args__ = (Index('uq_promo_code_normalized_code',
                                func.replace(func.lower(code), '-', ''), ' ',
                      CheckConstraint(func.trim(code) != '',

    _repr_attr_names = ('code', )

    def normalize_expiration_date(cls, dt):
        Converts the given datetime to 11:59pm local in the event timezone.
        if isinstance(dt, six.string_types):
            if dt.strip():
                dt = dateparser.parse(dt)
                dt = c.ESCHATON
        if dt.tzinfo:
            dt = dt.astimezone(c.EVENT_TIMEZONE)
        return c.EVENT_TIMEZONE.localize(
            dt.replace(hour=23, minute=59, second=59, tzinfo=None))

    def discount_str(self):
        if self.discount_type == self._FIXED_DISCOUNT and self.discount == 0:
            # This is done to account for Art Show Agent codes, which use the PromoCode class
            return 'No discount'
        elif not self.discount:
            return 'Free badge'

        if self.discount_type == self._FIXED_DISCOUNT:
            return '${} discount'.format(self.discount)
        elif self.discount_type == self._FIXED_PRICE:
            return '${} badge'.format(self.discount)
            return '%{} discount'.format(self.discount)

    def is_expired(self):
        return self.expiration_date < localized_now()

    def is_expired(cls):
        return cls.expiration_date < localized_now()

    def is_free(self):
        return not self.discount or (
            self.discount_type == self._PERCENT_DISCOUNT
            and self.discount >= 100) or (self.discount_type
                                          == self._FIXED_DISCOUNT
                                          and self.discount >= c.BADGE_PRICE)

    def is_unlimited(self):
        return not self.uses_allowed

    def is_unlimited(cls):
        return cls.uses_allowed == None  # noqa: E711

    def is_valid(self):
        return not self.is_expired and (self.is_unlimited
                                        or self.uses_remaining > 0)

    def is_valid(cls):
        return (cls.expiration_date >= localized_now()) \
            & ((cls.uses_allowed == None) | (cls.uses_remaining > 0))  # noqa: E711

    def normalized_code(self):
        return self.normalize_code(self.code)

    def normalized_code(cls):
        return func.replace(func.replace(func.lower(cls.code), '-', ''), ' ',

    def uses_allowed_str(self):
        uses = self.uses_allowed
        return 'Unlimited uses' if uses is None else '{} use{} allowed'.format(
            uses, '' if uses == 1 else 's')

    def uses_count(self):
        return len(self.used_by)

    def uses_count(cls):
        from uber.models.attendee import Attendee
        return select([
        ]).where(Attendee.promo_code_id == cls.id).label('uses_count')

    def uses_count_str(self):
        uses = self.uses_count
        return 'Used by {} attendee{}'.format(uses, '' if uses == 1 else 's')

    def uses_remaining(self):
        return None if self.is_unlimited else self.uses_allowed - self.uses_count

    def uses_remaining(cls):
        return cls.uses_allowed - cls.uses_count

    def uses_remaining_str(self):
        uses = self.uses_remaining
        return 'Unlimited uses' if uses is None else '{} use{} remaining'.format(
            uses, '' if uses == 1 else 's')

    def _attribute_adjustments(self):
        # If 'uses_allowed' is empty, then this is an unlimited use code
        if not self.uses_allowed:
            self.uses_allowed = None

        # If 'discount' is empty, then this is a full discount, free badge
        if self.discount == '':
            self.discount = None

        self.code = self.code.strip() if self.code else ''
        if not self.code:
            # If 'code' is empty, then generate a random code
            self.code = self.generate_random_code()
            # Replace multiple whitespace characters with a single space
            self.code = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', self.code)

        # Always make expiration_date 11:59pm of the given date
        self.expiration_date = self.normalize_expiration_date(

    def calculate_discounted_price(self, price):
        Returns the discounted price based on the promo code's `discount_type`.

            price (int): The badge price in whole dollars.

            int: The discounted price. The returned number will never be
                less than zero or greater than `price`. If `price` is None
                or a negative number, then the return value will always be 0.
        if not self.discount or not price or price < 0:
            return 0

        discounted_price = price
        if self.discount_type == self._FIXED_DISCOUNT:
            discounted_price = price - self.discount
        elif self.discount_type == self._FIXED_PRICE:
            discounted_price = self.discount
        elif self.discount_type == self._PERCENT_DISCOUNT:
            discounted_price = int(price * ((100.0 - self.discount) / 100.0))

        return min(max(discounted_price, 0), price)

    def _generate_code(cls, generator, count=None):
        Helper method to limit collisions for the other generate() methods.

            generator (callable): Function that returns a newly generated code.
            count (int): The number of codes to generate. If `count` is `None`,
                then a single code will be generated. Defaults to `None`.

            If an `int` value was passed for `count`, then a `list` of newly
            generated codes is returned. If `count` is `None`, then a single
            `str` is returned.
        from uber.models import Session
        with Session() as session:
            # Kind of inefficient, but doing one big query for all the existing
            # codes will be faster than a separate query for each new code.
            old_codes = set(s for (s, ) in session.query(cls.code).all())

        # Set an upper limit on the number of collisions we'll allow,
        # otherwise this loop could potentially run forever.
        max_collisions = 100
        collisions = 0
        codes = set()
        while len(codes) < (1 if count is None else count):
            code = generator().strip()
            if not code:
            if code in codes or code in old_codes:
                collisions += 1
                if collisions >= max_collisions:
        return (codes.pop() if codes else None) if count is None else codes

    def generate_random_code(cls, count=None, length=9, segment_length=3):
        Generates a random promo code.

        With `length` = 12 and `segment_length` = 3::


        With `length` = 6 and `segment_length` = 2::


            count (int): The number of codes to generate. If `count` is `None`,
                then a single code will be generated. Defaults to `None`.
            length (int): The number of characters to use for the code.
            segment_length (int): The length of each segment within the code.

            If an `int` value was passed for `count`, then a `list` of newly
            generated codes is returned. If `count` is `None`, then a single
            `str` is returned.

        # The actual generator function, called repeatedly by `_generate_code`
        def _generate_random_code():
            letters = ''.join(
                random.choice(cls._UNAMBIGUOUS_CHARS) for _ in range(length))
            return '-'.join(textwrap.wrap(letters, segment_length))

        return cls._generate_code(_generate_random_code, count=count)

    def generate_word_code(cls, count=None):
        Generates a promo code consisting of words from `PromoCodeWord`.

            count (int): The number of codes to generate. If `count` is `None`,
                then a single code will be generated. Defaults to `None`.

            If an `int` value was passed for `count`, then a `list` of newly
            generated codes is returned. If `count` is `None`, then a single
            `str` is returned.
        from uber.models import Session
        with Session() as session:
            words = PromoCodeWord.group_by_parts_of_speech(

        # The actual generator function, called repeatedly by `_generate_code`
        def _generate_word_code():
            code_words = []
            for part_of_speech, _ in PromoCodeWord._PART_OF_SPEECH_OPTS:
                if words[part_of_speech]:
            return ' '.join(code_words)

        return cls._generate_code(_generate_word_code, count=count)

    def disambiguate_code(cls, code):
        Removes ambiguous characters in a promo code supplied by an attendee.

            code (str): A promo code as typed by an attendee.

            str: A copy of `code` with all ambiguous characters replaced by
                their unambiguous equivalent.
        code = cls.normalize_code(code)
        if not code:
            return ''
        for unambiguous, ambiguous in cls._AMBIGUOUS_CHARS.items():
            ambiguous_pattern = '[{}]'.format(ambiguous.lower())
            code = re.sub(ambiguous_pattern, unambiguous.lower(), code)
        return code

    def normalize_code(cls, code):
        Normalizes a promo code supplied by an attendee.

            code (str): A promo code as typed by an attendee.

            str: A copy of `code` converted to all lowercase, with dashes ("-")
                and whitespace characters removed.
        if not code:
            return ''
        return re.sub(r'[\s\-]+', '', code.lower())
Example #28
class AttractionEvent(MagModel):
    attraction_feature_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attraction_feature.id'))
    attraction_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attraction.id'), index=True)

    location = Column(Choice(c.EVENT_LOCATION_OPTS))
    start_time = Column(UTCDateTime, default=c.EPOCH)
    duration = Column(Integer, default=900)  # In seconds
    slots = Column(Integer, default=1)
    signups_open = Column(Boolean, default=True)

    signups = relationship('AttractionSignup', backref='event', order_by='AttractionSignup.checkin_time')

    attendee_signups = association_proxy('signups', 'attendee')

    notifications = relationship('AttractionNotification', backref='event', order_by='AttractionNotification.sent_time')

    notification_replies = relationship(
        'AttractionNotificationReply', backref='event', order_by='AttractionNotificationReply.sid')

    attendees = relationship(

    def _fix_attraction_id(self):
        if not self.attraction_id and self.feature:
            self.attraction_id = self.feature.attraction_id

    def get_ident(cls, id, advance_notice):
        if advance_notice == -1:
            return str(id)
        return '{}_{}'.format(id, advance_notice)

    def end_time(self):
        return self.start_time + timedelta(seconds=self.duration)

    def end_time(cls):
        return cls.start_time + (cls.duration * text("interval '1 second'"))

    def start_day_local(self):
        return self.start_time_local.strftime('%A')

    def start_time_label(self):
        if self.start_time:
            return self.start_time_local.strftime('%-I:%M %p %A')
        return 'unknown start time'

    def checkin_start_time(self):
        advance_checkin = self.attraction.advance_checkin
        if advance_checkin < 0:
            return self.start_time
            return self.start_time - timedelta(seconds=advance_checkin)

    def checkin_end_time(self):
        advance_checkin = self.attraction.advance_checkin
        if advance_checkin < 0:
            return self.end_time
            return self.start_time

    def checkin_start_time_label(self):
        checkin = self.checkin_start_time_local
        today = datetime.now(c.EVENT_TIMEZONE).date()
        if checkin.date() == today:
            return checkin.strftime('%-I:%M %p')
        return checkin.strftime('%-I:%M %p %a')

    def checkin_end_time_label(self):
        checkin = self.checkin_end_time_local
        today = datetime.now(c.EVENT_TIMEZONE).date()
        if checkin.date() == today:
            return checkin.strftime('%-I:%M %p')
        return checkin.strftime('%-I:%M %p %a')

    def time_remaining_to_checkin(self):
        return self.checkin_start_time - datetime.now(pytz.UTC)

    def time_remaining_to_checkin_label(self):
        return humanize_timedelta(self.time_remaining_to_checkin, granularity='minutes', separator=' ')

    def is_checkin_over(self):
        return self.checkin_end_time < datetime.now(pytz.UTC)

    def is_sold_out(self):
        return self.slots <= len(self.attendees)

    def is_started(self):
        return self.start_time < datetime.now(pytz.UTC)

    def remaining_slots(self):
        return max(self.slots - len(self.attendees), 0)

    def time_span_label(self):
        if self.start_time:
            end_time = self.end_time.astimezone(c.EVENT_TIMEZONE)
            start_time = self.start_time.astimezone(c.EVENT_TIMEZONE)
            if start_time.date() == end_time.date():
                return '{} – {}'.format(start_time.strftime('%-I:%M %p'), end_time.strftime('%-I:%M %p %A'))
            return '{} – {}'.format(start_time.strftime('%-I:%M %p %A'), end_time.strftime('%-I:%M %p %A'))
        return 'unknown time span'

    def duration_label(self):
        if self.duration:
            return humanize_timedelta(seconds=self.duration, separator=' ')
        return 'unknown duration'

    def location_event_name(self):
        return location_event_name(self.location)

    def location_room_name(self):
        return location_room_name(self.location)

    def name(self):
        return self.feature.name

    def label(self):
        return '{} at {}'.format(self.name, self.start_time_label)

    def overlap(self, event):
        if not event:
            return 0
        latest_start = max(self.start_time, event.start_time)
        earliest_end = min(self.end_time, event.end_time)
        if earliest_end < latest_start:
            return -int((latest_start - earliest_end).total_seconds())
        elif self.start_time < event.start_time and self.end_time > event.end_time:
            return int((self.end_time - event.start_time).total_seconds())
        elif self.start_time > event.start_time and self.end_time < event.end_time:
            return int((event.end_time - self.start_time).total_seconds())
            return int((earliest_end - latest_start).total_seconds())
Example #29
class Group(MagModel, TakesPaymentMixin):
    public_id = Column(UUID, default=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    name = Column(UnicodeText)
    tables = Column(Numeric, default=0)
    zip_code = Column(UnicodeText)
    address1 = Column(UnicodeText)
    address2 = Column(UnicodeText)
    city = Column(UnicodeText)
    region = Column(UnicodeText)
    country = Column(UnicodeText)
    website = Column(UnicodeText)
    wares = Column(UnicodeText)
    categories = Column(MultiChoice(c.DEALER_WARES_OPTS))
    categories_text = Column(UnicodeText)
    description = Column(UnicodeText)
    special_needs = Column(UnicodeText)
    amount_paid = Column(Integer, default=0, index=True, admin_only=True)
    amount_refunded = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    cost = Column(Integer, default=0, admin_only=True)
    auto_recalc = Column(Boolean, default=True, admin_only=True)
    can_add = Column(Boolean, default=False, admin_only=True)
    admin_notes = Column(UnicodeText, admin_only=True)
    status = Column(Choice(c.DEALER_STATUS_OPTS),
    registered = Column(UTCDateTime, server_default=utcnow())
    approved = Column(UTCDateTime, nullable=True)
    leader_id = Column(UUID,

    leader = relationship('Attendee',
    studio = relationship('IndieStudio', uselist=False, backref='group')
    guest = relationship('GuestGroup', backref='group', uselist=False)

    _repr_attr_names = ['name']

    def _cost_and_leader(self):
        assigned = [a for a in self.attendees if not a.is_unassigned]
        if len(assigned) == 1:
            [self.leader] = assigned
        if self.auto_recalc:
            self.cost = self.default_cost
        elif not self.cost:
            self.cost = 0
        if not self.amount_paid:
            self.amount_paid = 0
        if not self.amount_refunded:
            self.amount_refunded = 0
        if self.status == c.APPROVED and not self.approved:
            self.approved = datetime.now(UTC)
        if self.leader and self.is_dealer:
            self.leader.ribbon = add_opt(self.leader.ribbon_ints,
        if not self.is_unpaid:
            for a in self.attendees:

    def sorted_attendees(self):
        return list(
                   key=lambda a:
                   (a.is_unassigned, a.id != self.leader_id, a.full_name)))

    def unassigned(self):
        Returns a list of the unassigned badges for this group, sorted so that
        the paid-by-group badges come last, because when claiming unassigned
        badges we want to claim the "weird" ones first.
        unassigned = [a for a in self.attendees if a.is_unassigned]
        return sorted(unassigned, key=lambda a: a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP)

    def floating(self):
        Returns the list of paid-by-group unassigned badges for this group.
        This is a separate property from the "Group.unassigned" property
        because when automatically adding or removing unassigned badges, we
        care specifically about paid-by-group badges rather than all unassigned
        return [
            a for a in self.attendees
            if a.is_unassigned and a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP

    def new_ribbon(self):
        return c.DEALER_RIBBON if self.is_dealer else ''

    def ribbon_and_or_badge(self):
        badge = self.unassigned[0]
        if badge.ribbon and badge.badge_type != c.ATTENDEE_BADGE:
            return ' / '.join([badge.badge_type_label] + self.ribbon_labels)
        elif badge.ribbon:
            return ' / '.join(badge.ribbon_labels)
            return badge.badge_type_label

    def is_dealer(self):
        return bool(self.tables and self.tables != '0' and self.tables != '0.0'
                    and (not self.registered or self.amount_paid or self.cost))

    def is_unpaid(self):
        return self.cost > 0 and self.amount_paid == 0

    def email(self):
        if self.leader and self.leader.email:
            return self.leader.email
        elif self.leader_id:  # unattached groups
            [leader] = [a for a in self.attendees if a.id == self.leader_id]
            return leader.email
            emails = [a.email for a in self.attendees if a.email]
            if len(emails) == 1:
                return emails[0]

    def badges_purchased(self):
        return len([a for a in self.attendees if a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP])

    def badges(self):
        return len(self.attendees)

    def unregistered_badges(self):
        return len([a for a in self.attendees if a.is_unassigned])

    def table_cost(self):
        table_count = int(float(self.tables))
        return sum(c.TABLE_PRICES[i] for i in range(1, 1 + table_count))

    def new_badge_cost(self):
        return c.DEALER_BADGE_PRICE if self.is_dealer else c.get_group_price()

    def badge_cost(self):
        total = 0
        for attendee in self.attendees:
            if attendee.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP:
                total += attendee.badge_cost
        return total

    def amount_extra(self):
        if self.is_new:
            return sum(a.total_cost - a.badge_cost for a in self.attendees
                       if a.paid == c.PAID_BY_GROUP)
            return 0

    def total_cost(self):
        return self.default_cost + self.amount_extra

    def amount_unpaid(self):
        if self.registered:
            return max(0, self.cost - self.amount_paid)
            return self.total_cost

    def dealer_max_badges(self):
        return math.ceil(self.tables) + 1

    def dealer_badges_remaining(self):
        return self.dealer_max_badges - self.badges

    def hours_since_registered(self):
        if not self.registered:
            return 0
        delta = datetime.now(UTC) - self.registered
        return max(0, delta.total_seconds()) / 60.0 / 60.0

    def hours_remaining_in_grace_period(self):
        return max(0,
                   c.GROUP_UPDATE_GRACE_PERIOD - self.hours_since_registered)

    def is_in_grace_period(self):
        return self.hours_remaining_in_grace_period > 0

    def min_badges_addable(self):
        if self.can_add:
            return 1
        elif self.is_dealer:
            return 0
            return c.MIN_GROUP_ADDITION

    def requested_hotel_info(self):
        if self.leader:
            return self.leader.requested_hotel_info
        elif self.leader_id:  # unattached groups
            for attendee in self.attendees:
                if attendee.id == self.leader_id:
                    return attendee.requested_hotel_info
            return any(a.requested_hotel_info for a in self.attendees)

    def physical_address(self):
        address1 = self.address1.strip()
        address2 = self.address2.strip()
        city = self.city.strip()
        region = self.region.strip()
        zip_code = self.zip_code.strip()
        country = self.country.strip()

        country = '' if country == 'United States' else country.strip()

        if city and region:
            city_region = '{}, {}'.format(city, region)
            city_region = city or region
        city_region_zip = '{} {}'.format(city_region, zip_code).strip()

        physical_address = [address1, address2, city_region_zip, country]
        return '\n'.join([s for s in physical_address if s])
Example #30
class AttractionSignup(MagModel):
    attraction_event_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attraction_event.id'))
    attraction_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attraction.id'))
    attendee_id = Column(UUID, ForeignKey('attendee.id'))

    signup_time = Column(UTCDateTime, default=lambda: datetime.now(pytz.UTC))
    checkin_time = Column(UTCDateTime, default=lambda: utcmin.datetime, index=True)

    notifications = relationship(
        cascade='save-update, merge, refresh-expire, expunge',
                    'AttractionSignup.attendee_id == foreign(AttractionNotification.attendee_id),'
                    'AttractionSignup.attraction_event_id == foreign(AttractionNotification.attraction_event_id))',

    __mapper_args__ = {'confirm_deleted_rows': False}
    __table_args__ = (UniqueConstraint('attraction_event_id', 'attendee_id'),)

    def __init__(self, attendee=None, event=None, **kwargs):
        super(AttractionSignup, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        if attendee:
            self.attendee = attendee
        if event:
            self.event = event
        if not self.attraction_id and self.event:
            self.attraction_id = self.event.attraction_id

    def _fix_attraction_id(self):
        if not self.attraction_id and self.event:
            self.attraction_id = self.event.attraction_id

    def checkin_time_local(self):
        if self.is_checked_in:
            return self.checkin_time.astimezone(c.EVENT_TIMEZONE)
        return None

    def checkin_time_label(self):
        if self.is_checked_in:
            return self.checkin_time_local.strftime('%-I:%M %p %A')
        return 'Not checked in'

    def signup_time_label(self):
        return self.signup_time_local.strftime('%-I:%M %p %A')

    def email(self):
        return self.attendee.email

    def email_model_name(self):
        return 'signup'

    def is_checked_in(self):
        return self.checkin_time > utcmin.datetime

    def is_checked_in(cls):
        return cls.checkin_time > utcmin.datetime

    def is_unchecked_in(self):
        return self.checkin_time <= utcmin.datetime

    def is_unchecked_in(cls):
        return cls.checkin_time <= utcmin.datetime