Example #1
def get_udf_suggested_path(path):
    """Return the suggested_path, name for 'path'.

    'path' must be a path inside the user home directory, if it's not
    a ValueError is raised.
    if not path:
        raise ValueError("no path specified")
    assert isinstance(path, str)

    path = path.decode("utf8")

    user_home = expand_user("~").decode("utf-8")
    start_list = os.path.abspath(user_home).split(os.path.sep)
    path_list = os.path.abspath(path).split(os.path.sep)

    # Work out how much of the filepath is shared by user_home and path.
    common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix([start_list, path_list])
    if os.path.sep.join(common_prefix) != user_home:
        raise ValueError("path isn't inside user home: %r" % path)

    # suggested_path is always unicode, because the suggested path is a
    # server-side metadata, and we will always use the unix path separator '/'

    suggested_path = path.replace(user_home, u"~")
    suggested_path = suggested_path.replace(os.path.sep, u"/")
    assert isinstance(suggested_path, unicode)
    return suggested_path
    def _test_get_udf_path(self, suggested_path):
        """Assert that the resulting udf path is correct."""
        assert isinstance(suggested_path, unicode)
        assert suggested_path.startswith(u'~')

        path = get_udf_path(suggested_path)
        expected = suggested_path.replace(u'/', os.path.sep)
        expected = expand_user(expected.encode('utf8'))
        self.assertEqual(path, expected)
Example #3
def home_dir_parser(value):
    """Parser for the root_dir and shares_dir options.

    Return the path using user home + value.

    path = path_from_unix(value)
    result = expand_user(path)
    assert isinstance(result, str)
    return result
Example #4
def get_udf_path(suggested_path):
    """Build the udf path using the suggested_path.

    'suggested_path' is a non-local path, with unix-like slashes since is send
    to and received from the server.

    assert isinstance(suggested_path, unicode)
    # Unicode boundary! the suggested_path is Unicode in protocol and server,
    # but here we use bytes for paths
    path = suggested_path.replace(u"/", os.path.sep).encode("utf-8")
    return expand_user(path)
 def test_expand_user_only_tilde(self):
     """Test the expand_user function returns with only tilde input."""
     tilde = '~'
     result = expand_user(tilde)
     self.assertEqual(self.home_dir, result)
 def test_expand_user_tilde_and_backslash(self):
     """Test the expand_user function with tilde and backslash."""
     tilde = '~' + os.path.sep
     result = expand_user(tilde)
     expected = self.home_dir + os.path.sep
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
 def test_expand_user_start_with_tilde(self):
     """Test the expand_user function with a path like: ~/userpath."""
     path = os.path.join('~', 'userpath')
     result = expand_user(path)
     expected = os.path.join(self.home_dir, 'userpath')
     self.assertEqual(expected, result)
 def test_expand_user_double_backslash(self):
     """Test the expand_user function with double backslash."""
     path = '~~userpath'
     result = expand_user(path)
     self.assertEqual(path, result)
 def test_expand_user_start_with_tilde_no_backslash(self):
     """Test the expand_user function with tilde an ordinary path."""
     path = '~userpath'
     result = expand_user(path)
     self.assertEqual(path, result)
 def test_expand_user_not_start_with_tilde(self):
     """Test the expand_user function with an ordinary path."""
     path = 'userpath'
     result = expand_user(path)
     self.assertEqual(path, result)
Example #11
 def test_get_sharesdir(self):
     """The get_sharesdir returns the shares dir."""
     expected = expand_user(os.path.join('~', 'Share it to Me'))
     main = self.build_main(shares_dir=expected)
     self.assertEqual(main.get_sharesdir(), expected)
Example #12
 def test_get_rootdir(self):
     """The get_rootdir returns the root dir."""
     expected = expand_user(os.path.join('~', 'Ubuntu Test One'))
     main = self.build_main(root_dir=expected)
     self.assertEqual(main.get_rootdir(), expected)
Example #13
 def test_get_homedir(self):
     """The get_homedir returns the root dir."""
     self.patch(main_mod, "user_home", self.home_dir)
     expected = expand_user('~')
     main = self.build_main()
     self.assertEqual(main.get_homedir(), expected)