def init():
    r'''Reads the types in from database.

    This ensures that references to the same type will have the same type id
    as prior runs of the compiler.
    for row in crud.read_as_dicts('type'):
        getattr(globals(), row['kind']).from_db(row)
def read_triples(block_id):
    r'''Reads and returns list of all `triple` objects in block_id.
    #print >> sys.stderr, "read_triples", block_id
    triple_id_map = {}
    triples = [triple(row, triple_id_map)
               for row in crud.read_as_dicts('triples', block_id=block_id)]
    #print >> sys.stderr, "read_triples: triples", triples
    for t in triples:
    for t in triples:
    return triples