Example #1
    def revoke(self, password, community):
        Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain

        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        :param cutecoin.core.community.Community community: The community target of the revocation
        revoked = Person.lookup(self.pubkey, community)

        revocation = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency, None)

        selfcert = revoked.selfcert(community)

        key = SigningKey(self.salt, password)
        revocation.sign(selfcert, [key])

        logging.debug("Self-Revocation Document : \n{0}".format(revocation.raw(selfcert)))
        logging.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format(revocation.signatures[0]))

        data = {
            'pubkey': revoked.pubkey,
            'self_': selfcert.signed_raw(),
            'sig': revocation.signatures[0]
        logging.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data))
        community.broadcast(bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data)
Example #2
    async def revoke(self, password, community):
        Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain

        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        :param sakia.core.community.Community community: The community target of the revocation
        revoked = await self._identities_registry.future_find(self.pubkey, community)

        revocation = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency, None)
        selfcert = await revoked.selfcert(community)

        key = SigningKey(self.salt, password)
        revocation.sign(selfcert, [key])

        logging.debug("Self-Revocation Document : \n{0}".format(revocation.raw(selfcert)))
        logging.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format(revocation.signatures[0]))

        data = {
            'pubkey': revoked.pubkey,
            'self_': selfcert.signed_raw(),
            'sig': revocation.signatures[0]
        logging.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data))
        responses = await community.bma_access.broadcast(bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data)
        result = (False, "")
        for r in responses:
            if r.status == 200:
                result = (True, (await r.json()))
            elif not result[0]:
                result = (False, (await r.text()))
                await r.release()
        return result
Example #3
    def revoke(self, password, community):
        Revoke self-identity on server, not in blockchain

        :param str password: The account SigningKey password
        :param cutecoin.core.community.Community community: The community target of the revocation
        revoked = Person.lookup(self.pubkey, community)

        revocation = Revocation(PROTOCOL_VERSION, community.currency, None)

        selfcert = revoked.selfcert(community)

        key = SigningKey(self.salt, password)
        revocation.sign(selfcert, [key])

        logging.debug("Self-Revocation Document : \n{0}".format(
        logging.debug("Signature : \n{0}".format(revocation.signatures[0]))

        data = {
            'pubkey': revoked.pubkey,
            'self_': selfcert.signed_raw(),
            'sig': revocation.signatures[0]
        logging.debug("Posted data : {0}".format(data))
        community.broadcast(bma.wot.Revoke, {}, data)