def download(request: 'HttpRequest', idDownload: str) -> 'HttpResponse': """ Downloadables management """ if idDownload.strip() == '': return index(request) return downloadsManager().send(request, idDownload)
def udsJs(request): auth_host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get( 'SERVER_NAME' ) or 'auth_host' # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name profile = { 'user': None if request.user is None else, 'role': 'staff' if request.user and request.user.staff_member else 'user', } # Gets csrf token csrf_token = csrf.get_token(request) if csrf_token is not None: csrf_token = str(csrf_token) if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(False) is True: try: authenticators = [Authenticator.objects.get(small_name=auth_host)] except Exception: try: authenticators = [ Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0].small_name ] except Exception: # There is no authenticators yet... authenticators = [] else: authenticators = Authenticator.objects.all() # the auths for client def getAuth(auth): theType = auth.getType() return { 'id': auth.uuid, 'name':, 'label': auth.small_name, 'priority': auth.priority, 'is_custom': theType.isCustom() } config = { 'version': VERSION, 'version_stamp': VERSION_STAMP, 'language': get_language(), 'available_languages': [{ 'id': k, 'name': gettext(v) } for k, v in settings.LANGUAGES], 'authenticators': [getAuth(auth) for auth in authenticators if auth.getType()], 'os': request.os['OS'], 'csrf_field': CSRF_FIELD, 'csrf': csrf_token, 'image_size': Image.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, 'reload_time': GlobalConfig.RELOAD_TIME.getInt(True), 'messages': { # Calendar denied message 'calendarDenied': GlobalConfig.LIMITED_BY_CALENDAR_TEXT.get().strip() or gettext("Access limited by calendar") }, 'urls': { 'changeLang': reverse('set_language'), 'login': reverse('page.login'), 'logout': reverse('page.logout'), 'user': reverse('page.index'), 'customAuth': reverse('uds.web.views.customAuth', kwargs={'idAuth': ''}), 'services': reverse(''), 'enabler': reverse('webapi.enabler', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'idTransport': 'param2' }), 'action': reverse('webapi.action', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'action': 'param2' }), 'galleryImage': reverse('webapi.galleryImage', kwargs={'idImage': 'param1'}), 'transportIcon': reverse('webapi.transportIcon', kwargs={'idTrans': 'param1'}), 'static': static(''), # Launcher URL if exists 'launch': request.session.get('launch', ''), } } plugins = [{ 'url': static(url.format(version=CLIENT_VERSION)), 'description': description, 'name': name } for url, description, name in ( ('clients/UDSClientSetup-{version}.exe', gettext('Windows client'), 'Windows'), ('clients/UDSClient-{version}.pkg', gettext('Mac OS X client'), 'MacOS'), ('udsclient_{version}_all.deb', gettext('Debian based Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Red Hat based Linux client (RH, Fedora, Centos, ...)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-opensuse-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Suse based Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}.tar.gz', gettext('Generic .tar.gz Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'))] actors = [] if profile['role'] == 'staff': # Add staff things # If is admin (informational, REST api checks users privileges anyway...) profile['admin'] = True # REST auth config['auth_token'] = request.session.session_key config['auth_header'] = AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER # Actors actors = [{ 'url': reverse('utility.downloader', kwargs={'idDownload': key}), 'name': val['name'], 'description': gettext(val['comment']) } for key, val in downloadsManager().getDownloadables().items()] # URLS config['urls']['admin'] = reverse('uds.admin.views.index') config['urls']['rest'] = reverse('REST', kwargs={'arguments': ''}) errors = [] if 'errors' in request.session: errors = request.session['errors'] del request.session['errors'] uds = { 'profile': profile, 'config': config, 'plugins': plugins, 'actors': actors, 'errors': errors, 'data': request.session.get('data') } # Reset some 1 time values... request.session['launch'] = '' return 'var udsData = ' + json.dumps(uds) + ';\n'
def udsJs(request): auth_host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get('SERVER_NAME') or 'auth_host' # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name profile = { 'user': None if request.user is None else, 'role': 'staff' if request.user and request.user.staff_member else 'user', } # Gets csrf token csrf_token = csrf.get_token(request) if csrf_token is not None: csrf_token = str(csrf_token) if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(False) is True: try: authenticators = [Authenticator.objects.get(small_name=auth_host)] except Exception: try: authenticators = [Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0].small_name] except Exception: # There is no authenticators yet... authenticators = [] else: authenticators = Authenticator.objects.all() # the auths for client def getAuth(auth): theType = auth.getType() return { 'id': auth.uuid, 'name':, 'label': auth.small_name, 'priority': auth.priority, 'is_custom': theType.isCustom() } config = { 'version': VERSION, 'version_stamp': VERSION_STAMP, 'language': get_language(), 'available_languages': [{'id': k, 'name': gettext(v)} for k, v in settings.LANGUAGES], 'authenticators': [getAuth(auth) for auth in authenticators if auth.getType()], 'os': request.os['OS'], 'csrf_field': CSRF_FIELD, 'csrf': csrf_token, 'image_size': Image.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, 'reload_time': GlobalConfig.RELOAD_TIME.getInt(True), 'messages': { # Calendar denied message 'calendarDenied': GlobalConfig.LIMITED_BY_CALENDAR_TEXT.get().strip() or gettext("Access limited by calendar") }, 'urls': { 'changeLang': reverse('set_language'), 'login': reverse('page.login'), 'logout': reverse('page.logout'), 'user': reverse('page.index'), 'customAuth': reverse('uds.web.views.customAuth', kwargs={'idAuth': ''}), 'services': reverse(''), 'enabler': reverse('webapi.enabler', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'idTransport': 'param2' }), 'action': reverse('webapi.action', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'action': 'param2' }), 'galleryImage': reverse('webapi.galleryImage', kwargs={ 'idImage': 'param1' }), 'transportIcon': reverse('webapi.transportIcon', kwargs={'idTrans': 'param1'}), 'static': static(''), # Launcher URL if exists 'launch': request.session.get('launch', ''), } } plugins = [ { 'url': static(url.format(version=CLIENT_VERSION)), 'description': description, 'name': name } for url, description, name in ( ('clients/UDSClientSetup-{version}.exe', gettext('Windows client'), 'Windows'), ('clients/UDSClient-{version}.pkg', gettext('Mac OS X client'), 'MacOS'), ('udsclient_{version}_all.deb', gettext('Debian based Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Red Hat based Linux client (RH, Fedora, Centos, ...)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-opensuse-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Suse based Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}.tar.gz', gettext('Generic .tar.gz Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux') ) ] actors = [] if profile['role'] == 'staff': # Add staff things # If is admin (informational, REST api checks users privileges anyway...) profile['admin'] = True; # REST auth config['auth_token'] = request.session.session_key config['auth_header'] = AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER # Actors actors = [{'url': reverse('utility.downloader', kwargs={'idDownload': key}), 'name': val['name'], 'description': gettext(val['comment'])} for key, val in downloadsManager().getDownloadables().items()] # URLS config['urls']['admin'] = reverse('uds.admin.views.index') config['urls']['rest'] = reverse('REST', kwargs={'arguments': ''}) errors = [] if 'errors' in request.session: errors = request.session['errors'] del request.session['errors'] uds = { 'profile': profile, 'config': config, 'plugins': plugins, 'actors': actors, 'errors': errors, 'data': request.session.get('data') } # Reset some 1 time values... request.session['launch'] = ''; return 'var udsData = ' + json.dumps(uds) + ';\n'
import os.path import sys from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _ from uds.core import osmanagers from uds.core import managers from uds.core import VERSION from .windows import WindowsOsManager from .windows_domain import WinDomainOsManager from .windows_random import WinRandomPassManager osmanagers.factory().insert(WindowsOsManager) osmanagers.factory().insert(WinDomainOsManager) osmanagers.factory().insert(WinRandomPassManager) managers.downloadsManager().registerDownloadable( 'UDSActorSetup-{version}.exe'.format(version=VERSION), _('UDS Actor for windows machines'), os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__package__].__file__) + '/files/UDSActorSetup-{version}.exe'.format(version=VERSION), 'application/x-msdos-program') managers.downloadsManager().registerDownloadable( 'UDSActorUnmanagedSetup-{version}.exe'.format(version=VERSION), _('UDS Actor for Unmanaged windows machines. Used ONLY for static machines.' ), os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__package__].__file__) + '/files/UDSActorUnmanagedSetup-{version}.exe'.format(version=VERSION), 'application/x-msdos-program')
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_noop as _ from uds.core.osmanagers.osmfactory import OSManagersFactory from uds.core.managers import downloadsManager from uds.core import VERSION from .linux_osmanager import LinuxOsManager from .linux_randompass_osmanager import LinuxRandomPassManager OSManagersFactory.factory().insert(LinuxOsManager) OSManagersFactory.factory().insert(LinuxRandomPassManager) downloadsManager().registerDownloadable( 'udsactor_{version}_all.deb'.format(version=VERSION), _('UDS Actor for Debian, Ubuntu, ... Linux machines <b>(Requires python >= 3.5)</b>' ), os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__package__].__file__) + '/files/udsactor_{version}_all.deb'.format(version=VERSION), 'application/x-debian-package') downloadsManager().registerDownloadable( 'udsactor-{version}-1.noarch.rpm'.format(version=VERSION), _('UDS Actor for Centos, Fedora, RH, ... Linux machines <b>(Requires python 2.7)</b>' ), os.path.dirname(sys.modules[__package__].__file__) + '/files/udsactor-{version}-1.noarch.rpm'.format(version=VERSION), 'application/x-redhat-package-manager') downloadsManager().registerDownloadable( 'udsactor-opensuse-{version}-1.noarch.rpm'.format(version=VERSION), _('UDS Actor for openSUSE, ... Linux machines <b>(Requires python 2.7)</b>'
def udsJs(request: 'HttpRequest') -> str: auth_host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get( 'SERVER_NAME' ) or 'auth_host' # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name profile = { 'user': None if not request.user else, 'role': 'staff' if request.user and request.user.staff_member else 'user', } # Gets csrf token csrf_token = csrf.get_token(request) if csrf_token is not None: csrf_token = str(csrf_token) tag = request.session.get('tag', None) if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(False) is True: try: authenticators = [Authenticator.objects.get(small_name=auth_host)] except Exception: try: authenticators = [ Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0].small_name ] except Exception: # There is no authenticators yet... authenticators = [] else: authenticators = Authenticator.objects.all().exclude(visible=False) if tag: authenticators = [x for x in authenticators if x.small_name == tag] # the auths for client def getAuthInfo(auth: Authenticator): theType = auth.getType() return { 'id': auth.uuid, 'name':, 'label': auth.small_name, 'priority': auth.priority, 'is_custom': theType.isCustom() } config = { 'version': VERSION, 'version_stamp': VERSION_STAMP, 'language': get_language(), 'available_languages': [{ 'id': k, 'name': gettext(v) } for k, v in settings.LANGUAGES], 'authenticators': [getAuthInfo(auth) for auth in authenticators if auth.getType()], 'os': request.os['OS'], 'csrf_field': CSRF_FIELD, 'csrf': csrf_token, 'image_size': Image.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, 'experimental_features': GlobalConfig.EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES.getBool(), 'reload_time': GlobalConfig.RELOAD_TIME.getInt(True), 'site_name': GlobalConfig.SITE_NAME.get(), 'site_copyright_info': GlobalConfig.SITE_COPYRIGHT.get(), 'site_copyright_link': GlobalConfig.SITE_COPYRIGHT_LINK.get(), 'site_logo_name': GlobalConfig.SITE_LOGO_NAME.get(), 'messages': { # Calendar denied message 'calendarDenied': GlobalConfig.LIMITED_BY_CALENDAR_TEXT.get().strip() or gettext('Access limited by calendar') }, 'urls': { 'changeLang': reverse('set_language'), 'login': reverse('page.login'), 'logout': reverse('page.logout'), 'user': reverse('page.index'), 'customAuth': reverse('uds.web.views.customAuth', kwargs={'idAuth': ''}), 'services': reverse(''), 'enabler': reverse('webapi.enabler', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'idTransport': 'param2' }), 'action': reverse('webapi.action', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'actionString': 'param2' }), 'galleryImage': reverse('webapi.galleryImage', kwargs={'idImage': 'param1'}), 'transportIcon': reverse('webapi.transportIcon', kwargs={'idTrans': 'param1'}), 'static': static(''), # Launcher URL if exists 'launch': request.session.get('launch', ''), } } info: typing.Optional[typing.MutableMapping] = None if request.user and request.user.isStaff(): info = { 'networks': [ for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)], 'transports': [ for t in Transport.objects.all() if t.validForIp(request.ip) ], 'ip': request.ip, 'ip_proxy': request.ip_proxy } # all plugins are under url clients... plugins = [{ 'url': static('clients/' + url.format(version=CLIENT_VERSION)), 'description': description, 'name': name } for url, description, name in ( ('UDSClientSetup-{version}.exe', gettext('Windows client'), 'Windows'), ('UDSClient-{version}.pkg', gettext('Mac OS X client'), 'MacOS'), ('udsclient3_{version}_all.deb', gettext('Debian based Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-3.6 or newer)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient_{version}_all.deb', gettext('Debian based Python 2.7 Linux client (legacy)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Red Hat based Linux client (RH, Fedora, Centos, ...)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-opensuse-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Suse based Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}.tar.gz', gettext('Generic .tar.gz Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'))] actors: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]] = [] if profile['role'] == 'staff': # Add staff things # If is admin (informational, REST api checks users privileges anyway...) profile['admin'] = True # REST auth config['auth_token'] = request.session.session_key config['auth_header'] = AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER # Actors actors = [{ 'url': reverse('utility.downloader', kwargs={'idDownload': key}), 'name': val['name'], 'description': gettext(val['comment']) } for key, val in downloadsManager().getDownloadables().items()] # URLS config['urls']['admin'] = reverse('uds.admin.views.index') config['urls']['rest'] = reverse('REST', kwargs={'arguments': ''}) errors: typing.List = [] if 'errors' in request.session: errors = request.session['errors'] del request.session['errors'] request.session.modified = True # Ensure saves it uds = { 'profile': profile, 'config': config, 'info': info, 'plugins': plugins, 'actors': actors, 'errors': errors, 'data': request.session.get('data') } # Reset some 1 time values... request.session['launch'] = '' return 'var udsData = ' + json.dumps(uds) + ';\n'
def udsJs(request: 'ExtendedHttpRequest') -> str: auth_host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get( 'SERVER_NAME' ) or 'auth_host' # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name role: str = 'user' user: typing.Optional['User'] = request.user if user: role = 'staff' if user.isStaff( ) and not user.is_admin else 'admin' if user.is_admin else 'user' if request.session.get('restricted', False): role = 'restricted' profile: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = { 'user': if user else None, 'role': role, } # Gets csrf token csrf_token = csrf.get_token(request) if csrf_token is not None: csrf_token = str(csrf_token) tag = request.session.get('tag', None) logger.debug('Tag config: %s', tag) if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(): try: # Get authenticators with auth_host or tag. If tag is None, auth_host, if exists # tag, later will remove "auth_host" authenticators = Authenticator.objects.filter( small_name__in=[auth_host, tag])[:] except Exception as e: authenticators = [] else: authenticators = Authenticator.objects.all().exclude(visible=False) # logger.debug('Authenticators PRE: %s', authenticators) if tag and authenticators: # Refilter authenticators, visible and with this tag if required authenticators = [ x for x in authenticators if x.small_name == tag or ( tag == 'disabled' and x.getType().isCustom() is False) ] if not authenticators: try: authenticators = [Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0]] except Exception: # There is no authenticators yet... authenticators = [] if not tag and authenticators: tag = authenticators[0].small_name # logger.debug('Authenticators: %s', authenticators) # the auths for client def getAuthInfo(auth: Authenticator): theType = auth.getType() return { 'id': auth.uuid, 'name':, 'label': auth.small_name, 'priority': auth.priority, 'is_custom': theType.isCustom() } config = { 'version': VERSION, 'version_stamp': VERSION_STAMP, 'language': get_language(), 'available_languages': [{ 'id': k, 'name': gettext(v) } for k, v in settings.LANGUAGES], 'authenticators': [getAuthInfo(auth) for auth in authenticators if auth.getType()], 'tag': tag, 'os': request.os['OS'], 'csrf_field': CSRF_FIELD, 'csrf': csrf_token, 'image_size': Image.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE, 'experimental_features': GlobalConfig.EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES.getBool(), 'reload_time': GlobalConfig.RELOAD_TIME.getInt(True), 'site_name': GlobalConfig.SITE_NAME.get(), 'site_copyright_info': GlobalConfig.SITE_COPYRIGHT.get(), 'site_copyright_link': GlobalConfig.SITE_COPYRIGHT_LINK.get(), 'site_logo_name': GlobalConfig.SITE_LOGO_NAME.get(), 'site_information': GlobalConfig.SITE_INFO.get(), 'site_filter_on_top': GlobalConfig.SITE_FILTER_ONTOP.getBool(True), 'launcher_wait_time': 5000, 'messages': { # Calendar denied message 'calendarDenied': GlobalConfig.LIMITED_BY_CALENDAR_TEXT.get().strip() or gettext('Access limited by calendar') }, 'urls': { 'changeLang': reverse('set_language'), 'login': reverse('page.login'), 'logout': reverse('page.logout'), 'user': reverse('page.index'), 'customAuth': reverse('uds.web.views.customAuth', kwargs={'idAuth': ''}), 'services': reverse(''), 'enabler': reverse('webapi.enabler', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'idTransport': 'param2' }), 'action': reverse('webapi.action', kwargs={ 'idService': 'param1', 'actionString': 'param2' }), 'galleryImage': reverse('webapi.galleryImage', kwargs={'idImage': 'param1'}), 'transportIcon': reverse('webapi.transportIcon', kwargs={'idTrans': 'param1'}), 'static': static(''), # Launcher URL if exists 'launch': request.session.get('launch', ''), } } info: typing.Optional[typing.MutableMapping] = None if user and user.isStaff(): info = { 'networks': [ for n in Network.networksFor(request.ip)], 'transports': [ for t in Transport.objects.all() if t.validForIp(request.ip) ], 'ip': request.ip, 'ip_proxy': request.ip_proxy } # all plugins are under url clients... plugins = [{ 'url': static('clients/' + url.format(version=CLIENT_VERSION)), 'description': description, 'name': name, 'legacy': legacy, } for url, description, name, legacy in ( ('UDSClientSetup-{version}.exe', gettext('Windows client'), 'Windows', False), ('UDSClient-{version}.pkg', gettext('Mac OS X client'), 'MacOS', False), ('udsclient3_{version}_all.deb', gettext('Debian based Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-3.6 or newer)'), 'Linux', False), ('udsclient3-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('RPM based Linux client (Fedora, Suse, ...)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-3.6 or newer)'), 'Linux', False), ('udsclient3-{version}.tar.gz', gettext('Generic .tar.gz Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-3.6 or newer)'), 'Linux', False), ('udsclient_{version}_all.deb', gettext('Legacy Debian based Python 2.7 Linux client') + ' ' + gettext('(requires outdated Python-2.7)'), 'Linux', True), ('udsclient-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Legacy RH based Linux client (Fedora, Centos, Suse, ...)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires outdated Python-2.7)'), 'Linux', True), ('udsclient-opensuse-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Legacy OpenSuse based Linux client)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires outdated Python-2.7)'), 'Linux', True), )] # We can add here custom downloads with something like this: # plugins.append({ # 'url': '', # 'description': 'Cliente SPICE for download', # Text that appears on download # 'name': 'Linux', # Can be 'Linux', 'Windows', o 'MacOS'. Sets the icon. # 'legacy': False # True = Gray, False = White #}) actors: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]] = [] if user and user.isStaff(): # Add staff things # If is admin (informational, REST api checks users privileges anyway...) profile['admin'] = True # REST auth config['auth_token'] = request.session.session_key config['auth_header'] = AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER # Actors actors = [{ 'url': reverse('utility.downloader', kwargs={'idDownload': key}), 'name': val['name'], 'description': gettext(val['comment']) } for key, val in downloadsManager().getDownloadables().items()] # URLS config['urls']['admin'] = reverse('uds.admin.views.index') config['urls']['rest'] = reverse('REST', kwargs={'arguments': ''}) # Admin config page_size = GlobalConfig.ADMIN_PAGESIZE.getInt(True) # Fix page size to razonable usable values page_size = 10 if page_size < 10 else 100 if page_size > 100 else page_size config['admin'] = { 'page_size': page_size, } errors: typing.List = [] if 'errors' in request.session: errors = request.session['errors'] del request.session['errors'] request.session.modified = True # Ensure saves it uds = { 'profile': profile, 'config': config, 'info': info, 'plugins': plugins, 'actors': actors, 'errors': errors, 'data': request.session.get('data') } # Reset some 1 time values... request.session['launch'] = '' return 'var udsData = ' + json.dumps(uds) + ';\n'
def udsJs(context): request = context['request'] auth_host = request.META.get('HTTP_HOST') or request.META.get( 'SERVER_NAME' ) or 'auth_host' # Last one is a placeholder in case we can't locate host name profile = { 'user': None if request.user is None else, 'role': 'staff' if request.user and request.user.staff_member else 'user', } # Gets csrf token csrf_token = context.get('csrf_token') if csrf_token is not None: csrf_token = str(csrf_token) if GlobalConfig.DISALLOW_GLOBAL_LOGIN.getBool(False) is True: try: authenticators = [Authenticator.objects.get(small_name=auth_host)] except Exception: try: authenticators = [ Authenticator.objects.order_by('priority')[0].small_name ] except Exception: # There is no authenticators yet... authenticators = [] else: authenticators = Authenticator.objects.all() # the auths for client def getAuth(auth): theType = auth.getType() return { 'id': auth.uuid, 'name':, 'label': auth.small_name, 'priority': auth.priority, 'is_custom': theType.isCustom() } config = { 'language': get_language(), 'available_languages': [{ 'id': k, 'name': gettext(v) } for k, v in settings.LANGUAGES], 'authenticators': [getAuth(auth) for auth in authenticators], 'os': request.os['OS'], 'csrf_field': CSRF_FIELD, 'csrf': csrf_token, 'urls': { 'changeLang': reverse('set_language'), 'login': reverse('uds.web.views.login'), 'logout': reverse('uds.web.views.logout') } } plugins = [{ 'url': static(url.format(version=CLIENT_VERSION)), 'description': description, 'name': name } for url, description, name in ( ('clients/UDSClientSetup-{version}.exe', gettext('Windows plugin'), 'Windows'), ('clients/UDSClient-{version}.pkg', gettext('Mac OS X plugin'), 'MacOS'), ('udsclient_{version}_all.deb', gettext('Debian based Linux') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Red Hat based Linux (RH, Fedora, Centos, ...)') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-opensuse-{version}-1.noarch.rpm', gettext('Suse based Linux') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'), ('udsclient-{version}.tar.gz', gettext('Generic .tar.gz Linux') + ' ' + gettext('(requires Python-2.7)'), 'Linux'))] actors = [] if profile['role'] == 'staff': # Add staff things actors = [{ 'url': reverse('', kwargs={'idDownload': key}), 'name': val['name'], 'description': gettext(val['comment']) } for key, val in downloadsManager().getDownloadables().items()] config['urls']['admin'] = reverse('uds.admin.views.index') uds = { 'profile': profile, 'config': config, 'plugins': plugins, 'actors': actors } javascript = 'var udsData = ' + json.dumps(uds) + ';\n' return mark_safe(javascript)