def experiment(indlinks_obs, delaytype, noise=0.0, display=False, soft=1000.0):
    """find parameters that minimizes the distance between x^obs_true in NOISY case
    and x^obs generated by each candidate function with PARTIAL observation
    indlinks_obs: indices of the observed links
    delaytype: type of the delay
    noise: std of the noise added to the measured link flows, ff delays, OD demands
    display: if True, display results
    soft: weight put on the observation
    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': true_theta = coef
    if delaytype == 'Hyperbolic': true_theta = (a,b)
    print 'generate graph...'
    g1, g2, g3, g4 = los_angeles(true_theta, delaytype)
    print 'compute ue...'
    l1, l2, l3, l4 = ue.solver(g1, update=True), ue.solver(g2, update=True), \
        ue.solver(g3, update=True), ue.solver(g4, update=True)
    c1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g1.links.values()])
    c2 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g2.links.values()])
    c3 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g3.links.values()])
    c4 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g4.links.values()])
    print 'ue costs: ', c1, c2, c3, c4
    obs = [g1.indlinks[id] for id in indlinks_obs]
    obs = [int(i) for i in list(np.sort(obs))]
    x1,x2,x3,x4 = l1,l2,l3,l4
    if noise > 0.0:
        x1, x2, x3, x4 = add_noise(l1,noise), add_noise(l2,noise), add_noise(l3,noise), add_noise(l4,noise)
        g1, g2, g3, g4 = los_angeles(true_theta, 'Polynomial', noise)
    theta, xs = invopt.main_solver([g1,g2,g3,g4], [x1[obs],x2[obs],x3[obs],x4[obs]], obs, degree, soft)
    u, v = matrix([l1,l2,l3,l4]), matrix(xs)
    error = np.linalg.norm(u-v, 1) / np.linalg.norm(u, 1)
    if display: display_results(error, true_theta, [theta], delaytype)
    return error, theta
Example #2
def experiment_estimation(indlinks_obs, delaytype, degree):
    """Demonstrate multi-objective optimization for structural estimation
    1. Generate the graph of L.A.
    2. Generate synthetic data in UE
    3. Apply multi-objective solver
    indlinks_obs = indices of the observed links
    delaytype: type of the delay
    display: if True, display results
    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': true_theta = coef
    if delaytype == 'Hyperbolic': true_theta = (a, b)
    g1, g2, g3, g4 = los_angeles(true_theta, delaytype)
    x1, x2, x3, x4 = ue.solver(g1), ue.solver(g2), ue.solver(g3), ue.solver(g4)
    obs = [g1.indlinks[id] for id in indlinks_obs]
    obs = [int(i) for i in list(np.sort(obs))]
    w_multi = [0.001, .01, .1, .5, .9, .99,
               0.999]  # weight on the observation residual
    r_gap, r_obs, x_est, thetas = invopt.multi_objective_solver(
        [g1, g2, g3, g4], [x1[obs], x2[obs], x3[obs], x4[obs]], obs, degree,
    print r_gap
    print r_obs
    u = matrix([x1, x2, x3, x4])
    r_est = [np.linalg.norm(u - x, 1) / np.linalg.norm(u, 1) for x in x_est]
    print r_est
    display_results(r_est[4], true_theta, [thetas[4]], delaytype, w_multi[4])
def experiment_estimation(indlinks_obs, delaytype, degree):
    """Demonstrate multi-objective optimization for structural estimation
    1. Generate the graph of L.A.
    2. Generate synthetic data in UE
    3. Apply multi-objective solver
    indlinks_obs = indices of the observed links
    delaytype: type of the delay
    display: if True, display results
    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': true_theta = coef
    if delaytype == 'Hyperbolic': true_theta = (a,b)
    g1, g2, g3, g4 = los_angeles(true_theta, delaytype)
    x1, x2, x3, x4 = ue.solver(g1), ue.solver(g2), ue.solver(g3), ue.solver(g4)
    obs = [g1.indlinks[id] for id in indlinks_obs]
    obs = [int(i) for i in list(np.sort(obs))]
    w_multi = [0.001, .01, .1, .5, .9, .99, 0.999] # weight on the observation residual
    r_gap, r_obs, x_est, thetas = invopt.multi_objective_solver([g1,g2,g3,g4], [x1[obs],x2[obs],x3[obs],x4[obs]], obs, degree, w_multi)
    print r_gap
    print r_obs
    u = matrix([x1,x2,x3,x4])
    r_est = [np.linalg.norm(u-x, 1) / np.linalg.norm(u, 1) for x in x_est]
    print r_est
    display_results(r_est[4], true_theta, [thetas[4]], delaytype, w_multi[4])
def test2(delaytype):
    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': theta = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15, 0.0, 0.0])
    if delaytype == 'Hyperbolic': theta = (3.5, 3.0)
    g = los_angeles_2(theta, delaytype)
    l, x = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True)
    print (max(mul(l,g.get_slopes())))
    print ('cost UE:', sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()]))
    l2, x2 = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True, SO=True)
    print (max(mul(l2,g.get_slopes())))
    print ('cost SO:', sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()]))
Example #5
def test_helper(demand, paths):
    g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial')[demand]
    for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
    P = path_solver.linkpath_incidence(g)
    l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True)
    d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    l2 = P*path_solver.solver(g, update=True)
    d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    l3 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=True)
    d3 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    l4 = P*path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=True)
    d4 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    return l1,l2,l3,l4,d1,d2,d3,d4
Example #6
def test2(delaytype):
    if delaytype == 'Polynomial':
        theta = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15, 0.0, 0.0])
    if delaytype == 'Hyperbolic': theta = (3.5, 3.0)
    g = los_angeles_2(theta, delaytype)
    l, x = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True)
    print(max(mul(l, g.get_slopes())))
    print('cost UE:',
          sum([link.delay * link.flow for link in g.links.values()]))
    l2, x2 = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True, SO=True)
    print(max(mul(l2, g.get_slopes())))
    print('cost SO:',
          sum([link.delay * link.flow for link in g.links.values()]))
Example #7
def solver(graph, update=False, data=None, SO=False, random=False):
    """Solve for the UE equilibrium using link-path formulation
    graph: graph object
    update: if True, update link and path flows in graph
    data: (P,U,r) 
            P: link-path incidence matrix
            U,r: simplex constraints 
    SO: if True compute SO
    random: if True, initialize with a random feasible point
    type = graph.links.values()[0].delayfunc.type
    if data is None:
        P = linkpath_incidence(graph)
        U, r = path_to_OD_simplex(graph)
        P, U, r = data
    m = graph.numpaths
    A, b = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m)), matrix(0.0, (m, 1))
    ffdelays = graph.get_ffdelays()
    if type == 'Polynomial':
        coefs = graph.get_coefs()
        if not SO:
            coefs = coefs * spdiag(
                [1.0 / (j + 2) for j in range(coefs.size[1])])
        parameters = matrix([[ffdelays], [coefs]])
        G = ue.objective_poly
    if type == 'Hyperbolic':
        ks = graph.get_ks()
        parameters = matrix([[ffdelays - div(ks[:, 0], ks[:, 1])], [ks]])
        G = ue.objective_hyper

    def F(x=None, z=None):
        if x is None: return 0, solver_init(U, r, random)
        if z is None:
            f, Df = G(P * x, z, parameters, 1)
            return f, Df * P
        f, Df, H = G(P * x, z, parameters, 1)
        return f, Df * P, P.T * H * P

    failed = True
    while failed:
        x = solvers.cp(F, G=A, h=b, A=U, b=r)['x']
        l = ue.solver(graph, SO=SO)
        error = np.linalg.norm(P * x - l, 1) / np.linalg.norm(l, 1)
        if error > TOL:
            print 'error={} > {}, re-compute path_flow'.format(error, TOL)
            failed = False
    if update:'Update link flows, delays in Graph.')
        graph.update_linkflows_linkdelays(P * x)'Update path delays in Graph.')
        graph.update_pathdelays()'Update path flows in Graph object.')
    # assert if x is a valid UE/SO
    return x, l
Example #8
def test2(delaytype):
    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': theta = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15, 0.0, 0.0])
    if delaytype == 'Hyperbolic': theta = (3.5, 3.0)
    g = los_angeles(theta, delaytype)[3]
    n = g.numlinks
    l, x = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True)
    d.draw_delays(g, x[:n])
    d.draw_delays(g, x[n:2*n])
    d.draw_delays(g, x[2*n:])
    #print l
    print max(mul(l,g.get_slopes()))
    print 'cost UE:', sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    l2, x2 = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True, SO=True)
    d.draw_delays(g, x2[:n])
    d.draw_delays(g, x2[n:2*n])
    d.draw_delays(g, x2[2*n:])
    #print l2
    print max(mul(l2,g.get_slopes()))
    print 'cost SO:', sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
Example #9
def get_paths(SO, K, demand, return_paths=True, ffdelays=False, path=None, save_data=False, savepath=None):
    """This experiment does the following tests:
    1. compute the UE/SO link flows using node-link formulation 
    2. get the link delays for the UE/SO link flow
    3. find the K-shortest paths for these delays/marginal delays (used ones under UE/SO)
    4. add these paths to the network
    5. compute the UE/SO path flows using link-path formulation
    6. check if we get the same UE/SO link flow
    SO: if False, compute the UE, if True, compute the SO
    K: number of shortest paths
    demand: choice of OD demand
    return_paths: if True, return paths
    ffdelays: if True the k-shortest paths are obtained from ff delays
    Return value:
    print 'generate graph with demand', demand
    g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial', path=path)[demand]
    if ffdelays: paths = get_shortest_paths(g, K)
    print 'compute UE'
    l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)
    d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    if SO:
        for link in g.links.values():
            link.delay = link.ffdelay*(1+0.75*(link.flow*link.delayfunc.slope)**4)
    print 'get {} shortest paths'.format(K)
    if not ffdelays: paths = get_shortest_paths(g, K)
    if return_paths: return paths
    for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
    print 'Generate link-path incidence matrix'
    P = path_solver.linkpath_incidence(g)
    x_true = path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)[0]
    l2 = P*x_true
    d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    if save_data:
        U, f = path_solver.path_to_OD_simplex(g)
        if savepath is None: savepath = 'data.pkl'
        data = {}
        data['U'] = np.array(matrix(U))
        data['f'] = np.array(f).flatten()
        data['A'] = np.array(matrix(P))
        data['b'] = np.array(l2).flatten()
        data['x_true'] = np.array(x_true).flatten()
        pickle.dump( data, open(savepath, "wb" ) )
    #for i in range(P2.shape[0]):
    #    print np.sum(P2[i,:])
    return d1,d2,paths
def assign_traffic(graph, algorithm='FW', output=True):
    # traffic assignment
    l,x = ue.solver(graph, update=True, full=True)
    total_delay = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in graph.links.values()])
    if output:
        #delay = np.asarray([link.delay for link in graph.links.itervalues()])
        #ffdelay = np.asarray([link.ffdelay for link in graph.links.itervalues()])
        #edge_ratios = delay/ffdelay
        d.draw_delays(graph, l)
        #print max(mul(l,graph.get_slopes()))
        print 'cost UE:', sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in graph.links.values()])
    return total_delay
def solver(graph, update=False, data=None, SO=False, random=False):
    """Solve for the UE equilibrium using link-path formulation
    graph: graph object
    update: if True, update link and path flows in graph
    data: (P,U,r) 
            P: link-path incidence matrix
            U,r: simplex constraints 
    SO: if True compute SO
    random: if True, initialize with a random feasible point
    type = graph.links.values()[0].delayfunc.type
    if data is None:
        P = linkpath_incidence(graph)
        U,r = path_to_OD_simplex(graph)
    else: P,U,r = data
    m = graph.numpaths
    A, b = spmatrix(-1.0, range(m), range(m)), matrix(0.0, (m,1))
    ffdelays = graph.get_ffdelays()
    if type == 'Polynomial':
        coefs = graph.get_coefs()
        if not SO: coefs = coefs * spdiag([1.0/(j+2) for j in range(coefs.size[1])])
        parameters = matrix([[ffdelays], [coefs]])
        G = ue.objective_poly
    if type == 'Hyperbolic':
        ks = graph.get_ks()
        parameters = matrix([[ffdelays-div(ks[:,0],ks[:,1])], [ks]])
        G = ue.objective_hyper
    def F(x=None, z=None):
        if x is None: return 0, solver_init(U,r,random)
        if z is None:
            f, Df = G(P*x, z, parameters, 1)
            return f, Df*P
        f, Df, H = G(P*x, z, parameters, 1)
        return f, Df*P, P.T*H*P    
    failed = True
    while failed:
        x = solvers.cp(F, G=A, h=b, A=U, b=r)['x']
        l = ue.solver(graph, SO=SO)
        error = np.linalg.norm(P * x - l,1) / np.linalg.norm(l,1)
        if error > TOL:
            print 'error={} > {}, re-compute path_flow'.format(error, TOL)
        else: failed = False
    if update:'Update link flows, delays in Graph.'); graph.update_linkflows_linkdelays(P*x)'Update path delays in Graph.'); graph.update_pathdelays()'Update path flows in Graph object.'); graph.update_pathflows(x)
    # assert if x is a valid UE/SO
    return x, l
Example #12
def experiment(indlinks_obs, delaytype, noise=0.0, display=False, soft=1000.0):
    """find parameters that minimizes the distance between x^obs_true in NOISY case
    and x^obs generated by each candidate function with PARTIAL observation
    indlinks_obs: indices of the observed links
    delaytype: type of the delay
    noise: std of the noise added to the measured link flows, ff delays, OD demands
    display: if True, display results
    soft: weight put on the observation
    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': true_theta = coef
    if delaytype == 'Hyperbolic': true_theta = (a, b)
    print 'generate graph...'
    g1, g2, g3, g4 = los_angeles(true_theta, delaytype)
    print 'compute ue...'
    l1, l2, l3, l4 = ue.solver(g1, update=True), ue.solver(g2, update=True), \
        ue.solver(g3, update=True), ue.solver(g4, update=True)
    c1 = sum([link.delay * link.flow for link in g1.links.values()])
    c2 = sum([link.delay * link.flow for link in g2.links.values()])
    c3 = sum([link.delay * link.flow for link in g3.links.values()])
    c4 = sum([link.delay * link.flow for link in g4.links.values()])
    print 'ue costs: ', c1, c2, c3, c4
    obs = [g1.indlinks[id] for id in indlinks_obs]
    obs = [int(i) for i in list(np.sort(obs))]
    x1, x2, x3, x4 = l1, l2, l3, l4
    if noise > 0.0:
        x1, x2, x3, x4 = add_noise(l1, noise), add_noise(l2, noise), add_noise(
            l3, noise), add_noise(l4, noise)
        g1, g2, g3, g4 = los_angeles(true_theta, 'Polynomial', noise)
    theta, xs = invopt.main_solver([g1, g2, g3, g4],
                                   [x1[obs], x2[obs], x3[obs], x4[obs]], obs,
                                   degree, soft)
    u, v = matrix([l1, l2, l3, l4]), matrix(xs)
    error = np.linalg.norm(u - v, 1) / np.linalg.norm(u, 1)
    if display: display_results(error, true_theta, [theta], delaytype)
    return error, theta
def compute_cost(data, toll=None, SO=False):
    - untolled UE
    - untolled SO
    - tolled UE
    Return value
    total cost
    Aeq, beq, ffdelays, pm, type = data
    if toll is None: toll = 0.0
    x = ue.solver(data=(Aeq, beq, ffdelays+toll, pm, type), SO=SO)
    delays = compute_delays(x, ffdelays, pm, type)
    return (delays.T*x)[0], x
Example #14
def compute_cost(data, toll=None, SO=False):
    - untolled UE
    - untolled SO
    - tolled UE
    Return value
    total cost
    Aeq, beq, ffdelays, pm, type = data
    if toll is None: toll = 0.0
    x = ue.solver(data=(Aeq, beq, ffdelays + toll, pm, type), SO=SO)
    delays = compute_delays(x, ffdelays, pm, type)
    return (delays.T * x)[0], x
def test_osm_box(delaytype):
    box = [34.124918, 34.1718, -118.1224, -118.02524] #small box I 210 arcadia 

    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': theta = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15])
    g = osm_network(theta, delaytype, box)  
    d.draw(g, nodes = False)
    n = g.numlinks
    print n
    l, x = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True)
    print 'time for computation for '+str(t1-t0)
    d.draw_ODs(g, 205)

    print max(mul(l,g.get_slopes()))
    print 'cost UE:', sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
Example #16
def compute_scaling(graphs, ls_obs, obs, data):
    """Scale the objectives for multi-objective optimization
    graphs: list of graphs
    ls_obs: list of observed links
    obs: indlinks ids of observed links
    data: obtained from get_data
    Return value
    scale: vector of scaling factor such that
    scale[0]: scaling for the observation residual
    scale[1]: scaling for the gap function
    N = len(graphs)
    scale = matrix(0.0, (2, 1))
    Aeq, beqs, ffdelays, slopes = data
    theta = matrix([1.0])  #initial theta
    coefs = compute_coefs(ffdelays, slopes, theta)
    type = 'Polynomial'
    xs = [
        ue.solver(data=(Aeq, beqs[k], ffdelays, coefs, type)) for k in range(N)
    scale[0] = 2. * np.linalg.norm(
        matrix(ls_obs) - matrix([x[obs] for x in xs]), 2)**-2

    graph = graphs[0]
    total_delay = 0.0
    sinks = [id for id, node in graph.nodes.items() if len(node.endODs) > 0]
    for t in sinks:
        sources = [od[0] for od in graph.ODs.keys() if od[1] == t]
        As = sh.mainKSP(graph, sources, t, 1)
        for s, path in As.items():
            delay = 0.0
            for i in range(len(path[0]) - 1):
                delay += graph.links[(path[0][i], path[0][i + 1], 1)].delay
            demand = 0.0
            for g in graphs:
                demand += g.ODs[(s, t)].flow
            total_delay += 5. * delay * demand
    scale[1] = 1 / total_delay
    return scale
Example #17
def multi_objective_solver(graphs, ls_obs, obs, degree, w_multi, max_iter=3):
    """Multi-objective optimization for the latency inference problem with the following weights:
    w1: weight on the observation residual
    w2: weight on the gap function
    w1 + w2 = 1
    graphs: list of graphs
    ls_obs: list of partially-observed link flow vectors in equilibrium
    obs: indlinks ids of observed links
    degree: degree of the polynomial function to estimate
    w_multi: list of weights on the observation residual
    max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    data = get_data(graphs)
    scale = compute_scaling(graphs, ls_obs, obs, data)
    w_obs = [scale[0] * w
             for w in w_multi]  # weights on the observation residual
    w_gap = [scale[1] * (1 - w)
             for w in w_multi]  # weights on the gap function
    #softs = [(scale[0]*w)/(scale[1]*(1-w)) for w in w_multi]
    Aeq, beqs, ffdelays, slopes = data
    type, N = 'Polynomial', len(beqs)
    r_gap, r_obs, x_est, thetas = [], [], [], []
    for w1, w2 in zip(w_obs, w_gap):
        theta, ys, ls = solver_mis(data, ls_obs, obs, degree,
                                   0.0 * np.ones(degree), w1, max_iter, True,
        coefs = compute_coefs(ffdelays, slopes, theta)
            compute_gap(ls, ys, matrix([[ffdelays], [coefs]]), beqs, scale[1]))
            scale[0] * 0.5 *
            np.linalg.norm(matrix(ls_obs) - matrix([l[obs]
                                                    for l in ls]), 2)**2)
        xs = [
            ue.solver(data=(Aeq, beqs[k], ffdelays, coefs, type))
            for k in range(N)
    return r_gap, r_obs, x_est, thetas
Example #18
def test_osm_box(delaytype):
    t0 = time.time()
    box = [34.124918, 34.1718, -118.1224, -118.02524]  #small box I 210 arcadia

    if delaytype == 'Polynomial': theta = matrix([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.15])
    g = osm_network(theta, delaytype, box)
    d.draw(g, nodes=False)
    n = g.numlinks
    print n
    l, x = ue.solver(g, update=True, full=True)
    t1 = time.time()
    print 'time for computation for ' + str(t1 - t0)
    d.draw_ODs(g, 205)

    print max(mul(l, g.get_slopes()))
    print 'cost UE:', sum(
        [link.delay * link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
Example #19
def test_feasible_pathflows(SO, demand, random=False):
    """Test function feasible_pathflows"""
    paths = find_UESOpaths(SO)
    g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial')[demand]
    l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)
    d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
    for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
    P = linkpath_incidence(g)
    l2 = P*path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO, random=random)
    d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    ind_obs, ls, ds = {}, [], []
    ind_obs[0] = g.indlinks.keys()
    ind_obs[1] = [(36,37,1), (13,14,1), (17,8,1), (24,17,1), (28,22,1), (14,13,1), (17,24,1), (24,40,1), (14,21,1), (16,23,1)]
    ind_obs[2] = [(17,24,1), (24,40,1), (14,21,1), (16,23,1)]
    for i in range(len(ind_obs)):
        obs = [g.indlinks[id] for id in ind_obs[i]]
        obs = [int(i) for i in list(np.sort(obs))]
        ls.append(P*path_solver.feasible_pathflows(g, l1[obs], obs, True))
        ds.append(sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()]))
    print d1,d2,ds
    print np.linalg.norm(l1-l2), [np.linalg.norm(l1-ls[i]) for i in range(len(ind_obs))]
Example #20
def main_solver(graphs, ls_obs, obs, degree, soft=1000.0, max_iter=3):
    """Solves solve_mis with the best parameter
    graphs: list of graphs
    ls_obs: list of partially-observed link flow vectors in equilibrium
    obs: indlinks ids of observed links
    degree: degree of the polynomial function to estimate
    soft: regularization parameter for soft constraints
    max_iter: maximum number of iterations
    data, n_obs = get_data(graphs), len(obs)
    Aeq, beqs, ffdelays, slopes = data
    type, N, min_e, n = 'Polynomial', len(beqs), np.inf, len(ffdelays)
    if n_obs < n: theta = solver_mis(data, ls_obs, obs, degree, soft, max_iter)
    #if n_obs < n: theta = solver_mis_multi_thread(data, ls_obs, obs, degree, i*np.ones(degree), soft, max_iter, 4)
    if n_obs == n: theta = solver(data, ls_obs, degree)
    coefs = compute_coefs(ffdelays, slopes, theta)
    xs = [
        ue.solver(data=(Aeq, beqs[j], ffdelays, coefs, type)) for j in range(N)
    return theta, xs
Example #21
def find_UESOpaths(SO, return_paths=True, random=False, path=None):
    1. take the union for all optimum shortest paths for UE/SO
    2. compute UE/SO using node-link and link-path formulation for all demands
    3. compare results
    SO: if False, compute the UE, if True, compute the SO
    return_paths: if True, do only step 1 and return paths, if False, do steps 2 and 3
    paths, ls, ds, ps = [], [], [], []
    if SO: K = [0,0,0,10] #[2, 2, 4, 7]
    else: K = [0,0,0,5] #[2, 2, 2, 3] [5,5,5,5]
    for i in range(4):
        tmp = get_paths(SO, K[i], i, path=path)
        for p in tmp:
            if p not in paths: paths.append(p)
    if return_paths: return paths
    for i in range(4):
        g = los_angeles(theta, 'Polynomial')[i]
        for p in paths: g.add_path_from_nodes(p)
        P = linkpath_incidence(g)
        l1 = ue.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO)
        d1 = sum([link.delay*link.flow for link in g.links.values()])
        p_flows = path_solver.solver(g, update=True, SO=SO, random=random)
        l2 = P*p_flows
        d2 = sum([p.delay*p.flow for p in g.paths.values()])
    for i in range(4):
        print np.linalg.norm(ls[i][0] - ls[i][1])
        print ds[i][0], ds[i][1]
    print len(paths)
Example #22
def test1():
    graph = small_example()
    linkflows = ue.solver(graph)
    print 'links\' indices: ', graph.indlinks
    print 'UE flow: '
    print linkflows