Example #1
    def __init__(self, meshes, ufl_id=None):
        self._ufl_id = self._init_ufl_id(ufl_id)

        # TODO: Error checking of meshes
        self._ufl_meshes = meshes

        # TODO: Is this what we want to do?
        # Build cell from mesh cells
        self._ufl_cell = TensorProductCell(*[mesh.ufl_cell() for mesh in meshes])

        # TODO: Is this what we want to do?
        # Build coordinate element from mesh coordinate elements
        self._ufl_coordinate_element = TensorProductElement([mesh.ufl_coordinate_element() for mesh in meshes])

        # Derive dimensions from meshes
        gdim = sum(mesh.geometric_dimension() for mesh in meshes)
        tdim = sum(mesh.topological_dimension() for mesh in meshes)

        AbstractDomain.__init__(self, tdim, gdim)
Example #2
    def __init__(self, *elements, **kwargs):
        "Create TensorProductElement from a given list of elements."
        if not elements:
            error("Cannot create TensorProductElement from empty list.")

        keywords = list(kwargs.keys())
        if keywords and keywords != ["cell"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "TensorProductElement got an unexpected keyword argument '%s'"
                % keywords[0])
        cell = kwargs.get("cell")

        family = "TensorProductElement"

        if cell is None:
            # Define cell as the product of each elements cell
            cell = TensorProductCell(*[e.cell() for e in elements])
            cell = as_cell(cell)

        # Define polynomial degree as a tuple of sub-degrees
        degree = tuple(e.degree() for e in elements)

        # No quadrature scheme defined
        quad_scheme = None

        # match FIAT implementation
        value_shape = tuple(chain(*[e.value_shape() for e in elements]))
        reference_value_shape = tuple(
            chain(*[e.reference_value_shape() for e in elements]))
        if len(value_shape) > 1:
            error("Product of vector-valued elements not supported")
        if len(reference_value_shape) > 1:
            error("Product of vector-valued elements not supported")

        FiniteElementBase.__init__(self, family, cell, degree, quad_scheme,
                                   value_shape, reference_value_shape)
        self._sub_elements = elements
        self._cell = cell
        self._repr = "TensorProductElement(%s, cell=%s)" % (", ".join(
            repr(e) for e in elements), repr(cell))