def __init__(self, spatial_dim, cache=None):
                        var_shape=(spatial_dim, ),
     self._Id = Identity(spatial_dim)
    def _make_ones_diff(self, o):
        ufl_assert(o.shape() == self._var_shape,
                   "This is only used by VariableDerivative, yes?")
        # Define a scalar value with the right indices
        # (kind of cumbersome this... any simpler way?)

        sh = o.shape()
        fi = o.free_indices()
        idims = dict(o.index_dimensions())

        if self._var_free_indices:
            # Currently assuming only one free variable index
            i, = self._var_free_indices
            if i not in idims:
                fi = unique_indices(fi + (i, ))
                idims[i] = self._var_index_dimensions[i]

        # Create a 1 with index annotations
        one = IntValue(1, (), fi, idims)

        res = None
        if sh == ():
            return one
        elif len(sh) == 1:
            # FIXME: If sh == (1,), I think this will get the wrong shape?
            # I think we should make sure sh=(1,...,1) is always converted to () early.
            fp = Identity(sh[0])
            ind1 = ()
            ind2 = ()
            for d in sh:
                i, j = indices(2)
                dij = Identity(d)[i, j]
                if res is None:
                    res = dij
                    res *= dij
                ind1 += (i, )
                ind2 += (j, )
            fp = as_tensor(res, ind1 + ind2)

        # Apply index annotations
        if fi:
            fp *= one

        return fp
Example #3
def dyad(d, *iota):
    "TODO: Develop this concept, can e.g. write A[i,j]*dyad(j,i) for the transpose."
    from ufl.constantvalue import Identity
    from ufl.operators import outer  # a bit of circular dependency issue here
    I = Identity(d)
    i = iota[0]
    e = as_vector(I[i, :], i)
    for i in iota[1:]:
        e = outer(e, as_vector(I[i, :], i))
    return e
Example #4
def unit_indexed_tensor(shape, component):
    from ufl.constantvalue import Identity
    from ufl.operators import outer  # a bit of circular dependency issue here
    r = len(shape)
    if r == 0:
        return 0, ()
    jj = indices(r)
    es = []
    for i in range(r):
        s = shape[i]
        c = component[i]
        j = jj[i]
        e = Identity(s)[c, j]
    E = es[0]
    for e in es[1:]:
        E = outer(E, e)
    return E, jj
Example #5
def stress(mu, lmbda, u):
    Eps = sym(grad(u))
    return 2.0 * mu * Eps + lmbda * tr(Eps) * Identity(len(u))